Annual Index for Volume 78, 2001 - Journal of Chemical Education

Dec 1, 2001 - Annual Index for Volume 78, 2001. J. Chem. Educ. , 2001, 78 (12), p 1713. DOI: 10.1021/ed078p1713. Publication Date (Web): December 1, ...
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Volume 78 • 2001 • Index

Journal of Chemical Education Print




J C h e m E d . c h e m . w i s c . e d u • Owned and Published by the Division of Chemical Education, Inc., of the American Chemical Society

Index • Volume 78 • 2001 Publisher

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Author Index • Volume 78 • 2001

JCE Online Index:

Author Index* A


Aberásturi-Martín, F. J.; Jiménez-Abizanda, A. I.; Jiménez-Moreno, F.; Arias-León, J. J. UV–Visible First-Derivative Spectrophotometry Applied to an Analysis of a Vitamin Mixture. June, 793–795. Abrahamson, H. B. The Photochemical Basis of Cyanotype Photography (re J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76, 1199–1200). (Letter) March, 311. Abrash, H. I. The Relative Acidities of Water and Methanol. Nov, 1496–1498. Adcock, J. L. Teaching Brønsted–Lowry Acid–Base Theory in a Direct Comprehensive Way. Nov, 1495–1496. Adkins, W. A.; Kundell, F. A. An Inexpensive Water Jacket for a Polarimeter Tube. (CET) Nov, 1516. Adrian, J. C. Jr.; Hull, L. A. The Oxidation of Alkylbenzenes: Using Data Pooling in the Organic Laboratory to Illustrate Research in Organic Chemistry. April, 529–530. Akabori, S.; Habata, Y. Teaching 1H NMR Spectroscopy Using Computer Modeling. (TECH) Jan, 121–123. Al-Ajlouni, A. M.; Bose, R. N.; Volckova, E. Linkage Isomerization by Two-Dimensional 31P Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: An Undergraduate Inorganic Laboratory Experiment. Jan, 83–87. Alaimo, P. J.; Peters, D. W.; Arnold, J.; Bergman, R. G. Suggested Modifications to a Distillation-Free Solvent Purification System. Jan, 64. Alber, M. Creative Writing and Chemistry. (IC) April, 478–480. Albrecht, B. K.; Miles, W. H.; Gelato, K. A.; Pompizzi, K. M.; Scarbinsky, A. M.; Reynolds, E. R. An Indexed Combinatorial Library: The Synthesis and Testing of Insect Repellents. April, 540–542. Allen, D.; Oliver-Hoyo, M.; Solomon, S.; Brook, B.; Ciraolo, J.; Daly, S.; Jackson, L. Qualitative Analysis of Fourteen White Solids and Two Mixtures Using Household Chemicals. Nov, 1475–1478. Allison, J. A Model for Substantial Deviations from the Traditional Lecture Format for Graduate and UpperLevel Undergraduate Courses in Science—Lecture and Learning Classes. July, 965–969. Alonso, F.; Yus, M. The Hydrogenation of Cyclododecene by Lithium Naphthalenide and Nickel Chloride Dihydrate. Nov, 1517–1518. Anderson, J.; Henderleiter, J.; Smart, R.; Elian, O. How Do Organic Chemistry Students Understand and Apply Hydrogen Bonding? (CER) Aug, 1126–1130. Arias-León, J. J.; Aberásturi-Martín, F. J.; JiménezAbizanda, A. I.; Jiménez-Moreno, F. UV–Visible FirstDerivative Spectrophotometry Applied to an Analysis of a Vitamin Mixture. June, 793–795. Arnold, J.; Alaimo, P. J.; Peters, D. W.; Bergman, R. G. Suggested Modifications to a Distillation-Free Solvent Purification System. Jan, 64. Aroti, A.; Leontidis, E. Simultaneous Determination of the Ionization Constant and the Solubility of Sparingly Soluble Drug Substances. A Physical Chemistry Experiment. June, 786–788. Arthurs, M.; McKee, V.; Nelson, J.; Town, R. M. Chemistry in Cages: Dinucleating Azacryptand Hosts and Their Cation and Anion Cryptates. Sep, 1269–1272. Audette, V. M. See Cramer, C. J. Sep, 1202–1205. Augusto, C. R.; Seidl, P. R.; Magalhães, M. d. An Introductory Course in Industrial Chemistry for Freshmen. Feb, 218–222. Ault, A. The Acid–Base Chemistry of Nicotine: Extensions, Analogies, and a Generalization. April, 500–503. Ault, A. An Application of the Sugar–Potassium Chlorate Reaction. (Letter) Aug, 1020. Ault, A. The Bullvalene Story. The Conception of Bullvalene, a Molecule That Has No Permanent Structure. July, 924–927. Ault, A. How to Say How Much: Amounts and Stoichiometry. Oct, 1347–1349. Ault, A. Phototropic Reaction (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1386–1387). (Letter) Dec, 1596. Azcárate, A. A.; Herrera-Melián, J. A.; Doña-Rodríguez, J. M.; Rendón, E. T.; Soler Vila, A.; Brunet Quetglas, M.; Pascual Pariente, L. Solar Photocatalytic Destruction of p-Nitrophenol: A Pedagogical Use of Lab Wastes. (ST) June, 775–777.

Badger, S. M. II; Sanger, M. J. Using Computer-Based Visualization Strategies to Improve Students’ Understanding of Molecular Polarity and Miscibility. (CER) Oct, 1412–1416. Baker, G. A.; Betts, T. A.; Pandey, S. Fluorescence Polarization as a Tool to Pinpoint Vesicle Thermal Phase Transitions. Aug, 1100–1103. Baldwin, J. E.; Leber, P. A.; Lee, T. W. Kinetic Derivations for Thermal Isomerizations of Monodeuterio Cyclic 1,3-Dienes through 1,5-Hydrogen Shifts. Oct, 1394–1399. Balko, B. A.; Tratnyek, P. G. A Discovery-Based Experiment Illustrating How Iron Metal Is Used to Remediate Contaminated Groundwater. Dec, 1661– 1664. Barone, S.; Tran, T. H.; Bigger, S. W.; Kruger, T.; Orbell, J. D.; Buddhadasa, S. Identifying Deficiencies in the Environmental Chemistry Educational Literature. Dec, 1693–1695. Barreto, M. d.; Medeiros, L. L.; Furtado, P. C. Indirect Potentiometric Titration of Fe(III) with Ce(IV) by Gran’s Method. Jan, 91–92. Barry, L. A. News from Online: Criteria for an “Outstanding” High School Chemistr y Web Site. (ROJOnline) Feb, 154–155. Bartell, L. S. Apparent Paradoxes and Instructive Puzzles in Physical Chemistry. Aug, 1067–1069. Bartell, L. S. Stories to Make Thermodynamics and Related Subjects More Palatable. Aug, 1059–1067. Basheer, S.; Hugerat, M. Is Every Transparent Liquid Water? (CFK) Aug, 1041–1043. Baskin, J. S.; Zewail, A. H. Freezing Atoms in Motion: Principles of Femtochemistry and Demonstration by Laser Stroboscopy. June, 737–751. Basu, P. Use of EPR Spectroscopy in Elucidating Electronic Structures of Paramagnetic Transition Metal Complexes. (ACL) May, 666–669. Batista, A. A.; Queiroz, S. L.; de Araujo, M. P.; MacFarlane, K. S.; James, B. R. An Electrochemical Experiment to Monitor the Isomerization of trans- to cis-[RuCl2(dppb)(phen)]: An Undergraduate Cyclic Voltammetry Experiment for Inorganic Chemistry. Jan, 89–90. Batista, A. A.; Queiroz, S. L.; de Araujo, M. P.; MacFarlane, K. S.; James, B. R. Synthesis of [RuCl2(dppb)(PPh3)] and Identification of the cis- and trans-[RuCl2(dppb)(phen)] Geometrical Isomers via 31 1 P{ H} NMR Spectroscopy. An Undergraduate Experiment for Inorganic Chemistry. Jan, 87–89. Battino, R. Chemical Education Skits. (SSC) Sep, 1143. Battino, R.; Letcher, T. M. An Introduction to the Understanding of Solubility. Jan, 103–111. Battino, R.; Oughton, J.; Xu, S. The Purification of Water by Freeze–Thaw or Zone Melting. Oct, 1373– 1374. Battino, R.; Thomas, M. E.; Cleveland, A. A.; Dolson, D. A.; Hall, M. R. The Conductivity of Molten Materials. (CPR) Aug, 1052–1054. Battino, R.; Thomas, M. E.; Cleveland, A. A.; Dolson, D. A.; Hall, M. R. The Conductivity of Molten Materials (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 1052–1054). (Correction) Oct, 1333. Battino, R.; Wood, S. E. Explaining Entropy Pictorially. (Letter) March, 311–312. Battino, R.; Wood, S. E.; Williamson, A. G. On the Importance of Ideality. Oct, 1364–1368. Beall, H.; Riccardino, P. A. The Colligative Property of Walther Nernst. April, 511–512. Beauchamp, G. Dissolution Kinetics of Solids: Application with Spherical Candy. April, 523–524. Beebe, J. M. See Cramer, C. J. Sep, 1202–1205. Beers, K. L.; Matyjaszewski, K.; Woodworth, B. Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization in the Undergraduate Laboratories. 2. Using ATRP in Limited Amounts of Air to Prepare Block and Statistical Copolymers of n-Butyl Acrylate and Styrene. April, 547–550. Beers, K. L.; Woodworth, B.; Matyjaszewski, K. Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization in the Undergraduate Laboratories. 1. Using ATRP to Prepare Block and Statistical Copolymers of n-Butyl Acrylate and Styrene. April, 544–547. Begtrup, M. Small-Scale Filtration Using a Modified Plastic Syringe. (ML) April, 543. Bell, J. A. Visualizing the Photochemical Steady State with UV-Sensitive Beads (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 648A–648B). (Letter) Dec, 1594–1595.

*The Author Index lists each article by author, title, month, and page number. A key to the abbreviations is on page 1713.


Bemquerer, M. P.; Correia, L. C.; Bocewicz, A. C.; Esteves, S. d.; Pontes, M. G.; Versieux, L. M.; Teixeira, S. M.; Santoro, M. M. The Effect of Organic Solvents and Other Parameters on Trypsin-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Nα-Benzoyl-arginine-p-nitroanilide. A ProjectOriented Biochemical Experiment. Nov, 1535–1537. Bengali, A. A.; Samet, C.; Charlton, S. B. Determination of the Regiochemistry of Disubstituted Arenes Generated by Addition of a Carbanion to the (η6Anisole)Cr(CO)3 Complex. Jan, 68–70. Bennett, N. S.; Cornely, K. Thalidomide Makes a Comeback: A Case Discussion Exercise That Integrates Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry. (TPCS) June, 759– 761. Bentley, R. Hans Thacher Clarke (1887–1972): Chemist and Biochemist. Feb, 185–190. Benvenuto, M. A. Teaching Is Learning—Maximum Incentive, Minimum Discipline in Student Groups Teaching General Chemistry. Feb, 194–197. Bergman, R. G.; Alaimo, P. J.; Peters, D. W.; Arnold, J. Suggested Modifications to a Distillation-Free Solvent Purification System. Jan, 64. Bernazzani, M. P.; Paquin, F. Modular Spectrometers in the Undergraduate Chemistry Laboratory. June, 796– 798. Betts, T. A.; Baker, G. A.; Pandey, S. Fluorescence Polarization as a Tool to Pinpoint Vesicle Thermal Phase Transitions. Aug, 1100–1103. Bigger, S. W.; Hodgson, S. C.; Billingham, N. C. Studying Synthetic Polymers in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum. A Review of the Educational Literature. April, 555–556. Bigger, S. W.; Papadopoulos, N.; Limniou, M.; Koklamanis, G.; Tsarouxas, A.; Roilidis, M. Spec UVVis: An Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrophotometer Simulation. (JCE Software) Nov, 1560. Bigger, S. W.; Tran, T. H.; Kruger, T.; Orbell, J. D.; Buddhadasa, S.; Barone, S. Identifying Deficiencies in the Environmental Chemistry Educational Literature. Dec, 1693–1695. Biggins, J. B.; Ciaccio, J. A.; Bravo, R. P.; Drahus, A. L.; Concepcion, R. V.; Cabrera, D. Diastereoselective Synthesis of (+/–)-1,2-Diphenyl-1,2-propanediol. A Discovery-Based Grignard Reaction Suitable for a Large Organic Lab Course. April, 531–533. Billingham, N. C.; Hodgson, S. C.; Bigger, S. W. Studying Synthetic Polymers in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum. A Review of the Educational Literature. April, 555–556. Blaich, C. F.; Feller, S. E. Error Estimates for Fitted Parameters: Application to HCl/DCl Vibrational–Rotational Spectroscopy. March, 409–412. Blinder, S. M. Quantum Alchemy: Transmutation of Atomic Orbitals. March, 391–394. Bluestone, S. The Planck Radiation Law: Exercises Using the Cosmic Background Radiation Data. (RSA) Feb, 215–218. Bocewicz, A. C.; Correia, L. C.; Esteves, S. d.; Pontes, M. G.; Versieux, L. M.; Teixeira, S. M.; Santoro, M. M.; Bemquerer, M. P. The Effect of Organic Solvents and Other Parameters on Trypsin-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Nα-Benzoyl-arginine-p-nitroanilide. A ProjectOriented Biochemical Experiment. Nov, 1535–1537. Bodner, G. M.; Klobuchar, M.; Geelan, D. The Many Forms of Constructivism. (SYM) Aug, 1107. Boese, J. M.; Ryan, M.; Neuschatz, M. Two-Year College Chemistry Baseline Study. (2YC3) Oct, 1325. Bolton, E.; Richter, M. M. Chemiluminescence of Tris(2,2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II): A Glowing Experience. (TD) Jan, 47–48. Bolton, E.; Richter, M. M. Light Emission at Electrodes: An Electrochemiluminescence Demonstration. (TD) May, 641–643. Bondesen, B. A.; Schuh, M. D. Circular Dichroism of Globular Proteins. (ACL) Sep, 1244–1247. Bondeson, S. R.; Brummer, J. G.; Wright, S. M. The Data-Driven Classroom. (CCD) Jan, 56–57. Bonicamp, J. M.; Loflin, A.; Clark, R. W. The Measurement of Activity Coefficients in Concentrated Electrolyte Solutions. An Experiment for the Physical Chemistry Laboratory. Nov, 1541–1543. Boone, S. R.; McKay, S. E. An Early Emphasis on Symmetry and a Three-Dimensional Perspective in the Chemistry Curriculum. Nov, 1487–1490. Bose, R. N.; Al-Ajlouni, A. M.; Volckova, E. Linkage Isomerization by Two-Dimensional 31P Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: An Undergraduate Inorganic Laboratory Experiment. Jan, 83–87.

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 •

/Journal/Search/index.html Bowen, C. W.; Towns, M. H.; Hoffman, M. Z. ACS National Meeting: Chicago, August 25–30, 2001. Program for the Division of Chemical Education. Aug, 994. Brauer, C. S. See Cramer, C. J. Sep, 1202–1205. Bravo, R. P.; Ciaccio, J. A.; Drahus, A. L.; Biggins, J. B.; Concepcion, R. V.; Cabrera, D. Diastereoselective Synthesis of (+/–)-1,2-Diphenyl-1,2-propanediol. A Discovery-Based Grignard Reaction Suitable for a Large Organic Lab Course. April, 531–533. Breitzer, J.; Lisensky, G. C.; Condren, S. M.; Widstrand, C. G.; Ellis, A. B. LEDs Are Diodes. (JCE Activity) Dec, 1664A–1664B. Breslin, V. T.; Sañudo-Wilhelmy, S. A. The Lead Project. An Environmental Instrumental Analysis Case Study. Dec, 1647–1651. Bressette, A. R. From GC to the NMR: A Simple Semipreparative Gas Chromatography Collection Method Using NMR Tubes. (ML) March, 366–367. Bressette, A. R.; Breton, G. W. Using Writing to Enhance the Undergraduate Research Experience. (CCD) Dec, 1626–1627. Bressoud, D. M. What’s Been Happening to Undergraduate Mathematics. (Commentary) May, 578–581. Breton, G. W.; Bressette, A. R. Using Writing to Enhance the Undergraduate Research Experience. (CCD) Dec, 1626–1627. Bretz, S. L. Novak’s Theory of Education: Human Constructivism and Meaningful Learning. (SYM) Aug, 1107. Brincks, E. L.; Sanger, M. J.; Phelps, A. J.; Pak, M. S.; Lyovkin, A. N. A Comparison of Secondary Chemistry Courses and Chemistry Teacher Preparation Programs in Iowa and Saint Petersburg, Russia. Sep, 1275–1280. Brook, B.; Oliver-Hoyo, M.; Allen, D.; Solomon, S.; Ciraolo, J.; Daly, S.; Jackson, L. Qualitative Analysis of Fourteen White Solids and Two Mixtures Using Household Chemicals. Nov, 1475–1478. Brooks, D. W.; Zielinski, T. J.; Crippen, K. J.; March, J. L. Time and Teaching. (Commentary) June, 714– 715. Brown, P. Understanding Solubility through Excel Spreadsheets. (CBB) Feb, 268–270. Brummer, J. G.; Bondeson, S. R.; Wright, S. M. The Data-Driven Classroom. (CCD) Jan, 56–57. Brunet Quetglas, M.; Herrera-Melián, J. A.; DoñaRodríguez, J. M.; Rendón, E. T.; Soler Vila, A.; Azcárate, A. A.; Pascual Pariente, L. Solar Photocatalytic Destruction of p-Nitrophenol: A Pedagogical Use of Lab Wastes. (ST) June, 775–777. Bryce, D. L.; Wasylishen, R. E. Ab Initio Calculations of NMR Parameters for Diatomic Molecules. An Exercise in Computational Chemistry. Jan, 124–133. Buckley, P. T. Preparation of Buffers. An Experiment for Quantitative Analysis Laboratory. Oct, 1384. Buddhadasa, S.; Tran, T. H.; Bigger, S. W.; Kruger, T.; Orbell, J. D.; Barone, S. Identifying Deficiencies in the Environmental Chemistry Educational Literature. Dec, 1693–1695. Bunce, D. M. Does Piaget Still Have Anything to Say to Chemists? (SYM) Aug, 1107. Burdick, W. R. See Cramer, C. J. Sep, 1202–1205. Burger, J. S.; Crouch, R. D.; Holden, M. S. Oxidation of Benzoin to Benzil Using Alumina-Supported Active MnO2. (ML) July, 951–952. Butler, L. G.; Hall, R. W.; McGuire, S. Y.; McGlynn, S. P.; Lyon, G. L.; Reese, R. L.; Limbach, P. A. Automated, Web-Based, Second-Chance Homework. (TECH) Dec, 1704–1708. Byrd, S.; Hildreth, D. P. Learning the Functional Groups: Keys to Success. Oct, 1355–1357.

C Cabay, M. E.; Ettlie, B. J.; Tuite, A. J.; Welday, K. A.; Mohan, R. S. The Discovery-Oriented Approach to Organic Chemistry. 5. Stereochemistry of E2 Elimination: Elimination of cis- and trans-2-Methylcyclohexyl Tosylate. Jan, 79–80. Cabrera, D.; Ciaccio, J. A.; Bravo, R. P.; Drahus, A. L.; Biggins, J. B.; Concepcion, R. V. Diastereoselective Synthesis of (+/–)-1,2-Diphenyl-1,2-propanediol. A Discovery-Based Grignard Reaction Suitable for a Large Organic Lab Course. April, 531–533. Callam, C. S.; Lowary, T. L. Suzuki Cross-Coupling Reactions: Synthesis of Unsymmetrical Biaryls in the Organic Laboratory. July, 947–948. Callam, C. S.; Lowary, T. L. Synthesis of Methyl 2,3,5Tri-O-benzoyl-α-D-arabinofuranoside in the Organic Laboratory. Jan, 73–74.

Volume 78 • 2001 • Author Index Callam, C. S.; Lowary, T. L. Synthesis of Methyl 2,3,5Tri-O-benzoyl-α-D-arabinofuranoside in the Organic Laboratory (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 73–74). (Correction) March, 312. Campbell, D. J. An Alcohol Rocket Car—A Variation on the “Whoosh Bottle” Theme. (TD) July, 910–911. Campbell, D. J.; Freidinger, E. R.; Murphy, C. Solvent Swelling Demonstrations: Possible Extension to Other Types of Material (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 876– 878). (Letter) Feb, 165. Campbell, M. L.; Ohline, S. M.; Turnbull, M. T.; Kohler, S. J. Differential Scanning Calorimetric Study of Bilayer Membrane Phase Transitions. A Biophysical Chemistry Experiment. Sep, 1251–1256. Campos, I. P.; Rezende, D. d. On Chirality in Substituted Metallocenes Bearing Identical Substituents. Aug, 1130–1131. Cancilla, D. A. Integration of Environmental Analytical Chemistry with Environmental Law: The Development of a Problem-Based Laboratory. Dec, 1652– 1660. Cannon, G.; Heinhorst, S. Nature: “Green” Chemistry, Natural Antioxidants, and a DNA-Fuelled Machine. (ROJNature) Feb, 150–151. Cannon, J.; Li, D.; Wood, S. G.; Owen, N. L.; Gromova, A.; Lutsky, V. Investigation of Secondary Metabolites in Plants. A General Protocol for Undergraduate Research in Natural Products. Sep, 1234–1237. Carpi, A. Improvements in Undergraduate Science Education Using Web-Based Instructional Modules: The Natural Science Pages. (TECH) Dec, 1709–1712. Carroll, F. A.; Seeman, J. I. Placing Science into Its Human Context: Using Scientific Autobiography to Teach Chemistry. Dec, 1618–1622. Carroll, W. F. Jr. ACS Presidential Election: Education: A Core Value. Sep, 1160. Casiday, R. E.; Holten, D.; Krathen, R.; Frey, R. F. Blood-Chemistry Tutorials: Teaching Biological Applications of General Chemistry Material. (TECH) Sep, 1210–1215. Castriotta, K.; Mabrouk, P. A. Moisture Analysis in Lotion by Karl Fischer Coulometry. An Experiment for Introductory Analytical Chemistry. Oct, 1385–1386. Castro, M. J.; Ritacco, H.; Kovensky, J.; FernándezCirelli, A. A Simplified Method for the Determination of Critical Micelle Concentration. March, 347– 348. Catel, J.; Maheut, G.; Liao, L.; Jaffrès, P.; Villemin, D. Synthesis of Substituted Butenolides. An Undergraduate Organic Laboratory Experiment Utilizing Two 3Step Preparatory Sequences. May, 654–657. Centko, R. S.; Mohan, R. S. The Discovery-Oriented Approach to Organic Chemistry. 4. Epoxidation of pMethoxy-trans-␤-methylstyrene. An Exercise in 1H NMR and 13C NMR Spectroscopy for Sophomore Organic Laboratories. Jan, 77–79. Ceretti, H. M.; Hughes, E. A.; Zalts, A. Floating Plastics. An Initial Chemistry Laboratory Experience. April, 522. Chan, G. C.; Chan, W. Beer’s Law Measurements Using Non-monochromatic Light Sources—A Computer Simulation. (CBB) Sep, 1285–1288. Chan, W.; Chan, G. C. Beer’s Law Measurements Using Non-monochromatic Light Sources—A Computer Simulation. (CBB) Sep, 1285–1288. Chapman, K. J.; de Berg, K. C. Determination of the Magnetic Moments of Transition Metal Complexes Using Rare Earth Magnets. May, 670–673. Charlton, S. B.; Bengali, A. A.; Samet, C. Determination of the Regiochemistry of Disubstituted Arenes Generated by Addition of a Carbanion to the (η6Anisole)Cr(CO)3 Complex. Jan, 68–70. Chasteen, T. G. News from Online: Teaching with Chemical Instrumentation on the Web. (ROJOnline) Sep, 1144–1148. Chattaraj, P. K.; Maiti, B. Electronic Structure Principles and Atomic Shell Structure. June, 811–813. Chen, X.; Wong, G.; Mark, B.; Furch, T.; Singmaster, K. A.; Wagenknecht, P. S. Preparation and Use of a Room-Temperature Catalytic Converter. Dec, 1667– 1668. Cheng, N. L.; Lau, O.; Luk, S.; Woo, H. Determination of Free Lime in Clinker and Cement by Iodometry. An Undergraduate Experiment in Redox Titrimetry. Dec, 1671–1673. Cheung, M. C.; Sadik, O. A. Computer Simulation of Electronic Circuits Used in Chemical Instrumentation. (TICI) May, 658–662. Ciaccio, J. A.; Bravo, R. P.; Drahus, A. L.; Biggins, J. B.; Concepcion, R. V.; Cabrera, D. Diastereoselective Synthesis of (+/–)-1,2-Diphenyl-1,2-propanediol. A

Discovery-Based Grignard Reaction Suitable for a Large Organic Lab Course. April, 531–533. Cieniewicz, W.; Mills, P. A.; Sweeney, W. V. Experiencing and Visualizing the First Law of Thermodynamics: An In-Class Workshop. Oct, 1360–1361. Cifuentes, M. P.; McDonagh, A. M.; Deeble, G. J.; Hurst, S. R.; Humphrey, M. G. Ruthenium Vinylidene and Acetylide Complexes. An Advanced Undergraduate Multi-technique Inorganic/Organometallic Chemistry Experiment. Feb, 232–234. Ciolino, A. E.; Domini, C. E.; Pieroni, O. I.; Vuano, B. M. A Serendipitous Extension for Illustrating Newman Projections. Oct, 1359. Ciraolo, J.; Oliver-Hoyo, M.; Allen, D.; Solomon, S.; Brook, B.; Daly, S.; Jackson, L. Qualitative Analysis of Fourteen White Solids and Two Mixtures Using Household Chemicals. Nov, 1475–1478. Clark, G. J.; Riley, W. D. The Connection between Success in a Freshman Chemistry Class and a Student’s Jungian Personality Type. (CER) Oct, 1406–1411. Clark, R. W. Beer’s Law Revoked? (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 694). (Letter) Dec, 1595. Clark, R. W. The Physics Teacher: Faraday as a Lecturer. (ROJPhysTea) April, 449. Clark, R. W.; Bonicamp, J. M.; Loflin, A. The Measurement of Activity Coefficients in Concentrated Electrolyte Solutions. An Experiment for the Physical Chemistry Laboratory. Nov, 1541–1543. Cleveland, A. A.; Thomas, M. E.; Battino, R.; Dolson, D. A.; Hall, M. R. The Conductivity of Molten Materials. (CPR) Aug, 1052–1054. Cleveland, A. A.; Thomas, M. E.; Battino, R.; Dolson, D. A.; Hall, M. R. The Conductivity of Molten Materials (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 1052–1054). (Correction) Oct, 1333. Cochran, E. W. See Cramer, C. J. Sep, 1202–1205. Cocquyt, J.; Spanoghe, P.; Van der Meeren, P. A LowCost Dynamic Surface Tension Meter with a LabVIEW Interface and Its Usefulness in Understanding Foam Formation. (CBB) March, 338–342. Coetzee, J. F. The Annual James L. Waters Symposium at Pittcon (2000). (Waters) May, 601. Cohen, B. H.; Cohen, P. S. Exploring Chicago. Aug, 1006–1009. Cohen, B. H.; Cohen, P. S. Exploring San Diego. March, 301–305. Cohen, P. S.; Cohen, B. H. Exploring Chicago. Aug, 1006–1009. Cohen, P. S.; Cohen, B. H. Exploring San Diego. March, 301–305. Coldiron, S. J.; Wong, S.; Popovich, N. D. A Simple Computer-Interfaced Calorimeter: Application to the Determination of the Heat of Formation of Magnesium Oxide. June, 798. Cole, J. R.; Pike, R. D.; Graham, P. M.; Guy, K. A.; Johnson, T. J.; Stamps, S. M.; Klemmer, L. E. Network Complexes of Copper(I) Halides. Nov, 1522– 1524. Coleman, W. F. JCE WebWare Mission Statement. (JCE WebWare) Feb, 272. Collard, D. M.; Jones, A. G.; Kriegel, R. M. Synthesis and Spectroscopic Analysis of a Cyclic Acetal: A Dehydration Performed in Aqueous Solution. Jan, 70– 72. Collins, M. J. Demonstrating Chirality: Using a Mirror with Physical Models to Show Non-superimposability of Chiral Molecules with Their Mirror Images. (TD) Nov, 1484–1485. Colodner, D.; Fine, L. W.; Harris, W.; Venkataraman, B. Biosphere 2: A Place for Integrative Studies in Chemical Research and Chemical Education in Defense of Planet Earth. Feb, 144–148. Colosimo, C.; Fuhry, M. A.; Gianneschi, K. A Microscale Birch Reduction for the Advanced Organic Chemistry Laboratory. (ML) July, 949–950. Colyer, C. L.; Welder, F. Using Capillary Electrophoresis to Determine the Purity of Acetylsalicylic Acid Synthesized in the Undergraduate Laboratory. Nov, 1525– 1527. Concepcion, R. V.; Ciaccio, J. A.; Bravo, R. P.; Drahus, A. L.; Biggins, J. B.; Cabrera, D. Diastereoselective Synthesis of (+/–)-1,2-Diphenyl-1,2-propanediol. A Discovery-Based Grignard Reaction Suitable for a Large Organic Lab Course. April, 531–533. Condon, F. E.; Condon, F. E. Jr. The Floating Needle. March, 334–337. Condon, F. E. Jr.; Condon, F. E. The Floating Needle. March, 334–337. Condren, S. M.; Lisensky, G. C.; Ellis, A. B.; Nordell, K. J.; Kuech, T. F.; Stockman, S. A. LEDs: New Lamps for Old and a Paradigm for Ongoing Curriculum • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 • Journal of Chemical Education


Author Index • Volume 78 • 2001 Modernization. Aug, 1033–1040. Condren, S. M.; Lisensky, G. C.; Widstrand, C. G.; Breitzer, J.; Ellis, A. B. LEDs Are Diodes. (JCE Activity) Dec, 1664A–1664B. Cooper, M. M.; Elzerman, A. W.; Lee, C. M. Teaching Chemistry in the New Century: Environmental Chemistry. Sep, 1169. Copper, C. L.; Koubek, E. Analysis of an Oxygen Bleach: A Redox Titration Lab. May, 652. Coppola, B. P.; Kovac, J. D.; Pagni, R. M.; Harris, H. H. Summer Reading. June, 706–713. Cornelius, R. D. The Spectrophotometric Analysis and Modeling of Sunscreens (re J. Chem. Educ. 1997, 74, 99–102). (Letter) April, 453. Cornely, K.; Bennett, N. S. Thalidomide Makes a Comeback: A Case Discussion Exercise That Integrates Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry. (TPCS) June, 759– 761. Cornely, K.; Moss, D. B. Determination of the Universal Gas Constant, R. A Discovery Laboratory. (CPR) Sep, 1260–1262. Correia, L. C.; Bocewicz, A. C.; Esteves, S. d.; Pontes, M. G.; Versieux, L. M.; Teixeira, S. M.; Santoro, M. M.; Bemquerer, M. P. The Effect of Organic Solvents and Other Parameters on Trypsin-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Nα-Benzoyl-arginine-p-nitroanilide. A ProjectOriented Biochemical Experiment. Nov, 1535–1537. Cortel, A. Fast Ionic Migration of Copper Chromate. (TD) Feb, 207–208. Cortés-Figueroa, J. E.; Moore, D. A. Hands-On Discovery of Mirror Planes. Jan, 49. Cox, J. R.; Peterson, R. R. Integrating Computational Chemistry into a Project-Oriented Biochemistry Laboratory Experience: A New Twist on the Lysozyme Experiment. (CBB) Nov, 1551–1555. Craig, N. C. Chemistry Report: MAA-CUPM Curriculum Foundations Workshop in Biology and Chemistry. Macalester College, November 2–5, 2000. (Commentary) May, 582–586. Craig, N. C.; Thompson, R. Q. Unified Electroanalytical Chemistry: Application of the Concept of Electrochemical Equilibrium. July, 928–933. Craig, V. S.; Jones, A. C.; Senden, T. J. Contact Angles of Aqueous Solutions on Copper Surfaces Bearing Self-Assembled Monolayers. March, 345–346. Cramer, C. J.; Kormos, B. L.; Winget, P.; Audette, V. M.; Beebe, J. M.; Brauer, C. S.; Burdick, W. R.; Cochran, E. W.; Eklov, B. L.; Giese, T. J.; Jun, Y.; Kesavan, L. S.; Kinsinger, C. R.; Minyaev, M. E.; Rajamani, R.; Salsbury, J. S.; Stubbs, J. M.; Surek, J. T.; Thompson, J. D.; Voelz, V. A.; Wick, C. D.; Zhang, L. A Cooperative Molecular Modeling Exercise—The Hypersurface as Classroom. (MMEE) Sep, 1202–1205. Craven, S. Teaching Chemistry in the Block Schedule. (VIEW) April, 488–490. Cresswell, S. L.; Haswell, S. J. Microwave Ovens—Out of the Kitchen. (POC) July, 900–904. Crippen, K. J.; Zielinski, T. J.; Brooks, D. W.; March, J. L. Time and Teaching. (Commentary) June, 714– 715. Crouch, R. D.; Holden, M. S. The Biginelli Reaction. (ML) Aug, 1104–1105. Crouch, R. D.; Holden, M. S.; Burger, J. S. Oxidation of Benzoin to Benzil Using Alumina-Supported Active MnO2. (ML) July, 951–952. Crugeiras, J.; Leis, J. R.; Rios, A. Micellar Effects on the Spontaneous Hydrolysis of Phenyl Chloroformate. A Kinetic Experiment for the Physical Chemistry Laboratory. Nov, 1538–1540. Crundwell, G.; Pevac, S. Pólya’s Isomer Enumeration Method: A Unique Exercise in Group Theory and Combinatorial Analysis for Undergraduates (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1358–1360). (Correction) Aug, 1021.

D da Queija, C.; Queirós, M. A.; Rodrigues, L. L. Determination of Flavonoids in Wine by High Performance Liquid Chromatography. Feb, 236–237. Daly, S.; Oliver-Hoyo, M.; Allen, D.; Solomon, S.; Brook, B.; Ciraolo, J.; Jackson, L. Qualitative Analysis of Fourteen White Solids and Two Mixtures Using Household Chemicals. Nov, 1475–1478. David, C. W. Correlation in Simple Systems. May, 682– 683. Davidowitz, B.; Lubben, F.; Rollnick, M. Undergraduate Science and Engineering Students’ Understanding of the Reliability of Chemical Data. (CER) Feb, 247– 252.


JCE Online Index:

Davies, G.; Ghabbour, E. A.; Steelink, C. Humic Acids: Marvelous Products of Soil Chemistry. (POC) Dec, 1609–1614. Davis, B.; Ogren, P. J.; Guy, N. Curve Fitting, Confidence Intervals and Envelopes, Correlations, and Monte Carlo Visualizations for Multilinear Problems in Chemistry: A General Spreadsheet Approach. (CBB) June, 827–836. Davis, C. M.; Klein, M. F. Synthesis and Reactivity of the Metallaborane Complex [Mo(CO)4B3H8]– and the Formation of Mo(CO)4(dppe). July, 952–953. de Araujo, M. P.; Queiroz, S. L.; Batista, A. A.; MacFarlane, K. S.; James, B. R. An Electrochemical Experiment to Monitor the Isomerization of trans- to cis-[RuCl2(dppb)(phen)]: An Undergraduate Cyclic Voltammetry Experiment for Inorganic Chemistry. Jan, 89–90. de Araujo, M. P.; Queiroz, S. L.; Batista, A. A.; MacFarlane, K. S.; James, B. R. Synthesis of [RuCl2(dppb)(PPh3)] and Identification of the cis- and trans-[RuCl2(dppb)(phen)] Geometrical Isomers via 31P{ 1H} NMR Spectroscopy. An Undergraduate Experiment for Inorganic Chemistry. Jan, 87–89. de Berg, K. C.; Chapman, K. J. Determination of the Magnetic Moments of Transition Metal Complexes Using Rare Earth Magnets. May, 670–673. de Vos, W.; Kesner, M. Teaching about Flame Retardants. A Joint Israeli–Dutch Project. Jan, 41–45. de Vos, W.; Pilot, A. Acids and Bases in Layers: The Stratal Structure of an Ancient Topic. April, 494–499. Deavor, J. P. Who Wants to Be a (Chemical) Millionaire? April, 467. Deeble, G. J.; McDonagh, A. M.; Hurst, S. R.; Cifuentes, M. P.; Humphrey, M. G. Ruthenium Vinylidene and Acetylide Complexes. An Advanced Undergraduate Multi-technique Inorganic/Organometallic Chemistry Experiment. Feb, 232–234. Delegido, J.; Dolz, M.; Hernández, M.; Pellicer, J. An Inexpensive and Accurate Tensiometer Using an Electronic Balance. Sep, 1257–1259. DeLorenzo, R. From Chicken Breath to the Killers Lake of Cameroon: Uniting Seven Interesting Phenomena with a Single Chemical Underpinning. Feb, 191–194. DeLorenzo, R. Presidential Elections and Significant Digits. (Letter) March, 311. DeMeo, S. Beyond Density: An Inquiry-Based Activity Involving Students Searching for Relationships. Feb, 201–203. DeMeo, S. Making Assumptions Explicit: How the Law of Conservation of Matter Can Explain Empirical Formula Problems. (CPR) Aug, 1050–1052. DeMeo, S. Teaching Chemical Technique. A Review of the Literature. March, 373–379. DeMott, J. M. Jr.; Kelley, C. J. An Alternative One-Step Procedure for the Conversion of Piperonal to Piperonylnitrile. (ML) June, 780. Denio, A. A. The Joy of Color in Ceramic Glazes with the Help of Redox Chemistry. (NCW) Oct, 1298– 1304. Denyer, G. S.; Loke, J. P.; Hancock, D.; Johnston, J. M.; Dimauro, J. Teaching Experimental Design Using an Exercise in Protein Fractionation. Nov, 1528–1532. Dimauro, J.; Loke, J. P.; Hancock, D.; Johnston, J. M.; Denyer, G. S. Teaching Experimental Design Using an Exercise in Protein Fractionation. Nov, 1528–1532. Diogo, H. P.; Romão, C. C. An Efficient and Inexpensive Apparatus for Hot Filtration. (CET) Jan, 65. Djerassi, C.; Hoffmann, R. Oxygen. March, 283–284. Dolson, D. A.; Thomas, M. E.; Cleveland, A. A.; Battino, R.; Hall, M. R. The Conductivity of Molten Materials. (CPR) Aug, 1052–1054. Dolson, D. A.; Thomas, M. E.; Cleveland, A. A.; Battino, R.; Hall, M. R. The Conductivity of Molten Materials (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 1052–1054). (Correction) Oct, 1333. Dolz, M.; Delegido, J.; Hernández, M.; Pellicer, J. An Inexpensive and Accurate Tensiometer Using an Electronic Balance. Sep, 1257–1259. Domini, C. E.; Ciolino, A. E.; Pieroni, O. I.; Vuano, B. M. A Serendipitous Extension for Illustrating Newman Projections. Oct, 1359. Doña-Rodríguez, J. M.; Herrera-Melián, J. A.; Rendón, E. T.; Soler Vila, A.; Brunet Quetglas, M.; Azcárate, A. A.; Pascual Pariente, L. Solar Photocatalytic Destruction of p-Nitrophenol: A Pedagogical Use of Lab Wastes. (ST) June, 775–777. Donovan, W. J.; Nakhleh, M. B. Students’ Use of WebBased Tutorial Materials and Their Understanding of Chemistry Concepts. (CER) July, 975–980. Dorhout, P. K. Teaching Chemistry in the New Century: Inorganic Chemistry. Sep, 1171.

Dorozhkin, S. V. Systems of Chemical Equations as Reasonable Reaction Mechanisms. July, 917–920. Downum, K.; Reyes, J.; Morton, M.; Hoffman, G. G.; O’Shea, K. E. Isolation and Spectral Analysis of Naturally Occurring Thiarubrine A. June, 781–783. Dragojlovic, V. A Method for Drawing the Cyclohexane Ring and Its Substituents. July, 923. Drahus, A. L.; Ciaccio, J. A.; Bravo, R. P.; Biggins, J. B.; Concepcion, R. V.; Cabrera, D. Diastereoselective Synthesis of (+/–)-1,2-Diphenyl-1,2-propanediol. A Discovery-Based Grignard Reaction Suitable for a Large Organic Lab Course. April, 531–533. Durham, B.; Sadoski, R. C.; Shipp, D. Metal Complexes of Trifluoropentanedione. An Experiment for the General Chemistry Laboratory. (ACL) May, 665–666. Durick, M. A. The Study of Chemistry by Guided Inquiry Method Using Microcomputer-Based Laboratories. (NSF) May, 574–575. Dybowski, C. R. A Course in the History of Physical Chemistry with an Emphasis on Writing. Dec, 1623– 1625.

E Edmiston, M. D. A Liquid Prism for Refractive Index Studies. (TD) Nov, 1479–1480. Eklov, B. L. See Cramer, C. J. Sep, 1202–1205. Elian, O.; Henderleiter, J.; Smart, R.; Anderson, J. How Do Organic Chemistry Students Understand and Apply Hydrogen Bonding? (CER) Aug, 1126–1130. Ellervik, U.; Pontén, F. Safe and Efficient Flash Chromatography Equipment for the Research/Teaching Lab. (CET) March, 363. Ellis, A. B.; Condren, S. M.; Lisensky, G. C.; Nordell, K. J.; Kuech, T. F.; Stockman, S. A. LEDs: New Lamps for Old and a Paradigm for Ongoing Curriculum Modernization. Aug, 1033–1040. Ellis, A. B.; Lisensky, G. C.; Condren, S. M.; Widstrand, C. G.; Breitzer, J. LEDs Are Diodes. (JCE Activity) Dec, 1664A–1664B. Ellis, A. B.; Widstrand, C. G.; Nordell, K. J. Designing and Reporting Experiments in Chemistry Classes Using Examples from Materials Science: Illustrations of the Process and Communication of Scientific Research. Aug, 1044–1046. Elzerman, A. W.; Cooper, M. M.; Lee, C. M. Teaching Chemistry in the New Century: Environmental Chemistry. Sep, 1169. Esperdy, K.; Vallarino, L. M.; Polo, D. L. Development of a Research-Oriented Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory Course. (ACL) Feb, 228–231. Estelrich, J.; Sabaté, R.; Freire, L. Influence of Dielectric Constant on the Spectral Behavior of Pinacyanol. A Spectrophotometric Experiment for Physical Chemistry. Feb, 243–244. Esteves, S. d.; Correia, L. C.; Bocewicz, A. C.; Pontes, M. G.; Versieux, L. M.; Teixeira, S. M.; Santoro, M. M.; Bemquerer, M. P. The Effect of Organic Solvents and Other Parameters on Trypsin-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Nα-Benzoyl-arginine-p-nitroanilide. A ProjectOriented Biochemical Experiment. Nov, 1535–1537. Ettlie, B. J.; Cabay, M. E.; Tuite, A. J.; Welday, K. A.; Mohan, R. S. The Discovery-Oriented Approach to Organic Chemistry. 5. Stereochemistry of E2 Elimination: Elimination of cis- and trans-2Methylcyclohexyl Tosylate. Jan, 79–80. Everson, B.; Nash, J. J.; Meyer, J. A. What Factors Affect the Separation of Substances Using Thin-Layer Chromatography? An Undergraduate Experiment. March, 364–365.

F Fahlman, B. D. Superconductor Synthesis — An Improvement. (Letter) Sep, 1182. Fam, B. C.; Merlic, C. A.; Miller, M. M. WebSpectra: Online NMR and IR Spectra for Students. Jan, 118– 120. Fan, R.; Garizi, N.; Macias, A.; Furch, T.; Wagenknecht, P. S.; Singmaster, K. A. Cigarette Smoke Analysis Using an Inexpensive Gas-Phase IR Cell. Dec, 1665–1666. Fehringer, E. M.; Waldron, K. A.; Streeb, A. E.; Trosky, J. E.; Pearson, J. J. Screening Percentages Based on Slater Effective Nuclear Charge as a Versatile Tool for Teaching Periodic Trends. May, 635–639. Feinman, R. D. Ethanol Metabolism and the Transition from Organic Chemistry to Biochemistry. (CIB) Sep, 1215–1220. Feist, P. L. Sampling Technique for Organic Solids in IR Spectroscopy: Thin Solid Films as the Method of Choice in Teaching Laboratories. March, 351–352.

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 •

/Journal/Search/index.html Feliu, A. L. Thermite Welding Gets High School Chemistry Class on Track. Jan, 15–16. Feller, S. E.; Blaich, C. F. Error Estimates for Fitted Parameters: Application to HCl/DCl Vibrational–Rotational Spectroscopy. March, 409–412. Fellows, C. M.; Gilbert, R. G.; McDonald, J.; Prescott, S. W. An Introduction to the Scientific Process: Preparation of Poly(vinyl acetate) Glue. Oct, 1370–1372. Fermann, J. T.; Grosso, R. P. Jr.; Vining, W. J. An InDepth Look at the Madelung Constant for Cubic Crystal Systems. Sep, 1198–1202. Fernández, J.; Pellicer, J.; Manzanares, J. A.; Zúñiga, J.; Utrillas, P. Thermodynamics of Rubber Elasticity. Feb, 263–267. Fernández-Cirelli, A.; Castro, M. J.; Ritacco, H.; Kovensky, J. A Simplified Method for the Determination of Critical Micelle Concentration. March, 347– 348. Fernando, Q.; Inoue, M. Effect of Dissolved CO2 on Gran Plots. Aug, 1132–1135. Fine, L. W.; Colodner, D.; Harris, W.; Venkataraman, B. Biosphere 2: A Place for Integrative Studies in Chemical Research and Chemical Education in Defense of Planet Earth. Feb, 144–148. Fischer, W. A Second Note on the Term “Chalcogen” (re J. Chem. Educ. 1997, 74, 1063). (Letter) Oct, 1333. Fisher, M. A. Teaching Chemistry in the New Century: Biochemistry. Sep, 1168. Fisher, T. L.; Gilman, C. P. A Preparative TLC Applicator. (CET) March, 367. Fisher, T. L.; Reingold, I. D.; Fitzsimmons, T. L. ThinLayer Electrophoresis. Sep, 1241–1243. Fitzsimmons, T. L.; Fisher, T. L.; Reingold, I. D. ThinLayer Electrophoresis. Sep, 1241–1243. Flamm, S. J.; Richter-Egger, D. L.; Tesfai, A.; Tucker, S. A. Synthesis and Analysis of a Solvatochromic Dye, 1-(p-Dimethylaminophenyl)-2-nitroethylene. An Advanced Undergraduate Laboratory Experiment. Oct, 1375–1378. Fleming, F. F.; Iyer, P. S. Flood Prevention by Recirculating Condenser Cooling Water. (CET) July, 946. Fleming, P. E. A Quantum Mechanical Game of Craps: Teaching the Superposition Principle Using a Familiar Classical Analog to a Quantum Mechanical System. Jan, 57–60. Fluxe, A.; Norris, P. Preparation of a D-Glucose-Derived Alkene. An E2 Reaction for the Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Laboratory. Dec, 1676–1678. Folino, D. A. Stories and Anecdotes in the Chemistry Classroom. Dec, 1615–1618. Forbes, E. R.; Mayer, S. G.; Gach, J. M.; Reid, P. J. Exploring Phase Diagrams Using Supercritical Fluids. An Undergraduate Physical Chemistry Laboratory. Feb, 241–242. Forja, J. M.; Ortega, T.; Gómez-Parra, A. Teaching Estuarine Chemical Processes by Laboratory Simulation. June, 771–775. Fort, R. C. Jr.; Jensen, B. L. Molecular Mechanics and Variable-Temperature 1H NMR Studies on N,N-Diethyl-m-toluamide. An Undergraduate NMR and Molecular Modeling Experiment. April, 538–540. Fountain, A. W. III. Exploring Digital Signals and Noise in Instrumental Analysis. (MCAD) Feb, 271. Francis, T. A.; Miles, D. G. Jr. A Graphical Approach to the Angular Momentum Schrödinger Equation. (CBB) March, 405–408. Francisco, J. S.; Nicoll, G. An Investigation of the Factors Influencing Student Performance in Physical Chemistry. (CER) Jan, 99–102. Francisco, J. S.; Nicoll, G.; Nakhleh, M. B. An Investigation of the Value of Using Concept Maps in General Chemistry. (CER) Aug, 1111–1117. Frankel, F. Communicating Science through Photography. (NCW) Oct, 1312–1314. Freeze, S.; Norris, P.; Gabriel, C. J. Synthesis of a Partially Protected Azidodeoxy Sugar. A Project Suitable for the Advanced Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Laboratory. Jan, 75–76. Freidinger, E. R.; Campbell, D. J.; Murphy, C. Solvent Swelling Demonstrations: Possible Extension to Other Types of Material (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 876– 878). (Letter) Feb, 165. Freire, L.; Sabaté, R.; Estelrich, J. Influence of Dielectric Constant on the Spectral Behavior of Pinacyanol. A Spectrophotometric Experiment for Physical Chemistry. Feb, 243–244. Frey, R. F.; Casiday, R. E.; Holten, D.; Krathen, R. Blood-Chemistry Tutorials: Teaching Biological Applications of General Chemistry Material. (TECH) Sep, 1210–1215.

Volume 78 • 2001 • Author Index Friess, S. D.; Gallus, J.; Lin, Q.; Zumbühl, A.; Hartmann, R.; Meister, E. C. Binary Solid–Liquid Phase Diagrams of Selected Organic Compounds. A Complete Listing of 15 Binary Phase Diagrams. July, 961–964. Fuhry, M. A.; Colosimo, C.; Gianneschi, K. A Microscale Birch Reduction for the Advanced Organic Chemistry Laboratory. (ML) July, 949–950. Fujishige, S.; Takizawa, S.; Tsuzuki, K. A Simple Preparative Method to Evaluate Total UV Protection by Commercial Sunscreens. Dec, 1678–1679. Furch, T.; Garizi, N.; Macias, A.; Fan, R.; Wagenknecht, P. S.; Singmaster, K. A. Cigarette Smoke Analysis Using an Inexpensive Gas-Phase IR Cell. Dec, 1665– 1666. Furch, T.; Wong, G.; Mark, B.; Chen, X.; Singmaster, K. A.; Wagenknecht, P. S. Preparation and Use of a Room-Temperature Catalytic Converter. Dec, 1667– 1668. Furtado, P. C.; Barreto, M. d.; Medeiros, L. L. Indirect Potentiometric Titration of Fe(III) with Ce(IV) by Gran’s Method. Jan, 91–92.

