Analytical Data for Systems Carbon Tetrachloride-Acetic Acid

analytical data obtained for the binary system. The carbon tetrachloride, benzene, and tetrachloroethylene were of the best grade obtainable from the ...
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Analytical Data for the Systems Carbon J


Tetrachloride-Acetic Acid-Benzene and Carbon Tetrachloride-Tetrachloroethvlene J

WILLIAM R. McMILLANl, AND HUGH J. McDONALD Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Ill.


N THE course of investigations on the ternary system


benzene-carbon tetrachloride-acetic acid and the binary system carbon tetrachloride-tetrachloroethylene, it was found necessary to have methods of analysis for each system. Two methods were developed for the ternary system and the analytical data obtained for the binary system.

Benzene, Weight % ' 0

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

The carbon tetrachloride, benzene, and tetrachloroethylene were of the best grade obtainable from the Eastman Kodak Company. The acetic acid used was Baker's Analyzed material. As a check on purity, the carbon tetrachloride and tetrachloroethylene were redistilled. The boiling range of the carbon tetrachloride was found to be 0.3" C. and that of the tetrachloroethylene, 2" C. The middle portion of the latter compound was used. The refractive jndexes of the solvents are given in Table I.

The results from the sample having refractive index 1.4750 are given below as representative of the group:

TABLE I. REFRACTIVE INDEXES Benzene Carbon tetrachloride Acetic acid Tetrachloroethylene

Experimental 1.4985 at 25' C. 1.4549 at 25' C. 1.3706 at 25" C. 1.4993 at 25' C.

Refractive Index at 25O C. 1.4549 1.4626 1.4693 1,4744 1.4793 1.4837 1.4873 1.4906 1.4936 1.4961 1,4985

Literature (8) 1.5017 at 20' C. 1.4630 at Z O O C. 1.3715 at 22.9' C. 1.5055 at 20' C.

Refractive Index 1.4750 1,4749 1,4749 1.4751 1.4750

It may be concluded t h a t solubility effects are not great enough to change seriously the refractive index of mixtures of benzene and carbon tetrachloride.

Procedure and Results In the first method of analysis for the ternary system, the sample was weighed, and the acid determined volumetrically with standardized sodium hydroxide solution. Thymol blue was used as the indicator. Phenolphthalein as ordinarily prepared in alcoholic solution could not be used because the alcohol changes the refractive index of the benzene-carbon tetrachloride layer. However, thymol blue made up in a basic aqueous solution (1) proved satisfactory. The layer or phase containing benzene and carbon tetrachloride a pears as the titration is carried out. The other layer consists oPwater, sodium acetate, thymol blue, and excess sodium hydroxide. The two layers were separated in a centrifuge, and the refractive index of the benzene-carbon tetrachloride layer was determined in an Abbe refractometer, which was held a t 25.0" * 0.1"C. The index of refraction was then compared with a standard curve (Figure 1) that represented the refractive indexes of synthetic mixtures of benzene and carbon tetrachloride plotted against the per cent by weight. These synthetic mixtures were made u by volume at the 10 per cent divisions. Corrections were ma& for the densities of the liquids at room temperature. The values for the refractive indexes a t 25' are given in Table 11.

A preliminary run on the analysis of the mixture was performed. Three milliliters of acetic acid in water required 77.42 ml. of sodium hydroxide solution (27 grams of sodium hydroxide per liter) for neutralization; 1 ml. of acetic acid in 6 ml. of the sample of carbon tetrachloride and benzene whose refractive index is given above, required 26.00 ml. of sodium hydroxide solution for neutralization. This is a check within 1 per cent. The layer of carbon tetrachloride and benzene was separated and found to have a refractive index of 1.4754, which is in good agreement with the previous values. Three solutions containing benzene, carbon tetrachloride, and acetic acid were then made up

T h a t the method of analysis is capable of sufficient precision t o be useful was demonstrated by the following experiments. Five mixtures of carbon tetrachloride and benzene covering the whole range of the solution (refractive indexes 1.4642, 1.4750, 1.4816, 1.4918, and 1.4963) were made up and (a) the refractive indexes of the solutions wefe determined. Then equal quantities of the solutions were mixed with ( b ) water, (c) water and sodium acetate solution, ( d ) water and sodium hydroxide, and finally (e) indicator solution. The last four mixtures, in each case, were shaken thoroughly and then allowed to stand for 0.5 hour. Finally they were centrifuged for about 2 minutes and the refractive index of the carbon tetrachloride-benzene layer was redetermined. It was found that the values had not changed by more than t0.0005 in any sample. 1


Present address, Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Penna.


