ANALYST'S CALENDAR - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

16 May 2012 - Chem. , 1955, 27 (5), pp 32A–32A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60101a730. Publication Date: May 1955. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of an abstra...
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Expedite yout FREEZE-DRYING Ptoceétes! N o matter the extent of the freezedrying operations in your laboratory, you're certain to find T H E apparatus most suited for your procedures in Machlett's wide and diverse line. Rang­ ing from a 4 0 0 ml capacity all-glass unit to an 8 liter capacity stainless steel super unit with conveniently staggered drying ports, all of these apparatus are self-contained and d o not require the conventional dry ice chamber o r con­ denser. However trap can be used for added safety. While all of the stainless steel ap­ paratus can be autoclaved as a unit after use with infectious materials, the macro and super drying units hold enough dry ice and solvent for unattended over­ night operation. Their large inner cooling chambers also lend themselves readily to shell freezing.

VIRUS STAINLESS STEEL PORTABLE UNIT Cat. No. E36-693-3. This convenient assembly illustrated above is compactly mounted on a sturdy stainless steel cart with free rolling casters. It consists of the macro unit and super trap (both described below), McLeod Gauge without mercury and a heavy duty, V3 h.p., 115 volt A C "DuoSeal" pump $645.00 Available also with Super drying unit at $120.00 additional cost.

VIRTIS STAINLESS STEEL MICRO UNIT Cat. No. E36-693-1. This self-contained unit is equipped with 6 ports and has a 150 ml drying capacity and 800 ml solvent chamber $65.00

VIRTIS MACRO STAINLESS STEEL UNIT Cal. No. Ε36-693. Fitted with 12 drying ports, apparatus has 1.2 liter drying capacity, 2.8 liter solvent chamber $130.00

VIRTIS STAINLESS STEEL SUPER UNIT Cat. No. Ε36-693-2. Super drying unit is fitted with 18 ports and has an 8 liter drying capacity and 8 liter solvent chamber .$250.00 E36-693-A Stainless Steel Trap for macro and micro units. .

$35.00 E36-693-4 Stainless Steel Super Trap for super unit. .$75.00 E36-693K McLeod Gauge 5.0 mm to 0.005 mm Range (without mercury) 43.00 E41-480 McLeod Gauge (without mercury) 99.00 S p e c i a l l y d e s i g n e d f r e e z e - d r y i n g flask for V i r t i s Apparatus. W i d e mouth facilitates removal o f d r i e d material. E36-693B 25 ml . . . $8.00 E36-693C 50 m l . . . 8.60 E 3 6 - 6 9 3 D 1 0 0 m l . . 8.80

E36-693E 250 ml $12.50 E36-693F 500 ml 14.00 E36-693G adapters for flasks 2.50 36-693V bleed valve adapter for breaking vacuum on individual flasks without disturbing rest of unit 4.50 Tear drying bulbs 1 ml per dz. $3.60, per gross $36.00 Tear drying bulbs 5 ml per dz. $5.20, per gross $52.00

ALL-GLASS MODIFIED CAMPBELL-PRESSMAN FREEZE-DRYING UNIT Cat. No. E36-695H. With four conveniently located drying ports around its lower periphery, ap­ paratus stands only 21 inches high. Complete with support stand, adapters, four flasks—100, 200 or 250 ml capacity (please specify) $68.00 E36-695A. Freeze-Drying Unit only 46.00 E36-695B. Flasks 100, 200 or 250 ml capacity 3.00 E36-695D. Flask 1,000 ml 3.45

All prices

MACHLETT TfLEPHONES: NEW YORK tt*looter. 2 - 1 3 1 1 NEW JERSEY Elizabeth 4 - 1 3 3 0




Ν. Υ.

For Jurther


E. M A C H L E T T & S O N











10, Ν . Υ .

NEWS ASTM Atlantic City Meeting T h e 58th annual meeting of t h e American Society for Testing Materials, to be held a t Atlantic City, N . J., J u n e 27 to J u l y 1, will include 32 technical sessions a n d about 50 meetings of committees and subcommittees. T h e annual M a r b u r g Lecture, established to honor t h e first secretary of t h e society, will be given J u n e 29 by Walter J. Hamburger, Fabric Research Labora­ tories, Boston, Mass., who will speak on " A Technology for t h e Analysis, Design, a n d Use of Textile Structures as Engineering Materials." T h e Gillett Memorial Lecture will be given by Fritz V. Lenel, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, Ν . Υ., on J u n e 28 on t h e subject of "Powder Metallurgy, New Techniques, Improved Properties, Wider U s e . " T h e meeting will include seven sym­ posia on impact testing, j u d g m e n t of factors in soil testing, high p u r i t y water corrosion, atmospheric corrosion of nonferrous metals, speed of testing, and metallic materials for service above 1600° F . Individual papers will cover soils, nonferrous metals, steel, tests of concrete, fatigue, and effect of t e m ­ perature. A panel discussion on pyrometric practice in elevated temperature testing will be sponsored b y t h e Joint A S T M - A S M E Committee on Effect of T e m p e r a t u r e on t h e Properties of Metals.

Techniques of Electron Microscope T h e Summer Laboratory Course in Techniques a n d Applications of t h e Elec­ tron Microscope will b e given again b y t h e L a b o r a t o r y of Electron Microscopy, Cornell University, from J u n e 13 t o 25. T h e course is designed t o give an in­ tensive survey of basic theory and interpretation of results. Inquiries should be addressed t o Benjamin M . Siegel, D e p a r t m e n t of Engineering P h y s ­ ics, Rockefeller Hall, Cornell Uni­ versity, Ithaca, Ν . Υ .

ANALYST'S CALENDAR American Chemical Society. 128th Meet­ ing, Minneapolis, Minn., September 11 to 16. Third Annual Conference on Mass Spec­ trometry. ASTM Committee E-14, Mark Hopkins Hotel, San Francisco, May 23 to 27. Sixth Symposium on Microscopy. Ar­ mour Research Foundation, Sheraton Hotel, Chicago, 111., June 16 to 18. Eighth Annual Analytical Symposium. Syracuse University, Syracuse, Ν. Υ , June 17 and 18. Summer Session in Statistics. University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla., June 20 to July 29.

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