Analytical Treatment of Multicomponent Systems

systems appear frequently I\ ithout any indication of the units in TI hich composi- tion is expressed. Equations derived by analytic geometry do not p...
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Y a t i o n a l Bureau of S t a n d a d s , Kashington 25, D . C. Recpiced Bugtist 22, 1947 CONTESTS

I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I. The intrinsic equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11. Secondary systems (conversion of compositions I .................... A. Primary to secondary conversion equations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. Secondary t o secondary conversion equations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111. Systems of (S- 1) components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.Properties of intrinsic equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. Classification of compositions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...........

IT-. Syst,ems of less than

698 69X

700 702 702 705


(.\* - 1) components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tl!)

-4.Limiting conditions for systems not passing through primary s y s t e m . , . . . . . 720 721 B. General method for multicomponent systems.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V. Phase systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7.2 3 .1. Equilibria a t a eutectic point (primary conipositionsi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

B. Equilibria a t a eutectic point (secondary compositions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ C. Equilibria a t a peritecfic point,.. .,.,,.,.., 1-1. Summary . . . .......................................................... VII. References,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................ , ,


724 725 726 720 729


The chief characteristic of a triangular diagram which is responsible for its usefulness in representing ternary systems is the opportunity it provides for representing three variables in a plane, 71-ith three axes of reference ithe sides of the triangle). This is possible because in a ternary svstem only t\vo of the composition variables are independent. \Vhen the methods of analytic geometry are employed in dealing with composition relations, the axes of reference refer only t o independent variables, so that only two of the three components appear in equations. The procedure is equivalent t o taking h Y - 0 of the sides of the t,riangular diagram as coordinate axes. Except in the case of binary systems represented by lines passing through the origin, the equation for a binary system possesses a constant term. The magnitude of t'his term depends upon the numher of weight units taken as a t,otal in the expression of composition. For example, if the equation x 34 - 80 = 0 represents a binary system when composition is eypressed in percentages by n-eight, the equation s 3y - 0.8 = 0 represents the syst,em v-hen composition is expressed in weight fractions. One of the significant propevties of the triangular diagram is that each of the sides represents totality. If the total is 100 per cent. the side represents 100 per cent, and if the total is unitmy(weight fractions), t,he side represents unity. It, is because of this property that t:iangular dixglanis representing ternary



systems appear frequently I\ ithout any indication of the units in TI hich composition is expressed. Equations derived by analytic geometry do not possess this characteristic. Kithout a knon-ledge of the number of IT eight units representing totality the equations are meaningless. Composition relations can be treated analytically by a method analogous t o the use of the triangular diagram in geometric treatment. This is accomplished by eliminating the constant term which involves the number of neiglit units taken as a total in the expression of composition. To illustrate. let us consider a hypothetical ternary system S-17-Z, in which percentages of the components are designated as x, y, and z , respectively. Considering z and y as the independent variables, the equation for the binary system in nhich the componeiitq are n: = 50, y = 50, z = 0 and s = 80, y = 0, z = 20 is: 5.r

+ 3y - 400




r .

1his equation is satisfied 1)y all compobitions in the binary system, provided that in each case x y z = 100, corresponding to a total oi 100 per cent. The constant term may be eliminated by subtracting four times the latter equation from equation I , obtaining:

+ +


- y - 32 = 0

Ob) Since equation I11 does not possess a constant term. it represents the relation hetiteen the composition variables in any total quantity of material. The variables may refer t o the number of grams in 100 g. (percentages), t o the number of pounds in 1 pound (\\-eight fractions), or even t o t h c number of pounds in a long ton of 2240 pounds. a i s in ihe triangulai tliagiam. the nunihci of \\-eight units representing totality does not need to be defined. Equations of this kind, in which the constant term is lacking, are not referred t o coordinate axes or dimensions. Since they pertain only t o Composition, they will he referred to as intrinsic equations. -17 will be shoir-n presently, the intrinsic equation of an (S- 1)-component system within an S-component system may be derived directly, that is, TT ithout first deriving an equation with distances from coordinate axes in mind. This is nn important consideration n-hen dealing ivith systems of more than four components, since it eliminates the necessity of thinking in terms of hyperspace. Intrinsic equations have other advantages which will appear as this study proceeds. However, the number of equations required t o represent a system within an *Y-component system is not reduced by choosing the intrinsic form. For example, in a five-component system, a single equation represents a quaternary system, two equations are needed t o represent a ternary system, and three to represent a binary system. I n each case the number of equations is the same as with equations involving a constant term. I n defining a system within any given system the number of equations increases as the number of components decreases in the system to be defined. Expression of very simple relations in 8 system of many components therefore may become quite complicated and an-kn-ard. T o meet this difficiilty another type of equation, involving pa-



rameters, may be employed. Parametric equations increase in complexity in the opposite direction, being easy t o apply when the use of intrinsic equations becomes difficult, and vice versa. The properties and application of parametric equations will be considered in another paper which is in preparation. B. TERMm-OLOGY

Some of the terms which will be used may be described with reference t o figure 1, which is a diagram showing the final products of crystallization in the

FIG.1. Final products of crystallization in the system Ca0-A1201-Si0?

system CaO-Al*03Si02, as determined by Rankin and Wright 13) and later investigators (1). I n this figure the oxide components CaO, - 1 1 2 0 3 and Si02 are represented by C, A, and S, respectively. The compounds are then designated as though C, A, and S were elements. For example, the compound 2Ca0.Al2O3.SiOzis given the formula C2;1S. This form of abbreviation is useful in the analytical treatment t o be described. Since the term system will be used frequently, the sense in xhich it is used in this paper should be clearly understood. The entire range of compositions which may be obtained by varying the proportions of a given set of components will be referred to as a system. Any substances, defined by their compositions, may be




selected as components of a system, provided that none of them can be formed from the others in any proportions, positive or negative. For example, two invariant points in a ternary system may be taken as components of a binary system, although they are neither elements nor compounds. 1. Primary and secondary systems

The system C - A S (figure 1) is composed of fourteen individual ternary systems. It is convenient t o refer t o a system as a whole as a primary system, and t o any system within it as a secondary system. The term “secondary system” is limited t o systems of the same number of components as the primary system. The number of components is designated as N , which in this case is 3. Components of the primary system and secondary systems will be referred t o as primary and secondary components, respectively. Similarly, compositions mill be referred t o as primary or secondary, depending upon the components in which they are expressed. Because the secondary systems are each related t o the primary system through the compositions of their components, there are mutual relations among the secondary systems, and these will prove t o be useful. Any composition in the primary system may be formed from the components of any secondary system, if both positive and negative proportions are considered. For example, the composition CAS2 may be formed from the components of the system C2S-Ck43-C+4, if they are combined in the molar proportions indicated by the equation:


