
MAT 44 and offers a 64K-word semiconductor main memory and twodisc memories that have a combined capacity of ... The Stereoscan 150 features an auto-...
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Building Blocks for Spectrochemical Analysis... CONOSTAN standards are designed for metals in oil analysis by emis­ sion, atomic absorption, or X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. These standards are recognized for their high degree of compatability and stability. There are 29 elements as individual standards at 5000 ppm in light mineral oil for atomic absorption analysis. Mercury and arsenic are available at 100 ppm in light oil. CONOSTAN blends of 12 or 20 metals in a heavy oil are widely accepted reference standards for wear metal analysis in lubricating oil. A blend containing Ca at 5 times the wear metal level is also available at the 20 metal level.

CONOSTAN CONOSTAN DIVISION · Continental Oil Company P.O. Box 1267 · Ponca City, Oklahoma 74601

MAT 44 GC/MS system and SS 200 data system combine a gas chromatograph, quadrupole mass spectrometer, programmable microprocessor, and data processor for real-time handling of spectra. These instruments are capable of separating the components of organic mixtures by GC and then generating a mass spectrum for each compound that emerges from the chro­ matograph column. The MAT 44 features hyperbolic quadrupole rods, a broad mass range of up to 1200 amu, a turbomolecular pumping system, and automatic optimization of mass spec­ trometry parameters. The SS 200 is designed to accept analytical information directly from the MAT 44 and offers a 64K-word semiconductor main memory and two disc memories that have a combined capacity of 4.8 million words. Varian MAT 402

Multipurpose Spectrophotometer

UV Monitor

The Spectro Plus combines four basic functions in one single unit: spectro­ photometry, down to 260 n m ; fluorimetry, front face and 9 0 ° angle; pH mea­ surements; and dissolved oxygen mea­ surements. Features include a light source providing usable radiation from 260 to 750 nm, a diffraction grating m o nochromator giving constant bandwidth throughout the wavelength range, a photomultiplier providing high gain in the extinction and fluorimetry modes, and low noise and solid state power supplies. Two recorder outputs are in­ cluded. Haake, Inc. 411

ChromatoFlo Model 2925 is a highly sensitive dual-beam flow through UV fil­ ter photometer for use in continuous flow monitoring of liquid chromatogra­ phy column effluents and density gradi­ ent profiles. The unit records absorbance on a linear scale allowing direct quantitation on recorder charts. Wave­ lengths of 254 or 280 nm are selected by lifting or lowering a filter holder. It is designed to be used with 115 or 230 VAC power. Cost of unit is $1105, and flow cells range from $90 to $135 each. Pierce Chemical Co. 416

HPLC Packed Columns Automatic Focusing SEM The Stereoscan 150 features an auto­ matic focusing capability which in­ cludes a newly developed logic that finds and focuses on the specimen without the assistance of an operator. The system, modular in design, can be constructed from a wide choice of components including working cham­ bers, voltage ranges up to 40 kV, tung­ sten and lanthanum hexaboride electron guns, vacuum systems, specimen han­ dling stages, microanalysis facilities, and electronic accessories. System prices range from $45,000 to $75,000. Cambridge Instrument Co., Inc. 409


Six new packed columns manufactured by Brownlee Labs are available: the Lichrosorb silica gel column SI 100 in 10and 5-μ sizes; the NH 2 column, an amino phase bonded to 10-μ silica gel; the Lichrosorb 10-μ DIOL column; and the Lichrosorb RP-8 columns, available in both 5- and 10-μ sizes. All column packings are totally porous and stable toward hydrolysis. They are all 4.6 m m i.d. X 25 c m long and are supplied packed and assembled with end fittings for 1 / 16 -in. nuts and ferrules. Each col­ umn is tested and supplied with its own test chromatogram. Prices range from $180 to $240. Rheodyne 412