Analysis of inorganic and organic chloramines: derivatization with 2

Detection of Sewage Organic Chlorination Products That Are Resistant to Dechlorination with Sulfite. William A. MacCrehan, James S. Jensen, and George...
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Environ. Sci. Techno/. 1989, 23, 196-199

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Received for review July 7,1988.Accepted September 30,1988. This research was partially supported by National Science Foundation Grant CES 8612972 and the National Estuarine Reserve Program of NOAA. It is publication No. 213 from the Jackson Estuarine Laboratory.

Analysis of Inorganic and Organic Chloramines: Derivatization with 2-Mercaptobenzot hiazole Marta T. Lukasewycz, Christine M. Bierlnger, Robert J. Llukkonen, Michael E. Fltzsimmons, Henry F. Corcoran, Sechoing Lin, and Robert M. Carison” Department of Chemistry, University of Minnesota, Duluth, Minnesota 558 12

rn A technique has been developed for the analysis of chloramine and organic chloramines present in water using 2-mercaptobenzothiazole as the derivatizing agent. The resulting sulfenamides (-S-N