Analytical Division Committees - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

Analytical Division Committees. F. E. Holmes. Anal. Chem. , 1951, 23 (6), pp 934–934. DOI: 10.1021/ac60054a036. Publication Date: June 1951. ACS Leg...
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boleite (26PbC12.24Cu0.9AgC1.27H20) with a complex space gioup obtained by operating a twinning group on a cubic space group; monoclinic wollastonite as a twinned lattice of a triclinic form; two monoclinic forms of T K T representing polysynthetic structures composed of rhombic cells; and moonstone, illustrating twinning cn bloc, with an intricate structure of three kinds of nionoclinic and one or more triclinic felspars existing side by side. The evidence from these examples for submicroscopic twinning as a potential crystallographic phenomenon seems convincing. In an appendix the author reports individual structures for tourmalinc, kotoite (MgsBZOs), lieurite, antigorite, ludlamite (a rare iron phosphate), and orpiment, together with a method of indexing a powder pattern of a crystal regardless of its symmetry, a generalization of a mathematical procedure proposed in 1917 by Runge. Ito writes in English Tvith facllity and he has illustrated his structures with a considerable number of good diagrams. The book is fairly well printed, though a leaflet of two pages is required for 33 errata. Crystallographers will find in this rather highly specialized researth compilation of the work of one man and his associates a fearless experimental attack upon some very complex mineral structures and a stimulating and not unreasonable theory for interpretation and prediction. In most of the very limited number of examples there is admittedly not a n ideal correspondence betTT-een tJvinning theory and experimental results, because configurations mill not coincide on reverse txinning operations. But a t least here is an idealized guiding principle nhich may greatly simplify future work on the sometimes great complevities of nature’s building plan. G. L. CLARK

Analytical Division Committees The following committees have been appointed by the Division of Analytical Chemistry. Microchemical Apparatus A1 Steyermark, Chairman, Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc., Nutley 10, X . J. H. K. Alber J . J. Moran C. 0. Willits V. A. Aluise E. P. Jolley E. IT.D. Huffman J. il.Huck Executive Hobart H. Willard, Chairman, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Beverly L. Clarke, Chairman-Elect, Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J. W. G. Batt, Secretary, Biochemical Research Foundation, Newark, Del. G. T. Wernimont, Chairman 1950, Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N.Y . W.A. Kirklin, Chairman 1949, Hercules Powder Co., Wilmington, Del. S. E. Q. Ashley, Councilor, General Electric Co., Pittsfield, Mass. Harvey Diehl, Councilor, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa J. J. Lingane, Alternate, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. William MacNevin, Alternate, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

Basic Data

W. -u.R.-c;.Brode, Chairman, National Bureau of Standards. Washington, Harvey C. Diehl M . R. Fenske Nomenclature L. T. Hallett. Chairman. General Aniline & Film CorD.. Easton. Pa. S. E. Q. Ashley H. V. Churchill Harvey C. Diehl N. Howell Furman R. P. Graham Microbalances A. H. Corwin, Chairman, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. H. K. Alber A. A. Benedetti-Pichler E. IT.D. Huffman P. L. Kirk L. B. McCurdy Nominations G. Frederick Smith, Chairman, University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. Philip W. West John F. Flagg Papers Robert T. Hall, Chairman. Hercules Powder Co., Wilmington, Del. Wallace M. McNabb -1.J. Hale H. A. Bright Membership K. G. Stone, Chairman, Michigan State College, East Lansing, Mich. Paul K. Winter George Matsuyama By-Laws C. 0. Willits, Chairman, Eastern Regional Research Laboratory, Philadelphia 18. Pa. T. H. Dunkelberger C. F. Hiskey Speakers Procurement B. J. Heinrich, Chairman, Phillips Petroleum Co., Bartlesville. Okla. Robert Matheson Charles M. Gambrill L. B. Rogers

Microchemical Nitrogen Apparatus Since publication of the paper “Recommended Specifications for Microchemical Apparatus. Micro-Kjeldahl Xitrogen” [AXAL. CHEM.,23, 523-8 (1951)l by the Committee for the Standardization of Microchemical Apparatus, private communications have disclosed the origin of the one-piece model. I t vr-m designed by E. C. Noonan, U.S. Yaval Ordnance Laboratory, Silver Spring, Md., while he was working as a graduate student in the Iaboratorj. of H. A. Iddles at the University of Sew Hampshire in 1935. AL STEYERMARK The work is unpublished.

Symposia E. Wichers, Chairman, National Bureau of Standards,

Wsshington, D. C. J. W. Stillman I. M. Kolthoff terms expire in 1953 P. J. Elving terms expire in 1954 James M. Crowe H. H. Willard, Division Chairman W. G. Batt, Division Secretary

terms expire } in1952


Local Groups J. K. Owens, Chairman, Experimental Station, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., R7ilmington, Del. Anne Conrad H. F. Beeghly

American Society for Testing Materials. Atlantic City, June 18 to 22 American Association for the Advancement of Science. Gordon Research Conference, Colby Junior College, New London, N. H., and New Hampton School, New Hamptm, N. H., July 23 to August 10 International Union of Crystallography. Second General Assembly, Stockholm, Sweden, June 27 t o July 3 International Congress on Analytical Chemistry. United Kingdom, August 8 to 13