February 15, 1943



containing other water-soluble acids might be analyzed in a similar way. I n later work the analysis of the ternary system was based on the measurement of the density and refractive index.



H Clc






Representative mixtures were made up covering the three-component diagram and their refractive indexes were determined a t 25.0' * 0.1" C. The densities were determined by the "loss of weight principle". A dro of Pyrex brand glass was suspended in the liquids by means o r a fine tungsten wire. Rigid temperature control over the mixtures was not necessary because the change of density with change of composition was so great. The densities were measured at 27" =t0.5" C. Sixteen and fifteen samples were used to construct the ternary density and refractive index diagrams, respectively. I n transposing the refractive index data to the ternary diagram, six graphs were made, one along each 0 per cent line and one along each 25 per cent line (total of 6), plotting refractive index against per cent by weight. It was then decided what intervals would be useful to plot. For refractive index, the 0.01 intervals were marked on the six graphsthat is, 1.40, 1.41, 1.42, etc. These values were then marked on the ternary diagram at the appropriate compositions. A line was drawn through all oints representing the same value of refractive index (Figure 27 The same procedure was followed in transposing the experimental density data to the ternary graph (Figure 3).


The experimental refractive index and density data are presented in Tables 111and IV, respectively. The analysis of the binary mixture, carbon tetrachloridetetrachloroethylene, was most conveniently done b y refractive index. Solutions were made u p accurately by weight at

TABLE 111. REFRACTIVE INDEXES OF TERNARY MIXTURES Acetic Acid, Weight % 100 75 50 25 0


accurately a t approximately the following concentrations, expressed in per cent by weight: Benzene 10 80 10

Carbon Tetrachloride 10 10 80

Acetic Acid 80 10 10

Benzene, Weight % 50 75



1.3706 1.3851 1.3991 1.4229 1.4549


.... ....

1.4011 1.4184 1.4425 1.4724

1.4330 1.4555 1.4837

.... .... .... 1.4657 1.4923


..... ... .... ....



100 75 50 25 0

Benzene, Weight yo 0 20 25 50 70 76 80 100 1 0304 111287 .... 0:'%46 1.2410 1.0603 0.9314 1.3825 .... 1.1675 10102 .... 0.8966 1.5866 1.3533 .... 1:1234 1.0091 .... 0:65i)7 0:8734

.... ....


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................

\ The corresponding percentages, as determined by t h e method of analysis outlined above, were in all cases within 1 per cent. A more rigorous experiment was then performed. Twelve solutions were made up, each with 5 ml. of water, 1 ml. of acetic acid, and 3 drops of thymol blue solution. Solutions 3, 4, 11, and 12 each had 1 ml. of carbon tetrachloride. Solutions 5 and 6 each had 5 ml. of carbon tetrachloride. Solutions 7 , 8, 11, and 12 each had 1 ml. of benzene. Solutions 9 and 10 each had 5 ml. of benzene. Titrations were carried out for the acid with standardized sodium hydroxide solution: Solution 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11


Titer 29.75 29.88 29.78 29.85 29.77 29.87 29.70 29.65 29.91 29.92 29.72 29.85 AY. 29.80

It is felt that these experiments demonstrate satisfactorily t h a t the method of analysis is practicable and t h a t mixtures



IO 20 30 40 50 60 W.

7 .

70 80 90 100






Carbon Tetrachloride, Weight

Refractive Index a t 25’ C.

0 9.85 lR.1R 29.65 39.54 49.75 58.29 69.94 79 I59 89.94 100.00

1.4993 1,4949 1.4907 1.4862 1.4818 1.4771 1.4733 1.4684 1.4610 1.4596 1.4549

the approximate 10 per cent divisions. JThen the results were plotted as refractive index against per cent b y weight, it was found that a straight line fitted the data most accurately (Table V).