+ 3Cs-43 - 7C3A = 2C44Sz

If interest is concentrated upon a particular secondary system and compositions are expressed in terms of the components of that system, the secondary system may be treated as the primary system. The original primary system and any other N-component systems within it are then treated as secondary systems. 2. Degrees of freedom Considered with reference t o composition only, the number of degrees of freedom of a system is the number of composition variables which must be fixed in order that any composition in the system may be defined. Each equation expressing a composition relation reduces the number of degrees of freedom by 1. An equation representing the condition that the total quantity of the components is constant is always understood. An N-component system therefore has N - 1 degrees of freedom. If the equations are linear, N - n equations define an n-component system with n - 1 degrees of freedom.’ When the number of degrees of freedom is 3 or less, the number may be defined 1 Systems defined by one or more intrinsic equations eatend t o the boundaries of the primary system. When a system forming only a part of such a system is t o be defined, limits must be imposed, in addition to the intrinsic equation or equations defining the crmplete system.




geometrically by reference to points, lines, surfaces or volumes, n hich have 0, 1 , 2, or 3 degrees of freedom, respectively. 3. Xotatioia

K h e n the components of a primary system are designated by single letteiq as in figure 1, it is convenient t o use the same letters. in either italics or bold face, t o denote quantities of these components. Other symbols may be employed in tlic same manner in algebraic expressions or equations t o denote quantities of secondary components. If quantities of all the components, primary or secondary, are expressed in the same weight units, or in the same units relative t o total weight (percentages or weight fractions), the quantities will be in it a1'1cs. For example, C, A , and S represent quantities of components C, A, and S expressed in the same weight units. &Uthough euprcssion5 involving such quantities, and lacking a constant term, refer to any total ireight of material, they I\ ill he applied here t o percentages and will therefore be referied t o as being in percentage form. In the case of substances capable of being expressed by chemical formulas it is convenient t o express composition in moles. I n that case, the weight units for the different substances are not the same. Quantities expressed in moles will be in bold face. For example, C, A, and S refer t o the number of moles of the components C, .I,and S,respectively. Expressions involving such quantities will be referred t o as heing in molar form.

11. SECONDARY SYSTEMS (COXVERSION OF COMPO~ITIOXS) In dealing with composition relations it is frequently necessary t o convert compositions from one system of components to another. For example, it may be necessary t b convert compositions expressed in terms of C, -1, and S t o compositions in terms of CS,C2*\S, and CAS*. Such conversions, from primary compositions t o secondary compositions, will be referred to as primary t o secondary conversions. Sitnilarly, it may be necessary to perform a secondary t o secondary conversion, as in converting rompositions in terms of CsS, C J S , and C3-1 t o compositions in terms of C, C?S,and Cj.13. A. PRIJIARY TO SECOXDARY CONVERSIOS EQC.4TIOS5

1. Method of derivation

T o illustrate the derivation of equations for primary t o secondary conversion, let us consider the system CS-C211S-CA1Sz(figure 1). The problem is t o derive equations for converting compositions expressed in terms of the primary components, C, A , and S, into terms of the secondary components, CS, CZXS,and CAS2. Since the molar compositions of the secondary components are indicated in their formulas and involve small whole numbers, it is convenient t o derive equations in molar form. I n any quantity of mixture, let C, A , and S represent the number of moles of C, and S, respectively. and let X, Y, and 2 represent the number of moles of CS, C2hS, and C-IS?, respectively. Proceeding as though the primary components are actiially combined in the form of the com-




pounds designated as secondary components, it can be seen from the chemical formulas that there are present X moles of C in the form of CS, 2Y moles in the form of C2-4S,and 2 moles in the form of CAS,. This may be expressed in equation form as follon-s:

x + 2Y + 2 = c


Considering the components -4and S in the same manner, Y + Z = A




Equations 2-4 may be solved for X, Y, and Z by any of the usual methods. For our purpose, however, the determinant method is preferred. Let D denote the determinant of the coefficients in the equations.

E:Traluating the determinants:

+ S - 3A),’2 Moles C2-4S = Y = ( C + A - S), 2 lfoles CAS, = 2 = (A + S - C ) ‘2

l l o l e s CS





(54 (64


These equations in molar form can be converted to percentage form. The molecular weights of the primary components C, A, and S are 56.08, 101.94, and 60.06, respectively. The molecular weights of CS, C?=1S,and CAS2 are 116.14, 274.16, and 2’78.14, respectively. Then, in any quantity of mixture:


c = -C


x=- X

y=- Y

56.08 116.14

101.94 2’74.16


S 60.06

z=- z




Upon substituting in equations 5a-7u, the follon ing equations are obtained :

+ 0.9GG9S -1.70898 Weight of C2-41S = I’ = 2.4444C + 1.3447-4 -2.28248 Weight of CAS, = Z = 1.3642-4 + 2.3155s -2.4799C Weight of CS





(5b) (6b)

(7 b)

Since these equations refer t o any total quantity of material, they will apply t o percentages, that is, the number of grams of each component in 100 g., or they may apply t o weight fractions. They may also be applied t o compositions in which the total percentage obtained in a chemical analysis is not exactly 100 per cent. I n any case the total for the secondary components d l be equal t o the total for the primary components, since the sum of the equations is:


Y + Z = C + A + S

This provides a check on numerical computations. It should also be borne in mind when the percentage of one of the secondary components is obtained by difference. For example, if the total for the primary components is 99.5 per cent, this is also the total for the secondary components, and should be used instead of 100.0 in obtaining the percentage of one component by difference. I n the foregoing example, the primary t o secondary conversion was performed with molar quantities, and the resulting equations were then converted t o percentage form. This has certain advantages, particularly when N is greater than 3. The equations in molar form are-simple and can be solved easily and exactly by any of the usual methods of solving simultaneous equations. Each of the coefficients in the equations in percentage form is found directly from the molecular weights of the substances involved in the conversion. Equations lacking a constant term are particularly convenient when dealing with compositions in which the totals vary. If they are t o be applied t o primary compositions in which the total is always 100 per cent, the number of multiplications may be reduced by eliminating one of the primary components in the equations. For example, in equations 5b-7b, one of the primary components may be eliminated through the relation: c+A+8=100 To illustrate, we may eliminate A by substituting 100 - C - S for A in each of the equations, obtaining X = 2.7444C 2.67588 - 170.89 (jc) Y = 1.0997C - 3.62718 134.47 (6c)