G Gabriel, C. J.; Norris, P.; Freeze, S. Synthesis of a Partially Protected Azidodeoxy Sugar. A Project Suitable for the Advanced Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Laboratory. Jan, 75–76. Gach, J. M.; Mayer, S. G.; Forbes, E. R.; Reid, P. J. Exploring Phase Diagrams Using Supercritical Fluids. An Undergraduate Physical Chemistry Laboratory. Feb, 241–242. Gaede, H. C.; Stark, R. E. NMR of a Phospholipid. Modules for Advanced Laboratory Courses. (ACL) Sep, 1248–1250. Galán, M.; Mozo, J. D.; Roldán, E. Application of Light Emitting Diodes to Chemical Analysis: Determination of Copper in Water. (CET) March, 355–357. Gallego, M. G.; Romano, S.; Sierra, M. A.; Nieto, E. A More Realistic Teaching Style in Spectroscopic Instruction. June, 765–769. Gallego, M. G.; Romano, S.; Sierra, M. A.; Nieto, E. A More Realistic Teaching Style in Spectroscopic Instruction (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 765–769). (Correction) Sep, 1183. Gallus, J.; Lin, Q.; Zumbühl, A.; Friess, S. D.; Hartmann, R.; Meister, E. C. Binary Solid–Liquid Phase Diagrams of Selected Organic Compounds. A Complete Listing of 15 Binary Phase Diagrams. July, 961–964. Gamage, C. P.; Keiter, R. L. Combustion of White Phosphorus. (TD) July, 908–910. Gammon, S. D.; Hutchison, S. G. Using the Internet to Individualize Laboratory Questions. (TECH) March, 412–413. García, E.; Neder, A. d.; Viana, L. N. The Use of an Inexpensive Laser Pointer to Perform Qualitative and Semiquantitative Laser Refractometry. (TD) Nov, 1481–1483. Garizi, N.; Macias, A.; Furch, T.; Fan, R.; Wagenknecht, P. S.; Singmaster, K. A. Cigarette Smoke Analysis Using an Inexpensive Gas-Phase IR Cell. Dec, 1665– 1666. Garribba, E.; Micera, G.; Panzanelli, A.; Strinna-Erre, L.; Stara, G. Distinguishing Calcium Carbonate from Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate by Instrumental Methods. A Set of Laboratory Experiments for Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy. Aug, 1090–1092. Geelan, D.; Bodner, G. M.; Klobuchar, M. The Many Forms of Constructivism. (SYM) Aug, 1107. Gelato, K. A.; Miles, W. H.; Pompizzi, K. M.; Scarbinsky, A. M.; Albrecht, B. K.; Reynolds, E. R. An Indexed Combinatorial Library: The Synthesis and Testing of Insect Repellents. April, 540–542. Gettys, N. S. Pigments of Your Imagination: Making Artist’s Paints. (JCE Activity) Oct, 1320A–1320B. Gettys, N. S.; Holmes, J. L. Prospectus 2001. Jan, 135– 136. Ghabbour, E. A.; Davies, G.; Steelink, C. Humic Acids: Marvelous Products of Soil Chemistry. (POC) Dec, 1609–1614. Gianneschi, K.; Fuhry, M. A.; Colosimo, C. A Microscale Birch Reduction for the Advanced Organic Chemistry Laboratory. (ML) July, 949–950. Giese, T. J. See Cramer, C. J. Sep, 1202–1205. Gil, V. M. The Energy Profile for Rotation about the C-C Bond in Substituted Ethanes (re J. Chem. Educ. 1998, 75, 900–906). (Letter) Jan, 32. Gil, V. M. Hybridization and Structural Properties (re

J. Chem. Educ. 1998, 75, 888–890). (Letter) Jan, 31. Gil, V. M.; Paiva, J. C. The State of Division of Solids and Chemical Equilibria. Feb, 222–223. Gilbert, B. D.; Goodwin, J. A. Cafeteria-Style Grading in General Chemistry. April, 490–493. Gilbert, R. G.; Fellows, C. M.; McDonald, J.; Prescott, S. W. An Introduction to the Scientific Process: Preparation of Poly(vinyl acetate) Glue. Oct, 1370–1372. Gillespie, R. J. Electron Densities, Atomic Charges, and Ionic, Covalent, and Polar Bonds. Dec, 1688–1691. Gillooly, L.; Jarret, R. M.; New, J.; Hurley, R. Looking beyond the endo Rule in a Diels–Alder Discovery Lab. Sep, 1262–1263. Gilman, C. P.; Fisher, T. L. A Preparative TLC Applicator. (CET) March, 367. Giunta, C. J. Using History to Teach Scientific Method: The Role of Errors. May, 623–627. Glazar, S. A.; Krnel, D. “Experiment with a Candle” without a Candle. July, 914. Glendening, E. D.; Kansanaho, J. M. Spektri-Sim: Interactive Simulation and Analysis of the Infrared Spectra of Diatomic Molecules. June, 824–826. Gómez-Cambronero, J. The Oxygen Dissociation Curve of Hemoglobin: Bridging the Gap between Biochemistry and Physiology. (AA) June, 757–759. Gómez-Parra, A.; Ortega, T.; Forja, J. M. Teaching Estuarine Chemical Processes by Laboratory Simulation. June, 771–775. Gonzalez, A. C.; Olson, T. M.; Vasquez, V. R. Gas Chromatography Analyses for Trihalomethanes: An Experiment Illustrating Important Sources of Disinfection By-Products in Water Treatment. Sep, 1231–1234. Gooch, E. E. Moving Past Markovnikov’s Rule. Oct, 1358–1359. Gooding, J. J.; Yang, W.; Situmorang, M. Bioanalytical Experiments for the Undergraduate Laboratory: Monitoring Glucose in Sports Drinks. June, 788–790. Goodisman, J. Observations on Lemon Cells. April, 516–518. Goodwin, A. Are Fizzing Drinks Boiling? A Chemical Insight from Chemical Education Research. March, 385–387. Goodwin, J. A.; Gilbert, B. D. Cafeteria-Style Grading in General Chemistry. April, 490–493. Gopalan, R.; Nagajyothi, K.; Raghavan, P. S. SurfactantInduced Osazone Formation at Room Temperature. (Letter) June, 728. Gordon, J. S.; Harman, S.; Weiss, K.; Pettegrew, B. A Microscale Spectrophotometric Determination of Water Hardness. (ML) Aug, 1089–1090. Gordon, N. R.; Newton, T. A.; Rhodes, G.; Ricci, J. S.; Stebbins, R. G.; Tracy, H. J. Writing and Computing across the USM Chemistry Curriculum. Jan, 53–55. Graham, P. M.; Pike, R. D.; Guy, K. A.; Johnson, T. J.; Cole, J. R.; Stamps, S. M.; Klemmer, L. E. Network Complexes of Copper(I) Halides. Nov, 1522–1524. Greenbowe, T. J.; Legg, M. J.; Legg, J. C. Analysis of Success in General Chemistry Based on Diagnostic Testing Using Logistic Regression. (CER) Aug, 1117– 1121. Greenbowe, T. J.; Rudd, J. A. II; Hand, B. M.; Legg, M. J. Using the Science Writing Heuristic to Move toward an Inquiry-Based Laboratory Curriculum: An Example from Physical Equilibrium. (CER) Dec, 1680–1686. Gromova, A.; Cannon, J.; Li, D.; Wood, S. G.; Owen, N. L.; Lutsky, V. Investigation of Secondary Metabolites in Plants. A General Protocol for Undergraduate Research in Natural Products. Sep, 1234–1237. Grosso, R. P. Jr.; Fermann, J. T.; Vining, W. J. An InDepth Look at the Madelung Constant for Cubic Crystal Systems. Sep, 1198–1202. Grubbs, W. T. Variational Methods Applied to the Particle in a Box. (MCAD) Nov, 1557. Gutiérrez, J. A. A Useful System for Microscale and Semi-microscale Fractional Distillation of Air-Sensitive Substances with High Boiling Points. (ML) May, 653. Gutwill-Wise, J. P. The Impact of Active and ContextBased Learning in Introductory Chemistry Courses: An Early Evaluation of the Modular Approach. (CER) May, 684–690. Guy, K. A.; Pike, R. D.; Graham, P. M.; Johnson, T. J.; Cole, J. R.; Stamps, S. M.; Klemmer, L. E. Network Complexes of Copper(I) Halides. Nov, 1522–1524. Guy, N.; Ogren, P. J.; Davis, B. Curve Fitting, Confidence Intervals and Envelopes, Correlations, and Monte Carlo Visualizations for Multilinear Problems in Chemistry: A General Spreadsheet Approach. (CBB) June, 827–836. • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 • Journal of Chemical Education


Author Index • Volume 78 • 2001 H 1

Habata, Y.; Akabori, S. Teaching H NMR Spectroscopy Using Computer Modeling. (TECH) Jan, 121–123. Haddy, A. Using a Molecular Modeling Program to Calculate Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Hyperfine Couplings in Semiquinone Anion Radicals. (MMEE) Sep, 1206–1208. Hall, M. R.; Thomas, M. E.; Cleveland, A. A.; Battino, R.; Dolson, D. A. The Conductivity of Molten Materials. (CPR) Aug, 1052–1054. Hall, M. R.; Thomas, M. E.; Cleveland, A. A.; Battino, R.; Dolson, D. A. The Conductivity of Molten Materials (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 1052–1054). (Correction) Oct, 1333. Hall, R. W.; Butler, L. G.; McGuire, S. Y.; McGlynn, S. P.; Lyon, G. L.; Reese, R. L.; Limbach, P. A. Automated, Web-Based, Second-Chance Homework. (TECH) Dec, 1704–1708. Hancock, D.; Loke, J. P.; Johnston, J. M.; Dimauro, J.; Denyer, G. S. Teaching Experimental Design Using an Exercise in Protein Fractionation. Nov, 1528–1532. Hand, B. M.; Rudd, J. A. II; Greenbowe, T. J.; Legg, M. J. Using the Science Writing Heuristic to Move toward an Inquiry-Based Laboratory Curriculum: An Example from Physical Equilibrium. (CER) Dec, 1680–1686. Hanson, D. M.; Wolfskill, T. LUCID: A New Model for Computer-Assisted Learning. (TECH) Oct, 1417– 1424. Hanson, J. Synthesis and Use of Jacobsen’s Catalyst: Enantioselective Epoxidation in the Introductory Organic Laboratory. Sep, 1266–1268. Harada, J. The Role of Development of the Rotating Anode X-Ray Generator and the Use of Imaging Plates in Powder Diffractometer Instrumentation. (Waters) May, 607–612. Harman, S.; Gordon, J. S.; Weiss, K.; Pettegrew, B. A Microscale Spectrophotometric Determination of Water Hardness. (ML) Aug, 1089–1090. Harris, H. H. The Carnot Cycle. (MCAD) Nov, 1556. Harris, H. H.; Kovac, J. D.; Pagni, R. M.; Coppola, B. P. Summer Reading. June, 706–713. Harris, W.; Colodner, D.; Fine, L. W.; Venkataraman, B. Biosphere 2: A Place for Integrative Studies in Chemical Research and Chemical Education in Defense of Planet Earth. Feb, 144–148. Hart, H. “Dishing Out” Stereochemical Principles. Dec, 1632–1634. Hartmann, R.; Gallus, J.; Lin, Q.; Zumbühl, A.; Friess, S. D.; Meister, E. C. Binary Solid–Liquid Phase Diagrams of Selected Organic Compounds. A Complete Listing of 15 Binary Phase Diagrams. July, 961–964. Haswell, S. J.; Cresswell, S. L. Microwave Ovens—Out of the Kitchen. (POC) July, 900–904. Haub, E. K. Disappearing–Reappearing Rabbit Trick: A New Twist to an Old Liquid Nitrogen Demonstration. (TD) Jan, 46. Hawkes, S. J. Semimetallicity? Dec, 1686–1687. Haworth, D. T. A Chemical Matching Test. April, 466. Haworth, D. T.; O’Brien, J. F. Organometallic Computational Exercise: Semiempirical Molecular Orbital Calculations on (C6H6)Cr(CO)3 and (B3N3H6)Cr(CO)3. (MMEE) Jan, 134. Headrick, K. L. Want Ads, Job Skills, and Curriculum: A Survey of 1998 Chemistry Help-Wanted Ads. Sep, 1281–1282. Hein, J.; Jeannot, M. Drug Distribution: A Guided-Inquiry Laboratory Experiment in Coupled Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Equilibria. Feb, 224–225. Heinhorst, S.; Cannon, G. Nature: “Green” Chemistry, Natural Antioxidants, and a DNA-Fuelled Machine. (ROJNature) Feb, 150–151. Helser, T. L. Glycolysis Wordsearch. April, 503. Helser, T. L. Krebs Cycle Wordsearch. April, 515. Helser, T. L. ␤-Oxidation Wordsearch. April, 483. Helser, T. L. Protein Structure Wordsearch. April, 474. Henderleiter, J.; Smart, R.; Anderson, J.; Elian, O. How Do Organic Chemistry Students Understand and Apply Hydrogen Bonding? (CER) Aug, 1126–1130. Henrickson, C. H.; Pesterfield, L. L. Inorganic Chemistry at the Undergraduate Level: Are We All on the Same Page? May, 677–679. Henry, I.; Ogren, P. J.; Nelson, S. Using a Diode Laser Pointer to Count Drops and Automate Titration Systems. (CBB) March, 353–355. Hernández, M.; Dolz, M.; Delegido, J.; Pellicer, J. An Inexpensive and Accurate Tensiometer Using an Electronic Balance. Sep, 1257–1259. Herrera-Melián, J. A.; Doña-Rodríguez, J. M.; Rendón, E. T.; Soler Vila, A.; Brunet Quetglas, M.; Azcárate,


JCE Online Index:

A. A.; Pascual Pariente, L. Solar Photocatalytic Destruction of p-Nitrophenol: A Pedagogical Use of Lab Wastes. (ST) June, 775–777. Herson, K.; Olivier, G.; Sosabowski, M. H. WebMark— A Fully Automated Method of Submission, Assessment, Grading, and Commentary for Laboratory Practical Scripts. (CBB) Dec, 1699–1703. Hessley, R. K. Computational Investigations for Undergraduate Organic Chemistry: Modeling a TLC Exercise to Investigate Molecular Structure and Intermolecular Forces (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 203–205). (Correction) Sep, 1183. Hiegel, G. A. A Simple Solution for Leaking Polarimeter Cells. (CET) May, 648. Hiegel, G. A.; Juska, C.; Kim, M. The TCICA Test for Distinguishing Aldehydes and Ketones. Aug, 1105– 1106. Higgins, S. J. Ruthenium(II)–dppm Coordination Chemistry. An Advanced Inorganic Miniproject. (ACL) May, 663–664. Hildreth, D. P.; Byrd, S. Learning the Functional Groups: Keys to Success. Oct, 1355–1357. Hill, M. A. Infrared Spectroscopy in the General Chemistry Lab. (NSF) Jan, 26–27. Hinde, R. J.; Kovac, J. D. Student Active Learning Methods in Physical Chemistry. Jan, 93–99. Hodgson, S. C.; Bigger, S. W.; Billingham, N. C. Studying Synthetic Polymers in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum. A Review of the Educational Literature. April, 555–556. Hof, F.; Palmer, L. C.; Rebek, J. Jr. Synthesis and SelfAssembly of the “Tennis Ball” Dimer and Subsequent Encapsulation of Methane. An Advanced Organic Chemistry Laboratory Experiment. Nov, 1519–1521. Hofelich, T.; Wadsö, L.; Smith, A. L.; Shirazi, H.; Mulligan, S. R. The Isothermal Heat Conduction Calorimeter: A Versatile Instrument for Studying Processes in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. (TICI) Aug, 1080–1086. Hoffman, G. G.; Reyes, J.; Morton, M.; Downum, K.; O’Shea, K. E. Isolation and Spectral Analysis of Naturally Occurring Thiarubrine A. June, 781–783. Hoffman, M. Z.; Stone, K.; Schreck, J. O. ACS National Meeting. Program for the Division of Chemical Education: San Diego, March 31–April 5, 2001. March, 292. Hoffman, M. Z.; Towns, M. H.; Bowen, C. W. ACS National Meeting: Chicago, August 25–30, 2001. Program for the Division of Chemical Education. Aug, 994. Hoffmann, R.; Djerassi, C. Oxygen. March, 283–284. Hoffmann-Pinther, P.; Meza-Montes, L. A Note on “A Thermodynamic Analysis to Explain the Boiling-Point Isotope Effect for Molecular Hydrogen”. March, 416– 417. Holden, B. E.; Kurtz, M. J. Analysis of a Distance-Education Program in Organic Chemistry. (CER) Aug, 1122–1125. Holden, M. S.; Crouch, R. D. The Biginelli Reaction. (ML) Aug, 1104–1105. Holden, M. S.; Crouch, R. D.; Burger, J. S. Oxidation of Benzoin to Benzil Using Alumina-Supported Active MnO2. (ML) July, 951–952. Holme, T. A. Divergence of Faculty Perceptions of General Chemistry and Problem Solving Skills. (NSF) Dec, 1578–1581. Holmes, J. L. Only@JCE Online. Aug, 1136. Holmes, J. L. Updates. (JCE Online) March, 422. Holmes, J. L. WWW Site Links. (JCE Online) July, 984. Holmes, J. L.; Gettys, N. S. Prospectus 2001. Jan, 135– 136. Holten, D.; Casiday, R. E.; Krathen, R.; Frey, R. F. Blood-Chemistry Tutorials: Teaching Biological Applications of General Chemistry Material. (TECH) Sep, 1210–1215. Hornback, J. M.; Kutateladze, A. G. Determination of the Position of the Conformational Equilibrium of a Trans 1,2-Disubstituted Cyclohexane by NMR Spectroscopy. An Experiment in Physical Organic Chemistry for Undergraduate Students. Jan, 81–82. Houghton, P. J. Old Yet New—Pharmaceuticals from Plants. (POC) Feb, 175–184. Howard, I. K. S Is for Entropy. U Is for Energy. What Was Clausius Thinking? April, 505–508. Howell, J. E. Especially for High School Teachers. Jan, 9; Feb, 143; March, 281; April, 433; May, 569; June, 705; July, 857; Aug, 993; Sep, 1143; Oct, 1297; Nov, 1441; Dec, 1569. Hugerat, M.; Basheer, S. Is Every Transparent Liquid Water? (CFK) Aug, 1041–1043. Hughes, E. A.; Ceretti, H. M.; Zalts, A. Floating Plas-

tics. An Initial Chemistry Laboratory Experience. April, 522. Hulce, M.; Marks, D. W. Organic-Solvent-Free PhaseTransfer Oxidation of Secondary Alcohols Using Hydrogen Peroxide. Jan, 66–67. Hull, L. A. The Dibenzalacetone Reaction Revisited. Feb, 226–227. Hull, L. A. Which Nitrogen? Combining Computer Modeling with Laboratory Work in Organic Chemistry. (MMEE) March, 420–421. Hull, L. A.; Adrian, J. C. Jr. The Oxidation of Alkylbenzenes: Using Data Pooling in the Organic Laboratory to Illustrate Research in Organic Chemistry. April, 529–530. Humphrey, M. G.; McDonagh, A. M.; Deeble, G. J.; Hurst, S. R.; Cifuentes, M. P. Ruthenium Vinylidene and Acetylide Complexes. An Advanced Undergraduate Multi-technique Inorganic/Organometallic Chemistry Experiment. Feb, 232–234. Hurley, R.; Jarret, R. M.; New, J.; Gillooly, L. Looking beyond the endo Rule in a Diels–Alder Discovery Lab. Sep, 1262–1263. Hurst, S. R.; McDonagh, A. M.; Deeble, G. J.; Cifuentes, M. P.; Humphrey, M. G. Ruthenium Vinylidene and Acetylide Complexes. An Advanced Undergraduate Multi-technique Inorganic/Organometallic Chemistry Experiment. Feb, 232–234. Hutchison, S. G.; Gammon, S. D. Using the Internet to Individualize Laboratory Questions. (TECH) March, 412–413.

I Ibañez, J. G. Laboratory Experiments on Electrochemical Remediation of the Environment. Part 5: Indirect H2S Remediation. (ML) June, 778–779. Indralingam, R.; Nepomuceno, A. I. The Use of Disposable IR Cards for Quantitative Analysis Using an Internal Standard. July, 958–960. Inoue, M.; Fernando, Q. Effect of Dissolved CO2 on Gran Plots. Aug, 1132–1135. Iyer, P. S.; Fleming, F. F. Flood Prevention by Recirculating Condenser Cooling Water. (CET) July, 946.

J Jackson, L.; Oliver-Hoyo, M.; Allen, D.; Solomon, S.; Brook, B.; Ciraolo, J.; Daly, S. Qualitative Analysis of Fourteen White Solids and Two Mixtures Using Household Chemicals. Nov, 1475–1478. Jacobsen, E. K. JCE Resources for Chemistry and Art. (NCW) Oct, 1316–1321. Jacobsen, J. J.; Johnson, K.; Moore, J. W.; Trammell, G. Chemistry Comes Alive!, Volume 5. (JCE Software) March, 423–424. Jacobson, N. S. Use of Tabulated Thermochemical Data for Pure Compounds. June, 814–819. Jaffrès, P.; Maheut, G.; Liao, L.; Catel, J.; Villemin, D. Synthesis of Substituted Butenolides. An Undergraduate Organic Laboratory Experiment Utilizing Two 3Step Preparatory Sequences. May, 654–657. James, B. R.; Queiroz, S. L.; de Araujo, M. P.; Batista, A. A.; MacFarlane, K. S. An Electrochemical Experiment to Monitor the Isomerization of trans- to cis-[RuCl2(dppb)(phen)]: An Undergraduate Cyclic Voltammetry Experiment for Inorganic Chemistry. Jan, 89–90. James, B. R.; Queiroz, S. L.; de Araujo, M. P.; Batista, A. A.; MacFarlane, K. S. Synthesis of [RuCl2(dppb)(PPh3)] and Identification of the cis- and trans-[RuCl2(dppb)(phen)] Geometrical Isomers via 31P{ 1H} NMR Spectroscopy. An Undergraduate Experiment for Inorganic Chemistry. Jan, 87–89. Jarret, R. M. Simulating How a Virus Spreads through a Population: An Introduction to Acid–Base Chemistry in the Organic Chemistry Laboratory. April, 525– 526. Jarret, R. M.; New, J.; Hurley, R.; Gillooly, L. Looking beyond the endo Rule in a Diels–Alder Discovery Lab. Sep, 1262–1263. JCE Editorial Staff. Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble. (JCE Activity) Jan, 40A–40B. JCE Editorial Staff. Burning to Learn: An Introduction to Flame Retardants. (JCE Activity) March, 328A– 328B. JCE Editorial Staff. Conant Award Interview: An Interview with Barbara Sitzman, 2001 Award Winner. Sep, 1151–1158. JCE Editorial Staff. Conant Award Interview: An Interview with Frank Cardulla, 2000 Award Winner. April, 437–443.

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 •

/Journal/Search/index.html JCE Editorial Staff. Just Breathe: The Oxygen Content of Air. (JCE Activity) April, 512A–512B. JCE Editorial Staff. New Paper from Newspaper. (JCE Activity) Nov, 1512A–1512B. JCE Editorial Staff. Putting It All Together: Lab Reports and Legos. (JCE Activity) Sep, 1192A–1192B. Jeannot, M.; Hein, J. Drug Distribution: A Guided-Inquiry Laboratory Experiment in Coupled Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Equilibria. Feb, 224–225. Jenkins, J. L.; Kooser, A. S.; Welch, L. E. Acid–Base Indicators: A New Look at an Old Topic. Nov, 1504– 1506. Jenkins, R. Landmarks in the Development of Powder Diffraction Instrumentation. (Waters) May, 601–606. Jensen, A. W.; O’Brien, B. A. Simple Preparation and NMR Analysis of mer and fac Isomers of Tris(1,1,1trifluoro-2,4-pentanedionato)cobalt(III). An Experiment for the Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory. July, 954–955. Jensen, B. L.; Fort, R. C. Jr. Molecular Mechanics and Variable-Temperature 1H NMR Studies on N,N-Diethyl-m-toluamide. An Undergraduate NMR and Molecular Modeling Experiment. April, 538–540. Jensen, W. B. Generalizing the Phase Rule. Oct, 1369– 1370. Jensen, W. B. An Idea Whose Time Has Come? (re J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76, 1718–1722). (Letter) June, 727. Jiménez-Abizanda, A. I.; Aberásturi-Martín, F. J.; Jiménez-Moreno, F.; Arias-León, J. J. UV–Visible First-Derivative Spectrophotometry Applied to an Analysis of a Vitamin Mixture. June, 793–795. Jiménez-Moreno, F.; Aberásturi-Martín, F. J.; JiménezAbizanda, A. I.; Arias-León, J. J. UV–Visible FirstDerivative Spectrophotometry Applied to an Analysis of a Vitamin Mixture. June, 793–795. Jinqing, K.; Qin, X.; Ke, C. An Improved Hittorf ’s Apparatus for Determining Ion Transference Number. July, 937–938. Joesten, M. D.; Tellinghuisen, P. C. Vanderbilt Student Volunteers for Science. (CFK) April, 463–466. Johnson, A. W. Is Online Learning Really Education? (Letter) April, 453. Johnson, K.; Jacobsen, J. J.; Moore, J. W.; Trammell, G. Chemistry Comes Alive!, Volume 5. (JCE Software) March, 423–424. Johnson, K.; Schreiner, R. A Dramatic Flame Test Demonstration. (TD) May, 640–641. Johnson, T. J.; Pike, R. D.; Graham, P. M.; Guy, K. A.; Cole, J. R.; Stamps, S. M.; Klemmer, L. E. Network Complexes of Copper(I) Halides. Nov, 1522–1524. Johnston, J. M.; Loke, J. P.; Hancock, D.; Dimauro, J.; Denyer, G. S. Teaching Experimental Design Using an Exercise in Protein Fractionation. Nov, 1528–1532. Jones, A. C.; Craig, V. S.; Senden, T. J. Contact Angles of Aqueous Solutions on Copper Surfaces Bearing Self-Assembled Monolayers. March, 345–346. Jones, A. G.; Collard, D. M.; Kriegel, R. M. Synthesis and Spectroscopic Analysis of a Cyclic Acetal: A Dehydration Performed in Aqueous Solution. Jan, 70– 72. Jones, B. T.; Sanford Seney, C. L.; Mantooth, B. A. Determination of Ethanol in Alcohol Samples Using a Modular Raman Spectrometer. (TICI) Sep, 1221– 1225. Jones, J. C. Demonstrations with Nitrocellulose: Possible Further Pedagogic Value (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1449). (Letter) Dec, 1596. Jones, J. C. Further Information on the Hazards of nHexane (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 587). (Letter) Dec, 1593. Jones, J. C. Solvent Swelling Demonstrations: Possible Extension to Other Types of Material (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 876–878). (Letter) Feb, 165. Jones, J. C. Temperature Data from Biblical Narratives. (Letter) Sep, 1182–1183. Jones, L. L.; Zeile, J. V. Teaching Chemistry in the New Century: General Chemistry. Sep, 1170. Jones, M. B. Molecular Modeling in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum. (NSF) July, 867–868. Jones, M. B.; Miller, C. R. Chemistry in the Real World. April, 484–487. Joseph, S. M.; Palasota, J. A. The Combined Effects of pH and Percent Methanol on the HPLC Separation of Benzoic Acid and Phenol. Oct, 1381–1383. Judd, C. S. News from Online: Chemistry and Art. (ROJOnline) Oct, 1322–1324. Judd, C. S. News from Online: Mercury and Our Environment. (ROJOnline) May, 570–572. Jullien, L.; Lemarchand, H. Evolution of a Chemical System as a Trajectory in a Phase Space. A Fruitful Picture of the Second Law. June, 803–810.

Volume 78 • 2001 • Author Index Jun, Y. See Cramer, C. J. Sep, 1202–1205. Juska, C.; Hiegel, G. A.; Kim, M. The TCICA Test for Distinguishing Aldehydes and Ketones. Aug, 1105– 1106.

K Kandel, M.; Tonge, P. J. Personalized Combined Organic Spectroscopy Problems—Online and in the Lab. Sep, 1208–1209. Kansanaho, J. M.; Glendening, E. D. Spektri-Sim: Interactive Simulation and Analysis of the Infrared Spectra of Diatomic Molecules. June, 824–826. Ke, C.; Jinqing, K.; Qin, X. An Improved Hittorf ’s Apparatus for Determining Ion Transference Number. July, 937–938. Keiter, R. L.; Gamage, C. P. Combustion of White Phosphorus. (TD) July, 908–910. Kelley, C. J.; DeMott, J. M. Jr. An Alternative One-Step Procedure for the Conversion of Piperonal to Piperonylnitrile. (ML) June, 780. Kesavan, L. S. See Cramer, C. J. Sep, 1202–1205. Kesner, M.; de Vos, W. Teaching about Flame Retardants. A Joint Israeli–Dutch Project. Jan, 41–45. Kim, M. On Concepts of Partial Volume and Law of Partial Volume (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 238–240). (Letter) Dec, 1594. Kim, M.; Hiegel, G. A.; Juska, C. The TCICA Test for Distinguishing Aldehydes and Ketones. Aug, 1105– 1106. Kim, M.; Kim, M. S.; Ly, S. A Simple Laboratory Experiment for the Determination of Absolute Zero. Feb, 238–240. Kim, M. S.; Kim, M.; Ly, S. A Simple Laboratory Experiment for the Determination of Absolute Zero. Feb, 238–240. Kingsbury, C.; Schelble, S. Teaching Chemistry in the New Century: Organic Chemistry. Sep, 1172. Kinsinger, C. R. See Cramer, C. J. Sep, 1202–1205. Kirchhoff, M. M. Topics in Green Chemistry. Dec, 1577. Kirschenbaum, L. J.; Resende, E.; Li, E.; Ruekberg, B. An Alternative Confirmatory Test for Silver Ion in Qualitative Analysis. Nov, 1524. Kitson, T. M. Intermediates, Transition States, Butterflies, and Frogs. (AA) April, 504. Klein, M. F.; Davis, C. M. Synthesis and Reactivity of the Metallaborane Complex [Mo(CO)4B3H8]– and the Formation of Mo(CO)4(dppe). July, 952–953. Klemm, O. Local and Regional Ozone: A Student Study Project. Dec, 1641–1646. Klemmer, L. E.; Pike, R. D.; Graham, P. M.; Guy, K. A.; Johnson, T. J.; Cole, J. R.; Stamps, S. M. Network Complexes of Copper(I) Halides. Nov, 1522– 1524. Klobuchar, M.; Bodner, G. M.; Geelan, D. The Many Forms of Constructivism. (SYM) Aug, 1107. Knausz, D.; Szabó L., S.; Mazák, K.; Rózsahegyi, M. Enchanted Glass. (TD) March, 329–331. Koch, F. 2YC3 Celebrating 40 Years of Service to the Chemical Education Community. (2YC3) Dec, 1583. Koch, J. A.; Van Der Sluys, W. G. Distributed Access Teaching Assistant (DATA). (CBB) Dec, 1696–1698. Kohler, S. J.; Ohline, S. M.; Campbell, M. L.; Turnbull, M. T. Differential Scanning Calorimetric Study of Bilayer Membrane Phase Transitions. A Biophysical Chemistry Experiment. Sep, 1251–1256. Koklamanis, G.; Papadopoulos, N.; Limniou, M.; Tsarouxas, A.; Roilidis, M.; Bigger, S. W. Spec UVVis: An Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrophotometer Simulation. (JCE Software) Nov, 1560. Konno, T. J. Splitting of One-Electron Levels in a Tetrahedral Environment. May, 674–677. Kooser, A. S.; Jenkins, J. L.; Welch, L. E. Acid–Base Indicators: A New Look at an Old Topic. Nov, 1504– 1506. Kormos, B. L. See Cramer, C. J. Sep, 1202–1205. Korn, S.; Tausch, M. W. A Laboratory Simulation for Coupled Cycles of Photosynthesis and Respiration. Sep, 1238–1240. Koubek, E.; Copper, C. L. Analysis of an Oxygen Bleach: A Redox Titration Lab. May, 652. Kovac, J. D.; Hinde, R. J. Student Active Learning Methods in Physical Chemistry. Jan, 93–99. Kovac, J. D.; Pagni, R. M.; Harris, H. H.; Coppola, B. P. Summer Reading. June, 706–713. Kovensky, J.; Castro, M. J.; Ritacco, H.; FernándezCirelli, A. A Simplified Method for the Determination of Critical Micelle Concentration. March, 347– 348. Krathen, R.; Casiday, R. E.; Holten, D.; Frey, R. F. Blood-Chemistry Tutorials: Teaching Biological Ap-

plications of General Chemistry Material. (TECH) Sep, 1210–1215. Kriegel, R. M.; Collard, D. M.; Jones, A. G. Synthesis and Spectroscopic Analysis of a Cyclic Acetal: A Dehydration Performed in Aqueous Solution. Jan, 70– 72. Krnel, D.; Glazar, S. A. “Experiment with a Candle” without a Candle. July, 914. Kruger, T.; Tran, T. H.; Bigger, S. W.; Orbell, J. D.; Buddhadasa, S.; Barone, S. Identifying Deficiencies in the Environmental Chemistry Educational Literature. Dec, 1693–1695. Krugh, T. R.; Werner, T. C.; Lichter, R. L. The National Conferences on Undergraduate Research: Conference History and the Role of Chemistry. May, 691–694. Kuech, T. F.; Condren, S. M.; Lisensky, G. C.; Ellis, A. B.; Nordell, K. J.; Stockman, S. A. LEDs: New Lamps for Old and a Paradigm for Ongoing Curriculum Modernization. Aug, 1033–1040. Kundell, F. A.; Adkins, W. A. An Inexpensive Water Jacket for a Polarimeter Tube. (CET) Nov, 1516. Kurtz, M. J.; Holden, B. E. Analysis of a Distance-Education Program in Organic Chemistry. (CER) Aug, 1122–1125. Kutateladze, A. G.; Hornback, J. M. Determination of the Position of the Conformational Equilibrium of a Trans 1,2-Disubstituted Cyclohexane by NMR Spectroscopy. An Experiment in Physical Organic Chemistry for Undergraduate Students. Jan, 81–82.

L Laing, M. Boiling Points of the Family of Small Molecules CHwFxClyBrz: How Are They Related to Molecular Mass? Nov, 1544–1550. Laing, M. The Importance of Non-Bonds in Coordination Compounds. Oct, 1400–1405. Laing, M. Melting Point, Density, and Reactivity of Metals. Aug, 1054–1058. Laing, M. Periodic Patterns (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1053–1056). (Letter) July, 877. Lane, J. W.; Vaksman, M. A. Using Guided Inquiry to Study Optical Activity and Optical Rotatory Dispersion in a Cross-Disciplinary Chemistry Lab. Nov, 1507–1509. Lau, O.; Luk, S.; Cheng, N. L.; Woo, H. Determination of Free Lime in Clinker and Cement by Iodometry. An Undergraduate Experiment in Redox Titrimetry. Dec, 1671–1673. Leber, P. A.; Baldwin, J. E.; Lee, T. W. Kinetic Derivations for Thermal Isomerizations of Monodeuterio Cyclic 1,3-Dienes through 1,5-Hydrogen Shifts. Oct, 1394–1399. Lee, C. M.; Cooper, M. M.; Elzerman, A. W. Teaching Chemistry in the New Century: Environmental Chemistry. Sep, 1169. Lee, J. Y. The Relationship between Stoichiometry and Kinetics Revisited. Sep, 1283–1284. Lee, T. W.; Baldwin, J. E.; Leber, P. A. Kinetic Derivations for Thermal Isomerizations of Monodeuterio Cyclic 1,3-Dienes through 1,5-Hydrogen Shifts. Oct, 1394–1399. LeFevre, J. W.; McNeill, K. I.; Moore, J. L. Isolating Friedelin from Cork and Reducing It to Friedelinol and Epifriedelinol. A Project Involving NMR Spectrometry and Molecular Modeling. April, 535–538. Legg, J. C.; Legg, M. J.; Greenbowe, T. J. Analysis of Success in General Chemistry Based on Diagnostic Testing Using Logistic Regression. (CER) Aug, 1117– 1121. Legg, M. J.; Legg, J. C.; Greenbowe, T. J. Analysis of Success in General Chemistry Based on Diagnostic Testing Using Logistic Regression. (CER) Aug, 1117– 1121. Legg, M. J.; Rudd, J. A. II; Greenbowe, T. J.; Hand, B. M. Using the Science Writing Heuristic to Move toward an Inquiry-Based Laboratory Curriculum: An Example from Physical Equilibrium. (CER) Dec, 1680–1686. Leis, J. R.; Crugeiras, J.; Rios, A. Micellar Effects on the Spontaneous Hydrolysis of Phenyl Chloroformate. A Kinetic Experiment for the Physical Chemistry Laboratory. Nov, 1538–1540. Lemarchand, H.; Jullien, L. Evolution of a Chemical System as a Trajectory in a Phase Space. A Fruitful Picture of the Second Law. June, 803–810. Lennard, M. S.; Stachulski, A. V. Drug Metabolism: The Body’s Defense against Chemical Attack (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 349–353). (Correction) March, 312. Leontidis, E.; Aroti, A. Simultaneous Determination of the Ionization Constant and the Solubility of Spar- • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 • Journal of Chemical Education


Author Index • Volume 78 • 2001 ingly Soluble Drug Substances. A Physical Chemistry Experiment. June, 786–788. Letcher, T. M.; Battino, R. An Introduction to the Understanding of Solubility. Jan, 103–111. Levine, S. G. A Short History of the Chemical Shift. Jan, 133. Lewis, D. E. An Idea Whose Time Has Come? (re J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76, 1718–1722). (Letter) June, 727–728. Li, D.; Cannon, J.; Wood, S. G.; Owen, N. L.; Gromova, A.; Lutsky, V. Investigation of Secondary Metabolites in Plants. A General Protocol for Undergraduate Research in Natural Products. Sep, 1234–1237. Li, E.; Kirschenbaum, L. J.; Resende, E.; Ruekberg, B. An Alternative Confirmatory Test for Silver Ion in Qualitative Analysis. Nov, 1524. Liao, L.; Maheut, G.; Catel, J.; Jaffrès, P.; Villemin, D. Synthesis of Substituted Butenolides. An Undergraduate Organic Laboratory Experiment Utilizing Two 3Step Preparatory Sequences. May, 654–657. Liberko, C. A.; Terry, S. A Simplified Method for Measuring the Entropy of Urea Dissolution. An Experiment for the Introductory Chemistry Lab. Aug, 1087– 1088. Lichter, R. L.; Werner, T. C.; Krugh, T. R. The National Conferences on Undergraduate Research: Conference History and the Role of Chemistry. May, 691–694. Lichter, R. L. What Does It Mean to Be a Professor? (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1559). (Correction) Feb, 165. Lillard, S. J.; Sodeman, D. A. Who Set the Fire? Determination of Arson Accelerants by GC–MS in an Instrumental Methods Course. Sep, 1228–1230. Lillard, S. J.; Zabzdyr, J. L. Was the Driver Drunk? An Instrumental Methods Experiment for the Determination of Blood Alcohol Content. Sep, 1225–1227. Limbach, P. A.; Hall, R. W.; Butler, L. G.; McGuire, S. Y.; McGlynn, S. P.; Lyon, G. L.; Reese, R. L. Automated, Web-Based, Second-Chance Homework. (TECH) Dec, 1704–1708. Limniou, M.; Papadopoulos, N. A Computer-Controlled Bipolar Pulse Conductivity Apparatus. Feb, 245–246. Limniou, M.; Papadopoulos, N.; Koklamanis, G.; Tsarouxas, A.; Roilidis, M.; Bigger, S. W. Spec UVVis: An Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrophotometer Simulation. (JCE Software) Nov, 1560. Lin, Q.; Gallus, J.; Zumbühl, A.; Friess, S. D.; Hartmann, R.; Meister, E. C. Binary Solid–Liquid Phase Diagrams of Selected Organic Compounds. A Complete Listing of 15 Binary Phase Diagrams. July, 961–964. Lisensky, G. C.; Condren, S. M.; Ellis, A. B.; Nordell, K. J.; Kuech, T. F.; Stockman, S. A. LEDs: New Lamps for Old and a Paradigm for Ongoing Curriculum Modernization. Aug, 1033–1040. Lisensky, G. C.; Condren, S. M.; Widstrand, C. G.; Breitzer, J.; Ellis, A. B. LEDs Are Diodes. (JCE Activity) Dec, 1664A–1664B. Lo, G. V. Relating Qualitative Analysis to Equilibrium Principles. (MCAD) Nov, 1557. Loflin, A.; Bonicamp, J. M.; Clark, R. W. The Measurement of Activity Coefficients in Concentrated Electrolyte Solutions. An Experiment for the Physical Chemistry Laboratory. Nov, 1541–1543. Logan, J. W.; Wicholas, M. 1,5 Cyclooctadiene Complexes of Iridium: Synthesis, Characterization, and Reaction with Dihydrogen. An Experiment for an Integrated Physical/Inorganic Laboratory Course. Sep, 1272–1274. Logan, S. R. The Role of Lewis Structures in Teaching Covalent Bonding. (Commentary) Nov, 1457–1458. Loke, J. P.; Hancock, D.; Johnston, J. M.; Dimauro, J.; Denyer, G. S. Teaching Experimental Design Using an Exercise in Protein Fractionation. Nov, 1528–1532. Long, S. The Science Teacher: Summer 2001 Reading. (ROJSciTea) July, 856. Long, S. The Science Teacher: Winter Break 2001. (ROJSciTea) Jan, 22–23. Lorigan, G. A.; Minto, R. E.; Zhang, W. Teaching the Fundamentals of Pulsed NMR Spectroscopy in an Undergraduate Physical Chemistry Laboratory. July, 956–958. Lowary, T. L.; Callam, C. S. Suzuki Cross-Coupling Reactions: Synthesis of Unsymmetrical Biaryls in the Organic Laboratory. July, 947–948. Lowary, T. L.; Callam, C. S. Synthesis of Methyl 2,3,5Tri-O-benzoyl-α-D-arabinofuranoside in the Organic Laboratory. Jan, 73–74. Lowary, T. L.; Callam, C. S. Synthesis of Methyl 2,3,5Tri-O-benzoyl-α-D-arabinofuranoside in the Organic Laboratory (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 73–74). (Cor-


JCE Online Index:

rection) March, 312. Lubben, F.; Davidowitz, B.; Rollnick, M. Undergraduate Science and Engineering Students’ Understanding of the Reliability of Chemical Data. (CER) Feb, 247– 252. Ludwig, O. G. A Rationalization for the Freshman Rules for the H-Atom Quantum Numbers. May, 634. Luisi, P. L. Are Micelles and Vesicles Chemical Equilibrium Systems? March, 380–384. Luján-Upton, H. Introducing Stereochemistry to Nonscience Majors. April, 475–477. Luk, S.; Lau, O.; Cheng, N. L.; Woo, H. Determination of Free Lime in Clinker and Cement by Iodometry. An Undergraduate Experiment in Redox Titrimetry. Dec, 1671–1673. Lutsky, V.; Cannon, J.; Li, D.; Wood, S. G.; Owen, N. L.; Gromova, A. Investigation of Secondary Metabolites in Plants. A General Protocol for Undergraduate Research in Natural Products. Sep, 1234–1237. Lutz, R. P.; Wamser, C. C. Uncensored and Uncut—Student Reviews of Six Mainstream Organic Texts. Oct, 1350–1354. Ly, S.; Kim, M.; Kim, M. S. A Simple Laboratory Experiment for the Determination of Absolute Zero. Feb, 238–240. Lyle, K. S.; Robinson, W. R. Teaching Science Problem Solving: An Overview of Experimental Work. (ROJResLit) Sep, 1162–1163. Lyon, G. L.; Hall, R. W.; Butler, L. G.; McGuire, S. Y.; McGlynn, S. P.; Reese, R. L.; Limbach, P. A. Automated, Web-Based, Second-Chance Homework. (TECH) Dec, 1704–1708. Lyovkin, A. N.; Sanger, M. J.; Brincks, E. L.; Phelps, A. J.; Pak, M. S. A Comparison of Secondary Chemistry Courses and Chemistry Teacher Preparation Programs in Iowa and Saint Petersburg, Russia. Sep, 1275–1280.

M Mabrouk, P. A. Research Skills & Ethics—A Graduate Course Empowering Graduate Students for Productive Research Careers in Graduate School and Beyond. Dec, 1628–1631. Mabrouk, P. A.; Castriotta, K. Moisture Analysis in Lotion by Karl Fischer Coulometry. An Experiment for Introductory Analytical Chemistry. Oct, 1385–1386. MacFarlane, K. S.; Queiroz, S. L.; de Araujo, M. P.; Batista, A. A.; James, B. R. An Electrochemical Experiment to Monitor the Isomerization of trans- to cis[RuCl 2(dppb)(phen)]: An Undergraduate Cyclic Voltammetry Experiment for Inorganic Chemistry. Jan, 89–90. MacFarlane, K. S.; Queiroz, S. L.; de Araujo, M. P.; Batista, A. A.; James, B. R. Synthesis of [RuCl2(dppb)(PPh3)] and Identification of the cis- and trans-[RuCl2(dppb)(phen)] Geometrical Isomers via 31P{ 1H} NMR Spectroscopy. An Undergraduate Experiment for Inorganic Chemistry. Jan, 87–89. Machado, C.; Machado, V. G. An Easy and Versatile Experiment to Demonstrate Solvent Polarity Using Solvatochromic Dyes. May, 649–651. Machado, V. G.; Machado, C. An Easy and Versatile Experiment to Demonstrate Solvent Polarity Using Solvatochromic Dyes. May, 649–651. Macias, A.; Garizi, N.; Furch, T.; Fan, R.; Wagenknecht, P. S.; Singmaster, K. A. Cigarette Smoke Analysis Using an Inexpensive Gas-Phase IR Cell. Dec, 1665– 1666. MacNeil, J.; Underwood, G. The Spectrophotometric Analysis and Modeling of Sunscreens (re J. Chem. Educ. 1997, 74, 99–102). (Letter) April, 453. Magalhães, M. d.; Seidl, P. R.; Augusto, C. R. An Introductory Course in Industrial Chemistry for Freshmen. Feb, 218–222. Maheut, G.; Liao, L.; Catel, J.; Jaffrès, P.; Villemin, D. Synthesis of Substituted Butenolides. An Undergraduate Organic Laboratory Experiment Utilizing Two 3Step Preparatory Sequences. May, 654–657. Maiti, B.; Chattaraj, P. K. Electronic Structure Principles and Atomic Shell Structure. June, 811–813. Mann, C. K.; Vickers, T. J.; Pecha, J. Raman Spectroscopy with a Fiber-Optic Probe and Multichannel Detection. Dec, 1674–1675. Mantooth, B. A.; Sanford Seney, C. L.; Jones, B. T. Determination of Ethanol in Alcohol Samples Using a Modular Raman Spectrometer. (TICI) Sep, 1221– 1225. Manzanares, J. A.; Pellicer, J.; Zúñiga, J.; Utrillas, P.; Fernández, J. Thermodynamics of Rubber Elasticity. Feb, 263–267.

March, J. L.; Zielinski, T. J.; Brooks, D. W.; Crippen, K. J. Time and Teaching. (Commentary) June, 714– 715. Marcotte, R. E.; Wilson, L. D. Graphical Interface for the Study of Gas-Phase Reaction Kinetics: Cyclopentene Vapor Pyrolysis. June, 799–800. Margolis, L. A.; Schaeffer, R. W.; Yoder, C. H. The Synthesis and Analysis of Copper(I) Iodide. A First-Year Laboratory Project. Feb, 235–236. Marine, S. S. Workplace Skills Taught in a Simulated Analytical Department. (2YC3) Nov, 1448–1455. Mark, B.; Wong, G.; Chen, X.; Furch, T.; Singmaster, K. A.; Wagenknecht, P. S. Preparation and Use of a Room-Temperature Catalytic Converter. Dec, 1667– 1668. Marks, D. W.; Hulce, M. Organic-Solvent-Free PhaseTransfer Oxidation of Secondary Alcohols Using Hydrogen Peroxide. Jan, 66–67. Marrs, P. S. Class Projects in Physical Organic Chemistry: The Hammett Equation. April, 527–529. Marshall, J. L.; Marshall, V. R. Rediscovery of the Elements: Ytterby Gruva (Ytterby Mine). Oct, 1343– 1344. Marshall, V. R.; Marshall, J. L. Rediscovery of the Elements: Ytterby Gruva (Ytterby Mine). Oct, 1343– 1344. Martin, J. D. From the Wood-Shop to Crystal Engineering: Teaching Three-Dimensional Chemistry. Sep, 1195–1197. Mason, D. S. A Survey of Doctoral Programs in Chemical Education in the United States. Feb, 158–160. Mason, D. S.; Mittag, K. C. Evaluating the Success of Hispanic-Surname Students in First-Semester General Chemistry. Feb, 256–259. Mason, D. S.; Mittag, K. C. Evaluating the Success of Hispanic-Surname Students in First-Semester General Chemistry (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 256). (Correction) Dec, 1597. Mason, D. S.; Verdel, E. Gateway to Success for At-Risk Students in a Large-Group Introductory Chemistry Class. (CER) Feb, 252–255. Matyjaszewski, K.; Beers, K. L.; Woodworth, B. Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization in the Undergraduate Laboratories. 1. Using ATRP to Prepare Block and Statistical Copolymers of n-Butyl Acrylate and Styrene. April, 544–547. Matyjaszewski, K.; Beers, K. L.; Woodworth, B. Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization in the Undergraduate Laboratories. 2. Using ATRP in Limited Amounts of Air to Prepare Block and Statistical Copolymers of n-Butyl Acrylate and Styrene. April, 547– 550. Max, M. D.; Pellenbarg, R. E. Gas Hydrates: From Laboratory Curiosity to Potential Global Powerhouse. (POC) July, 896–900. Mayer, S. G.; Gach, J. M.; Forbes, E. R.; Reid, P. J. Exploring Phase Diagrams Using Supercritical Fluids. An Undergraduate Physical Chemistry Laboratory. Feb, 241–242. Mazák, K.; Szabó L., S.; Knausz, D.; Rózsahegyi, M. Enchanted Glass. (TD) March, 329–331. McCoy, A. B. Investigating the Adiabatic Approximation in Quantum Mechanics through the Analysis of Two Coupled Harmonic Oscillators. March, 401–404. McDonagh, A. M.; Deeble, G. J.; Hurst, S. R.; Cifuentes, M. P.; Humphrey, M. G. Ruthenium Vinylidene and Acetylide Complexes. An Advanced Undergraduate Multi-technique Inorganic/Organometallic Chemistry Experiment. Feb, 232–234. McDonald, J.; Gilbert, R. G.; Fellows, C. M.; Prescott, S. W. An Introduction to the Scientific Process: Preparation of Poly(vinyl acetate) Glue. Oct, 1370–1372. McGlynn, S. P.; Hall, R. W.; Butler, L. G.; McGuire, S. Y.; Lyon, G. L.; Reese, R. L.; Limbach, P. A. Automated, Web-Based, Second-Chance Homework. (TECH) Dec, 1704–1708. McGowan, G. J.; Vetter, A. J. The Escalator—An Analogy for Explaining Electroosmotic Flow. (AA) Feb, 209–211. McGuire, S. Y.; Hall, R. W.; Butler, L. G.; McGlynn, S. P.; Lyon, G. L.; Reese, R. L.; Limbach, P. A. Automated, Web-Based, Second-Chance Homework. (TECH) Dec, 1704–1708. McInerny, W. J. Fraction of Molecules Exceeding a Given Energy. June, 801–802. McKay, S. E.; Boone, S. R. An Early Emphasis on Symmetry and a Three-Dimensional Perspective in the Chemistry Curriculum. Nov, 1487–1490. McKee, V.; Arthurs, M.; Nelson, J.; Town, R. M. Chemistry in Cages: Dinucleating Azacryptand Hosts and Their Cation and Anion Cryptates. Sep, 1269–1272.

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 •

/Journal/Search/index.html McNeill, K. I.; LeFevre, J. W.; Moore, J. L. Isolating Friedelin from Cork and Reducing It to Friedelinol and Epifriedelinol. A Project Involving NMR Spectrometry and Molecular Modeling. April, 535–538. Meany, J. E.; Minderhout, V.; Pocker, Y. Application of Hammond’s Postulate. An Activity for Guided Discovery Learning in Organic Chemistry. Feb, 204–207. Medeiros, L. L.; Barreto, M. d.; Furtado, P. C. Indirect Potentiometric Titration of Fe(III) with Ce(IV) by Gran’s Method. Jan, 91–92. Meister, E. C.; Gallus, J.; Lin, Q.; Zumbühl, A.; Friess, S. D.; Hartmann, R. Binary Solid–Liquid Phase Diagrams of Selected Organic Compounds. A Complete Listing of 15 Binary Phase Diagrams. July, 961–964. Melton, T. J. A Modification of a Lactase Experiment by Use of Commercial Test Strips. Sep, 1243. Merlic, C. A.; Fam, B. C.; Miller, M. M. WebSpectra: Online NMR and IR Spectra for Students. Jan, 118– 120. Meyer, J. A.; Nash, J. J.; Everson, B. What Factors Affect the Separation of Substances Using Thin-Layer Chromatography? An Undergraduate Experiment. March, 364–365. Meza-Montes, L.; Hoffmann-Pinther, P. A Note on “A Thermodynamic Analysis to Explain the Boiling-Point Isotope Effect for Molecular Hydrogen”. March, 416– 417. Miah, A. M.; Schmid, R. The Strength of the Hydrohalic Acids. Jan, 116–117. Micera, G.; Garribba, E.; Panzanelli, A.; Strinna-Erre, L.; Stara, G. Distinguishing Calcium Carbonate from Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate by Instrumental Methods. A Set of Laboratory Experiments for Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy. Aug, 1090–1092. Milakofsky, L. M.; Shibley, I. A. Jr.; Nicotera, C. L. Incorporating a Substantial Writing Assignment into Organic Chemistry: Library Research, Peer Review, and Assessment. Jan, 50–53. Miles, D. G. Jr.; Francis, T. A. A Graphical Approach to the Angular Momentum Schrödinger Equation. (CBB) March, 405–408. Miles, W. H.; Gelato, K. A.; Pompizzi, K. M.; Scarbinsky, A. M.; Albrecht, B. K.; Reynolds, E. R. An Indexed Combinatorial Library: The Synthesis and Testing of Insect Repellents. April, 540–542. Miller, C. R.; Jones, M. B. Chemistry in the Real World. April, 484–487. Miller, D. W. On Concepts of Partial Volume and Law of Partial Volume (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 238– 240). (Letter) Dec, 1594. Miller, M. M.; Merlic, C. A.; Fam, B. C. WebSpectra: Online NMR and IR Spectra for Students. Jan, 118– 120. Mills, P. A.; Sweeney, W. V.; Cieniewicz, W. Experiencing and Visualizing the First Law of Thermodynamics: An In-Class Workshop. Oct, 1360–1361. Minderhout, V.; Meany, J. E.; Pocker, Y. Application of Hammond’s Postulate. An Activity for Guided Discovery Learning in Organic Chemistry. Feb, 204–207. Minto, R. E.; Lorigan, G. A.; Zhang, W. Teaching the Fundamentals of Pulsed NMR Spectroscopy in an Undergraduate Physical Chemistry Laboratory. July, 956–958. Minyaev, M. E. See Cramer, C. J. Sep, 1202–1205. Mittag, K. C.; Mason, D. S. Evaluating the Success of Hispanic-Surname Students in First-Semester General Chemistry. Feb, 256–259. Mittag, K. C.; Mason, D. S. Evaluating the Success of Hispanic-Surname Students in First-Semester General Chemistry (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 256). (Correction) Dec, 1597. Mohan, R. S.; Cabay, M. E.; Ettlie, B. J.; Tuite, A. J.; Welday, K. A. The Discovery-Oriented Approach to Organic Chemistry. 5. Stereochemistry of E2 Elimination: Elimination of cis- and trans-2-Methylcyclohexyl Tosylate. Jan, 79–80. Mohan, R. S.; Centko, R. S. The Discovery-Oriented Approach to Organic Chemistry. 4. Epoxidation of pMethoxy-trans-␤-methylstyrene. An Exercise in 1H NMR and 13C NMR Spectroscopy for Sophomore Organic Laboratories. Jan, 77–79. Molski, M. Tachyons and Quantum Chemistry. March, 397–400. Montgomery, C. D. Integrating Molecular Modeling into the Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory. (MMEE) June, 840–844. Montgomery, C. D. Mechanisms of Pentacoordinate Pseudorotation. A Molecular Modeling Study of PF5. (MMEE) June, 844–846. Moore, D. A.; Cortés-Figueroa, J. E. Hands-On Discovery of Mirror Planes. Jan, 49.

Volume 78 • 2001 • Author Index Moore, J. L.; LeFevre, J. W.; McNeill, K. I. Isolating Friedelin from Cork and Reducing It to Friedelinol and Epifriedelinol. A Project Involving NMR Spectrometry and Molecular Modeling. April, 535–538. Moore, J. W. The Essential Profession. (Editorial) Sep, 1141. Moore, J. W. Let’s Go for It! (Editorial) March, 279. Moore, J. W. A Living Textbook for the Future. (Editorial) June, 703. Moore, J. W. A Living Textbook of Chemistry. (Editorial) May, 567. Moore, J. W. Nobel Prizes, 2000. Jan, 8. Moore, J. W. Research, Discovery, and Education. (Editorial) April, 431. Moore, J. W. Safety Pays. (Editorial) Jan, 7. Moore, J. W. Science and Art. (Editorial) Oct, 1295. Moore, J. W. Supporting High School Chemistry Teaching. (Editorial) Dec, 1567. Moore, J. W. Technology and Tragedy. (Editorial) Nov, 1439. Moore, J. W. Testing, Testing. (Editorial) July, 855. Moore, J. W. Testing the Teacher? Or Teaching the Test? (Editorial) Aug, 991. Moore, J. W. When Is an Experiment a Success? (Editorial) Feb, 141. Moore, J. W.; Jacobsen, J. J.; Johnson, K.; Trammell, G. Chemistry Comes Alive!, Volume 5. (JCE Software) March, 423–424. Morikawa, T.; Williamson, B. E. Model for Teaching about Electrical Neutrality in Electrolyte Solutions. July, 934–936. Morton, M.; Reyes, J.; Downum, K.; Hoffman, G. G.; O’Shea, K. E. Isolation and Spectral Analysis of Naturally Occurring Thiarubrine A. June, 781–783. Moss, D. B.; Cornely, K. Determination of the Universal Gas Constant, R. A Discovery Laboratory. (CPR) Sep, 1260–1262. Mozo, J. D.; Galán, M.; Roldán, E. Application of Light Emitting Diodes to Chemical Analysis: Determination of Copper in Water. (CET) March, 355–357. Mukesh, D. An Analogy between Fractional Distillation and Separating Physically Fit and Physically Less Fit Persons. (AA) Feb, 211–212. Mulligan, S. R.; Wadsö, L.; Smith, A. L.; Shirazi, H.; Hofelich, T. The Isothermal Heat Conduction Calorimeter: A Versatile Instrument for Studying Processes in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. (TICI) Aug, 1080–1086. Munguia, T.; Smith, C. A. Surface Tension Determination through Capillary Rise and Laser Diffraction Patterns. March, 343–344. Muranaka, K. Anticancer Activity of Estradiol Derivatives: A Quantitative Structure–Activity Relationship Approach. Oct, 1390–1393. Murov, S. Exploring Chemistry Resources on the Internet. Oct, 1429–1432. Murov, S.; Stedjee, B. Analysis of Zinc Tablets: An Extension to a Stoichiometry Experiment. Oct, 1389. Murphy, C.; Campbell, D. J.; Freidinger, E. R. Solvent Swelling Demonstrations: Possible Extension to Other Types of Material (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 876– 878). (Letter) Feb, 165. Murphy, M. K. Beer’s Law Revoked? (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 694). (Letter) Dec, 1595. Murphy, M. K.; Sales, C. L.; Ragan, N. M. Using Calculator-Based Laboratory Technology to Conduct Undergraduate Chemical Research. (TECH) May, 694–696.

