Analytical - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Nov 1, 1992 - Journals Dept., Columbus, Ohio. Associate Head: Marianne Brogan ... 1011 A. ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry officers elected. · Ar...
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1, 1992

VOLUME 64 NUMBER 21 The Audit Bureau




ANCHAM 64(21) 993A-1048A/2473-2664 (1992) ISSN 0003-2700

Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; ©Copyright 1992 by the American Chemical Society EDITOR: ROYCE W. MURRAY, University of North Carolina ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Catherine C. Fenselau, University of Maryland Baltimore County, William S. Hancock, Genentech, James W. Jorgenson, University of North Carolina, Robert A. Osteryoung, North Carolina State University, Edward S. Yeung, Iowa State University/Ames Laboratory Editorial Headquarters, research section Department of Chemistry Venable and Kenan Laboratories University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3290 Phone:919-962-2541 Fax: 919-962-2542 E-mail: Murray @ Editorial Headquarters, A-page section 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Washington, DC 20036 Phone:202-872-4570 Fax: 202-872-4574 E-mail: rmh96 @ Managing Editor: Mary Warner Senior Editor: Louise Voress Associate Editor: Grace K. Lee Assistant Editor: Felicia Wach Contributing Editor: Marcia Vogel Head, Graphics and Production: Leroy L. Corcoran Art Director: Alan Kahan Composition Systems Administrator: Vincent L. Parker Designers: Peggy Corrigan, Robert Sargent Production Editor: Elizabeth Wood Circulation: David Schulbaum

1015 A


Fiber-optic chemical s e n s o r s . The i m p o r t a n c e a n d power of chemical sensors that can be used to measure the concentration or activity of a chemical species in a sample of interest have been recognized for many years. Mark A. Arnold of the University of Iowa describes the various types of fiber-optic chemical sensors, with particular attention to the chemistry responsible for selective detection of ions, gases, small molecu l a r s p e c i e s , a n d biologically important molecules


1027 A

On the cover. T i m e - o f - f l i g h t m a s s s p e c t r o m e t r y for t h e structural analysis of biological molecules. TOF mass spectrometers are relatively simple, inexpensive instruments with high sensitivity and virtually u n limited mass range. Robert J. Cotter of The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine describes the basic operation of TOF mass spectrometers as well as strategies for the analysis of biological molecules and applications aimed at elucidating protein structure and post-translational processing

LabGuide Managing Editor of Directories and Databases: Kathleen Strum Associate Editor: Joanne Mullican Journals Dept., Columbus, Ohio Associate Head: Marianne Brogan Editorial Office Manager: Mary E. Scanlan Journals Editing Managers: Kathleen E. Duffy, Joseph E. Yurvati Assistant Editors: Stephanie R. Harrell, Diane E. Needham Advisory Board: Michelle V. Buchanan, M. Bonner Denton, Joel M. Harris, Timothy D. Harris, Franz Hillenkamp, Dennis C. Johnson, Richard A. Keller, Philip D. LaFleur, Alan G. Marshall, John F. Rabolt, Geraldine Richmond, Ralph Riggin, Debra R. Rolison, Shigeru Terabe, Michael Thompson Ex Officio: Charles L. Wilkins Instrumentation Advisory Panel: Daniel W. Armstrong, Anna Brajter-Toth, Thomas L. Chester, Raymond E. Clement, Norman J. Dovichi, Jack D. Henion, John W. Olesik, Dallas L. Rabenstein, Brenda R. Shaw Publications Division Director: Robert H. Marks Head, Special Publications: Anthony Durniak Head, Journals: Charles R. Bertsch


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1009 A

The role of chemists a n d chemical e n g i n e e r s in critical technologies. It is not unreasonable to expect chemists and chemical engineers involved in basic and applied research activities to be able to communicate their research to both scientists and nonscientists. A recent NRC publication addresses the numerous connections between critical technologies and the research activities of chemists and chemical engineers

1011 A


ACS D i v i s i o n of Analytical Chemistry officers elected. · Arsenic and positron emission tomography


1040 A

Conferences. · Call for papers


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Analytical CHEMISTRY

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Articles Impact of Polycation Adsorption on Efficiency and Electroosmotically Driven Transport in Capillary Electrophoresis John K. Towns and Fred E. Régnier* Use of Capillary Zone Electrophoresis To Evaluate the Binding of Anionic Carbohydrates to Synthetic Peptides Derived from Human Serum Amyloid Ρ Component Niels H. H. Heegaard * and Frank A. Robey



Detection of Antistreptolysin Ο Antibody: Application of an Initial Rate Method of Latex Piezoelectric Immunoassay Makoto Muratsugu *, Shigeru Kurosawa, and Naoki Kamo


