Aniline and Its Derivatives (Groggins, P. H.) - Journal of Chemical

Preparation of Aniline Derivatives: An Advanced Undergraduate Laboratory Experiment Exploring Catalytic and Stoichiometric Reaction Methodologies. Jou...
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BOOK REVIEWS Aniline and I t s DerRltives, by P. H. Gaoooms, BS.. D. Van Nortrand Company. New York, 1924. vn. 258 pp. 23.15.5 cm. 29 illuptrationr. of t h e manufacture of aniline and some of its most imporThi. hook prerents a detailed a-""t t a n t derivatives together with a description of its physical and physiological properties. Itsreal purpo5c is. however: much broader. T h e author states i n the preface t h a t .-the technique i n the production of aniline ha$ been used as a "chide for prerenting to the reader the busine.3 01 Plant "hemintry." Types of =ppa+us and operating co~difionrare described in detail so t h a t the reader may. with a l l f f k imaginat,on, apply t h e lnlormaflon to other processes as well. +he inc1usron of coat data and an eltended diicurrion 01 costs m d operating effieiencier add greatly to the value of t h e book. The work should be of great assistance to the advanced student of industrial chemistry, and particularly to the beginner in the chemical induntrien, as a mean3 of bridging t h e gap between the usual tert-book knowledge and actual plant conditions.

Tenbook of Cellvloae Chemistm by E m HauseR translated l m m the Second German Edition by and Gasrhvus c ~ m e ~ J.c wesr s Yrnk.

I. E S S B L ~ W ,1%.~ c ~ r a w - H~~oI oI kCompany,

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I n thir book Dr. Heurer hsn made an eminently sueeessful attempt t o correlate and explain the derivatives and'reaetions of cellulore on the basis of its formulation as an aliphatic alcohol and a polymer of anhydroeellobiore. He has assembled the ~ c a t t e r e dand apparently unconnected facts i n a concise and readable manner, so t h a t they m a y he easily underrtood by one who is not a specialist i n this field. The only disappointment is t h a t the combination of anhydr-llobiose "nits ie explained an the basis of partial valences. I f is t o be hoped t h a t some more sati~lactoryexplanation may be found. On the whole, the work in an excellent presentation of a difievlt subject. The translators are t o be conmatulated for makine i t avsilahle to Enelirh-roeakinr readerr.