Analysis of the Rate of Dissociation of Ligand Complexes - American

equilibrium constants. Alternatively, when the rate of uptake is faster than the dissociation rate, the uptake is dominated by the abiotic chemical ki...
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Environ. Sci. Technol. 1994, 28, 1048-1053

Analysis of the Rate of Dissociation of Ligand Complexes Maarten M. Nederlof,t7* Willem H. van Riemsdi/k,t and Luuk K. Koopal’T§

Wageningen Agricultural University, Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Dreijenplein 10, 6700 EC Wageningen, The Netherlands, and Department of Physical and Colloid Chemistry, Dreijenplein 6, 6700 EK Wageningen, The Netherlands Copper-humate dissociation data using humic material from different sampling points in the Ogeechee River (Georgia, USA) as measured by Olson et al, are re-analyzed with the newly developed LODA-G2 method for the determination of rate constant distribution functions. The LODA-G2 method is based on an approximation of the local decay function. A smoothing spline procedure is applied to the data in order to account for the experimental error. The appropriate smoothing parameter is obtained on the basis of the generalized cross-validation technique adapted to the present problem. Without data treatment, spurious peaks occur in the distribution functions due to the experimental error. With the present analysis not only the rate constant distribution function but also its confidence interval is found. By considering the confidence intervals, overinterpretation of the results can be excluded. The results obtained are similar to those of Olson et al., indicating that the intuitive smoothing applied by these authors was fairly realistic. The practical implications of the distribution functions found are briefly discussed.

Introduction The speciation of trace metals in natural systems is controlled by the interaction of the metal ions with inorganic anions, organic ligands, reactive surfaces, such as clay minerals, and organisms. Bioavailability or toxicity is thought to depend on the concentration of free metal ions in solution (1, 2 ) . According to Shuman et al. ( 3 ) organic matter is especially important with respect to the regulation of the free metal ion concentration. An important aspect with respect to bioavailability is the difference in reaction rate between the uptake by an organism and the dissociation from an adsorption complex (for instance humic material), When the dissociation from the adsorption complex is faster than the uptake by an organism, the distribution between the free metal ion and the metal organic complex may be calculated based upon equilibrium constants. Alternatively, when the rate of uptake is faster than the dissociation rate, the uptake is dominated by the abiotic chemical kinetics (2,4). Hoffman ( 4 ) discussed the chemical dynamics of a lake system, and he concluded that equilibrium calculations may be used as the kinetics are fast with respect to the residence time in the lake, whereas for slow kinetics, reaction rates become important. Only a few papers have appeared in the literature that deal with the determination of the rate of dissociation of metal ions bound to humic material. Shuman et al. (3) ~~


* Corresponding author.

Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. Present address: KIWA NV Research and Consultancy, P.O. Box 1072, 3430 BB Nieuwegein, The Netherlands. Department of Physical and Colloid Chemistry. t t


Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 28,

No. 8, 1994

used the rotating disk electrode (RDE) in combination with anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV) to estimate such rate constants. With both methods, a limited number of different functional groups can be discriminated. Differences in kinetics for different metal ions may be explained from their difference in lability. With ASV, it is possible to operationally define lability classes ranging from ‘very labile’ to ‘inert’, corresponding with high and low dissociation rate constants, respectively ( 5 ) . Another advantage of the ASV method is that trace concentrations of metal ions can be measured. The RDE method, however, is hindered by a narrow experimental time range. Hering and Morel (6) studied the rates of ligandexchange reactions from CuNTA (copper-nitrilotriacetate) complexes and copper-humate complexes to the fluorescent ligand calcein. The dissociation reaction could be followed by monitoring the amount of calcein-Cu complexes. The authors distinguish a disjunctive pathway from an adjunctive pathway. In the disjunctive pathway, the initial complex first dissociates before the released metal ion is complexed with the calcein. With the adjunctive pathway, the initial complex is attacked by the incoming strong ligand. Both pathways were followed, but for high loadings the disjunctive pathway was found to predominate. Hering and Morel (6)found that the rate constants were pH dependent. Hence an apparent (conditional) rate constant is found that depends not only on the properties of the humic material but also on the experimental conditions. For humic materials, this type of dependency is general, and it complicates the interpretation of the results. Olson et al. (7-9) studied the dissociation of Cu from estuarine humic material. They used PAR [4-(2-pyridylazo)resorcinol] as a strong ligand to complex any released metal ion and monitored the reaction by measuring the PAR-M complex photometrically. Olson et al. assumed that the disjunctive pathway was followed, and thus the rate of PAR-M complex formation is set equal to the rate of the (first-order) dissociation of the copper humate complex. Lavigne and Langford (10) also used PAR in their study of the dissociation of Ni complexes with humic material. Recently Nederlof (11) has discussed the kinetic heterogeneity analysis method of Olson et al. (7), who used the Laplace transform technique (12, 13) to obtain a spectrum of rate constants. It was shown that the Laplace transform method could be interpreted with the concept of Schwarzl and Staverman (14),with which it was possible to evaluate the quality of the approximation in terms of the sharpness of the kernel of a transformed integral equation. In addition, Nederlof (11)showed that results very similar to those obtained with the Laplace transform technique can be obtained by using an approximation of the local decay function. This latter method is named LODA, Local Decay function Approximation. In order to be able to apply any of the existing semianalytical methods, the experimental data have to be 0013-936X/94/0928-1048$04.50/0

0 1994 American Chemical Society

smoothed to obtain a reliable distribution function. Both Olson et al. (7,B)and Nederlof (11)use a smoothing spline technique. To regulate the extent of smoothing of the data, an adapted generalized cross-validation (GCV) method is used (15-18) in combination with some physical constraints (11, 18). With this method, the smoothing parameter is obtained in an objective way. It is the aim of this paper to apply the LODA-GCV methodology to experimental data. For this purpose, three data sets measured by Olson et al. (9) were selected. In the paper, the basic assumptions of the kinetic heterogeneity analysis will be briefly summarized, and some information on the three data sets will be provided as this information is needed to calculate the distribution functions. The calculated distribution functions will be compared with the results of Olson et al. (9). Finally, a brief discussion will be given on the comparison of affinity distribution functions obtained from equilibrium data on metal ion binding to humic materials with the obtained rate constant distributions. Determination of Rate Constant Distributions The rate of dissociation of a ligand-metal complex in solution can be studied by monitoring the amount of metal ions that is released as a function of time according to the dissociation reaction: MLi


Li + M


and by measuring the amount MS formed. For the binding of copper ions, MS can be measured accurately by a photometric technique (8). When it is assumed that the dissociation of the complex MLi into M and Li is a first-order reaction, characterized by the rate constant ki, the amount, Ci(t), of complex MLi left at time t can be written as: Ci(t) = Ci(0)e-kit






where ki is the rate constant of the dissociation of MLi; and Ci(0) is the amount of MLi a t t = 0. Ci(t) is called the local decay function. The overall decay function of the dissociation of a mixture of ligands is given by n


where n is the number of different ligand types. For a continuous range of dissociation constants, eq 4 becomes an integral equation:

kt Flgure 1. LODA approximationof the local decay function compared with the true local decay function.

When C(t) is measured and a first-order reaction is assumed, the rate constant distribution can be obtained in principle by inversion of eq 5. In practice, exact analytical or numerical solutions of eq 5 for the distribution function are not available. To derive a second-order approximation of the distribution function indicated by used the Laplace transform F ~ ~ 2 ( l ko)g, Olson et al. (7,11) technique:



In the LODAmethod of Nederlof (11),an approximation of the local decay function is introduced to be able to solve eq 5 analytically for F(1og k). The LODA-G2 approximation of the true local decay function, exp(-kt), is



for kt


where Ct(0) is the total amount of complex ML a t t = 0 and f(1og k) is a normalized distribution function. When Ct(0) is not known, a nonnormalized distribution can be defined as: (6)


