Analytical Currents: Attomole peptide characterization

Uzi Landman and. Michael Moseler of Geor- gia Institute of Technolo- gy present theoretical studies (large-scale atom- istic molecular dynamic simulat...
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ANALYTICAL CURRENTS Attomole peptide characterization Although several groups have successfully

noelectrospray ionization (nESI) interface.

a conductive paste and conveniently attached

coupled capillary electrochromatography

CEC/nESI-MS offers the enhanced sensitivity

to the end of the CEC column with a piece of

(CEC) and MS, most peptide work using CEC/

needed for peptide characterization and does

Teflon tubing.

MS has involved pressurized CEC, in which

not require the use of a sheath liquid or sheath

the flow is supported primarily by pressure

gas flow.

(as in HPLC) and voltage is used to alter se-

The CEC/nESI-MS system was used to separate mixtures of four synthetic peptides

The researchers were able to obtain a

at mid-attomole levels. CEC was run under

lectivity. Marjan Guc˘ek and co-workers at

stable spray without a sheath-type arrange-

ambient pressure, and low-electrolyte con-

the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), TNO

ment by using a conductively coated fused-

centrations were used to prevent bubble for-

Pharma, and Leiden University (both in The

silica tapered tip, which serves as the point

mation. Voltages of 15–20 kV were found to

Netherlands) have now coupled conventional

for applying the electrospray voltage. A

be optimal; sensitivity decreased with higher

CEC, in which the flow is electrically driven,

small i.d. capillary was simply drawn to give

separation voltages. (Rapid Commun. Mass

to an ion trap mass spectrometer using a na-

a sharp tapered tip, which was coated with

Spectrom. 2000, 14, 1448–1454)

Nanojets From electrospray ionization MS to atomic absorption, liquid jets play an important role in analytical techniques. But what happens to these fluids when the jets are reduced to nanoscale dimensions for use with nanoscale devices or to transfer biomole5 ps cules? Uzi Landman and Michael Moseler of Georgia Institute of Technology present theoretical studies (large-scale atomistic molecular dynamic simulations) of a propane 20 ps nanojet and use it to predict the design features of a nanojet nozzle.

Out it comes. Simulations of a propane (blue) nanojet exiting a gold (yellow) nozzle. The exterior surface is heated to 230 K, and the pressure is 500 MPa. Evaporative cooling and steady-state flow start at ~1 ns. (Adapted with permission. Copyright 2000 American Association for the Advancement of Science.) 678 A

What the researchers conclude is that nanojets can form if the pressure is high enough. For example, a simulation with a 6-nm-diam gold nozzle, which had its outer surface heated to

10 ps

6 nm 9 nm

100 ps

A N A LY T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y / N O V E M B E R 1 , 2 0 0 0

50 ps

1000 ps

the boiling temperature of propane, yielded a steady-state jet with a velocity of 200 m/s when the injection pressure reached 500 MPa. In general, nozzle exit orifices with 2–6 nm diameters required pressures of 250–500 MPa to form the nanojet. Moreover, the jets form with gold nozzles that either have a nonwetting coating or are externally heated. The evolution of the jet after leaving the nozzle was also described. Initially, the jet breaks up into small fast-moving droplets and molecular clusters, but at steady-state conditions, droplets are formed with a narrow size distribution. According to the researchers’ analysis, the jet’s breakup into droplets is primarily the result of thermal fluctuations. (Science 2000, 289, 1165–1169)