Analytical Separation and Identification of Sulfur Compounds in

Petroleum Experiment Station, Bureau of Mines, Bartlesville, Okie. The object of the work reported was to identify and quantitatively determine the su...
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Analytical Separation and Identification of Sulfur Compounds in a Petroleum Distillate Boiling to 100" C. H.J. COLEMAN, N. G. ADAMS', B. H. ECCLESTON, R. L. HOPKINS, LOUIS MIKKELSEN) H. T. RALL, DOROTHY RICHARDSON3, C. J. THOMPSON,



Petroleum Experiment Station, Bureau of Mines, Bartlesville,

The object of the w-ork reported w-as to identify and quantitatively determine the sulfur compounds present in a crude oil in the boiling range 0" to 100' C. A naphtha was isothermally distilled from Wasson, Tex., crude oil to ai-oid thermal degradation and by adsorption and distillation processes and infrared examination of the final fractions the following compounds were identified: niethanethiol, ethanethiol, 2-thiapropane, 2-propanethiol, 2-methyl-2-propanethio1, 2-thiabutane, 1-propanethiol, 3-methyl-2-thiabutane, 2butanethiol, 2-methyl-1-propanethiol, 3-thiapentane, 2-thiapentane, 1-butanethiol, 3,3-dimethyl-2-thiabutane, and 2-nieth?;l-2-butanethiol. Thiophene was not found, although repeated tests were made for this compound. Knowledge of the sulfur compounds and their concentration in crude oil is of considerable theoretical interest and should aid in refining processes.


MPORTAST phases of American Petroleum Institute Research Project 4%4 are the identification and quantitative estimation of the sulfuric compounds in a selected crude oil. The prosecution of this research necessitates developing methods of separating the sulfur compounds and of identifying and determining them quantitatively. This paper presents methods developed for and applied to the investigation of an uncracked 1


Present address Ethyl Corp., Baton Rouge, La. Present address, Escambia Bay Chemical Corp., Cambridge. XIaas. Present address, S t . Joseph's College, Adrian, Alich.


distillate boiling to 100' C., prepared from Wasson, Tex., crude oil, and lists the 15 sulfur compounds, boiling below 100" C., in the crude oil identified by the methods described. THE PROBLEM

I n essence, the problem was to concentrate, without appreciable loss, the sulfur compounds (approximately 40 grams) from 9000 grams of distillate, to identify these sulfur compounds, and to estimate the concentration in which each is present. Theoretically 21 compounds of carbon, hydrogen, and sulfur exist whose boiling point is below 100" C., in addition to hydrogen sulfide and carbon disulfide. However, thiacyclopropane (6),its methyl and dimethyl derivatives, and thiacyclobutane (16) are very unstable and not likely to be present in petroleum. Carbon disulfide ( 7 , 13) and thiophene ( I S ) have been reported present in straight-run petroleum distillates. The identification of the first is generally discounted, 4 hile some uncertainty surrounds that of thiophene. This investigation failed to identify either. [Since this was written three of the present authors and coworkers working in APIRP 48 have identified thiophene and 2-methylthiophene in a Kilniington, Calif , crude oil (I?).] I t is conceivable that thiophene mav be present in Wasson crude oil in a quantity too small to be detected by the methods of separation and identification used in this investigation. I n addition, the problem involved consideration of the stability of the sulfur compounds during the separation processes. Previous work (2, 8) had indicated considerable difference in the type of sulfur compounds obtained by distillation a t atmospheric and a t reduced pressure. Other studies (4,6) had shown that elemental sulfur reacts with crude oil to form hydrogen sulfide





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60 P E R C E N T OF













I 15


I 35






Figure 2. Figure 1. Alumina adsorptogram of Wasson distillate


Fractionation of sulfur concentrate from Wasson distillate

V O L U M E 28, NO. 9, S E P T E M B E R 1 9 5 6


and other sulfur compounds a t temperatures near 125' C. Elemental sulfur, kno\Yn to occur naturally in certain crude oils (6, 14), has been found in some low boiling distillates (3, IO), but was not detected in the crude oil sample investigated. THE INVESTIGATION