Valence Band Spectra of Aluminum Oxides, Hydroxides, and Oxyhydroxides Interpreted by Χα Calculations Sajan Thomas and Peter M. A. Sherwood*


All-Solid-State Sodium-Selective Electrode Based on a Calixarene Ionophore in a Poly(vinyl chloride) Membrane with a Polypyrrole Solid Contact Aodhmar Cadogan, Zhiqiang Gao, Andrzej Lewenstam, An Ivaska *, and Dermot Diamond


Quartz Crystal Detector for Microrheological Study and Its Application to Phase Transition Phenomena of Langmuir-Blodgett Films Hiroshi Muramatsu * and Kazuhiko Kimura


Unsymmetrical Calix[4]arene lonophore/Silicone Rubber Composite Membranes for High-Performance Sodium Ion-Sensitive Field-Effect Transistors 2508 Keiichi Kimura *, Tasushi Matsuba, Yutaka Tsujimura, and Masaaki Yokoyama Evidence for a Water-Rich Surface Region in Poly(vinyl chloride)Based Ion-Selective Electrode Membranes Andy D. C. Chan, Xizhong Li, and D. Jed Harrison *


Effects of Redox System Structure on Electron-Transfer Kinetics at Ordered Graphite and Glassy Carbon Electrodes Kristin R. Kneten and Richard L. McCreery *


Fluorescence Imaging of Electrode-Solution Interfacial Processes Royce C. Engstrom *, Shahrokh Ghaffari, and Hongwei Qu


Fourier Transform of a Reversible Linear Sweep Voltammogram Sten O. Engblom


Scanning Electrochemical Mass Sensitivity Mapping of the Quartz Crystal Microbalance in Liquid Media A. C. HillierandM. D. Ward*


Robust Algorithm for Isotropic Reconstruction of Magic-Angle Spinning Solid-State NMR Spectra Nick C. Elbaum and James F. Haw *


*Corresponding author I Supplementary material available

continued on p. 999 A

ACS membership information: Lorraine Bowlin (202-872-4567) ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 64, NO. 2 1 , NOVEMBER 1, 1992 · 997 A



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Detection of Organic Compounds by Guest-Responsive Monomer and Excimer Fluorescence of 6 A , 6E-, 6 A , 6 C - and 6 A , 6 D -Bis (2 - naphthylsulfonyl)-p- cyclodextrins Akihiko Ueno *, Shingo Minato, and Tetsuo Osa * Effect of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate on the Orientational Behavior of a Hydrophobic Probe in a C 1 8 Monolayer Bonded to Silica Malcolm E. Montgomery, Jr., and Mary J. Wirth* Quantitative Determination of Glucose in Blood Plasma and in Fruit Juices by Combined WATR-CPMG Ή NMR Spectroscopy Shiyan Fan, W. Y Choy, S. L. Lam, S.C.F. Au-Yeung*, L. Tsang, and C. S. Cockram




Spike-Correction of Weak Signals from Charge-Coupled Devices and Its Application to Raman Spectroscopy Wieland Hill * and Dirk Rogalla


Effect of White Noise on Abstract Factor Analysis Using Simulated Equilibrium Data Joseph M. Conny and Robert R. Meglen *


Effect of Source 1// Noise on Optical Polarimeter Performance Edward Voigtman Regular Solution Theory in Model Interpretation of the Analyte Losses during Preatomization Sample Treatment in the Presence of Chemical Modifiers in Electrothermal Atomization Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Petko B. Mandjukov *, Emilia T. Vassileva, and Vasil D. Simeonov



2-Methyl Effects in the Rydberg Spectra of Methyl-Substituted Cyclohexanones Jeffrey W. Driscoll and Tomas Baer*


Predictive Mode of Kinetic Analysis and Transient Detection Responses. Evaluation of a Recursive Algorithm Israel Schechter


Laser Two-Photon Ionization Detection of Aromatic Molecules on a Metal Surface in Ambient Air Teiichiro Ogawa *, To-oru Yasuda, and Hirofumi Kawazumi


Application of Neural Networks Theory To Identify Two-Dimensional Fluorescence Spectra A. L. Allante, J. Y. Jézéquel*, and J. C. André


Comparison of One- and Two-Color Ionization Schemes for the Analysis of Osmium and Rhenium Isotopic Ratios by Sputter-Induced Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry Jonathan England*, Laurie Reisberg, Franco Marcantonio, and Alan Zindler


