Analysis of Gaseous Hydrocarbons - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

Cover Image. Petroleum. Harry. Levin. Analytical Chemistry 1950 22 (2), 240-245. Abstract | PDF | PDF w/ Links. Cover Image. Infrared Spectroscopy. R...
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V O L U M E 21, NO. 5, M A Y 1 9 4 9 Tahle I.

Anal>ses of Pure Compounds Benziiir Arid

Oxygen calculated, % Sample size, mg. 0.02 .\-thiosulfate used, ml. Oxygen found, %


Average, % Average deviation from known, %

Benzoic Acid in Xylene

1.20 290-395 34-36 1.17. 1.23 1.19 1.20 0.03

18-28 35-55 26.10,26.52,26.34 26.00,26.32,26.07 26,23 0.17

Tahle 11. Analyses of Sulfur and Nitrogen (:ompounds

Oxygen calculated, $7, Sample size mg. 0.02 A' t h i o h f a t e uspd, ml. Oxgpen found, % Avrrnge, "/c Average deviation from knoivn,


Thio-tertbutoxyy propionic Acid Methyl Ester


18.16 15-30 20-40 17.65 17.96 18.11 17.91 0.24

5.94 45-70 20-30 5.91 5.90 6.01 5.94 0.05

suliur tu demonstrate that these elements do not interfere with the method. Table I11 shows results of typical analyses of hydrocarbon samples from Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. The accuracy of the method with the known samples is about 1% of the oxygen content. The precision in the determination of unknown samples containing over 1% oxygen averaged about 2% of the amount present; samples with lower oxygen content show poorer prerision. The precision of the method is dependent on the reproducibility of the blank titer, which varies from day to day by about 0.3 ml. of 0.02 S thiosulfate. This variation is equivalent to 0.4% oxygen for a 10-mg. sample or 0.027$ oxygen for a 200-mg. sample.. By mass spectrometer analysis, the nitrogen has been found to c-ontain about 0.03% oxygen by the time it reaches the copper deoxygenating tube and, because the copper does not remove all this oxygen, a positive blank value is obtained. Air adsorbed on the sample vessel or the walls of the combustion tube must be removed; the efficient sweeping technique described above minimizeq errors from this source. CONCLUSIONS

'I'ahle 111. Typical Analyses of Fischer-Tropsch Product Sample size, iny. 0.02 5 thiosulfate used, ml. Oxygen found, % Average,





230-310 45-76 1 75 2.68 2 75 2.73

110-13.5 15-18 1.78 1.81 1.77 1.79


210-235 2.5-2.6 0.14 0.16

11-13 0.69 0.62 0.73 0.68


The Schuetze-Unterzaucher method for the direct determination of oxygen has been adapted to the semimicroanalysis of petroleum products. The modifications include a redesigned combustion tube which permits more efficient sweeping of gases to reduce the blank value and the use of an inexpensive, commerrially available furnace. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

arbon also is deposited on the quartz chips preceding the carbon filling of the combustion tube. This deposition cannot be removed by heating in the presence of air because of the proximity of the carbon filling. It has been found advisable to refill the combustion tube after about 80 analyses of saniples containing 1 to 10% oxygen. If allowed to accumulate further, the carbon deposition ail1 interfere with the passage of gas through the tube and become increasingly difficult to remove. It is good practice to check the fillings of the cornbustion and oxidation tubes to avoid losses due to channeling and also the drying agents to ensure complete dehydration of nitrogen. (


The analyses of benzoic acid and of a dilute xylene solution of benzoic acid are shown in Table I. Table I1 gives the results of oxygen determination of pure compounds containing nitrogen or

The authors wish to express their appreciation to Miss L. 11. Kotarski for assistance in carrying out a portion of the analytical work. LITERATURE CITED

hluise, 1'. A., Hall, R. T., Staats, F. C., and Becker, W. W., AXAL.CHEW,19,347 (1947).

