Analytical Techniques in Occupational Health Chemistry - American

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NEW RELEASES D DIRECT MIXTURE ANALYSIS FOR TRACE ORGANICS: MIKES & NEW INSTRUMENTATION R.G. Cooks, Purdue University. Capabilities of mass-analyzed ion kinetic energy spectrometry (MIKES) for analysis of trace organics in complex mixtures. Also, design criteria and performance of a hybrid instrument. The new instrument differs from MIKES in that the second stage of analysis employs a quadrupole mass analyzer. (Recorded at national scientific symposia.) 49 Illustrations.

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Gas mixtures that meet EPA protocol traceability are available for calibration of air monitoring instrumentation. They are prepared to meet legislated calibration requirements for stationary (industrial) sources as well as state and local air monitoring stations. The mixtures include sulfur dioxide in nitrogen, nitricoxide in nitrogen, and carbon monoxide in nitrogen. They are shipped in high pressured aluminum cylinders, each of which holds approximately 150 ft 3 of calibration mixture. Airco Industrial Gases 436

ACS Symposium Series No. 120 Donald D. Dollberg, Editor National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Allen W. Verstuyft, Editor Chevron Research Company Based on a symposium sponsored by the Division of Chemical Health and Safety of the American- Chemical Society. An excellent state-of-the-art review of new and improved instrumental methods for analyzing potentially hazardous chemicals in the workplace. General methods of air sampling as well as specific measurement techniques for asbestos, silica, organics, and metals are examined in this sixteen-chapter volume. This handy volume will serve as a valuable introductory text for those entering industrial/occupational health chemistry and as a ready reference for the experienced industrial hygiene chemist who wishes to keep abreast of current developments. CONTENTS Generation of Test Atmospheres • Analysis of Asbestos and Quartz • Quantitation Using X-Ray Powder Diffraction • Determination of Respirable Quartz by Infrared Analysis • High Performance Liquid Chromatography • Analysis of Aromatic Amines e Determination of Methyl Isocyanate • Analysis of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons Using Ternary Solvent Systems • Vinyl Acetate in Air • Airborne Contaminants • Organic Solvent Vapors • Monitoring Airborne Contaminants In Chemical Laboratories • Sampling for Mercaptans • Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy • Metals in the Workplace Environment • Protein-Bearing Particles In Grain Elevator Air

318 rages (1980) Clothbound $28.00 LC 79-28460 ISBN 0-8412-0539-6 SIS/American Chemical Society 1155 16th St, N.W./Wash., D.C. 20036 Please send copies of S S 120 Analytical Techniques in Occupational Health Chemistry (ACI 0539-6) at $28.00 per copy O Master Charge O Payment enclosed O VISA D BOI me Account No. Expiration Date Signature _ _ _ Postpaid in U.S. and Canada, plus 75* elsewhere. California residents please add 6% state use tax CALL TOLL FREE 800-424-6747