Z = - 3.8441C


+ 0.95138 + 136.42

(7c) Only two of these equations are needed, since the percentage of one of the secondary components may be obtained by difference. 2. T h e equation of a n (&Y- 1)-component system The equations for primary to secondary conversion are positive for all compositions within the secondary system, while for all compositions outside of the



system at least one of the equations is negative. When substitution of a composition in one of the equations leads t o a value of zero, the composition is in the boundary system represented by the remaining components, or on an extension of that system. Referring t o equations 5a-7a, we find that a composition which gives a value of zero when substituted in equation 5a is in the binary system Cr.lS-C=1S2. The equation C S - 3A = 0 is satisfied by all compositions in the system C2.1S-CAS2, and is therefore the intrinsic equation of that system. The equations for the binary systems bounding the system CS-CZ-~S-C~SZ may be found by equating each right-hand member of equations 5a-7a t o zero, as fo1loTT-s:


System C2AS-CAS2



+ S - 3A = 0 C+A -S 0 A +S - C 0 C






The solution of equations 2-4 by the determinant method, as in equations 5-7, suggests a direct method of deriving the equation of an (S - 2)-component system. The method may be illustrated by considering equation 5. dccording t o the principle just discussed, the equation for the system C2AS-CAS2 may be obtained by equating the determinant in equation 5 to zero, that is:

c 2 1 A 1 1 = 0 s 1 2 Upon examining the determinant it is seen that the elements of the second and third columns are the number of moles of C, A, and S in C21S and CAS2, respectively, that is, the components of the binary system under consideration, as indicated in their chemical formulas. This illustrates the general method, which can be applied t o systems of any number of components. To set up the equation of an (S- 1)-component system, the symbols representing molar quantities of the S primary components are indicated in one column, and the molar compositions of the S - 1 secondary components are then indicated in the remaining columns of the determinant. The determinant is then equated t o zero. The same method may be applied in dealing with compositions expressed in percentage form. That is, the symbols representing percentages of the S primary components are indicated in one column, and the compositions of the -1’- 1 secondary components, on a percentage or n-eight fraction basis, are indicated in the remaining columns. Each secondary system is bounded by S systems of S - 1 components. The equations for (S - 1)-component systems will therefore be referred t o as boundary equations. B. SECOSD-IRT TO SECOSDART COXYERSIOIY EQUATIOSG

\Then it is necessary t o convert compositions from one system of secondary components t o another, the usual method is t o perform the conversion in two



steps: (1) t o convert the composition in the first system t o a primary composition; (2)t o convert the primary composition t o the second system of components. Equations for direct secondary t o secondary conversion are easily derived. The use of such equations eliminates one of the steps in the usual method. The equations are usually more simple than those for primary t o secondary conversion, which is an additional advantage. To illustrate the procedure, let us assume that compositions expressed in terms of C3S, C2S, and Cad are t o he converted into terms of C, CsS, and C'& I n any quantity of mixture, let : S'ISYEY




1 Molecular weight





moles C Y = moles C?S Z = moles Cj&

56.08 152.22 586.22


1 ~


3Iolecular n e i g h t _ _

___ ~

x = moles C3S y = moles C2S z = moles C3A


1 I

228.30 152.22 270.18

From the chemical formulas the total number of moles of C i n ,i-stem 2 is X 2Y 52, n-hile in system 1 it is 3x 2y 3 2 . These quantities are identical. $imilarly, expressions for the number of moles of S and X in the tivo systems are identical, leading t o the equations:


+ +


x + 2Y + 5 2 = 3x + 2y f Y


32= Solving for X, Y, and 2 :



x f y




x=-3x + 42 3 Y = x + y





(IG) 3 Converting to percentage form by the method on page '702, Ive obtain the equations: A- = 0 . 2 4 % ~ 0.2iGSz (l4a) Y =y 0.7544, (1.5,)



Z = 0.72322 For convenience, these equations may be mitten as shou-a below: System 2 System 1 c = 0.2456C3s o.2768c3L4 C28 = C2S 0.i544C3S (25-13 = 0.7232C3h






I t will be shon-n later thnt in the analytical interpretation of phase equilibria data it is sometimes convenient t o convert compositions from a secondary system t o an adjacent system or a system further removed from it. I n such cases, negative values appear in the expression of composition. For example, conversion between systems C3.S-C2S-C3A4 and CzS-C3A4-Cs.4may be expressed by either of the tn-o sets of equations shon-n belon-, obtained by the foregoing method. The equations are in percentage form.

System 2 CJS

Sgstcm 1 C2S 0.i54!C3S


+ = (23-4 + 0.88TBC3S


= -




(21) (22)

Referring t o figure 1 Tve see that C3S and Csh3 are on opposite sides of the binary system C2S-C3A41.This is reflected in the equations, since C38 and CA3 are of unlike sign in equations I T and 22.

111. SYSTEMS OF (-1-- 1) COMPOSESTS K h e n an (S- 1)-component system is defined by designating its components, the relation betn-een the primarg- components is indirectly defined, since all compositions in the system must be capable of being formed from the designated components. I n addition, the range of compositions is limited t o those n-hich can be formed from the components in positive proportions. For example, the system C2-1S-CA4S2(figure 1) includes only the compositions on the line joining C2ASand CA4S2,and does not include those on extensions of that line. An equation defines the relation between primary components directly, n-ith no limitations other than the indicated relation. The equation derived for the system CZA4S-CA4S~, that is, C S - 3A = 0, is satisfied not only by compositions in the system from which it is derived, but also by extensions of that system, such as Ca;l and S3-4. Geometrically, the equation represents a line extending an infinite distance in either direction, so that it u.ill include ron-positions outside of the primary system, involving negative quantities. Thi- may be illustrated by the composition C4-4S-1, n-hich satisfies the equation, but is outside of the primary system. Since the (-1-- 1)-component system represented by an intrinsic equation extends to the boundaries of the primary system, it always separates the primary system into tn-o parts. The equation represents a boundary between the t\To parts, and may therefore he referred t o as a b o u n d a r y eyztatioiz. I t will be shown presently that the expression equated t o zero in a boundary equation may be




used in the classification of compositions with reference t o the secondary systems in n-hich they lie. It is convenient, then, t o refer t o such expressions as boundury expressions. For example, C S - 3A = 0 is a boundary equation, and C S - 3A is the corresponding boundary expression.




