Analytical services, analytical instruments. We do both

Liquid Chromatography. Application notes 36-39 provide information on separation of wine acids, trace determi- nation of urea, melamine, and acryloni-...
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Manufacturers' Literature Liquid Chromatography. Application notes 36-39 provide information on separation of wine acids, trace determination of urea, melamine, and acrylonitrile, separation of a crude high molecular weight peptide, and a study of disulfide interchange. Varian Instrument Div. 452 X-ray Fluorescent Analyzer. Describes the PGT-100 chemical analyzer for rapid, nondestructive chemical analysis requiring little or no sample preparation. 4 pp. Princeton Gamma-Tech 453 UV-VIS Spectrophotometer. Provides information on the features, specifications, and available accessories for the Model 550 UV-VIS double-beam spectrophotometer which operates in the 195-800-nm wavelength range. 6 pp. Perkin-Elmer Corp. 454 Membrane Filter Selection Guide. Summarizes technical information on the company's membrane filters to help the researcher select exactly the membrane best suited for his particular application. 6 pp. Schleicher & Schuell, Inc. 455

Plasma Spectroscopy. Jarrell-Ash Plasma Newsletter, a quarterly publication, will provide applications and technical information for users of the inductively coupled argon plasma spectrometer. The first issue contains articles on biological, wear metal, and trace metal methods. 23 pp. Jarrell-Ash Div., Fisher Scientific Co. 456 Maintaining Optimum Spectrophotometer Performance. Includes information on important spectrophotometer parameters and their significance, and discrete procedures for monitoring spectrophotometric performance. 37 pp. Perkin-Elmer Corp. 457 Centrifuge System. Describes the Sorvall RC-5B superspeed refrigerated centrifuge. 20 pp. Du Pont Co. 458

Catalogs Specialty Gases. Lists the complete line of specialty gases including gases for analytical instrumentation, calibration gas mixtures, and related equipment. 224 pp. Matheson 461

Chromatography. Contains a complete listing of products for gas, liquid, and thin-layer chromatography including an applications section, special derivatizing reagents, and many accessories. 136 pp. Supelco, Inc. 462 Science Supplies. Covers instruments, supplies, and accessories for daily laboratory use and includes field equipment, materials handling equipment, microbiological supplies, chemical reagents, and weather equipment. 260 pp. Markson Science Inc. 463 Ultrafiltration Systems and Equipment. Features the latest information on the company's membranes, systems, and accessories, as well as a special introduction to ultrafiltration and its applications. 16 pp. Amicon Corp. 467 Electronic Instruments. Gives full specifications and monthly rental rates for test and measurement instruments including oscilloscopes, recorders, logic analyzers, microprocessor test systems, and frequency synthesizers. 56 pp. Continental Resources, Inc. 466

Analytical services, analytical instruments. We do both. Analytical Services

Analytical Instruments

Pesticide residues T r a c e organic pollutants T r a c e metals A q u a t i c toxicology A m i n o acid and other nutritional analyses D r u g residues M e t h o d s development Metabolism analytical studies with C-14 and H-3 scintillation counting and/or GC-radioactive monitoring

G P C 1001 A u t o p r e p - auto residue cleanup 150 Filtration Unit - crude fiber without asbestos 250 G C - V e n t - precolumn venting of solvent packed or capillary 350B Aquatic Dispenser - flow through aquatic toxicology 450 Precision Calibrator calibrate recorders, integrators, etc.


Analytical BioChemistry Laboratories, Inc. 7200 East A B C L a n e - P . O . Box 1097 C o l u m b i a , M O 65201 Phone 314/474-8579 G e r m a n y , Belgium and Netherlands: N. Foss Electric A/S G M B H 2000 H a m b u r g 19 Postfach 7718 P h o n e 8590 16/19




Italy: Foss Electric (Italia) SPA Via T i t o Livio 35042 Este 38, Italy P h o n e (0429) 4770