Elving, P. J., and Ligett, W.B., Chem. Rev., 34, 129 (1944). Korshun, M. O., Zacodskaya Lab., 10, 241 (1941). Korshun, M. O., and Gellnian, N. E., Ibid., 12, 500 (1946). Schuetee, M., Natur~issenschafte7z,27, 822 (1939). Gnterzaucher, J., B e r . , 73B, 391 (1940). T a l t o n , W. W.,McCulloch, F. W., and Smith, W. H., J. Research S a t l . Bur. Standards, 40, 443 (194s). IthCLIvED August 7, 1948. Presented before Petroleurn Division a t One-Day Technical Conference, Chicago Section, A M E R I C A N CHEMICAL SOCIETY, Dwprnher 26, 1947.

Analysis of Gaseous Hydrocarbons Combining Infrared and Mass Spectra DANIEL MILSOM, W. R . JACOBY, AND A. R. RESCORLA Cities Service Refining Corporation, Lake Charles, La.

ITH the advent of cracking petroleum stocks, the complexity of samples received for light hydrocarbon analysis has necessitated a search for faster methods of evaluation without dacrificirig the accuracy of the results. The chemical similarity and the difficulty of separating compounds of isomeric composition by distillation or chemical methods have led to the use of other physical properties for their detection and estimation. Two instruments, the mass spectrometer and the infrared spectrometer, have been accepted for analyzing hydrocarbon samples. These instruments are faster and a t least as accurate as low temperature fractionation and other accepted methods

of gas analysis. Each instrument, however, has definite limitations. The mass spectrometer is accurate for compounds that have no isomers, but as the number of isomers increases the degree of accuracy rapidly decreases, owing t o the similarity of ionization patterns for isomeric compounds. The infrared spectrometer is faster and more accurate for isomeric compounds than the mass spectrometer. However, its use is limited to the number of spectral positions a t which the absorptions of different compounds do not interfere sufficiently to affect the accuracy. In analyzing samples of complex mixtures of hydrocarbons, it is customary to determine the composition of distillation frac-



A highly accurate method of gas analysis combining infrared and mass spectronieter techniques is described. This method can be applied to any gaseous mixture and is based on the fact that infrared analysis of isomeric compounds is faster and more accurate than mass spectrometer analysis and that the mass spectrometer is faster as well as more efficient in analyzing samples in which an isomeric

tions by the mass spectrometer, the infrared spectrometer, or both. Results thus separately obtained are then calculated to yield the most probable analysis of the sample. Kecessity for these separate analyses has made the mass spectrometer and the infrared spectrometer competitive instruments. The proposed method of calculation combines mass spectrometer data and infrared data in one computation, thus making the two instruments complementary rather than competitive. It is possible, from mass spectrometer data, to calculate the mole fraction for any component in a gas mixture from the peak heights in divisions per micron and the sensitivity coefficients of the compounds according to the following equation:

C&X, n

M, =

i = 1

where M , are the mass spectrometer mixture peak heights in divisions per micron, S,, are the mass spectrometer sensitivity coefficients,and X,are mole fractions. This equation states that the mixture peak heights in divisions per micron at any ratio of mass to charge is the sum of the products of the sensitivity coefficients a t any ratio of mass to charge and the mole fractions of the respective compounds. I t is also possible to determine the mole fraction for any component in a gas sample from infrared optical density measurements using the following equation: n

D, = c A b l . Y , j = 1

where D,are infrared optical densities a t some standard pressure and temperature, Ai,are infrared calibration coefficients, and X i are mole fractions. This equation as used assumes the increase in optical density to be a linear function of the pressure of the hydrocarbon. This is not exactly true. For purposes of this report, this equation is used to obtain the approximate mole fraction. The optical density as measured is then corrected from this approximate analysis and the results are again calculated. -4detailed discussion of this method of calculation is given in (6). This equation states that the optical density of a gas mixture a t any particular spectral position and a t some standard pressure and temperature is the sum of the products of the calibration coefficientsand the mole fractions of the respective compounds. Given complete data from both the mass spectrometer and the infrared spectrometer, there are 2n equations in n variables. Because only TI equations are required to solve a system of simultaneous equations in n variables, any legitimate means of obtaining the required values may be employed. Among these methods would be: (1) least squares treatment; and (2) from supplementary data, selecting equations that will yield more accurate results. In most cases, the latter method will be more attractive for treatment of mass spectrometer and infrared spectrometer data, because equations giving a greater degree of accuracy for any particular component can be selected.