The binary systems which form the “edges” of a system may be found by taking its components in pairs. For example, the edges of the system A-B-C-D are the binary systems A-B, A-C, A-D, B-C, B-D, and C-D. The extension of a boundary system t o the boundaries of the primary system may be traced by determining compositions on the edges which satisfy the equation of the system. This may be done by equating each pair of terms t o zero. To illustrate, let us consider the following equation of a ternary system in the quaternary system A-B-C-D :

A - 2B

- 3C - 4D



I n this equation we have six pairs of terms, obtaining the following equations:


= O

A-3C=O A-4D=O

2B+3C = O

+ 4D = 0 3C + 4D = 0 2B

The equations at the left, in which the terms are of opposite sign, are satisfied by compositions expressed in positive quantities: AzB, A&, and A4D. Geometrically, these represent intersections of a plane with the edges of the tetrahedron A-B-C-D, and the equation therefore represents the ternary system A2B-A3C-A4D. The equations a t the right are satisfied by compositions in which both positive and negative quantities appear, that is, B3C+ B2D+ and C4D-3. These are intersections of the plane with extensions of the remaining edges of the tetrahedron. It should be noted that only pairs of terms of unlike sign lead t o equations which are satisfied by compositions on the edges of the primary system. A boundary equation must therefore have a t least one pair of terms of unlike sign - 1)-component system passing through the primary system. t o represent an The boundaries of the primary system are represented by equations with only one term. For example, in the system C-A-S (figure 1) compositions on the C-S side satisfy the relation A = 0. By determining compositions on the edges of the system A-B-C-D which satisfy equation 8, we found them t o be components of a ternary system which includes all compositions in the primary system that satisfy the equation. This was possible because equation 8 has 3, that is, N - 1, terms of like sign. When there are less t h a n N - 1terms of like sign, the number of compositions on the edges exceeds N - 1. This may be illustrated geometrically by considering a plane passing through the tetrahedron representing a quaternary system. Such a plane may intersect three edges, forming a triangle, or it may intersect four

edges, forming a quadrilateral. I n the latter case, it is necessary t o set up ;i ternary system with at least one component outside of the primary system if it is proposed t o include all compositions in the primary system which satisfy the equation of the plane. To set up such a system is of no practical value. However, in dealing with multicomponent systems without reference t o geometiiv relations it is n-ell t o understand that we can refer t o any intrinsic equation ad representing an (S - 1)-component system, rather than a line, plane, or hyperplane extending an infinite distance into space. Let us consider the following equation representing a ternary system in the quaternary system -4-B-C-D.

A - 2B

+ 3C - 4D




This equation has four pairs of terms of unlike sign and tivo of like sign, leading t o the following equations:





2B - 3C



3C - 4D



The compositions on the edges of the system which satisfy equation Sa are -4213,

-&D, B3C2,and C4D3. Those on the extensions of the edges are ~43(~-1 and BzD-1. It can be seen that X2B is in the system A3C-1-B3C2,since 2.13C-1 Rd.2 = 3;12B. Similarly XJl is in the system A,C-.-C& The ternary system


a13C-l-B3C2-C4D3therefore includes all compositions in the quadrilateral Some of the properties of boundary equations may be illustrated by refe1.enc.c t o figure 2. This figure represents the same primary system and secondary systems as figure 1. The intrinsic equation of each binary system, in molar form, is indicated. It will be noted that the boundary equations for the systems radiating from the vertex -4are S = 0, C - 2 s = 0, 2C - S = 0, and C = 0. Each of these equations lacks an A term. This illustrates a condition \vhich applies t o systems of any number of components, that n-hen a primary component is lacking in an expression, that primary component is one of the components of the (S- 1)-component system represented hy the equation. To illustrate the significance of boundary equations with reference t o compositions on the corresponding boundaries, let LIS considel. the expression C - A - S for the system C‘S-CA (figure 2). This expression is equal t o zero for any composition in the system CS-C.1. Son. if C is added t o any such mixture, the value obtained when the resulting mixture is sitbstitiited in the expres$ion I\ ill he positive, since C is positive in the expression. ;Iny composition in the area between the system CS-Cd and the C vertex can be formed in this manner. Compositions in this area therefore give positive values when substiti~tedin the lioundary expression. Similarly, on the side of the system CS-(’.1 ton-ard the -1

and S vertices the boundary expression has a negative value. 1n general, a boundary expression divides an N-component primary system into two parts, according t o the sign obtained. If a positive sign is obtained \\-hen a composition is substituted in the boundary expression, the composition is on the side of the boundary system toward the primary components with positive signs in the expression; if negative, it will be on the side toward the components with negative terms in the expression.


2. Boundary systems and equations in t h e system CaO-AlzOJ-SiOi 13. t'I,.\bbIFI('.\TIOS


I n a ternary system the secondary system t o n-hich any given cwmpositiori belongs may be determined graphically. I n the case of systems of more than three components analytical methods must be employed. Boundary expressions may be used for the purpose. To illustrate a systematic method of classifying compositions with reference t o the secondary systems in which they lie, the boundary equations for all binary systems in figure 1 are shoun in figure 2 . It uill be seen from the equation of the system CS-C'&I that the boundary espression C - A - S divides the system into tlvo groups of secondary systems: systems 1-7, which are positive t o the expression; and systems 8-11, n-hich are ncgntivc. 'I'hc first group may \,c tlivitlcd into t n o s\tbgroups hy the expression tems 1-4, n-hirti arc poiitive t o that expression, and systems

5-7, which are negative. By reference t o the boundary expressions in figure 2, ire may proceed in that manner t o trace any composition in molar form t o the particular secondary system in which it lies. T o accomplish this n-ithout reference t o a diagram, all that is necessary is t o indicate the successive steps in a table arranged in a form similar t o a botanical key, showing the groups and subgroups with reference t o the signs of the boundary expressions. Table I is a classification key of this type for the system CaO-Al203-SiO2, for an analytical classification of compositions in the system. Although such a key may be devised on a percentage basis, it is more convenient t o set up the key in molar form. T o apply the key, each composition under consideration must be expressed i n molar form. It may be expressed as the number of moles in any quantity of material. For example, the percentage of each primary component may be divided by the molecular weight t o obtain the number of moles per 100 g. In this cabe:

C =

per cent (‘a0 56.08

A =

per cent X203 = 0.00981 (per cent Al120,) 101.94


per cent Si0, = O.OIUti5 (per cent Si(&) tiO.06


0.017133 (per cent


= ______

These quantities may be multiplied by a constant t o obtain values t o be s ~ h stituted in the classification key. This provides a means of reducing the number of arithmetical operations required in converting percentage compositions t o molar quantities. For example, we may multiply each quantity by 56.08, the molecular weight of CaO, obtaining:

C =

56.08 (per cent CaO) = per cent (‘a0 56.08

56.08 (per cent -%&03) = 0.5501 (per cent , 1 1 2 0 3 ) 101.94 S = 56.08 (per cent SiOd = 0.9337 (per cent Si02) 60.06

A =

The values of C, A, and S obtained in this manner are the number of moles of CaO, d1203, and SiO?, respectively, in 5608 g. This eliminates computation of c. If substitution of a composition in one of the boundary expressions in the classification key leads t o a value of zero, the composition is on the boundary between two secondary systems. One of these systems will be found by assuming the value t o be positive, and the other by assuming the value t o be negative. The secondary components common t o the two systems are the components of the system of N - 1 components (in this case n hinary system) in \rhich tlic composition lies. For example, if the composition is in the system CS-Ci2.1S,