Both P and y are adjustable parameters: y is the ‘breakpoint’ which divides the approximation in its two parts, and P regulates the steepness of the decay. To achieve a close approximation of the local decay function, the parameters and y are optimized by fitting eq 8 to eq 3, on a log(kt) scale. The best fit was found for y = 2.2 and P = 0.68, see Figure 1 for the comparison of the two functions. Solution of eq 5 after substitution of eq 8 with the above coefficients for exp(-kt) provides the expression for the distribution function (11): FLODA-G2(10g


+ 0.64-a2c(t) log t2

log k = log(2.2) - log t

F(log k) = C,(O)f(log k)




The amount of M released can, for instance, be determined by adding a sink S that instantaneously takes away the released M: M+S-MS


(9a) (9b)

Note that, beside a slight difference in the transformation from a log t scale to a log k scale, FLT2(log k) differs from F L O D A -k) Gby ~ (the ~ Ocoefficient ~ in front of the second derivative. Calculations for synthetic data without error, based on a given F(log k) function, show that for accurate distribution approximates the true F(1og data the FLODA-G~ k) better than the F ~ ~ 2 ( l k). o g In practice, the difference depends on the contribution of the second derivative Environ. Sci. Technol., Val. 28,

No. 6, 1994 1049

Table 1. Experimental Conditions for Generation of Kinetic Spectra for Three Chosen Samples

sampling point upstream midstream downstream

DOC CU(II)~ t,, (mg/L) (pmol/L) (s)

15.33 21.13 42.25

5.15 7.10 14.2

no. of


data points


213 213 176

87.6 76.9 81.0

6035 6035 1835





v c



upstream I


relative to that of the first. In general, the results obtained by Nederlof (11)show that the FLODA.GS function combines a relative high resolution with a low sensitivity to experimental errors. To obtain the required derivatives, Nederlof (11, 18) advocates the use of a smoothing spline in combination with the generalized cross-validation (GCV) method complemented with two physical constraints. The two constraints are related to the first and second derivative of the overall decay function appearing in eq 9a. Nederlof (11)has shown that the first derivative of the overall decay function should be negative or equal to zero and that the second derivative should be positive or equal to zero. We will denote the GCV method in combination with the physical constraints as the GCV+ method, the superscript plus indicating the physical constraints.













Data Sets Data were taken from Olson et al. (9),who studied the dissociation of Cu from estuarine humic material. Samples were taken from the Ogeechee Estuary (Georgia, USA). Three locations were selected along the salinity gradient: downstream (1.92%),midstream (0.77%), and upstream (0.198% ). Samples were ultrafiltrated in three fractions; for our analysis we have chosen the data of the fraction with the smallest particles (1-1.3-nm filter). Details of sampling and analysis are described by Fitzgerald (19). Olson carried out kinetic experiments to examine how the dissociation rate constants are distributed along the log k axis. In these experiments Cu(I1) was added in proportion to the DOC content to the ultrafiltrated samples and equilibrated for 12 h. Subsequently, PAR, 442pyridylazo)resorcinol, was added to complex free Cu that is released during dissociation according to the reaction CuL + 2PAR





e 0.1 ' h





The Cu-PAR complex is highly colored and can be measured photometrically. The dissociation of the CuL complex was assumed to be the rate-limiting step. In addition, it was assumed that the disjunctive pathway was followed. Under these conditions, the rate of Cu-PAR formation equals the rate of dissociation of Cu-humate complexes:

The amount of Cu-humate complexes left, indicated by C(t), was determined as the amount of Cu-PAR complex present at t = m minus the amount at t = t. Kinetic experiments were carried at pH = 7.5, T = 25 "C, and I = 0.1 M from 20 ms to 6035 s for the upstream and midstream samples and from 20 ms to 1835 s for the 1050 Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 28, No. 6, 1994


log(t) Flgure 2. Spline representation of the measured decay functions of (a) the upstream, (b) the midstream, and (c) the downstream sample. Time is given in seconds, and qt)values are expressed as mmol/g of DOC. The parameters for the spline calculations are shown in Table 2.

downstream sample. From 20 ms to 50 s, a stopped-flow system was used. After 50 s, the mixing was done manually, and absorbance was measured in a stoppered cuvette (8). The recovery was expressed in the completeness of the overall reaction, eq 10, that is the percentage of initial added copper that was dissociated during the experiment. The experimental conditions are summarized in Table 1. The measured decay functions are reproduced in Figure 2. Since the amount of copper added was in proportion with DOC content, the scaled results can be compared directly with each other.

