Analytical Currents: Inside a single vesicle

and a charge-coupled device (CCD) cam- era. Thus, the fiber-optic array acts as a .... observed from vesicle to vesicle that were otherwise hidden in ...
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into a 600 x 1 distal array. An image at the two-dimensional proximal end of this detector is systematically reordered by row and column into a one-dimensional distal end. The distal end is then imaged by a spectrograph equipped with a holographic grating and a charge-coupled device (CCD) camera. Thus, the fiber-optic array acts as a dimension-reduction device and permits three-dimensional (spatial, spectral, and temporal) data to be recorded on a twodimensional detector without loss of spectroscopic resolution. The spatial and spectral information in the resulting light-

Let the gold fly

dispersed CCD images is extracted and deconvoluted by computer software. The authors demonstrate the system by collecting position-specific spectra that span a 190-nm wavelength range and offer subnanometer resolution. Temporal data require further development of the system, and the technique currently suffers from a tradeoff between spatial and spectral resolution; but the authors believe that—with proper modifications—they can optimize laser plumes used in many applications, such as laser surgery ctnd thin-film manufacturing. (Appl. Spectrosc. 1199 52 179-86)

of sulfur atoms). Interestingly, none of the peak spacings corresponded to the 253.5 Da of the alkane chains in the surface monolayer, indicating that all the alkanes had been cleaved from the surface. The