712 I



0 3



i 5:



the expression C-A-S vi11 be equal t o zero. If the value is assumed to be positive, the composition n-ill be traced t o system i , C3S2-C2AS-CS. If the value is assumed t o be negative, the composition will be traced t o system 10, C2XS-C~1S2-CS. The secondary components CS and C2AS are common to systems 7 and 10. The composition is therefore in the binary system CS-C?AS. I . Relations between secondary systems and boundary expressions

In the development of a classification key for the ternary system Ca0-AU203SiO, (table I), boundary expressions for the successive division of the primary system into groups of secondary systems were selected by reference t o figure 2, in which the relation of each secondary system t o the boundary expressions can be readily seen. I n developing a key for a system with a greater number of components, these relations must also be known, but they must be determined in other Tvays. The methods which will be employed in dealing with such systems may be found by a further study of figure 2. I t will be seen in figure 2 that binary systems on the boundaries of the primary system lack one of the primary components. For example, binary systems ('a8-C2S, C2S-C&, etc., on the C-S side of the primary system, lack component -1. These systems are boundaries of secondary systems, but they do not separate secondary systems from one another, and they are therefore of no significance in the development of a classification key. In forming a list of the (A7 - 1)component systems t o be used in developing the key for an S-component system, all systems in which a primary component is lacking in the designation of the system are disregarded. The relation between each secondary system and a boundary expression may he determined by the signs of the values obtained when their components are substituted in the expression. For example, the components of system 3, C2S-C9=1-C5A3, give positive values when substituted in the expression 2C -S, indicating that the system is entirely on the positive side of the system represented by the expression. When the components of system 12, C2-11S-('AS,-,l, are substituted in the expression 2C-S the values obtained are +3, 0, and 0, indicating that system 3 is on the positive side of the binary system represented by the expression 2C-S. For the purpose of developing the key, the fact that zeros are obtained in some instances is of no significance, and systems 3 and 10 are both classified as positive. By this procedure, it is found that systems 1-10 and system 12 are positive, while systems 13 and 14 are negative, with reference t o the expression 2C-S. When the components of system 11, CS-S-CAS?, are substituted in the expression 2C-S, a positive value is obtained for C'S and a negative value for S. This indicates that the espression divides the system into two ternary systems, as indicated by the broken line extending the system C';1S2-.1 t o the hypothetical compound CS2. It is sometimes necessary t o divide systems temporarily in developing a classification key. It will he observed that system 11 appears in table 1, indicating that this temporary division of system 11 \vas made in developing the key for the system C'aOLl12(13-Si( )?.



It appears from the foregoing discussion that it is possible t o develop a classification key for a system of any number of components, since the relations between secondary systems and boundary expressions can be determined without reference t o a diagram. I n tabulating these relations it is convenient to use symbols. In listing secondary systems with reference t o a particular boundary expression, those which are positive are designated by a plus sign, and those which are negative by a minus sign. When one plus and one minus sign are obtained in substituting the components of a secondary system in a boundary expression, the system is divided by the expression into two N-component systems, one positive and one negative. This is indicated in tables by a f sign. If unlike signs are obtained, but more than one is plus, or more than one is minus, the secondary system is divided into two parts, but at least one of these is not an .Ir-component system. This is indicated by X. Such divisions are not useful in the classification of compositions. 2. Classijcation of compositions in multicomponent systems To illustrate the general method of developing a classification key, we shall develop a key for the hypothetical system A-B-C-D, which will be assumed t o tw composed of the following secondary systems:

Secondary sgstfms 1 . &BD-.4-C-I) 2. X2BD-A-R-C 3. A2B D-&B C2D-B-D

4. A2RC2D-B-C-D This group of systems has been designed t o involve only a small number of secondary systems, and yet include all four types of relations between secondary systems and boundary expressions discussed in the previous section. The four systems hounding each secondary system may be found by taking each combination of three secondary components. Eliminating those which are repeated, and those in irhich any primary component is lacking, we obtain eight boundary systems, with their boundary expressions, by the determinant method described on page i01. BO< NDAR\ S\STEMS A N D EXPRESSIONS

Boundary systems nith the same boundary expression are parts of a single

(&Ir - 1)-component system extending to the boundaries of the primary system. I n this case, there are only four such systems, represented by the expressions A - C, A - 2B, A - 2D, and B - D. The components of each secondary system are now substituted in each boundary expression, designat ing the relation between each system and expression by the appropriate designation indicated in the previous section. These designations are tahulated belon :

-4 boundary expression will divide the secondary systems into tivo groups if there are only plus signs and minus signs in the column for that expression. Since this is not true in any column, the condition must he secured by dividing some system into two systems. For example, system 1 may be divided into tivo systems by the expression X -2D, as indicated by the f sign in the column for that expression. One of these systems will be positive t o .4-2D, and the other negative. Similarly system 2 may be divided into tn-o systems by the expression -1-2B. Choosing the latter, system 2 is divided into systems, 2a and 2h, as shown in the follon ing table:


2a 2b 3 4


+ +

In this table system 2a is the part of system 2 which is positive to the expres;ion A-2B, and system 2b is the part which is negative. The signs for systems !a and 2b under the other expressions are the same as for system 2. Boundary xpression A-2B now divides the five systems into two groups: systems 1 and la, which are positive t o this expression, and systems 2b, 3 and 4, which are tegative. Systems 1 and 2a are separated by the expression B-D. Systems and 4 may be separated from system 2b by the expression A-2D, and then eparslted from one another by the expression A - C . The classification key nay noiv br wt up, as fo1lon.s:



Secondary system


(A - 2B) (B - D) (B - D) ( A - 2B) (A - 2D) (A - 2D) (A - C) (A - C ) -


+ +

2. AZBD-.I-B-C 1. .&BD-=1-C'-D

2. .&DD--l-B-C'

3. A2BD-XJ3C2D-B-D 4. A2BC'zD-B-C-D

The method \\-hich has been described can be applied t o systems of any number of components, involving any number of secondary systems. When dealing with a system involving a large number of secondary systems, the use of tables showing the relation of secondary systems t o boundary expressions is not convenient, since they must be rearranged repeatedly as the work proceeds. I n such cases, it is more satisfactory to use cards, one for each secondary system, indicating on each card the sign for each boundary expression. The cards can he rearranged \\hen necessary, and separated into groups and subgroups. When a system is divided into two systems, the card for that system is replaced hy two cards, each representing one of the tn-o parts of the system. 3. P r i m a r y lo secoridayy concersioiz following use of classijication I;ey In some instances a classification key may be used t o determine the secondary system in which a cornposition lies, but this may he merely a preliminary step in performing a primary to secondary conversion. I n the course of applying thc key, the expressions for the boundaries of the secondary system \vhich is sought are aluays among those evaluated. It will be a convenience, then, if these expressions, in molar form, can he used directly in primary to secondarj. conversion, t o obtain the secondary composition in percentage form. What we .;e& for thib pwpose is a series of equations in 11hich the quantities of primary component:, are ekprehsecl in moles, and those of the secondary components in grams, in some specified total quantity. .is an example, let us consider the system C'S-C'2.1S-C'XS2 (.>-stem 10 in figure 2 ) . For this system \ r e found previously that :