N Nagajyothi, K.; Raghavan, P. S.; Gopalan, R. SurfactantInduced Osazone Formation at Room Temperature. (Letter) June, 728. Nakhleh, M. B. Theories or Fragments? The Debate Over Learners’ Naive Ideas About Science. (SYM) Aug, 1107. Nakhleh, M. B.; Donovan, W. J. Students’ Use of WebBased Tutorial Materials and Their Understanding of Chemistry Concepts. (CER) July, 975–980. Nakhleh, M. B.; Nicoll, G.; Francisco, J. S. An Investigation of the Value of Using Concept Maps in General Chemistry. (CER) Aug, 1111–1117. Nash, J. J.; Meyer, J. A.; Everson, B. What Factors Affect the Separation of Substances Using Thin-Layer Chromatography? An Undergraduate Experiment. March, 364–365. Neder, A. d.; García, E.; Viana, L. N. The Use of an Inexpensive Laser Pointer to Perform Qualitative and Semiquantitative Laser Refractometry. (TD) Nov, 1481–1483.

Negri, R. M.; Prypsztejn, H. E. An Experiment on Photochromism and Kinetics for the Undergraduate Laboratory. May, 645–648. Nelson, J.; Arthurs, M.; McKee, V.; Town, R. M. Chemistry in Cages: Dinucleating Azacryptand Hosts and Their Cation and Anion Cryptates. Sep, 1269–1272. Nelson, S.; Ogren, P. J.; Henry, I. Using a Diode Laser Pointer to Count Drops and Automate Titration Systems. (CBB) March, 353–355. Nepomuceno, A. I.; Indralingam, R. The Use of Disposable IR Cards for Quantitative Analysis Using an Internal Standard. July, 958–960. Neuschatz, M.; Ryan, M.; Boese, J. M. Two-Year College Chemistry Baseline Study. (2YC3) Oct, 1325. New, J.; Jarret, R. M.; Hurley, R.; Gillooly, L. Looking beyond the endo Rule in a Diels–Alder Discovery Lab. Sep, 1262–1263. Newton, T. A.; Gordon, N. R.; Rhodes, G.; Ricci, J. S.; Stebbins, R. G.; Tracy, H. J. Writing and Computing across the USM Chemistry Curriculum. Jan, 53–55. Nezlin, A. An Alternative to Mercury Thermometers. March, 342. Nicoll, G.; Francisco, J. S. An Investigation of the Factors Influencing Student Performance in Physical Chemistry. (CER) Jan, 99–102. Nicoll, G.; Francisco, J. S.; Nakhleh, M. B. An Investigation of the Value of Using Concept Maps in General Chemistry. (CER) Aug, 1111–1117. Nicotera, C. L.; Shibley, I. A. Jr.; Milakofsky, L. M. Incorporating a Substantial Writing Assignment into Organic Chemistry: Library Research, Peer Review, and Assessment. Jan, 50–53. Nieto, E.; Gallego, M. G.; Romano, S.; Sierra, M. A. A More Realistic Teaching Style in Spectroscopic Instruction. June, 765–769. Nieto, E.; Gallego, M. G.; Romano, S.; Sierra, M. A. A More Realistic Teaching Style in Spectroscopic Instruction (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 765–769). (Correction) Sep, 1183. Nigretto, J. M. Evaluating Solubility of Sparingly Soluble Diprotic Acid Salts. May, 631–633. Nikitas, P. Applications of the Gibbs–Duhem Equation. Aug, 1070–1075. Nilsson, M. R. Student-Taught Review Sessions: Fostering Communication Skills and Reinforcing Concepts. May, 628. Nordell, K. J.; Condren, S. M.; Lisensky, G. C.; Ellis, A. B.; Kuech, T. F.; Stockman, S. A. LEDs: New Lamps for Old and a Paradigm for Ongoing Curriculum Modernization. Aug, 1033–1040. Nordell, K. J.; Widstrand, C. G.; Ellis, A. B. Designing and Reporting Experiments in Chemistry Classes Using Examples from Materials Science: Illustrations of the Process and Communication of Scientific Research. Aug, 1044–1046. Norris, P.; Fluxe, A. Preparation of a D-Glucose-Derived Alkene. An E2 Reaction for the Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Laboratory. Dec, 1676–1678. Norris, P.; Freeze, S.; Gabriel, C. J. Synthesis of a Partially Protected Azidodeoxy Sugar. A Project Suitable for the Advanced Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Laboratory. Jan, 75–76. Novak, I. Two Particles in a Box. March, 395–397. Nurrenbern, S. C. Piaget’s Theory of Intellectual Development Revisited. (SYM) Aug, 1107–1110.

O O’Brien, B. A.; Jensen, A. W. Simple Preparation and NMR Analysis of mer and fac Isomers of Tris(1,1,1trifluoro-2,4-pentanedionato)cobalt(III). An Experiment for the Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory. July, 954–955. O’Brien, J. F.; Haworth, D. T. Organometallic Computational Exercise: Semiempirical Molecular Orbital Calculations on (C6H6)Cr(CO)3 and (B3N3H6)Cr(CO)3. (MMEE) Jan, 134. O’Keefe, M.; Spence, J. C.; Zuo, J. M. Have Orbitals Really Been Observed? (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1492–1494). (Letter) July, 877. O’Shea, K. E.; Reyes, J.; Morton, M.; Downum, K.; Hoffman, G. G. Isolation and Spectral Analysis of Naturally Occurring Thiarubrine A. June, 781–783. Ochs, R. S. Understanding Enzyme Inhibition (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1453–1456). (Correction) Jan, 32. Ochs, R. S.; Yin, M. The Mole, the Periodic Table, and Quantum Numbers: An Introductory Trio. Oct, 1345–1347. Ogren, P. J.; Davis, B.; Guy, N. Curve Fitting, Confidence Intervals and Envelopes, Correlations, and • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 • Journal of Chemical Education


Author Index • Volume 78 • 2001 Monte Carlo Visualizations for Multilinear Problems in Chemistry: A General Spreadsheet Approach. (CBB) June, 827–836. Ogren, P. J.; Nelson, S.; Henry, I. Using a Diode Laser Pointer to Count Drops and Automate Titration Systems. (CBB) March, 353–355. Ohline, S. M.; Campbell, M. L.; Turnbull, M. T.; Kohler, S. J. Differential Scanning Calorimetric Study of Bilayer Membrane Phase Transitions. A Biophysical Chemistry Experiment. Sep, 1251–1256. Oliver-Hoyo, M. Problem Analysis: Lesson Scripts and Their Potential Applications. (TECH) Oct, 1425– 1428. Oliver-Hoyo, M.; Allen, D.; Solomon, S.; Brook, B.; Ciraolo, J.; Daly, S.; Jackson, L. Qualitative Analysis of Fourteen White Solids and Two Mixtures Using Household Chemicals. Nov, 1475–1478. Olivier, G.; Herson, K.; Sosabowski, M. H. WebMark— A Fully Automated Method of Submission, Assessment, Grading, and Commentary for Laboratory Practical Scripts. (CBB) Dec, 1699–1703. Olsen, K. G.; Ulicny, L. J. Reduction of Calcium Concentrations by the Brita® Water Filtration System: A Practical Experiment in Titrimetry and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. July, 941. Olson, T. M.; Gonzalez, A. C.; Vasquez, V. R. Gas Chromatography Analyses for Trihalomethanes: An Experiment Illustrating Important Sources of Disinfection By-Products in Water Treatment. Sep, 1231–1234. Orbell, J. D.; Tran, T. H.; Bigger, S. W.; Kruger, T.; Buddhadasa, S.; Barone, S. Identifying Deficiencies in the Environmental Chemistry Educational Literature. Dec, 1693–1695. Orecchio, S. Recovery and Reutilization of Waste Matter from Coffee Preparation. An Experiment for Environmental Science Courses. Dec, 1669–1671. Orna, M. Chemistry, Color, and Art. (NCW) Oct, 1305–1311. Ortega, T.; Forja, J. M.; Gómez-Parra, A. Teaching Estuarine Chemical Processes by Laboratory Simulation. June, 771–775. Orth, D. L. HPLC Determination of Taurine in Sports Drinks. June, 791–792. Oughton, J.; Xu, S.; Battino, R. The Purification of Water by Freeze–Thaw or Zone Melting. Oct, 1373– 1374. Owen, N. L.; Cannon, J.; Li, D.; Wood, S. G.; Gromova, A.; Lutsky, V. Investigation of Secondary Metabolites in Plants. A General Protocol for Undergraduate Research in Natural Products. Sep, 1234–1237.

P Pagni, R. M.; Kovac, J. D.; Harris, H. H.; Coppola, B. P. Summer Reading. June, 706–713. Paiva, J. C.; Gil, V. M. The State of Division of Solids and Chemical Equilibria. Feb, 222–223. Pak, M. S.; Sanger, M. J.; Brincks, E. L.; Phelps, A. J.; Lyovkin, A. N. A Comparison of Secondary Chemistry Courses and Chemistry Teacher Preparation Programs in Iowa and Saint Petersburg, Russia. Sep, 1275–1280. Palasota, J. A.; Joseph, S. M. The Combined Effects of pH and Percent Methanol on the HPLC Separation of Benzoic Acid and Phenol. Oct, 1381–1383. Palmer, L. C.; Hof, F.; Rebek, J. Jr. Synthesis and SelfAssembly of the “Tennis Ball” Dimer and Subsequent Encapsulation of Methane. An Advanced Organic Chemistry Laboratory Experiment. Nov, 1519–1521. Pamplin, K. L.; Reeves, P. C. A Strategy for Incorporating Hands-On GC–MS into the General Chemistry Lecture and Laboratory Courses. March, 368–370. Pandey, S.; Baker, G. A.; Betts, T. A. Fluorescence Polarization as a Tool to Pinpoint Vesicle Thermal Phase Transitions. Aug, 1100–1103. Panzanelli, A.; Garribba, E.; Micera, G.; Strinna-Erre, L.; Stara, G. Distinguishing Calcium Carbonate from Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate by Instrumental Methods. A Set of Laboratory Experiments for Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy. Aug, 1090–1092. Papadopoulos, N.; Limniou, M. A Computer-Controlled Bipolar Pulse Conductivity Apparatus. Feb, 245–246. Papadopoulos, N.; Limniou, M.; Koklamanis, G.; Tsarouxas, A.; Roilidis, M.; Bigger, S. W. Spec UVVis: An Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrophotometer Simulation. (JCE Software) Nov, 1560. Paquin, F.; Bernazzani, M. P. Modular Spectrometers in the Undergraduate Chemistry Laboratory. June, 796– 798. Pascual Pariente, L.; Herrera-Melián, J. A.; DoñaRodríguez, J. M.; Rendón, E. T.; Soler Vila, A.; Bru-


JCE Online Index:

net Quetglas, M.; Azcárate, A. A. Solar Photocatalytic Destruction of p-Nitrophenol: A Pedagogical Use of Lab Wastes. (ST) June, 775–777. Paulson, D. R. Writing for Chemists: Satisfying the CSU Upper-Division Writing Requirement. Aug, 1047– 1049. Pearson, J. J.; Waldron, K. A.; Fehringer, E. M.; Streeb, A. E.; Trosky, J. E. Screening Percentages Based on Slater Effective Nuclear Charge as a Versatile Tool for Teaching Periodic Trends. May, 635–639. Pecha, J.; Vickers, T. J.; Mann, C. K. Raman Spectroscopy with a Fiber-Optic Probe and Multichannel Detection. Dec, 1674–1675. Peckham, G. D. The Extent of Reaction, ⌬␰—Some Nuts and Bolts. (CPR) April, 508–510. Pellenbarg, R. E.; Max, M. D. Gas Hydrates: From Laboratory Curiosity to Potential Global Powerhouse. (POC) July, 896–900. Pellicer, J.; Dolz, M.; Delegido, J.; Hernández, M. An Inexpensive and Accurate Tensiometer Using an Electronic Balance. Sep, 1257–1259. Pellicer, J.; Manzanares, J. A.; Zúñiga, J.; Utrillas, P.; Fernández, J. Thermodynamics of Rubber Elasticity. Feb, 263–267. Pereira, R. B.; Silva, C. R.; Sabadini, E. Color Changes in Indicator Solutions. An Intriguing and Elucidative General Chemistry Experiment. July, 939–940. Pesterfield, L. L.; Henrickson, C. H. Inorganic Chemistry at the Undergraduate Level: Are We All on the Same Page? May, 677–679. Peters, D. W.; Alaimo, P. J.; Arnold, J.; Bergman, R. G. Suggested Modifications to a Distillation-Free Solvent Purification System. Jan, 64. Peterson, R. R.; Cox, J. R. Integrating Computational Chemistry into a Project-Oriented Biochemistry Laboratory Experience: A New Twist on the Lysozyme Experiment. (CBB) Nov, 1551–1555. Pettegrew, B.; Gordon, J. S.; Harman, S.; Weiss, K. A Microscale Spectrophotometric Determination of Water Hardness. (ML) Aug, 1089–1090. Pevac, S.; Crundwell, G. Pólya’s Isomer Enumeration Method: A Unique Exercise in Group Theory and Combinatorial Analysis for Undergraduates (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1358–1360). (Correction) Aug, 1021. Phelps, A. J.; Sanger, M. J.; Brincks, E. L.; Pak, M. S.; Lyovkin, A. N. A Comparison of Secondary Chemistry Courses and Chemistry Teacher Preparation Programs in Iowa and Saint Petersburg, Russia. Sep, 1275–1280. Phillips, D. B. CHEM 101: Thirty Years of Experiences with a Chemistry Course for Prospective Elementary School Teachers. (CFK) July, 905–907. Pieroni, O. I.; Ciolino, A. E.; Domini, C. E.; Vuano, B. M. A Serendipitous Extension for Illustrating Newman Projections. Oct, 1359. Piers, K.; Sinniah, K. Ion Chromatography: Analysis of Ions in Pond Waters. (TICI) March, 358–362. Pike, R. D.; Graham, P. M.; Guy, K. A.; Johnson, T. J.; Cole, J. R.; Stamps, S. M.; Klemmer, L. E. Network Complexes of Copper(I) Halides. Nov, 1522–1524. Pilot, A.; de Vos, W. Acids and Bases in Layers: The Stratal Structure of an Ancient Topic. April, 494–499. Pine, S. H. Chemical Laboratory Information Profiles (CLIPs) (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 444). (Letter) Dec, 1593. Pinkerton, K. D. Curriculum Alignment Projects: Toward Developing a Need to Know. (VIEW) Feb, 198– 200. Pinkerton, K. D. Sink or Swim: The Cartesian Diver. (JCE Activity) Feb, 200A–200B. Po, H. N.; Senozan, N. M. Henderson–Hasselbalch Equation: Its History and Limitations. Nov, 1499–1503. Pocker, Y.; Meany, J. E.; Minderhout, V. Application of Hammond’s Postulate. An Activity for Guided Discovery Learning in Organic Chemistry. Feb, 204–207. Pogliani, L. The Diagrammatic Method, the Planck and the Massieu Functions. May, 680–681. Polo, D. L.; Vallarino, L. M.; Esperdy, K. Development of a Research-Oriented Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory Course. (ACL) Feb, 228–231. Pompizzi, K. M.; Miles, W. H.; Gelato, K. A.; Scarbinsky, A. M.; Albrecht, B. K.; Reynolds, E. R. An Indexed Combinatorial Library: The Synthesis and Testing of Insect Repellents. April, 540–542. Pontén, F.; Ellervik, U. Safe and Efficient Flash Chromatography Equipment for the Research/Teaching Lab. (CET) March, 363. Pontes, M. G.; Correia, L. C.; Bocewicz, A. C.; Esteves, S. d.; Versieux, L. M.; Teixeira, S. M.; Santoro, M. M.; Bemquerer, M. P. The Effect of Organic Solvents

and Other Parameters on Trypsin-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Nα-Benzoyl-arginine-p-nitroanilide. A ProjectOriented Biochemical Experiment. Nov, 1535–1537. Popovich, N. D.; Wong, S.; Coldiron, S. J. A Simple Computer-Interfaced Calorimeter: Application to the Determination of the Heat of Formation of Magnesium Oxide. June, 798. Pöpping, B. Are You Ready for [a] Roundup?—What Chemistry Has to Do with Genetic Modifications. (POC) June, 752–756. Potter, R.; Slawson, C.; Stewart, J. Biocatalytic Lactone Generation in Genetically Engineered Escherichia coli and Identification of Products by Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectroscopy. Nov, 1533–1534. Prado, M. A. Determination of Lipophilicity Constants of Sulfonamide Substituents. April, 533–534. Prescott, S. W.; Gilbert, R. G.; Fellows, C. M.; McDonald, J. An Introduction to the Scientific Process: Preparation of Poly(vinyl acetate) Glue. Oct, 1370–1372. Prypsztejn, H. E.; Negri, R. M. An Experiment on Photochromism and Kinetics for the Undergraduate Laboratory. May, 645–648. Pugh, M. E.; Schultz, E. Determination of the Fatty Acid Content of Biological Membranes: A Highly Versatile GC–MS Experiment. July, 944–946. Purser, G. H. Lewis Structures in General Chemistry: Agreement between Electron Density Calculations and Lewis Structures. July, 981–983.

Q Qin, X.; Jinqing, K.; Ke, C. An Improved Hittorf ’s Apparatus for Determining Ion Transference Number. July, 937–938. Qiu, L.; White, M. A. The Constituent Additivity Method to Estimate Heat Capacities of Complex Inorganic Solids. Aug, 1076–1079. Queirós, M. A.; da Queija, C.; Rodrigues, L. L. Determination of Flavonoids in Wine by High Performance Liquid Chromatography. Feb, 236–237. Queiroz, S. L.; de Araujo, M. P.; Batista, A. A.; MacFarlane, K. S.; James, B. R. An Electrochemical Experiment to Monitor the Isomerization of trans- to cis-[RuCl2(dppb)(phen)]: An Undergraduate Cyclic Voltammetry Experiment for Inorganic Chemistry. Jan, 89–90. Queiroz, S. L.; de Araujo, M. P.; Batista, A. A.; MacFarlane, K. S.; James, B. R. Synthesis of [RuCl2(dppb)(PPh3)] and Identification of the cis- and trans-[RuCl2(dppb)(phen)] Geometrical Isomers via 31P{ 1H} NMR Spectroscopy. An Undergraduate Experiment for Inorganic Chemistry. Jan, 87–89.

R Rademacher, P. Phototropic Reaction (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1386-1387). (Letter) Dec, 1596. Ragan, N. M.; Sales, C. L.; Murphy, M. K. Using Calculator-Based Laboratory Technology to Conduct Undergraduate Chemical Research. (TECH) May, 694–696. Raghavan, P. S.; Nagajyothi, K.; Gopalan, R. SurfactantInduced Osazone Formation at Room Temperature. (Letter) June, 728. Rajamani, R. See Cramer, C. J. Sep, 1202–1205. Raviolo, A. Assessing Students’ Conceptual Understanding of Solubility Equilibrium. (RSA) May, 629–631. Rebek, J. Jr.; Hof, F.; Palmer, L. C. Synthesis and SelfAssembly of the “Tennis Ball” Dimer and Subsequent Encapsulation of Methane. An Advanced Organic Chemistry Laboratory Experiment. Nov, 1519–1521. Reddin, K.; Wachter-Jurcsak, N. Discovery-Oriented Approach to Organic Synthesis: Tandem Aldol Condensation–Michael Addition Reactions. Identifying Diastereotopic Hydrogens in an Achiral Molecule by NMR Spectroscopy. Sep, 1264–1265. Reese, R. L.; Hall, R. W.; Butler, L. G.; McGuire, S. Y.; McGlynn, S. P.; Lyon, G. L.; Limbach, P. A. Automated, Web-Based, Second-Chance Homework. (TECH) Dec, 1704–1708. Reeves, P. C.; Pamplin, K. L. A Strategy for Incorporating Hands-On GC–MS into the General Chemistry Lecture and Laboratory Courses. March, 368–370. Reichmanis, E. ACS Presidential Election: Statement on Education–Planning Together Today to Meet Tomorrow’s Challenges. Sep, 1161. Reid, P. J.; Mayer, S. G.; Gach, J. M.; Forbes, E. R. Exploring Phase Diagrams Using Supercritical Fluids. An Undergraduate Physical Chemistry Laboratory. Feb, 241–242.

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 •

/Journal/Search/index.html Reingold, I. D. Bioorganic First: A New Model for the College Chemistry Curriculum. (Commentary) July, 869–871. Reingold, I. D. The CUR Institute on Proposal Writing. (CUR) June, 716. Reingold, I. D.; Fisher, T. L.; Fitzsimmons, T. L. ThinLayer Electrophoresis. Sep, 1241–1243. Rendón, E. T.; Herrera-Melián, J. A.; Doña-Rodríguez, J. M.; Soler Vila, A.; Brunet Quetglas, M.; Azcárate, A. A.; Pascual Pariente, L. Solar Photocatalytic Destruction of p-Nitrophenol: A Pedagogical Use of Lab Wastes. (ST) June, 775–777. Resende, E.; Kirschenbaum, L. J.; Li, E.; Ruekberg, B. An Alternative Confirmatory Test for Silver Ion in Qualitative Analysis. Nov, 1524. Reyes, J.; Morton, M.; Downum, K.; Hoffman, G. G.; O’Shea, K. E. Isolation and Spectral Analysis of Naturally Occurring Thiarubrine A. June, 781–783. Reynolds, E. R.; Miles, W. H.; Gelato, K. A.; Pompizzi, K. M.; Scarbinsky, A. M.; Albrecht, B. K. An Indexed Combinatorial Library: The Synthesis and Testing of Insect Repellents. April, 540–542. Rezende, D. d.; Campos, I. P. On Chirality in Substituted Metallocenes Bearing Identical Substituents. Aug, 1130–1131. Rhodes, G.; Gordon, N. R.; Newton, T. A.; Ricci, J. S.; Stebbins, R. G.; Tracy, H. J. Writing and Computing across the USM Chemistry Curriculum. Jan, 53–55. Riccardino, P. A.; Beall, H. The Colligative Property of Walther Nernst. April, 511–512. Ricci, J. S.; Gordon, N. R.; Newton, T. A.; Rhodes, G.; Stebbins, R. G.; Tracy, H. J. Writing and Computing across the USM Chemistry Curriculum. Jan, 53–55. Richter, M. M.; Bolton, E. Chemiluminescence of Tris(2,2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II): A Glowing Experience. (TD) Jan, 47–48. Richter, M. M.; Bolton, E. Light Emission at Electrodes: An Electrochemiluminescence Demonstration. (TD) May, 641–643. Richter-Egger, D. L.; Tesfai, A.; Flamm, S. J.; Tucker, S. A. Synthesis and Analysis of a Solvatochromic Dye, 1-(p-Dimethylaminophenyl)-2-nitroethylene. An Advanced Undergraduate Laboratory Experiment. Oct, 1375–1378. Ridley, D. D. Introduction to Searching with SciFinder Scholar. (CII) April, 557–558. Ridley, D. D. Introduction to Structure Searching with SciFinder Scholar. (CII) April, 559–560. Riley, W. D.; Clark, G. J. The Connection between Success in a Freshman Chemistry Class and a Student’s Jungian Personality Type. (CER) Oct, 1406–1411. Rios, A.; Crugeiras, J.; Leis, J. R. Micellar Effects on the Spontaneous Hydrolysis of Phenyl Chloroformate. A Kinetic Experiment for the Physical Chemistry Laboratory. Nov, 1538–1540. Ritacco, H.; Castro, M. J.; Kovensky, J.; FernándezCirelli, A. A Simplified Method for the Determination of Critical Micelle Concentration. March, 347– 348. Rivera, O.; Simpson, J. M. Gas Chromatography and Molecular Modeling. A Correlation Experiment for the Undergraduate Laboratory. (CBB) July, 942–943. Robinson, W. R. Cognitive Requirements of OpenEnded Learning Environments. (ROJResLit) Jan, 20– 21. Robinson, W. R.; Lyle, K. S. Teaching Science Problem Solving: An Overview of Experimental Work. (ROJResLit) Sep, 1162–1163. Robinson, W. R.; Samarapungavan, A. Implications of Cognitive Science Research for Models of the Science Learner. (SYM) Aug, 1107. Rodrigues, L. L.; da Queija, C.; Queirós, M. A. Determination of Flavonoids in Wine by High Performance Liquid Chromatography. Feb, 236–237. Roesky, H. W.; Walawalkar, M. G. Icarus and Sun, Not Only in Mythology but Also in the Laboratory! (TD) July, 912–913. Roilidis, M.; Papadopoulos, N.; Limniou, M.; Koklamanis, G.; Tsarouxas, A.; Bigger, S. W. Spec UVVis: An Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrophotometer Simulation. (JCE Software) Nov, 1560. Roldán, E.; Mozo, J. D.; Galán, M. Application of Light Emitting Diodes to Chemical Analysis: Determination of Copper in Water. (CET) March, 355–357. Rollnick, M.; Davidowitz, B.; Lubben, F. Undergraduate Science and Engineering Students’ Understanding of the Reliability of Chemical Data. (CER) Feb, 247– 252. Romano, S.; Gallego, M. G.; Sierra, M. A.; Nieto, E. A More Realistic Teaching Style in Spectroscopic Instruction. June, 765–769.

Volume 78 • 2001 • Author Index Romano, S.; Gallego, M. G.; Sierra, M. A.; Nieto, E. A More Realistic Teaching Style in Spectroscopic Instruction (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 765–769). (Correction) Sep, 1183. Romão, C. C.; Diogo, H. P. An Efficient and Inexpensive Apparatus for Hot Filtration. (CET) Jan, 65. Rosenhein, L. D. The Household Chemistry of Cleaning Pennies. (AA) April, 513–515. Rosenthal, A. J. Demonstration of Surface Tension. (OPD) March, 332–333. Rózsahegyi, M.; Szabó L., S.; Mazák, K.; Knausz, D. Enchanted Glass. (TD) March, 329–331. Rudd, J. A. II; Greenbowe, T. J.; Hand, B. M.; Legg, M. J. Using the Science Writing Heuristic to Move toward an Inquiry-Based Laboratory Curriculum: An Example from Physical Equilibrium. (CER) Dec, 1680–1686. Ruekberg, B.; Kirschenbaum, L. J.; Resende, E.; Li, E. An Alternative Confirmatory Test for Silver Ion in Qualitative Analysis. Nov, 1524. Ryan, M.; Neuschatz, M.; Boese, J. M. Two-Year College Chemistry Baseline Study. (2YC3) Oct, 1325. Ryan, T. The Development of Instrumentation for ThinFilm X-ray Diffraction. (Waters) May, 613–616. Rybolt, T. R.; Waddell, T. G. The Chemical Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Shroud of Spartacus. April, 470–474.

S Sabadini, E.; Silva, C. R.; Pereira, R. B. Color Changes in Indicator Solutions. An Intriguing and Elucidative General Chemistry Experiment. July, 939–940. Sabaté, R.; Freire, L.; Estelrich, J. Influence of Dielectric Constant on the Spectral Behavior of Pinacyanol. A Spectrophotometric Experiment for Physical Chemistry. Feb, 243–244. Sacchetti, M. The General Form of the Gibbs–Duhem Equation for Multiphase/Multicomponent Systems and Its Application to Solid-State Activity Measurements. Feb, 260–263. Sadik, O. A.; Cheung, M. C. Computer Simulation of Electronic Circuits Used in Chemical Instrumentation. (TICI) May, 658–662. Sadoski, R. C.; Shipp, D.; Durham, B. Metal Complexes of Trifluoropentanedione. An Experiment for the General Chemistry Laboratory. (ACL) May, 665–666. Sales, C. L.; Ragan, N. M.; Murphy, M. K. Using Calculator-Based Laboratory Technology to Conduct Undergraduate Chemical Research. (TECH) May, 694–696. Salsbury, J. S. See Cramer, C. J. Sep, 1202–1205. Samarapungavan, A.; Robinson, W. R. Implications of Cognitive Science Research for Models of the Science Learner. (SYM) Aug, 1107. Samet, C.; Bengali, A. A.; Charlton, S. B. Determination of the Regiochemistry of Disubstituted Arenes Generated by Addition of a Carbanion to the (η6Anisole)Cr(CO)3 Complex. Jan, 68–70. Samide, M. J.; Thal, M. A. Applied Electronics: Construction of a Simple Spectrophotometer. (TICI) Nov, 1510–1512. Sanford Seney, C. L.; Mantooth, B. A.; Jones, B. T. Determination of Ethanol in Alcohol Samples Using a Modular Raman Spectrometer. (TICI) Sep, 1221–1225. Sanger, M. J.; Badger, S. M. II. Using Computer-Based Visualization Strategies to Improve Students’ Understanding of Molecular Polarity and Miscibility. (CER) Oct, 1412–1416. Sanger, M. J.; Brincks, E. L.; Phelps, A. J.; Pak, M. S.; Lyovkin, A. N. A Comparison of Secondary Chemistry Courses and Chemistry Teacher Preparation Programs in Iowa and Saint Petersburg, Russia. Sep, 1275–1280. Santoro, M. M.; Correia, L. C.; Bocewicz, A. C.; Esteves, S. d.; Pontes, M. G.; Versieux, L. M.; Teixeira, S. M.; Bemquerer, M. P. The Effect of Organic Solvents and Other Parameters on Trypsin-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of N α-Benzoyl-arginine-p-nitroanilide. A Project-Oriented Biochemical Experiment. Nov, 1535–1537. Sañudo-Wilhelmy, S. A.; Breslin, V. T. The Lead Project. An Environmental Instrumental Analysis Case Study. Dec, 1647–1651. Sarquis, A. M. Recommendations for Offering Successful Professional Development Programs for Teachers. June, 820–823. Sarquis, J. L.; Stanitski, C. Executive Committee Report, April 2001. (ACS) July, 861–862. Sauder, D.; Towns, M. H.; Whisnant, D. M.; Zielinski, T. J. Physical Chemistry On Line: Interinstitutional Collaboration at a Distance. (CCD) March, 414–415.

Scarbinsky, A. M.; Miles, W. H.; Gelato, K. A.; Pompizzi, K. M.; Albrecht, B. K.; Reynolds, E. R. An Indexed Combinatorial Library: The Synthesis and Testing of Insect Repellents. April, 540–542. Schaeffer, R. W.; Margolis, L. A.; Yoder, C. H. The Synthesis and Analysis of Copper(I) Iodide. A First-Year Laboratory Project. Feb, 235–236. Schatz, P. F. Anniversaries: 2001. Jan, 10–13. Schatz, P. F. An Improved Preparation of α-D-(+)-Glucopyranose Pentaacetate. Oct, 1378. Schatz, P. F. Indigo and Tyrian Purple—In Nature and in the Lab. (NCW) Nov, 1442–1443. Schelble, S.; Kingsbury, C. Teaching Chemistry in the New Century: Organic Chemistry. Sep, 1172. Schmid, R.; Miah, A. M. The Strength of the Hydrohalic Acids. Jan, 116–117. Schreck, J. O.; Stone, K.; Hoffman, M. Z. ACS National Meeting. Program for the Division of Chemical Education: San Diego, March 31–April 5, 2001. March, 292. Schreiner, R.; Johnson, K. A Dramatic Flame Test Demonstration. (TD) May, 640–641. Schuh, M. D.; Bondesen, B. A. Circular Dichroism of Globular Proteins. (ACL) Sep, 1244–1247. Schultz, E.; Pugh, M. E. Determination of the Fatty Acid Content of Biological Membranes: A Highly Versatile GC–MS Experiment. July, 944–946. Schwartz, A. T.; Serie, J. General Chemistry and Cell Biology: An Experiment in Curricular Symbiosis. Nov, 1490–1494. Schwenz, R. W.; Zielinski, T. J. Teaching Chemistry in the New Century: Physical Chemistry. Sep, 1173. Seeman, J. I.; Carroll, F. A. Placing Science into Its Human Context: Using Scientific Autobiography to Teach Chemistry. Dec, 1618–1622. Seidl, P. R.; Magalhães, M. d.; Augusto, C. R. An Introductory Course in Industrial Chemistry for Freshmen. Feb, 218–222. Senden, T. J.; Craig, V. S.; Jones, A. C. Contact Angles of Aqueous Solutions on Copper Surfaces Bearing Self-Assembled Monolayers. March, 345–346. Senkbeil, E. G. Demonstrations with Nitrocellulose: Possible Further Pedagogic Value (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1449). Dec, 1596–1597. Senozan, N. M.; Po, H. N. Henderson–Hasselbalch Equation: Its History and Limitations. Nov, 1499– 1503. Serie, J.; Schwartz, A. T. General Chemistry and Cell Biology: An Experiment in Curricular Symbiosis. Nov, 1490–1494. Settle, F. A. Jr.; Wiesner, E. Politics, Chemistry, and the Discovery of Nuclear Fission. July, 889–895. Sharma, C. K. Designing Advanced Materials As Simple As Assembling Lego Blocks! May, 617–622. Sheu, W. Molecular Weight Averages and Polydispersity of Polymers. April, 554–555. Shibley, I. A. Jr. Ob-scertainers™: A Cooperative Activity on Hypotheses. Sep, 1193–1194. Shibley, I. A. Jr.; Milakofsky, L. M.; Nicotera, C. L. Incorporating a Substantial Writing Assignment into Organic Chemistry: Library Research, Peer Review, and Assessment. Jan, 50–53. Shipp, D.; Sadoski, R. C.; Durham, B. Metal Complexes of Trifluoropentanedione. An Experiment for the General Chemistry Laboratory. (ACL) May, 665–666. Shirazi, H.; Wadsö, L.; Smith, A. L.; Mulligan, S. R.; Hofelich, T. The Isothermal Heat Conduction Calorimeter: A Versatile Instrument for Studying Processes in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. (TICI) Aug, 1080–1086. Sierra, M. A.; Gallego, M. G.; Romano, S.; Nieto, E. A More Realistic Teaching Style in Spectroscopic Instruction. June, 765–769. Sierra, M. A.; Gallego, M. G.; Romano, S.; Nieto, E. A More Realistic Teaching Style in Spectroscopic Instruction (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 765–769). (Correction) Sep, 1183. Silva, C. R.; Pereira, R. B.; Sabadini, E. Color Changes in Indicator Solutions. An Intriguing and Elucidative General Chemistry Experiment. July, 939–940. Simonson, L. A. Tablet Analysis Using Gravimetric Dilutions. Oct, 1387–1389. Simpson, J. M.; Rivera, O. Gas Chromatography and Molecular Modeling. A Correlation Experiment for the Undergraduate Laboratory. (CBB) July, 942–943. Singmaster, K. A.; Garizi, N.; Macias, A.; Furch, T.; Fan, R.; Wagenknecht, P. S. Cigarette Smoke Analysis Using an Inexpensive Gas-Phase IR Cell. Dec, 1665– 1666. Singmaster, K. A.; Wong, G.; Mark, B.; Chen, X.; Furch, T.; Wagenknecht, P. S. Preparation and Use of a • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 • Journal of Chemical Education


Author Index • Volume 78 • 2001 Room-Temperature Catalytic Converter. Dec, 1667– 1668. Sinniah, K.; Piers, K. Ion Chromatography: Analysis of Ions in Pond Waters. (TICI) March, 358–362. Situmorang, M.; Gooding, J. J.; Yang, W. Bioanalytical Experiments for the Undergraduate Laboratory: Monitoring Glucose in Sports Drinks. June, 788–790. Slawson, C.; Stewart, J.; Potter, R. Biocatalytic Lactone Generation in Genetically Engineered Escherichia coli and Identification of Products by Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectroscopy. Nov, 1533–1534. Smart, R.; Henderleiter, J.; Anderson, J.; Elian, O. How Do Organic Chemistry Students Understand and Apply Hydrogen Bonding? (CER) Aug, 1126–1130. Smith, A. L.; Wadsö, L.; Shirazi, H.; Mulligan, S. R.; Hofelich, T. The Isothermal Heat Conduction Calorimeter: A Versatile Instrument for Studying Processes in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. (TICI) Aug, 1080–1086. Smith, C. A.; Munguia, T. Surface Tension Determination through Capillary Rise and Laser Diffraction Patterns. March, 343–344. Smith, L. R.; Zahedkargaran, H. Mass Spectral Fragmentation Patterns of Deuterated Butyl and Ethyl Acetates. An Easy Microscale Isotopic Labeling Experiment. (ML) Oct, 1379–1380. Smith, M. J.; Vincent, C. A. Structure and Content of Some Primary Batteries. April, 519–521. Sodeman, D. A.; Lillard, S. J. Who Set the Fire? Determination of Arson Accelerants by GC–MS in an Instrumental Methods Course. Sep, 1228–1230. Soler Vila, A.; Herrera-Melián, J. A.; Doña-Rodríguez, J. M.; Rendón, E. T.; Brunet Quetglas, M.; Azcárate, A. A.; Pascual Pariente, L. Solar Photocatalytic Destruction of p-Nitrophenol: A Pedagogical Use of Lab Wastes. (ST) June, 775–777. Solomon, S.; Oliver-Hoyo, M.; Allen, D.; Brook, B.; Ciraolo, J.; Daly, S.; Jackson, L. Qualitative Analysis of Fourteen White Solids and Two Mixtures Using Household Chemicals. Nov, 1475–1478. Solomon, T. The Definition and Unit of Ionic Strength. Dec, 1691–1692. Soltzberg, L. J. Electronic Spectra of Conjugated Systems: A Modern Update for a Classic Experiment. (MMEE) Oct, 1432. Sosabowski, M. H.; Olivier, G.; Herson, K. WebMark— A Fully Automated Method of Submission, Assessment, Grading, and Commentary for Laboratory Practical Scripts. (CBB) Dec, 1699–1703. Spanoghe, P.; Cocquyt, J.; Van der Meeren, P. A LowCost Dynamic Surface Tension Meter with a LabVIEW Interface and Its Usefulness in Understanding Foam Formation. (CBB) March, 338–342. Spence, J. C.; O’Keefe, M.; Zuo, J. M. Have Orbitals Really Been Observed? (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1492–1494). (Letter) July, 877. Sproul, G. Electronegativity and Bond Type: Predicting Bond Type. March, 387–390. Stachulski, A. V.; Lennard, M. S. Drug Metabolism: The Body’s Defense against Chemical Attack (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 349–353). (Correction) March, 312. Stamps, S. M.; Pike, R. D.; Graham, P. M.; Guy, K. A.; Johnson, T. J.; Cole, J. R.; Klemmer, L. E. Network Complexes of Copper(I) Halides. Nov, 1522–1524. Stanitski, C.; Sarquis, J. L. Executive Committee Report, April 2001. (ACS) July, 861–862. Stara, G.; Garribba, E.; Micera, G.; Panzanelli, A.; Strinna-Erre, L. Distinguishing Calcium Carbonate from Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate by Instrumental Methods. A Set of Laboratory Experiments for Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy. Aug, 1090–1092. Stark, R. E.; Gaede, H. C. NMR of a Phospholipid. Modules for Advanced Laboratory Courses. (ACL) Sep, 1248–1250. Starkey, L. S. The Use of Stick Figures to Visualize Fischer Projections. Nov, 1486. Stary, F. E.; Woldow, N. Build a Simple Polarimeter. (CET) May, 644. Stebbins, R. G.; Gordon, N. R.; Newton, T. A.; Rhodes, G.; Ricci, J. S.; Tracy, H. J. Writing and Computing across the USM Chemistry Curriculum. Jan, 53–55. Stedjee, B.; Murov, S. Analysis of Zinc Tablets: An Extension to a Stoichiometry Experiment. Oct, 1389. Steelink, C.; Davies, G.; Ghabbour, E. A. Humic Acids: Marvelous Products of Soil Chemistry. (POC) Dec, 1609–1614. Steinhart, C. E. Biology of the Blues: The Snails behind the Ancient Dyes. (NCW) Nov, 1444. Stewart, J.; Slawson, C.; Potter, R. Biocatalytic Lactone Generation in Genetically Engineered Escherichia coli and Identification of Products by Gas Chromatogra-


JCE Online Index:

phy–Mass Spectroscopy. Nov, 1533–1534. Stockman, S. A.; Condren, S. M.; Lisensky, G. C.; Ellis, A. B.; Nordell, K. J.; Kuech, T. F. LEDs: New Lamps for Old and a Paradigm for Ongoing Curriculum Modernization. Aug, 1033–1040. Stone, K.; Schreck, J. O.; Hoffman, M. Z. ACS National Meeting. Program for the Division of Chemical Education: San Diego, March 31–April 5, 2001. March, 292. Strauss, S. H. In Search of a Deep Understanding of the Relative Stabilities of Transition Metal Halides. Dec, 1635–1640. Streeb, A. E.; Waldron, K. A.; Fehringer, E. M.; Trosky, J. E.; Pearson, J. J. Screening Percentages Based on Slater Effective Nuclear Charge as a Versatile Tool for Teaching Periodic Trends. May, 635–639. Strinna-Erre, L.; Garribba, E.; Micera, G.; Panzanelli, A.; Stara, G. Distinguishing Calcium Carbonate from Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate by Instrumental Methods. A Set of Laboratory Experiments for Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy. Aug, 1090–1092. Stubbs, J. M. See Cramer, C. J. Sep, 1202–1205. Su, A. I.; Wolkenberg, S. E. Combinatorial Synthesis and Discovery of an Antibiotic Compound. An Experiment Suitable for High School and Undergraduate Laboratories. June, 784–785. Suits, J. P. Pioneering Pedagogic Publications: Algorithms, Student Understanding, and Chemical Knowledge. (FPI) Aug, 1015–1016. Surek, J. T. See Cramer, C. J. Sep, 1202–1205. Suri, J. T. The Construction of the UCSC Econo-Box: An Inexpensive Yet Effective Glove Box. (CET) Nov, 1513–1515. Sweeney, W. V.; Mills, P. A.; Cieniewicz, W. Experiencing and Visualizing the First Law of Thermodynamics: An In-Class Workshop. Oct, 1360–1361. Szabó L., S.; Mazák, K.; Knausz, D.; Rózsahegyi, M. Enchanted Glass. (TD) March, 329–331.

T Takizawa, S.; Fujishige, S.; Tsuzuki, K. A Simple Preparative Method to Evaluate Total UV Protection by Commercial Sunscreens. Dec, 1678–1679. Tarr, M. A. Solving a Mock Arsenic-Poisoning Case Using Atomic Spectroscopy. Jan, 61–62. Tausch, M. W.; Korn, S. A Laboratory Simulation for Coupled Cycles of Photosynthesis and Respiration. Sep, 1238–1240. Teixeira, S. M.; Correia, L. C.; Bocewicz, A. C.; Esteves, S. d.; Pontes, M. G.; Versieux, L. M.; Santoro, M. M.; Bemquerer, M. P. The Effect of Organic Solvents and Other Parameters on Trypsin-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of N α-Benzoyl-arginine-p-nitroanilide. A Project-Oriented Biochemical Experiment. Nov, 1535–1537. Tellinghuisen, P. C.; Joesten, M. D. Vanderbilt Student Volunteers for Science. (CFK) April, 463–466. Tennant, L. H.; Williams, K. R. Micelles in the Physical/Analytical Chemistry Laboratory. Acid Dissociation of Neutral Red Indicator. March, 349–351. Terry, S.; Liberko, C. A. A Simplified Method for Measuring the Entropy of Urea Dissolution. An Experiment for the Introductory Chemistry Lab. Aug, 1087– 1088. Tesfai, A.; Richter-Egger, D. L.; Flamm, S. J.; Tucker, S. A. Synthesis and Analysis of a Solvatochromic Dye, 1-(p-Dimethylaminophenyl)-2-nitroethylene. An Advanced Undergraduate Laboratory Experiment. Oct, 1375–1378. Thal, M. A.; Samide, M. J. Applied Electronics: Construction of a Simple Spectrophotometer. (TICI) Nov, 1510–1512. Thamburaj, P. K. A Known-to-Unknown Approach to Teach about Empirical and Molecular Formulas. (AA) July, 915–916. Thomas, M. E.; Cleveland, A. A.; Battino, R.; Dolson, D. A.; Hall, M. R. The Conductivity of Molten Materials. (CPR) Aug, 1052–1054. Thomas, M. E.; Cleveland, A. A.; Battino, R.; Dolson, D. A.; Hall, M. R. The Conductivity of Molten Materials (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 1052–1054). (Correction) Oct, 1333. Thompson, J. D. See Cramer, C. J. Sep, 1202–1205. Thompson, R. Q.; Craig, N. C. Unified Electroanalytical Chemistry: Application of the Concept of Electrochemical Equilibrium. July, 928–933. Thorsen, K. Chem 13 News: Teaching Information for the New Year. (ROJ13News) Feb, 156–157. Tilstra, L. Using Journal Articles to Teach Writing Skills for Laboratory Reports in General Chemistry. June, 762–764.

Tonge, P. J.; Kandel, M. Personalized Combined Organic Spectroscopy Problems—Online and in the Lab. Sep, 1208–1209. Town, R. M.; Arthurs, M.; McKee, V.; Nelson, J. Chemistry in Cages: Dinucleating Azacryptand Hosts and Their Cation and Anion Cryptates. Sep, 1269–1272. Towns, M. H. Kolb for Chemists: David A. Kolb and Experiential Learning Theory. (SYM) Aug, 1107. Towns, M. H.; Bowen, C. W.; Hoffman, M. Z. ACS National Meeting: Chicago, August 25–30, 2001. Program for the Division of Chemical Education. Aug, 994. Towns, M. H.; Sauder, D.; Whisnant, D. M.; Zielinski, T. J. Physical Chemistry On Line: Interinstitutional Collaboration at a Distance. (CCD) March, 414–415. Tracy, H. J.; Gordon, N. R.; Newton, T. A.; Rhodes, G.; Ricci, J. S.; Stebbins, R. G. Writing and Computing across the USM Chemistry Curriculum. Jan, 53–55. Trammell, G.; Jacobsen, J. J.; Johnson, K.; Moore, J. W. Chemistry Comes Alive!, Volume 5. (JCE Software) March, 423–424. Tran, T. H.; Bigger, S. W.; Kruger, T.; Orbell, J. D.; Buddhadasa, S.; Barone, S. Identifying Deficiencies in the Environmental Chemistry Educational Literature. Dec, 1693–1695. Tran, Y.; Whitten, J. E. Using a Diode Laser for LaserInduced Fluorescence. (CET) Aug, 1093–1095. Tratnyek, P. G.; Balko, B. A. A Discovery-Based Experiment Illustrating How Iron Metal Is Used to Remediate Contaminated Groundwater. Dec, 1661– 1664. Treptow, R. S. Dog with Ball Joins Flying Bird (re J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76, 1656). (Letter) Jan, 31. Trosky, J. E.; Waldron, K. A.; Fehringer, E. M.; Streeb, A. E.; Pearson, J. J. Screening Percentages Based on Slater Effective Nuclear Charge as a Versatile Tool for Teaching Periodic Trends. May, 635–639. Trupp, T. Putting UV-Sensitive Beads to the Test. (JCE Activity) May, 648A–648B. Tsai, C. A Review and Discussion of Epistemological Commitments, Metacognition, and Critical Thinking with Suggestions on Their Enhancement in InternetAssisted Chemistry Classrooms. July, 970–974. Tsai, C. S. A Computer-Assisted Tutorial on Protein Structure. (CBB) June, 837–839. Tsarouxas, A.; Papadopoulos, N.; Limniou, M.; Koklamanis, G.; Roilidis, M.; Bigger, S. W. Spec UVVis: An Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrophotometer Simulation. (JCE Software) Nov, 1560. Tsuzuki, K.; Fujishige, S.; Takizawa, S. A Simple Preparative Method to Evaluate Total UV Protection by Commercial Sunscreens. Dec, 1678–1679. Tucker, S. A.; Richter-Egger, D. L.; Tesfai, A.; Flamm, S. J. Synthesis and Analysis of a Solvatochromic Dye, 1-(p-Dimethylaminophenyl)-2-nitroethylene. An Advanced Undergraduate Laboratory Experiment. Oct, 1375–1378. Tuite, A. J.; Cabay, M. E.; Ettlie, B. J.; Welday, K. A.; Mohan, R. S. The Discovery-Oriented Approach to Organic Chemistry. 5. Stereochemistry of E2 Elimination: Elimination of cis- and trans-2Methylcyclohexyl Tosylate. Jan, 79–80. Turnbull, M. T.; Ohline, S. M.; Campbell, M. L.; Kohler, S. J. Differential Scanning Calorimetric Study of Bilayer Membrane Phase Transitions. A Biophysical Chemistry Experiment. Sep, 1251–1256. Turner, R. Using Technology to Create a Scientific Learning Community. (2YC3) June, 717–719.

U Ulicny, L. J.; Olsen, K. G. Reduction of Calcium Concentrations by the Brita® Water Filtration System: A Practical Experiment in Titrimetry and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. July, 941. Underwood, G.; MacNeil, J. The Spectrophotometric Analysis and Modeling of Sunscreens (re J. Chem. Educ. 1997, 74, 99–102). (Letter) April, 453. Urbansky, E. T. Don’t Be Tricked by Your Integrated Rate Plot! July, 921–923. Utrillas, P.; Pellicer, J.; Manzanares, J. A.; Zúñiga, J.; Fernández, J. Thermodynamics of Rubber Elasticity. Feb, 263–267.

V Vaksman, M. A.; Lane, J. W. Using Guided Inquiry to Study Optical Activity and Optical Rotatory Dispersion in a Cross-Disciplinary Chemistry Lab. Nov, 1507–1509. Vallarino, L. M.; Polo, D. L.; Esperdy, K. Development

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 •

/Journal/Search/index.html of a Research-Oriented Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory Course. (ACL) Feb, 228–231. Van Bramer, S. E. Teaching Chemistry in the New Century: Analytical Chemistry. Sep, 1167. Van der Meeren, P.; Spanoghe, P.; Cocquyt, J. A LowCost Dynamic Surface Tension Meter with a LabVIEW Interface and Its Usefulness in Understanding Foam Formation. (CBB) March, 338–342. Van Der Sluys, W. G. The Solubility Rules: Why Are All Acetates Soluble? Jan, 111–115. Van Der Sluys, W. G.; Koch, J. A. Distributed Access Teaching Assistant (DATA). (CBB) Dec, 1696–1698. Van Houten, J. Chemical Dynamics at the Turn of the New Century: Nobel Laureates Look Back and Ahead. July, 860. Van Houten, J. Nobel Centennial Essays: A Century of Chemical Dynamics Traced through the Nobel Prizes. 1901: Jacobus van’t Hoff. Dec, 1570–1573. Vasquez, V. R.; Olson, T. M.; Gonzalez, A. C. Gas Chromatography Analyses for Trihalomethanes: An Experiment Illustrating Important Sources of Disinfection By-Products in Water Treatment. Sep, 1231–1234. Venkataraman, B.; Colodner, D.; Fine, L. W.; Harris, W. Biosphere 2: A Place for Integrative Studies in Chemical Research and Chemical Education in Defense of Planet Earth. Feb, 144–148. Verdel, E.; Mason, D. S. Gateway to Success for At-Risk Students in a Large-Group Introductory Chemistry Class. (CER) Feb, 252–255. Versieux, L. M.; Correia, L. C.; Bocewicz, A. C.; Esteves, S. d.; Pontes, M. G.; Teixeira, S. M.; Santoro, M. M.; Bemquerer, M. P. The Effect of Organic Solvents and Other Parameters on Trypsin-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of N α-Benzoyl-arginine-p-nitroanilide. A Project-Oriented Biochemical Experiment. Nov, 1535–1537. Vetter, A. J.; McGowan, G. J. The Escalator—An Analogy for Explaining Electroosmotic Flow. (AA) Feb, 209–211. Viana, L. N.; Neder, A. d.; García, E. The Use of an Inexpensive Laser Pointer to Perform Qualitative and Semiquantitative Laser Refractometry. (TD) Nov, 1481–1483. Vickers, T. J.; Pecha, J.; Mann, C. K. Raman Spectroscopy with a Fiber-Optic Probe and Multichannel Detection. Dec, 1674–1675. Villemin, D.; Maheut, G.; Liao, L.; Catel, J.; Jaffrès, P. Synthesis of Substituted Butenolides. An Undergraduate Organic Laboratory Experiment Utilizing Two 3Step Preparatory Sequences. May, 654–657. Vincent, C. A.; Smith, M. J. Structure and Content of Some Primary Batteries. April, 519–521. Vining, W. J.; Grosso, R. P. Jr.; Fermann, J. T. An InDepth Look at the Madelung Constant for Cubic Crystal Systems. Sep, 1198–1202. Vitha, M. F. Determining the Percent Water in Organic Solvents Using the Zwitterionic Dimroth–Reichardt Betaine ET-30 Dye. An Industrially Relevant Application of a Previously Published Laboratory Experiment. March, 370–372. Voelz, V. A. See Cramer, C. J. Sep, 1202–1205. Volckova, E.; Bose, R. N.; Al-Ajlouni, A. M. Linkage Isomerization by Two-Dimensional 31P Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: An Undergraduate Inorganic Laboratory Experiment. Jan, 83–87. Vuano, B. M.; Ciolino, A. E.; Domini, C. E.; Pieroni, O. I. A Serendipitous Extension for Illustrating Newman Projections. Oct, 1359. Vugman, N. V. Trigrams in the Ancient I Ching Oracle. An Application of Group Theory. Feb, 213–214.