The several processes used in this study were isothermal distillation, fractionation, concentration by adsorption on alumina, and semimicrofractionation of the concentrate. Identification and quantitative estimation of the individual compounds were based on infrared spectra. A description of each procedure is given beloTY and its application in the problem discussed. Isothermal Distillation. The isothermal distillation system utilized the principle of flash evaporation of the distillate from a heated, des( ending film of crude oil, with the vapor being removed continuously by a countercurrent stream of inert gas. In practice, the crude oil was pumped into the top of a steam-heated column sn constructed as to distribute the oil in a film as it progressed downward. A countercurrent nitrogen stream provided a scrubbing action, while a short dephlegmator, packed with glass helices, gave some fractionation of the ascending vapors. The condensing system consisted of an ice watercooled condenser Kith an appropriate receiver followed by a liquid air-cooled trap. This method of stripping crude oil has several advantages: The temperature is easily maintained a t 100' C., and no excessive heating can occur; the contact time is short, particularly as compared to a batch distillation; the process is continuous, so that the large quantities of crude oil required to obtain adequate quantities of sulfur compounds can be easily handled; and the qumtity of distillate produced can










be regulated to some extent by changing the flow rates of the oil or gas, or both. Thus it fulfills the need for a method eliminating, to a large degree, the possible effects of heat on the sulfur compounds and the reaction of elemental sulfur with crude oil to produce sulfur compounds. This method has some disadvantages: It is difficult to condense the low-boiling compounds completely from the gas stream; a product of wide boiling range is obtained; and, although some improvement can be effected by use of a reflux condenser, the distillate must be fractionated if it is desirable to obtain sharp cuts in a desired boiling range. Fractionation is not a serious objection, as most of the heavy, more thermosensitive material has been removed. To provide the necessary quantity of distillate, 107.70 kg. of crude oil (33 gallons) was processed, yielding 2.05% gas plus loss, 8.45% distillate, and 89.5% residuum. Thermal Stability of Distillate. I t was thought advisable to determine whether distillates prepared in this way could be distilled by a batch process without significant changes in the content of sulfur compounds. Accordingly, a portion of distillate boiling from 35' to 240' C. (85% between 65' and 165' C.) was subjected to a stability test consisting of refluxing a t different temperature levels up to about 200" C. and determining the amounts of hydrogen sulfide and thiols (mercaptans) evolved. A complete description of this apparatus and procedure has been given ( 4 ) . h group sulfur analysis ( 1 ) of the distillate was made before the test, and of the combined residuum and fractions after the test. The results, given in Table I, indicated negligible thermal effects. as only a trace of hydrogen sulfide \vas evolved, and the








Figure 3.

Infrared spectra of fraction 35 and its components







1382 two analyses agree within the limits of analytical error. It was concluded, therefore, that batch distillation of a Wasson naphtha could be conducted with freedom from thermal reactions of the sulfur compounds if a temperature of about 200' C. were not exceeded. However, a deliberate effort was made to hold temperatures as low as possible. Experimental temperatures throughout this investigation never exceeded 100' C. in any operation except in the fractionation of the sulfur concentrate, where material boiling up to 100" C. was removed overhead. Fractionation. Because of the high volatility of methanethiol, ethanethiol, and 2-thiapropane, it was decided that these three compounds should be determined independently, and, therefore, that the distillate from the isothermal stripping of the crude oil should be "topped" to 38' C. to remove them. This was accomplished in a high-temperature Heli-grid packed column a t atmospheric pressure. From this operation a light fraction (below 38" C.) of 1.54%, a residual topped distillate of 6.85%, and a loss of 0.06% were obtained, all percentages based on the original crude oil charge. Following a few preliminary experiments, approximately 7100 grams of "topped" Wasson distillate was available for percolation through alumina.

Table I. Group Sulfur Analyses of Wasson Distillate before and after Stability Test

Compound Hydrogen sulfide Elemental sulfur Thiols (mercaptans)

% Sulfur Based on Weight of Sulfur in Original Charge Before stability d f t e r stability test test 0.00 0.03'" 0.0 0.0 46.47 4:: ~ ~ ' I } 4 6 . 9 7