Tandem Mass Spectrometry of Peptides Using a Magnetic Sector/ Quadruple Hybrid—The Case for Higher Collision Energy and Higher Radio-Frequency Power Caroline D. Bradley, Jonathan M. Curtis *, Peter J. Derrick, and Barry Wright


continued on p. 1001 A


Analytical CHEMISTRY

Reviews Issues In alternating years, ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY'S June 15 reviews issues provide a critical global view of fundamental and applications advances throughout the rapidly changing world of measurement science. Leading experts highlight significant developments reported in the literature and place them in perspective. The 1992 Fundamental Reviews issue covers Nuclear and Radiochemical Analysis (William D. Ehmann); Chemometrics (Steven D. Brown); Atomic Absorption, Atomic Emission, and Flame Emission Spectrometry (Kenneth W. Jackson); Ultraviolet and Light Absorption Spectrometry (L G. Hargis); Dynamic Electrochemistry: Methodology and Application (Michael D. Ryan and James Q. Chambers); Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, Atomic Force Microscopy, and Related Techniques (Henry S. White); Planar Chromatography (Joseph Sherma); Thermal Analysis (David Dollimore); Supercritical Fluid Chromatography and Extraction (T. L. Chester); Gas Chromatography (Gary A. Eiceman, R. E. Clement, and Herbert H. Hill, Jr.); X-ray Spectrometry (René E. Van Grieken); Chemical Sensors (Jiri Janata); Chemical Microscopy (Peter M. Cooke); Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (James F. Haw); Column Liquid Chromatography: Equipment and Instrumentation (Robert E. Synovek); Infrared Spectrometry (Curtis L. Putzig); Surface Analysis: X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Auger Electron Spectroscopy (Noel H. Turner); Atomic Mass Spectrometry (David W. Koppenaal); Molecular Fluorescence, Phosphorescence, and Chemiluminescence Spectrometry (Isiah M. Warner and Linda B. McGown); Liquid Chromatography: Theory and Methodology (John G. Dorsey, Joe P. Foley, William T. Cooper, Robert A. Barford, and Howard G. Barth); Capillary Electrophoresis (Werner G. Kuhr); Kinetic Determinations and Some Kinetic Aspects of Analytical Chemistry (Horacio A. Mottola); Size Exclusion Chromatography (Howard G. Barth); Plasma Emission Spectrometry (Diane Beauchemin); Raman Spectroscopy (D. L. Gerrard); and Mass Spectrometry (A. L. Burlingame, T. A. Baillie, and D. H. Russell).

On-Line Coupling of In Vivo Microdialysis with Tandem Mass Spectrometry LeesaJ. Deterding, Kelly Dix, Leo T. Burka, and Kenneth B. Tomer*


Correspondence Penicillin Sensor Based on a Microarray Electrode Coated with pH- Responsive Polypyrrole Matsuhiko Nishizawa, Tomokazu Matsue *, and Isamu Uchida * Biosensor Based on Conducting Polymers D. T. Hoa, T. N. Suresh Kumar, N. S. Punekar, R. S. Srinivasa, R. Lai, and A. Q. Contractor* Chemical Sensors Based on Ultrathin-Film Composite Membranes—A New Concept in Sensor Design Barbara Ballarin, Charles J. Brumlik, Del R. Lawson, Wenbin Liang, Leon S. Van Dyke, and Charles R. Martin *

2642 2645


Technical Notes Purification of β-Cyclodextrin AlkisJ. Sophianopoulos and Isiah M. Warner* Reduction of Contamination Levels in On-Line Supercritical Fluid Extraction Systems Jeffrey C. Wallace, Mark S. Krieger, and Ronald A. Hites* The Fountain Cell: A Tool for Flow-Based Spectroscopies KurtM. Scudder, CyH. Pollema, andJaromirRuzicka* Human in Vivo Percutaneous Absorptiometry Using the Laser-Photoacoustic Method Ryuichi Takamoto *, Ryujiro Namba, Masahiro Matsuoka, and Tsuguo Sawada

Author Index


2655 2657



The 1993 Applications Reviews issue will cover Industrial Hygiene (Norman W. Henry), Analysis of Synthetic Polymers (Charles G. Smith), Surface Characterization (Gary E. McGuire), Water Analysis (Patrick MacCarthy), Particle Size Analysis (Howard Barth), Pharmaceuticals and Related Drugs (Roger Gilpin), Forensic Science (Richard Saferstein), Coatings (Dennis G. Anderson), Pesticides (Joseph Sherma), Environmental Analysis (R. E. Clement), Steel and Related Materials (Thomas Dulski), Geological and Inorganic Materials (Larry Jackson), Petroleum and Coal (Jane Hooper), Clinical Chemistry (David J. Anderson), Process Analytical Chemistry (Wayne Blaser), Air Pollution (Donald Fox), Food (Sam K. C. Chang), and Analytical Biotechnology (Christian Schoenick). Suggestions regarding the reviews issues are welcome and should be addressed to the Washington editorial staff.

ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 64, NO. 2 1 , NOVEMBER 1, 1992 · 1001 A