Analytical chemistry between organic and physical chemistry

physical chemistry in the senior year. In addition, a quarter of advanced inorganic chemistry, which is taken in either the junior or senior year, is ...
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Richord C. Bowers

and D. D. DeFord Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois



Analytical Chemistry between Organic and Physical Chemistry

During the past six years the following three quarters of undergraduate analytical chemistry have been offered at Northwestern University: (I) Introductory Quantitative Analysis, which includes the fundamental principles requisite to an understanding of volumetric and gravimetric methods, (2) Instrumental Analysis, which is devoted primarily to spectral and electroanalytical methods, and (3) Separations, which includes extraction, volatilization, chromatography (partition, adsorption, and ion-exchange) and precipitation. The normal sequence of courses taken by the underrraduate chemistry major is reneral chemistry " (in. cluding qualitative analysis) in the freshman year, organic chemistry in the sophomore year, the above sequence of analytical chemistry in the junior year,'and physical chemistry in the senior year. In addition, a quarter of advanced inorganic chemistry, which is taken in either the junior or senior year, is required for majors. Students maintaining a B average or better normally include 8-12 quarter hours of honors research and one or two advanced courses in their senior-year program. Adequate preparation in mathematics and physics is an essential prerequisite for an effective course in modern analysis. At Northwestern University, the requirements of the college of liberal arts make it extremely difficult for a student to complete this preparation in the freshman year, thus precluding the possibility of offering the complete analytical sequence in the sophomore year. Since introductory organic chemistry is less dependent on previous preparation of this type, it may be taught as effectively in the sophomore year as in the junior year. Furthermore, the placement of organic chemistry in the sophomore year permits a discussion of all types of analysis, both organic and inorganic, thus obviating the necessity for a separate course in organic analysis. It may be argued that physical chemistry would be a desirable prerequisite for the second and third quarters of the analytical sequence, and it must be admitted


1 The first quarter of analytical chemistry serves both as an introductory course for the chemistry major and as a service course for premedical and engineering students. A8 such it can be taken in the sophomore year. Organic chemistry is a prerequisite for the second and third quarters; when all three quarters are taken, it is recommended that they he taken in sequence. Presented as part of the Symposium on Educational Trends in Andyticd Chemistry, sponsored jointly by the Divisions of Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Education, at the 136th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Atlantic City, N. J., September, 1959.

that these courses could be taught somewhat more easily if the student had prior training in physical chemistry. We have experienced no problems in introducing the necessary physicochemical concepts in the analytical course, and we believe that the disadvantages in teaching the analytical courses before physical chemistry are slight. On the other hand, prior courses in analytical chemistry offer a considerable advantage in the teaching of physical chemistry, and we believe that these advantages are a t least as great as those which might be realized by the reverse sequence. Course Content

The following is a brief description of the course content of the sequences of courses outlined above. In the fist quarter the various methods by which chemical reactions are utilized in the measurement of concentration, the types of reactions and specific reagents most commonly used in volumetric and gravimetric procedures, sources of errors and the statistical treatment of experimental data, solution equilibria in general, and finally, titration curves, chemical indicators, and titration errors are covered. In order to discuss oxidatiou-reduction titrations, it is necessary to introduce the concept of electrode potential in the course although a detailed coverage is reserved for the second quarter. Because spectroscopic and electroanalytical methods are the most widely used in practical analysis, the primary emphasis in the second quarter is on these methods. Several other methods are very briefly discussed in order to give the student some appreciation of the broad scope of instrumental techniques. Here again the emphasis is on the underlying principles of the methods. In presenting the general topic of spectroscopic methods, considerable time is devoted to the origin of spectra, the types of energy transitions which occur in the different regions of the spectrum, the quantitative laws that govern the absorption of radiation, and the factors that govern the intensity of emitted radiation. The discussions of emission (flame, arc, spark, and fluorescence) and absorption methods (X-ray, ultraviolet, visible, and infrared) are then devoted primarily to practical considerations. All of the electroanalytical methods, with the exception of conductivity, are presented with the aid of current-potential curves. After a consideration of the general problem of mass transfer and a further discussion of electrode potentials, the wave equations for several types of reversible electrode processes are derived. The characteristics of irreversVolume 37, Number 7, July 1960