Table 2. Final Characteristics of Spline Function for First ( t < 50 s) and Second Parts ( t > 50 s) of Decay Functions of Upstream, Midstream, and Downstream Samplesa t50s








upstream midstream downstream

52 52 51

-4.0 -3.6 -3.4

55 6.4 X lo5 4.6 X 55 1.6 X W5 38

-4.2 -4.4 -4.2

0.2 X 106 1.8 X 1od 1.4 X

a 0





sz' 0.11 0)




"The spline functions are based on nl and n2 data points, respectively.



Data Treatment In order to investigate the quality of the data sets a preliminary spline fit of each data set was obtained. A comparison of the spline values and the actual measured values revealed that the differences (Le. the variance of C(t) ) are dependent on the experimental procedure used. For the first 50 s (stopped flow) a large variance is observed, for t > 50 s a relatively small variance. Results are presented in Table 2. Within each of the two parts, no clear variation of the residual occurred with time. As the spline program implicitly assumes that the variance is the same over the investigated time range, the two parts of the decay function have to be treated separately and the GCV+ method was applied to each part of the data set. In practice, the GCV+ approach is as follows. First, an estimate of the smoothing parameter is obtained using the GCV method. Subsequently, the spline corresponding to the GCV smoothing parameter is tested for the constraints. When one or both constraints are not obeyed, the smoothing parameter is enlarged until both constraints are fulfilled. In following this procedure, a difficulty specific for the present data set was observed: the GCV function, which in general should have a minimum a t the optimum value of the smoothing parameter, did not show such a minimum. When no minimum in the GCV function is obtained, it can be concluded that the error in the data is not random and the use of the GCV method is arbitrary. The absence of a random error is probably caused by the fact that the time scale of the drift is larger than the time between two data points, so that pairs of data will be dependent. We therefore reduced the data set by doubling the time interval between successive data and found clear minima in the GCV function. For the final analysis, the reduced data sets with half the number of points of the original data sets were used. For the upstream sample, the GCV+ methods results for the first part of the decay function ( t < 50 s) in a smoothing parameter of log p = -4.0. This value is somewhat smaller than the GCV+ smoothing parameter values found for the midstream and downstream samples a t short times, which are log p = -3.6 and log p = -3.4, respectively. For the second parts of the decay functions (t> 50 SI, the GCV+function results in logp values between -4.4 and -4.2. A summary of the results including the resulting variances in C ( t ) and the number of data points on which the analysis is based, is presented in Table 2. The difference in variance for the different parts of the decay functions is clearly shown in Table 2. The splines describing the data are shown in Figure 2. The differences between spline values and measured data are not visible;





0.2 r 0





0.0 -4.0













0.0 -4.0




log (k) Figure 3. LODA-G2 distributionfunctions for (a) the upstream, (b) the midstream, and (c) the downstreamsample. Error bars indicate 66 % confidence intervals. Results are expressed in mmol/g of DOC. The results obtained by Olson are indicated by the dashed line.

the line width of the drawn spline curve fully covers the data points.