W Wachter-Jurcsak, N.; Reddin, K. Discovery-Oriented Approach to Organic Synthesis: Tandem Aldol Condensation–Michael Addition Reactions. Identifying Diastereotopic Hydrogens in an Achiral Molecule by NMR Spectroscopy. Sep, 1264–1265. Waddell, T. G.; Rybolt, T. R. The Chemical Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Shroud of Spartacus. April, 470–474. Wadsö, L.; Smith, A. L.; Shirazi, H.; Mulligan, S. R.; Hofelich, T. The Isothermal Heat Conduction Calorimeter: A Versatile Instrument for Studying Processes in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. (TICI) Aug, 1080–1086. Wagenknecht, P. S.; Garizi, N.; Macias, A.; Furch, T.; Fan, R.; Singmaster, K. A. Cigarette Smoke Analysis Using an Inexpensive Gas-Phase IR Cell. Dec, 1665– 1666. Wagenknecht, P. S.; Wong, G.; Mark, B.; Chen, X.; Furch, T.; Singmaster, K. A. Preparation and Use of a

Volume 78 • 2001 • Author Index Room-Temperature Catalytic Converter. Dec, 1667– 1668. Walawalkar, M. G.; Roesky, H. W. Icarus and Sun, Not Only in Mythology but Also in the Laboratory! (TD) July, 912–913. Waldron, K. A.; Fehringer, E. M.; Streeb, A. E.; Trosky, J. E.; Pearson, J. J. Screening Percentages Based on Slater Effective Nuclear Charge as a Versatile Tool for Teaching Periodic Trends. May, 635–639. Wamser, C. C.; Lutz, R. P. Uncensored and Uncut—Student Reviews of Six Mainstream Organic Texts. Oct, 1350–1354. Ward, M. D. Chemistry and Molecular Electronics: New Molecules as Wires, Switches, and Logic Gates. (POC) March, 321–328. Ward, M. D. Chemistry and Molecular Electronics: New Molecules as Wires, Switches, and Logic Gates (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 321–328). (Correction) Aug, 1021. Wasylishen, R. E.; Bryce, D. L. Ab Initio Calculations of NMR Parameters for Diatomic Molecules. An Exercise in Computational Chemistry. Jan, 124–133. Waxman, M. Exploring Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission in Lasers. (MCAD) Feb, 271. Wei, Y. Nonclassical or Reactivation Chain Polymerization: A General Scheme of Polymerization. April, 551–553. Weiss, H. M. Developing an Intuitive Understanding of Free Energy. Oct, 1362–1364. Weiss, K.; Gordon, J. S.; Harman, S.; Pettegrew, B. A Microscale Spectrophotometric Determination of Water Hardness. (ML) Aug, 1089–1090. Welch, L. E.; Kooser, A. S.; Jenkins, J. L. Acid–Base Indicators: A New Look at an Old Topic. Nov, 1504– 1506. Welday, K. A.; Cabay, M. E.; Ettlie, B. J.; Tuite, A. J.; Mohan, R. S. The Discovery-Oriented Approach to Organic Chemistry. 5. Stereochemistry of E2 Elimination: Elimination of cis- and trans-2Methylcyclohexyl Tosylate. Jan, 79–80. Welder, F.; Colyer, C. L. Using Capillary Electrophoresis to Determine the Purity of Acetylsalicylic Acid Synthesized in the Undergraduate Laboratory. Nov, 1525– 1527. Wenzel, T. J. The Influence of Modern Instrumentation on the Analytical and General Chemistry Curriculum at Bates College. (NSF) Sep, 1164–1165. Werner, T. C.; Lichter, R. L.; Krugh, T. R. The National Conferences on Undergraduate Research: Conference History and the Role of Chemistry. May, 691–694. Whisnant, D. M.; Towns, M. H.; Sauder, D.; Zielinski, T. J. Physical Chemistry On Line: Interinstitutional Collaboration at a Distance. (CCD) March, 414–415. White, M. A.; Qiu, L. The Constituent Additivity Method to Estimate Heat Capacities of Complex Inorganic Solids. Aug, 1076–1079. Whitten, J. E. Blue Diode Lasers: New Opportunities in Chemical Education. Aug, 1096–1100. Whitten, J. E.; Tran, Y. Using a Diode Laser for LaserInduced Fluorescence. (CET) Aug, 1093–1095. Wicholas, M.; Logan, J. W. 1,5 Cyclooctadiene Complexes of Iridium: Synthesis, Characterization, and Reaction with Dihydrogen. An Experiment for an Integrated Physical/Inorganic Laboratory Course. Sep, 1272–1274. Wick, C. D. See Cramer, C. J. Sep, 1202–1205. Widstrand, C. G.; Lisensky, G. C.; Condren, S. M.; Breitzer, J.; Ellis, A. B. LEDs Are Diodes. (JCE Activity) Dec, 1664A–1664B. Widstrand, C. G.; Nordell, K. J.; Ellis, A. B. Designing and Reporting Experiments in Chemistry Classes Using Examples from Materials Science: Illustrations of the Process and Communication of Scientific Research. Aug, 1044–1046. Wieder, M. J. It’s Elementary. April, 468–469. Wiesner, E.; Settle, F. A. Jr. Politics, Chemistry, and the Discovery of Nuclear Fission. July, 889–895. Wilcox, C. J. Modification of Small-Scale One-Pot Reactions to an Inquiry-Based Laboratory Exercise. Jan, 62–63. Williams, K. R. Laboratory Balances–Perceptions from the Past. (FPI) April, 434–436. Williams, K. R. The Place of Science in the Modern World: A Speech by Robert Millikan. (FPI) July, 865– 866. Williams, K. R. Sweet Stuff. (FPI) Nov, 1446–1447. Williams, K. R. A Tisket, A Tasket–Out of the Editor’s Basket. (FPI) May, 577. Williams, K. R.; Tennant, L. H. Micelles in the Physical/Analytical Chemistry Laboratory. Acid Dissociation of Neutral Red Indicator. March, 349–351.

Williamson, A. G.; Battino, R.; Wood, S. E. On the Importance of Ideality. Oct, 1364–1368. Williamson, B. E.; Morikawa, T. Model for Teaching about Electrical Neutrality in Electrolyte Solutions. July, 934–936. Wilson, L. D.; Marcotte, R. E. Graphical Interface for the Study of Gas-Phase Reaction Kinetics: Cyclopentene Vapor Pyrolysis. June, 799–800. Winget, P. See Cramer, C. J. Sep, 1202–1205. Wink, D. J. “Almost Like Weighing Someone’s Soul”: Chemistry in Contemporary Film. April, 481–483. Wink, D. J. Information Available through the NSF Web Site. Feb, 160–161. Wink, D. J. Reconstructing Student Meaning: A Theory of Perspective Transformation. (SYM) Aug, 1107. Wink, D. J. The Revised NSF Web Site. Jan, 24–25. Woldow, N.; Stary, F. E. Build a Simple Polarimeter. (CET) May, 644. Wolfskill, T.; Hanson, D. M. LUCID: A New Model for Computer-Assisted Learning. (TECH) Oct, 1417– 1424. Wolkenberg, S. E.; Su, A. I. Combinatorial Synthesis and Discovery of an Antibiotic Compound. An Experiment Suitable for High School and Undergraduate Laboratories. June, 784–785. Wong, G.; Mark, B.; Chen, X.; Furch, T.; Singmaster, K. A.; Wagenknecht, P. S. Preparation and Use of a Room-Temperature Catalytic Converter. Dec, 1667– 1668. Wong, S.; Popovich, N. D.; Coldiron, S. J. A Simple Computer-Interfaced Calorimeter: Application to the Determination of the Heat of Formation of Magnesium Oxide. June, 798. Woo, H.; Lau, O.; Luk, S.; Cheng, N. L. Determination of Free Lime in Clinker and Cement by Iodometry. An Undergraduate Experiment in Redox Titrimetry. Dec, 1671–1673. Wood, S. E.; Battino, R. Explaining Entropy Pictorially. (Letter) March, 311–312. Wood, S. E.; Battino, R.; Williamson, A. G. On the Importance of Ideality. Oct, 1364–1368. Wood, S. G.; Cannon, J.; Li, D.; Owen, N. L.; Gromova, A.; Lutsky, V. Investigation of Secondary Metabolites in Plants. A General Protocol for Undergraduate Research in Natural Products. Sep, 1234–1237. Woodworth, B.; Beers, K. L.; Matyjaszewski, K. Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization in the Undergraduate Laboratories. 1. Using ATRP to Prepare Block and Statistical Copolymers of n-Butyl Acrylate and Styrene. April, 544–547. Woodworth, B.; Matyjaszewski, K.; Beers, K. L. Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization in the Undergraduate Laboratories. 2. Using ATRP in Limited Amounts of Air to Prepare Block and Statistical Copolymers of n-Butyl Acrylate and Styrene. April, 547–550. Wright, S. M.; Bondeson, S. R.; Brummer, J. G. The Data-Driven Classroom. (CCD) Jan, 56–57.

X Xu, S.; Oughton, J.; Battino, R. The Purification of Water by Freeze–Thaw or Zone Melting. Oct, 1373– 1374.

Y Yang, W.; Gooding, J. J.; Situmorang, M. Bioanalytical Experiments for the Undergraduate Laboratory: Monitoring Glucose in Sports Drinks. June, 788–790. Yates, P. C. A Simple Method for Illustrating Uncertainty Analysis. June, 770–771. Yin, M.; Ochs, R. S. The Mole, the Periodic Table, and Quantum Numbers: An Introductory Trio. Oct, 1345–1347. Yoder, C. H.; Margolis, L. A.; Schaeffer, R. W. The Synthesis and Analysis of Copper(I) Iodide. A First-Year Laboratory Project. Feb, 235–236. Young, J. A. Accident Anecdotes: Someone Thought It Was Grape Juice! Jan, 25. Young, J. A. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Acetic Acid (glacial). (CLIP) June, 721. Young, J. A. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Acetic Anhydride. (CLIP) Sep, 1176. Young, J. A. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Acetone. (CLIP) Sep, 1175. Young, J. A. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Asbestos. (CLIP) Dec, 1587. Young, J. A. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Borax. (CLIP) May, 588. Young, J. A. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Cobalt(II) Oxide. (CLIP) Oct, 1328. • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 • Journal of Chemical Education


Subject Index • Volume 78 • 2001 Young, J. A. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: n-Hexane. (CLIP) May, 587. Young, J. A. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: n-Hexane (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 587). (Correction) (CLIP) Aug, 1021. Young, J. A. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Hydrochloric Acid (approx 36%). (CLIP) July, 873. Young, J. A. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Iron(III) Oxide. (CLIP) Oct, 1326. Young, J. A. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Manganese(IV) Oxide. (CLIP) Oct, 1327. Young, J. A. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Petroleum Ether. (CLIP) Dec, 1588. Young, J. A. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Phenolphthalein Solution. (CLIP) April, 448. Young, J. A. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Sodium Hydroxide. (CLIP) April, 447. Young, J. A. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Sucrose. (CLIP) Nov, 1460. Young, J. A. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Sulfuric Acid (approx. 98%). (CLIP) June, 722. Young, J. A. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Turpentine. (CLIP) Nov, 1459. Young, J. A. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Water. (CLIP) July, 874. Young, J. A. Further Information on the Hazards of nHexane (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 587). (Letter)

JCE Online Index:

Dec, 1593. Young, J. A. Introducing Chemical Laboratory Information Profiles: CLIPs. (CLIP) April, 444–446. Yus, M.; Alonso, F. The Hydrogenation of Cyclododecene by Lithium Naphthalenide and Nickel Chloride Dihydrate. Nov, 1517–1518.

Zabzdyr, J. L.; Lillard, S. J. Was the Driver Drunk? An Instrumental Methods Experiment for the Determination of Blood Alcohol Content. Sep, 1225–1227. Zahedkargaran, H.; Smith, L. R. Mass Spectral Fragmentation Patterns of Deuterated Butyl and Ethyl Acetates. An Easy Microscale Isotopic Labeling Experiment. (ML) Oct, 1379–1380. Zalts, A.; Hughes, E. A.; Ceretti, H. M. Floating Plastics. An Initial Chemistry Laboratory Experience. April, 522. Zavitsas, A. A. Logic vs Misconceptions in Organic Textbooks: Radical Stabilities and Bond Dissociation Energies. March, 417–419. Zeile, J. V.; Jones, L. L. Teaching Chemistry in the New Century: General Chemistry. Sep, 1170. Zewail, A. H.; Baskin, J. S. Freezing Atoms in Motion: Principles of Femtochemistry and Demonstration by Laser Stroboscopy. June, 737–751.

Zhang, L. See Cramer, C. J. Sep, 1202–1205. Zhang, W.; Lorigan, G. A.; Minto, R. E. Teaching the Fundamentals of Pulsed NMR Spectroscopy in an Undergraduate Physical Chemistry Laboratory. July, 956–958. Zielinski, T. J. Goals and Objectives for Student Mathcad Activities. (MCAD) Nov, 1556. Zielinski, T. J. Using Symbolic Software to Facilitate Learning. (MCAD) Feb, 270–271. Zielinski, T. J.; Brooks, D. W.; Crippen, K. J.; March, J. L. Time and Teaching. (Commentary) June, 714–715. Zielinski, T. J.; Schwenz, R. W. Teaching Chemistry in the New Century: Physical Chemistry. Sep, 1173. Zielinski, T. J.; Towns, M. H.; Sauder, D.; Whisnant, D. M. Physical Chemistry On Line: Interinstitutional Collaboration at a Distance. (CCD) March, 414–415. Zumbühl, A.; Gallus, J.; Lin, Q.; Friess, S. D.; Hartmann, R.; Meister, E. C. Binary Solid–Liquid Phase Diagrams of Selected Organic Compounds. A Complete Listing of 15 Binary Phase Diagrams. July, 961–964. Zúñiga, J.; Pellicer, J.; Manzanares, J. A.; Utrillas, P.; Fernández, J. Thermodynamics of Rubber Elasticity. Feb, 263–267. Zuo, J. M.; Spence, J. C.; O’Keefe, M. Have Orbitals Really Been Observed? (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1492–1494). (Letter) July, 877.

Acid–Base Chemistry

Administrative Issues

Amino Acids

Acid–Base Chemistry of Nicotine: Extensions, Analogies, and a Generalization. Ault, A. April, 500–503. Acid–Base Indicators: A New Look at an Old Topic. Kooser, A. S.; Jenkins, J. L.; Welch, L. E. Nov, 1504– 1506. Acids and Bases in Layers: The Stratal Structure of an Ancient Topic. de Vos, W.; Pilot, A. April, 494–499. Class Projects in Physical Organic Chemistry: The Hammett Equation. Marrs, P. S. April, 527–529. Color Changes in Indicator Solutions. An Intriguing and Elucidative General Chemistry Experiment. Silva, C. R.; Pereira, R. B.; Sabadini, E. July, 939–940. Determination of Free Lime in Clinker and Cement by Iodometry. An Undergraduate Experiment in Redox Titrimetry. Lau, O.; Luk, S.; Cheng, N. L.; Woo, H. Dec, 1671–1673. Drug Distribution: A Guided-Inquiry Laboratory Experiment in Coupled Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Equilibria. Hein, J.; Jeannot, M. Feb, 224–225. Effect of Dissolved CO2 on Gran Plots. Inoue, M.; Fernando, Q. Aug, 1132–1135. Electronic Structure Principles and Atomic Shell Structure. Chattaraj, P. K.; Maiti, B. June, 811–813. Evaluating Solubility of Sparingly Soluble Diprotic Acid Salts. Nigretto, J. M. May, 631–633. Henderson–Hasselbalch Equation: Its History and Limitations. Po, H. N.; Senozan, N. M. Nov, 1499–1503. Is Every Transparent Liquid Water? (CFK) Hugerat, M.; Basheer, S. Aug, 1041–1043. Micelles in the Physical/Analytical Chemistry Laboratory. Acid Dissociation of Neutral Red Indicator. Williams, K. R.; Tennant, L. H. March, 349–351. Preparation of Buffers. An Experiment for Quantitative Analysis Laboratory. Buckley, P. T. Oct, 1384. Relative Acidities of Water and Methanol. Abrash, H. I. Nov, 1496–1498. Simulating How a Virus Spreads through a Population: An Introduction to Acid–Base Chemistry in the Organic Chemistry Laboratory. Jarret, R. M. April, 525–526. Simultaneous Determination of the Ionization Constant and the Solubility of Sparingly Soluble Drug Substances. A Physical Chemistry Experiment. Aroti, A.; Leontidis, E. June, 786–788. Strength of the Hydrohalic Acids. Schmid, R.; Miah, A. M. Jan, 116–117. Teaching Brønsted–Lowry Acid–Base Theory in a Direct Comprehensive Way. Adcock, J. L. Nov, 1495– 1496.

ACS National Meeting: Notices, Division of Chemical Education. Aug, 1017. ACS Presidential Election: Education: A Core Value. Carroll, W. F. Jr. Sep, 1160. ACS Presidential Election: Statement on Education– Planning Together Today to Meet Tomorrow’s Challenges. Reichmanis, E. Sep, 1161. CUR Institute on Proposal Writing. (CUR) Reingold, I. D. June, 716. Division of Chemical Education: News and Notices. (ACS) Dec, 1584–1585. Executive Committee Report, April 2001. (ACS) Stanitski, C.; Sarquis, J. L. July, 861–862. Introducing Chemical Laboratory Information Profiles: CLIPs. (CLIP) Young, J. A. April, 444–446. Revised NSF Web Site. Wink, D. J. Jan, 24–25. Testing, Testing. (Editorial) Moore, J. W. July, 855. Testing the Teacher? Or Teaching the Test? (Editorial) Moore, J. W. Aug, 991. Two-Year College Chemistry Baseline Study. (2YC3) Ryan, M.; Neuschatz, M.; Boese, J. M. Oct, 1325. What Does It Mean to Be a Professor? (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1559). (Correction) Lichter, R. L. Feb, 165.

Acid–Base Chemistry of Nicotine: Extensions, Analogies, and a Generalization. Ault, A. April, 500–503. HPLC Determination of Taurine in Sports Drinks. Orth, D. L. June, 791–792. Thin-Layer Electrophoresis. Fisher, T. L.; Reingold, I. D.; Fitzsimmons, T. L. Sep, 1241–1243.


Subject Index*

*The Subject Index is organized by keywords and features. Articles are listed by title, author, month, and page number. A key to the abbreviations is on page 1713.


Advanced Chemistry Classroom and Laboratory Circular Dichroism of Globular Proteins. (ACL) Bondesen, B. A.; Schuh, M. D. Sep, 1244–1247. Development of a Research-Oriented Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory Course. (ACL) Vallarino, L. M.; Polo, D. L.; Esperdy, K. Feb, 228–231. Metal Complexes of Trifluoropentanedione. An Experiment for the General Chemistry Laboratory. (ACL) Sadoski, R. C.; Shipp, D.; Durham, B. May, 665–666. NMR of a Phospholipid. Modules for Advanced Laboratory Courses. (ACL) Gaede, H. C.; Stark, R. E. Sep, 1248–1250. Ruthenium(II)–dppm Coordination Chemistry. An Advanced Inorganic Miniproject. (ACL) Higgins, S. J. May, 663–664. Use of EPR Spectroscopy in Elucidating Electronic Structures of Paramagnetic Transition Metal Complexes. (ACL) Basu, P. May, 666–669.

Agricultural Chemistry Are You Ready for [a] Roundup?—What Chemistry Has to Do with Genetic Modifications. (POC) Pöpping, B. June, 752–756. Humic Acids: Marvelous Products of Soil Chemistry. (POC) Davies, G.; Ghabbour, E. A.; Steelink, C. Dec, 1609–1614.

Analytical Chemistry Advanced Chemistry Collection, 2nd Edition. (JCE Software) Nov, 1558–1560. Alternative Confirmatory Test for Silver Ion in Qualitative Analysis. Kirschenbaum, L. J.; Resende, E.; Li, E.; Ruekberg, B. Nov, 1524. Analysis of Zinc Tablets: An Extension to a Stoichiometry Experiment. Murov, S.; Stedjee, B. Oct, 1389. Annual James L. Waters Symposium at Pittcon (2000. (Waters) Coetzee, J. F. May, 601. Beer’s Law Measurements Using Non-monochromatic Light Sources—A Computer Simulation. (CBB) Chan, G. C.; Chan, W. Sep, 1285–1288. Beer’s Law Revoked? (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 694). (Letter) Clark, R. W. Dec, 1595. Beer’s Law Revoked? (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 694). (Letter) Murphy, M. K. Dec, 1595. Bioanalytical Experiments for the Undergraduate Laboratory: Monitoring Glucose in Sports Drinks. Gooding, J. J.; Yang, W.; Situmorang, M. June, 788– 790. Chemistry in Cages: Dinucleating Azacryptand Hosts and Their Cation and Anion Cryptates. Arthurs, M.; McKee, V.; Nelson, J.; Town, R. M. Sep, 1269–1272. Chemistry Report: MAA-CUPM Curriculum Foundations Workshop in Biology and Chemistry. Macalester College, November 2–5, 2000. (Commentary) Craig, N. C. May, 582–586. Cigarette Smoke Analysis Using an Inexpensive GasPhase IR Cell. Garizi, N.; Macias, A.; Furch, T.; Fan, R.; Wagenknecht, P. S.; Singmaster, K. A. Dec, 1665– 1666. Combined Effects of pH and Percent Methanol on the HPLC Separation of Benzoic Acid and Phenol. Joseph, S. M.; Palasota, J. A. Oct, 1381–1383. Computer Simulation of Electronic Circuits Used in Chemical Instrumentation. (TICI) Sadik, O. A.; Cheung, M. C. May, 658–662. Determination of Ethanol in Alcohol Samples Using a Modular Raman Spectrometer. (TICI) Sanford Seney, C. L.; Mantooth, B. A.; Jones, B. T. Sep, 1221–1225. Determination of Free Lime in Clinker and Cement by Iodometry. An Undergraduate Experiment in Redox Titrimetry. Lau, O.; Luk, S.; Cheng, N. L.; Woo, H. Dec, 1671–1673. Determining the Percent Water in Organic Solvents Using the Zwitterionic Dimroth–Reichardt Betaine ET-

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 •

/Journal/Search/index.html 30 Dye. An Industrially Relevant Application of a Previously Published Laboratory Experiment. Vitha, M. F. March, 370–372. Development of Instrumentation for Thin-Film X-ray Diffraction. (Waters) Ryan, T. May, 613–616. Distinguishing Calcium Carbonate from Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate by Instrumental Methods. A Set of Laboratory Experiments for Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy. Garribba, E.; Micera, G.; Panzanelli, A.; Strinna-Erre, L.; Stara, G. Aug, 1090–1092. Effect of Dissolved CO2 on Gran Plots. Inoue, M.; Fernando, Q. Aug, 1132–1135. Evaluating Solubility of Sparingly Soluble Diprotic Acid Salts. Nigretto, J. M. May, 631–633. HPLC Determination of Taurine in Sports Drinks. Orth, D. L. June, 791–792. Indirect Potentiometric Titration of Fe(III) with Ce(IV) by Gran’s Method. Barreto, M. d.; Medeiros, L. L.; Furtado, P. C. Jan, 91–92. Influence of Modern Instrumentation on the Analytical and General Chemistry Curriculum at Bates College. (NSF) Wenzel, T. J. Sep, 1164–1165. Integration of Environmental Analytical Chemistry with Environmental Law: The Development of a ProblemBased Laboratory. Cancilla, D. A. Dec, 1652–1660. Ion Chromatography: Analysis of Ions in Pond Waters. (TICI) Sinniah, K.; Piers, K. March, 358–362. Laboratory Experiments on Electrochemical Remediation of the Environment. Part 5: Indirect H2S Remediation. (ML) Ibañez, J. G. June, 778–779. Landmarks in the Development of Powder Diffraction Instrumentation. (Waters) Jenkins, R. May, 601–606. Lead Project. An Environmental Instrumental Analysis Case Study. Breslin, V. T.; Sañudo-Wilhelmy, S. A. Dec, 1647–1651. Liquid Prism for Refractive Index Studies. (TD) Edmiston, M. D. Nov, 1479–1480. Micelles in the Physical/Analytical Chemistry Laboratory. Acid Dissociation of Neutral Red Indicator. Williams, K. R.; Tennant, L. H. March, 349–351. Microscale Spectrophotometric Determination of Water Hardness. (ML) Gordon, J. S.; Harman, S.; Weiss, K.; Pettegrew, B. Aug, 1089–1090. Moisture Analysis in Lotion by Karl Fischer Coulometry. An Experiment for Introductory Analytical Chemistry. Mabrouk, P. A.; Castriotta, K. Oct, 1385–1386. Molecular Modeling in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum. (NSF) Jones, M. B. July, 867–868. News from Online: Chemistry and Art. (ROJOnline) Judd, C. S. Oct, 1322–1324. News from Online: Teaching with Chemical Instrumentation on the Web. (ROJOnline) Chasteen, T. G. Sep, 1144–1148. Preparation of Buffers. An Experiment for Quantitative Analysis Laboratory. Buckley, P. T. Oct, 1384. Raman Spectroscopy with a Fiber-Optic Probe and Multichannel Detection. Vickers, T. J.; Pecha, J.; Mann, C. K. Dec, 1674–1675. Recovery and Reutilization of Waste Matter from Coffee Preparation. An Experiment for Environmental Science Courses. Orecchio, S. Dec, 1669–1671. Reduction of Calcium Concentrations by the Brita® Water Filtration System: A Practical Experiment in Titrimetry and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. Olsen, K. G.; Ulicny, L. J. July, 941. Role of Development of the Rotating Anode X-Ray Generator and the Use of Imaging Plates in Powder Diffractometer Instrumentation. (Waters) Harada, J. May, 607–612. Simple Computer-Interfaced Calorimeter: Application to the Determination of the Heat of Formation of Magnesium Oxide. Wong, S.; Popovich, N. D.; Coldiron, S. J. June, 798. Solving a Mock Arsenic-Poisoning Case Using Atomic Spectroscopy. Tarr, M. A. Jan, 61–62. Spec UV-Vis: An Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrophotometer Simulation. (JCE Software) Papadopoulos, N.; Limniou, M.; Koklamanis, G.; Tsarouxas, A.; Roilidis, M.; Bigger, S. W. Nov, 1560. Tablet Analysis Using Gravimetric Dilutions. Simonson, L. A. Oct, 1387–1389. TCICA Test for Distinguishing Aldehydes and Ketones. Hiegel, G. A.; Juska, C.; Kim, M. Aug, 1105–1106. Teaching Chemistry in the New Century: Analytical Chemistry. Van Bramer, S. E. Sep, 1167. Unified Electroanalytical Chemistry: Application of the Concept of Electrochemical Equilibrium. Thompson, R. Q.; Craig, N. C. July, 928–933. Use of Disposable IR Cards for Quantitative Analysis Using an Internal Standard. Indralingam, R.; Nepomuceno, A. I. July, 958–960.

Volume 78 • 2001 • Subject Index Using a Diode Laser Pointer to Count Drops and Automate Titration Systems. (CBB) Ogren, P. J.; Nelson, S.; Henry, I. March, 353–355. Using Calculator-Based Laboratory Technology to Conduct Undergraduate Chemical Research. (TECH) Sales, C. L.; Ragan, N. M.; Murphy, M. K. May, 694–696. Using Capillary Electrophoresis to Determine the Purity of Acetylsalicylic Acid Synthesized in the Undergraduate Laboratory. Welder, F.; Colyer, C. L. Nov, 1525–1527. Using Symbolic Software to Facilitate Learning. (MCAD) Zielinski, T. J. Feb, 270–271. UV–Visible First-Derivative Spectrophotometry Applied to an Analysis of a Vitamin Mixture. AberásturiMartín, F. J.; Jiménez-Abizanda, A. I.; JiménezMoreno, F.; Arias-León, J. J. June, 793–795. Was the Driver Drunk? An Instrumental Methods Experiment for the Determination of Blood Alcohol Content. Zabzdyr, J. L.; Lillard, S. J. Sep, 1225–1227. Who Set the Fire? Determination of Arson Accelerants by GC–MS in an Instrumental Methods Course. Sodeman, D. A.; Lillard, S. J. Sep, 1228–1230. Workplace Skills Taught in a Simulated Analytical Department. (2YC3) Marine, S. S. Nov, 1448–1455.

Arsenic Solving a Mock Arsenic-Poisoning Case Using Atomic Spectroscopy. Tarr, M. A. Jan, 61–62.

Association Reports, 2YC3 2YC3 Celebrating 40 Years of Service to the Chemical Education Community. (2YC3) Koch, F. Dec, 1583. Two-Year College Chemistry Baseline Study. (2YC 3) Ryan, M.; Neuschatz, M.; Boese, J. M. Oct, 1325. Using Technology to Create a Scientific Learning Community. (2YC3) Turner, R. June, 717–719. Workplace Skills Taught in a Simulated Analytical Department. (2YC3) Marine, S. S. Nov, 1448–1455.

Association Reports, ACS Division of Chemical Education: News and Notices. (ACS) Dec, 1584–1585. Executive Committee Report, April 2001. (ACS) Stanitski, C.; Sarquis, J. L. July, 861–862. Meeting Sessions, San Diego ACS Meeting. (ACS) July, 863.

Applications and Analogies

Association Reports, CUR

Analogy between Fractional Distillation and Separating Physically Fit and Physically Less Fit Persons. (AA) Mukesh, D. Feb, 211–212. Escalator—An Analogy for Explaining Electroosmotic Flow. (AA) Vetter, A. J.; McGowan, G. J. Feb, 209– 211. Household Chemistry of Cleaning Pennies. (AA) Rosenhein, L. D. April, 513–515. Intermediates, Transition States, Butterflies, and Frogs. (AA) Kitson, T. M. April, 504. Known-to-Unknown Approach to Teach about Empirical and Molecular Formulas. (AA) Thamburaj, P. K. July, 915–916. Oxygen Dissociation Curve of Hemoglobin: Bridging the Gap between Biochemistry and Physiology. (AA) Gómez-Cambronero, J. June, 757–759.

CUR Institute on Proposal Writing. (CUR) Reingold, I. D. June, 716.

Aqueous Solution Chemistry

Atomic Properties/Structure

Acid–Base Chemistry of Nicotine: Extensions, Analogies, and a Generalization. Ault, A. April, 500–503. Are Fizzing Drinks Boiling? A Chemical Insight from Chemical Education Research. Goodwin, A. March, 385–387. Combinatorial Synthesis and Discovery of an Antibiotic Compound. An Experiment Suitable for High School and Undergraduate Laboratories. Wolkenberg, S. E.; Su, A. I. June, 784–785. Effect of Dissolved CO 2 on Gran Plots. Inoue, M.; Fernando, Q. Aug, 1132–1135. Evaluating Solubility of Sparingly Soluble Diprotic Acid Salts. Nigretto, J. M. May, 631–633. Measurement of Activity Coefficients in Concentrated Electrolyte Solutions. An Experiment for the Physical Chemistry Laboratory. Bonicamp, J. M.; Loflin, A.; Clark, R. W. Nov, 1541–1543. Modification of Small-Scale One-Pot Reactions to an Inquiry-Based Laboratory Exercise. Wilcox, C. J. Jan, 62–63. Preparation of Buffers. An Experiment for Quantitative Analysis Laboratory. Buckley, P. T. Oct, 1384. Simultaneous Determination of the Ionization Constant and the Solubility of Sparingly Soluble Drug Substances. A Physical Chemistry Experiment. Aroti, A.; Leontidis, E. June, 786–788. Solubility Rules: Why Are All Acetates Soluble. Van Der Sluys, W. G. Jan, 111–115. Strength of the Hydrohalic Acids. Schmid, R.; Miah, A. M. Jan, 116–117. Understanding Solubility through Excel Spreadsheets. (CBB) Brown, P. Feb, 268–270.

Boiling Points of the Family of Small Molecules CHwFxClyBrz: How Are They Related to Molecular Mass? Laing, M. Nov, 1544–1550. Dramatic Flame Test Demonstration. (TD) Johnson, K.; Schreiner, R. May, 640–641. Electronic Structure Principles and Atomic Shell Structure. Chattaraj, P. K.; Maiti, B. June, 811–813. In-Depth Look at the Madelung Constant for Cubic Crystal Systems. Grosso, R. P. Jr.; Fermann, J. T.; Vining, W. J. Sep, 1198–1202. LEDs Are Diodes. (JCE Activity) Lisensky, G. C.; Condren, S. M.; Widstrand, C. G.; Breitzer, J.; Ellis, A. B. Dec, 1664A–1664B. Politics, Chemistry, and the Discovery of Nuclear Fission. Wiesner, E.; Settle, F. A. Jr. July, 889–895. Putting UV-Sensitive Beads to the Test. (JCE Activity) Trupp, T. May, 648A–648B. Quantum Alchemy: Transmutation of Atomic Orbitals. Blinder, S. M. March, 391–394. Rationalization for the Freshman Rules for the H-Atom Quantum Numbers. Ludwig, O. G. May, 634. Role of Development of the Rotating Anode X-Ray Generator and the Use of Imaging Plates in Powder Diffractometer Instrumentation. (Waters) Harada, J. May, 607–612. Semimetallicity? Hawkes, S. J. Dec, 1686–1687. Solving a Mock Arsenic-Poisoning Case Using Atomic Spectroscopy. Tarr, M. A. Jan, 61–62. Visualizing the Photochemical Steady State with UVSensitive Beads (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 648A– 648B). (Letter) Bell, J. A. Dec, 1594–1595.


Atomic Spectroscopy

Determination of the Regiochemistry of Disubstituted Arenes Generated by Addition of a Carbanion to the (η6-Anisole)Cr(CO)3 Complex. Bengali, A. A.; Samet, C.; Charlton, S. B. Jan, 68–70. Isolation and Spectral Analysis of Naturally Occurring Thiarubrine A. Reyes, J.; Morton, M.; Downum, K.; Hoffman, G. G.; O’Shea, K. E. June, 781–783. Suzuki Cross-Coupling Reactions: Synthesis of Unsymmetrical Biaryls in the Organic Laboratory. Callam, C. S.; Lowary, T. L. July, 947–948.

Blue Diode Lasers: New Opportunities in Chemical Education. Whitten, J. E. Aug, 1096–1100. Dramatic Flame Test Demonstration. (TD) Johnson, K.; Schreiner, R. May, 640–641. Reduction of Calcium Concentrations by the Brita® Water Filtration System: A Practical Experiment in Titrimetry and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. Olsen, K. G.; Ulicny, L. J. July, 941. Solving a Mock Arsenic-Poisoning Case Using Atomic Spectroscopy. Tarr, M. A. Jan, 61–62.

Atmospheric Chemistry Biosphere 2: A Place for Integrative Studies in Chemical Research and Chemical Education in Defense of Planet Earth. Colodner, D.; Fine, L. W.; Harris, W.; Venkataraman, B. Feb, 144–148. Cigarette Smoke Analysis Using an Inexpensive GasPhase IR Cell. Garizi, N.; Macias, A.; Furch, T.; Fan, R.; Wagenknecht, P. S.; Singmaster, K. A. Dec, 1665– 1666. Local and Regional Ozone: A Student Study Project. Klemm, O. Dec, 1641–1646. • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 • Journal of Chemical Education


Subject Index • Volume 78 • 2001 Biochemistry Are You Ready for [a] Roundup?—What Chemistry Has to Do with Genetic Modifications. (POC) Pöpping, B. June, 752–756. Biocatalytic Lactone Generation in Genetically Engineered Escherichia coli and Identification of Products by Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectroscopy. Slawson, C.; Stewart, J.; Potter, R. Nov, 1533–1534. Biology of the Blues: The Snails behind the Ancient Dyes. (NCW) Steinhart, C. E. Nov, 1444. Bioorganic First: A New Model for the College Chemistry Curriculum. (Commentary) Reingold, I. D. July, 869–871. Blood-Chemistry Tutorials: Teaching Biological Applications of General Chemistry Material. (TECH) Casiday, R. E.; Holten, D.; Krathen, R.; Frey, R. F. Sep, 1210–1215. Chemistry Comes Alive!, Volume 5. (JCE Software) Jacobsen, J. J.; Johnson, K.; Moore, J. W.; Trammell, G. March, 423–424. Circular Dichroism of Globular Proteins. (ACL) Bondesen, B. A.; Schuh, M. D. Sep, 1244–1247. Computer-Assisted Tutorial on Protein Structure. (CBB) Tsai, C. S. June, 837–839. Determination of the Fatty Acid Content of Biological Membranes: A Highly Versatile GC–MS Experiment. Schultz, E.; Pugh, M. E. July, 944–946. Drug Metabolism: The Body’s Defense against Chemical Attack (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 349–353). (Correction) Stachulski, A. V.; Lennard, M. S. March, 312. Effect of Organic Solvents and Other Parameters on Trypsin-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Nα-Benzoyl-argininep-nitroanilide. A Project-Oriented Biochemical Experiment. Correia, L. C.; Bocewicz, A. C.; Esteves, S. d.; Pontes, M. G.; Versieux, L. M.; Teixeira, S. M.; Santoro, M. M.; Bemquerer, M. P. Nov, 1535–1537. Ethanol Metabolism and the Transition from Organic Chemistry to Biochemistry. (CIB) Feinman, R. D. Sep, 1215–1220. General Chemistry and Cell Biology: An Experiment in Curricular Symbiosis. Schwartz, A. T.; Serie, J. Nov, 1490–1494. Glycolysis Wordsearch. Helser, T. L. April, 503. Hans Thacher Clarke (1887–1972): Chemist and Biochemist. Bentley, R. Feb, 185–190. Henderson–Hasselbalch Equation: Its History and Limitations. Po, H. N.; Senozan, N. M. Nov, 1499–1503. Integrating Computational Chemistry into a ProjectOriented Biochemistry Laboratory Experience: A New Twist on the Lysozyme Experiment. (CBB) Peterson, R. R.; Cox, J. R. Nov, 1551–1555. Krebs Cycle Wordsearch. Helser, T. L. April, 515. Modification of a Lactase Experiment by Use of Commercial Test Strips. Melton, T. J. Sep, 1243. Nonclassical or Reactivation Chain Polymerization: A General Scheme of Polymerization. Wei, Y. April, 551–553. ␤-Oxidation Wordsearch. Helser, T. L. April, 483. Oxygen Dissociation Curve of Hemoglobin: Bridging the Gap between Biochemistry and Physiology. (AA) Gómez-Cambronero, J. June, 757–759. Protein Structure Wordsearch. Helser, T. L. April, 474. Teaching Chemistry in the New Century: Biochemistry. Fisher, M. A. Sep, 1168. Teaching Experimental Design Using an Exercise in Protein Fractionation. Loke, J. P.; Hancock, D.; Johnston, J. M.; Dimauro, J.; Denyer, G. S. Nov, 1528–1532. Thalidomide Makes a Comeback: A Case Discussion Exercise That Integrates Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry. (TPCS) Bennett, N. S.; Cornely, K. June, 759–761. Understanding Enzyme Inhibition (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1453–1456). (Correction) Ochs, R. S. Jan, 32.

JCE Online Index:

Combinatorial Synthesis and Discovery of an Antibiotic Compound. An Experiment Suitable for High School and Undergraduate Laboratories. Wolkenberg, S. E.; Su, A. I. June, 784–785. Hans Thacher Clarke (1887–1972): Chemist and Biochemist. Bentley, R. Feb, 185–190. Old Yet New—Pharmaceuticals from Plants. (POC) Houghton, P. J. Feb, 175–184.

Biophysical Chemistry Circular Dichroism of Globular Proteins. (ACL) Bondesen, B. A.; Schuh, M. D. Sep, 1244–1247. Differential Scanning Calorimetric Study of Bilayer Membrane Phase Transitions. A Biophysical Chemistry Experiment. Ohline, S. M.; Campbell, M. L.; Turnbull, M. T.; Kohler, S. J. Sep, 1251–1256. NMR of a Phospholipid. Modules for Advanced Laboratory Courses. (ACL) Gaede, H. C.; Stark, R. E. Sep, 1248–1250. Use of EPR Spectroscopy in Elucidating Electronic Structures of Paramagnetic Transition Metal Complexes. (ACL) Basu, P. May, 666–669.

Biotechnology Are You Ready for [a] Roundup?—What Chemistry Has to Do with Genetic Modifications. (POC) Pöpping, B. June, 752–756. Biocatalytic Lactone Generation in Genetically Engineered Escherichia coli and Identification of Products by Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectroscopy. Slawson, C.; Stewart, J.; Potter, R. Nov, 1533–1534.

Bonding Theory Electron Densities, Atomic Charges, and Ionic, Covalent, and Polar Bonds. Gillespie, R. J. Dec, 1688– 1691. Electronegativity and Bond Type: Predicting Bond Type. Sproul, G. March, 387–390. Fast Ionic Migration of Copper Chromate. (TD) Cortel, A. Feb, 207–208. Hybridization and Structural Properties (re J. Chem. Educ. 1998, 75, 888–890). (Letter) Gil, V. M. Jan, 31. Idea Whose Time Has Come? (re J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76, 1718–1722.) (Letter) Jensen, W. B. June, 727. Idea Whose Time Has Come? (re J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76, 1718–1722.) (Letter) Lewis, D. E. June, 727–728. Importance of Non-Bonds in Coordination Compounds. Laing, M. Oct, 1400–1405. Investigating the Adiabatic Approximation in Quantum Mechanics through the Analysis of Two Coupled Harmonic Oscillators. McCoy, A. B. March, 401–404. Investigation of the Value of Using Concept Maps in General Chemistry. (CER) Nicoll, G.; Francisco, J. S.; Nakhleh, M. B. Aug, 1111–1117. Lewis Structures in General Chemistry: Agreement between Electron Density Calculations and Lewis Structures. Purser, G. H. July, 981–983. Logic vs Misconceptions in Organic Textbooks: Radical Stabilities and Bond Dissociation Energies. Zavitsas, A. A. March, 417–419. Role of Lewis Structures in Teaching Covalent Bonding. (Commentary) Logan, S. R. Nov, 1457–1458.

Boron Synthesis and Reactivity of the Metallaborane Complex [Mo(CO)4B3H8] – and the Formation of Mo(CO)4(dppe). Davis, C. M.; Klein, M. F. July, 952–953.


Use of EPR Spectroscopy in Elucidating Electronic Structures of Paramagnetic Transition Metal Complexes. (ACL) Basu, P. May, 666–669.

Boiling Points of the Family of Small Molecules CHwFxClyBrz: How Are They Related to Molecular Mass? Laing, M. Nov, 1544–1550. Teaching about Flame Retardants. A Joint Israeli–Dutch Project. Kesner, M.; de Vos, W. Jan, 41–45.

Bioorganic Chemistry


Biocatalytic Lactone Generation in Genetically Engineered Escherichia coli and Identification of Products by Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectroscopy. Slawson, C.; Stewart, J.; Potter, R. Nov, 1533–1534. Bioorganic First: A New Model for the College Chemistry Curriculum. (Commentary) Reingold, I. D. July, 869–871.

Beer’s Law Revoked? (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 694). (Letter) Clark, R. W. Dec, 1595. Beer’s Law Revoked? (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 694). (Letter) Murphy, M. K. Dec, 1595. Constituent Additivity Method to Estimate Heat Capacities of Complex Inorganic Solids. Qiu, L.; White, M. A. Aug, 1076–1079.

Bioinorganic Chemistry


Differential Scanning Calorimetric Study of Bilayer Membrane Phase Transitions. A Biophysical Chemistry Experiment. Ohline, S. M.; Campbell, M. L.; Turnbull, M. T.; Kohler, S. J. Sep, 1251–1256. Isothermal Heat Conduction Calorimeter: A Versatile Instrument for Studying Processes in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. (TICI) Wadsö, L.; Smith, A. L.; Shirazi, H.; Mulligan, S. R.; Hofelich, T. Aug, 1080– 1086. Simple Computer-Interfaced Calorimeter: Application to the Determination of the Heat of Formation of Magnesium Oxide. Wong, S.; Popovich, N. D.; Coldiron, S. J. June, 798. Temperature Data from Biblical Narratives. (Letter) Jones, J. C. Sep, 1182–1183. Using Calculator-Based Laboratory Technology to Conduct Undergraduate Chemical Research. (TECH) Sales, C. L.; Ragan, N. M.; Murphy, M. K. May, 694– 696.

Carbohydrates Drug Metabolism: The Body’s Defense against Chemical Attack (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 349–353). (Correction) Stachulski, A. V.; Lennard, M. S. March, 312. Inexpensive Water Jacket for a Polarimeter Tube. (CET) Kundell, F. A.; Adkins, W. A. Nov, 1516. Integrating Computational Chemistry into a ProjectOriented Biochemistry Laboratory Experience: A New Twist on the Lysozyme Experiment. (CBB) Peterson, R. R.; Cox, J. R. Nov, 1551–1555. Modification of a Lactase Experiment by Use of Commercial Test Strips. Melton, T. J. Sep, 1243. Preparation of a D-Glucose-Derived Alkene. An E2 Reaction for the Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Laboratory. Norris, P.; Fluxe, A. Dec, 1676–1678. Sweet Stuff. (FPI) Williams, K. R. Nov, 1446–1447. Synthesis of a Partially Protected Azidodeoxy Sugar. A Project Suitable for the Advanced Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Laboratory. Norris, P.; Freeze, S.; Gabriel, C. J. Jan, 75–76. Synthesis of Methyl 2,3,5-Tri-O-benzoyl- α - D arabinofuranoside in the Organic Laboratory. Callam, C. S.; Lowary, T. L. Jan, 73–74. Synthesis of Methyl 2,3,5-Tri-O-benzoyl- α - D arabinofuranoside in the Organic Laboratory (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 73–74). (Correction) Callam, C. S.; Lowary, T. L. March, 312.

Catalysis Biocatalytic Lactone Generation in Genetically Engineered Escherichia coli and Identification of Products by Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectroscopy. Slawson, C.; Stewart, J.; Potter, R. Nov, 1533–1534. Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization in the Undergraduate Laboratories. 1. Using ATRP to Prepare Block and Statistical Copolymers of n-Butyl Acrylate and Styrene. Beers, K. L.; Woodworth, B.; Matyjaszewski, K. April, 544–547. Laboratory Simulation for Coupled Cycles of Photosynthesis and Respiration. Korn, S.; Tausch, M. W. Sep, 1238–1240. Modification of a Lactase Experiment by Use of Commercial Test Strips. Melton, T. J. Sep, 1243. Organic-Solvent-Free Phase-Transfer Oxidation of Secondary Alcohols Using Hydrogen Peroxide. Hulce, M.; Marks, D. W. Jan, 66–67. Photochemical Basis of Cyanotype Photography (re J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76, 1199–1200.) (Letter) Abrahamson, H. B. March, 311. Solar Photocatalytic Destruction of p-Nitrophenol: A Pedagogical Use of Lab Wastes. (ST) Herrera-Melián, J. A.; Doña-Rodríguez, J. M.; Rendón, E. T.; Soler Vila, A.; Brunet Quetglas, M.; Azcárate, A. A.; Pascual Pariente, L. June, 775–777. Surfactant-Induced Osazone Formation at Room Temperature. (Letter) Nagajyothi, K.; Raghavan, P. S.; Gopalan, R. June, 728. Synthesis and Use of Jacobsen’s Catalyst: Enantioselective Epoxidation in the Introductory Organic Laboratory. Hanson, J. Sep, 1266–1268.

Chemical Education Research Acids and Bases in Layers: The Stratal Structure of an Ancient Topic. de Vos, W.; Pilot, A. April, 494–499. Analysis of a Distance-Education Program in Organic Chemistry. (CER) Kurtz, M. J.; Holden, B. E. Aug, 1122–1125.

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 •

/Journal/Search/index.html Analysis of Success in General Chemistry Based on Diagnostic Testing Using Logistic Regression. (CER) Legg, M. J.; Legg, J. C.; Greenbowe, T. J. Aug, 1117– 1121. Cognitive Requirements of Open-Ended Learning Environments. (ROJResLit) Robinson, W. R. Jan, 20– 21. Connection between Success in a Freshman Chemistry Class and a Student’s Jungian Personality Type. (CER) Clark, G. J.; Riley, W. D. Oct, 1406–1411. Data-Driven Classroom. (CCD) Bondeson, S. R.; Brummer, J. G.; Wright, S. M. Jan, 56–57. Does Piaget Still Have Anything to Say to Chemists? (SYM) Bunce, D. M. Aug, 1107. Evaluating the Success of Hispanic-Surname Students in First-Semester General Chemistry. Mason, D. S.; Mittag, K. C. Feb, 256–259. Evaluating the Success of Hispanic-Surname Students in First-Semester General Chemistry (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 256). (Correction) Mason, D. S.; Mittag, K. C. Dec, 1597. Gateway to Success for At-Risk Students in a LargeGroup Introductory Chemistry Class. (CER) Mason, D. S.; Verdel, E. Feb, 252–255. How Do Organic Chemistry Students Understand and Apply Hydrogen Bonding? (CER) Henderleiter, J.; Smart, R.; Anderson, J.; Elian, O. Aug, 1126–1130. Identifying Deficiencies in the Environmental Chemistry Educational Literature. Tran, T. H.; Bigger, S. W.; Kruger, T.; Orbell, J. D.; Buddhadasa, S.; Barone, S. Dec, 1693–1695. Impact of Active and Context-Based Learning in Introductory Chemistry Courses: An Early Evaluation of the Modular Approach. (CER) Gutwill-Wise, J. P. May, 684–690. Implications of Cognitive Science Research for Models of the Science Learner. (SYM) Samarapungavan, A.; Robinson, W. R. Aug, 1107. Inorganic Chemistry at the Undergraduate Level: Are We All on the Same Page? Pesterfield, L. L.; Henrickson, C. H. May, 677–679. Investigation of the Factors Influencing Student Performance in Physical Chemistry. (CER) Nicoll, G.; Francisco, J. S. Jan, 99–102. Investigation of the Value of Using Concept Maps in General Chemistry. (CER) Nicoll, G.; Francisco, J. S.; Nakhleh, M. B. Aug, 1111–1117. LUCID: A New Model for Computer-Assisted Learning. (TECH) Wolfskill, T.; Hanson, D. M. Oct, 1417–1424. Many Forms of Constructivism. (SYM) Bodner, G. M.; Klobuchar, M.; Geelan, D. Aug, 1107. Model for Substantial Deviations from the Traditional Lecture Format for Graduate and Upper-Level Undergraduate Courses in Science—Lecture and Learning Classes. Allison, J. July, 965–969. National Conferences on Undergraduate Research: Conference History and the Role of Chemistry. Werner, T. C.; Lichter, R. L.; Krugh, T. R. May, 691–694. Novak’s Theory of Education: Human Constructivism and Meaningful Learning. (SYM) Bretz, S. L. Aug, 1107. Piaget’s Theory of Intellectual Development Revisited. (SYM) Nurrenbern, S. C. Aug, 1107–1110. Reconstructing Student Meaning: A Theory of Perspective Transformation. (SYM) Wink, D. J. Aug, 1107. Review and Discussion of Epistemological Commitments, Metacognition, and Critical Thinking with Suggestions on Their Enhancement in Internet-Assisted Chemistry Classrooms. Tsai, C. July, 970–974. Students’ Use of Web-Based Tutorial Materials and Their Understanding of Chemistry Concepts. (CER) Donovan, W. J.; Nakhleh, M. B. July, 975–980. Studying Synthetic Polymers in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum. A Review of the Educational Literature. Hodgson, S. C.; Bigger, S. W.; Billingham, N. C. April, 555–556. Survey of Doctoral Programs in Chemical Education in the United States. Mason, D. S. Feb, 158–160. Teaching Chemical Technique. A Review of the Literature. DeMeo, S. March, 373–379. Teaching Is Learning—Maximum Incentive, Minimum Discipline in Student Groups Teaching General Chemistry. Benvenuto, M. A. Feb, 194–197. Teaching Science Problem Solving: An Overview of Experimental Work. (ROJResLit) Lyle, K. S.; Robinson, W. R. Sep, 1162–1163. Theories or Fragments? The Debate Over Learners’ Naive Ideas About Science. (SYM) Nakhleh, M. B. Aug, 1107. Undergraduate Science and Engineering Students’ Un-

Volume 78 • 2001 • Subject Index derstanding of the Reliability of Chemical Data. (CER) Davidowitz, B.; Lubben, F.; Rollnick, M. Feb, 247–252. Using Computer-Based Visualization Strategies to Improve Students’ Understanding of Molecular Polarity and Miscibility. (CER) Sanger, M. J.; Badger, S. M. II. Oct, 1412–1416. Using the Science Writing Heuristic to Move toward an Inquiry-Based Laboratory Curriculum: An Example from Physical Equilibrium. (CER) Rudd, J. A. II; Greenbowe, T. J.; Hand, B. M.; Legg, M. J. Dec, 1680–1686. Want Ads, Job Skills, and Curriculum: A Survey of 1998 Chemistry Help-Wanted Ads. Headrick, K. L. Sep, 1281–1282. When Is an Experiment a Success? (Editorial) Moore, J. W. Feb, 141.

Chemical Education Research— Constructivism Does Piaget Still Have Anything to Say to Chemists? (SYM) Bunce, D. M. Aug, 1107. Investigation of the Value of Using Concept Maps in General Chemistry. (CER) Nicoll, G.; Francisco, J. S.; Nakhleh, M. B. Aug, 1111–1117. Many Forms of Constructivism. (SYM) Bodner, G. M.; Klobuchar, M.; Geelan, D. Aug, 1107. Novak’s Theory of Education: Human Constructivism and Meaningful Learning. (SYM) Bretz, S. L. Aug, 1107. Piaget’s Theory of Intellectual Development Revisited. (SYM) Nurrenbern, S. C. Aug, 1107–1110.

Chemical Education Research— Learning Theories Cognitive Requirements of Open-Ended Learning Environments. (ROJResLit) Robinson, W. R. Jan, 20– 21. Connection between Success in a Freshman Chemistry Class and a Student’s Jungian Personality Type. (CER) Clark, G. J.; Riley, W. D. Oct, 1406–1411. Does Piaget Still Have Anything to Say to Chemists? (SYM) Bunce, D. M. Aug, 1107. Implications of Cognitive Science Research for Models of the Science Learner. (SYM) Samarapungavan, A.; Robinson, W. R. Aug, 1107. Kolb for Chemists: David A. Kolb and Experiential Learning Theory. (SYM) Towns, M. H. Aug, 1107. Many Forms of Constructivism. (SYM) Bodner, G. M.; Klobuchar, M.; Geelan, D. Aug, 1107. Novak’s Theory of Education: Human Constructivism and Meaningful Learning. (SYM) Bretz, S. L. Aug, 1107. Piaget’s Theory of Intellectual Development Revisited. (SYM) Nurrenbern, S. C. Aug, 1107–1110. Reconstructing Student Meaning: A Theory of Perspective Transformation. (SYM) Wink, D. J. Aug, 1107. Teaching Is Learning—Maximum Incentive, Minimum Discipline in Student Groups Teaching General Chemistry. Benvenuto, M. A. Feb, 194–197. Theories or Fragments? The Debate Over Learners’ Naive Ideas About Science. (SYM) Nakhleh, M. B. Aug, 1107.

Chemical Education Research— Misconceptions “Experiment with a Candle” without a Candle. Krnel, D.; Glazar, S. A. July, 914. Have Orbitals Really Been Observed? (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1492–1494). (Letter) Spence, J. C.; O’Keefe, M.; Zuo, J. M. July, 877. Logic vs Misconceptions in Organic Textbooks: Radical Stabilities and Bond Dissociation Energies. Zavitsas, A. A. March, 417–419. Observations on Lemon Cells. Goodisman, J. April, 516–518. Relationship between Stoichiometry and Kinetics Revisited. Lee, J. Y. Sep, 1283–1284. Theories or Fragments? The Debate Over Learners’ Naive Ideas About Science. (SYM) Nakhleh, M. B. Aug, 1107.

Chemical Education Research— Particulate Nature of Matter Are Fizzing Drinks Boiling? A Chemical Insight from Chemical Education Research. Goodwin, A. March, 385–387.

Assessing Students’ Conceptual Understanding of Solubility Equilibrium. (RSA) Raviolo, A. May, 629–631.