breakdown is not necessary. Instruments may be calibrated in the normal way and used following standard procedures. Calculations are combined by placing infrared calibration coefficients and mass spectrometer sensitivities in the same reciprocal matrix. Tables indicating the accuracy of proposed method for analysis of gaseous hydrocarbons as compared to other methods are presented.


This method of calculation is intended for use in the analysis of light hydrocarbon mixtures with the infrared spectrometer and the mass spectrometer complementing each other. The optical densities obtained on the infrared spectrometer are used to determine one or more isomeric components of a sample, and the sensitivity coefficients from the mass spectrometer are used to determine the remaining compounds in the mixture of gases. DEFINITIONS

Spectral Position. A given angular position of the prism which allows radiation in a narrow wave-length range to traverse the spectrometer and strike the radiation measurement device. Optical Density. The logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of energy incident on the sample to the energy transmitted by the sample; both energy measurements are determined a t the same wave-length setting and the same slit widths. Mono Peak. In a mass spectrum of a hydrocarbon in each C group-Le., CH,, CzHe, C8Hs, etc.-it is possible to compute the amount of any peak resulting from ions containing one or more heavy isotopes. When the portions of a peak attributable to heavy isotopes and H z are subtracted from the peak a t which they appear, the remaining peak is due solely to ions containing the more abundant light isotopes C12 and HI. The peak thus obtained is referred t o as a “mono peak” ( I ) . APPARATUS AND REAGENTS

Infrared spectrometer, Beckman Model IR-1. Mass spectrometer, Consolidated Engineering Corporation Model 102. Thermometer, graduated to 0.2” C. for measuring the base plate temperature of the infrared spectrometer. Ascarite, for use in drying samples. Liquid nitrogen. Hydrocarbon-insoluble stopcock lubricant. Standards. Research grade hydrocarbon samples as supplied by Phillips Petroleum Company, Bartlesville, Okla., and certified by the Sational Bureau of Standards. METHOD

From comparative accuracy data as released by Rubber Reserve ( 4 ) , the mass spectrometer or the infrared spectrometer was selected for use in determining those components in a mixture of gases which would yield the most probable results. Equations containing the infrared optical density measurement from the infrared spectrometer and the sensitivity coefficients a t the mass-to-charge ratio selected from the mass spectrum together with calibration information from each instrument are solved sjmultaneously using a reciprocal matrix method of solution. Reciprocal matrix as used throughout this report is defined in ( 3 ) . CALIBRATION

The infrared spectrometer is calibrated for components that have greater accuracy of analysis by infrared methods. The instrument is calibrated a t those wave lengths a t which one component has a high absorption and the other components have low absorption. The optical densities for all gases are determined a t these preselected spectral positions a t a standard temperature and a series of pressures from zero to twice the

V O L U M E 21, NO. 5, M A Y 1 9 4 9


standard pressure to be used for analysis. Each pressure is corrected for gas imperfection-i.e., doubling the pressure of hydrocarbon in the absorption cell more than doubles the amount of hydrocarbon vapor in the cell. Consequently, it is necessary to add a correction t o the pressure as read by the manometer. Each pressure is also corrected to standard base plate temperature from the following equation: Pressure correction =


of the gas a t each of the observed pressures is divided by the corresponding calculated mole fraction. These values are plotted against the optical density. The line is extended through the ordinate, and the point a t which it intercepts the ordinate is tabulated as the A value (6). The slope of the line is calculated and tabulated and is used for correction of the observed optical densities. Spectra of the research grade gases are determined on the mass spectrometer. The sensitivity coefficients a t the mass-tocharge ratio selected to give the most accurate results from the mass spectrometer are determined by dividing the total heights of the peak by the observed pressure (I). A reciprocal matrix using the A values calculated from the infrared spectrometer data and the mass spectrometer sensitivity coefficients is calculated using any approved method ( 9 , 6 , 6 ) .