Summary Two methods have been developed for the analysis of the ternary system, benzene-carbon tetrachloride-acetic acid, and one method for the binary system, carbon tetrachloridetetrachloroethylene. I n the first method for the ternary system, the sample was

Vol. 15, No. 2

weighed and the acid determined volumetrically with standardized sodium hydroxide solution, using thymol blue made up in a basic aqueous solution as the indicator. The phase containing benzene and carbon tetrachloride appears as the titration is carried out. The mixture was centrifuged and the composition of the benzene-carbon tetrachloride determined b y refractive index methods. The second method of analysis of the ternary system was based on measurements of density and refractive index. The density was determined by measuring the loss in weight of a drop of Pyrex brand glass when suspended in the liquids from a fine wire. Rigid temperature control over the mixtures was not necessary because change of density with change of composition was so great. Refractive index measurements were used for the analysis of the binary system.

Literature Cited (1) Anon., “Preparation of Indicator Solutions”, Synthetic Organic Chemicals, IX, No. 4. p. 4, Eastman Kodak Co. (July, 1936). (2) Lange, N. A , , “Handbook of Chemistry”, 3d ed., Sandusky, Ohio, Handbook Publishers, 1939. PRESENTED before the Division of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry at the 104th Meeting of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, Buffalo, N. Y. Part of 8 thesis submitted by William R. Rlohlillan in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of master of science in the graduate school of the Illinois Institute of Technology.

Colorimetric Determination of Copper with 1JO-Phenanthroline M. L. MOSS WITH hl. G. MELLON, Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind.


ARTARINI (6) in a discussion of new color reactions in-

volving cuprous salts, reported that 2,2’-bipyridyl and 1,lO-phenanthroline form copper complexes which can be reduced with hydroxylamine to give highly colored cuprous compounds. The reaction is brought about b y treating a n ammoniacal solution of a cupric salt with the reagent and reducing. All cuprous salts containing ammonia or strong organic bases are either colorless or very pale. With a slight modification, the test with 1,lO-phenanthroline can be used satisfactorily for the determination of copper.

Apparatus and Solutions Transmittancy curves were determined with a General Electric recording spectrophotometer set for a spectral band width of 10 mp. A standard copper sulfate solution was prepared by dissolving copper wire in 1 to 1 nitric acid, fuming down with sulfuric acid, and diluting with redistilled water to a concentration, of 0.05 mg. of copper per ml. Five milliliters of this solution diluted to 50 ml. give a copper concentration of 5 p. p. m. A 0.1 per cent aqueous solution of 1,lO-phenanthroline monohydrate was used as the color-forming reagent. The reducing agent was a 10 per cent solution of hydroxylamine hydrochloride. Both of these solutions are used in the 1,lO-phenanthroline method for iron (1). Commercial grades of the following solvents were used: acetone, ethanol, methanol, 2-propanol, dioxane, methyl Cellosolve, methyl Carbitol, ethyl Carbitol, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, ethvl acetate, n-amyl alcohol, benzene, chlorobenzene, and ethyl ethkr. pH adjustments were made with 6 N hydrochloric acid and 6 N ammonium hydroxide. Standard solutions of the anions studied were prepared from the alkali metal salts. Nitrates, chlorides, and sulfates were used for

the cations. Each solution contained 10 mg. of the ion in question per ml.

The Color Reaction The order in which the reagents are added is of primary importance, the two following conditions being necessary: copper must be in the form of the ammonia complex and the reagent must be added before the hydroxylamine. Ammonia concentration is a critical factor but is easily controlled b y neutralizing the solution to litmus and adding a measured quantity of 6 N ammonium hydroxide. Formation of a complex cuprous salt such as Cu(C12HSNt)X is responsible for the orange color (6). The time required for precipitation to occur in aqueous solutions varies with the copper concentration. Precipitation is prevented entirely b y the presence of certain alcohols or other solvents miscible with water. Other undesirable properties of aqueous solutions of the complex which can be avoided b y addition of a solvent are instability of the color, nonconformity to Beer’s law, and change of hue with copper concentration. Forty per cent methyl Carbitol is most satisfactory of the solvents tried, although ethyl Carbitol can also be used. Fading occurs within 2 days with dioxane, methyl Cellosolve, or the alcohols. With methyl Carbitol, the slight change in 2 days is not measurable by visual means. Acetone reacts with the hydroxylamine. Extraction of the color with any of the following solvents is not feasible : n-amyl alcohol, benzene, chlorobenzene, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, ether, and ethyl acetate. The k h l o r o , 5-bromo, 5-methyl, nitro, and 5-nitro-6-methyl derivatives of 1,lO-phenanthroline have no advantage over the parent compound from the standpoint of sensitivity or stability of the colored complex. 2,2’-Bipyridyl is less sensitive and