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3 MORE NEW FLUOROALCOHOLS C7 FlUOroalCOhol —H(CF 2 ) 6 CH 2 OH ( 1 H , 1 H , 7H-Dodecafiuoro.1-Heptanol) C9 FlUOroalCOhol —H(CF 2 ) 8 CH 2 OH ( 1 H , 1 H , 9H-Hexad€cafiuoro-1-Nonanol) C11 FlUOroalCOhol—H(CF2)10CH20H ( 1 H , 1 H , 11H-EicosafIuoro-1~Undeaanol)

3 new compounds with a wide range of chemical and physical properties—unlimited potential uses Coupled with the previously announced C3 Fluoroalcohol and C5 Fluoroalcohol, the C7, C9 and C l l Fluoro­ alcohols provide a full range of starting materials for your examination varying in fluorine content from 5 7 . 5 % to 7 1 . 4 % with a correspondingly wide range of physical properties. C7 Fluoroalcohol, C9 Fluoroalcohol and C l l Flu­ oroalcohol are three unique compounds representing the higher members of a series of trihydrofluoroalcohols containing an odd number of carbon atoms prepared by the free radical telomerization of tetrafluoroethylene with methanol. The new fluoroalcohols should be highly valuable as intermediates for the preparation of derivatives having improved thermal and chemical sta­ bility. This may include the production of lubricants, instrument oils, corrosion resistant coatings, plastics and surface active agents. Supplied as technical grade products, C7, C9 and C l l Fluoroalcohols can be of paramount interest to researchers in the pharmaceutical, dye and other fields. Consider their wide range of properties that make them so useful in so many ways: They offer α convenient m e a n s of introducing fluor o a l k y l g r o u p s i n t o an o r g a n i c m o l e c u l e . T h e s e fluoroalcohols undergo the reactions characteristic of primary alcohols. However, the omega hydrogen in a

trihydrofluoroalcohol exerts a considerable effect on the physical properties of the derivatives compared to the perfluoro analogues. T h e derivatives of the fluo*roalcohols are characterized in general by excellent chemical and thermal stability. The fluoroalcohols can b e oxidized to the corre­ sponding omegas-hydro fluorocarboxydic acids by potas­ sium permanganate o r nitric acid, thus providing a sec­ ond series of basic raw materials for further syntheses. The organic acid esters of fluoroalcohols can be pre­ pared b y standard methods t o yield materials useful as lubricants and raw materials for the plastics industry. Phosphoric acid esters can b e prepared by the reaction of the fluoroalcohols with phosphorous oxychloride or by reaction with phosphorous pentoxide to yield ma­ terial useful a s specialty surface active agents and surface treatments. Perhaps you are working on a product that these new fluoroalcohols will b r i n g to reality. We would be glad t o send you a technical bulletin describing in detail t h e chemical and physical properties of die fluo­ roalcohols- If your immediate needs require a sample, in addition to a bulletin, just write on your letterhead to: E. I. du Pont d e Nemours & Co. ( I n c . ) , Organic Chemicals Department, Dyes and Chemicals Division, Wilmington 9 8 . Delaware.


3UP08r Better Things for Better Living . . . through Chemistry OCT. 2 0.