Disulfides Sulfides I Sulfides I1 Residual sulfur %tal sulfur Loss a


48.42 0.67 4.04 100.00

boiling range of 38" to 100" C. benzene would be the only one present and would not interfere in the identification studies. This material accordingly was charged to a semimicro fractionation column. Semimicrodistillation of Concentrate. The column used was a semimicro, Heli-grid packed column 8 mm. in inside diameter and 300 mm. long. The charge, 37.6 grams, was distilled a t a take-off rate of 0.67 gram per hour. On the distillation curve, shown in Figure 2, the plateau a t about 26' C. is caused by isopentane used in the adsorption separation. The numbers along the curve indicate fraction numbers. Selected fractions were subjected to infrared analysis. Infrared Analysis. Through the efforts of that section of APIRP 48A a t the Bureau of Mines, Laramie, Wyo., and of APIRP 48B a t Northwestern University, the spectra of all the sulfur compounds expected to be present in the boiling range to 100' C. have been made available, as well as pure reference samples. Thus it was possible to identify all the compounds present. Figure 3 is typical of the data obtained, showing the spectra of fraction 35 and of I-propanethiol, 2-methyl-2-propanethiol, and 2-thiabutane. The cell lengths, in millimeters, are noted on each of the curves. The spectrum for fraction 35 shows the presence of all three compounds-for example, bands characteristic of 1-propanethiol appear a t about 7.7, 9.1, and 11.2 microns; of 2-methyl-2-propanethiol a t 8.5, 11.5, and 12.2 microns; and of 2-thiabutane a t 9.3, 10.4, 12.7, and 13.2 mcrons. From these data it is possible also to make quantitative estimates of the amounts of the components present.

0.34 47.07 0.67 3.33 98.41 1.59

Evolved during stability test.

Concentration by Adsorption. Extensive experimentation in concentrating sulfur compounds by percolation through solid adsorbents had shown that grade H-41 activated alumina was effective in preferentially adsorbing the sulfur compounds. The technique was to percolate the distillate through the alumina, using a ratio by weight of about 1 to 1. The distillate was followed by an equal volume of isopentane, and when the refractive index of the eluate reached that of isopentane, ethyl alcohol was added to displace the sulfur compounds. During these operations the absorption column was cooled with ice water. The small amount of material resulting from this separation precluded the expenditure of any portion to obtain analytical data for establishing material balances. However, results, derived from the percolation of a similar sample are shown in Figure 1, and indicate a recovery of 92.3% of the sulfur compounds. The sulfur compounds recovered in this first percolation step were contaminated with a considerable quantity of benzene and toluene, and the resultant concentrate required several successive percolations through alumina to reduce the quantity of aromatics to a negligible value. Some sulfur compounds were contained in the alcohol eluate and were removed by combining the eluate with salt solution and extracting with isopentane. These, isopentane extracts were used as part of the diluting material in the next rerun through the alumina. In all, four reruns were made, using adsorption columns having the sizes and shapes necessary to meet the requirements of the samples. The final product was a sulfur concentrate weighing 37.6 grams, equivalent to 0.0349% of the original crude oil. This concentrate still contained a trace of aromatic hydrocarbons, but in the

Figure 4.

Outline of sample treatment

Quantitative Determination of Methanethiol, Ethanethiol, and 2-Thiapropane. The three very volatile sulfur compounde, methanethiol, ethanethiol, and 2-thiapropane, have been left out of the procedure described above and were determined in a separate and independent analysis. Several procedures were tried for determining them independently. The one that gave the most promise was to distill about 3 liters of crude oil in a high-temperature Heli-grid packed column, taking fractions at 9" and 28" C. The fractions were collected in special aluminum LPG "bombs" and analyzed for thiols by amperometric titration and for sulfides by the ultraviolet absorption of the iodine complex, as described by Hastings (9). The only sulfur compound in fraction 1 was methanethiol, 0.0024% of the crude oil. The second fraction containing ethanethiol, 0.0053%, and 2-thiapropane, 0.00088%. Ethanethiol and Bthiapropane distill as azeotropes (with n-pentane) boiling a t about 26" to 27" C., instead of a t the normal boiling points of the compounds, 35.0" and 37.3", respectively.

V O L U M E 28, NO. 9, S E P T E M B E R 1 9 5 6


A flow chart giving in simplified outline the several procedures used to concentrate and separate the sulfur compounds is shown in Figure 4.

numbers, and the horizontal scale a t the top shows the cut points of the fractions in ' C. The figure shows, by shaded areas, the distribution of a given sulfur compound through several fractions and the overlapping of several sulfur compounds in the same fraction. Dotted lines represent reasonable extrapolation based on the data. The predominant compounds are 2-thiabutane and Zbutanethiol. Summary of All Sulfur Compounds Found Boiling to 100' C. Table I1 lists all the compounds identified in the fraction of Wasson crude oil boiling below 100' C., and gives an estimate of their concentration in the crude oil. Several compounds have not been identified previously as being present in crude oil, so far as the authors can ascertain. All of the theoretically possible compounds of carbon, hydrogen, and sulfur except thiacyclopropane, 2-methylthiacyclopropane, 2,2-dimethylthiacyclopropane, trans-2,3-dimethylthiacyclopropane,thiacyclobutane, and