Distribution Functions The rate constant distributions calculated with the LODA-G2 method (eq 9) using the spline functions shown in Figure 2 are presented in Figure 3 as solid lines. Also shown with thin vertical bars are the 66% confidence intervals. In general for values of log k < 0.5, a series of small peaks is found superimposed on a rather low background distribution. For values of log k > 0.5, a sharp increase Envlron. Scl. Technol., Vol. 28, No. 6,1994


in density is found. Hence, there is a large amount of fast dissociating sites and a tail of relatively slow dissociating sites. For the upstream sample (Figure 3a), a distribution is obtained with four distinct small peaks in the range log k = -2 to log k = 0.5. The small peaks may be caused by individual site types. When the smoothing parameter is raised to log p = 3.6 (as was found for the other samples), the peaks are somewhat flattened but still present. The peak at log k = -2.0 is a very distinct peak with very small error bars. The peaks at log k = -1, log k = -0.5, and log k = 0.5 are distinct but also covered by relatively large error bars, which makes the interpretation as separate peaks instead of a continuous distribution less obvious. The small peak at log k = -2.7 cannot be interpreted as such because of the large error bars. When we look at the result for the midstream sample (Figure 3b), distinct peaks can be seen at log k = -2.5 and log k = -2 in the low log k range. The combined information of upstream and midstream suggests that the peak at log k = -2.7 in the upstream sample may be meaningful. The peaks at log k = -1, log K = -0.5, and log k = 0.5 observed in the distribution for the upstream sample are reduced to one broader peak at log k = -0.5 for the midstream sample. The downstream sample shows the least detail (Figure 3c). However, still two peaks in the low k range can be observed, one at log k = -1.8 and one at log k = -0.5. The peak a t log k = -0.5 corresponds with that found for the midstream sample, and the peak at log k = -1.8 may correspond to the peak at log k = -2 obtained for the midstream and upstream samples. For comparison, the distribution functions obtained by Olson et al., who used the second-order Laplace method (eq 7), are also shown in Figure 3. To represent the data, Olson et al. (7,-9) used a less sophisticated, more conventional, smoothing spline technique with an arbitrarily chosen value of the smoothing parameter, and no distinction was made between the different time domains. Compared to their distributions, we find slightly more detail in the upstream and midstream distribution. In the upstream result of Olson, a peak is found at log Fz = 1.5, whereas in our analysis a sharp increase is obtained. Small inflections found by Olson in the distribution function for the downstream sample (Figure 3c) are not significant according to our analysis. The principle difference between the two treatments is that in the present treatment the smoothing parameter is obtained on a statistical basis in combination with two physical constraints, whereas Olson determined the smoothing parameter without a well-defined criterion. In addition to this, error bars can be calculated with the GCV+ method, indicating the reliability of the result. In terms of the final distribution function, our results and those of Olson do not differ much, but this is accidental: different values of the smoothing parameter may have (large) consequences for the obtained number and sharpness of peaks in the distribution functions. With the GCV+ method, the selection of the smoothing parameter is objective: an analysis of a given data set by different persons will lead to the same result.

Concluding Remarks The newly developed LODA-G2 method for kinetic heterogeneity analysis in combination with the GCV+ smoothing spline method provides a powerful tool to 1052

Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 28. No. 6,1994

analyze first-order dissociation behavior of heterogeneous ligands. In order to be able to calculate reliable rate constant distribution functions, a critical evaluation of the data is important. For example, with the Olson data set, differences in measurement technique did lead to different variances, and for the subsets, the time interval between the data points had to be increased to obtain independent data, leading to a clear GCV minimum. Binding capacity of the estuarine humic material was estimated to be 2.5 @molof Cu(II)/mg of DOC (19). The amount of copper added was 0.33 pmol of Cu(II)/mg of DOC. This means that with the experiments only 13% of the total binding capacity was occupied. Percentage recovery was always lower than 90%. This means that approximately 10 % of the initially bound copper does not dissociate during the experiment. This means that 10% of 1394 (1.3 % ) of the total binding capacity are sites that dissociate very slowly. This probably corresponds with sites that have a high affinity for copper binding. A percentage of 1% high-affinity sites was also estimated by Nederlof (18)for copper binding to humic material in the equilibrium case. The upper limit in log k, corresponding with the lower limit in time, is determined by the formation, of the CuPAR complex, which takes about 20 ms. It appears that 28-54 7% of total added copper dissociates in less than 50 ms. This means that a large fraction is readily available. In practice, this may not be the case either due to lower loadings or the effects of longer incubation times. Other techniques (fluorescence) may be tried to measure shorter time ranges. Although for practical purposes it may be sufficient to known that a certain fraction is readily available. The kinetic heterogeneity analysis shows that the dissociation behavior in the range between log k = -0.5 and log k = -3.5 may be due to 2-5 discrete site types. However, the peaks are not very distinct, and the description of the observed overall decay can probably be done equally well using either five discrete peaks or one smooth continuous distribution function for that range of dissociation constants. If one chooses to use discrete sites, the various log k values can be estimated from the data analysis, and also the various site concentrations can be estimated from the obtained distribution functions. Thus, to choose a model description based upon a heterogeneity analysis is much less arbitrary than making a priori a model choice and obtaining model parameters by a curve-fitting procedure alone. With respect to practical situations, a major problem in the interpretation of the distribution functions is that for practical reasons samples are often equilibrated and measured for only limited time periods (hours). Periods of hours for both equilibration and dissociation might be too short; in practice, much larger contact times can exist, and it is useful to study also the effect of long equilibration and dissociation times. For instance, diffusion in micropores may lead to slow release kinetics. Though this may not be a strictly first-order reaction, the obtained apparent distribution function might indicate a fraction of slowly reacting functional groups. In soil systems, such diffusion processes may be important when the heavy metal ions have had years of time to react with the solid phase. In this case, a nonnegligible part of a total metal content may appear inert, which is an important conclusion with respect to the bioavailability of the metal ions.

It is also interesting to study the effect of pH and other environmental conditions on the kinetics to reveal more insight in the mechanisms involved in metal ion binding to humic materials. For metal binding in the equilibrium case (see, e.g., ref 20), a large pH dependency is observed with relatively high affinities for high pH values. Lavigne and Langford (10)found lower dissociation rates for higher pH values. This corresponds to the observed higher (apparent) affinity constants found in the equilibrium case. Also the pathway of dissociation that is followed might be investigated further. For instance, the adjunctive pathway, as was found by Hering and Morel (6),might also play a role under certain conditions. A t first sight there seems to be some similarity between the equilibrium affinity distribution and the rate constant distributions obtained from experimental data. Nederlof (11, 18) found for Cu binding to humic material that a large amount of groups had a low (apparent) affinity in the range of log k = 3 and a small amount of groups with a high affinity of about log k = 8. Olson (8)concluded for Cu binding to estuarine humic material that the majority of groups had a dissociation rate constant of log k > 1and a relatively small amount of groups had a low-dissociation constant. These results are confirmed in this study. Thus, the large group of low-affinity constants may correspond to high-dissociation rate constants, and the small group of high-affinity constants may correspond to low-dissociation rate constants. The coupled study of affinity distributions and rate constant distributions may reveal insight in the behavior of ions in natural systems both under equilibrium and nonequilibrium conditions. Shuman et al. (3)applied both equilibrium and kinetic methods to humic material from the Ogeechee River and observed three, possibly corresponding, groups in both types of distributions. It would be interesting to recalculate and reinterpret their results with the present methods. For the idealized case in which the stoichiometric coefficientsin a chemical reaction correspond to the kinetic reaction orders, the law of microscopic reversibility is obtained ( 4 ) . This law states that the equilibrium constant is equal to the quotient of the rate constants of the forward and backward reaction. With nonchelating 'simple ligands', the rate of formation of a ligand complex is determined by the rate of dehydration of the metal ion, and a simple relaxation exists between the equilibrium affinity constant and the dissociation constant. For more complicated complexants, this is only approximately correct and indicates a maximum value of the dissociation rate constant (21). Factors that may complicate this simplified picture of complex formation are the diffusion of a metal species

to the ligand and conformational changes needed to form the complex. Acknowledgments This work was funded by The Netherlands Integrated Soil Research Programme (PCBB 89481, by the EC Environmental Research programme on soil quality (EV4V-0100-NL (GDF)), and by the EC-STEP Programme (CT90-0031-C7).

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Abstract published in Adoance ACS Abstracts, April 1, 1994.

Envlron. Scl. Technol.. Vol. 28, No. 6, 1994