Chemical Education Research— Problem Solving Divergence of Faculty Perceptions of General Chemistry and Problem Solving Skills. (NSF) Holme, T. A. Dec, 1578–1581. Evaluating Solubility of Sparingly Soluble Diprotic Acid Salts. Nigretto, J. M. May, 631–633. Model for Substantial Deviations from the Traditional Lecture Format for Graduate and Upper-Level Undergraduate Courses in Science—Lecture and Learning Classes. Allison, J. July, 965–969. Problem Analysis: Lesson Scripts and Their Potential Applications. (TECH) Oliver-Hoyo, M. Oct, 1425– 1428. Teaching Science Problem Solving: An Overview of Experimental Work. (ROJResLit) Lyle, K. S.; Robinson, W. R. Sep, 1162–1163. Thalidomide Makes a Comeback: A Case Discussion Exercise That Integrates Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry. (TPCS) Bennett, N. S.; Cornely, K. June, 759–761.

Chemical Education Research— Qualitative Methods How Do Organic Chemistry Students Understand and Apply Hydrogen Bonding? (CER) Henderleiter, J.; Smart, R.; Anderson, J.; Elian, O. Aug, 1126–1130. Investigation of the Value of Using Concept Maps in General Chemistry. (CER) Nicoll, G.; Francisco, J. S.; Nakhleh, M. B. Aug, 1111–1117. Piaget’s Theory of Intellectual Development Revisited. (SYM) Nurrenbern, S. C. Aug, 1107–1110.

Chemical Education Research— Quantitative Methods Evaluating the Success of Hispanic-Surname Students in First-Semester General Chemistry. Mason, D. S.; Mittag, K. C. Feb, 256–259. Evaluating the Success of Hispanic-Surname Students in First-Semester General Chemistry (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 256). (Correction) Mason, D. S.; Mittag, K. C. Dec, 1597. Gateway to Success for At-Risk Students in a LargeGroup Introductory Chemistry Class. (CER) Mason, D. S.; Verdel, E. Feb, 252–255. Teaching Science Problem Solving: An Overview of Experimental Work. (ROJResLit) Lyle, K. S.; Robinson, W. R. Sep, 1162–1163.

Chemical Education Research—Statistics Analysis of Success in General Chemistry Based on Diagnostic Testing Using Logistic Regression. (CER) Legg, M. J.; Legg, J. C.; Greenbowe, T. J. Aug, 1117– 1121. Inorganic Chemistry at the Undergraduate Level: Are We All on the Same Page? Pesterfield, L. L.; Henrickson, C. H. May, 677–679.

Chemical Education Research— Student-Centered Learning Cafeteria-Style Grading in General Chemistry. Goodwin, J. A.; Gilbert, B. D. April, 490–493. Does Piaget Still Have Anything to Say to Chemists? (SYM) Bunce, D. M. Aug, 1107. Gateway to Success for At-Risk Students in a LargeGroup Introductory Chemistry Class. (CER) Mason, D. S.; Verdel, E. Feb, 252–255. Introduction to Searching with SciFinder Scholar. (CII) Ridley, D. D. April, 557–558. Introduction to Structure Searching with SciFinder Scholar. (CII) Ridley, D. D. April, 559–560. Kolb for Chemists: David A. Kolb and Experiential Learning Theory. (SYM) Towns, M. H. Aug, 1107. LUCID: A New Model for Computer-Assisted Learning. (TECH) Wolfskill, T.; Hanson, D. M. Oct, 1417–1424. Model for Substantial Deviations from the Traditional Lecture Format for Graduate and Upper-Level Undergraduate Courses in Science—Lecture and Learning Classes. Allison, J. July, 965–969. Student Active Learning Methods in Physical Chemistry. Hinde, R. J.; Kovac, J. D. Jan, 93–99. Student-Taught Review Sessions: Fostering Communi- • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 • Journal of Chemical Education


Subject Index • Volume 78 • 2001 cation Skills and Reinforcing Concepts. Nilsson, M. R. May, 628. Teaching Is Learning—Maximum Incentive, Minimum Discipline in Student Groups Teaching General Chemistry. Benvenuto, M. A. Feb, 194–197. Thalidomide Makes a Comeback: A Case Discussion Exercise That Integrates Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry. (TPCS) Bennett, N. S.; Cornely, K. June, 759–761. Using the Science Writing Heuristic to Move toward an Inquiry-Based Laboratory Curriculum: An Example from Physical Equilibrium. (CER) Rudd, J. A. II; Greenbowe, T. J.; Hand, B. M.; Legg, M. J. Dec, 1680–1686.

Chemical Engineering Analogy between Fractional Distillation and Separating Physically Fit and Physically Less Fit Persons. (AA) Mukesh, D. Feb, 211–212. Divergence of Faculty Perceptions of General Chemistry and Problem Solving Skills. (NSF) Holme, T. A. Dec, 1578–1581. Kolb for Chemists: David A. Kolb and Experiential Learning Theory. (SYM) Towns, M. H. Aug, 1107. Relationship between Stoichiometry and Kinetics Revisited. Lee, J. Y. Sep, 1283–1284.

Chemical Information Anticancer Activity of Estradiol Derivatives: A Quantitative Structure–Activity Relationship Approach. Muranaka, K. Oct, 1390–1393. Chem 13 News: Teaching Information for the New Year. (ROJ13News) Thorsen, K. Feb, 156–157. Communicating Science through Photography. (NCW) Frankel, F. Oct, 1312–1314. Diagrammatic Method, the Planck and the Massieu Functions. Pogliani, L. May, 680–681. Especially for High School Teachers. Howell, J. E. June, 705. Exploring Chemistry Resources on the Internet. Murov, S. Oct, 1429–1432. Identifying Deficiencies in the Environmental Chemistry Educational Literature. Tran, T. H.; Bigger, S. W.; Kruger, T.; Orbell, J. D.; Buddhadasa, S.; Barone, S. Dec, 1693–1695. Introduction to Searching with SciFinder Scholar. (CII) Ridley, D. D. April, 557–558. Introduction to Structure Searching with SciFinder Scholar. (CII) Ridley, D. D. April, 559–560. JCE Resources for Chemistry and Art. (NCW) Jacobsen, E. K. Oct, 1316–1321. A Living Textbook for the Future. (Editorial) Moore, J. W. June, 703. A Living Textbook of Chemistry. (Editorial) Moore, J. W. May, 567. Nature: “Green” Chemistry, Natural Antioxidants, and a DNA-Fuelled Machine. (ROJNature) Heinhorst, S.; Cannon, G. Feb, 150–151. News from Online: Chemistry and Art. (ROJOnline) Judd, C. S. Oct, 1322–1324. Research Skills & Ethics—A Graduate Course Empowering Graduate Students for Productive Research Careers in Graduate School and Beyond. Mabrouk, P. A. Dec, 1628–1631. The Science Teacher: Summer 2001 Reading. (ROJSciTea) Long, S. July, 856. The Science Teacher: Winter Break 2001. (ROJSciTea) Long, S. Jan, 22–23. Studying Synthetic Polymers in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum. A Review of the Educational Literature. Hodgson, S. C.; Bigger, S. W.; Billingham, N. C. April, 555–556. Writing for Chemists: Satisfying the CSU Upper-Division Writing Requirement. Paulson, D. R. Aug, 1047– 1049.

Chemical Information Instructor Introduction to Searching with SciFinder Scholar. (CII) Ridley, D. D. April, 557–558. Introduction to Structure Searching with SciFinder Scholar. (CII) Ridley, D. D. April, 559–560.

Chemical Laboratory Information Profile Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Acetic Acid (glacial). (CLIP) Young, J. A. June, 721. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Acetic Anhydride. (CLIP) Young, J. A. Sep, 1176.


JCE Online Index:

Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Acetone. (CLIP) Young, J. A. Sep, 1175. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Asbestos. (CLIP) Young, J. A. Dec, 1587. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Borax. (CLIP) Young, J. A. May, 588. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Cobalt(II) Oxide. (CLIP) Young, J. A. Oct, 1328. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: n-Hexane. (CLIP) Young, J. A. May, 587. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: n-Hexane (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 587). (Correction) Young, J. A. Aug, 1021. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Hydrochloric Acid (approx 36%). (CLIP) Young, J. A. July, 873. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Iron(III) Oxide. (CLIP) Young, J. A. Oct, 1326. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Manganese(IV) Oxide. (CLIP) Young, J. A. Oct, 1327. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Petroleum Ether. (CLIP) Young, J. A. Dec, 1588. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Phenolphthalein Solution. (CLIP) Young, J. A. April, 448. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Sodium Hydroxide. (CLIP) Young, J. A. April, 447. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Sucrose. (CLIP) Young, J. A. Nov, 1460. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Sulfuric Acid (approx. 98%). (CLIP) Young, J. A. June, 722. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Turpentine. (CLIP) Young, J. A. Nov, 1459. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Water. (CLIP) Young, J. A. July, 874. Introducing Chemical Laboratory Information Profiles: CLIPs. (CLIP) Young, J. A. April, 444–446.

Chemical Principles Revisited Conductivity of Molten Materials. (CPR) Thomas, M. E.; Cleveland, A. A.; Battino, R.; Dolson, D. A.; Hall, M. R. Aug, 1052–1054. Determination of the Universal Gas Constant, R. A Discovery Laboratory. (CPR) Moss, D. B.; Cornely, K. Sep, 1260–1262. Extent of Reaction, ⌬␰—Some Nuts and Bolts. (CPR) Peckham, G. D. April, 508–510. Making Assumptions Explicit: How the Law of Conservation of Matter Can Explain Empirical Formula Problems. (CPR) DeMeo, S. Aug, 1050–1052.

Chemical Technicians Workplace Skills Taught in a Simulated Analytical Department. (2YC3) Marine, S. S. Nov, 1448–1455.

Chemistry and Art Biology of the Blues: The Snails behind the Ancient Dyes. (NCW) Steinhart, C. E. Nov, 1444. Chemistry, Color, and Art. (NCW) Orna, M. Oct, 1305–1311. Communicating Science through Photography. (NCW) Frankel, F. Oct, 1312–1314. Especially for High School Teachers. Howell, J. E. Oct, 1297. Indigo and Tyrian Purple—In Nature and in the Lab. (NCW) Schatz, P. F. Nov, 1442–1443. JCE Resources for Chemistry and Art. (NCW) Jacobsen, E. K. Oct, 1316–1321. Joy of Color in Ceramic Glazes with the Help of Redox Chemistry. (NCW) Denio, A. A. Oct, 1298–1304. New Paper from Newspaper. (JCE Activity) JCE Editorial Staff. Nov, 1512A–1512B. News from Online: Chemistry and Art. (ROJOnline) Judd, C. S. Oct, 1322–1324. Pigments of Your Imagination: Making Artist’s Paints. (JCE Activity) Gettys, N. S. Oct, 1320A–1320B. Science and Art. (Editorial) Moore, J. W. Oct, 1295.

Chemistry for Kids CHEM 101: Thirty Years of Experiences with a Chemistry Course for Prospective Elementary School Teachers. (CFK) Phillips, D. B. July, 905–907. Is Every Transparent Liquid Water? (CFK) Hugerat, M.; Basheer, S. Aug, 1041–1043. Vanderbilt Student Volunteers for Science. (CFK) Joesten, M. D.; Tellinghuisen, P. C. April, 463–466.

Chirality/Optical Isomers Demonstrating Chirality: Using a Mirror with Physical Models to Show Non-superimposability of Chiral Molecules with Their Mirror Images. (TD) Collins, M. J. Nov, 1484–1485. “Dishing Out” Stereochemical Principles. Hart, H. Dec, 1632–1634. Introducing Stereochemistry to Non-science Majors. Luján-Upton, H. April, 475–477. On Chirality in Substituted Metallocenes Bearing Identical Substituents. Rezende, D. d.; Campos, I. P. Aug, 1130–1131. Simple Solution for Leaking Polarimeter Cells. (CET) Hiegel, G. A. May, 648. Solvent Swelling Demonstrations: Possible Extension to Other Types of Material (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 876–878). (Letter) Jones, J. C. Feb, 165. Solvent Swelling Demonstrations: Possible Extension to Other Types of Material (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 876–878). (Letter) Campbell, D. J.; Freidinger, E. R.; Murphy, C. Feb, 165. Synthesis and Use of Jacobsen’s Catalyst: Enantioselective Epoxidation in the Introductory Organic Laboratory. Hanson, J. Sep, 1266–1268. Using Guided Inquiry to Study Optical Activity and Optical Rotatory Dispersion in a Cross-Disciplinary Chemistry Lab. Vaksman, M. A.; Lane, J. W. Nov, 1507–1509.

Chlorine Boiling Points of the Family of Small Molecules CHwFxClyBrz: How Are They Related to Molecular Mass? Laing, M. Nov, 1544–1550.

Chromatography Biocatalytic Lactone Generation in Genetically Engineered Escherichia coli and Identification of Products by Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectroscopy. Slawson, C.; Stewart, J.; Potter, R. Nov, 1533–1534. Chemistry, Color, and Art. (NCW) Orna, M. Oct, 1305–1311. Combined Effects of pH and Percent Methanol on the HPLC Separation of Benzoic Acid and Phenol. Joseph, S. M.; Palasota, J. A. Oct, 1381–1383. Computational Investigations for Undergraduate Organic Chemistry: Modeling a TLC Exercise to Investigate Molecular Structure and Intermolecular Forces (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 203–205). (Correction) Hessley, R. K. Sep, 1183. Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization in the Undergraduate Laboratories. 2. Using ATRP in Limited Amounts of Air to Prepare Block and Statistical Copolymers of n-Butyl Acrylate and Styrene. Matyjaszewski, K.; Beers, K. L.; Woodworth, B. April, 547–550. Curve Fitting, Confidence Intervals and Envelopes, Correlations, and Monte Carlo Visualizations for Multilinear Problems in Chemistry: A General Spreadsheet Approach. (CBB) Ogren, P. J.; Davis, B.; Guy, N. June, 827–836. Determination of Flavonoids in Wine by High Performance Liquid Chromatography. da Queija, C.; Queirós, M. A.; Rodrigues, L. L. Feb, 236–237. Determination of Lipophilicity Constants of Sulfonamide Substituents. Prado, M. A. April, 533–534. Determination of the Fatty Acid Content of Biological Membranes: A Highly Versatile GC–MS Experiment. Schultz, E.; Pugh, M. E. July, 944–946. Drug Distribution: A Guided-Inquiry Laboratory Experiment in Coupled Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Equilibria. Hein, J.; Jeannot, M. Feb, 224–225. From GC to the NMR: A Simple Semipreparative Gas Chromatography Collection Method Using NMR Tubes. (ML) Bressette, A. R. March, 366–367. Gas Chromatography Analyses for Trihalomethanes: An Experiment Illustrating Important Sources of Disinfection By-Products in Water Treatment. Olson, T. M.; Gonzalez, A. C.; Vasquez, V. R. Sep, 1231–1234. Gas Chromatography and Molecular Modeling. A Correlation Experiment for the Undergraduate Laboratory. (CBB) Simpson, J. M.; Rivera, O. July, 942–943. HPLC Determination of Taurine in Sports Drinks. Orth, D. L. June, 791–792. Investigation of Secondary Metabolites in Plants. A General Protocol for Undergraduate Research in Natural Products. Cannon, J.; Li, D.; Wood, S. G.; Owen, N. L.; Gromova, A.; Lutsky, V. Sep, 1234–1237. Ion Chromatography: Analysis of Ions in Pond Waters.

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 •

/Journal/Search/index.html (TICI) Sinniah, K.; Piers, K. March, 358–362. Isolating Friedelin from Cork and Reducing It to Friedelinol and Epifriedelinol. A Project Involving NMR Spectrometry and Molecular Modeling. LeFevre, J. W.; McNeill, K. I.; Moore, J. L. April, 535– 538. Mass Spectral Fragmentation Patterns of Deuterated Butyl and Ethyl Acetates. An Easy Microscale Isotopic Labeling Experiment. (ML) Zahedkargaran, H.; Smith, L. R. Oct, 1379–1380. Oxidation of Benzoin to Benzil Using Alumina-Supported Active MnO2. (ML) Crouch, R. D.; Holden, M. S.; Burger, J. S. July, 951–952. Preparative TLC Applicator. (CET) Fisher, T. L.; Gilman, C. P. March, 367. Safe and Efficient Flash Chromatography Equipment for the Research/Teaching Lab. (CET) Pontén, F.; Ellervik, U. March, 363. Simple Preparation and NMR Analysis of mer and fac Isomers of Tris(1,1,1-trifluoro-2,4pentanedionato)cobalt(III). An Experiment for the Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory. Jensen, A. W.; O’Brien, B. A. July, 954–955. Strategy for Incorporating Hands-On GC–MS into the General Chemistry Lecture and Laboratory Courses. Reeves, P. C.; Pamplin, K. L. March, 368–370. Synthesis of a Partially Protected Azidodeoxy Sugar. A Project Suitable for the Advanced Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Laboratory. Norris, P.; Freeze, S.; Gabriel, C. J. Jan, 75–76. Was the Driver Drunk? An Instrumental Methods Experiment for the Determination of Blood Alcohol Content. Zabzdyr, J. L.; Lillard, S. J. Sep, 1225–1227. What Factors Affect the Separation of Substances Using Thin-Layer Chromatography? An Undergraduate Experiment. Nash, J. J.; Meyer, J. A.; Everson, B. March, 364–365. Who Set the Fire? Determination of Arson Accelerants by GC–MS in an Instrumental Methods Course. Sodeman, D. A.; Lillard, S. J. Sep, 1228–1230.

Chromium Metal Complexes of Trifluoropentanedione. An Experiment for the General Chemistry Laboratory. (ACL) Sadoski, R. C.; Shipp, D.; Durham, B. May, 665–666. Organometallic Computational Exercise: Semiempirical Molecular Orbital Calculations on (C6H6)Cr(CO)3 and (B 3N 3 H 6)Cr(CO)3. (MMEE) O’Brien, J. F.; Haworth, D. T. Jan, 134. Circular Dichroism of Globular Proteins. (ACL) Bondesen, B. A.; Schuh, M. D. Sep, 1244–1247.

Cobalt Development of a Research-Oriented Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory Course. (ACL) Vallarino, L. M.; Polo, D. L.; Esperdy, K. Feb, 228–231. Simple Preparation and NMR Analysis of mer and fac Isomers of Tris(1,1,1-trifluoro-2,4pentanedionato)cobalt(III). An Experiment for the Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory. Jensen, A. W.; O’Brien, B. A. July, 954–955.

Collaborative/Cooperative Learning Cafeteria-Style Grading in General Chemistry. Goodwin, J. A.; Gilbert, B. D. April, 490–493. Class Projects in Physical Organic Chemistry: The Hammett Equation. Marrs, P. S. April, 527–529. Data-Driven Classroom. (CCD) Bondeson, S. R.; Brummer, J. G.; Wright, S. M. Jan, 56–57. Determination of the Universal Gas Constant, R. A Discovery Laboratory. (CPR) Moss, D. B.; Cornely, K. Sep, 1260–1262. Dibenzalacetone Reaction Revisited. Hull, L. A. Feb, 226–227. Evaluating the Success of Hispanic-Surname Students in First-Semester General Chemistry. Mason, D. S.; Mittag, K. C. Feb, 256–259. Evaluating the Success of Hispanic-Surname Students in First-Semester General Chemistry (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 256). (Correction) Mason, D. S.; Mittag, K. C. Dec, 1597. Gateway to Success for At-Risk Students in a LargeGroup Introductory Chemistry Class. (CER) Mason, D. S.; Verdel, E. Feb, 252–255. Indexed Combinatorial Library: The Synthesis and Testing of Insect Repellents. Miles, W. H.; Gelato, K. A.; Pompizzi, K. M.; Scarbinsky, A. M.; Albrecht, B. K.; Reynolds, E. R. April, 540–542.

Volume 78 • 2001 • Subject Index Influence of Modern Instrumentation on the Analytical and General Chemistry Curriculum at Bates College. (NSF) Wenzel, T. J. Sep, 1164–1165. Introductory Course in Industrial Chemistry for Freshmen. Seidl, P. R.; Magalhães, M. d.; Augusto, C. R. Feb, 218–222. Kolb for Chemists: David A. Kolb and Experiential Learning Theory. (SYM) Towns, M. H. Aug, 1107. LUCID: A New Model for Computer-Assisted Learning. (TECH) Wolfskill, T.; Hanson, D. M. Oct, 1417–1424. Ob-scertainers™: A Cooperative Activity on Hypotheses. Shibley, I. A. Jr. Sep, 1193–1194. Oxidation of Alkylbenzenes: Using Data Pooling in the Organic Laboratory to Illustrate Research in Organic Chemistry. Adrian, J. C. Jr.; Hull, L. A. April, 529– 530. Personalized Combined Organic Spectroscopy Problems—Online and in the Lab. Kandel, M.; Tonge, P. J. Sep, 1208–1209. Placing Science into Its Human Context: Using Scientific Autobiography to Teach Chemistry. Carroll, F. A.; Seeman, J. I. Dec, 1618–1622. Reduction of Calcium Concentrations by the Brita® Water Filtration System: A Practical Experiment in Titrimetry and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. Olsen, K. G.; Ulicny, L. J. July, 941. Student Active Learning Methods in Physical Chemistry. Hinde, R. J.; Kovac, J. D. Jan, 93–99. Student-Taught Review Sessions: Fostering Communication Skills and Reinforcing Concepts. Nilsson, M. R. May, 628. Teaching Chemistry in the Block Schedule. (VIEW) Craven, S. April, 488–490. Thalidomide Makes a Comeback: A Case Discussion Exercise That Integrates Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry. (TPCS) Bennett, N. S.; Cornely, K. June, 759–761.

Colloids Are Micelles and Vesicles Chemical Equilibrium Systems? Luisi, P. L. March, 380–384. Contact Angles of Aqueous Solutions on Copper Surfaces Bearing Self-Assembled Monolayers. Craig, V. S.; Jones, A. C.; Senden, T. J. March, 345–346. Demonstration of Surface Tension. (OPD) Rosenthal, A. J. March, 332–333.

Commentary Bioorganic First: A New Model for the College Chemistry Curriculum. (Commentary) Reingold, I. D. July, 869–871. Chemistry Report: MAA-CUPM Curriculum Foundations Workshop in Biology and Chemistry. Macalester College, November 2–5, 2000. (Commentary) Craig, N. C. May, 582–586. Role of Lewis Structures in Teaching Covalent Bonding. (Commentary) Logan, S. R. Nov, 1457–1458. Time and Teaching. (Commentary) Zielinski, T. J.; Brooks, D. W.; Crippen, K. J.; March, J. L. June, 714– 715. What’s Been Happening to Undergraduate Mathematics. (Commentary) Bressoud, D. M. May, 578–581.

Computational Chemistry Ab Initio Calculations of NMR Parameters for Diatomic Molecules. An Exercise in Computational Chemistry. Bryce, D. L.; Wasylishen, R. E. Jan, 124–133. Computational Investigations for Undergraduate Organic Chemistry: Modeling a TLC Exercise to Investigate Molecular Structure and Intermolecular Forces (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 203–205). (Correction) Hessley, R. K. Sep, 1183. Cooperative Molecular Modeling Exercise—The Hypersurface as Classroom. (MMEE) Cramer, C. J. et al. Sep, 1202–1205. Electron Densities, Atomic Charges, and Ionic, Covalent, and Polar Bonds. Gillespie, R. J. Dec, 1688– 1691. Electronic Spectra of Conjugated Systems: A Modern Update for a Classic Experiment. (MMEE) Soltzberg, L. J. Oct, 1432. Energy Profile for Rotation about the C-C Bond in Substituted Ethanes (re J. Chem. Educ. 1998, 75, 900– 906). (Letter) Gil, V. M. Jan, 32. Fraction of Molecules Exceeding a Given Energy. McInerny, W. J. June, 801–802. Have Orbitals Really Been Observed? (re J. Chem. Educ.

2000, 77, 1492–1494). (Letter) Spence, J. C.; O’Keefe, M.; Zuo, J. M. July, 877. Integrating Computational Chemistry into a ProjectOriented Biochemistry Laboratory Experience: A New Twist on the Lysozyme Experiment. (CBB) Peterson, R. R.; Cox, J. R. Nov, 1551–1555. Integrating Molecular Modeling into the Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory. (MMEE) Montgomery, C. D. June, 840–844. Lewis Structures in General Chemistry: Agreement between Electron Density Calculations and Lewis Structures. Purser, G. H. July, 981–983. Mechanisms of Pentacoordinate Pseudorotation. A Molecular Modeling Study of PF5. (MMEE) Montgomery, C. D. June, 844–846. Organometallic Computational Exercise: Semiempirical Molecular Orbital Calculations on (C6H6)Cr(CO)3 and (B 3N 3 H 6)Cr(CO)3 . (MMEE) O’Brien, J. F.; Haworth, D. T. Jan, 134. Use of Tabulated Thermochemical Data for Pure Compounds. Jacobson, N. S. June, 814–819. Using a Molecular Modeling Program to Calculate Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Hyperfine Couplings in Semiquinone Anion Radicals. (MMEE) Haddy, A. Sep, 1206–1208. Variational Methods Applied to the Particle in a Box. (MCAD) Grubbs, W. T. Nov, 1557.

Computer-Assisted Instruction Advanced Chemistry Collection, 2nd Edition. (JCE Software) Nov, 1558–1560. Automated, Web-Based, Second-Chance Homework. (TECH) Hall, R. W.; Butler, L. G.; McGuire, S. Y.; McGlynn, S. P.; Lyon, G. L.; Reese, R. L.; Limbach, P. A. Dec, 1704–1708. Beer’s Law Measurements Using Non-monochromatic Light Sources—A Computer Simulation. (CBB) Chan, G. C.; Chan, W. Sep, 1285–1288. Blood-Chemistry Tutorials: Teaching Biological Applications of General Chemistry Material. (TECH) Casiday, R. E.; Holten, D.; Krathen, R.; Frey, R. F. Sep, 1210–1215. Cafeteria-Style Grading in General Chemistry. Goodwin, J. A.; Gilbert, B. D. April, 490–493. The Carnot Cycle. (MCAD) Harris, H. H. Nov, 1556. Cognitive Requirements of Open-Ended Learning Environments. (ROJResLit) Robinson, W. R. Jan, 20–21. Computer Simulation of Electronic Circuits Used in Chemical Instrumentation. (TICI) Sadik, O. A.; Cheung, M. C. May, 658–662. Computer-Assisted Tutorial on Protein Structure. (CBB) Tsai, C. S. June, 837–839. Distributed Access Teaching Assistant (DATA). (CBB) Koch, J. A.; Van Der Sluys, W. G. Dec, 1696–1698. From the Wood-Shop to Crystal Engineering: Teaching Three-Dimensional Chemistry. Martin, J. D. Sep, 1195–1197. General Chemistry Collection for Students (CD-ROM), 5th Edition. (JCE Software) June, 847–848. Goals and Objectives for Student Mathcad Activities. (MCAD) Zielinski, T. J. Nov, 1556. Graphical Approach to the Angular Momentum Schrödinger Equation. (CBB) Miles, D. G. Jr.; Francis, T. A. March, 405–408. Improvements in Undergraduate Science Education Using Web-Based Instructional Modules: The Natural Science Pages. (TECH) Carpi, A. Dec, 1709–1712. In-Depth Look at the Madelung Constant for Cubic Crystal Systems. Grosso, R. P. Jr.; Fermann, J. T.; Vining, W. J. Sep, 1198–1202. Introduction to Searching with SciFinder Scholar. (CII) Ridley, D. D. April, 557–558. Introduction to Structure Searching with SciFinder Scholar. (CII) Ridley, D. D. April, 559–560. JCE WebWare Mission Statement. (JCE WebWare) Coleman, W. F. Feb, 272. LUCID: A New Model for Computer-Assisted Learning. (TECH) Wolfskill, T.; Hanson, D. M. Oct, 1417–1424. Modular Spectrometers in the Undergraduate Chemistry Laboratory. Bernazzani, M. P.; Paquin, F. June, 796–798. Molecular Modeling in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum. (NSF) Jones, M. B. July, 867–868. News from Online: Criteria for an “Outstanding” High School Chemistry Web Site. (ROJOnline) Barry, L. A. Feb, 154–155. News from Online: Teaching with Chemical Instrumentation on the Web. (ROJOnline) Chasteen, T. G. Sep, 1144–1148. • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 • Journal of Chemical Education


Subject Index • Volume 78 • 2001 Planck Radiation Law: Exercises Using the Cosmic Background Radiation Data. (RSA) Bluestone, S. Feb, 215–218. Problem Analysis: Lesson Scripts and Their Potential Applications. (TECH) Oliver-Hoyo, M. Oct, 1425– 1428. Prospectus 2001. Holmes, J. L.; Gettys, N. S. Jan, 135– 136. Relating Qualitative Analysis to Equilibrium Principles. (MCAD) Lo, G. V. Nov, 1557. Review and Discussion of Epistemological Commitments, Metacognition, and Critical Thinking with Suggestions on Their Enhancement in Internet-Assisted Chemistry Classrooms. Tsai, C. July, 970–974. Spec UV-Vis: An Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrophotometer Simulation. (JCE Software) Papadopoulos, N.; Limniou, M.; Koklamanis, G.; Tsarouxas, A.; Roilidis, M.; Bigger, S. W. Nov, 1560. Spektri-Sim: Interactive Simulation and Analysis of the Infrared Spectra of Diatomic Molecules. Glendening, E. D.; Kansanaho, J. M. June, 824–826. Student Active Learning Methods in Physical Chemistry. Hinde, R. J.; Kovac, J. D. Jan, 93–99. Study of Chemistry by Guided Inquiry Method Using Microcomputer-Based Laboratories. (NSF) Durick, M. A. May, 574–575. Teaching 1H NMR Spectroscopy Using Computer Modeling. (TECH) Habata, Y.; Akabori, S. Jan, 121–123. Understanding Solubility through Excel Spreadsheets. (CBB) Brown, P. Feb, 268–270. Using Computer-Based Visualization Strategies to Improve Students’ Understanding of Molecular Polarity and Miscibility. (CER) Sanger, M. J.; Badger, S. M. II. Oct, 1412–1416. Using Symbolic Software to Facilitate Learning. (MCAD) Zielinski, T. J. Feb, 270–271. Using the Internet to Individualize Laboratory Questions. (TECH) Gammon, S. D.; Hutchison, S. G. March, 412–413. Variational Methods Applied to the Particle in a Box. (MCAD) Grubbs, W. T. Nov, 1557. WebMark—A Fully Automated Method of Submission, Assessment, Grading, and Commentary for Laboratory Practical Scripts. (CBB) Olivier, G.; Herson, K.; Sosabowski, M. H. Dec, 1699–1703. WebSpectra: Online NMR and IR Spectra for Students. Merlic, C. A.; Fam, B. C.; Miller, M. M. Jan, 118– 120. Writing and Computing across the USM Chemistry Curriculum. Gordon, N. R.; Newton, T. A.; Rhodes, G.; Ricci, J. S.; Stebbins, R. G.; Tracy, H. J. Jan, 53– 55.

Computer Bulletin Board Beer’s Law Measurements Using Non-monochromatic Light Sources—A Computer Simulation. (CBB) Chan, G. C.; Chan, W. Sep, 1285–1288. Computer-Assisted Tutorial on Protein Structure. (CBB) Tsai, C. S. June, 837–839. Curve Fitting, Confidence Intervals and Envelopes, Correlations, and Monte Carlo Visualizations for Multilinear Problems in Chemistry: A General Spreadsheet Approach. (CBB) Ogren, P. J.; Davis, B.; Guy, N. June, 827–836. Distributed Access Teaching Assistant (DATA). (CBB) Koch, J. A.; Van Der Sluys, W. G. Dec, 1696–1698. Gas Chromatography and Molecular Modeling. A Correlation Experiment for the Undergraduate Laboratory. (CBB) Simpson, J. M.; Rivera, O. July, 942–943. Graphical Approach to the Angular Momentum Schrödinger Equation. (CBB) Miles, D. G. Jr.; Francis, T. A. March, 405–408. Integrating Computational Chemistry into a ProjectOriented Biochemistry Laboratory Experience: A New Twist on the Lysozyme Experiment. (CBB) Peterson, R. R.; Cox, J. R. Nov, 1551–1555. Low-Cost Dynamic Surface Tension Meter with a LabVIEW Interface and Its Usefulness in Understanding Foam Formation. (CBB) Spanoghe, P.; Cocquyt, J.; Van der Meeren, P. March, 338–342. Understanding Solubility through Excel Spreadsheets. (CBB) Brown, P. Feb, 268–270. Using a Diode Laser Pointer to Count Drops and Automate Titration Systems. (CBB) Ogren, P. J.; Nelson, S.; Henry, I. March, 353–355. WebMark—A Fully Automated Method of Submission, Assessment, Grading, and Commentary for Laboratory Practical Scripts. (CBB) Olivier, G.; Herson, K.; Sosabowski, M. H. Dec, 1699–1703.


JCE Online Index:

Concepts in Biochemistry

Coordination Chemistry

Ethanol Metabolism and the Transition from Organic Chemistry to Biochemistry. (CIB) Feinman, R. D. Sep, 1215–1220.

1,5 Cyclooctadiene Complexes of Iridium: Synthesis, Characterization, and Reaction with Dihydrogen. An Experiment for an Integrated Physical/Inorganic Laboratory Course. Logan, J. W.; Wicholas, M. Sep, 1272– 1274. Chemistry in Cages: Dinucleating Azacryptand Hosts and Their Cation and Anion Cryptates. Arthurs, M.; McKee, V.; Nelson, J.; Town, R. M. Sep, 1269–1272. Designing Advanced Materials As Simple As Assembling Lego Blocks! Sharma, C. K. May, 617–622. Determination of the Magnetic Moments of Transition Metal Complexes Using Rare Earth Magnets. de Berg, K. C.; Chapman, K. J. May, 670–673. Development of a Research-Oriented Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory Course. (ACL) Vallarino, L. M.; Polo, D. L.; Esperdy, K. Feb, 228–231. Electrochemical Experiment to Monitor the Isomerization of trans- to cis-[RuCl2(dppb)(phen)]: An Undergraduate Cyclic Voltammetry Experiment for Inorganic Chemistry. Queiroz, S. L.; de Araujo, M. P.; Batista, A. A.; MacFarlane, K. S.; James, B. R. Jan, 89–90. Household Chemistry of Cleaning Pennies. (AA) Rosenhein, L. D. April, 513–515. Importance of Non-Bonds in Coordination Compounds. Laing, M. Oct, 1400–1405. In-Depth Look at the Madelung Constant for Cubic Crystal Systems. Grosso, R. P. Jr.; Fermann, J. T.; Vining, W. J. Sep, 1198–1202. Metal Complexes of Trifluoropentanedione. An Experiment for the General Chemistry Laboratory. (ACL) Sadoski, R. C.; Shipp, D.; Durham, B. May, 665–666. Network Complexes of Copper(I) Halides. Pike, R. D.; Graham, P. M.; Guy, K. A.; Johnson, T. J.; Cole, J. R.; Stamps, S. M.; Klemmer, L. E. Nov, 1522–1524. Reduction of Calcium Concentrations by the Brita® Water Filtration System: A Practical Experiment in Titrimetry and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. Olsen, K. G.; Ulicny, L. J. July, 941. Ruthenium(II)–dppm Coordination Chemistry. An Advanced Inorganic Miniproject. (ACL) Higgins, S. J. May, 663–664. Simple Preparation and NMR Analysis of mer and fac Isomers of Tris(1,1,1-trifluoro-2,4-pentanedionato)cobalt(III). An Experiment for the Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory. Jensen, A. W.; O’Brien, B. A. July, 954–955. Splitting of One-Electron Levels in a Tetrahedral Environment. Konno, T. J. May, 674–677. Synthesis and Reactivity of the Metallaborane Complex [Mo(CO) 4 B 3 H 8 ] – and the Formation of Mo(CO)4(dppe). Davis, C. M.; Klein, M. F. July, 952–953. Synthesis of [RuCl2(dppb)(PPh3)] and Identification of the cis- and trans-[RuCl2(dppb)(phen)] Geometrical Isomers via 31P{1H} NMR Spectroscopy. An Undergraduate Experiment for Inorganic Chemistry. Queiroz, S. L.; de Araujo, M. P.; Batista, A. A.; MacFarlane, K. S.; James, B. R. Jan, 87–89.

Conductivity Acid–Base Indicators: A New Look at an Old Topic. Kooser, A. S.; Jenkins, J. L.; Welch, L. E. Nov, 1504– 1506. Computer-Controlled Bipolar Pulse Conductivity Apparatus. Papadopoulos, N.; Limniou, M. Feb, 245–246. Conductivity of Molten Materials. (CPR) Thomas, M. E.; Cleveland, A. A.; Battino, R.; Dolson, D. A.; Hall, M. R. Aug, 1052–1054. Conductivity of Molten Materials (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 1052–1054). (Correction) Thomas, M. E.; Cleveland, A. A.; Battino, R.; Dolson, D. A.; Hall, M. R. Oct, 1333. Nobel Prizes, 2000. Moore, J. W. Jan, 8. Purification of Water by Freeze–Thaw or Zone Melting. Oughton, J.; Xu, S.; Battino, R. Oct, 1373–1374.

Conferences ACS National Meeting. CHED-Sponsored Workshops. March, 299. ACS National Meeting: Chicago, August 25–30, 2001. CHED-Sponsored Workshops. Aug, 1005. ACS National Meeting: Chicago, August 25–30, 2001. High School Program. Aug, 1004. ACS National Meeting: Chicago, August 25–30, 2001. Program for the Division of Chemical Education. Towns, M. H.; Bowen, C. W.; Hoffman, M. Z. Aug, 994. ACS National Meeting: Chicago, August 25–30, 2001. Undergraduate Program. Aug, 1004. ACS National Meeting. High School Program. March, 280–281. ACS National Meeting: Notices, Division of Chemical Education. Aug, 1017. ACS National Meeting. Presidential Events: Professional Development throughout the Career Cycle. March, 297. ACS National Meeting. Program for the Division of Chemical Education: San Diego, March 31–April 5, 2001. Stone, K.; Schreck, J. O.; Hoffman, M. Z. March, 292. ACS National Meeting. Undergraduate Program. March, 297. Chemical Dynamics at the Turn of the New Century: Nobel Laureates Look Back and Ahead. Van Houten, J. July, 860. Especially for High School Teachers. Howell, J. E. Feb, 143; March, 281; Aug, 993. Executive Committee Report, April 2001. (ACS) Stanitski, C.; Sarquis, J. L. July, 861–862. Exploring Chicago. Cohen, P. S.; Cohen, B. H. Aug, 1006–1009. Exploring San Diego. Cohen, P. S.; Cohen, B. H. March, 301–305. Meeting Sessions, San Diego ACS Meeting. (ACS) July, 863. National Conferences on Undergraduate Research: Conference History and the Role of Chemistry. Werner, T. C.; Lichter, R. L.; Krugh, T. R. May, 691–694. Oxygen. Djerassi, C.; Hoffmann, R. March, 283–284.

Consumer Chemistry Are You Ready for [a] Roundup?—What Chemistry Has to Do with Genetic Modifications. (POC) Pöpping, B. June, 752–756. Especially for High School Teachers. Howell, J. E. July, 857. Especially for High School Teachers. Howell, J. E. Nov, 1441. Household Chemistry of Cleaning Pennies. (AA) Rosenhein, L. D. April, 513–515. Moisture Analysis in Lotion by Karl Fischer Coulometry. An Experiment for Introductory Analytical Chemistry. Mabrouk, P. A.; Castriotta, K. Oct, 1385–1386. Recovery and Reutilization of Waste Matter from Coffee Preparation. An Experiment for Environmental Science Courses. Orecchio, S. Dec, 1669–1671. Simple Preparative Method to Evaluate Total UV Protection by Commercial Sunscreens. Fujishige, S.; Takizawa, S.; Tsuzuki, K. Dec, 1678–1679. Structure and Content of Some Primary Batteries. Smith, M. J.; Vincent, C. A. April, 519–521. Sweet Stuff. (FPI) Williams, K. R. Nov, 1446–1447.

Copper Chemistry in Cages: Dinucleating Azacryptand Hosts and Their Cation and Anion Cryptates. Arthurs, M.; McKee, V.; Nelson, J.; Town, R. M. Sep, 1269–1272. Development of a Research-Oriented Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory Course. (ACL) Vallarino, L. M.; Polo, D. L.; Esperdy, K. Feb, 228–231. Household Chemistry of Cleaning Pennies. (AA) Rosenhein, L. D. April, 513–515. Metal Complexes of Trifluoropentanedione. An Experiment for the General Chemistry Laboratory. (ACL) Sadoski, R. C.; Shipp, D.; Durham, B. May, 665–666. Network Complexes of Copper(I) Halides. Pike, R. D.; Graham, P. M.; Guy, K. A.; Johnson, T. J.; Cole, J. R.; Stamps, S. M.; Klemmer, L. E. Nov, 1522–1524. Synthesis and Analysis of Copper(I) Iodide. A First-Year Laboratory Project. Margolis, L. A.; Schaeffer, R. W.; Yoder, C. H. Feb, 235–236. Use of EPR Spectroscopy in Elucidating Electronic Structures of Paramagnetic Transition Metal Complexes. (ACL) Basu, P. May, 666–669.

Corrections Chemistry and Molecular Electronics: New Molecules as Wires, Switches, and Logic Gates (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 321–328). (Correction) Ward, M. D. Aug, 1021.

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 •

/Journal/Search/index.html Computational Investigations for Undergraduate Organic Chemistry: Modeling a TLC Exercise to Investigate Molecular Structure and Intermolecular Forces (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 203–205). (Correction) Hessley, R. K. Sep, 1183. Conductivity of Molten Materials (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 1052–1054). (Correction) Thomas, M. E.; Cleveland, A. A.; Battino, R.; Dolson, D. A.; Hall, M. R. Oct, 1333. Drug Metabolism: The Body’s Defense against Chemical Attack (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 349–353). (Correction) Stachulski, A. V.; Lennard, M. S. March, 312. Evaluating the Success of Hispanic-Surname Students in First-Semester General Chemistry (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 256). (Correction) Mason, D. S.; Mittag, K. C. Dec, 1597. More Realistic Teaching Style in Spectroscopic Instruction (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 765–769). (Correction) Gallego, M. G.; Romano, S.; Sierra, M. A.; Nieto, E. Sep, 1183. Pólya’s Isomer Enumeration Method: A Unique Exercise in Group Theory and Combinatorial Analysis for Undergraduates (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1358– 1360). (Correction) Pevac, S.; Crundwell, G. Aug, 1021. Synthesis of Methyl 2,3,5-Tri-O-benzoyl- α - D arabinofuranoside in the Organic Laboratory (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 73–74). (Correction) Callam, C. S.; Lowary, T. L. March, 312. Understanding Enzyme Inhibition (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1453–1456). (Correction) Ochs, R. S. Jan, 32. What Does It Mean to Be a Professor? (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1559). (Correction) Lichter, R. L. Feb, 165.

Cost-Effective Teacher Application of Light Emitting Diodes to Chemical Analysis: Determination of Copper in Water. (CET) Mozo, J. D.; Galán, M.; Roldán, E. March, 355– 357. Build a Simple Polarimeter. (CET) Stary, F. E.; Woldow, N. May, 644. Construction of the UCSC Econo-Box: An Inexpensive Yet Effective Glove Box. (CET) Suri, J. T. Nov, 1513– 1515. Efficient and Inexpensive Apparatus for Hot Filtration. (CET) Romão, C. C.; Diogo, H. P. Jan, 65. Flood Prevention by Recirculating Condenser Cooling Water. (CET) Fleming, F. F.; Iyer, P. S. July, 946. Inexpensive Water Jacket for a Polarimeter Tube. (CET) Kundell, F. A.; Adkins, W. A. Nov, 1516. Preparative TLC Applicator. (CET) Fisher, T. L.; Gilman, C. P. March, 367. Safe and Efficient Flash Chromatography Equipment for the Research/Teaching Lab. (CET) Pontén, F.; Ellervik, U. March, 363. Simple Solution for Leaking Polarimeter Cells. (CET) Hiegel, G. A. May, 648. Using a Diode Laser for Laser-Induced Fluorescence. (CET) Tran, Y.; Whitten, J. E. Aug, 1093–1095.

Crystallography/Crystal Growth Annual James L. Waters Symposium at Pittcon (2000. (Waters) Coetzee, J. F. May, 601. Designing Advanced Materials As Simple As Assembling Lego Blocks! Sharma, C. K. May, 617–622. Development of Instrumentation for Thin-Film X-ray Diffraction. (Waters) Ryan, T. May, 613–616. Efficient and Inexpensive Apparatus for Hot Filtration. (CET) Romão, C. C.; Diogo, H. P. Jan, 65. From the Wood-Shop to Crystal Engineering: Teaching Three-Dimensional Chemistry. Martin, J. D. Sep, 1195–1197. In-Depth Look at the Madelung Constant for Cubic Crystal Systems. Grosso, R. P. Jr.; Fermann, J. T.; Vining, W. J. Sep, 1198–1202. Landmarks in the Development of Powder Diffraction Instrumentation. (Waters) Jenkins, R. May, 601–606. Phototropic Reaction (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1386– 1387). (Letter) Rademacher, P. Dec, 1596. Phototropic Reaction (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1386– 1387). (Letter) Ault, A. Dec, 1596. Role of Development of the Rotating Anode X-Ray Generator and the Use of Imaging Plates in Powder Diffractometer Instrumentation. (Waters) Harada, J. May, 607–612.

Volume 78 • 2001 • Subject Index Curricular Change Digests Data-Driven Classroom. (CCD) Bondeson, S. R.; Brummer, J. G.; Wright, S. M. Jan, 56–57. Physical Chemistry On Line: Interinstitutional Collaboration at a Distance. (CCD) Towns, M. H.; Sauder, D.; Whisnant, D. M.; Zielinski, T. J. March, 414– 415. Using Writing to Enhance the Undergraduate Research Experience. (CCD) Bressette, A. R.; Breton, G. W. Dec, 1626–1627.

Curriculum Acids and Bases in Layers: The Stratal Structure of an Ancient Topic. de Vos, W.; Pilot, A. April, 494–499. Bioorganic First: A New Model for the College Chemistry Curriculum. (Commentary) Reingold, I. D. July, 869–871. Biosphere 2: A Place for Integrative Studies in Chemical Research and Chemical Education in Defense of Planet Earth. Colodner, D.; Fine, L. W.; Harris, W.; Venkataraman, B. Feb, 144–148. CHEM 101: Thirty Years of Experiences with a Chemistry Course for Prospective Elementary School Teachers. (CFK) Phillips, D. B. July, 905–907. Chemistry Report: MAA-CUPM Curriculum Foundations Workshop in Biology and Chemistry. Macalester College, November 2–5, 2000. (Commentary) Craig, N. C. May, 582–586. Comparison of Secondary Chemistry Courses and Chemistry Teacher Preparation Programs in Iowa and Saint Petersburg, Russia. Sanger, M. J.; Brincks, E. L.; Phelps, A. J.; Pak, M. S.; Lyovkin, A. N. Sep, 1275– 1280. Conant Award Interview: An Interview with Barbara Sitzman, 2001 Award Winner. JCE Editorial Staff. Sep, 1151–1158. Conant Award Interview: An Interview with Frank Cardulla, 2000 Award Winner. JCE Editorial Staff. April, 437–443. Curriculum Alignment Projects: Toward Developing a Need to Know. (VIEW) Pinkerton, K. D. Feb, 198– 200. Data-Driven Classroom. (CCD) Bondeson, S. R.; Brummer, J. G.; Wright, S. M. Jan, 56–57. Divergence of Faculty Perceptions of General Chemistry and Problem Solving Skills. (NSF) Holme, T. A. Dec, 1578–1581. Early Emphasis on Symmetry and a Three-Dimensional Perspective in the Chemistry Curriculum. McKay, S. E.; Boone, S. R. Nov, 1487–1490. General Chemistry and Cell Biology: An Experiment in Curricular Symbiosis. Schwartz, A. T.; Serie, J. Nov, 1490–1494. Incorporating a Substantial Writing Assignment into Organic Chemistry: Library Research, Peer Review, and Assessment. Shibley, I. A. Jr.; Milakofsky, L. M.; Nicotera, C. L. Jan, 50–53. Influence of Modern Instrumentation on the Analytical and General Chemistry Curriculum at Bates College. (NSF) Wenzel, T. J. Sep, 1164–1165. Inorganic Chemistry at the Undergraduate Level: Are We All on the Same Page? Pesterfield, L. L.; Henrickson, C. H. May, 677–679. Integration of Environmental Analytical Chemistry with Environmental Law: The Development of a ProblemBased Laboratory. Cancilla, D. A. Dec, 1652–1660. LEDs: New Lamps for Old and a Paradigm for Ongoing Curriculum Modernization. Condren, S. M.; Lisensky, G. C.; Ellis, A. B.; Nordell, K. J.; Kuech, T. F.; Stockman, S. A. Aug, 1033–1040. Making Assumptions Explicit: How the Law of Conservation of Matter Can Explain Empirical Formula Problems. (CPR) DeMeo, S. Aug, 1050–1052. Molecular Modeling in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum. (NSF) Jones, M. B. July, 867–868. Physical Chemistry On Line: Interinstitutional Collaboration at a Distance. (CCD) Towns, M. H.; Sauder, D.; Whisnant, D. M.; Zielinski, T. J. March, 414– 415. Reconstructing Student Meaning: A Theory of Perspective Transformation. (SYM) Wink, D. J. Aug, 1107. Research Skills & Ethics—A Graduate Course Empowering Graduate Students for Productive Research Careers in Graduate School and Beyond. Mabrouk, P. A. Dec, 1628–1631. Studying Synthetic Polymers in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum. A Review of the Educational Literature. Hodgson, S. C.; Bigger, S. W.; Billingham, N. C. April, 555–556.

Teaching Chemistry in the Block Schedule. (VIEW) Craven, S. April, 488–490. Teaching Chemistry in the New Century: Analytical Chemistry. Van Bramer, S. E. Sep, 1167. Teaching Chemistry in the New Century: Biochemistry. Fisher, M. A. Sep, 1168. Teaching Chemistry in the New Century: Environmental Chemistry. Cooper, M. M.; Elzerman, A. W.; Lee, C. M. Sep, 1169. Teaching Chemistry in the New Century: General Chemistry. Zeile, J. V.; Jones, L. L. Sep, 1170. Teaching Chemistry in the New Century: Inorganic Chemistry. Dorhout, P. K. Sep, 1171. Teaching Chemistry in the New Century: Organic Chemistry. Kingsbury, C.; Schelble, S. Sep, 1172. Teaching Chemistry in the New Century: Physical Chemistry. Zielinski, T. J.; Schwenz, R. W. Sep, 1173. Undergraduate Science and Engineering Students’ Understanding of the Reliability of Chemical Data. (CER) Davidowitz, B.; Lubben, F.; Rollnick, M. Feb, 247–252. Using Writing to Enhance the Undergraduate Research Experience. (CCD) Bressette, A. R.; Breton, G. W. Dec, 1626–1627. Vanderbilt Student Volunteers for Science. (CFK) Joesten, M. D.; Tellinghuisen, P. C. April, 463–466. Want Ads, Job Skills, and Curriculum: A Survey of 1998 Chemistry Help-Wanted Ads. Headrick, K. L. Sep, 1281–1282. What’s Been Happening to Undergraduate Mathematics. (Commentary) Bressoud, D. M. May, 578–581. Workplace Skills Taught in a Simulated Analytical Department. (2YC3) Marine, S. S. Nov, 1448–1455. Writing and Computing across the USM Chemistry Curriculum. Gordon, N. R.; Newton, T. A.; Rhodes, G.; Ricci, J. S.; Stebbins, R. G.; Tracy, H. J. Jan, 53– 55. Writing for Chemists: Satisfying the CSU Upper-Division Writing Requirement. Paulson, D. R. Aug, 1047– 1049.

Demonstrations Alcohol Rocket Car—A Variation on the “Whoosh Bottle” Theme. (TD) Campbell, D. J. July, 910–911. “Almost Like Weighing Someone’s Soul”: Chemistry in Contemporary Film. Wink, D. J. April, 481–483. Chemiluminescence of Tris(2,2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II): A Glowing Experience. (TD) Bolton, E.; Richter, M. M. Jan, 47–48. Chemistry Comes Alive!, Volume 5. (JCE Software) Jacobsen, J. J.; Johnson, K.; Moore, J. W.; Trammell, G. March, 423–424. Combustion of White Phosphorus. (TD) Keiter, R. L.; Gamage, C. P. July, 908–910. Conductivity of Molten Materials. (CPR) Thomas, M. E.; Cleveland, A. A.; Battino, R.; Dolson, D. A.; Hall, M. R. Aug, 1052–1054. Conductivity of Molten Materials (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 1052–1054). (Correction) Thomas, M. E.; Cleveland, A. A.; Battino, R.; Dolson, D. A.; Hall, M. R. Oct, 1333. Demonstrating Chirality: Using a Mirror with Physical Models to Show Non-superimposability of Chiral Molecules with Their Mirror Images. (TD) Collins, M. J. Nov, 1484–1485. Demonstration of Surface Tension. (OPD) Rosenthal, A. J. March, 332–333. Demonstrations with Nitrocellulose: Possible Further Pedagogic Value (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1449). (Letter) Jones, J. C. Dec, 1596. Demonstrations with Nitrocellulose: Possible Further Pedagogic Value (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1449). Senkbeil, E. G. Dec, 1596–1597. Disappearing–Reappearing Rabbit Trick: A New Twist to an Old Liquid Nitrogen Demonstration. (TD) Haub, E. K. Jan, 46. “Dishing Out” Stereochemical Principles. Hart, H. Dec, 1632–1634. Dramatic Flame Test Demonstration. (TD) Johnson, K.; Schreiner, R. May, 640–641. Easy and Versatile Experiment to Demonstrate Solvent Polarity Using Solvatochromic Dyes. Machado, C.; Machado, V. G. May, 649–651. Enchanted Glass. (TD) Szabó L., S.; Mazák, K.; Knausz, D.; Rózsahegyi, M. March, 329–331. Experiencing and Visualizing the First Law of Thermodynamics: An In-Class Workshop. Mills, P. A.; Sweeney, W. V.; Cieniewicz, W. Oct, 1360–1361. “Experiment with a Candle” without a Candle. Krnel, D.; Glazar, S. A. July, 914. • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 • Journal of Chemical Education


Subject Index • Volume 78 • 2001 Fast Ionic Migration of Copper Chromate. (TD) Cortel, A. Feb, 207–208. Icarus and Sun, Not Only in Mythology but Also in the Laboratory! (TD) Walawalkar, M. G.; Roesky, H. W. July, 912–913. Is Every Transparent Liquid Water? (CFK) Hugerat, M.; Basheer, S. Aug, 1041–1043. Laboratory Simulation for Coupled Cycles of Photosynthesis and Respiration. Korn, S.; Tausch, M. W. Sep, 1238–1240. Light Emission at Electrodes: An Electrochemiluminescence Demonstration. (TD) Bolton, E.; Richter, M. M. May, 641–643. Liquid Prism for Refractive Index Studies. (TD) Edmiston, M. D. Nov, 1479–1480. Low-Cost Dynamic Surface Tension Meter with a LabVIEW Interface and Its Usefulness in Understanding Foam Formation. (CBB) Spanoghe, P.; Cocquyt, J.; Van der Meeren, P. March, 338–342. The Physics Teacher: Faraday as a Lecturer. (ROJPhysTea) Clark, R. W. April, 449. Quantum Mechanical Game of Craps: Teaching the Superposition Principle Using a Familiar Classical Analog to a Quantum Mechanical System. Fleming, P. E. Jan, 57–60. Serendipitous Extension for Illustrating Newman Projections. Ciolino, A. E.; Domini, C. E.; Pieroni, O. I.; Vuano, B. M. Oct, 1359. Solvent Swelling Demonstrations: Possible Extension to Other Types of Material (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 876–878). (Letter) Jones, J. C. Feb, 165. Solvent Swelling Demonstrations: Possible Extension to Other Types of Material (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 876–878). (Letter) Campbell, D. J.; Freidinger, E. R.; Murphy, C. Feb, 165. Teaching about Flame Retardants. A Joint Israeli–Dutch Project. Kesner, M.; de Vos, W. Jan, 41–45. Thermite Welding Gets High School Chemistry Class on Track. Feliu, A. L. Jan, 15–16. Use of an Inexpensive Laser Pointer to Perform Qualitative and Semiquantitative Laser Refractometry. (TD) Neder, A. d.; García, E.; Viana, L. N. Nov, 1481– 1483. UV–Visible First-Derivative Spectrophotometry Applied to an Analysis of a Vitamin Mixture. AberásturiMartín, F. J.; Jiménez-Abizanda, A. I.; JiménezMoreno, F.; Arias-León, J. J. June, 793–795.