Compounds Identified in Material Boiling below 38' C. As indicated above, methanethiol, ethanethiol, and 2-thiapropane were identified and determined in this part of the crude oil. No hydrogen sulfide was found (this probably varies with sampling and storage conditions). Compounds Identified in Distillate at 38' to 100' C. The results of the infrared studies of the fractions from the semimicrodistillation are shown in Figure 5 . In this figure the graph for each component shows, on the vertical scale, the percentage of a given sulfur compound in one or more fractions. The horizontal scales a t the bottom show weight per cent distilled and fraction








91 93




100 2- METHYL-2-BUTANETHIOL (99.0) 5P

c-7-c-c C








0 100












'""I 2 w

2- M E T H Y L - I - P R O P A N E T H I O L ( B B . ~ ) c-c-c-sn

1002-BUTANETHIOL (85.21

o W

















2-THIABUTANE ( S 6 . n






















2 -PRO PAN E T H I OL ( 5 2 .SI 5,H



Figure 5.








$0 50

410 ,





Distribution of sulfur compounds in sulfur concentrate prepared from Wasson crude oil


1384 thiophene were found. The three- and four-membered cyclic sulfides are unstable and were not expected. In this investigation, no evidence of thiophene absorption bands was present in the infrared spectra of appropriate boiling range cuts. Negative results were also obtained with the isatin reagent when applied to selected fractions from the adsorption column, including those eluted before the sulfur concentrate. This test can be expected to fail in the presence of large amounts of thiols.

Table 11. Sulfur Compounds Identified in Wasson, Tex., Crude Oil and Estimated Weight Per Cent Present Boiling Point, C. 5.96 35.0 37.31 52.56

Kame Methanethiol (methyl mercaptan) Ethanethiol (ethyl mercaptan) 2-Thiapropane (methyl sulfide) 2-Propanethiol (isopropyl mercaptan) 2-Methyl-2-propanethiol (tert-butyl mercaptan) b 64.22 66.65 Z-Thiabutane (methyl ethyl sulfide) 1-Propanethiol (n-propyl mercaptan) b 6 7 . 5 3-Methyl-2-thiabutane (methyl isopropyl sulfide) 6 84.81 2-Butanethiol (sec-butyl mercaptan) 85.15 2 - M e t h v l - l - ~ r o ~ a n e t h i o(isobutvl l mercaptan) 88.72 3-Thiapentane (ethyl sulfide) 92.10 2-Thiapentane (methyl n-propyl sulfide) 95.52 1-Butanethiol (n-butyl mercaptan) b 98.4 3,3-Dimethyl-2-thiabutane (methyl 99.0 lert-butyl sulfide) b 2-Methyl-2-hutanethiol (tert-amyl mercaptan) b 99.0 a Minimum values. b Not previously reported in literature.

Weight To in Wasson, Tex., Crude Oil4 0,00240 0.00530 0.00088 0.00199

Literature References to Compounds Found in Petroleum (18)

(3) (ff) (3)

0,00055 0.00222 0.00041

( 1 1 , 16)

0.00064 0.00386

( 3 , 12)

0.00003 0.00075


0.00030 Trace Not determined

(3) (16)


