and meta-substituted nickel(II) and vanadium(IV) - ACS Publications

Yujiang Song, Raid E. Haddad, Song-Ling Jia, Saphon Hok, Marilyn M. Olmstead, Daniel J. Nurco, Neal E. Schore, Jun Zhang, Jian-Guo Ma, Kevin M. Smith,...
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2390 where KE= [8](H+)/[8'], K 9 = [9](H+)/[9'], and K 8 9 = [9](H+)/[8]. With the reasonable assumption that K g , K g >> (H+), and since K13 (H+), therefore K 8 9 > (H+), and k9.3 = kg12 >> k 8 2 and k 9 1 0 = k g l l o f . These conditions show that the last term in the numerator of the above two equations are the dominant ones. It seems likely, for reasons discussed in regard to cysteine, that K g > therefore k d e > k d a as long as k9'3 < 1 O 4 k g , l o . If this condition is satisfied then

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(21) (22) (23)

rate constant and the ion pair formation constant if the ion pair mechanism is assumed. This assumption and those used to derive eq 8 and 9, can be justified by substitution of rate constant values derived later in this work. Calculations, using eq 5, show that y- 5 102y+,and y- is much larger than experimental values. Generally, y- is dominated by a*. which is independent of [MI, while experimental values are first order in [MI. The approximations will become less valid as pK1 decreases, and pH and [MI increase: conservative limits seem to be pH