Descriptive Chemistry Chemical Matching Test. Haworth, D. T. April, 466. Combustion of White Phosphorus. (TD) Keiter, R. L.; Gamage, C. P. July, 908–910. Demonstrations with Nitrocellulose: Possible Further Pedagogic Value (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1449). (Letter) Jones, J. C. Dec, 1596. Demonstrations with Nitrocellulose: Possible Further Pedagogic Value (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1449). Senkbeil, E. G. Dec, 1596–1597. From Chicken Breath to the Killers Lake of Cameroon: Uniting Seven Interesting Phenomena with a Single Chemical Underpinning. DeLorenzo, R. Feb, 191– 194. In Search of a Deep Understanding of the Relative Stabilities of Transition Metal Halides. Strauss, S. H. Dec, 1635–1640. Introducing Chemical Laboratory Information Profiles: CLIPs. (CLIP) Young, J. A. April, 444–446. Making Assumptions Explicit: How the Law of Conservation of Matter Can Explain Empirical Formula Problems. (CPR) DeMeo, S. Aug, 1050–1052. Melting Point, Density, and Reactivity of Metals. Laing, M. Aug, 1054–1058. Periodic Patterns (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1053– 1056). (Letter) Laing, M. July, 877.

Diffusion Solvent Swelling Demonstrations: Possible Extension to Other Types of Material (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 876–878). (Letter) Jones, J. C. Feb, 165. Solvent Swelling Demonstrations: Possible Extension to Other Types of Material (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 876–878). (Letter) Campbell, D. J.; Freidinger, E. R.; Murphy, C. Feb, 165.

Distance Learning Analysis of a Distance-Education Program in Organic Chemistry. (CER) Kurtz, M. J.; Holden, B. E. Aug, 1122–1125.


JCE Online Index:

Cognitive Requirements of Open-Ended Learning Environments. (ROJResLit) Robinson, W. R. Jan, 20– 21.

Drugs/Pharmaceuticals Anticancer Activity of Estradiol Derivatives: A Quantitative Structure–Activity Relationship Approach. Muranaka, K. Oct, 1390–1393. Combinatorial Synthesis and Discovery of an Antibiotic Compound. An Experiment Suitable for High School and Undergraduate Laboratories. Wolkenberg, S. E.; Su, A. I. June, 784–785. Determination of Lipophilicity Constants of Sulfonamide Substituents. Prado, M. A. April, 533–534. Drug Distribution: A Guided-Inquiry Laboratory Experiment in Coupled Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Equilibria. Hein, J.; Jeannot, M. Feb, 224–225. Drug Metabolism: The Body’s Defense against Chemical Attack (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 349–353). (Correction) Stachulski, A. V.; Lennard, M. S. March, 312. General Form of the Gibbs–Duhem Equation for Multiphase/Multicomponent Systems and Its Application to Solid-State Activity Measurements. Sacchetti, M. Feb, 260–263. Indexed Combinatorial Library: The Synthesis and Testing of Insect Repellents. Miles, W. H.; Gelato, K. A.; Pompizzi, K. M.; Scarbinsky, A. M.; Albrecht, B. K.; Reynolds, E. R. April, 540–542. Modification of a Lactase Experiment by Use of Commercial Test Strips. Melton, T. J. Sep, 1243. Old Yet New—Pharmaceuticals from Plants. (POC) Houghton, P. J. Feb, 175–184. Simultaneous Determination of the Ionization Constant and the Solubility of Sparingly Soluble Drug Substances. A Physical Chemistry Experiment. Aroti, A.; Leontidis, E. June, 786–788. Tablet Analysis Using Gravimetric Dilutions. Simonson, L. A. Oct, 1387–1389. Thalidomide Makes a Comeback: A Case Discussion Exercise That Integrates Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry. (TPCS) Bennett, N. S.; Cornely, K. June, 759–761.

Dyes/Pigments Acid–Base Indicators: A New Look at an Old Topic. Kooser, A. S.; Jenkins, J. L.; Welch, L. E. Nov, 1504– 1506. Biology of the Blues: The Snails behind the Ancient Dyes. (NCW) Steinhart, C. E. Nov, 1444. Chemistry, Color, and Art. (NCW) Orna, M. Oct, 1305–1311. Determining the Percent Water in Organic Solvents Using the Zwitterionic Dimroth–Reichardt Betaine ET30 Dye. An Industrially Relevant Application of a Previously Published Laboratory Experiment. Vitha, M. F. March, 370–372. Electronic Spectra of Conjugated Systems: A Modern Update for a Classic Experiment. (MMEE) Soltzberg, L. J. Oct, 1432. Experiment on Photochromism and Kinetics for the Undergraduate Laboratory. Prypsztejn, H. E.; Negri, R. M. May, 645–648. Indigo and Tyrian Purple—In Nature and in the Lab. (NCW) Schatz, P. F. Nov, 1442–1443. Influence of Dielectric Constant on the Spectral Behavior of Pinacyanol. A Spectrophotometric Experiment for Physical Chemistry. Sabaté, R.; Freire, L.; Estelrich, J. Feb, 243–244. News from Online: Chemistry and Art. (ROJOnline) Judd, C. S. Oct, 1322–1324. Pigments of Your Imagination: Making Artist’s Paints. (JCE Activity) Gettys, N. S. Oct, 1320A–1320B. Using a Diode Laser for Laser-Induced Fluorescence. (CET) Tran, Y.; Whitten, J. E. Aug, 1093–1095.

Editorial The Essential Profession. (Editorial) Moore, J. W. Sep, 1141. Let’s Go for It! (Editorial) Moore, J. W. March, 279. A Living Textbook for the Future. (Editorial) Moore, J. W. June, 703. A Living Textbook of Chemistry. (Editorial) Moore, J. W. May, 567. Research, Discovery, and Education. (Editorial) Moore, J. W. April, 431. Safety Pays. (Editorial) Moore, J. W. Jan, 7. Science and Art. (Editorial) Moore, J. W. Oct, 1295.

Supporting High School Chemistry Teaching. (Editorial) Moore, J. W. Dec, 1567. Technology and Tragedy. (Editorial) Moore, J. W. Nov, 1439. Testing, Testing. (Editorial) Moore, J. W. July, 855. Testing the Teacher? Or Teaching the Test? (Editorial) Moore, J. W. Aug, 991. When Is an Experiment a Success? (Editorial) Moore, J. W. Feb, 141.

Electrochemistry Bioanalytical Experiments for the Undergraduate Laboratory: Monitoring Glucose in Sports Drinks. Gooding, J. J.; Yang, W.; Situmorang, M. June, 788– 790. Definition and Unit of Ionic Strength. Solomon, T. Dec, 1691–1692. Electrochemical Experiment to Monitor the Isomerization of trans- to cis-[RuCl2(dppb)(phen)]: An Undergraduate Cyclic Voltammetry Experiment for Inorganic Chemistry. Queiroz, S. L.; de Araujo, M. P.; Batista, A. A.; MacFarlane, K. S.; James, B. R. Jan, 89–90. Improved Hittorf ’s Apparatus for Determining Ion Transference Number. Jinqing, K.; Qin, X.; Ke, C. July, 937–938. Indirect Potentiometric Titration of Fe(III) with Ce(IV) by Gran’s Method. Barreto, M. d.; Medeiros, L. L.; Furtado, P. C. Jan, 91–92. Just Breathe: The Oxygen Content of Air. (JCE Activity) JCE Editorial Staff. April, 512A–512B. Laborator y Experiments on Electrochemical Remediation of the Environment. Part 5: Indirect H2S Remediation. (ML) Ibañez, J. G. June, 778–779. Light Emission at Electrodes: An Electrochemiluminescence Demonstration. (TD) Bolton, E.; Richter, M. M. May, 641–643. Model for Teaching about Electrical Neutrality in Electrolyte Solutions. Morikawa, T.; Williamson, B. E. July, 934–936. Moisture Analysis in Lotion by Karl Fischer Coulometry. An Experiment for Introductory Analytical Chemistry. Mabrouk, P. A.; Castriotta, K. Oct, 1385– 1386. Nature: “Green” Chemistry, Natural Antioxidants, and a DNA-Fuelled Machine. (ROJNature) Heinhorst, S.; Cannon, G. Feb, 150–151. Observations on Lemon Cells. Goodisman, J. April, 516–518. Ruthenium Vinylidene and Acetylide Complexes. An Advanced Undergraduate Multi-technique Inorganic/ Organometallic Chemistry Experiment. McDonagh, A. M.; Deeble, G. J.; Hurst, S. R.; Cifuentes, M. P.; Humphrey, M. G. Feb, 232–234. Simultaneous Determination of the Ionization Constant and the Solubility of Sparingly Soluble Drug Substances. A Physical Chemistry Experiment. Aroti, A.; Leontidis, E. June, 786–788. Structure and Content of Some Primary Batteries. Smith, M. J.; Vincent, C. A. April, 519–521. Unified Electroanalytical Chemistry: Application of the Concept of Electrochemical Equilibrium. Thompson, R. Q.; Craig, N. C. July, 928–933.

Electrophoresis Escalator—An Analogy for Explaining Electroosmotic Flow. (AA) Vetter, A. J.; McGowan, G. J. Feb, 209– 211. Fast Ionic Migration of Copper Chromate. (TD) Cortel, A. Feb, 207–208. Is Every Transparent Liquid Water? (CFK) Hugerat, M.; Basheer, S. Aug, 1041–1043. Thin-Layer Electrophoresis. Fisher, T. L.; Reingold, I. D.; Fitzsimmons, T. L. Sep, 1241–1243. Using Capillary Electrophoresis to Determine the Purity of Acetylsalicylic Acid Synthesized in the Undergraduate Laboratory. Welder, F.; Colyer, C. L. Nov, 1525–1527.

Elementary/Middle School Science CHEM 101: Thirty Years of Experiences with a Chemistry Course for Prospective Elementary School Teachers. (CFK) Phillips, D. B. July, 905–907. Disappearing–Reappearing Rabbit Trick: A New Twist to an Old Liquid Nitrogen Demonstration. (TD) Haub, E. K. Jan, 46. Information Available through the NSF Web Site. Wink, D. J. Feb, 160–161.

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 •

/Journal/Search/index.html Is Every Transparent Liquid Water? (CFK) Hugerat, M.; Basheer, S. Aug, 1041–1043. Qualitative Analysis of Fourteen White Solids and Two Mixtures Using Household Chemicals. Oliver-Hoyo, M.; Allen, D.; Solomon, S.; Brook, B.; Ciraolo, J.; Daly, S.; Jackson, L. Nov, 1475–1478. Vanderbilt Student Volunteers for Science. (CFK) Joesten, M. D.; Tellinghuisen, P. C. April, 463–466.

Environmental Chemistry Biosphere 2: A Place for Integrative Studies in Chemical Research and Chemical Education in Defense of Planet Earth. Colodner, D.; Fine, L. W.; Harris, W.; Venkataraman, B. Feb, 144–148. Cigarette Smoke Analysis Using an Inexpensive GasPhase IR Cell. Garizi, N.; Macias, A.; Furch, T.; Fan, R.; Wagenknecht, P. S.; Singmaster, K. A. Dec, 1665– 1666. Discovery-Based Experiment Illustrating How Iron Metal Is Used to Remediate Contaminated Groundwater. Balko, B. A.; Tratnyek, P. G. Dec, 1661–1664. Gas Chromatography Analyses for Trihalomethanes: An Experiment Illustrating Important Sources of Disinfection By-Products in Water Treatment. Olson, T. M.; Gonzalez, A. C.; Vasquez, V. R. Sep, 1231–1234. Humic Acids: Marvelous Products of Soil Chemistry. (POC) Davies, G.; Ghabbour, E. A.; Steelink, C. Dec, 1609–1614. Identifying Deficiencies in the Environmental Chemistry Educational Literature. Tran, T. H.; Bigger, S. W.; Kruger, T.; Orbell, J. D.; Buddhadasa, S.; Barone, S. Dec, 1693–1695. Influence of Modern Instrumentation on the Analytical and General Chemistry Curriculum at Bates College. (NSF) Wenzel, T. J. Sep, 1164–1165. Integration of Environmental Analytical Chemistry with Environmental Law: The Development of a ProblemBased Laboratory. Cancilla, D. A. Dec, 1652–1660. Ion Chromatography: Analysis of Ions in Pond Waters. (TICI) Sinniah, K.; Piers, K. March, 358–362. Laboratory Experiments on Electrochemical Remediation of the Environment. Part 5: Indirect H2S Remediation. (ML) Ibañez, J. G. June, 778–779. Lead Project. An Environmental Instrumental Analysis Case Study. Breslin, V. T.; Sañudo-Wilhelmy, S. A. Dec, 1647–1651. Local and Regional Ozone: A Student Study Project. Klemm, O. Dec, 1641–1646. Molecular Modeling in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum. (NSF) Jones, M. B. July, 867–868. News from Online: Mercury and Our Environment. (ROJOnline) Judd, C. S. May, 570–572. Preparation and Use of a Room-Temperature Catalytic Converter. Wong, G.; Mark, B.; Chen, X.; Furch, T.; Singmaster, K. A.; Wagenknecht, P. S. Dec, 1667– 1668. Recovery and Reutilization of Waste Matter from Coffee Preparation. An Experiment for Environmental Science Courses. Orecchio, S. Dec, 1669–1671. Solar Photocatalytic Destruction of p-Nitrophenol: A Pedagogical Use of Lab Wastes. (ST) Herrera-Melián, J. A.; Doña-Rodríguez, J. M.; Rendón, E. T.; Soler Vila, A.; Brunet Quetglas, M.; Azcárate, A. A.; Pascual Pariente, L. June, 775–777. Teaching about Flame Retardants. A Joint Israeli–Dutch Project. Kesner, M.; de Vos, W. Jan, 41–45. Teaching Chemistry in the New Century: Environmental Chemistry. Cooper, M. M.; Elzerman, A. W.; Lee, C. M. Sep, 1169. Teaching Estuarine Chemical Processes by Laboratory Simulation. Ortega, T.; Forja, J. M.; Gómez-Parra, A. June, 771–775. Topics in Green Chemistry. Kirchhoff, M. M. Dec, 1577. Using Technology to Create a Scientific Learning Community. (2YC3) Turner, R. June, 717–719.

Enzymes Acid–Base Chemistry of Nicotine: Extensions, Analogies, and a Generalization. Ault, A. April, 500–503. Bioanalytical Experiments for the Undergraduate Laboratory: Monitoring Glucose in Sports Drinks. Gooding, J. J.; Yang, W.; Situmorang, M. June, 788– 790. Drug Metabolism: The Body’s Defense against Chemical Attack (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 349–353). (Correction) Stachulski, A. V.; Lennard, M. S. March, 312. Effect of Organic Solvents and Other Parameters on Trypsin-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Nα-Benzoyl-arginine-

Volume 78 • 2001 • Subject Index p-nitroanilide. A Project-Oriented Biochemical Experiment. Correia, L. C.; Bocewicz, A. C.; Esteves, S. d.; Pontes, M. G.; Versieux, L. M.; Teixeira, S. M.; Santoro, M. M.; Bemquerer, M. P. Nov, 1535–1537. Modification of a Lactase Experiment by Use of Commercial Test Strips. Melton, T. J. Sep, 1243. Understanding Enzyme Inhibition (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1453–1456). (Correction) Ochs, R. S. Jan, 32.

Equilibrium Acid–Base Chemistry of Nicotine: Extensions, Analogies, and a Generalization. Ault, A. April, 500–503. Are Fizzing Drinks Boiling? A Chemical Insight from Chemical Education Research. Goodwin, A. March, 385–387. Are Micelles and Vesicles Chemical Equilibrium Systems? Luisi, P. L. March, 380–384. Assessing Students’ Conceptual Understanding of Solubility Equilibrium. (RSA) Raviolo, A. May, 629–631. Binary Solid–Liquid Phase Diagrams of Selected Organic Compounds. A Complete Listing of 15 Binary Phase Diagrams. Gallus, J.; Lin, Q.; Zumbühl, A.; Friess, S. D.; Hartmann, R.; Meister, E. C. July, 961–964. Color Changes in Indicator Solutions. An Intriguing and Elucidative General Chemistry Experiment. Silva, C. R.; Pereira, R. B.; Sabadini, E. July, 939–940. Determination of the Position of the Conformational Equilibrium of a Trans 1,2-Disubstituted Cyclohexane by NMR Spectroscopy. An Experiment in Physical Organic Chemistry for Undergraduate Students. Kutateladze, A. G.; Hornback, J. M. Jan, 81–82. Developing an Intuitive Understanding of Free Energy. Weiss, H. M. Oct, 1362–1364. Diagrammatic Method, the Planck and the Massieu Functions. Pogliani, L. May, 680–681. Drug Distribution: A Guided-Inquiry Laboratory Experiment in Coupled Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Equilibria. Hein, J.; Jeannot, M. Feb, 224–225. Evaluating Solubility of Sparingly Soluble Diprotic Acid Salts. Nigretto, J. M. May, 631–633. Extent of Reaction, ⌬␰—Some Nuts and Bolts. (CPR) Peckham, G. D. April, 508–510. General Form of the Gibbs–Duhem Equation for Multiphase/Multicomponent Systems and Its Application to Solid-State Activity Measurements. Sacchetti, M. Feb, 260–263. Henderson–Hasselbalch Equation: Its History and Limitations. Po, H. N.; Senozan, N. M. Nov, 1499–1503. Network Complexes of Copper(I) Halides. Pike, R. D.; Graham, P. M.; Guy, K. A.; Johnson, T. J.; Cole, J. R.; Stamps, S. M.; Klemmer, L. E. Nov, 1522–1524. Relative Acidities of Water and Methanol. Abrash, H. I. Nov, 1496–1498. Simultaneous Determination of the Ionization Constant and the Solubility of Sparingly Soluble Drug Substances. A Physical Chemistry Experiment. Aroti, A.; Leontidis, E. June, 786–788. State of Division of Solids and Chemical Equilibria. Paiva, J. C.; Gil, V. M. Feb, 222–223. Teaching Brønsted–Lowry Acid–Base Theory in a Direct Comprehensive Way. Adcock, J. L. Nov, 1495– 1496. Unified Electroanalytical Chemistry: Application of the Concept of Electrochemical Equilibrium. Thompson, R. Q.; Craig, N. C. July, 928–933. Using the Science Writing Heuristic to Move toward an Inquiry-Based Laboratory Curriculum: An Example from Physical Equilibrium. (CER) Rudd, J. A. II; Greenbowe, T. J.; Hand, B. M.; Legg, M. J. Dec, 1680–1686.

EPR/ESR Spectrometry Use of EPR Spectroscopy in Elucidating Electronic Structures of Paramagnetic Transition Metal Complexes. (ACL) Basu, P. May, 666–669. Using a Molecular Modeling Program to Calculate Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Hyperfine Couplings in Semiquinone Anion Radicals. (MMEE) Haddy, A. Sep, 1206–1208.

Ethics Beer’s Law Revoked? (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 694). (Letter) Clark, R. W. Dec, 1595. Beer’s Law Revoked? (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 694). (Letter) Murphy, M. K. Dec, 1595. Integration of Environmental Analytical Chemistry with Environmental Law: The Development of a Problem-

Based Laboratory. Cancilla, D. A. Dec, 1652–1660. Research Skills & Ethics—A Graduate Course Empowering Graduate Students for Productive Research Careers in Graduate School and Beyond. Mabrouk, P. A. Dec, 1628–1631. Using Calculator-Based Laboratory Technology to Conduct Undergraduate Chemical Research. (TECH) Sales, C. L.; Ragan, N. M.; Murphy, M. K. May, 694– 696. Writing for Chemists: Satisfying the CSU Upper-Division Writing Requirement. Paulson, D. R. Aug, 1047– 1049.

Excited States/Energy Transfer Chemiluminescence of Tris(2,2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II): A Glowing Experience. (TD) Bolton, E.; Richter, M. M. Jan, 47–48. Dramatic Flame Test Demonstration. (TD) Johnson, K.; Schreiner, R. May, 640–641. Experiment on Photochromism and Kinetics for the Undergraduate Laboratory. Prypsztejn, H. E.; Negri, R. M. May, 645–648. Laboratory Simulation for Coupled Cycles of Photosynthesis and Respiration. Korn, S.; Tausch, M. W. Sep, 1238–1240. Light Emission at Electrodes: An Electrochemiluminescence Demonstration. (TD) Bolton, E.; Richter, M. M. May, 641–643.

Femtobiology/Femtochemistry Freezing Atoms in Motion: Principles of Femtochemistry and Demonstration by Laser Stroboscopy. Baskin, J. S.; Zewail, A. H. June, 737–751.

Fluorescence Spectrometry Blue Diode Lasers: New Opportunities in Chemical Education. Whitten, J. E. Aug, 1096–1100. Fluorescence Polarization as a Tool to Pinpoint Vesicle Thermal Phase Transitions. Baker, G. A.; Betts, T. A.; Pandey, S. Aug, 1100–1103. Synthesis and Analysis of a Solvatochromic Dye, 1-(pDimethylaminophenyl)-2-nitroethylene. An Advanced Undergraduate Laboratory Experiment. Richter-Egger, D. L.; Tesfai, A.; Flamm, S. J.; Tucker, S. A. Oct, 1375–1378. Using a Diode Laser for Laser-Induced Fluorescence. (CET) Tran, Y.; Whitten, J. E. Aug, 1093–1095.

Fluorine Boiling Points of the Family of Small Molecules CHwFxClyBrz: How Are They Related to Molecular Mass? Laing, M. Nov, 1544–1550.

Food Science Are You Ready for [a] Roundup?—What Chemistry Has to Do with Genetic Modifications. (POC) Pöpping, B. June, 752–756. Bioanalytical Experiments for the Undergraduate Laboratory: Monitoring Glucose in Sports Drinks. Gooding, J. J.; Yang, W.; Situmorang, M. June, 788– 790. Demonstration of Surface Tension. (OPD) Rosenthal, A. J. March, 332–333. HPLC Determination of Taurine in Sports Drinks. Orth, D. L. June, 791–792. Sweet Stuff. (FPI) Williams, K. R. Nov, 1446–1447.

Forensic Chemistry Chemical Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Shroud of Spartacus. Waddell, T. G.; Rybolt, T. R. April, 470– 474. Solving a Mock Arsenic-Poisoning Case Using Atomic Spectroscopy. Tarr, M. A. Jan, 61–62.

Free Radicals Application of Hammond’s Postulate. An Activity for Guided Discovery Learning in Organic Chemistry. Meany, J. E.; Minderhout, V.; Pocker, Y. Feb, 204– 207. Logic vs Misconceptions in Organic Textbooks: Radical Stabilities and Bond Dissociation Energies. Zavitsas, A. A. March, 417–419. Solar Photocatalytic Destruction of p-Nitrophenol: A Pedagogical Use of Lab Wastes. (ST) Herrera-Melián, • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 • Journal of Chemical Education


Subject Index • Volume 78 • 2001 J. A.; Doña-Rodríguez, J. M.; Rendón, E. T.; Soler Vila, A.; Brunet Quetglas, M.; Azcárate, A. A.; Pascual Pariente, L. June, 775–777.

From Past Issues Laboratory Balances–Perceptions from the Past. (FPI) Williams, K. R. April, 434–436. Pioneering Pedagogic Publications: Algorithms, Student Understanding, and Chemical Knowledge. (FPI) Suits, J. P. Aug, 1015–1016. Place of Science in the Modern World: A Speech by Robert Millikan. (FPI) Williams, K. R. July, 865–866. Sweet Stuff. (FPI) Williams, K. R. Nov, 1446–1447. A Tisket, A Tasket–Out of the Editor’s Basket. (FPI) Williams, K. R. May, 577.

Gases Alcohol Rocket Car—A Variation on the “Whoosh Bottle” Theme. (TD) Campbell, D. J. July, 910–911. Are Fizzing Drinks Boiling? A Chemical Insight from Chemical Education Research. Goodwin, A. March, 385–387. Determination of the Universal Gas Constant, R. A Discovery Laboratory. (CPR) Moss, D. B.; Cornely, K. Sep, 1260–1262. Disappearing–Reappearing Rabbit Trick: A New Twist to an Old Liquid Nitrogen Demonstration. (TD) Haub, E. K. Jan, 46. Experiencing and Visualizing the First Law of Thermodynamics: An In-Class Workshop. Mills, P. A.; Sweeney, W. V.; Cieniewicz, W. Oct, 1360–1361. “Experiment with a Candle” without a Candle. Krnel, D.; Glazar, S. A. July, 914. Gas Hydrates: From Laboratory Curiosity to Potential Global Powerhouse. (POC) Pellenbarg, R. E.; Max, M. D. July, 896–900. Graphical Interface for the Study of Gas-Phase Reaction Kinetics: Cyclopentene Vapor Pyrolysis. Marcotte, R. E.; Wilson, L. D. June, 799–800. Just Breathe: The Oxygen Content of Air. (JCE Activity) JCE Editorial Staff. April, 512A–512B. Laborator y Experiments on Electrochemical Remediation of the Environment. Part 5: Indirect H2S Remediation. (ML) Ibañez, J. G. June, 778–779. Local and Regional Ozone: A Student Study Project. Klemm, O. Dec, 1641–1646. On Concepts of Partial Volume and Law of Partial Volume (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 238–240). (Letter) Miller, D. W. Dec, 1594. On Concepts of Partial Volume and Law of Partial Volume (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 238–240). (Letter) Kim, M. Dec, 1594. Simple Laboratory Experiment for the Determination of Absolute Zero. Kim, M.; Kim, M. S.; Ly, S. Feb, 238– 240. Sink or Swim: The Cartesian Diver. (JCE Activity) Pinkerton, K. D. Feb, 200A–200B.

General Chemistry Acid–Base Indicators: A New Look at an Old Topic. Kooser, A. S.; Jenkins, J. L.; Welch, L. E. Nov, 1504– 1506. Acids and Bases in Layers: The Stratal Structure of an Ancient Topic. de Vos, W.; Pilot, A. April, 494–499. Alcohol Rocket Car—A Variation on the “Whoosh Bottle” Theme. (TD) Campbell, D. J. July, 910–911. “Almost Like Weighing Someone’s Soul”: Chemistry in Contemporary Film. Wink, D. J. April, 481–483. Analysis of Success in General Chemistry Based on Diagnostic Testing Using Logistic Regression. (CER) Legg, M. J.; Legg, J. C.; Greenbowe, T. J. Aug, 1117– 1121. Application of the Sugar–Potassium Chlorate Reaction. (Letter) Ault, A. Aug, 1020. Automated, Web-Based, Second-Chance Homework. (TECH) Hall, R. W.; Butler, L. G.; McGuire, S. Y.; McGlynn, S. P.; Lyon, G. L.; Reese, R. L.; Limbach, P. A. Dec, 1704–1708. Bioorganic First: A New Model for the College Chemistry Curriculum. (Commentary) Reingold, I. D. July, 869–871. Blood-Chemistry Tutorials: Teaching Biological Applications of General Chemistry Material. (TECH) Casiday, R. E.; Holten, D.; Krathen, R.; Frey, R. F. Sep, 1210–1215. Cafeteria-Style Grading in General Chemistry. Goodwin, J. A.; Gilbert, B. D. April, 490–493. Chemical Matching Test. Haworth, D. T. April, 466.


JCE Online Index:

Chemistry in the Real World. Jones, M. B.; Miller, C. R. April, 484–487. Chemistry Report: MAA-CUPM Curriculum Foundations Workshop in Biology and Chemistry. Macalester College, November 2–5, 2000. (Commentary) Craig, N. C. May, 582–586. Color Changes in Indicator Solutions. An Intriguing and Elucidative General Chemistry Experiment. Silva, C. R.; Pereira, R. B.; Sabadini, E. July, 939–940. Combinatorial Synthesis and Discovery of an Antibiotic Compound. An Experiment Suitable for High School and Undergraduate Laboratories. Wolkenberg, S. E.; Su, A. I. June, 784–785. Combustion of White Phosphorus. (TD) Keiter, R. L.; Gamage, C. P. July, 908–910. Connection between Success in a Freshman Chemistry Class and a Student’s Jungian Personality Type. (CER) Clark, G. J.; Riley, W. D. Oct, 1406–1411. Demonstrating Chirality: Using a Mirror with Physical Models to Show Non-superimposability of Chiral Molecules with Their Mirror Images. (TD) Collins, M. J. Nov, 1484–1485. Demonstrations with Nitrocellulose: Possible Further Pedagogic Value (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1449). (Letter) Jones, J. C. Dec, 1596. Demonstrations with Nitrocellulose: Possible Further Pedagogic Value (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1449). Senkbeil, E. G. Dec, 1596–1597. Determination of the Universal Gas Constant, R. A Discovery Laboratory. (CPR) Moss, D. B.; Cornely, K. Sep, 1260–1262. Discovery-Based Experiment Illustrating How Iron Metal Is Used to Remediate Contaminated Groundwater. Balko, B. A.; Tratnyek, P. G. Dec, 1661–1664. Dissolution Kinetics of Solids: Application with Spherical Candy. Beauchamp, G. April, 523–524. Divergence of Faculty Perceptions of General Chemistry and Problem Solving Skills. (NSF) Holme, T. A. Dec, 1578–1581. Early Emphasis on Symmetry and a Three-Dimensional Perspective in the Chemistry Curriculum. McKay, S. E.; Boone, S. R. Nov, 1487–1490. Electronegativity and Bond Type: Predicting Bond Type. Sproul, G. March, 387–390. Evaluating the Success of Hispanic-Surname Students in First-Semester General Chemistry. Mason, D. S.; Mittag, K. C. Feb, 256–259. Evaluating the Success of Hispanic-Surname Students in First-Semester General Chemistry (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 256). (Correction) Mason, D. S.; Mittag, K. C. Dec, 1597. “Experiment with a Candle” without a Candle. Krnel, D.; Glazar, S. A. July, 914. Exploring Chemistry Resources on the Internet. Murov, S. Oct, 1429–1432. General Chemistry and Cell Biology: An Experiment in Curricular Symbiosis. Schwartz, A. T.; Serie, J. Nov, 1490–1494. General Chemistry Collection for Students (CD-ROM), 5th Edition. (JCE Software) June, 847–848. Henderson–Hasselbalch Equation: Its History and Limitations. Po, H. N.; Senozan, N. M. Nov, 1499–1503. Household Chemistry of Cleaning Pennies. (AA) Rosenhein, L. D. April, 513–515. How to Say How Much: Amounts and Stoichiometry. Ault, A. Oct, 1347–1349. Influence of Modern Instrumentation on the Analytical and General Chemistry Curriculum at Bates College. (NSF) Wenzel, T. J. Sep, 1164–1165. Infrared Spectroscopy in the General Chemistry Lab. (NSF) Hill, M. A. Jan, 26–27. Introducing Chemical Laboratory Information Profiles: CLIPs. (CLIP) Young, J. A. April, 444–446. Investigation of the Value of Using Concept Maps in General Chemistry. (CER) Nicoll, G.; Francisco, J. S.; Nakhleh, M. B. Aug, 1111–1117. It’s Elementary. Wieder, M. J. April, 468–469. Known-to-Unknown Approach to Teach about Empirical and Molecular Formulas. (AA) Thamburaj, P. K. July, 915–916. Lewis Structures in General Chemistry: Agreement between Electron Density Calculations and Lewis Structures. Purser, G. H. July, 981–983. Metal Complexes of Trifluoropentanedione. An Experiment for the General Chemistry Laboratory. (ACL) Sadoski, R. C.; Shipp, D.; Durham, B. May, 665–666. Microwave Ovens—Out of the Kitchen. (POC) Cresswell, S. L.; Haswell, S. J. July, 900–904. Modification of Small-Scale One-Pot Reactions to an Inquiry-Based Laboratory Exercise. Wilcox, C. J. Jan, 62–63.

Mole, the Periodic Table, and Quantum Numbers: An Introductory Trio. Yin, M.; Ochs, R. S. Oct, 1345– 1347. Molecular Modeling in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum. (NSF) Jones, M. B. July, 867–868. Pioneering Pedagogic Publications: Algorithms, Student Understanding, and Chemical Knowledge. (FPI) Suits, J. P. Aug, 1015–1016. Problem Analysis: Lesson Scripts and Their Potential Applications. (TECH) Oliver-Hoyo, M. Oct, 1425– 1428. Qualitative Analysis of Fourteen White Solids and Two Mixtures Using Household Chemicals. Oliver-Hoyo, M.; Allen, D.; Solomon, S.; Brook, B.; Ciraolo, J.; Daly, S.; Jackson, L. Nov, 1475–1478. Relating Qualitative Analysis to Equilibrium Principles. (MCAD) Lo, G. V. Nov, 1557. Simplified Method for Measuring the Entropy of Urea Dissolution. An Experiment for the Introductory Chemistry Lab. Liberko, C. A.; Terry, S. Aug, 1087– 1088. Strategy for Incorporating Hands-On GC–MS into the General Chemistry Lecture and Laboratory Courses. Reeves, P. C.; Pamplin, K. L. March, 368–370. Student-Taught Review Sessions: Fostering Communication Skills and Reinforcing Concepts. Nilsson, M. R. May, 628. Students’ Use of Web-Based Tutorial Materials and Their Understanding of Chemistry Concepts. (CER) Donovan, W. J.; Nakhleh, M. B. July, 975–980. Synthesis and Analysis of Copper(I) Iodide. A First-Year Laboratory Project. Margolis, L. A.; Schaeffer, R. W.; Yoder, C. H. Feb, 235–236. Teaching Brønsted–Lowry Acid–Base Theory in a Direct Comprehensive Way. Adcock, J. L. Nov, 1495– 1496. Teaching Chemistry in the New Century: General Chemistry. Zeile, J. V.; Jones, L. L. Sep, 1170. Teaching Is Learning—Maximum Incentive, Minimum Discipline in Student Groups Teaching General Chemistry. Benvenuto, M. A. Feb, 194–197. Time and Teaching. (Commentary) Zielinski, T. J.; Brooks, D. W.; Crippen, K. J.; March, J. L. June, 714– 715. Understanding Solubility through Excel Spreadsheets. (CBB) Brown, P. Feb, 268–270. Using Computer-Based Visualization Strategies to Improve Students’ Understanding of Molecular Polarity and Miscibility. (CER) Sanger, M. J.; Badger, S. M. II. Oct, 1412–1416. Using History to Teach Scientific Method: The Role of Errors. Giunta, C. J. May, 623–627. Using Journal Articles to Teach Writing Skills for Laboratory Reports in General Chemistry. Tilstra, L. June, 762–764. Using the Internet to Individualize Laboratory Questions. (TECH) Gammon, S. D.; Hutchison, S. G. March, 412–413. Using the Science Writing Heuristic to Move toward an Inquiry-Based Laboratory Curriculum: An Example from Physical Equilibrium. (CER) Rudd, J. A. II; Greenbowe, T. J.; Hand, B. M.; Legg, M. J. Dec, 1680–1686. What Factors Affect the Separation of Substances Using Thin-Layer Chromatography? An Undergraduate Experiment. Nash, J. J.; Meyer, J. A.; Everson, B. March, 364–365.

Geochemistry Biosphere 2: A Place for Integrative Studies in Chemical Research and Chemical Education in Defense of Planet Earth. Colodner, D.; Fine, L. W.; Harris, W.; Venkataraman, B. Feb, 144–148. Gas Hydrates: From Laboratory Curiosity to Potential Global Powerhouse. (POC) Pellenbarg, R. E.; Max, M. D. July, 896–900.

Graduate Education/Research Hans Thacher Clarke (1887–1972): Chemist and Biochemist. Bentley, R. Feb, 185–190. Local and Regional Ozone: A Student Study Project. Klemm, O. Dec, 1641–1646. Low-Cost Dynamic Surface Tension Meter with a LabVIEW Interface and Its Usefulness in Understanding Foam Formation. (CBB) Spanoghe, P.; Cocquyt, J.; Van der Meeren, P. March, 338–342. Microwave Ovens—Out of the Kitchen. (POC) Cresswell, S. L.; Haswell, S. J. July, 900–904. Model for Substantial Deviations from the Traditional

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 •

/Journal/Search/index.html Lecture Format for Graduate and Upper-Level Undergraduate Courses in Science—Lecture and Learning Classes. Allison, J. July, 965–969. Research Skills & Ethics—A Graduate Course Empowering Graduate Students for Productive Research Careers in Graduate School and Beyond. Mabrouk, P. A. Dec, 1628–1631. Suggested Modifications to a Distillation-Free Solvent Purification System. Alaimo, P. J.; Peters, D. W.; Arnold, J.; Bergman, R. G. Jan, 64. Trigrams in the Ancient I Ching Oracle. An Application of Group Theory. Vugman, N. V. Feb, 213–214.

Green Chemistry Nature: “Green” Chemistry, Natural Antioxidants, and a DNA-Fuelled Machine. (ROJNature) Heinhorst, S.; Cannon, G. Feb, 150–151. News from Online: Mercury and Our Environment. (ROJOnline) Judd, C. S. May, 570–572. Topics in Green Chemistry. Kirchhoff, M. M. Dec, 1577.

Group Theory Early Emphasis on Symmetry and a Three-Dimensional Perspective in the Chemistry Curriculum. McKay, S. E.; Boone, S. R. Nov, 1487–1490. Hands-On Discovery of Mirror Planes. Moore, D. A.; Cortés-Figueroa, J. E. Jan, 49. Pólya’s Isomer Enumeration Method: A Unique Exercise in Group Theory and Combinatorial Analysis for Undergraduates (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1358– 1360). (Correction) Pevac, S.; Crundwell, G. Aug, 1021. Splitting of One-Electron Levels in a Tetrahedral Environment. Konno, T. J. May, 674–677. Trigrams in the Ancient I Ching Oracle. An Application of Group Theory. Vugman, N. V. Feb, 213–214.

Helium Correlation in Simple Systems. David, C. W. May, 682– 683.

Heterocycles Biginelli Reaction. (ML) Holden, M. S.; Crouch, R. D. Aug, 1104–1105.

History/Philosophy 2YC3 Celebrating 40 Years of Service to the Chemical Education Community. (2YC3) Koch, F. Dec, 1583. Anniversaries: 2001. Schatz, P. F. Jan, 10–13. Annual James L. Waters Symposium at Pittcon (2000. (Waters) Coetzee, J. F. May, 601. Application of the Sugar–Potassium Chlorate Reaction. (Letter) Ault, A. Aug, 1020. Biology of the Blues: The Snails behind the Ancient Dyes. (NCW) Steinhart, C. E. Nov, 1444. Bullvalene Story. The Conception of Bullvalene, a Molecule That Has No Permanent Structure. Ault, A. July, 924–927. Chemical Dynamics at the Turn of the New Century: Nobel Laureates Look Back and Ahead. Van Houten, J. July, 860. Chemistry, Color, and Art. (NCW) Orna, M. Oct, 1305–1311. Colligative Property of Walther Nernst. Beall, H.; Riccardino, P. A. April, 511–512. Conant Award Interview: An Interview with Barbara Sitzman, 2001 Award Winner. JCE Editorial Staff. Sep, 1151–1158. Conant Award Interview: An Interview with Frank Cardulla, 2000 Award Winner. JCE Editorial Staff. April, 437–443. Course in the History of Physical Chemistry with an Emphasis on Writing. Dybowski, C. R. Dec, 1623– 1625. Creative Writing and Chemistry. (IC) Alber, M. April, 478–480. Development of Instrumentation for Thin-Film X-ray Diffraction. (Waters) Ryan, T. May, 613–616. Especially for High School Teachers. Howell, J. E. April, 433. Freezing Atoms in Motion: Principles of Femtochemistry and Demonstration by Laser Stroboscopy. Baskin, J. S.; Zewail, A. H. June, 737–751. Gas Hydrates: From Laboratory Curiosity to Potential Global Powerhouse. (POC) Pellenbarg, R. E.; Max, M. D. July, 896–900.

Volume 78 • 2001 • Subject Index Hans Thacher Clarke (1887–1972): Chemist and Biochemist. Bentley, R. Feb, 185–190. Have Orbitals Really Been Observed? (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1492–1494). (Letter) Spence, J. C.; O’Keefe, M.; Zuo, J. M. July, 877. Henderson–Hasselbalch Equation: Its History and Limitations. Po, H. N.; Senozan, N. M. Nov, 1499–1503. Indigo and Tyrian Purple—In Nature and in the Lab. (NCW) Schatz, P. F. Nov, 1442–1443. Laboratory Balances–Perceptions from the Past. (FPI) Williams, K. R. April, 434–436. Landmarks in the Development of Powder Diffraction Instrumentation. (Waters) Jenkins, R. May, 601–606. National Conferences on Undergraduate Research: Conference History and the Role of Chemistry. Werner, T. C.; Lichter, R. L.; Krugh, T. R. May, 691–694. Nobel Centennial Essays: A Century of Chemical Dynamics Traced through the Nobel Prizes. 1901: Jacobus van’t Hoff. Van Houten, J. Dec, 1570–1573. Nobel Prizes, 2000. Moore, J. W. Jan, 8. Old Yet New—Pharmaceuticals from Plants. (POC) Houghton, P. J. Feb, 175–184. Oxygen. Djerassi, C.; Hoffmann, R. March, 283–284. Pioneering Pedagogic Publications: Algorithms, Student Understanding, and Chemical Knowledge. (FPI) Suits, J. P. Aug, 1015–1016. Place of Science in the Modern World: A Speech by Robert Millikan. (FPI) Williams, K. R. July, 865–866. Placing Science into Its Human Context: Using Scientific Autobiography to Teach Chemistry. Carroll, F. A.; Seeman, J. I. Dec, 1618–1622. Politics, Chemistry, and the Discovery of Nuclear Fission. Wiesner, E.; Settle, F. A. Jr. July, 889–895. Rediscovery of the Elements: Ytterby Gruva (Ytterby Mine). Marshall, J. L.; Marshall, V. R. Oct, 1343– 1344. S Is for Entropy. U Is for Energy. What Was Clausius Thinking? Howard, I. K. April, 505–508. Screening Percentages Based on Slater Effective Nuclear Charge as a Versatile Tool for Teaching Periodic Trends. Waldron, K. A.; Fehringer, E. M.; Streeb, A. E.; Trosky, J. E.; Pearson, J. J. May, 635–639. Second Note on the Term “Chalcogen” (re J. Chem. Educ. 1997, 74, 1063). (Letter) Fischer, W. Oct, 1333. Short History of the Chemical Shift. Levine, S. G. Jan, 133. Stories and Anecdotes in the Chemistry Classroom. Folino, D. A. Dec, 1615–1618. Stories to Make Thermodynamics and Related Subjects More Palatable. Bartell, L. S. Aug, 1059–1067. Summer Reading. Kovac, J. D.; Pagni, R. M.; Harris, H. H.; Coppola, B. P. June, 706–713. Sweet Stuff. (FPI) Williams, K. R. Nov, 1446–1447. Technology and Tragedy. (Editorial) Moore, J. W. Nov, 1439. Temperature Data from Biblical Narratives. (Letter) Jones, J. C. Sep, 1182–1183. A Tisket, A Tasket–Out of the Editor’s Basket. (FPI) Williams, K. R. May, 577. Using History to Teach Scientific Method: The Role of Errors. Giunta, C. J. May, 623–627.

Hormones Anticancer Activity of Estradiol Derivatives: A Quantitative Structure–Activity Relationship Approach. Muranaka, K. Oct, 1390–1393.

Humor/Puzzles Apparent Paradoxes and Instructive Puzzles in Physical Chemistry. Bartell, L. S. Aug, 1067–1069. Chemical Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Shroud of Spartacus. Waddell, T. G.; Rybolt, T. R. April, 470– 474. Chemical Education Skits. (SSC) Battino, R. Sep, 1143. Chemical Matching Test. Haworth, D. T. April, 466. Glycolysis Wordsearch. Helser, T. L. April, 503. It’s Elementary. Wieder, M. J. April, 468–469. Krebs Cycle Wordsearch. Helser, T. L. April, 515. ␤-Oxidation Wordsearch. Helser, T. L. April, 483. Temperature Data from Biblical Narratives. (Letter) Jones, J. C. Sep, 1182–1183. Who Wants to Be a (Chemical) Millionaire? Deavor, J. P. April, 467.

Hydrogen 1,5 Cyclooctadiene Complexes of Iridium: Synthesis, Characterization, and Reaction with Dihydrogen. An Experiment for an Integrated Physical/Inorganic Labo-

ratory Course. Logan, J. W.; Wicholas, M. Sep, 1272– 1274. Humic Acids: Marvelous Products of Soil Chemistry. (POC) Davies, G.; Ghabbour, E. A.; Steelink, C. Dec, 1609–1614. Rationalization for the Freshman Rules for the H-Atom Quantum Numbers. Ludwig, O. G. May, 634.

Industrial Chemistry Demonstration of Surface Tension. (OPD) Rosenthal, A. J. March, 332–333. Determination of Free Lime in Clinker and Cement by Iodometry. An Undergraduate Experiment in Redox Titrimetry. Lau, O.; Luk, S.; Cheng, N. L.; Woo, H. Dec, 1671–1673. Introduction to the Scientific Process: Preparation of Poly(vinyl acetate) Glue. Gilbert, R. G.; Fellows, C. M.; McDonald, J.; Prescott, S. W. Oct, 1370–1372. Introductory Course in Industrial Chemistry for Freshmen. Seidl, P. R.; Magalhães, M. d.; Augusto, C. R. Feb, 218–222. Teaching about Flame Retardants. A Joint Israeli–Dutch Project. Kesner, M.; de Vos, W. Jan, 41–45. Thermite Welding Gets High School Chemistry Class on Track. Feliu, A. L. Jan, 15–16. Workplace Skills Taught in a Simulated Analytical Department. (2YC3) Marine, S. S. Nov, 1448–1455.

Inorganic Chemistry 1,5 Cyclooctadiene Complexes of Iridium: Synthesis, Characterization, and Reaction with Dihydrogen. An Experiment for an Integrated Physical/Inorganic Laboratory Course. Logan, J. W.; Wicholas, M. Sep, 1272– 1274. Advanced Chemistry Collection, 2nd Edition. (JCE Software) Nov, 1558–1560. Chemiluminescence of Tris(2,2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II): A Glowing Experience. (TD) Bolton, E.; Richter, M. M. Jan, 47–48. Chemistry in Cages: Dinucleating Azacryptand Hosts and Their Cation and Anion Cryptates. Arthurs, M.; McKee, V.; Nelson, J.; Town, R. M. Sep, 1269–1272. Combustion of White Phosphorus. (TD) Keiter, R. L.; Gamage, C. P. July, 908–910. Designing and Reporting Experiments in Chemistry Classes Using Examples from Materials Science: Illustrations of the Process and Communication of Scientific Research. Widstrand, C. G.; Nordell, K. J.; Ellis, A. B. Aug, 1044–1046. Determination of the Magnetic Moments of Transition Metal Complexes Using Rare Earth Magnets. de Berg, K. C.; Chapman, K. J. May, 670–673. Development of a Research-Oriented Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory Course. (ACL) Vallarino, L. M.; Polo, D. L.; Esperdy, K. Feb, 228–231. Electrochemical Experiment to Monitor the Isomerization of trans- to cis-[RuCl2(dppb)(phen)]: An Undergraduate Cyclic Voltammetry Experiment for Inorganic Chemistry. Queiroz, S. L.; de Araujo, M. P.; Batista, A. A.; MacFarlane, K. S.; James, B. R. Jan, 89–90. Electron Densities, Atomic Charges, and Ionic, Covalent, and Polar Bonds. Gillespie, R. J. Dec, 1688– 1691. Electronegativity and Bond Type: Predicting Bond Type. Sproul, G. March, 387–390. Fast Ionic Migration of Copper Chromate. (TD) Cortel, A. Feb, 207–208. From the Wood-Shop to Crystal Engineering: Teaching Three-Dimensional Chemistry. Martin, J. D. Sep, 1195–1197. Importance of Non-Bonds in Coordination Compounds. Laing, M. Oct, 1400–1405. In Search of a Deep Understanding of the Relative Stabilities of Transition Metal Halides. Strauss, S. H. Dec, 1635–1640. In-Depth Look at the Madelung Constant for Cubic Crystal Systems. Grosso, R. P. Jr.; Fermann, J. T.; Vining, W. J. Sep, 1198–1202. Inorganic Chemistry at the Undergraduate Level: Are We All on the Same Page? Pesterfield, L. L.; Henrickson, C. H. May, 677–679. Integrating Molecular Modeling into the Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory. (MMEE) Montgomery, C. D. June, 840–844. LEDs: New Lamps for Old and a Paradigm for Ongoing Curriculum Modernization. Condren, S. M.; Lisensky, G. C.; Ellis, A. B.; Nordell, K. J.; Kuech, T. F.; Stockman, S. A. Aug, 1033–1040. • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 • Journal of Chemical Education


Subject Index • Volume 78 • 2001 Linkage Isomerization by Two-Dimensional 31P Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: An Undergraduate Inorganic Laboratory Experiment. Bose, R. N.; AlAjlouni, A. M.; Volckova, E. Jan, 83–87. Mechanisms of Pentacoordinate Pseudorotation. A Molecular Modeling Study of PF5. (MMEE) Montgomery, C. D. June, 844–846. Melting Point, Density, and Reactivity of Metals. Laing, M. Aug, 1054–1058. Metal Complexes of Trifluoropentanedione. An Experiment for the General Chemistry Laboratory. (ACL) Sadoski, R. C.; Shipp, D.; Durham, B. May, 665–666. Network Complexes of Copper(I) Halides. Pike, R. D.; Graham, P. M.; Guy, K. A.; Johnson, T. J.; Cole, J. R.; Stamps, S. M.; Klemmer, L. E. Nov, 1522–1524. Periodic Patterns (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1053– 1056). (Letter) Laing, M. July, 877. Pólya’s Isomer Enumeration Method: A Unique Exercise in Group Theory and Combinatorial Analysis for Undergraduates (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1358– 1360). (Correction) Pevac, S.; Crundwell, G. Aug, 1021. Preparation and Use of a Room-Temperature Catalytic Converter. Wong, G.; Mark, B.; Chen, X.; Furch, T.; Singmaster, K. A.; Wagenknecht, P. S. Dec, 1667– 1668. Ruthenium(II)–dppm Coordination Chemistry. An Advanced Inorganic Miniproject. (ACL) Higgins, S. J. May, 663–664. Ruthenium Vinylidene and Acetylide Complexes. An Advanced Undergraduate Multi-technique Inorganic/ Organometallic Chemistry Experiment. McDonagh, A. M.; Deeble, G. J.; Hurst, S. R.; Cifuentes, M. P.; Humphrey, M. G. Feb, 232–234. Screening Percentages Based on Slater Effective Nuclear Charge as a Versatile Tool for Teaching Periodic Trends. Waldron, K. A.; Fehringer, E. M.; Streeb, A. E.; Trosky, J. E.; Pearson, J. J. May, 635–639. Second Note on the Term “Chalcogen” (re J. Chem. Educ. 1997, 74, 1063). (Letter) Fischer, W. Oct, 1333. Semimetallicity? Hawkes, S. J. Dec, 1686–1687. Simple Preparation and NMR Analysis of mer and fac Isomers of Tris(1,1,1-trifluoro-2,4pentanedionato)cobalt(III). An Experiment for the Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory. Jensen, A. W.; O’Brien, B. A. July, 954–955. Solubility Rules: Why Are All Acetates Soluble. Van Der Sluys, W. G. Jan, 111–115. Strength of the Hydrohalic Acids. Schmid, R.; Miah, A. M. Jan, 116–117. Superconductor Synthesis — An Improvement. (Letter) Fahlman, B. D. Sep, 1182. Synthesis and Analysis of Copper(I) Iodide. A First-Year Laboratory Project. Margolis, L. A.; Schaeffer, R. W.; Yoder, C. H. Feb, 235–236. Synthesis and Reactivity of the Metallaborane Complex [Mo(CO) 4 B 3 H 8 ] – and the Formation of Mo(CO)4(dppe). Davis, C. M.; Klein, M. F. July, 952–953. Synthesis of [RuCl2(dppb)(PPh3)] and Identification of the cis- and trans-[RuCl2(dppb)(phen)] Geometrical Isomers via 31P{1H} NMR Spectroscopy. An Undergraduate Experiment for Inorganic Chemistry. Queiroz, S. L.; de Araujo, M. P.; Batista, A. A.; MacFarlane, K. S.; James, B. R. Jan, 87–89. Systems of Chemical Equations as Reasonable Reaction Mechanisms. Dorozhkin, S. V. July, 917–920. Teaching Chemistry in the New Century: Inorganic Chemistry. Dorhout, P. K. Sep, 1171. Understanding Solubility through Excel Spreadsheets. (CBB) Brown, P. Feb, 268–270. Use of EPR Spectroscopy in Elucidating Electronic Structures of Paramagnetic Transition Metal Complexes. (ACL) Basu, P. May, 666–669.

Inorganic Synthesis 1,5 Cyclooctadiene Complexes of Iridium: Synthesis, Characterization, and Reaction with Dihydrogen. An Experiment for an Integrated Physical/Inorganic Laboratory Course. Logan, J. W.; Wicholas, M. Sep, 1272– 1274. Linkage Isomerization by Two-Dimensional 31P Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: An Undergraduate Inorganic Laboratory Experiment. Bose, R. N.; AlAjlouni, A. M.; Volckova, E. Jan, 83–87. Metal Complexes of Trifluoropentanedione. An Experiment for the General Chemistry Laboratory. (ACL) Sadoski, R. C.; Shipp, D.; Durham, B. May, 665–666. Network Complexes of Copper(I) Halides. Pike, R. D.; Graham, P. M.; Guy, K. A.; Johnson, T. J.; Cole, J.


