
Dreyfus Scholar/Fellow Awards ... nounces the 1998 Scholar/Fellow Award recipients: Jeffrey A. .... undergraduate science, mathematics, engineering, a...
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Chemical Education Today

Announcements Fellowships and Awards Awards Announced

Dreyfus Scholar/Fellow Awards

The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc. announces the 1998 Scholar/Fellow Award recipients: Jeffrey A. Cohlberg, California State University, Long Beach J. Donald Smith, University of MassachusettsDartmouth Viktor V. Zhdankin, University of Minnesota, Duluth More complete information, including the research interests of the recipients and general program information, is available from the Foundation’s World Wide Web site ( Calls for Nominations

National Research Council Fellowships

The Fellowship Office of the National Research Council administers two postdoctoral fellowship programs with approaching deadlines. The Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowships for Minorities provide a one-year stipend of $25,000 plus travel and research allowances up to $7,500. The fel-

Proposal Deadline Alert! The Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc. • • •

Postdoctoral Program in Environmental Chemistry; February 27, 1998 New Faculty Awards Program; May 15, 1998 Faculty Start-Up Grants for Undergraduate Institutions; May 15, 1998

Further information may be obtained from The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc., 555 Madison Avenue, Suite 1305, New York, New York 10022; phone: 212/753-1760; email: [email protected]; http:// Research Corporation • •

Research Opportunity Awards and Research Innovation Awards; May 1, 1998 Cottrell College Science Awards; May 15, 1998

Further information may be obtained from Research Corporation, 101 North Wilmot Road, Suite 250, Tucson, AZ 85711-3332; phone: 520/571-1111; fax: 520/5711119; email: [email protected]; National Science Foundation

1998 National Science Foundation DUE deadlines will be printed as soon as they have been released. 12

lowships are open to U. S. citizens who are members of one of the following minority groups: Alaskan Natives (Eskimo or Aleut), American Indians, Black/African Americans, Mexican Americans/Chicanas/Chicanos, Native Pacific Islanders (Polynesian or Micronesian), and Puerto Ricans. Applicants are required to have earned the Ph.D. or Sc.D. degree by early March 1998, and may not have held the degree for more than seven years as of early January 1998. They need to be already engaged in or be planning to have a teaching and research career. The postdoctoral research needs to be in the behavioral and social sciences, humanities, engineering, mathematics, physical sciences, life sciences, or education; or for interdisciplinary programs, composed of two or more eligible disciplines. The application deadline is January 5, 1998. The NASA Administrator’s Fellowship Program provides two types of fellowships: approximately six postdoctoral twoyear fellowships to science and engineering faculty of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), HispanicServing Institutions (HSIs), and Tribal Colleges (TCs) to enable them to conduct research in NASA Centers, research universities, or aerospace companies; and four to six fellowships to NASA employees to enable them to serve as exchange scientists/engineers/managers at HBCUs, HSIs, or TCs for six months to two years. The program is open to U. S. citizens or legally admitted permanent resident aliens. Academic fellows must hold a Ph.D. or Sc.D. earned not more than 10 years ago in science, engineering, or mathematics, with expertise in NASA-related fields including (but not limited to) aerospace, physics, chemistry, biology, physiology, electrical & mechanical engineering, or computer science. All fellows must be willing to relocate, if necessary; all relocation and other travel expenses associated with the fellowship will be provided. Academic fellows will receive a stipend equal to their current salary. The application deadline is January 23, 1998. Dimick Award for Chromatography

Nominations are requested for the Keene P. Dimick Award for Chromatography, which is presented annually for noteworthy accomplishments in the area of gas and supercritical fluid chromatography. The award consists of a $5,000 cash award presented at a symposium arranged by the awardee during the Pittsburgh Conference week and is administered by the Society for Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh. There are no restrictions of age, nationality, sex, or professional affiliation. Letters of nomination including a resume for the candidate may be sent to Manny Miller, Chairman, Keene P. Dimick Award Committee, Society for Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh, 300 Penn Center Boulevard, Suite 332, Pittsburgh, PA 15235-5503. The deadline for nominations is March 30, 1998. continued on page 33 You are invited to send contributions to the JCE Announcements column. They should be sent to Elizabeth A. Moore, Associate Editor, by email at [email protected] or at the address on the masthead. Contributions should be concise, to the point, and appropriate for the Journal’s audience. They may be edited for clarity, timeliness, appropriateness, or length.

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 75 No. 1 January 1998 •

Chemical Education Today


continued from page 12

Materials Available ChemWorld CD-ROM Package

The ChemWorld CD-ROM package is being made available without charge. The package consists of three compact discs designed to help college students visualize the connection between their studies of chemical principles and realworld applications. The 29 video clips are organized in six topic areas—chemical and physical properties, chromatography, acids and bases, polymers, and materials research. The package is designed for use outside of class by students, either as a supplement to chemistry laboratory, for chemistry class discussion, or as a supplement to a science methods course. The CD-ROM can be run on computers with a double-speed CD-ROM drive, either Windows 95 or Power Macintosh computer. Since partial support for the work was provided by the Division of Undergraduate Education of NSF, the materials can be offered without charge. To obtain a copy send your name and school mailing address to Mel Joesten, Department of Chemistry, Box 1822-B, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37235; email joesten

Courses, Seminars, Meetings, Opportunities 15th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education

Posters at the 15th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education let you present your ideas in display format to your professional colleagues. Poster presentations foster feedback. Posters on similar topics will be grouped for convenience. The 15th BCCE will take place August 9–13, 1998, at the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. The deadline for completed abstracts for posters and for short oral presentations is February 1, 1998. Contributed

Paper Abstract forms are available from one of the BCCE Websites (, by email ([email protected]), or postal service (15-BCCE, Department of Chemistry, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1, Canada). Anna Wilson, Program Chair Department of Biochemistry, Purdue University West Lafayette, IN 47907 phone: 765/494-1644 email: [email protected] WWW: Openings for Fellows

The National Institute for Science Education (NISE) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison has openings for several Fellows interested in assessment issues in introductory undergraduate science, mathematics, engineering, and technology (SMET) education. Beginning in fall 1998, NISE will sponsor annual College Level One Institutes, each year focusing on a critical issue in the first-year college SMET experience. The 1998–99 CL-1 Institute will address issues associated with assessing student learning in introductory undergraduate SMET courses. Requirements of the position are a doctorate in science, mathematics, engineering, or education and the ability to do research and writing coordinated with other Fellows and the NISE CL-1 team. Possible candidates include (but are not limited to) faculty who teach SMET courses with experience in development of assessment tools, education researchers with an expertise in assessment, and members of faculty development programs. Typically the tenure of a Fellow will be one year, and residence at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is expected. For more information about submission requirements, selection criteria, and other details contact Sandy Treptow, National Institute for Science Education, University of Wisconsin–Madison, 1025 W. Johnson Street, Madison, WI 53706. Consideration of applications will begin on January 5, 1998, but applications will continue to be accepted until March 31, 1998. • Vol. 75 No. 1 January 1998 • Journal of Chemical Education