Announcing a new American Chemical Society Monograph - C&EN

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A n n o u n c i n g a new American Chemical Society M o n o g r a p h

SOLUBLE SILICATES By J A M E S G. V A I L , Philadelphia ACS Monograph





ne o f the most industrially important ACS Monographs yet published, this treatise is the o n l y one offering a complete r e v i e w of the k n o w n properties and industrial applications o f soluble silicates. This comprehensive, t w o - v o l u m e m o n o g r a p h replaces t h e o u t - o f - p r i n t Soluble Silicates In Industry ( A C S Monograph # 4 6 ) , long regarded as the "bible" of the s o l u b l e silicate chemist. Principles and properties, rather than industrial significance, are emphasized in b o t h volumes. Written in simple English w i t h a minimum o f mathematical or h i g h l y specialized lang u a g e , each v o l u m e serves as a rapid reference source for the working t e c h n i c i a n . Volume I covers the theoretical aspects of soluble silicates and clarifies past and present manufacturing processes i n detail. Included are t h e properties of homogeneous and heterogeneous systems o f glasses, formation of metallic silicates and other fundamental data.

Volume II, slightly arger, is d e v o t e d t o t h e practical considerations i n v o l v i n g applications of soluble silicates in industry. Here are described the film-forming properties o f silicates and their uses in such varied industrial materials and techniques a s adhesives, laminates, sizing, fire p r o t e c t i o n , cements, plastics and many others. Covered a l s o i s t h e use of soluble silicates in the form of gels and their properties as catalysts, p r o t e c t i v e agents and stabilizing materials.

Volume I: August, 1952, about 3 5 0 pages, $9.00 Volume II: September, 1952, about 60O pages, about $12.00

other useful remffliold reference books STYRENE GLYCOLS THE Its Polymers, Copolymers and FUNDAMENTALS Edited by GEORGE O . CURME, JR., Derivatives and F R A N K L I N J O H N S T O N , OF DETERGENCY Edited by R. H. BOUNTDY and Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Co. By

WILXIÀM W . N 1 V E N , JR., MidtvesS Research Institute

This thoroogh treatment of the theory and practical applications of detergents covers the basic information on detergency and corrects apparent inconsistencies. In a>rnpreriensivc detail, it discusses 0 ) effects of composition, concentration, temperature and added electrolytes on the nature and properties of aqueous detergent solutions; (2) fundamental actions which constitute detergency and the role of detergents in aiding these actions; 0 ) mean» of utilizing various fundamental dertcrgent actions in laundering, selected aa a typical application. 1950

260 pages


R. F. BOYTER, The Oow Chemical

Here, in a single volume, is the full information on glycols now in commercial production or whose manufacture has been or may be conducted on a commercial scale. Prepared by research-staff members of Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Company and edited by two topranking chemists, it treats the subject from a technical point of view, principally in terms or ethylene glycol and propylene glycol. Separate chapters cover their production, physical properties, applications, oxides, derivatives and condensation polymers as well as' higher glycols, toxicological data and analytical methods. ACS Monograph 1952

390 pages


Available for the first time in this volume is the complete account of the polymerization, copolymerization, chemical modification and manufacture of styrene and of its industrially important derivatives. Its history for over a century as well as current methods of manufacture are described. Detailed chapters treat physical properties, methods of handling and analysis and chemistry of styrene. Of unusual interest is the special appendix covering recent advances in the field. Included here is a full discussion of vinvltolucne, a monomer similar to styrene which uses toluene as a taw material instead of benzene.



ACS Monograph 1200 pages about $17.00

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