JCE Online Index:

R.; Stamps, S. M.; Klemmer, L. E. Nov, 1522–1524. Ruthenium(II)–dppm Coordination Chemistry. An Advanced Inorganic Miniproject. (ACL) Higgins, S. J. May, 663–664. Simple Preparation and NMR Analysis of mer and fac Isomers of Tris(1,1,1-trifluoro-2,4pentanedionato)cobalt(III). An Experiment for the Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory. Jensen, A. W.; O’Brien, B. A. July, 954–955. Superconductor Synthesis — An Improvement. (Letter) Fahlman, B. D. Sep, 1182. Synthesis and Analysis of Copper(I) Iodide. A First-Year Laboratory Project. Margolis, L. A.; Schaeffer, R. W.; Yoder, C. H. Feb, 235–236. Synthesis and Reactivity of the Metallaborane Complex [Mo(CO) 4 B 3 H 8 ] – and the Formation of Mo(CO)4(dppe). Davis, C. M.; Klein, M. F. July, 952–953. Synthesis of [RuCl2(dppb)(PPh3)] and Identification of the cis- and trans-[RuCl2(dppb)(phen)] Geometrical Isomers via 31P{1H} NMR Spectroscopy. An Undergraduate Experiment for Inorganic Chemistry. Queiroz, S. L.; de Araujo, M. P.; Batista, A. A.; MacFarlane, K. S.; James, B. R. Jan, 87–89.

Inquiry-Based/Discovery Method Analysis of Zinc Tablets: An Extension to a Stoichiometry Experiment. Murov, S.; Stedjee, B. Oct, 1389. Beyond Density: An Inquiry-Based Activity Involving Students Searching for Relationships. DeMeo, S. Feb, 201–203. Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble. (JCE Activity) JCE Editorial Staff. Jan, 40A–40B. Cognitive Requirements of Open-Ended Learning Environments. (ROJResLit) Robinson, W. R. Jan, 20– 21. Curriculum Alignment Projects: Toward Developing a Need to Know. (VIEW) Pinkerton, K. D. Feb, 198– 200. Demonstrations with Nitrocellulose: Possible Further Pedagogic Value (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1449). (Letter) Jones, J. C. Dec, 1596. Demonstrations with Nitrocellulose: Possible Further Pedagogic Value (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1449). Senkbeil, E. G. Dec, 1596–1597. Designing and Reporting Experiments in Chemistry Classes Using Examples from Materials Science: Illustrations of the Process and Communication of Scientific Research. Widstrand, C. G.; Nordell, K. J.; Ellis, A. B. Aug, 1044–1046. Determination of the Universal Gas Constant, R. A Discovery Laboratory. (CPR) Moss, D. B.; Cornely, K. Sep, 1260–1262. Diastereoselective Synthesis of (+/–)-1,2-Diphenyl-1,2propanediol. A Discovery-Based Grignard Reaction Suitable for a Large Organic Lab Course. Ciaccio, J. A.; Bravo, R. P.; Drahus, A. L.; Biggins, J. B.; Concepcion, R. V.; Cabrera, D. April, 531–533. Dibenzalacetone Reaction Revisited. Hull, L. A. Feb, 226–227. Discovery-Based Experiment Illustrating How Iron Metal Is Used to Remediate Contaminated Groundwater. Balko, B. A.; Tratnyek, P. G. Dec, 1661–1664. Discovery-Oriented Approach to Organic Chemistry. 4. Epoxidation of p-Methoxy-trans-␤-methylstyrene. An Exercise in 1H NMR and 13C NMR Spectroscopy for Sophomore Organic Laboratories. Centko, R. S.; Mohan, R. S. Jan, 77–79. Discovery-Oriented Approach to Organic Chemistry. 5. Stereochemistry of E2 Elimination: Elimination of cisand trans-2-Methylcyclohexyl Tosylate. Cabay, M. E.; Ettlie, B. J.; Tuite, A. J.; Welday, K. A.; Mohan, R. S. Jan, 79–80. Especially for High School Teachers. Howell, J. E. Sep, 1143. Experiencing and Visualizing the First Law of Thermodynamics: An In-Class Workshop. Mills, P. A.; Sweeney, W. V.; Cieniewicz, W. Oct, 1360–1361. Impact of Active and Context-Based Learning in Introductory Chemistry Courses: An Early Evaluation of the Modular Approach. (CER) Gutwill-Wise, J. P. May, 684–690. Indexed Combinatorial Library: The Synthesis and Testing of Insect Repellents. Miles, W. H.; Gelato, K. A.; Pompizzi, K. M.; Scarbinsky, A. M.; Albrecht, B. K.; Reynolds, E. R. April, 540–542. Influence of Modern Instrumentation on the Analytical and General Chemistry Curriculum at Bates College. (NSF) Wenzel, T. J. Sep, 1164–1165. Introduction to the Scientific Process: Preparation of

Poly(vinyl acetate) Glue. Gilbert, R. G.; Fellows, C. M.; McDonald, J.; Prescott, S. W. Oct, 1370–1372. Is Every Transparent Liquid Water? (CFK) Hugerat, M.; Basheer, S. Aug, 1041–1043. Looking beyond the endo Rule in a Diels–Alder Discovery Lab. Jarret, R. M.; New, J.; Hurley, R.; Gillooly, L. Sep, 1262–1263. Modification of Small-Scale One-Pot Reactions to an Inquiry-Based Laboratory Exercise. Wilcox, C. J. Jan, 62–63. New Paper from Newspaper. (JCE Activity) JCE Editorial Staff. Nov, 1512A–1512B. Oxidation of Alkylbenzenes: Using Data Pooling in the Organic Laboratory to Illustrate Research in Organic Chemistry. Adrian, J. C. Jr.; Hull, L. A. April, 529– 530. Physical Chemistry On Line: Interinstitutional Collaboration at a Distance. (CCD) Towns, M. H.; Sauder, D.; Whisnant, D. M.; Zielinski, T. J. March, 414– 415. Pigments of Your Imagination: Making Artist’s Paints. (JCE Activity) Gettys, N. S. Oct, 1320A–1320B. Putting It All Together: Lab Reports and Legos. (JCE Activity) JCE Editorial Staff. Sep, 1192A–1192B. Qualitative Analysis of Fourteen White Solids and Two Mixtures Using Household Chemicals. Oliver-Hoyo, M.; Allen, D.; Solomon, S.; Brook, B.; Ciraolo, J.; Daly, S.; Jackson, L. Nov, 1475–1478. Simulating How a Virus Spreads through a Population: An Introduction to Acid–Base Chemistry in the Organic Chemistry Laboratory. Jarret, R. M. April, 525– 526. Sink or Swim: The Cartesian Diver. (JCE Activity) Pinkerton, K. D. Feb, 200A–200B. Solving a Mock Arsenic-Poisoning Case Using Atomic Spectroscopy. Tarr, M. A. Jan, 61–62. Spectrophotometric Analysis and Modeling of Sunscreens (re J. Chem. Educ. 1997, 74, 99–102). (Letter) Underwood, G.; MacNeil, J. April, 453. Spectrophotometric Analysis and Modeling of Sunscreens (re J. Chem. Educ. 1997, 74, 99–102). (Letter) Cornelius, R. D. April, 453. Study of Chemistry by Guided Inquiry Method Using Microcomputer-Based Laboratories. (NSF) Durick, M. A. May, 574–575. Teaching Is Learning—Maximum Incentive, Minimum Discipline in Student Groups Teaching General Chemistry. Benvenuto, M. A. Feb, 194–197. Using the Science Writing Heuristic to Move toward an Inquiry-Based Laboratory Curriculum: An Example from Physical Equilibrium. (CER) Rudd, J. A. II; Greenbowe, T. J.; Hand, B. M.; Legg, M. J. Dec, 1680–1686. Vanderbilt Student Volunteers for Science. (CFK) Joesten, M. D.; Tellinghuisen, P. C. April, 463–466. Which Nitrogen? Combining Computer Modeling with Laboratory Work in Organic Chemistry. (MMEE) Hull, L. A. March, 420–421.

Instrumental Methods Annual James L. Waters Symposium at Pittcon (2000. (Waters) Coetzee, J. F. May, 601. Applied Electronics: Construction of a Simple Spectrophotometer. (TICI) Thal, M. A.; Samide, M. J. Nov, 1510–1512. Blue Diode Lasers: New Opportunities in Chemical Education. Whitten, J. E. Aug, 1096–1100. Build a Simple Polarimeter. (CET) Stary, F. E.; Woldow, N. May, 644. Chemistry, Color, and Art. (NCW) Orna, M. Oct, 1305–1311. Combined Effects of pH and Percent Methanol on the HPLC Separation of Benzoic Acid and Phenol. Joseph, S. M.; Palasota, J. A. Oct, 1381–1383. Computer Simulation of Electronic Circuits Used in Chemical Instrumentation. (TICI) Sadik, O. A.; Cheung, M. C. May, 658–662. Determination of Ethanol in Alcohol Samples Using a Modular Raman Spectrometer. (TICI) Sanford Seney, C. L.; Mantooth, B. A.; Jones, B. T. Sep, 1221–1225. Determination of Flavonoids in Wine by High Performance Liquid Chromatography. da Queija, C.; Queirós, M. A.; Rodrigues, L. L. Feb, 236–237. Determining the Percent Water in Organic Solvents Using the Zwitterionic Dimroth–Reichardt Betaine ET30 Dye. An Industrially Relevant Application of a Previously Published Laboratory Experiment. Vitha, M. F. March, 370–372. Development of Instrumentation for Thin-Film X-ray Diffraction. (Waters) Ryan, T. May, 613–616.

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 •

/Journal/Search/index.html Distinguishing Calcium Carbonate from Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate by Instrumental Methods. A Set of Laboratory Experiments for Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy. Garribba, E.; Micera, G.; Panzanelli, A.; Strinna-Erre, L.; Stara, G. Aug, 1090–1092. Escalator—An Analogy for Explaining Electroosmotic Flow. (AA) Vetter, A. J.; McGowan, G. J. Feb, 209– 211. Exploring Digital Signals and Noise in Instrumental Analysis. (MCAD) Fountain, A. W. III. Feb, 271. Gas Chromatography Analyses for Trihalomethanes: An Experiment Illustrating Important Sources of Disinfection By-Products in Water Treatment. Olson, T. M.; Gonzalez, A. C.; Vasquez, V. R. Sep, 1231–1234. HPLC Determination of Taurine in Sports Drinks. Orth, D. L. June, 791–792. Hybridization and Structural Properties (re J. Chem. Educ. 1998, 75, 888–890). (Letter) Gil, V. M. Jan, 31. Infrared Spectroscopy in the General Chemistry Lab. (NSF) Hill, M. A. Jan, 26–27. Ion Chromatography: Analysis of Ions in Pond Waters. (TICI) Sinniah, K.; Piers, K. March, 358–362. Landmarks in the Development of Powder Diffraction Instrumentation. (Waters) Jenkins, R. May, 601–606. Lead Project. An Environmental Instrumental Analysis Case Study. Breslin, V. T.; Sañudo-Wilhelmy, S. A. Dec, 1647–1651. Low-Cost Dynamic Surface Tension Meter with a LabVIEW Interface and Its Usefulness in Understanding Foam Formation. (CBB) Spanoghe, P.; Cocquyt, J.; Van der Meeren, P. March, 338–342. Measurement of Activity Coefficients in Concentrated Electrolyte Solutions. An Experiment for the Physical Chemistry Laboratory. Bonicamp, J. M.; Loflin, A.; Clark, R. W. Nov, 1541–1543. Micelles in the Physical/Analytical Chemistry Laboratory. Acid Dissociation of Neutral Red Indicator. Williams, K. R.; Tennant, L. H. March, 349–351. Modular Spectrometers in the Undergraduate Chemistry Laboratory. Bernazzani, M. P.; Paquin, F. June, 796–798. News from Online: Chemistry and Art. (ROJOnline) Judd, C. S. Oct, 1322–1324. News from Online: Teaching with Chemical Instrumentation on the Web. (ROJOnline) Chasteen, T. G. Sep, 1144–1148. NMR of a Phospholipid. Modules for Advanced Laboratory Courses. (ACL) Gaede, H. C.; Stark, R. E. Sep, 1248–1250. Raman Spectroscopy with a Fiber-Optic Probe and Multichannel Detection. Vickers, T. J.; Pecha, J.; Mann, C. K. Dec, 1674–1675. Reduction of Calcium Concentrations by the Brita® Water Filtration System: A Practical Experiment in Titrimetry and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. Olsen, K. G.; Ulicny, L. J. July, 941. Role of Development of the Rotating Anode X-Ray Generator and the Use of Imaging Plates in Powder Diffractometer Instrumentation. (Waters) Harada, J. May, 607–612. Sampling Technique for Organic Solids in IR Spectroscopy: Thin Solid Films as the Method of Choice in Teaching Laboratories. Feist, P. L. March, 351–352. Short History of the Chemical Shift. Levine, S. G. Jan, 133. Simple Computer-Interfaced Calorimeter: Application to the Determination of the Heat of Formation of Magnesium Oxide. Wong, S.; Popovich, N. D.; Coldiron, S. J. June, 798. Solving a Mock Arsenic-Poisoning Case Using Atomic Spectroscopy. Tarr, M. A. Jan, 61–62. Use of Disposable IR Cards for Quantitative Analysis Using an Internal Standard. Indralingam, R.; Nepomuceno, A. I. July, 958–960. Using a Diode Laser for Laser-Induced Fluorescence. (CET) Tran, Y.; Whitten, J. E. Aug, 1093–1095. Using a Diode Laser Pointer to Count Drops and Automate Titration Systems. (CBB) Ogren, P. J.; Nelson, S.; Henry, I. March, 353–355. Using Capillary Electrophoresis to Determine the Purity of Acetylsalicylic Acid Synthesized in the Undergraduate Laboratory. Welder, F.; Colyer, C. L. Nov, 1525–1527. Was the Driver Drunk? An Instrumental Methods Experiment for the Determination of Blood Alcohol Content. Zabzdyr, J. L.; Lillard, S. J. Sep, 1225–1227. Who Set the Fire? Determination of Arson Accelerants by GC–MS in an Instrumental Methods Course. Sodeman, D. A.; Lillard, S. J. Sep, 1228–1230.

Volume 78 • 2001 • Subject Index Interdisciplinary Connections Creative Writing and Chemistry. (IC) Alber, M. April, 478–480.

Intermolecular Forces Boiling Points of the Family of Small Molecules CHwFxClyBrz: How Are They Related to Molecular Mass? Laing, M. Nov, 1544–1550. Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble. (JCE Activity) JCE Editorial Staff. Jan, 40A–40B. Computational Investigations for Undergraduate Organic Chemistry: Modeling a TLC Exercise to Investigate Molecular Structure and Intermolecular Forces (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 203–205). (Correction) Hessley, R. K. Sep, 1183. Contact Angles of Aqueous Solutions on Copper Surfaces Bearing Self-Assembled Monolayers. Craig, V. S.; Jones, A. C.; Senden, T. J. March, 345–346. Designing Advanced Materials As Simple As Assembling Lego Blocks! Sharma, C. K. May, 617–622. Determination of the Fatty Acid Content of Biological Membranes: A Highly Versatile GC–MS Experiment. Schultz, E.; Pugh, M. E. July, 944–946. Enchanted Glass. (TD) Szabó L., S.; Mazák, K.; Knausz, D.; Rózsahegyi, M. March, 329–331. Floating Needle. Condon, F. E.; Condon, F. E. Jr. March, 334–337. Fluorescence Polarization as a Tool to Pinpoint Vesicle Thermal Phase Transitions. Baker, G. A.; Betts, T. A.; Pandey, S. Aug, 1100–1103. How Do Organic Chemistry Students Understand and Apply Hydrogen Bonding? (CER) Henderleiter, J.; Smart, R.; Anderson, J.; Elian, O. Aug, 1126–1130. Introduction to the Scientific Process: Preparation of Poly(vinyl acetate) Glue. Gilbert, R. G.; Fellows, C. M.; McDonald, J.; Prescott, S. W. Oct, 1370–1372. Note on “A Thermodynamic Analysis to Explain the Boiling-Point Isotope Effect for Molecular Hydrogen. Meza-Montes, L.; Hoffmann-Pinther, P. March, 416– 417. Synthesis and Self-Assembly of the “Tennis Ball” Dimer and Subsequent Encapsulation of Methane. An Advanced Organic Chemistry Laboratory Experiment. Hof, F.; Palmer, L. C.; Rebek, J. Jr. Nov, 1519–1521.

Internet Automated, Web-Based, Second-Chance Homework. (TECH) Hall, R. W.; Butler, L. G.; McGuire, S. Y.; McGlynn, S. P.; Lyon, G. L.; Reese, R. L.; Limbach, P. A. Dec, 1704–1708. Blood-Chemistry Tutorials: Teaching Biological Applications of General Chemistry Material. (TECH) Casiday, R. E.; Holten, D.; Krathen, R.; Frey, R. F. Sep, 1210–1215. Cooperative Molecular Modeling Exercise—The Hypersurface as Classroom. (MMEE) Cramer, C. al. Sep, 1202–1205. Distributed Access Teaching Assistant (DATA). (CBB) Koch, J. A.; Van Der Sluys, W. G. Dec, 1696–1698. Exploring Chemistry Resources on the Internet. Murov, S. Oct, 1429–1432. Improvements in Undergraduate Science Education Using Web-Based Instructional Modules: The Natural Science Pages. (TECH) Carpi, A. Dec, 1709–1712. Is Online Learning Really Education? (Letter) Johnson, A. W. April, 453. JCE WebWare Mission Statement. (JCE WebWare) Coleman, W. F. Feb, 272. News from Online: Chemistry and Art. (ROJOnline) Judd, C. S. Oct, 1322–1324. News from Online: Criteria for an “Outstanding” High School Chemistry Web Site. (ROJOnline) Barry, L. A. Feb, 154–155. News from Online: Mercury and Our Environment. (ROJOnline) Judd, C. S. May, 570–572. News from Online: Teaching with Chemical Instrumentation on the Web. (ROJOnline) Chasteen, T. G. Sep, 1144–1148. Only@JCE Online. Holmes, J. L. Aug, 1136. Personalized Combined Organic Spectroscopy Problems—Online and in the Lab. Kandel, M.; Tonge, P. J. Sep, 1208–1209. Physical Chemistry On Line: Interinstitutional Collaboration at a Distance. (CCD) Towns, M. H.; Sauder, D.; Whisnant, D. M.; Zielinski, T. J. March, 414– 415. Review and Discussion of Epistemological Commitments, Metacognition, and Critical Thinking with

Suggestions on Their Enhancement in Internet-Assisted Chemistry Classrooms. Tsai, C. July, 970–974. Revised NSF Web Site. Wink, D. J. Jan, 24–25. Students’ Use of Web-Based Tutorial Materials and Their Understanding of Chemistry Concepts. (CER) Donovan, W. J.; Nakhleh, M. B. July, 975–980. Updates. (JCE Online) Holmes, J. L. March, 422. Using the Internet to Individualize Laboratory Questions. (TECH) Gammon, S. D.; Hutchison, S. G. March, 412–413. WebMark—A Fully Automated Method of Submission, Assessment, Grading, and Commentary for Laboratory Practical Scripts. (CBB) Olivier, G.; Herson, K.; Sosabowski, M. H. Dec, 1699–1703. WWW Site Links. (JCE Online) Holmes, J. L. July, 984.

Introductory/High School Chemistry ACS National Meeting: Chicago, August 25–30, 2001. High School Program. Aug, 1004. ACS National Meeting. High School Program. March, 280–281. Analysis of an Oxygen Bleach: A Redox Titration Lab. Copper, C. L.; Koubek, E. May, 652. Beyond Density: An Inquiry-Based Activity Involving Students Searching for Relationships. DeMeo, S. Feb, 201–203. Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble. (JCE Activity) JCE Editorial Staff. Jan, 40A–40B. Burning to Learn: An Introduction to Flame Retardants. (JCE Activity) JCE Editorial Staff. March, 328A– 328B. Chem 13 News: Teaching Information for the New Year. (ROJ13News) Thorsen, K. Feb, 156–157. Chemical Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Shroud of Spartacus. Waddell, T. G.; Rybolt, T. R. April, 470– 474. Chemical Education Skits. (SSC) Battino, R. Sep, 1143. Chemical Matching Test. Haworth, D. T. April, 466. Chemistry and Molecular Electronics: New Molecules as Wires, Switches, and Logic Gates. (POC) Ward, M. D. March, 321–328. Chemistry and Molecular Electronics: New Molecules as Wires, Switches, and Logic Gates (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 321–328). (Correction) Ward, M. D. Aug, 1021. Chemistry, Color, and Art. (NCW) Orna, M. Oct, 1305–1311. Chemistry Comes Alive!, Volume 5. (JCE Software) Jacobsen, J. J.; Johnson, K.; Moore, J. W.; Trammell, G. March, 423–424. Chemistry in the Real World. Jones, M. B.; Miller, C. R. April, 484–487. Combinatorial Synthesis and Discovery of an Antibiotic Compound. An Experiment Suitable for High School and Undergraduate Laboratories. Wolkenberg, S. E.; Su, A. I. June, 784–785. Comparison of Secondary Chemistry Courses and Chemistry Teacher Preparation Programs in Iowa and Saint Petersburg, Russia. Sanger, M. J.; Brincks, E. L.; Phelps, A. J.; Pak, M. S.; Lyovkin, A. N. Sep, 1275– 1280. Conant Award Interview: An Interview with Barbara Sitzman, 2001 Award Winner. JCE Editorial Staff. Sep, 1151–1158. Conant Award Interview: An Interview with Frank Cardulla, 2000 Award Winner. JCE Editorial Staff. April, 437–443. Conductivity of Molten Materials. (CPR) Thomas, M. E.; Cleveland, A. A.; Battino, R.; Dolson, D. A.; Hall, M. R. Aug, 1052–1054. Conductivity of Molten Materials (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 1052–1054. (Correction) Thomas, M. E.; Cleveland, A. A.; Battino, R.; Dolson, D. A.; Hall, M. R. Oct, 1333. Creative Writing and Chemistry. (IC) Alber, M. April, 478–480. Curriculum Alignment Projects: Toward Developing a Need to Know. (VIEW) Pinkerton, K. D. Feb, 198– 200. Data-Driven Classroom. (CCD) Bondeson, S. R.; Brummer, J. G.; Wright, S. M. Jan, 56–57. Determination of the Universal Gas Constant, R. A Discovery Laboratory. (CPR) Moss, D. B.; Cornely, K. Sep, 1260–1262. Developing an Intuitive Understanding of Free Energy. Weiss, H. M. Oct, 1362–1364. Disappearing–Reappearing Rabbit Trick: A New Twist to an Old Liquid Nitrogen Demonstration. (TD) Haub, E. K. Jan, 46. • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 • Journal of Chemical Education


Subject Index • Volume 78 • 2001 Don’t Be Tricked by Your Integrated Rate Plot! Urbansky, E. T. July, 921–923. Drug Metabolism: The Body’s Defense against Chemical Attack (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 349–353). (Correction) Stachulski, A. V.; Lennard, M. S. March, 312. Especially for High School Teachers. Howell, J. E. Jan, 9; Feb, 143; March, 281; April, 433; May, 569; June, 705; July, 857; Aug, 993; Sep, 1143; Oct, 1297; Nov, 1441; Dec, 1569. Exploring Chemistry Resources on the Internet. Murov, S. Oct, 1429–1432. Floating Plastics. An Initial Chemistry Laboratory Experience. Hughes, E. A.; Ceretti, H. M.; Zalts, A. April, 522. From Chicken Breath to the Killers Lake of Cameroon: Uniting Seven Interesting Phenomena with a Single Chemical Underpinning. DeLorenzo, R. Feb, 191– 194. General Chemistry Collection for Students (CD-ROM), 5th Edition. (JCE Software) June, 847–848. How to Say How Much: Amounts and Stoichiometry. Ault, A. Oct, 1347–1349. Icarus and Sun, Not Only in Mythology but Also in the Laboratory! (TD) Walawalkar, M. G.; Roesky, H. W. July, 912–913. Information Available through the NSF Web Site. Wink, D. J. Feb, 160–161. Introducing Chemical Laboratory Information Profiles: CLIPs. (CLIP) Young, J. A. April, 444–446. Introduction to the Scientific Process: Preparation of Poly(vinyl acetate) Glue. Gilbert, R. G.; Fellows, C. M.; McDonald, J.; Prescott, S. W. Oct, 1370–1372. Is Every Transparent Liquid Water? (CFK) Hugerat, M.; Basheer, S. Aug, 1041–1043. It’s Elementary. Wieder, M. J. April, 468–469. JCE Resources for Chemistry and Art. (NCW) Jacobsen, E. K. Oct, 1316–1321. Joy of Color in Ceramic Glazes with the Help of Redox Chemistry. (NCW) Denio, A. A. Oct, 1298–1304. Just Breathe: The Oxygen Content of Air. (JCE Activity) JCE Editorial Staff. April, 512A–512B. Known-to-Unknown Approach to Teach about Empirical and Molecular Formulas. (AA) Thamburaj, P. K. July, 915–916. Learning the Functional Groups: Keys to Success. Byrd, S.; Hildreth, D. P. Oct, 1355–1357. LEDs Are Diodes. (JCE Activity) Lisensky, G. C.; Condren, S. M.; Widstrand, C. G.; Breitzer, J.; Ellis, A. B. Dec, 1664A–1664B. LEDs: New Lamps for Old and a Paradigm for Ongoing Curriculum Modernization. Condren, S. M.; Lisensky, G. C.; Ellis, A. B.; Nordell, K. J.; Kuech, T. F.; Stockman, S. A. Aug, 1033–1040. LUCID: A New Model for Computer-Assisted Learning. (TECH) Wolfskill, T.; Hanson, D. M. Oct, 1417–1424. Making Assumptions Explicit: How the Law of Conservation of Matter Can Explain Empirical Formula Problems. (CPR) DeMeo, S. Aug, 1050–1052. Mole, the Periodic Table, and Quantum Numbers: An Introductory Trio. Yin, M.; Ochs, R. S. Oct, 1345– 1347. New Paper from Newspaper. (JCE Activity) JCE Editorial Staff. Nov, 1512A–1512B. News from Online: Criteria for an “Outstanding” High School Chemistry Web Site. (ROJOnline) Barry, L. A. Feb, 154–155. Ob-scertainers™: A Cooperative Activity on Hypotheses. Shibley, I. A. Jr. Sep, 1193–1194. Observations on Lemon Cells. Goodisman, J. April, 516–518. On Concepts of Partial Volume and Law of Partial Volume (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 238–240). (Letter) Miller, D. W. Dec, 1594. On Concepts of Partial Volume and Law of Partial Volume (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 238–240). (Letter) Kim, M. Dec, 1594. Photochemical Basis of Cyanotype Photography (re J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76, 1199–1200). (Letter) Abrahamson, H. B. March, 311. Pigments of Your Imagination: Making Artist’s Paints. (JCE Activity) Gettys, N. S. Oct, 1320A–1320B. Politics, Chemistry, and the Discovery of Nuclear Fission. Wiesner, E.; Settle, F. A. Jr. July, 889–895. Purification of Water by Freeze–Thaw or Zone Melting. Oughton, J.; Xu, S.; Battino, R. Oct, 1373–1374. Putting It All Together: Lab Reports and Legos. (JCE Activity) JCE Editorial Staff. Sep, 1192A–1192B. Putting UV-Sensitive Beads to the Test. (JCE Activity) Trupp, T. May, 648A–648B.


JCE Online Index:

Qualitative Analysis of Fourteen White Solids and Two Mixtures Using Household Chemicals. Oliver-Hoyo, M.; Allen, D.; Solomon, S.; Brook, B.; Ciraolo, J.; Daly, S.; Jackson, L. Nov, 1475–1478. The Science Teacher: Summer 2001 Reading. (ROJSciTea) Long, S. July, 856. The Science Teacher: Winter Break 2001. (ROJSciTea) Long, S. Jan, 22–23. Simple Laboratory Experiment for the Determination of Absolute Zero. Kim, M.; Kim, M. S.; Ly, S. Feb, 238– 240. Sink or Swim: The Cartesian Diver. (JCE Activity) Pinkerton, K. D. Feb, 200A–200B. Spectrophotometric Analysis and Modeling of Sunscreens (re J. Chem. Educ. 1997, 74, 99–102). (Letter) Underwood, G.; MacNeil, J. April, 453. Spectrophotometric Analysis and Modeling of Sunscreens (re J. Chem. Educ. 1997, 74, 99–102). (Letter) Cornelius, R. D. April, 453. State of Division of Solids and Chemical Equilibria. Paiva, J. C.; Gil, V. M. Feb, 222–223. Stories and Anecdotes in the Chemistry Classroom. Folino, D. A. Dec, 1615–1618. Supporting High School Chemistry Teaching. (Editorial) Moore, J. W. Dec, 1567. Teaching Chemistry in the Block Schedule. (VIEW) Craven, S. April, 488–490. Thermite Welding Gets High School Chemistry Class on Track. Feliu, A. L. Jan, 15–16. Time and Teaching. (Commentary) Zielinski, T. J.; Brooks, D. W.; Crippen, K. J.; March, J. L. June, 714– 715. Updates. (JCE Online) Holmes, J. L. March, 422. Visualizing the Photochemical Steady State with UVSensitive Beads (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 648A– 648B). (Letter) Bell, J. A. Dec, 1594–1595. Who Wants to Be a (Chemical) Millionaire? Deavor, J. P. April, 467.

Sampling Technique for Organic Solids in IR Spectroscopy: Thin Solid Films as the Method of Choice in Teaching Laboratories. Feist, P. L. March, 351–352. Spektri-Sim: Interactive Simulation and Analysis of the Infrared Spectra of Diatomic Molecules. Glendening, E. D.; Kansanaho, J. M. June, 824–826. Synthesis of Substituted Butenolides. An Undergraduate Organic Laboratory Experiment Utilizing Two 3Step Preparatory Sequences. Maheut, G.; Liao, L.; Catel, J.; Jaffrès, P.; Villemin, D. May, 654–657. Use of Disposable IR Cards for Quantitative Analysis Using an Internal Standard. Indralingam, R.; Nepomuceno, A. I. July, 958–960. WebSpectra: Online NMR and IR Spectra for Students. Merlic, C. A.; Fam, B. C.; Miller, M. M. Jan, 118– 120.

Iridium 1,5 Cyclooctadiene Complexes of Iridium: Synthesis, Characterization, and Reaction with Dihydrogen. An Experiment for an Integrated Physical/Inorganic Laboratory Course. Logan, J. W.; Wicholas, M. Sep, 1272– 1274.

Iron Discovery-Based Experiment Illustrating How Iron Metal Is Used to Remediate Contaminated Groundwater. Balko, B. A.; Tratnyek, P. G. Dec, 1661–1664.


Ion Chromatography: Analysis of Ions in Pond Waters. (TICI) Sinniah, K.; Piers, K. March, 358–362.

Kinetic Derivations for Thermal Isomerizations of Monodeuterio Cyclic 1,3-Dienes through 1,5-Hydrogen Shifts. Baldwin, J. E.; Leber, P. A.; Lee, T. W. Oct, 1394–1399. Mass Spectral Fragmentation Patterns of Deuterated Butyl and Ethyl Acetates. An Easy Microscale Isotopic Labeling Experiment. (ML) Zahedkargaran, H.; Smith, L. R. Oct, 1379–1380. Note on “A Thermodynamic Analysis to Explain the Boiling-Point Isotope Effect for Molecular Hydrogen. Meza-Montes, L.; Hoffmann-Pinther, P. March, 416– 417. Strategy for Incorporating Hands-On GC–MS into the General Chemistry Lecture and Laboratory Courses. Reeves, P. C.; Pamplin, K. L. March, 368–370.

IR Spectroscopy

JCE Classroom Activity

Chemistry in Cages: Dinucleating Azacryptand Hosts and Their Cation and Anion Cryptates. Arthurs, M.; McKee, V.; Nelson, J.; Town, R. M. Sep, 1269–1272. Cigarette Smoke Analysis Using an Inexpensive GasPhase IR Cell. Garizi, N.; Macias, A.; Furch, T.; Fan, R.; Wagenknecht, P. S.; Singmaster, K. A. Dec, 1665– 1666. Discovery-Oriented Approach to Organic Chemistry. 4. Epoxidation of p-Methoxy-trans-␤-methylstyrene. An Exercise in 1H NMR and 13C NMR Spectroscopy for Sophomore Organic Laboratories. Centko, R. S.; Mohan, R. S. Jan, 77–79. Discovery-Oriented Approach to Organic Chemistry. 5. Stereochemistry of E2 Elimination: Elimination of cisand trans-2-Methylcyclohexyl Tosylate. Cabay, M. E.; Ettlie, B. J.; Tuite, A. J.; Welday, K. A.; Mohan, R. S. Jan, 79–80. Distinguishing Calcium Carbonate from Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate by Instrumental Methods. A Set of Laboratory Experiments for Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy. Garribba, E.; Micera, G.; Panzanelli, A.; Strinna-Erre, L.; Stara, G. Aug, 1090–1092. Error Estimates for Fitted Parameters: Application to HCl/DCl Vibrational–Rotational Spectroscopy. Feller, S. E.; Blaich, C. F. March, 409–412. Infrared Spectroscopy in the General Chemistry Lab. (NSF) Hill, M. A. Jan, 26–27. Isolation and Spectral Analysis of Naturally Occurring Thiarubrine A. Reyes, J.; Morton, M.; Downum, K.; Hoffman, G. G.; O’Shea, K. E. June, 781–783. Preparation and Use of a Room-Temperature Catalytic Converter. Wong, G.; Mark, B.; Chen, X.; Furch, T.; Singmaster, K. A.; Wagenknecht, P. S. Dec, 1667– 1668. Ruthenium Vinylidene and Acetylide Complexes. An Advanced Undergraduate Multi-technique Inorganic/ Organometallic Chemistry Experiment. McDonagh, A. M.; Deeble, G. J.; Hurst, S. R.; Cifuentes, M. P.; Humphrey, M. G. Feb, 232–234.

Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble. (JCE Activity) JCE Editorial Staff. Jan, 40A–40B. Burning to Learn: An Introduction to Flame Retardants. (JCE Activity) JCE Editorial Staff. March, 328A– 328B. Just Breathe: The Oxygen Content of Air. (JCE Activity) JCE Editorial Staff. April, 512A–512B. LEDs Are Diodes. (JCE Activity) Lisensky, G. C.; Condren, S. M.; Widstrand, C. G.; Breitzer, J.; Ellis, A. B. Dec, 1664A–1664B. New Paper from Newspaper. (JCE Activity) JCE Editorial Staff. Nov, 1512A–1512B. Pigments of Your Imagination: Making Artist’s Paints. (JCE Activity) Gettys, N. S. Oct, 1320A–1320B. Putting It All Together: Lab Reports and Legos. (JCE Activity) JCE Editorial Staff. Sep, 1192A–1192B. Putting UV-Sensitive Beads to the Test. (JCE Activity) Trupp, T. May, 648A–648B. Sink or Swim: The Cartesian Diver. (JCE Activity) Pinkerton, K. D. Feb, 200A–200B.

Iodine Synthesis and Analysis of Copper(I) Iodide. A First-Year Laboratory Project. Margolis, L. A.; Schaeffer, R. W.; Yoder, C. H. Feb, 235–236.

Ion Exchange

JCE Online Updates. (JCE Online) Holmes, J. L. March, 422. WWW Site Links. (JCE Online) Holmes, J. L. July, 984.

JCE Software Advanced Chemistry Collection, 2nd Edition. (JCE Software) Nov, 1558–1560. Chemistry Comes Alive!, Volume 5. (JCE Software) Jacobsen, J. J.; Johnson, K.; Moore, J. W.; Trammell, G. March, 423–424. General Chemistry Collection for Students (CD-ROM), 5th Edition. (JCE Software) June, 847–848. Spec UV-Vis: An Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrophotometer Simulation. (JCE Software) Papadopoulos, N.; Limniou, M.; Koklamanis, G.; Tsarouxas, A.; Roilidis, M.; Bigger, S. W. Nov, 1560.

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 •

/Journal/Search/index.html JCE WebWare JCE WebWare Mission Statement. (JCE WebWare) Coleman, W. F. Feb, 272.

Journal Policy Especially for High School Teachers. Howell, J. E. Aug, 993. Especially for High School Teachers. Howell, J. E. Dec, 1569. JCE WebWare Mission Statement. (JCE WebWare) Coleman, W. F. Feb, 272. A Living Textbook for the Future. (Editorial) Moore, J. W. June, 703. A Living Textbook of Chemistry. (Editorial) Moore, J. W. May, 567. Only@JCE Online. Holmes, J. L. Aug, 1136. Place of Science in the Modern World: A Speech by Robert Millikan. (FPI) Williams, K. R. July, 865–866. Prospectus 2001. Holmes, J. L.; Gettys, N. S. Jan, 135– 136. Supporting High School Chemistry Teaching. (Editorial) Moore, J. W. Dec, 1567. A Tisket, A Tasket–Out of the Editor’s Basket. (FPI) Williams, K. R. May, 577. Topics in Green Chemistry. Kirchhoff, M. M. Dec, 1577. Updates. (JCE Online) Holmes, J. L. March, 422. WWW Site Links. (JCE Online) Holmes, J. L. July, 984.

Kinetics Application of Hammond’s Postulate. An Activity for Guided Discovery Learning in Organic Chemistry. Meany, J. E.; Minderhout, V.; Pocker, Y. Feb, 204– 207. Build a Simple Polarimeter. (CET) Stary, F. E.; Woldow, N. May, 644. Circular Dichroism of Globular Proteins. (ACL) Bondesen, B. A.; Schuh, M. D. Sep, 1244–1247. Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization in the Undergraduate Laboratories. 2. Using ATRP in Limited Amounts of Air to Prepare Block and Statistical Copolymers of n-Butyl Acrylate and Styrene. Matyjaszewski, K.; Beers, K. L.; Woodworth, B. April, 547–550. Discovery-Based Experiment Illustrating How Iron Metal Is Used to Remediate Contaminated Groundwater. Balko, B. A.; Tratnyek, P. G. Dec, 1661–1664. Dissolution Kinetics of Solids: Application with Spherical Candy. Beauchamp, G. April, 523–524. Don’t Be Tricked by Your Integrated Rate Plot! Urbansky, E. T. July, 921–923. Experiment on Photochromism and Kinetics for the Undergraduate Laboratory. Prypsztejn, H. E.; Negri, R. M. May, 645–648. Fraction of Molecules Exceeding a Given Energy. McInerny, W. J. June, 801–802. Freezing Atoms in Motion: Principles of Femtochemistry and Demonstration by Laser Stroboscopy. Baskin, J. S.; Zewail, A. H. June, 737–751. Graphical Interface for the Study of Gas-Phase Reaction Kinetics: Cyclopentene Vapor Pyrolysis. Marcotte, R. E.; Wilson, L. D. June, 799–800. Importance of Non-Bonds in Coordination Compounds. Laing, M. Oct, 1400–1405. Inexpensive Water Jacket for a Polarimeter Tube. (CET) Kundell, F. A.; Adkins, W. A. Nov, 1516. Kinetic Derivations for Thermal Isomerizations of Monodeuterio Cyclic 1,3-Dienes through 1,5-Hydrogen Shifts. Baldwin, J. E.; Leber, P. A.; Lee, T. W. Oct, 1394–1399. Micellar Effects on the Spontaneous Hydrolysis of Phenyl Chloroformate. A Kinetic Experiment for the Physical Chemistry Laboratory. Crugeiras, J.; Leis, J. R.; Rios, A. Nov, 1538–1540. Oxygen Dissociation Curve of Hemoglobin: Bridging the Gap between Biochemistry and Physiology. (AA) Gómez-Cambronero, J. June, 757–759. Putting UV-Sensitive Beads to the Test. (JCE Activity) Trupp, T. May, 648A–648B. Relationship between Stoichiometry and Kinetics Revisited. Lee, J. Y. Sep, 1283–1284. State of Division of Solids and Chemical Equilibria. Paiva, J. C.; Gil, V. M. Feb, 222–223. Teaching the Fundamentals of Pulsed NMR Spectroscopy in an Undergraduate Physical Chemistry Laboratory. Lorigan, G. A.; Minto, R. E.; Zhang, W. July, 956–958.

Volume 78 • 2001 • Subject Index Understanding Enzyme Inhibition (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1453–1456). (Correction) Ochs, R. S. Jan, 32. Visualizing the Photochemical Steady State with UVSensitive Beads (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 648A– 648B). (Letter) Bell, J. A. Dec, 1594–1595.

Laboratory Computing/Interfacing Acid–Base Indicators: A New Look at an Old Topic. Kooser, A. S.; Jenkins, J. L.; Welch, L. E. Nov, 1504– 1506. Beer’s Law Revoked? (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 694). (Letter) Clark, R. W. Dec, 1595. Beer’s Law Revoked? (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 694). (Letter) Murphy, M. K. Dec, 1595. Class Projects in Physical Organic Chemistry: The Hammett Equation. Marrs, P. S. April, 527–529. Computer Simulation of Electronic Circuits Used in Chemical Instrumentation. (TICI) Sadik, O. A.; Cheung, M. C. May, 658–662. Computer-Controlled Bipolar Pulse Conductivity Apparatus. Papadopoulos, N.; Limniou, M. Feb, 245–246. Curve Fitting, Confidence Intervals and Envelopes, Correlations, and Monte Carlo Visualizations for Multilinear Problems in Chemistry: A General Spreadsheet Approach. (CBB) Ogren, P. J.; Davis, B.; Guy, N. June, 827–836. Distributed Access Teaching Assistant (DATA). (CBB) Koch, J. A.; Van Der Sluys, W. G. Dec, 1696–1698. Energy Profile for Rotation about the C-C Bond in Substituted Ethanes (re J. Chem. Educ. 1998, 75, 900– 906). (Letter) Gil, V. M. Jan, 32. Exploring Digital Signals and Noise in Instrumental Analysis. (MCAD) Fountain, A. W. III. Feb, 271. Exploring Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission in Lasers. (MCAD) Waxman, M. Feb, 271. Goals and Objectives for Student Mathcad Activities. (MCAD) Zielinski, T. J. Nov, 1556. Graphical Interface for the Study of Gas-Phase Reaction Kinetics: Cyclopentene Vapor Pyrolysis. Marcotte, R. E.; Wilson, L. D. June, 799–800. Integrating Molecular Modeling into the Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory. (MMEE) Montgomery, C. D. June, 840–844. Low-Cost Dynamic Surface Tension Meter with a LabVIEW Interface and Its Usefulness in Understanding Foam Formation. (CBB) Spanoghe, P.; Cocquyt, J.; Van der Meeren, P. March, 338–342. State of Division of Solids and Chemical Equilibria. Paiva, J. C.; Gil, V. M. Feb, 222–223. Study of Chemistry by Guided Inquiry Method Using Microcomputer-Based Laboratories. (NSF) Durick, M. A. May, 574–575. Using a Diode Laser Pointer to Count Drops and Automate Titration Systems. (CBB) Ogren, P. J.; Nelson, S.; Henry, I. March, 353–355. Using a Molecular Modeling Program to Calculate Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Hyperfine Couplings in Semiquinone Anion Radicals. (MMEE) Haddy, A. Sep, 1206–1208. Using Calculator-Based Laboratory Technology to Conduct Undergraduate Chemical Research. (TECH) Sales, C. L.; Ragan, N. M.; Murphy, M. K. May, 694– 696. Using Symbolic Software to Facilitate Learning. (MCAD) Zielinski, T. J. Feb, 270–271. WebMark—A Fully Automated Method of Submission, Assessment, Grading, and Commentary for Laboratory Practical Scripts. (CBB) Olivier, G.; Herson, K.; Sosabowski, M. H. Dec, 1699–1703. Which Nitrogen? Combining Computer Modeling with Laboratory Work in Organic Chemistry. (MMEE) Hull, L. A. March, 420–421.

Laboratory Equipment/Apparatus Alternative to Mercury Thermometers. Nezlin, A. March, 342. Application of Light Emitting Diodes to Chemical Analysis: Determination of Copper in Water. (CET) Mozo, J. D.; Galán, M.; Roldán, E. March, 355–357. Applied Electronics: Construction of a Simple Spectrophotometer. (TICI) Thal, M. A.; Samide, M. J. Nov, 1510–1512. Binary Solid–Liquid Phase Diagrams of Selected Organic Compounds. A Complete Listing of 15 Binary Phase Diagrams. Gallus, J.; Lin, Q.; Zumbühl, A.; Friess,

S. D.; Hartmann, R.; Meister, E. C. July, 961–964. Blue Diode Lasers: New Opportunities in Chemical Education. Whitten, J. E. Aug, 1096–1100. Build a Simple Polarimeter. (CET) Stary, F. E.; Woldow, N. May, 644. Computer Simulation of Electronic Circuits Used in Chemical Instrumentation. (TICI) Sadik, O. A.; Cheung, M. C. May, 658–662. Computer-Controlled Bipolar Pulse Conductivity Apparatus. Papadopoulos, N.; Limniou, M. Feb, 245–246. Construction of the UCSC Econo-Box: An Inexpensive Yet Effective Glove Box. (CET) Suri, J. T. Nov, 1513– 1515. Determination of the Magnetic Moments of Transition Metal Complexes Using Rare Earth Magnets. de Berg, K. C.; Chapman, K. J. May, 670–673. Efficient and Inexpensive Apparatus for Hot Filtration. (CET) Romão, C. C.; Diogo, H. P. Jan, 65. Flood Prevention by Recirculating Condenser Cooling Water. (CET) Fleming, F. F.; Iyer, P. S. July, 946. From GC to the NMR: A Simple Semipreparative Gas Chromatography Collection Method Using NMR Tubes. (ML) Bressette, A. R. March, 366–367. Graphical Interface for the Study of Gas-Phase Reaction Kinetics: Cyclopentene Vapor Pyrolysis. Marcotte, R. E.; Wilson, L. D. June, 799–800. Improved Hittorf ’s Apparatus for Determining Ion Transference Number. Jinqing, K.; Qin, X.; Ke, C. July, 937–938. Inexpensive and Accurate Tensiometer Using an Electronic Balance. Dolz, M.; Delegido, J.; Hernández, M.; Pellicer, J. Sep, 1257–1259. Inexpensive Water Jacket for a Polarimeter Tube. (CET) Kundell, F. A.; Adkins, W. A. Nov, 1516. Influence of Modern Instrumentation on the Analytical and General Chemistry Curriculum at Bates College. (NSF) Wenzel, T. J. Sep, 1164–1165. Isothermal Heat Conduction Calorimeter: A Versatile Instrument for Studying Processes in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. (TICI) Wadsö, L.; Smith, A. L.; Shirazi, H.; Mulligan, S. R.; Hofelich, T. Aug, 1080– 1086. Laboratory Balances–Perceptions from the Past. (FPI) Williams, K. R. April, 434–436. Liquid Prism for Refractive Index Studies. (TD) Edmiston, M. D. Nov, 1479–1480. Low-Cost Dynamic Surface Tension Meter with a LabVIEW Interface and Its Usefulness in Understanding Foam Formation. (CBB) Spanoghe, P.; Cocquyt, J.; Van der Meeren, P. March, 338–342. Microwave Ovens—Out of the Kitchen. (POC) Cresswell, S. L.; Haswell, S. J. July, 900–904. Modular Spectrometers in the Undergraduate Chemistry Laboratory. Bernazzani, M. P.; Paquin, F. June, 796–798. Preparative TLC Applicator. (CET) Fisher, T. L.; Gilman, C. P. March, 367. Safe and Efficient Flash Chromatography Equipment for the Research/Teaching Lab. (CET) Pontén, F.; Ellervik, U. March, 363. Simple Solution for Leaking Polarimeter Cells. (CET) Hiegel, G. A. May, 648. Simplified Method for the Determination of Critical Micelle Concentration. Castro, M. J.; Ritacco, H.; Kovensky, J.; Fernández-Cirelli, A. March, 347–348. Small-Scale Filtration Using a Modified Plastic Syringe. (ML) Begtrup, M. April, 543. Suggested Modifications to a Distillation-Free Solvent Purification System. Alaimo, P. J.; Peters, D. W.; Arnold, J.; Bergman, R. G. Jan, 64. Surface Tension Determination through Capillary Rise and Laser Diffraction Patterns. Munguia, T.; Smith, C. A. March, 343–344. Teaching Estuarine Chemical Processes by Laboratory Simulation. Ortega, T.; Forja, J. M.; Gómez-Parra, A. June, 771–775. Thin-Layer Electrophoresis. Fisher, T. L.; Reingold, I. D.; Fitzsimmons, T. L. Sep, 1241–1243. A Tisket, A Tasket–Out of the Editor’s Basket. (FPI) Williams, K. R. May, 577. Use of an Inexpensive Laser Pointer to Perform Qualitative and Semiquantitative Laser Refractometry. (TD) Neder, A. d.; García, E.; Viana, L. N. Nov, 1481– 1483. Useful System for Microscale and Semi-microscale Fractional Distillation of Air-Sensitive Substances with High Boiling Points. (ML) Gutiérrez, J. A. May, 653. Using a Diode Laser for Laser-Induced Fluorescence. (CET) Tran, Y.; Whitten, J. E. Aug, 1093–1095. • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 • Journal of Chemical Education


Subject Index • Volume 78 • 2001 Laboratory Instruction 1,5 Cyclooctadiene Complexes of Iridium: Synthesis, Characterization, and Reaction with Dihydrogen. An Experiment for an Integrated Physical/Inorganic Laboratory Course. Logan, J. W.; Wicholas, M. Sep, 1272– 1274. Acid–Base Indicators: A New Look at an Old Topic. Kooser, A. S.; Jenkins, J. L.; Welch, L. E. Nov, 1504– 1506. Alternative Confirmatory Test for Silver Ion in Qualitative Analysis. Kirschenbaum, L. J.; Resende, E.; Li, E.; Ruekberg, B. Nov, 1524. Alternative One-Step Procedure for the Conversion of Piperonal to Piperonylnitrile. (ML) DeMott, J. M. Jr.; Kelley, C. J. June, 780. Alternative to Mercury Thermometers. Nezlin, A. March, 342. Analysis of an Oxygen Bleach: A Redox Titration Lab. Copper, C. L.; Koubek, E. May, 652. Analysis of Zinc Tablets: An Extension to a Stoichiometry Experiment. Murov, S.; Stedjee, B. Oct, 1389. Beyond Density: An Inquiry-Based Activity Involving Students Searching for Relationships. DeMeo, S. Feb, 201–203. Biginelli Reaction. (ML) Holden, M. S.; Crouch, R. D. Aug, 1104–1105. Binary Solid–Liquid Phase Diagrams of Selected Organic Compounds. A Complete Listing of 15 Binary Phase Diagrams. Gallus, J.; Lin, Q.; Zumbühl, A.; Friess, S. D.; Hartmann, R.; Meister, E. C. July, 961–964. Bioanalytical Experiments for the Undergraduate Laboratory: Monitoring Glucose in Sports Drinks. Gooding, J. J.; Yang, W.; Situmorang, M. June, 788–790. Biocatalytic Lactone Generation in Genetically Engineered Escherichia coli and Identification of Products by Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectroscopy. Slawson, C.; Stewart, J.; Potter, R. Nov, 1533–1534. Blue Diode Lasers: New Opportunities in Chemical Education. Whitten, J. E. Aug, 1096–1100. Chemistry in Cages: Dinucleating Azacryptand Hosts and Their Cation and Anion Cryptates. Arthurs, M.; McKee, V.; Nelson, J.; Town, R. M. Sep, 1269–1272. Cigarette Smoke Analysis Using an Inexpensive GasPhase IR Cell. Garizi, N.; Macias, A.; Furch, T.; Fan, R.; Wagenknecht, P. S.; Singmaster, K. A. Dec, 1665– 1666. Circular Dichroism of Globular Proteins. (ACL) Bondesen, B. A.; Schuh, M. D. Sep, 1244–1247. Color Changes in Indicator Solutions. An Intriguing and Elucidative General Chemistry Experiment. Silva, C. R.; Pereira, R. B.; Sabadini, E. July, 939–940. Combinatorial Synthesis and Discovery of an Antibiotic Compound. An Experiment Suitable for High School and Undergraduate Laboratories. Wolkenberg, S. E.; Su, A. I. June, 784–785. Combined Effects of pH and Percent Methanol on the HPLC Separation of Benzoic Acid and Phenol. Joseph, S. M.; Palasota, J. A. Oct, 1381–1383. Computer Simulation of Electronic Circuits Used in Chemical Instrumentation. (TICI) Sadik, O. A.; Cheung, M. C. May, 658–662. Contact Angles of Aqueous Solutions on Copper Surfaces Bearing Self-Assembled Monolayers. Craig, V. S.; Jones, A. C.; Senden, T. J. March, 345–346. Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization in the Undergraduate Laboratories. 1. Using ATRP to Prepare Block and Statistical Copolymers of n-Butyl Acrylate and Styrene. Beers, K. L.; Woodworth, B.; Matyjaszewski, K. April, 544–547. Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization in the Undergraduate Laboratories. 2. Using ATRP in Limited Amounts of Air to Prepare Block and Statistical Copolymers of n-Butyl Acr ylate and Styrene. Matyjaszewski, K.; Beers, K. L.; Woodworth, B. April, 547–550. Determination of Ethanol in Alcohol Samples Using a Modular Raman Spectrometer. (TICI) Sanford Seney, C. L.; Mantooth, B. A.; Jones, B. T. Sep, 1221–1225. Determination of Flavonoids in Wine by High Performance Liquid Chromatography. da Queija, C.; Queirós, M. A.; Rodrigues, L. L. Feb, 236–237. Determination of Free Lime in Clinker and Cement by Iodometry. An Undergraduate Experiment in Redox Titrimetry. Lau, O.; Luk, S.; Cheng, N. L.; Woo, H. Dec, 1671–1673. Determination of Lipophilicity Constants of Sulfonamide Substituents. Prado, M. A. April, 533–534. Determination of the Fatty Acid Content of Biological Membranes: A Highly Versatile GC–MS Experiment. Schultz, E.; Pugh, M. E. July, 944–946.