ible waves and kinetic waves are discussed qualitatively but are not treated in detail. These current-potential curves then serve as the basis for a discussion of both the theoretical and practical aspects of the various electro-analytical methods such as polarography and voltammetry, electroseparations, coulometric analysis, and the various amperometric and potentiometric titration methods. The separations course is devoted primarily to a discussion of extraction, chromatography, and precipitation, but other separations methods are discussed briefly. The case of a simple single-contact extraction with constant partition coefficient is introduced first and methods of adjusting the partition coefficient (i.e., pH, complexation, salt concentration, solvent, etc.) are discussed. This simple case is then expanded to successive extractions and finally to countercurrent methods. I n the latter, the equations for concentration versus tube number are developed and band spreading and resolution are discussed. The theory of the different classes of partition chromatography (gasliquid, liquid-liquid, and ion-exchange) can now be treated simply by introducing the concept of the theoretical plate and applying the theory developed for countercurrent methods. Finally the student is introduced to the phenomenon of asymmetic bands which arise in adsorption chromatography (gas-liquid and liquid-solid) due to the non-linear adsorption isotherms. Precipitation methods are treated separately; factors influencing solubility, limitations of equilibrium calculations, properties of precipitates, coprecipitation, and precipitation from homogeneous solution are covered. Laboratory Work

Six hours of laboratory per week are available for each course. I n the introductory course, the students perform the following seven analyses: (I) gravimetric determination of chloride as silver chloride, (2) Volhard determination of chloride, (3) titration of acetic acid unknown with sodium hydroxide (involves standardization of sodium hydroxide with potassium acid phthlate), (4) determination of molecular weight and p% of an organic acid by a titration employing a pH meter, (5) determination of iron in an iron ore by titration with potassium dichromate, (6) determination of copper in an ore iodometrically (involves standardization of sodium thiosulfate with potassium dichromate), and (7) the determination of calcium and magnesium in limestone by titration with ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid. The laboratory part of the second quarter has been varied considerably over the past several years but generally includes experiments such as: quantitative polarography with the DME, determination of formula and stability constant of a complex ion hy polarography, controlled potential and constant current coulometric



Journol o f Chemical Education

analyses, electro-gravimetry, the detemination of current-potential curves with RPE a t various stages of a titration, and the use of these curves in selecting appropriate conditions for a variety of potentiometric and amperometric end-point detection methods, conductometric titrations, and several colorimetric and spectrophotometric determinations. Three-hour demonstration experiments are carried out with infrared spectrophotometers, recording ultraviolet spectrophotometers, and automatic titrators since these instruments are not available for individual student use in the course. The laboratory work in the third quarter normally consists of only two separate experiments. The first of these involves the determination of one or more constituents in a complex sample. A different sample is assigned to each student. The constituents determined may be present in either macro or trace amounts and may be either organic or inorganic in nature. Normally the samples used preclude the use of very simple analytical methods, and preliminary separations to remove interferences are usually necessary. No directions for carrying out the analysis are provided; rather, the student is required to carry out a literature search to discover suitable methods. After the proposed methods have been approved by the instructor, the student sets up and calibrates the required equipment and carries out the analysis, usually by two different methods. The accuracy required of the student depends on the particular sample and is specified in advance; normally an accuracy comparable to that which can he achieved by the best available methods is specified. For the second experiment in the third quarter the student is required to check-out a separation method described in the recent periodical literature. The work described in the assigned paper is repeated, and a detailed report is submitted. Students are encouraged to suggest and to study possible modifications, improvements, and extensions of the method. i l ~ a i n different papers are assigned to each student, and the papers are selected so that at least one student is studying each of the major separation techniques. The work load in the laboratory is light enough that each student has time to observe the work that his colleagues are doing and to gain some familiarity with all of the methods being studied. All students, and particularly the better students, respond with tremendous enthusiasm and interest when they are required to rely on their own initiative, as is the case in the third quarter laboratory, and the learning process is greatly facilitated. Despite t,he fact that the student gains firsbhand experience with only a few methods, we are convinced that he learns far more than he does from a series of cookbook experiments designed to give some experience with all methods.