Announcing A New Edition REAGENT CHEMICALS, ACS

May 16, 2012 - Announcing A New Edition REAGENT CHEMICALS, ACS Specifications. Anal. Chem. , 1956, 28 (5), pp 10A–10A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60113a710...
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REPORT FOR MANAGEMENT were already available. Measurements made by or at the request of the funda­ mental research team gave us a frame­ work for chemical control of mesoheelol. At this stage the development team took over. At the same time the physical chemistry and analytical re­ search groups were designing methods for studying stability, for assaying pharmaceutical formulations, and for controlling the final product.


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By this time the pilot plant had built up a supply of intermediates and the final reaction was run. The product passed all chemical controls, in both the pilot plant and control division labora­ tories, as well as animal safety tests. Mesoheelol was sent on for extensive pharmacological and clinical study. The progress report that carried news of this accomplishment also carried a brief optimistic paragraph from fundamental research about a new discovery, to be known as neoheelol.

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10 A

The process controls group was called in when the development team found yield variations apparently unrelated to reaction conditions. After consulta­ tion, an assay emerged to distinguish the two isomers of a key intermediate. Using this assay it was discovered that the only process controls needed at this point were close pH control of the re­ action mixture and melting point of the penultimate intermediate. In studying the final hydrogénation to produce mesoheelol, the process controls group devised a simple ultraviolet test to find how much unhydrogenated intermediate remained. The development team confirmed the analysts' finding that the unhydrogenated intermediates could be readily removed by crystallization. As a result, hydrogénation time was cut fi'om 17 hours to 2 hours, leaving 0.5% unhydrogenated to be removed by final recrystallization. The quality standards group was informed of this process change and added a maximum absorption limit at 342 ταμ to ensure removal of this possibly objectionable impurity.


This fable gives some idea of the functions of the various groups as seen from the pilot plant. For greatest flexibility the pilot plant needs rapid and foolproof methods. But powerful techniques and elaborate apparatus are behind many of the apparently simple tests. Analytical chemists today are com­ bining the progressive methods of all fields of science with their own tradi­ tional conservatism. This paper illus­ trates from the point of view of the pharmaceutical pilot plant how indus­ try is coming to depend more than ever before on the skill and accurate thinking habits of the modern analytical chemist.


A New Edition



! i

ACS Specifications


; ' :


This 195 5 edition, released Jan­ uary 1, 1956, now describes nearly 200 reagents. It incorporates the 10 additional specifications, the more than 200 changes in require­ ments, and the 60-odd revisions of test procedures published in the 1953 Appendix to the 1950 edition. It also includes 7 new specifications and a substantial number of changes in requirements and in test procedures reported since July 1, 1953.

• As in previous editions, important I properties and acceptable limits of I usual impurities are given for each 1 reagent. T h e approved test methI od for each property and impurity i is presented in detail. Emphasis i has been placed on revision of existing specifications rather than the development of new ones. Clothbound...441 pages...$6.50

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