Analytical Products Group, Inc

In the past, you've probably relied on EPA standards to evaluate the performance ofyour lab. However, these “accepted” standards compare your resu...
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For Performance Evaluation, accepted laboratory standards shouldn't be acceptable. In the past, you've probably relied on EPA standards to evaluate the performance of your lab. However, these "accepted" standards compare your results to only one other lab. Is that really the best way to evaluate your quality control? We don't think so. That's why APG created the P.E.T. (Proficiency Environmental Testing) program—to provide a wider range of comparative performance data against which to evaluate your lab's performance. This national interlaboratory Performance Evaluation program compares your results on blind samples with those of labs throughout the U.S. and gives you a confidential evaluation of your performance. More than 500 labs throughout the U.S. and Canada use this unique program, because they've found that Performance Evaluation is the most reliable measure of quality. Call for more information on our RE.T program. And on our Setpoint Standards which are more than acceptable. They're essential.

Frequency Distribut ion-Chromium

Concentration in ug/L


The Measure of Quality

Analytical ProductsGroup,Inc. 2730 Washington Blvd., Belpre, OH 45714 Fax: 1-614-423-5588