+ to

where p = the observed pressure corrected for gas imperfection; t o = the standard base-plate temperature, O C.; and t = the base-plate temperature, O C., a t the time the pressure was read. Because the mole fraction of a compound in a mixture of gases is equal to the partial pressure divided by the total pressure, the mole fractions corresponding to the observed pressure readings may be calculated by dividing the corrected pressure by the standard pressure selected for analysis. The optical density

Table I. Sample S o .

Research grade n-butane is made to enter the gas inlet system and the spectrum is recorded. The sensitivity coefficients a t a mass-to-charge ratio of 58, 38, 28, and 26 are determined, and compared to the sensitivity coefficients obtained on the day of calibration. A ratio of the sensitivity coefficients of the day of calibration and the current day's operation is determined a t each mass-to-charge ratio and an average is obtained. This ratio is used to correct the observed pressure reading on the mass spectrometer to the pressure it would have been, had the same peak heights been obtained on the day of calibration.

Analysis of Research Grade Hydrocarbons

1 Bureau of Standards

Method IR-MSa Component, mole % 2-Methylpropane 99.92 99.88 * 0 . 0 6 n-Butane 0.08 , . . 2-Methylpropene .,, ... n-Butenes ,. , ... a


Before any sampje is analyzed on the mass spectrometer, a sensitivity check is made on the instrument.

2 Bureau of Standards


0.12 99.86


3 Bureau of Standards


0.05 0.28





99.41 0.26

99.30 t 0 . 2 0

0.28 99.69

99.60'i 0.20

99.78 - 0 . 0 8




4 Bureau of Standards






Infrared, mass spectrometer.

Table 11. Sample No. Method Component Liquid, vol. % Propane 2-Methylpropane n-Butane 2-Methylpropene n-Butenes Sample No. Method Component Liquid, vol. % Propane 2-hlethylpropane n-Butane 2-Methylpropene n-Butenes

Analysis of Synthetic Blends 2 I R - M S hIS





5.0 21.8 25.3 21.0 26.9






5 >IS


45.1 33.2 10.3 11.4

1 5 . 5 15.4 15.8 71.7 70.0 71.5 10.5 11.9 10.2 2.3 2.7 2.5

4.9 21.9 25.8 20.7 26.7


44.9 32.0 11.3 11.8

3 IR->IS &IS


3.7 26.4 13.4 23.5 33.0

. . . . . . . .





44.6 33.7 10.3 11.4

16.3 83.4



6 &IS




54.4 45.6


... ...

... ...


Samples blended by Phillips Petroleum Company for Rubber Reserve. culated from purity of compounds and volume of each used in making blend. a

5.4 5.2 5 . 1 4.8 46.8 47.1 42.7 4 2 . 9


16.4 83.6



. . . . . . . . .

3.7 26.6 12.4 23.5 33.8


... ,

3.9 25.1 13.8 24.9 32.3

4 IR-MS LIS Phillips;



5.2 4.9 46.6 43.4



0.4 54.4 45.1 0.1



54.4 45.6

... I..

Results listed under Phillips are cal-

Table 111. Analysis of Plant Stream Sample Sample S o . Method Component Liquid, vol. Propene Propane 2-Methylpropane n-Butane 2-Methylpropene n-Butenes Sample No. Method Component Liquid, vol. % Prooene Propane 2-hlethylpropane n-Butane 2-Methylpropene n-Butenes 2-Methylbutane n-Pentane Pentenes





. . . . . .

