Analytical applications of supersonic jet spectroscopy - ACS Publications

Analytical applications of supersonic jet spectroscopy - ACS A Amirav - ‎1982 - ‎Cit...
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Anal. Chem. 1982, 54, 1666-1673

Analytical Applications of Supersonic Jet Spectroscopy Aviv Amlrav, Uzl Even, and Joshua Jortner” Depattment of Chemlstv, Tel-Aviv University. Tel Aviv, Israel

We report some appilcatlons of the techniques of laser spectroscopy of large molecules seeded in centrosymmetric supersonic expanslons and in planar supersonlc expansions of rare gases for the IdentIHcatlon of large organlc molecules, for the sensitive detection of minor amounts of organlc moiecules, and for lsotoplc analysts. Laser-lnduced fluorescence and energy-resolvedemission in jets are useful for hlgh-resoiutlon (