Announcing a New Series of Fluoro-organics from Allied Chemical-the

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Announcing a New Series of Fluoro-organics from Allied Chemical-






4 Γ Κ (sy/77-Dichlorotetrafluoroacetone)



6 Γ Κ (Hexaf luoroacetone)

Here's a new, easy way to introduce fluorine into your product—Allied Chemical's new FK fluoroketones. Each has a reactive "handle" which links up easily with other molecules. Members of the FK series react readily with many compounds hav­ ing active hydrogen atoms—alcohols, ammonia, amines, mercaptans, un­

saturated hydrocarbons, aromatics— even water. They are generally stable to acids, react fast with alkalies. Such reactivity suggests a new way of introducing fluorine-containing groups into your molecules. These reactive building blocks can help you make new dyes, new pharmaceuti­ cals, new polymers, new textile chem­

icals, new thermally stable materials. We will be glad to furnish techni­ cal data on all members of the FK series—physical and chemical prop­ erties, typical reactions, handling methods, bibliographies. The com­ pounds are available for your evalua­ tion. Just write on your company letterhead.



P.O. Box 3 5 3 , Morristown, N. J . ^Trademark of Allied Chemical Corporation