LITERATURE CITED (1) Ball, J. S., Bur. Mines Rept. Invest. 3591 (1941). (2) Ball, J. S.,Bordwell, F. G., Smith, H. AI., Waddington, G., Seyfried, W. D., Proc. -4m. Petroleum Inst. 32, 139-75 (1952). (3) Birch, S. F., Norris, W.S. G. P., J . Chem. SOC.127, 898-907 (1925). (4) Coleman, H. J., Thompson, c'. J., Rall, H. T., Smith, H. M,, I n d . Eng. Chem. 45, 2706-10 (1953). (5) DUpine, 11. 31., Compt. rend. 171, 36-8 (1920). ( 6 ) Eccleston, B. H., Morrison, AI., Smith, H. RI., ..ZNAL. CHEM. 24, 1745-8 (1952). (7) Hager, Dinglers Polytech. J . 183, 165 (1867, b l ) ; Bull. S O C . chim. France (2) 7, 527 (1867). (8) Hale, J. H., Thompson, C. J., Barker, 11. G., Smith, H. M., Ball, J. S.,h A L . CHEM.23, 287-93 (1951). (9) Hastings, S. H., Ibid., 25, 420-2 (1953). (10) Mabery, C. F., Proc. A m . d c a d . Arts Sci. 31, 1-66 (1896). (11) Mabery, C. F., Smitli il. IT.,Am. Chem. J . 13, 232-43 (1891). (12) Kametkin, S. S., Sosnina, A . S . , J . Znst. Petroleum 36, 74rl (1950). (13) Reid, E. E., "Science of Petroleum," vol. 11, pp. 1033-41, Oxford University Press, London, 1938. (14) Richardson, C., Wallace, E. C., J . SOC.Chem. I n d . (London) 21, 316-17 (1902). (15) Scott, D. W., Finke, H. L., Hubbard, W.N., AlcCullough, J. P., Katz, C., Gross, 31. E., llesserly, J. F., Pennington, R. E., Waddington, Guy, J . -4m.Chem. Soc. 75, 2795-800 (1953). (16) Thierry, E. H., J . Cheni. SOC.127, 2756-9 (1925). (17) Thompson, C. J., Coleman, H. J., Mikkelsen, Louis, Yee, Don, Ward, C. C., Rall, H. T., AKAL.CHEM.28, 1384 (1956). (18) Wiezerich, P. J., Turner, L. B., Frolich, P. K., I n d . Eng. Chem. 25, 295-6 (1933). RECEIVED April 2, 1966. Accepted June 11, 1956. Division of Petroleum Chemistry, 124th Meeting, .4CS, Chicago, Ill., September, 1953. P a r t of work of American Petroleum Institute Research Project 4 8 9 on "Production, Isolation and Purification of Sulfur Compounds and Measurement of Their Properties," which the Bureau of Mines conducts a t Bartlesville, Okla., and Laramie, Wyo.

Identification of Thiophene and 2-Methy It hiophene in Virgin Petroleum C. J. THOMPSON, H. J. COLEMAN, LOUIS MIKKELSENL, DON YEE, C. C. WARD, and H. T. RALL Petroleum Experiment Station, Bureau o f Mines, Bartlesville,

Whether thiophene as such exists in virgin petroleum or is produced by pyrolytic breakdown or rearrangementof other sulfur compounds has been of interest to petroleum chemists for many years. This paper discusses the concentration and spectroscopic identification of thiophene and 2-methylthiophene in a Wilmington, Calif., crude oil. The crude oil was exposed to a maximum temperature of only 100" C. for less than 30 seconds in the preparation of the distillate from which the thiophene was concentrated. The knowledge that thiophene exists in petroleum is of importance not only to the practical chemist interested in the removal of sulfur compounds from petroleum distillates, but also to the fundamental chemist and geologist who are concerned with the origin of petroleum and of the sulfur compounds found in it.


HIOPHENE was first discovered by Victor Meyer (16)in coal-tar light oil in 1882. This discovery initiated intensive research in thiophene chemistry, and attempts to associate the compound with certain natural products followed. As a result of this research, its presence in products of pyrolytic


origin, such as coal tars, shale oils, and "cracked" petroleum, is firmly established. For example, Saladini (20) and Heusler (10) state that thiophene is present in lignite tar oils; Challenger, Haslam, Bramhall, and Walkden ( 4 ) isolated it and several alkyl derivatives from shale oil; Dodonov and Soshestvenska (6) reported it and two alkyl derivatives present in a Russian shale oil; and Scheibler and Rettig ($1) found thiophene and three alkyl derivatives in the bituminous shales of Tyrol. More recently Kinney, Smith, and Ball (12) have identified thiophene, 15 alkylthiophenes, and 2,3-benzothiophene (thianaphthene) in a Colorado shale oil. Weissgerber (26) and Weissgerber and Kruber (27) isolated thianaphthene, biphenylene sulfide (dibenzothiophene), and t x o isomeric methylthianaphthenes from coal tars, and Weissgerber ($5) identified tetramethylthiophene in the same material. Boes (3) found thianaphthene in brown coal tar and dibenxothiophene in coal tar. The presence of thiophene in products of nonpyrolytic origin does not appear to be as soundly established. Charitschkoff (6) in 1899 described the isolation and identification of thiophene in a Groxny crude oil by precipitation of the mercuric chloride complex from a fraction of the distilled oil. Upon decomposing the complex with boiling hydrochloric acid and rePresent address, Escambia Bay Chemical Corp., Cambridge, Mass.