Announcements and Meeting Calendar - Chemical ... - ACS Publications

Nov 1, 1992 - Announcements and Meeting Calendar. Chem. Res. Toxicol. , 1992, 5 (6), pp 876–876. DOI: 10.1021/tx00030a601. Publication Date: ...
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876 Chem. Res. Toxicol., Vol. 5, No. 6,1992

Announcements 6th International Conference on Carcinogenesis and Risk Assessment: “Receptor-MediatedBiological Processes: Implication for Evaluating Carcinogens” The 6th International Conference on Carcinogenesis and Risk Assessment-“Receptor-Mediated Biological Processes: Implications for Evaluating Carcinogens”-will be held December 8-11,1992, at the Barton Creek Conference Resort in Austin, Texas. The adverse responses produced by many environmental chemicals result from interactions with specific cellular receptors. Examples of chemicals acting via receptors include the environmental estrogens, dioxin, phorbol esters, certain PCB isomers and peroxisome proliferating agents, and neurotoxins. Many of the basic elements of the receptor pathway, binding (recognition), signal transduction, and response, are shared in common by various receptor classes (e.g., membrane, cytosolic, nuclear). The goal of this workshop is to provide a basic understanding of receptor theory and the biology of receptor-mediated processes,with emphasis on both qualitative and quantitative aspects of receptor function. In addition, sessions will focus on case studies, development of animalmodels, and modeling receptor-mediated events. The workshop will conclude with a panel discussion on the implications of receptor-mediated processes to human risk assessment. For further information, please contact Karen Campbell-Engel or Mary Lou Fendley, P.O. Box 389, Park Rd. lC,Smithville, T X 78957; phone: 512-237-2403or 512-237-9401;FAX: 512-237-2522.

The Free Radical Club CERLIB: “Current Problems Associated with the Role of Free Radicals in Medicine” The Free Radical Club CERLIB is organizing three conferences on current problems associated with the role of free radicals in medicine to be held January 18-24,1993, in Les Deux Alpes, France. Lectures will be presented on “Chemical and Biological Effects of Solar Radiation” (January 18 and 19); “Nitrogen Monoxide” (January 20 and 21); and “Consequences of Free Radical Production on HIV Infection” (January 22 and 23). The number of participants for each session will be limited. Poster and oral presentations are invited. For more information regarding registration, please contact Mrs. Arlette Alcaraz, Laboratoire Biochemie C (Pr Favier), Chrug 38700 La Tronche, France [phone: (33) 76 76 57 54; FAX: (33) 76 42 66 641.

Meeting Calendar November 18-21,1992

Center for Nutrition and Toxicology “DNA Adducts of Carcinogenic and Mutagenic Agents: Chemistry, Identification, and Biological Significance” [Chem. Res. Toxicol. 5 (2), 310, 19921.

December 10-11,1992

ArkansasToxicology Symposium [Chem.Res. Toxicol. 5 (5), 734,19921.

January 10-17, 1993

Second International Meeting on Molecular Mechanisms of Metal Toxicity and Carcinogenicity [Chem. Res. Toxicol. 5 (3), 447, 19921.

June 30-July 3, 1993

EUROTOX ’93 [Chem. Res. Toxicol. 5 (3), 447, 19921.