analytical chemistry - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

R. A. Fulton and M. J. Van Dyke. 922. Colorimetric Determination of Micro Amounts of ... Views expressed in the edi- torials are those of the editors ...
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Analytical Edition/ Industrial and Engineering Chemistry

Consecutive Number 22

EDITOR: W A L T E R J. M U R P H Y Assistant to Editor: N . A . PARKINSON


Executive Editor: JAMES M . CROWE

Manuscript Editing: G . GLADYS GORDON Manuscript Reviewing: STELLA ANDERSON Make-up: CHARLOTTE C. SAYRE

Associate Editor: LAWRENCE T. HALLETT Contributing Editor:



Issued November 24, 1947

EDITORIAL *. 821 Properties and Measurement of Carbon 14 A . F. Reid, A . S. W e i l , and J . R. Dunning* 824 Techniques in Use of Carbon 1 4 W . G . Dauben, J . C. Reid, and P. E. Yankwich 828 Instrument for Continuous Measurement of Low Concentrations of Oxygen in Gases GuntherCohn 832 Simplified Instrument for Wide-Range Dielectric Constant Measurement R. B. Fischer 835 Optimum Conditions for Titrimetric Determinations . . . W . B. Huckabay, C. J . N e w t o n , and A . V . Metier 838 Analysis of Chlorides . . .R. B. Dean and R. L. H a w l e y 841 Polarographic Determination of Naphthalenes in Petroleum Fractions R. A . Burdett and Β. Ε. G o r d o n 843 Vanillin and Related Compounds . . . . H . W . Lemon 8 4 6 Chlorinated Tertiary Aliphatic Amines . A . J. Cruikshank, H . A . Bewick, J . E. Currah, and F. E. Beamish 8 4 9 Colorimetric Determination of Nitric and Nitroso-Sulfuric Acids in Nitration Spent Acids . . . . F. L. English 850 Preparation of Animal Tissue Fats for Determination of Peroxides and Free Fatty Acids . . B. N . Rockwood, J. M . Ramsbottom, and V . C. Mehlenbacher 853 Method for Particle Size Distribution for Entire Subsieve Range A . E. Jacobsen and W . F. Sullivan 855 Chemical Analysis Based on X-Ray Absorption Measure­ ments Solids and Liquids H . A . Liebhafsky, H . M . Smith, H . E. Tanis, and Ε. Η . W i n s l o w 861 Gases Ε. Η . W i n s l o w , H . M . Smith, H . E. Tanis, and H . A . Liebhafsky 8 6 6 Determination of Small Amounts of Water in Gases and Liquids by Infrared Spectrometry A . F. Benning, A . A . Ebert, and C. F. Irwin 867 Determination of Bromine Number of Olefinic H y ­ drocarbons H . L. Johnson and R. A . Clark 869 Benzoyl Peroxide in Organic Media . . . Sidney Siggia 872 Determination of Phosphorus, Germanium, Silicon, and Arsenic D. F. Boltz w i t h M . G . M e l l o n 873 Determination of Aconitic A c i d in Sugarhouse Products J . A . Ambler and E. J . Roberts 877 Determination of Aconitic A c i d in Mixtures with Citric . Acid J . A . Ambler and E. J . Roberts 879 Rapid Determination of Nitroglycerin and Ethyl Centralite in Rocket Propellant Powder . . . . I. S. Hirschhorn 880 Loss of Nitrate Nitrogen Caused by Chlorides P. M c G . Shuey 8 8 2 Determination of Small Amounts in Water in Chloral . . T. P. G . Shaw and Thomas Bruce 884 Determination of High Molecular Weight Quaternary A m ­ monium Compounds as Triiodides . . . Ο . Β. Hager, E. M . Young, T. L. Flanagan, and H . B. Walker 885

The American Chemical Society assumes no responsibility for the statements and opinions advanced by contributors to its publications. Views expressed in the edi­ torials are those of the editors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the American Chemical Society. Published by the American Chemical Society, from 20th and Northampton Sts., Easton, Pa. Executive Offices and Editorial Headquarters, 1155 Sixteenth St., N. W., Washington 6, D. C. Advertising Office: 332 West 42nd St., N e w York 18, Ν . Y. Branch Editorial Offices: Chicago 4, ill., Room 819,25 East Jackson Blvd.; Houston 2, Tex., 41 3 West Bldg.; N e w York 17, 60 East 42nd St.; San Francisco 2, Calif., Room 454, 760 Market St.- Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at Easton, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879, as 24 times a year: Industrial Edition monthly on the 1st, Analytical Edition monthly on the 15th. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postase provided for in Section 1103, Act of Oct. 3,1917, authorized July 13,191 8.

Advisory Board R. P. CHAPMAN G. E. F. LUNDELL J. R. CHURCHILL M. G. MELLON B. L. CLARKE R. H. M ÜLLER T. R. CUNNINGHAM B. L. OSER H. H. WILLARD Copyright 1947 by American Chemical Society

Determination of Carbon Dioxide in Water . F. E. Clark Chemical Tests of Quality of Fish . . . G . J . Sigurdsson Delta-Tocopherol Assay of Total Tocopherols in Mixtures Containing Delta-Tocopherol . . M . H . i t e r n and J . G . Baxter Assay of Individual Tocopherols in Mixtures Containing Delta-Tocopherol Leonard Weisler, C. D. Robeson, and J . G . Baxter Cellulose in Agricultural Residues Ε. Β. Lewis Aerobic Fermentor with Good Foam-Control Properties J. F? Saeman Nomograph for Paint Film Calculations . H . A . Berman Determination of Traces of Acetylene in A i r T. A . Geissman, Samuel Kaufman, and D. Y. Dollman MICROCHEMISTRY Small Quantities of Hydrogen Cyanide in Insects and Plant Tissue . . . R. A . Fulton and M . J . Van Dyke Colorimetric Determination of Micro Amounts of Silver and Silver Halides Sidney Siggia Apparatus for Micro- and Semimicrodetermination of Nitrogen According to Dumas . . Wolfgang Kirsten Urea and Kjeldahl and Amino A c i d Nitrogen . . . . A . E. Sobel, A l b e r t Hirschman, and Lottie Besman Microdetermination of Alkaline Earths as Normal Molybdates . . . Robin Moser and R. J . Robinson Progress Report on Naming Analytical Methods . . . . N O T E S O N A N A L Y T I C A L PROCEDURES Determination of Fatty Acids and Esters . . U . T . H i l l Thallous Chloride in Solutions of Thallous Decanesulfonate . . . J . C. Henniker and E. C. Lingafelter Reflux-Distillation Adapter Frank Kipnis and John Ornfelt Multiple Dropping Mercury Electrode Thomas De Vries and W . S. Barnhart Automatic Vacuum Take-Off Arrangement for Frac­ tional Distillation. . . T. F. Brown and K. F. Coles Removal of Higher Alcohols from Ethanol H . W . Coles and W . E. Tournay Sand Filters in Analytical Chemistry . . Sverre Stene Apparatus for Distilling Aniline E. L. Ruh and J. L. Rossettie CORRESPONDENCE BOOK REVIEWS AIDS FOR THE ANALYST THE ANALYST'S C O L U M N INSTRUMENTATION

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939 939 940 17 A R. H . M u l l e r 2 3 A

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