+ S - 3A)/2 Jloles C'2;1S Y = + A - S)/2 (A + S - C)/2 JIoles CA4S2= Z Jloles ('S





(C (C

(5aj @a)

(7a) In these equations the quantities of both primary and secondary components refer to the numbel, of moles in any total weight of material, this total quantity of material being the same throughout. Let us specify that the total quantity is 100 g. Then, if X, E', and Z represent percentages of CS, C'2.iS, and ('.IS? (grams per 100 g.), respectively, E' z x= x y = -z = _ll(i.14 274.16 278.14 =



Substituting in equations 5a-ia:

Per cent CS





l’er cent C2-M





l’er cent C’XS? = Z


+ S - 3A)

+ A - S) 139.07(A + S - C)

The cxpressioni in p:i1~cntlie~c~ :ire encountered and evaluated in the course of Lipplying the classihcaiion key (table 1) t o any composition in system 10. A\ftei,locating compositions in this Yptem, the values of these expressions may be multiplied by the indicated constants to obtain the percentages of CS, C2-4S, and CAI1s2. I n general, if the classification key is used t o determine the secondary system in Trhich a composition lies, expressions evaluated in that process may be used for a direct computation of secondary composition. It should be noted that the signs of some expressions used in this manner may be reversed. For example, the expression A S - C in the third equation corresponds t o the expression C - A - S in the table. After evaluating these expressions in applying the key, the secondary composition is easily computed. It Trill be noted that in method 2 (table 1) the quantities C, A, and S represent the number of moles of C, -4, and S in 5608 g. of material, not 100 g. If the above equations are applied t o values of boundary expressions obtained by method 2, the values of X , Y , and Z will be 56.08 times the percentage sought. I n that case, the coefficients of the boundary expressions in these equations are divided by 56.08, obtaining:


+ S - 3A) Per cent C2AS = Y = 2.4444 (C + S - A) Per cent CA& = Z = 2.4799 (A + S - C) Per cent CS




1.0355 (C

(7c) i8c)


These equations are derived for the conversion of primary compositions t o secondary compositions after determining by method 2 (table 1) that the compositions are in system CS-CJS-CL4& (system 10 in figure 2). Similar equations for all of the secondary systems in the system Ca0-A1203-Si02 are shown in table 2, to illustrate the manner in n-hich a classification key may be supplemented by primary t o secondary conversion equations of this type,

4. Division of multicomponent systems i n t o secondarg systems The division of a primary system into secondary systems may be based upon differences in characteristics of compositions in the various systems. The division of the system CaO-Al203-Si0, (figure 1) is an example of this kind, since the secondary systems differ from one another with reference t o final products of crystallization of liquids in those systems. On the other hand, the division into secondary systems may be arbitrary, merely for the purpose of classification. I n any case, the secondary systems must be mutually exclusive. This condition is easily met in the case of a ternary system, but the graphic methods suitable for a ternary system can not be employed in the division



of a system of many components into secondary systems. For such sysiems it is iiecewwy t o use otlicr nietliods of determining 11 lietlicr secundui y sylteni\ which arc selected ale m u t i i d l ~cwlusix ~ e. Cei lain helpful ~ x i i w i p l eI\~ill lie discussed briefly. When two secontlniy hystems :lie ;icljacciit, I l i c k ~ . \\ill I i u i e AY - 1 components in common. For example, the adjuxiil 5y-t cnir ~ ~ U - 1 3 ~ ~ ' - ~ ~ 3 1 ~ 1and >-~'?







S = 0.0337 (per cent Si%)









C3S = 4.0710s l . . . . . CaO = C - 3 A - 3 S CaA = 4.81788



C3S = -1.0710(C - 3A - 2 s ) CrS = 3.0710(3A 8s - C) (33.4 = 4.8178A


(CSS = 3.0710s 3 . . . . . { C3ii = 5.8178(3C - 5A - 6s) (CbAs = 10.4533(3A 2 s - C)



i 1

C,S = 3.0710s CjA3 = 5.2266(C - A - 2s) CA4 = 1.4080(5A 6s - 3C)


C,S = 3.0710(C - A - S) 5 . . . . . (2.4 = 2.8178(C - 2s) C2.4s = 4.8888(A 2 s - C) fi.....


CZS = 3.0710(2C - A - 3s) C3Sz = 5.1419(28 - C) CzAS = 4.8888A C3S2

= 5.1419(C

7 . . . . . CiAS = 4.8888A CS = 2.0710( A __


A - S)

+ 3s - 2C)


1.4080(5C - 3A

- 7s)

+ S - C) = 0.6059(3'A + 7s - RC)

\C3& = 6.0444(A

'.llnOa jC?AS = 4.8888s \C& = 4.0296(C - 2s) = 1.0355(C

[CS lC,;iS = 2.4414(C ,CXS? = 2.4790(A

+ S - 3A) + A - S) + S - C)

- A) 1.0710(S - A - C) [CAS, = 4.0597A 'CS

= 2.OilO(C




= 0.6059(3A



) C A S = 1.6296(2C - S) [C;.ASz = 1.6532(23 - C)


- S)

CAS, = 4.9597c

= 3.7976(S - 2C) ,A1203 = 0.9089(4C 2A- 3s)


fCAS? = 4.9597c /AIS2 2.5317(A - C) \Si02 = 0.3570(38 - 2A

- 4C)

B2C'-&BD-('2I)-,iD have three components in common, forming the ternary system B2C'-A3BD-C'2D, n-hich is the common Iwuiidary. However, the fact that the two systems have .V - 1 components in common does not necessarily indicate that they are adjacent systems, and therefore mutually exclusive. The components not held in common, that is, AB and .ID, must he on opposite sides of the ternary system R2C-,13BD-C2D. To determine n hcther this is true, 11-e


find the equation for the ternary system by the determinant method. equation is:

:A - 3B

719 The

+ 6C - 12D = 0

Substituting the compositions AB and AD in the boundary expression, n-e obtain values of unlike sign, + 2 and - 7 , respectively. This indicates that the systems are adjacent. VThm values of like sign are found, it is indicated that the systems have a common boundary, but are on the same side of that boundary, and consequently o\-erlap. By applying tests of this kind it is possible t o develop a scheme of classification of compositions for a system of any number of components, with no overlapping s! stems.