6.3 50.5 3.0 0,l 0.1

6.8 90.9 2.3

... ,..


... ...





94.2 4.6



... ... ...



. . . . . .

4.4 65.9 29.7

4.4 66.5 29.1

. . . . . . . . . . . . 7






94.0 3.0 0.3

. . . . . .

90.2 6.1

92.3 3.3 0.3

3 IR-.\IS A I S

. . . . . . 0.1 69.0 30.9

0.1 68.9 31.0

. . . . . . . . . . . .

4 IR-1\19 AIS

. . . . . .

0.1 68.7 30.9

0.1 68.5 31.0

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

5 IR-AlS ;\IS


17.6 66.3 16.1

1.6 16.9 64.8 16.5

. . . . . .

. . . . . .


1 -


s si -.

where Pi is the corrected pressure, P i s the observed pressure, SIis the sensitivity coefficient of the current operation, and S is the sensitivity coefficient obtained a t the time of calibration. T h e mass spectrum of the gas mixture is obtained and the observed pressure is corrected according to the preceding equation. The mono peaks for hydrogen, methane, ethane, and propane a t a mass-to-charge ratio of I, 16, 30, and 44 are calculated. These mono peak heights are divided by the corrected mono sensitivity coefficients of their respective standard samples. The partial pressures thus obtained are divided by the corrected observed pressure to obtain the mole fractions of these components in the totalsample. The contributions of the methane, ethane, and propane t o those peaks below their respective mass-to-charge ratio are subtracted from the gross peak heights. These corrected peaks are divided by the corrected o b s e r v e d p r e s s u r e , The sensitivity coefficients


550 thus obtained are used in the reciprocal matrix to calculate the remaining components. The optical density of the sample is determined a t the preselected wave lengths. The observed optical densities are corrected for pressure deviation from standard pressure; pressure deviation from ideal gas law; temperature deviation from standard base plate temperature; false energy contribution; and the mole fraction of the components previously determined from the mono peaks of the mass spectrum. These optical density corrections are calculated from the following equation:




+ ADi

where Di is the optical density of component i, X i is the mole fraction of i , Ai is the A value for component i a t wave length involved, and hDi is t,he correction of the optical density of component i due to failure to observe Beer’s lax. These corrected optical densities are then used in the calculation of the sample by using the reciprocal matrix. Solution of the reciprocal matrix will give the mole fraction of each component. The mole fraction thus determined plus those previously determined from the mono peaks of the mass spectrum for hydrogen, methane, ethane, and propane multiplied by 100 should total 100.0%. If the results deviate from lOO.O%, they are normalized in the folloiving manner: ( a ) Add to or subtract from each original value l / n of the difference between the sum and 1.000, where,n is the number of components in the sample. ( b ) Add to or subtract from each original value its own percentage of the difference between the sum and 1.000. (c) Take the averages of t,he mole fractions determined in (a) and ( b ) as final values. Note. The normal lack of accuracy may cause the calculated percentages of components present to less than 0.5% to be slightly negative. These are reported as zero. Negative values larger than 0.7% indicate an error either in calculation or in the experimental data. If the deviation of the mole percentages from 100.O~ois greater than 0.5 times the number of components, check the calculation and experimental data for errors. DISCUSSION

With the use of this method of calculation, it is necessary to obtain for each sample both the infrared optical densities a t preselected wave lengths and the mass spectrum. The equations to be used to calculate the concentration of any particular component are selected from the method that gives the greater accuracy. In general, one or more isomers in a homologous series will be more accurate by the infrared method of analysis; others, when determined by the mass spectrometers. A sample of butanes and butenes contaminated by a small amount of propane may be used to illustrate this method.