- 1)


I n dealing ivith systems of not more than four components, relations between quantities of the components may be represented geometrically by points, curves, surfaces, or volumes. z h d y t i c a l expressions may be referred t o such geometrical figures. For example, an equation involving components of a ternary system is called the equation of a particular line or curve. I n formulating general relations. without reference t o codrdinate systems, it is preferable t o refer t o the number of degrees of freedom u-ith respect to composition only. &AnN-component system has i S - 1) degrees of freedom. -1single equation defining a relation between components reduces the number of degrees of freedom by 1. Since the primary system has (-Ir - 1) degrees of freedom, the equation defines an aggregate of compositions n-ith (S- 2) degiees of freedom. If the equation is linear, the equation defines an (S- 1)-component sjrstem, with (N - 2 ) degrees of freedom. 'l'n-o equations map be introduced t o define an aggregate of compositions TI-hich satisfy both. I n geometrical ternis n-e 71-ould say that the geometrical figure defined by the tTyo equations is the intersection of the figures defined by each alone. The number of degrees of freedom is two leFs than that of the primary system, or (N - 3 ) . If the equations are linear, they define a system of (N- 2) components, with (A7 - 3 ) degrees of freedom. Since we are concerned only with linear relations at present. n e may state the general principle that t o define an 72-component system n-ithin a system of N components, (LV- n) equations are required, and the number of degrees of freedom is ( n - 1). For example, a quaternary system has three degrees of freedom, and is therefore capable of being represented by a space model. I n that system, a single linear equation defines a ternary system, n-ith tx-0 degrees of freedom, that is, a plane. TKOlinear equations restrict compositions t o those which are on both planes, and consequently on the intersection of the planes. The intersection is a line, which has one degree of freedom. Similarly, three equations restrict compositions to the intersectidn of three planes, and consequently define a single composition, which has zero degrees of freedom,



Since (Y - 72) linear equations are required t o define a secondary system of n components, it is apparent that the number of equations required t o define a system of a given number of components increases with h'. For example, a binary syytem in a lernary system may be defined by a single equation, but a binary syytem in a quaternary system can not be defined by a single equation, two equations being required. Because this leads t o difficulties in defining systems of a small number of components within a primary system of a considerably greater number of components, there is a temptation to try t o simplify the situation by operating on the equations to reduce their number. For example, j f t n o equations representing a system have been found, it may be supposed that if one of the variables common t o the equations is eliminated, resulting jn a single equation, this equation alone nil1 define the system. T o demonstrate the effect of such a procedure, ~e shall consider the boundary systems indicated below, in the hypothetical quaternaiy system A-B-C-D. Their cquations, in molar forms. are shown at the right.

System A12B('-A1C3D4-AR _12BC'--1C3D4-CD

Equation 2A - 2B - 2C D =0 A - 3B C -D =0



(23) 124)

I n the q a c c model of the quaternary system these systems are planes. Thc tem L1213C'--1c3D4 is represented by the straight line formed by Ihe intersection of the-e planes. It is defined by equationq 23 and 24, taken as a pair, since m y cornpoiition in the binary system n ill satisfy both equations. Son- let us follow the procedure in question, adding equations 23 and 24 t o eliminate D. The follon ing equation is obtained:

3A - 5B - C



(25) Equation 2.5 is the ecluation of the teinary system -&H3-AC3-D, and is satisfied by any composition in that system. This system is a plane. It includes the binary s y ~ t e m-lJK-AICdDq, since -&BC can be foimed by combining 1 mole of &J33 n it11 1 mole of -IC3, and Xc'Jl, h - combining 1 mole of .4C3 TI ith 4 moles of D. -111 thnt has been accomplished by the procedme is t o find another plane intersecting the fir-t t u o planes on a single straight line, X?BC-AC3D4. Equation 25 doe5 not define the binary system, since there aie an infinite number of compositjons nhich satisfy the equation, but n hich ale not in the binary system. The N- ) L equation, iequiied to define an n-component system may include an equation indicating that the quantity of one of the primary components is zero, or it may include several equations of this kind. For example, an ncomponent sybteni may be on the A-B-C face of the space model of the quaternary aystein -1-B-C-D. I n that case D = 0 is one of the equations defining the n-component system. A . LIJIITISG C,ONDITIOA-S FOR SYSTEMS S O T P-ISSIKG THROUGH


It n a s mentioned earlier (page 707) that the equation of an (h' - I)-component system represents a system extending t o the boundaries of the primary



system. If t he equation has been derived TI ith reference t o a given (1%' - 1)-compoilent system iiot extending t o the boundaries of the primary system, the equation is oatisfied 11)- all compobilions 11 ithin the given oystem, and also by all compodtion3 in t h e e\tension of that sy5tcni. For example, equation S, representing the s>-.;tem( ' ? 1s -('&1S2(hguie 2), applies not only to that system, but albo t o its e\tcnsiun.; t o (',-Iand S3.1 011 the huntlaries of the primary system. That is, the equation does not completely define the system C2ASCAS,. In general, the S - n equations for an n-component system do not completely define a system if the system does not extend t o the boundaries of the primary system. To define the system completely it is necessary t o indicate limiting conditions. I t is a simple matter t o indicate the limits of a binary system in an N-component system. For example, the limits of the binary system C?AS-CAS2 may he indicated hy stating mnximiim and minimum percentages, or molar proportions, of one of the primary components. Another method i d 1 be described, hon-ever, since it suggests a general method which may be applied t o systems of any number of components. Referring t o figure 2, let us consider system 10, the ternary system C2ASCA4S?-CS,irith reference to the problem of indicating the limits of the system C2A1S-C-1S2. The boundary expression C A - S is positive for all compositions in the system C?hS-CdS2, but is negative for compositions on the extension of that systtm ton-ard the S-A side of the triangle. Similarly, the expression C - A - S is negative for compositions in the system C2AS-CAS2, but positive for compositions on its eytension in the opposite direction. Thus, the system C2AS-CAS2 may be completely defined by its equation, C S - 3A = 0, and A - S and A S - C are positive or the limiting conditions that both C zero. System 10 (figure 2 ) has been used t o illustrate a method of using boundary expressions in defining the limits of a binary system within a ternary system. Any ternary system in which tn-o of the components are CzAS and CASz can be taken as a basis for the limiting conditions needed for completely defining the binary system C?hS-CAS?. For example, system 12 could have been selected. Or, if desired, any composition in the primary system may be selected t o form a ternary system with CzAS and C-iS2,provided that it is not in the system CAS-CAS?. I n the general method of completely defining n-component systems, which will now be described, an S-component system is formed by the addition of - n components, selected arbitrarily. These added components are preferably primary components, since the limiting conditions are usually more simple. This may be seen in the case of the binary system C2AS-CASz (figure 2). I t will be noted that system 12, in which A is the component added, leads t o more simple limiting conditions than system 10.