From a study of the mass spectra and infrared spectra of the components, it x a s noted that the propane and la-butane hnd high interfdrence with each other on the infrared spectrometer and very little interference on the mass spectrometer. I t was therefore decided to use the data from the mass spectrometer to analyze for propane and n-butane. Because there is little interference with the determination of 2-methylpropane (isobutane) with the infrared spectrometer, data from the infrared spectrometer were used to determine the 2-methylpropane content. In like manner, 2-methylpropene and 2-butene viere selected to be analyzed from infrared spectrometer data and 1-butene from mass spectrometer data. Analytical data obtained from this method are presented in Tables I and 11. These analyses are in agreement with the sample composition known from the synthesis of the mixtures which were analyzed. Table I11 compares the results of analyses of plant stream samples obtained by complementary infrared mass spectrometer analysis with those determined by the mass spectrometer. In samples 6 and 7 , the mass spectrometer results show propylene and 2-methylpropane in the 2-methylbutane samples, whereas the infared-mass spectrometer (IRAIS) analysps gave no propylene or 2-methylpropane. From a knodedye of the history and flow of the sample through the refinery, it, is unlikely that either sample contains 2-methylpropane and definitely should contain no propylene. I t would seem therefore that the combined analyses for these two samples are more accurate than the mass spectrometer. This method of calculation can be applied t o any gaseous inixture. The method is not restricted to the wave lengths and sensitivity coefficients presented in this paper but it is possible to use any combination of infrared optical density measurements and sensitivity coefficients to calculate the analysiq of the sample. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

The authors wish to thank the Cities Service Refining Corporation for permission to present this paper. LITER-ITURE CITED (1) Consolidated Engineering Corp., Pasadena, Calif., Computing

Manuals I and 11. (2) Crout, P. D., Trans. Am. Znst. Elec. Engrs., 60, 1235 (1941). (3) Frazer, Duncan, and Collar, “Elementary Matrices,” Chap. IV, Cambridge University Press, 1938. (4) Rubber Reserve Co., Rept. 16T-45 (Sept. 5, 1945). (5) Technical Advisory Committee, Petroleum Industry War Council, Rept. HC AC-7, Analytical Method 4-B7-TR44 (Sept. 2, 1944). (6) Texas Co., Rept. 1576 E (May 1, 1946) ; private communication. RECEIVED February 2, 1948. Presented before the Southwest Regional Meeting, Houston, Tex., December 12 and 13, 1947.

Ultraviolet Absorption Analysis for Naphthalenes NORMAN D. COGGESHALL AND ALVIN S. GLESSNER, JR. Gulf Research & Development Company, Pittsburgh, P a .


HE; present report describes analytical methods based on ultraviolet absorption spectra, developed for the determination of naphthalene, a-methylnaphthalene, and p-methylnaphthalene in hydrocarbon mixtures boiling in the kerosene range. Despite t,he rather close similarity and proximity of the absorption bands of these compounds, it has been found practical to utilize them for quantitative analysis wnrk. Such a method is feasible because of the nature of the ultraviolet absorption of the other types of compounds found in such samples. The semiempirical theory of electronic oscillations ( 2 , S), together with the rather wide range of data now available for various classes of hydrocarbons, allows a reliable prediction to be made of the ultraviolet absorption of definite classes of hydrocarbons in the different, spectral regions.

Paraffins, naphthenes, mono-olefins, and nonconjugated diolefins are known to possess no appreciable absorption a t wave lengths longer than 200 m,x (3). The onset of absorption for conjugated diolefins is near 230 In,u and is continuous for shorter wave lengths. Blkyl benzenes and polycyclic aromatics possessing only one benzene ring-Tetralin, for example-have strong absorption in the characteristic benzene ring region, 250 to 280 mp. Mononuclear aromatics with unsaturated side chainsstyrene, for example-may possess additional bands around 290 mp if the benzene ring and an olefin group are conjugated. For all these classes, the intensity of absorption is generally decreasing very rapidly with increasing wave lengths in the vicinity of 300 m;J.. Thus they may contribute relatively little to the absorption in the region of the characteristic naphthalene