*4method of completely defining any system of n components will be illustrated by the problem of defining the ternary system AB~CED-AZBCE-AC~Ein the



hypothetical bybtein LI-13-c‘-L>-C. Here S - I L = 2, so that it is hiioiiii that t IT o eclnations ai e iw~iiii~ed t o cldinc tlie sy>t em, iiiclutling its c.\ten.ionr, t o the Imindai ies (if tlie pi,iniaiy sy>tc m . ‘Llicw ccluation> and tlie limit ing conditions arc t o he iound. The first step in tlic procethu e is t o sei i i p ;I teni oi l’roniponcni s (in this case S = j) in T\ liich thc coniponcnts oi tlic sy‘tem to he defined are inai’(’ vlrrtrtl ai hitim ily. cluded as c‘oniponent $, ancl the I cmaining romponc~nt~ Tlic latter RIY selected O I ~ ( ’ t)y one, each tinic>niiihing sui(’ that the biihtanres selected a. component+ can not lw foimctl ii om :iny of I tic othci s in any proportion?, positive or ncg:itivc. Folloi\ ing tliiz piot~eclui ( C - 5D)

E Q: l / 2 ( C - 3D)

= 0



-1hypothetical system has been used t o illustrate the general method. In the case of a real system, the equations and inequalities completely defining an n-component system may be converted t o a percentage basis, by the method described on page 702. The equations and inequalities necessary t o define an n-component system completely are sometimes rather simple. As an example, let us consider the ternary system K20 .A1203e2Si02-Ca0 .RIg0 .2Si02-Si02 in the five-component system K20-Ca0-11g0-A120~-SiOz,z Follon-ing the plan of designating primary components by single letters, the problem may be stated as that of defining the system IL1S2-CRIS~-S in the system K-C-11-A-S. By the method just described, the ternary system may be completely defined in molar form as follon-s:

K-A =O


C - M = O

S Q: (2A

+ 2M)

These relations are expressed in percentage form helow, as obtained hy the method described on page 702.


- 0.9240.1 = 0

c‘ - 1.3909dI


S Q (1.1783d

+ 2.9792-11)



(2ia) (28a)

Either set of equations and inequalities fully defines the system Ii-U3-CRIS2-8. They are satisfied by all compositions in that system, \I hile no compositions outside of that system u ill satisfy all three relations.

I-,PHASESYSTEJIS In the sense in which the term “system” is used in this paper, any substances in a primary system may be taken as components in any sybtem of S components or less, provided that none of these substances can be formed from the others in any proportions, positive or negative. I t is therefore possible to treat phases as components of a system, for the purpose of estimating phase composition, that is, the proportions of phases at equilibrium under specific conditions. d system in u-hich the components are phases n-ill be referred to as a phase system. In the interpretation of data on phase equilibria the phases selected as components are those which are capable of coexisting at equilibrium at a specific temperature and pressure. Since we shall deal only v-ith condensed systems in discussing phase systems, pressure and the presence of a vapor phase n-ill be ignored. For problems involving S-component phase systems, such as those concerned with invariant points and univariant curves, intrinsic equations are useful. For phase systems of less than S components, it is usually more This problem has been selected because it has been previously treated from t h e stantlpoint of armlytic geometry b y 1Iorey (2)



convenient to use parametric equations, conaidered in another paper. I t \\ ill be sufficient a t this time t o confine our study t o the peculiar problems encountered in dealing with equilibria at invariant points. Xt an invariant point, -I7crystalline phases may exist in equilibrium with a liquid of invariant point composition, at a particular temperature. There are consequently S 1 phases capable of coexisting at equilibrium at that temperature. If it is possible to obtain the liquid composition by mixing the crystalline phases in positive proportions, the invariant point is a eutectic; otherwise it is a peritectic. I n most instances, a peritectic composition may be obtained from the crystalline phases in proportions involving a negative quantity. \Then the liquid arrives at an invariant point during the course of crystallization, S phases may he present. Changes in phase composition occur as heat is rcmored, but ivithout change of temperature. During this interval, 111 phases may he present. The quantity of one of these phases decreases as heat is removed, and that phase finally disappears. When this occurs, there are less than ;1' 1 phases present, a n d further removal of heat results in a drop in temperature. I t therefore appears that -1- 1 phases are present only in the interval betn-een maximum and minimum heat content at the invariant temperature. Our interest is in the phase composition at maximum and minimum heat content at that temperature. In considering phase composition at an invariant point at maximum or minimum heat content, each combination of AY phases nhich can he formecl from the S 1 phases capable of coexisting at equilibrium at the invariant point temperature may be taken as components of a phase system. Rxamples \vi11 be +stemsin which they lie, and the estimation of the propoitions of phases at an invariant point. A system of 11 components within an S-component system is clcfinetl hy S - n intrinsic equations. It is suggested that n-hen the necessary number of intrinsic equations is large, parametric equations may he employcd more conveniently. The application of equations of the latter type \vi11 be considered in another paper (in preparation). REFERESCES (1) B ~ ~ ESs L , , ASU GREIG,J V.: J . d m Ceram. Soc. [4] 7,236 (1924). (2) ~IOREY GEORGE , W . J. Phys. Cheni 34, 1745-50 (1930). ( 3 ) RISKIN,G X . , . 4 h ~WRIGHT, F. E . : .Im J. Sci. [4]39, 1 (1915).



SUBSTITWED B ~ s z o r c Acru ,

-18 O S E O F THE c O A f P O S E S T S 1

KURT MISLOW* (Arks (in(/ L'rellirc Laborcthries o j Chemistry, Calijorrtiu I ns11'huLc oj Y ' c c h o l o ~ / ! / , Pasadena 4,California Received August 12. 1047

The clepcntloncc of t hc specificity of a t)iologicfiallywt i\.o nioloc~ulo lipon its size and shape has heen a generally rerognizetl phenomenon in the fit.ltl of immunology (12), as \vel1 as in other biological fields (21). l I u c h \\-ark 11:~s been done in correlating isomorphism and physiological specificity (14)? in order t o test the idea that any t\\-o isosteric molecules which are isomorphous, us shon.11 hy the fact that' they form solid solut'ions ivith one another, may also have similar biological activities.3 Contribution S o . 1133 from the Gates and Crellin Lahoratories of (:heinistry, ( ; d fornia Institute of Technology. a Present address: Department of Chemistry, S e \ v York University, Univerait y Heights, Kew York City, S e w York. For rc,\4r\vs of the conccpt o f physiological isomorphism, scc refcrenccs 1 1 , IS, 20.