JCE Online Index:

Determination of the Magnetic Moments of Transition Metal Complexes Using Rare Earth Magnets. de Berg, K. C.; Chapman, K. J. May, 670–673. Determination of the Position of the Conformational Equilibrium of a Trans 1,2-Disubstituted Cyclohexane by NMR Spectroscopy. An Experiment in Physical Organic Chemistry for Undergraduate Students. Kutateladze, A. G.; Hornback, J. M. Jan, 81–82. Determination of the Regiochemistry of Disubstituted Arenes Generated by Addition of a Carbanion to the (η6-Anisole)Cr(CO)3 Complex. Bengali, A. A.; Samet, C.; Charlton, S. B. Jan, 68–70. Determination of the Universal Gas Constant, R. A Discovery Laboratory. (CPR) Moss, D. B.; Cornely, K. Sep, 1260–1262. Determining the Percent Water in Organic Solvents Using the Zwitterionic Dimroth–Reichardt Betaine ET30 Dye. An Industrially Relevant Application of a Previously Published Laboratory Experiment. Vitha, M. F. March, 370–372. Development of a Research-Oriented Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory Course. (ACL) Vallarino, L. M.; Polo, D. L.; Esperdy, K. Feb, 228–231. Diastereoselective Synthesis of (+/–)-1,2-Diphenyl-1,2propanediol. A Discovery-Based Grignard Reaction Suitable for a Large Organic Lab Course. Ciaccio, J. A.; Bravo, R. P.; Drahus, A. L.; Biggins, J. B.; Concepcion, R. V.; Cabrera, D. April, 531–533. Dibenzalacetone Reaction Revisited. Hull, L. A. Feb, 226–227. Differential Scanning Calorimetric Study of Bilayer Membrane Phase Transitions. A Biophysical Chemistry Experiment. Ohline, S. M.; Campbell, M. L.; Turnbull, M. T.; Kohler, S. J. Sep, 1251–1256. Discovery-Based Experiment Illustrating How Iron Metal Is Used to Remediate Contaminated Groundwater. Balko, B. A.; Tratnyek, P. G. Dec, 1661–1664. Discovery-Oriented Approach to Organic Chemistry. 4. Epoxidation of p-Methoxy-trans-␤-methylstyrene. An Exercise in 1H NMR and 13C NMR Spectroscopy for Sophomore Organic Laboratories. Centko, R. S.; Mohan, R. S. Jan, 77–79. Discovery-Oriented Approach to Organic Chemistry. 5. Stereochemistry of E2 Elimination: Elimination of cisand trans-2-Methylcyclohexyl Tosylate. Cabay, M. E.; Ettlie, B. J.; Tuite, A. J.; Welday, K. A.; Mohan, R. S. Jan, 79–80. Discovery-Oriented Approach to Organic Synthesis: Tandem Aldol Condensation–Michael Addition Reactions. Identifying Diastereotopic Hydrogens in an Achiral Molecule by NMR Spectroscopy. WachterJurcsak, N.; Reddin, K. Sep, 1264–1265. Dissolution Kinetics of Solids: Application with Spherical Candy. Beauchamp, G. April, 523–524. Distinguishing Calcium Carbonate from Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate by Instrumental Methods. A Set of Laboratory Experiments for Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy. Garribba, E.; Micera, G.; Panzanelli, A.; Strinna-Erre, L.; Stara, G. Aug, 1090–1092. Distributed Access Teaching Assistant (DATA). (CBB) Koch, J. A.; Van Der Sluys, W. G. Dec, 1696–1698. Drug Distribution: A Guided-Inquiry Laboratory Experiment in Coupled Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Equilibria. Hein, J.; Jeannot, M. Feb, 224–225. Easy and Versatile Experiment to Demonstrate Solvent Polarity Using Solvatochromic Dyes. Machado, C.; Machado, V. G. May, 649–651. Effect of Dissolved CO 2 on Gran Plots. Inoue, M.; Fernando, Q. Aug, 1132–1135. Effect of Organic Solvents and Other Parameters on Trypsin-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Nα-Benzoyl-argininep-nitroanilide. A Project-Oriented Biochemical Experiment. Correia, L. C.; Bocewicz, A. C.; Esteves, S. d.; Pontes, M. G.; Versieux, L. M.; Teixeira, S. M.; Santoro, M. M.; Bemquerer, M. P. Nov, 1535–1537. Efficient and Inexpensive Apparatus for Hot Filtration. (CET) Romão, C. C.; Diogo, H. P. Jan, 65. Electrochemical Experiment to Monitor the Isomerization of trans- to cis-[RuCl2(dppb)(phen)]: An Undergraduate Cyclic Voltammetry Experiment for Inorganic Chemistry. Queiroz, S. L.; de Araujo, M. P.; Batista, A. A.; MacFarlane, K. S.; James, B. R. Jan, 89–90. Energy Profile for Rotation about the C-C Bond in Substituted Ethanes (re J. Chem. Educ. 1998, 75, 900– 906). (Letter) Gil, V. M. Jan, 32. Experiment on Photochromism and Kinetics for the Undergraduate Laboratory. Prypsztejn, H. E.; Negri, R. M. May, 645–648. Exploring Phase Diagrams Using Supercritical Fluids. An Undergraduate Physical Chemistry Laboratory. Mayer,

S. G.; Gach, J. M.; Forbes, E. R.; Reid, P. J. Feb, 241– 242. Floating Plastics. An Initial Chemistry Laboratory Experience. Hughes, E. A.; Ceretti, H. M.; Zalts, A. April, 522. Fluorescence Polarization as a Tool to Pinpoint Vesicle Thermal Phase Transitions. Baker, G. A.; Betts, T. A.; Pandey, S. Aug, 1100–1103. Gas Chromatography Analyses for Trihalomethanes: An Experiment Illustrating Important Sources of Disinfection By-Products in Water Treatment. Olson, T. M.; Gonzalez, A. C.; Vasquez, V. R. Sep, 1231–1234. Gas Chromatography and Molecular Modeling. A Correlation Experiment for the Undergraduate Laboratory. (CBB) Simpson, J. M.; Rivera, O. July, 942–943. Graphical Interface for the Study of Gas-Phase Reaction Kinetics: Cyclopentene Vapor Pyrolysis. Marcotte, R. E.; Wilson, L. D. June, 799–800. HPLC Determination of Taurine in Sports Drinks. Orth, D. L. June, 791–792. Hybridization and Structural Properties (re J. Chem. Educ. 1998, 75, 888–890). (Letter) Gil, V. M. Jan, 31. Hydrogenation of Cyclododecene by Lithium Naphthalenide and Nickel Chloride Dihydrate. Alonso, F.; Yus, M. Nov, 1517–1518. Improved Preparation of α - D -(+)-Glucopyranose Pentaacetate. Schatz, P. F. Oct, 1378. Indexed Combinatorial Library: The Synthesis and Testing of Insect Repellents. Miles, W. H.; Gelato, K. A.; Pompizzi, K. M.; Scarbinsky, A. M.; Albrecht, B. K.; Reynolds, E. R. April, 540–542. Indirect Potentiometric Titration of Fe(III) with Ce(IV) by Gran’s Method. Barreto, M. d.; Medeiros, L. L.; Furtado, P. C. Jan, 91–92. Influence of Dielectric Constant on the Spectral Behavior of Pinacyanol. A Spectrophotometric Experiment for Physical Chemistry. Sabaté, R.; Freire, L.; Estelrich, J. Feb, 243–244. Infrared Spectroscopy in the General Chemistry Lab. (NSF) Hill, M. A. Jan, 26–27. Integrating Computational Chemistry into a ProjectOriented Biochemistry Laboratory Experience: A New Twist on the Lysozyme Experiment. (CBB) Peterson, R. R.; Cox, J. R. Nov, 1551–1555. Integrating Molecular Modeling into the Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory. (MMEE) Montgomery, C. D. June, 840–844. Introducing Chemical Laboratory Information Profiles: CLIPs. (CLIP) Young, J. A. April, 444–446. Introduction to the Scientific Process: Preparation of Poly(vinyl acetate) Glue. Gilbert, R. G.; Fellows, C. M.; McDonald, J.; Prescott, S. W. Oct, 1370–1372. Investigation of Secondary Metabolites in Plants. A General Protocol for Undergraduate Research in Natural Products. Cannon, J.; Li, D.; Wood, S. G.; Owen, N. L.; Gromova, A.; Lutsky, V. Sep, 1234–1237. Ion Chromatography: Analysis of Ions in Pond Waters. (TICI) Sinniah, K.; Piers, K. March, 358–362. Isolating Friedelin from Cork and Reducing It to Friedelinol and Epifriedelinol. A Project Involving NMR Spectrometry and Molecular Modeling. LeFevre, J. W.; McNeill, K. I.; Moore, J. L. April, 535– 538. Isolation and Spectral Analysis of Naturally Occurring Thiarubrine A. Reyes, J.; Morton, M.; Downum, K.; Hoffman, G. G.; O’Shea, K. E. June, 781–783. Laborator y Experiments on Electrochemical Remediation of the Environment. Part 5: Indirect H2S Remediation. (ML) Ibañez, J. G. June, 778–779. Laboratory Simulation for Coupled Cycles of Photosynthesis and Respiration. Korn, S.; Tausch, M. W. Sep, 1238–1240. Linkage Isomerization by Two-Dimensional 31P Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: An Undergraduate Inorganic Laboratory Experiment. Bose, R. N.; AlAjlouni, A. M.; Volckova, E. Jan, 83–87. Looking beyond the endo Rule in a Diels–Alder Discovery Lab. Jarret, R. M.; New, J.; Hurley, R.; Gillooly, L. Sep, 1262–1263. Mass Spectral Fragmentation Patterns of Deuterated Butyl and Ethyl Acetates. An Easy Microscale Isotopic Labeling Experiment. (ML) Zahedkargaran, H.; Smith, L. R. Oct, 1379–1380. Measurement of Activity Coefficients in Concentrated Electrolyte Solutions. An Experiment for the Physical Chemistry Laboratory. Bonicamp, J. M.; Loflin, A.; Clark, R. W. Nov, 1541–1543. Metal Complexes of Trifluoropentanedione. An Experiment for the General Chemistry Laboratory. (ACL) Sadoski, R. C.; Shipp, D.; Durham, B. May, 665–666.

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 •

/Journal/Search/index.html Micellar Effects on the Spontaneous Hydrolysis of Phenyl Chloroformate. A Kinetic Experiment for the Physical Chemistry Laboratory. Crugeiras, J.; Leis, J. R.; Rios, A. Nov, 1538–1540. Micelles in the Physical/Analytical Chemistry Laboratory. Acid Dissociation of Neutral Red Indicator. Williams, K. R.; Tennant, L. H. March, 349–351. Microscale Birch Reduction for the Advanced Organic Chemistry Laboratory. (ML) Fuhry, M. A.; Colosimo, C.; Gianneschi, K. July, 949–950. Microscale Spectrophotometric Determination of Water Hardness. (ML) Gordon, J. S.; Harman, S.; Weiss, K.; Pettegrew, B. Aug, 1089–1090. Modification of a Lactase Experiment by Use of Commercial Test Strips. Melton, T. J. Sep, 1243. Modification of Small-Scale One-Pot Reactions to an Inquiry-Based Laboratory Exercise. Wilcox, C. J. Jan, 62–63. Moisture Analysis in Lotion by Karl Fischer Coulometry. An Experiment for Introductory Analytical Chemistry. Mabrouk, P. A.; Castriotta, K. Oct, 1385– 1386. Molecular Mechanics and Variable-Temperature 1H NMR Studies on N,N-Diethyl-m-toluamide. An Undergraduate NMR and Molecular Modeling Experiment. Jensen, B. L.; Fort, R. C. Jr. April, 538–540. Network Complexes of Copper(I) Halides. Pike, R. D.; Graham, P. M.; Guy, K. A.; Johnson, T. J.; Cole, J. R.; Stamps, S. M.; Klemmer, L. E. Nov, 1522–1524. NMR of a Phospholipid. Modules for Advanced Laboratory Courses. (ACL) Gaede, H. C.; Stark, R. E. Sep, 1248–1250. Ob-scertainers™: A Cooperative Activity on Hypotheses. Shibley, I. A. Jr. Sep, 1193–1194. On Concepts of Partial Volume and Law of Partial Volume (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 238–240). (Letter) Miller, D. W. Dec, 1594. On Concepts of Partial Volume and Law of Partial Volume (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 238–240). (Letter) Kim, M. Dec, 1594. Organic-Solvent-Free Phase-Transfer Oxidation of Secondary Alcohols Using Hydrogen Peroxide. Hulce, M.; Marks, D. W. Jan, 66–67. Oxidation of Alkylbenzenes: Using Data Pooling in the Organic Laboratory to Illustrate Research in Organic Chemistry. Adrian, J. C. Jr.; Hull, L. A. April, 529– 530. Oxidation of Benzoin to Benzil Using Alumina-Supported Active MnO2. (ML) Crouch, R. D.; Holden, M. S.; Burger, J. S. July, 951–952. Personalized Combined Organic Spectroscopy Problems—Online and in the Lab. Kandel, M.; Tonge, P. J. Sep, 1208–1209. Photochemical Basis of Cyanotype Photography (re J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76, 1199–1200. (Letter) Abrahamson, H. B. March, 311. Phototropic Reaction (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1386– 1387). (Letter) Rademacher, P. Dec, 1596. Phototropic Reaction (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1386– 1387). (Letter) Ault, A. Dec, 1596. Preparation and Use of a Room-Temperature Catalytic Converter. Wong, G.; Mark, B.; Chen, X.; Furch, T.; Singmaster, K. A.; Wagenknecht, P. S. Dec, 1667– 1668. Preparation of a D-Glucose-Derived Alkene. An E2 Reaction for the Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Laboratory. Norris, P.; Fluxe, A. Dec, 1676–1678. Preparation of Buffers. An Experiment for Quantitative Analysis Laboratory. Buckley, P. T. Oct, 1384. Purification of Water by Freeze–Thaw or Zone Melting. Oughton, J.; Xu, S.; Battino, R. Oct, 1373–1374. Putting It All Together: Lab Reports and Legos. (JCE Activity) JCE Editorial Staff. Sep, 1192A–1192B. Qualitative Analysis of Fourteen White Solids and Two Mixtures Using Household Chemicals. Oliver-Hoyo, M.; Allen, D.; Solomon, S.; Brook, B.; Ciraolo, J.; Daly, S.; Jackson, L. Nov, 1475–1478. Raman Spectroscopy with a Fiber-Optic Probe and Multichannel Detection. Vickers, T. J.; Pecha, J.; Mann, C. K. Dec, 1674–1675. Recovery and Reutilization of Waste Matter from Coffee Preparation. An Experiment for Environmental Science Courses. Orecchio, S. Dec, 1669–1671. Reduction of Calcium Concentrations by the Brita® Water Filtration System: A Practical Experiment in Titrimetry and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. Olsen, K. G.; Ulicny, L. J. July, 941. Ruthenium(II)–dppm Coordination Chemistry. An Advanced Inorganic Miniproject. (ACL) Higgins, S. J. May, 663–664.

Volume 78 • 2001 • Subject Index Ruthenium Vinylidene and Acetylide Complexes. An Advanced Undergraduate Multi-technique Inorganic/ Organometallic Chemistry Experiment. McDonagh, A. M.; Deeble, G. J.; Hurst, S. R.; Cifuentes, M. P.; Humphrey, M. G. Feb, 232–234. Sampling Technique for Organic Solids in IR Spectroscopy: Thin Solid Films as the Method of Choice in Teaching Laboratories. Feist, P. L. March, 351–352. Simple Computer-Interfaced Calorimeter: Application to the Determination of the Heat of Formation of Magnesium Oxide. Wong, S.; Popovich, N. D.; Coldiron, S. J. June, 798. Simple Laboratory Experiment for the Determination of Absolute Zero. Kim, M.; Kim, M. S.; Ly, S. Feb, 238– 240. Simple Preparation and NMR Analysis of mer and fac Isomers of Tris(1,1,1-trifluoro-2,4pentanedionato)cobalt(III). An Experiment for the Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory. Jensen, A. W.; O’Brien, B. A. July, 954–955. Simple Preparative Method to Evaluate Total UV Protection by Commercial Sunscreens. Fujishige, S.; Takizawa, S.; Tsuzuki, K. Dec, 1678–1679. Simplified Method for Measuring the Entropy of Urea Dissolution. An Experiment for the Introductory Chemistry Lab. Liberko, C. A.; Terry, S. Aug, 1087– 1088. Simplified Method for the Determination of Critical Micelle Concentration. Castro, M. J.; Ritacco, H.; Kovensky, J.; Fernández-Cirelli, A. March, 347–348. Simulating How a Virus Spreads through a Population: An Introduction to Acid–Base Chemistry in the Organic Chemistry Laboratory. Jarret, R. M. April, 525– 526. Simultaneous Determination of the Ionization Constant and the Solubility of Sparingly Soluble Drug Substances. A Physical Chemistry Experiment. Aroti, A.; Leontidis, E. June, 786–788. Solar Photocatalytic Destruction of p-Nitrophenol: A Pedagogical Use of Lab Wastes. (ST) Herrera-Melián, J. A.; Doña-Rodríguez, J. M.; Rendón, E. T.; Soler Vila, A.; Brunet Quetglas, M.; Azcárate, A. A.; Pascual Pariente, L. June, 775–777. Solving a Mock Arsenic-Poisoning Case Using Atomic Spectroscopy. Tarr, M. A. Jan, 61–62. Spectrophotometric Analysis and Modeling of Sunscreens (re J. Chem. Educ. 1997, 74, 99–102). (Letter) Underwood, G.; MacNeil, J. April, 453. Spectrophotometric Analysis and Modeling of Sunscreens (re J. Chem. Educ. 1997, 74, 99–102). (Letter) Cornelius, R. D. April, 453. Strategy for Incorporating Hands-On GC–MS into the General Chemistry Lecture and Laboratory Courses. Reeves, P. C.; Pamplin, K. L. March, 368–370. Structure and Content of Some Primary Batteries. Smith, M. J.; Vincent, C. A. April, 519–521. Study of Chemistry by Guided Inquiry Method Using Microcomputer-Based Laboratories. (NSF) Durick, M. A. May, 574–575. Superconductor Synthesis — An Improvement. (Letter) Fahlman, B. D. Sep, 1182. Surface Tension Determination through Capillary Rise and Laser Diffraction Patterns. Munguia, T.; Smith, C. A. March, 343–344. Surfactant-Induced Osazone Formation at Room Temperature. (Letter) Nagajyothi, K.; Raghavan, P. S.; Gopalan, R. June, 728. Suzuki Cross-Coupling Reactions: Synthesis of Unsymmetrical Biaryls in the Organic Laboratory. Callam, C. S.; Lowary, T. L. July, 947–948. Synthesis and Analysis of a Solvatochromic Dye, 1-(pDimethylaminophenyl)-2-nitroethylene. An Advanced Undergraduate Laboratory Experiment. Richter-Egger, D. L.; Tesfai, A.; Flamm, S. J.; Tucker, S. A. Oct, 1375–1378. Synthesis and Analysis of Copper(I) Iodide. A First-Year Laboratory Project. Margolis, L. A.; Schaeffer, R. W.; Yoder, C. H. Feb, 235–236. Synthesis and Reactivity of the Metallaborane Complex [Mo(CO) 4 B 3 H 8 ] – and the Formation of Mo(CO)4(dppe). Davis, C. M.; Klein, M. F. July, 952–953. Synthesis and Self-Assembly of the “Tennis Ball” Dimer and Subsequent Encapsulation of Methane. An Advanced Organic Chemistry Laboratory Experiment. Hof, F.; Palmer, L. C.; Rebek, J. Jr. Nov, 1519–1521. Synthesis and Spectroscopic Analysis of a Cyclic Acetal: A Dehydration Performed in Aqueous Solution. Collard, D. M.; Jones, A. G.; Kriegel, R. M. Jan, 70– 72.

Synthesis and Use of Jacobsen’s Catalyst: Enantioselective Epoxidation in the Introductory Organic Laboratory. Hanson, J. Sep, 1266–1268. Synthesis of a Partially Protected Azidodeoxy Sugar. A Project Suitable for the Advanced Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Laboratory. Norris, P.; Freeze, S.; Gabriel, C. J. Jan, 75–76. Synthesis of Methyl 2,3,5-Tri-O-benzoyl- α - D arabinofuranoside in the Organic Laboratory. Callam, C. S.; Lowary, T. L. Jan, 73–74. Synthesis of Methyl 2,3,5-Tri-O-benzoyl- α - D arabinofuranoside in the Organic Laboratory (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 73–74). (Correction) Callam, C. S.; Lowary, T. L. March, 312. Synthesis of [RuCl2(dppb)(PPh3)] and Identification of the cis- and trans-[RuCl2(dppb)(phen)] Geometrical Isomers via 31P{1H} NMR Spectroscopy. An Undergraduate Experiment for Inorganic Chemistry. Queiroz, S. L.; de Araujo, M. P.; Batista, A. A.; MacFarlane, K. S.; James, B. R. Jan, 87–89. Synthesis of Substituted Butenolides. An Undergraduate Organic Laboratory Experiment Utilizing Two 3Step Preparatory Sequences. Maheut, G.; Liao, L.; Catel, J.; Jaffrès, P.; Villemin, D. May, 654–657. Tablet Analysis Using Gravimetric Dilutions. Simonson, L. A. Oct, 1387–1389. TCICA Test for Distinguishing Aldehydes and Ketones. Hiegel, G. A.; Juska, C.; Kim, M. Aug, 1105–1106. Teaching Chemical Technique. A Review of the Literature. DeMeo, S. March, 373–379. Teaching Chemistry in the Block Schedule. (VIEW) Craven, S. April, 488–490. Teaching Estuarine Chemical Processes by Laboratory Simulation. Ortega, T.; Forja, J. M.; Gómez-Parra, A. June, 771–775. Teaching Experimental Design Using an Exercise in Protein Fractionation. Loke, J. P.; Hancock, D.; Johnston, J. M.; Dimauro, J.; Denyer, G. S. Nov, 1528–1532. Teaching the Fundamentals of Pulsed NMR Spectroscopy in an Undergraduate Physical Chemistry Laboratory. Lorigan, G. A.; Minto, R. E.; Zhang, W. July, 956–958. Thin-Layer Electrophoresis. Fisher, T. L.; Reingold, I. D.; Fitzsimmons, T. L. Sep, 1241–1243. Undergraduate Science and Engineering Students’ Understanding of the Reliability of Chemical Data. (CER) Davidowitz, B.; Lubben, F.; Rollnick, M. Feb, 247–252. Use of an Inexpensive Laser Pointer to Perform Qualitative and Semiquantitative Laser Refractometry. (TD) Neder, A. d.; García, E.; Viana, L. N. Nov, 1481– 1483. Use of Disposable IR Cards for Quantitative Analysis Using an Internal Standard. Indralingam, R.; Nepomuceno, A. I. July, 958–960. Use of EPR Spectroscopy in Elucidating Electronic Structures of Paramagnetic Transition Metal Complexes. (ACL) Basu, P. May, 666–669. Using Capillary Electrophoresis to Determine the Purity of Acetylsalicylic Acid Synthesized in the Undergraduate Laboratory. Welder, F.; Colyer, C. L. Nov, 1525–1527. Using Guided Inquiry to Study Optical Activity and Optical Rotatory Dispersion in a Cross-Disciplinary Chemistry Lab. Vaksman, M. A.; Lane, J. W. Nov, 1507–1509. Using Journal Articles to Teach Writing Skills for Laboratory Reports in General Chemistry. Tilstra, L. June, 762–764. Using the Internet to Individualize Laboratory Questions. (TECH) Gammon, S. D.; Hutchison, S. G. March, 412–413. UV–Visible First-Derivative Spectrophotometry Applied to an Analysis of a Vitamin Mixture. AberásturiMartín, F. J.; Jiménez-Abizanda, A. I.; JiménezMoreno, F.; Arias-León, J. J. June, 793–795. Was the Driver Drunk? An Instrumental Methods Experiment for the Determination of Blood Alcohol Content. Zabzdyr, J. L.; Lillard, S. J. Sep, 1225–1227. WebMark—A Fully Automated Method of Submission, Assessment, Grading, and Commentary for Laboratory Practical Scripts. (CBB) Olivier, G.; Herson, K.; Sosabowski, M. H. Dec, 1699–1703. What Factors Affect the Separation of Substances Using Thin-Layer Chromatography? An Undergraduate Experiment. Nash, J. J.; Meyer, J. A.; Everson, B. March, 364–365. Who Set the Fire? Determination of Arson Accelerants by GC–MS in an Instrumental Methods Course. Sodeman, D. A.; Lillard, S. J. Sep, 1228–1230. • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 • Journal of Chemical Education


Subject Index • Volume 78 • 2001 Lasers/Laser Spectroscopy Blue Diode Lasers: New Opportunities in Chemical Education. Whitten, J. E. Aug, 1096–1100. Determination of Ethanol in Alcohol Samples Using a Modular Raman Spectrometer. (TICI) Sanford Seney, C. L.; Mantooth, B. A.; Jones, B. T. Sep, 1221–1225. Exploring Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission in Lasers. (MCAD) Waxman, M. Feb, 271. Freezing Atoms in Motion: Principles of Femtochemistry and Demonstration by Laser Stroboscopy. Baskin, J. S.; Zewail, A. H. June, 737–751. Liquid Prism for Refractive Index Studies. (TD) Edmiston, M. D. Nov, 1479–1480. Surface Tension Determination through Capillary Rise and Laser Diffraction Patterns. Munguia, T.; Smith, C. A. March, 343–344. Use of an Inexpensive Laser Pointer to Perform Qualitative and Semiquantitative Laser Refractometry. (TD) Neder, A. d.; García, E.; Viana, L. N. Nov, 1481– 1483. Using a Diode Laser for Laser-Induced Fluorescence. (CET) Tran, Y.; Whitten, J. E. Aug, 1093–1095. Using Guided Inquiry to Study Optical Activity and Optical Rotatory Dispersion in a Cross-Disciplinary Chemistry Lab. Vaksman, M. A.; Lane, J. W. Nov, 1507–1509.

Lead Lead Project. An Environmental Instrumental Analysis Case Study. Breslin, V. T.; Sañudo-Wilhelmy, S. A. Dec, 1647–1651.

Letters Application of the Sugar–Potassium Chlorate Reaction. (Letter) Ault, A. Aug, 1020. Beer’s Law Revoked? (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 694). (Letter) Clark, R. W. Dec, 1595. Beer’s Law Revoked? (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 694). (Letter) Murphy, M. K. Dec, 1595. Chemical Laboratory Information Profiles (CLIPs) (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 444). (Letter) Pine, S. H. Dec, 1593. Demonstrations with Nitrocellulose: Possible Further Pedagogic Value (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1449). (Letter) Jones, J. C. Dec, 1596. Dog with Ball Joins Flying Bird (re J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76, 1656). (Letter) Treptow, R. S. Jan, 31. Energy Profile for Rotation about the C-C Bond in Substituted Ethanes (re J. Chem. Educ. 1998, 75, 900– 906). (Letter) Gil, V. M. Jan, 32. Explaining Entropy Pictorially. (Letter) Wood, S. E.; Battino, R. March, 311–312. Further Information on the Hazards of n-Hexane (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 587). (Letter) Jones, J. C. Dec, 1593. Further Information on the Hazards of n-Hexane (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 587). (Letter) Young, J. A. Dec, 1593. Have Orbitals Really Been Observed? (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1492–1494). (Letter) Spence, J. C.; O’Keefe, M.; Zuo, J. M. July, 877. Hybridization and Structural Properties (re J. Chem. Educ. 1998, 75, 888–890). (Letter) Gil, V. M. Jan, 31. Idea Whose Time Has Come? (re J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76, 1718–1722). (Letter) Jensen, W. B. June, 727. Idea Whose Time Has Come? (re J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76, 1718–1722). (Letter) Lewis, D. E. June, 727–728. Is Online Learning Really Education? (Letter) Johnson, A. W. April, 453. On Concepts of Partial Volume and Law of Partial Volume (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 238–240). (Letter) Miller, D. W. Dec, 1594. On Concepts of Partial Volume and Law of Partial Volume (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 238–240). (Letter) Kim, M. Dec, 1594. Periodic Patterns (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1053– 1056). (Letter) Laing, M. July, 877. Photochemical Basis of Cyanotype Photography (re J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76, 1199–1200). (Letter) Abrahamson, H. B. March, 311. Phototropic Reaction (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1386– 1387). (Letter) Rademacher, P. Dec, 1596. Phototropic Reaction (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1386– 1387). (Letter) Ault, A. Dec, 1596. Presidential Elections and Significant Digits. (Letter) DeLorenzo, R. March, 311. Second Note on the Term “Chalcogen” (re J. Chem. Educ.


JCE Online Index:

1997, 74, 1063). (Letter) Fischer, W. Oct, 1333. Solvent Swelling Demonstrations: Possible Extension to Other Types of Material (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 876–878). (Letter) Jones, J. C. Feb, 165. Solvent Swelling Demonstrations: Possible Extension to Other Types of Material (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 876–878). (Letter) Campbell, D. J.; Freidinger, E. R.; Murphy, C. Feb, 165. Spectrophotometric Analysis and Modeling of Sunscreens (re J. Chem. Educ. 1997, 74, 99–102). (Letter) Underwood, G.; MacNeil, J. April, 453. Spectrophotometric Analysis and Modeling of Sunscreens (re J. Chem. Educ. 1997, 74, 99–102). (Letter) Cornelius, R. D. April, 453. Superconductor Synthesis — An Improvement. (Letter) Fahlman, B. D. Sep, 1182. Surfactant-Induced Osazone Formation at Room Temperature. (Letter) Nagajyothi, K.; Raghavan, P. S.; Gopalan, R. June, 728. Temperature Data from Biblical Narratives. (Letter) Jones, J. C. Sep, 1182–1183. Visualizing the Photochemical Steady State with UVSensitive Beads (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 648A– 648B). (Letter) Bell, J. A. Dec, 1594–1595.

Metal Complexes Using Rare Earth Magnets. de Berg, K. C.; Chapman, K. J. May, 670–673. Short History of the Chemical Shift. Levine, S. G. Jan, 133. Use of EPR Spectroscopy in Elucidating Electronic Structures of Paramagnetic Transition Metal Complexes. (ACL) Basu, P. May, 666–669.

Main-Group Elements Combustion of White Phosphorus. (TD) Keiter, R. L.; Gamage, C. P. July, 908–910. Periodic Patterns (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1053– 1056). (Letter) Laing, M. July, 877.

Mass Spectrometry

Are Micelles and Vesicles Chemical Equilibrium Systems? Luisi, P. L. March, 380–384. Determination of the Fatty Acid Content of Biological Membranes: A Highly Versatile GC–MS Experiment. Schultz, E.; Pugh, M. E. July, 944–946. Differential Scanning Calorimetric Study of Bilayer Membrane Phase Transitions. A Biophysical Chemistry Experiment. Ohline, S. M.; Campbell, M. L.; Turnbull, M. T.; Kohler, S. J. Sep, 1251–1256. Fluorescence Polarization as a Tool to Pinpoint Vesicle Thermal Phase Transitions. Baker, G. A.; Betts, T. A.; Pandey, S. Aug, 1100–1103. NMR of a Phospholipid. Modules for Advanced Laboratory Courses. (ACL) Gaede, H. C.; Stark, R. E. Sep, 1248–1250.

Biocatalytic Lactone Generation in Genetically Engineered Escherichia coli and Identification of Products by Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectroscopy. Slawson, C.; Stewart, J.; Potter, R. Nov, 1533–1534. Determination of the Fatty Acid Content of Biological Membranes: A Highly Versatile GC–MS Experiment. Schultz, E.; Pugh, M. E. July, 944–946. Mass Spectral Fragmentation Patterns of Deuterated Butyl and Ethyl Acetates. An Easy Microscale Isotopic Labeling Experiment. (ML) Zahedkargaran, H.; Smith, L. R. Oct, 1379–1380. Metal Complexes of Trifluoropentanedione. An Experiment for the General Chemistry Laboratory. (ACL) Sadoski, R. C.; Shipp, D.; Durham, B. May, 665–666. Ruthenium Vinylidene and Acetylide Complexes. An Advanced Undergraduate Multi-technique Inorganic/ Organometallic Chemistry Experiment. McDonagh, A. M.; Deeble, G. J.; Hurst, S. R.; Cifuentes, M. P.; Humphrey, M. G. Feb, 232–234. Strategy for Incorporating Hands-On GC–MS into the General Chemistry Lecture and Laboratory Courses. Reeves, P. C.; Pamplin, K. L. March, 368–370. Who Set the Fire? Determination of Arson Accelerants by GC–MS in an Instrumental Methods Course. Sodeman, D. A.; Lillard, S. J. Sep, 1228–1230.


Materials Science

Boiling Points of the Family of Small Molecules CHwFxClyBrz: How Are They Related to Molecular Mass? Laing, M. Nov, 1544–1550. Colligative Property of Walther Nernst. Beall, H.; Riccardino, P. A. April, 511–512. Exploring Phase Diagrams Using Supercritical Fluids. An Undergraduate Physical Chemistry Laboratory. Mayer, S. G.; Gach, J. M.; Forbes, E. R.; Reid, P. J. Feb, 241– 242. Floating Needle. Condon, F. E.; Condon, F. E. Jr. March, 334–337. Inexpensive and Accurate Tensiometer Using an Electronic Balance. Dolz, M.; Delegido, J.; Hernández, M.; Pellicer, J. Sep, 1257–1259. Use of an Inexpensive Laser Pointer to Perform Qualitative and Semiquantitative Laser Refractometry. (TD) Neder, A. d.; García, E.; Viana, L. N. Nov, 1481– 1483. Useful System for Microscale and Semi-microscale Fractional Distillation of Air-Sensitive Substances with High Boiling Points. (ML) Gutiérrez, J. A. May, 653.

Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization in the Undergraduate Laboratories. 1. Using ATRP to Prepare Block and Statistical Copolymers of n-Butyl Acrylate and Styrene. Beers, K. L.; Woodworth, B.; Matyjaszewski, K. April, 544–547. Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization in the Undergraduate Laboratories. 2. Using ATRP in Limited Amounts of Air to Prepare Block and Statistical Copolymers of n-Butyl Acrylate and Styrene. Matyjaszewski, K.; Beers, K. L.; Woodworth, B. April, 547–550. Designing Advanced Materials As Simple As Assembling Lego Blocks! Sharma, C. K. May, 617–622. Designing and Reporting Experiments in Chemistry Classes Using Examples from Materials Science: Illustrations of the Process and Communication of Scientific Research. Widstrand, C. G.; Nordell, K. J.; Ellis, A. B. Aug, 1044–1046. Electronegativity and Bond Type: Predicting Bond Type. Sproul, G. March, 387–390. LEDs Are Diodes. (JCE Activity) Lisensky, G. C.; Condren, S. M.; Widstrand, C. G.; Breitzer, J.; Ellis, A. B. Dec, 1664A–1664B. LEDs: New Lamps for Old and a Paradigm for Ongoing Curriculum Modernization. Condren, S. M.; Lisensky, G. C.; Ellis, A. B.; Nordell, K. J.; Kuech, T. F.; Stockman, S. A. Aug, 1033–1040. Nonclassical or Reactivation Chain Polymerization: A General Scheme of Polymerization. Wei, Y. April, 551–553. Simple Preparative Method to Evaluate Total UV Protection by Commercial Sunscreens. Fujishige, S.; Takizawa, S.; Tsuzuki, K. Dec, 1678–1679. Superconductor Synthesis — An Improvement. (Letter) Fahlman, B. D. Sep, 1182. Thermodynamics of Rubber Elasticity. Pellicer, J.; Manzanares, J. A.; Zúñiga, J.; Utrillas, P.; Fernández, J. Feb, 263–267.


Luminescence Chemiluminescence of Tris(2,2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II): A Glowing Experience. (TD) Bolton, E.; Richter, M. M. Jan, 47–48. Chemistry and Molecular Electronics: New Molecules as Wires, Switches, and Logic Gates. (POC) Ward, M. D. March, 321–328. Chemistry and Molecular Electronics: New Molecules as Wires, Switches, and Logic Gates (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 321–328). (Correction) Ward, M. D. Aug, 1021. Combustion of White Phosphorus. (TD) Keiter, R. L.; Gamage, C. P. July, 908–910. Light Emission at Electrodes: An Electrochemiluminescence Demonstration. (TD) Bolton, E.; Richter, M. M. May, 641–643.

Magnetic Properties Chemistry in Cages: Dinucleating Azacryptand Hosts and Their Cation and Anion Cryptates. Arthurs, M.; McKee, V.; Nelson, J.; Town, R. M. Sep, 1269–1272. Determination of the Magnetic Moments of Transition

Mathcad in the Chemistry Curriculum The Carnot Cycle. (MCAD) Harris, H. H. Nov, 1556. Exploring Digital Signals and Noise in Instrumental Analysis. (MCAD) Fountain, A. W. III. Feb, 271. Exploring Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission in Lasers. (MCAD) Waxman, M. Feb, 271.

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 •

/Journal/Search/index.html Goals and Objectives for Student Mathcad Activities. (MCAD) Zielinski, T. J. Nov, 1556. Relating Qualitative Analysis to Equilibrium Principles. (MCAD) Lo, G. V. Nov, 1557. Using Symbolic Software to Facilitate Learning. (MCAD) Zielinski, T. J. Feb, 270–271. Variational Methods Applied to the Particle in a Box. (MCAD) Grubbs, W. T. Nov, 1557.

Mathematics Chemistry Report: MAA-CUPM Curriculum Foundations Workshop in Biology and Chemistry. Macalester College, November 2–5, 2000. (Commentary) Craig, N. C. May, 582–586. What’s Been Happening to Undergraduate Mathematics. (Commentary) Bressoud, D. M. May, 578–581.

Mechanisms Diastereoselective Synthesis of (+/–)-1,2-Diphenyl-1,2propanediol. A Discovery-Based Grignard Reaction Suitable for a Large Organic Lab Course. Ciaccio, J. A.; Bravo, R. P.; Drahus, A. L.; Biggins, J. B.; Concepcion, R. V.; Cabrera, D. April, 531–533. Discovery-Oriented Approach to Organic Chemistry. 5. Stereochemistry of E2 Elimination: Elimination of cisand trans-2-Methylcyclohexyl Tosylate. Cabay, M. E.; Ettlie, B. J.; Tuite, A. J.; Welday, K. A.; Mohan, R. S. Jan, 79–80. Don’t Be Tricked by Your Integrated Rate Plot! Urbansky, E. T. July, 921–923. Idea Whose Time Has Come? (re J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76, 1718–1722). (Letter) Jensen, W. B. June, 727. Idea Whose Time Has Come? (re J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76, 1718–1722). (Letter) Lewis, D. E. June, 727–728. Intermediates, Transition States, Butterflies, and Frogs. (AA) Kitson, T. M. April, 504. Mechanisms of Pentacoordinate Pseudorotation. A Molecular Modeling Study of PF5. (MMEE) Montgomery, C. D. June, 844–846. More Realistic Teaching Style in Spectroscopic Instruction. Gallego, M. G.; Romano, S.; Sierra, M. A.; Nieto, E. June, 765–769. More Realistic Teaching Style in Spectroscopic Instruction (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 765–769). (Correction) Gallego, M. G.; Romano, S.; Sierra, M. A.; Nieto, E. Sep, 1183. Nonclassical or Reactivation Chain Polymerization: A General Scheme of Polymerization. Wei, Y. April, 551–553. Relationship between Stoichiometry and Kinetics Revisited. Lee, J. Y. Sep, 1283–1284. Synthesis of [RuCl2(dppb)(PPh3)] and Identification of the cis- and trans-[RuCl2(dppb)(phen)] Geometrical Isomers via 31P{1H} NMR Spectroscopy. An Undergraduate Experiment for Inorganic Chemistry. Queiroz, S. L.; de Araujo, M. P.; Batista, A. A.; MacFarlane, K. S.; James, B. R. Jan, 87–89. Systems of Chemical Equations as Reasonable Reaction Mechanisms. Dorozhkin, S. V. July, 917–920.

Medicinal Chemistry Anticancer Activity of Estradiol Derivatives: A Quantitative Structure–Activity Relationship Approach. Muranaka, K. Oct, 1390–1393. Combinatorial Synthesis and Discovery of an Antibiotic Compound. An Experiment Suitable for High School and Undergraduate Laboratories. Wolkenberg, S. E.; Su, A. I. June, 784–785. Determination of Lipophilicity Constants of Sulfonamide Substituents. Prado, M. A. April, 533–534. Drug Metabolism: The Body’s Defense against Chemical Attack (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 349–353). (Correction) Stachulski, A. V.; Lennard, M. S. March, 312. Old Yet New—Pharmaceuticals from Plants. (POC) Houghton, P. J. Feb, 175–184. Synthesis of Methyl 2,3,5-Tri-O-benzoyl- α - D arabinofuranoside in the Organic Laboratory. Callam, C. S.; Lowary, T. L. Jan, 73–74. Synthesis of Methyl 2,3,5-Tri-O-benzoyl- α - D arabinofuranoside in the Organic Laboratory (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 73–74). (Correction) Callam, C. S.; Lowary, T. L. March, 312.

Mercury Alternative to Mercury Thermometers. Nezlin, A. March, 342.

Volume 78 • 2001 • Subject Index News from Online: Mercury and Our Environment. (ROJOnline) Judd, C. S. May, 570–572.

Metabolism Drug Metabolism: The Body’s Defense against Chemical Attack (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 349–353). (Correction) Stachulski, A. V.; Lennard, M. S. March, 312. Ethanol Metabolism and the Transition from Organic Chemistry to Biochemistry. (CIB) Feinman, R. D. Sep, 1215–1220. Glycolysis Wordsearch. Helser, T. L. April, 503. Krebs Cycle Wordsearch. Helser, T. L. April, 515. ␤-Oxidation Wordsearch. Helser, T. L. April, 483.

Metal Carbonyls Determination of the Regiochemistry of Disubstituted Arenes Generated by Addition of a Carbanion to the (η6-Anisole)Cr(CO)3 Complex. Bengali, A. A.; Samet, C.; Charlton, S. B. Jan, 68–70. Organometallic Computational Exercise: Semiempirical Molecular Orbital Calculations on (C6H6)Cr(CO)3 and (B 3N 3H 6)Cr(CO) 3. (MMEE) O’Brien, J. F.; Haworth, D. T. Jan, 134. Strategy for Incorporating Hands-On GC–MS into the General Chemistry Lecture and Laboratory Courses. Reeves, P. C.; Pamplin, K. L. March, 368–370. Synthesis and Reactivity of the Metallaborane Complex [Mo(CO) 4 B 3 H 8 ] – and the Formation of Mo(CO)4(dppe). Davis, C. M.; Klein, M. F. July, 952–953.

Metals Application of Light Emitting Diodes to Chemical Analysis: Determination of Copper in Water. (CET) Mozo, J. D.; Galán, M.; Roldán, E. March, 355–357. Humic Acids: Marvelous Products of Soil Chemistry. (POC) Davies, G.; Ghabbour, E. A.; Steelink, C. Dec, 1609–1614. Hydrogenation of Cyclododecene by Lithium Naphthalenide and Nickel Chloride Dihydrate. Alonso, F.; Yus, M. Nov, 1517–1518. Melting Point, Density, and Reactivity of Metals. Laing, M. Aug, 1054–1058. Observations on Lemon Cells. Goodisman, J. April, 516–518. Semimetallicity? Hawkes, S. J. Dec, 1686–1687. Solving a Mock Arsenic-Poisoning Case Using Atomic Spectroscopy. Tarr, M. A. Jan, 61–62. Suzuki Cross-Coupling Reactions: Synthesis of Unsymmetrical Biaryls in the Organic Laboratory. Callam, C. S.; Lowary, T. L. July, 947–948. Use of EPR Spectroscopy in Elucidating Electronic Structures of Paramagnetic Transition Metal Complexes. (ACL) Basu, P. May, 666–669.

Micelles Are Micelles and Vesicles Chemical Equilibrium Systems? Luisi, P. L. March, 380–384. Micellar Effects on the Spontaneous Hydrolysis of Phenyl Chloroformate. A Kinetic Experiment for the Physical Chemistry Laboratory. Crugeiras, J.; Leis, J. R.; Rios, A. Nov, 1538–1540. Micelles in the Physical/Analytical Chemistry Laboratory. Acid Dissociation of Neutral Red Indicator. Williams, K. R.; Tennant, L. H. March, 349–351. Surfactant-Induced Osazone Formation at Room Temperature. (Letter) Nagajyothi, K.; Raghavan, P. S.; Gopalan, R. June, 728.

Microscale Alternative One-Step Procedure for the Conversion of Piperonal to Piperonylnitrile. (ML) DeMott, J. M. Jr.; Kelley, C. J. June, 780. Biginelli Reaction. (ML) Holden, M. S.; Crouch, R. D. Aug, 1104–1105. Dibenzalacetone Reaction Revisited. Hull, L. A. Feb, 226–227. From GC to the NMR: A Simple Semipreparative Gas Chromatography Collection Method Using NMR Tubes. (ML) Bressette, A. R. March, 366–367. Laborator y Experiments on Electrochemical Remediation of the Environment. Part 5: Indirect H2S Remediation. (ML) Ibañez, J. G. June, 778–779. Mass Spectral Fragmentation Patterns of Deuterated Butyl and Ethyl Acetates. An Easy Microscale Isoto-

pic Labeling Experiment. (ML) Zahedkargaran, H.; Smith, L. R. Oct, 1379–1380. Microscale Birch Reduction for the Advanced Organic Chemistry Laboratory. (ML) Fuhry, M. A.; Colosimo, C.; Gianneschi, K. July, 949–950. Microscale Spectrophotometric Determination of Water Hardness. (ML) Gordon, J. S.; Harman, S.; Weiss, K.; Pettegrew, B. Aug, 1089–1090. Oxidation of Benzoin to Benzil Using Alumina-Supported Active MnO2. (ML) Crouch, R. D.; Holden, M. S.; Burger, J. S. July, 951–952. Small-Scale Filtration Using a Modified Plastic Syringe. (ML) Begtrup, M. April, 543. Useful System for Microscale and Semi-microscale Fractional Distillation of Air-Sensitive Substances with High Boiling Points. (ML) Gutiérrez, J. A. May, 653.

The Microscale Laboratory Alternative One-Step Procedure for the Conversion of Piperonal to Piperonylnitrile. (ML) DeMott, J. M. Jr.; Kelley, C. J. June, 780. Biginelli Reaction. (ML) Holden, M. S.; Crouch, R. D. Aug, 1104–1105. From GC to the NMR: A Simple Semipreparative Gas Chromatography Collection Method Using NMR Tubes. (ML) Bressette, A. R. March, 366–367. Laborator y Experiments on Electrochemical Remediation of the Environment. Part 5: Indirect H2S Remediation. (ML) Ibañez, J. G. June, 778–779. Mass Spectral Fragmentation Patterns of Deuterated Butyl and Ethyl Acetates. An Easy Microscale Isotopic Labeling Experiment. (ML) Zahedkargaran, H.; Smith, L. R. Oct, 1379–1380. Microscale Birch Reduction for the Advanced Organic Chemistry Laboratory. (ML) Fuhry, M. A.; Colosimo, C.; Gianneschi, K. July, 949–950. Microscale Spectrophotometric Determination of Water Hardness. (ML) Gordon, J. S.; Harman, S.; Weiss, K.; Pettegrew, B. Aug, 1089–1090. Oxidation of Benzoin to Benzil Using Alumina-Supported Active MnO2. (ML) Crouch, R. D.; Holden, M. S.; Burger, J. S. July, 951–952. Small-Scale Filtration Using a Modified Plastic Syringe. (ML) Begtrup, M. April, 543. Useful System for Microscale and Semi-microscale Fractional Distillation of Air-Sensitive Substances with High Boiling Points. (ML) Gutiérrez, J. A. May, 653.

Minorities in Chemistry Evaluating the Success of Hispanic-Surname Students in First-Semester General Chemistry. Mason, D. S.; Mittag, K. C. Feb, 256–259. Evaluating the Success of Hispanic-Surname Students in First-Semester General Chemistry (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 256). (Correction) Mason, D. S.; Mittag, K. C. Dec, 1597. Gateway to Success for At-Risk Students in a LargeGroup Introductory Chemistry Class. (CER) Mason, D. S.; Verdel, E. Feb, 252–255. National Conferences on Undergraduate Research: Conference History and the Role of Chemistry. Werner, T. C.; Lichter, R. L.; Krugh, T. R. May, 691–694. Using Technology to Create a Scientific Learning Community. (2YC3) Turner, R. June, 717–719.

MO Theory Ab Initio Calculations of NMR Parameters for Diatomic Molecules. An Exercise in Computational Chemistry. Bryce, D. L.; Wasylishen, R. E. Jan, 124–133. Cooperative Molecular Modeling Exercise—The Hypersurface as Classroom. (MMEE) Cramer, C. J. et al. Sep, 1202–1205. Electronic Spectra of Conjugated Systems: A Modern Update for a Classic Experiment. (MMEE) Soltzberg, L. J. Oct, 1432. Have Orbitals Really Been Observed? (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1492–1494). (Letter) Spence, J. C.; O’Keefe, M.; Zuo, J. M. July, 877. Idea Whose Time Has Come? (re J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76, 1718–1722). (Letter) Jensen, W. B. June, 727. Idea Whose Time Has Come? (re J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76, 1718–1722). (Letter) Lewis, D. E. June, 727–728. Role of Lewis Structures in Teaching Covalent Bonding. (Commentary) Logan, S. R. Nov, 1457–1458. Using a Molecular Modeling Program to Calculate Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Hyperfine Couplings in Semiquinone Anion Radicals. (MMEE) Haddy, A. Sep, 1206–1208. • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 • Journal of Chemical Education


Subject Index • Volume 78 • 2001 Molecular Modeling/Dynamics Cooperative Molecular Modeling Exercise—The Hypersurface as Classroom. (MMEE) Cramer, C. J.; et al. Sep, 1202–1205. Dibenzalacetone Reaction Revisited. Hull, L. A. Feb, 226–227. “Dishing Out” Stereochemical Principles. Hart, H. Dec, 1632–1634. Fraction of Molecules Exceeding a Given Energy. McInerny, W. J. June, 801–802. Gas Chromatography and Molecular Modeling. A Correlation Experiment for the Undergraduate Laboratory. (CBB) Simpson, J. M.; Rivera, O. July, 942–943. Integrating Computational Chemistry into a ProjectOriented Biochemistry Laboratory Experience: A New Twist on the Lysozyme Experiment. (CBB) Peterson, R. R.; Cox, J. R. Nov, 1551–1555. Integrating Molecular Modeling into the Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory. (MMEE) Montgomery, C. D. June, 840–844. Isolating Friedelin from Cork and Reducing It to Friedelinol and Epifriedelinol. A Project Involving NMR Spectrometry and Molecular Modeling. LeFevre, J. W.; McNeill, K. I.; Moore, J. L. April, 535– 538. Mechanisms of Pentacoordinate Pseudorotation. A Molecular Modeling Study of PF5. (MMEE) Montgomery, C. D. June, 844–846. Molecular Mechanics and Variable-Temperature 1H NMR Studies on N,N-Diethyl-m-toluamide. An Undergraduate NMR and Molecular Modeling Experiment. Jensen, B. L.; Fort, R. C. Jr. April, 538–540. Molecular Modeling in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum. (NSF) Jones, M. B. July, 867–868. Organometallic Computational Exercise: Semiempirical Molecular Orbital Calculations on (C6H6)Cr(CO)3 and (B 3N 3 H 6)Cr(CO)3 . (MMEE) O’Brien, J. F.; Haworth, D. T. Jan, 134. Spectrophotometric Analysis and Modeling of Sunscreens (re J. Chem. Educ. 1997, 74, 99–102). (Letter) Underwood, G.; MacNeil, J. April, 453. Spectrophotometric Analysis and Modeling of Sunscreens (re J. Chem. Educ. 1997, 74, 99–102). (Letter) Cornelius, R. D. April, 453. Synthesis of Substituted Butenolides. An Undergraduate Organic Laboratory Experiment Utilizing Two 3Step Preparatory Sequences. Maheut, G.; Liao, L.; Catel, J.; Jaffrès, P.; Villemin, D. May, 654–657. Using a Molecular Modeling Program to Calculate Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Hyperfine Couplings in Semiquinone Anion Radicals. (MMEE) Haddy, A. Sep, 1206–1208. Which Nitrogen? Combining Computer Modeling with Laboratory Work in Organic Chemistry. (MMEE) Hull, L. A. March, 420–421.

Molecular Modeling Exercises and Experiments Cooperative Molecular Modeling Exercise—The Hypersurface as Classroom. (MMEE) Cramer, C. J. et al. Sep, 1202–1205. Electronic Spectra of Conjugated Systems: A Modern Update for a Classic Experiment. (MMEE) Soltzberg, L. J. Oct, 1432. Integrating Molecular Modeling into the Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory. (MMEE) Montgomery, C. D. June, 840–844. Mechanisms of Pentacoordinate Pseudorotation. A Molecular Modeling Study of PF5. (MMEE) Montgomery, C. D. June, 844–846. Organometallic Computational Exercise: Semiempirical Molecular Orbital Calculations on (C6H6)Cr(CO)3 and (B 3 N3 H 6)Cr(CO) 3. (MMEE) O’Brien, J. F.; Haworth, D. T. Jan, 134. Using a Molecular Modeling Program to Calculate Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Hyperfine Couplings in Semiquinone Anion Radicals. (MMEE) Haddy, A. Sep, 1206–1208. Which Nitrogen? Combining Computer Modeling with Laboratory Work in Organic Chemistry. (MMEE) Hull, L. A. March, 420–421.

Molecular Properties/Structure Ab Initio Calculations of NMR Parameters for Diatomic Molecules. An Exercise in Computational Chemistry. Bryce, D. L.; Wasylishen, R. E. Jan, 124–133. Applications of the Gibbs–Duhem Equation. Nikitas, P. Aug, 1070–1075.


JCE Online Index:

Boiling Points of the Family of Small Molecules CHwFxClyBrz: How Are They Related to Molecular Mass? Laing, M. Nov, 1544–1550. Bullvalene Story. The Conception of Bullvalene, a Molecule That Has No Permanent Structure. Ault, A. July, 924–927. Chemistry and Molecular Electronics: New Molecules as Wires, Switches, and Logic Gates. (POC) Ward, M. D. March, 321–328. Chemistry and Molecular Electronics: New Molecules as Wires, Switches, and Logic Gates (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 321–328). (Correction) Ward, M. D. Aug, 1021. Dog with Ball Joins Flying Bird (re J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76, 1656). (Letter) Treptow, R. S. Jan, 31. Electron Densities, Atomic Charges, and Ionic, Covalent, and Polar Bonds. Gillespie, R. J. Dec, 1688– 1691. Electronic Spectra of Conjugated Systems: A Modern Update for a Classic Experiment. (MMEE) Soltzberg, L. J. Oct, 1432. Electronic Structure Principles and Atomic Shell Structure. Chattaraj, P. K.; Maiti, B. June, 811–813. From the Wood-Shop to Crystal Engineering: Teaching Three-Dimensional Chemistry. Martin, J. D. Sep, 1195–1197. Lewis Structures in General Chemistry: Agreement between Electron Density Calculations and Lewis Structures. Purser, G. H. July, 981–983. Logic vs Misconceptions in Organic Textbooks: Radical Stabilities and Bond Dissociation Energies. Zavitsas, A. A. March, 417–419. Method for Drawing the Cyclohexane Ring and Its Substituents. Dragojlovic, V. July, 923. Molecular Mechanics and Variable-Temperature 1H NMR Studies on N,N-Diethyl-m-toluamide. An Undergraduate NMR and Molecular Modeling Experiment. Jensen, B. L.; Fort, R. C. Jr. April, 538–540. NMR of a Phospholipid. Modules for Advanced Laboratory Courses. (ACL) Gaede, H. C.; Stark, R. E. Sep, 1248–1250. Note on “A Thermodynamic Analysis to Explain the Boiling-Point Isotope Effect for Molecular Hydrogen. Meza-Montes, L.; Hoffmann-Pinther, P. March, 416– 417. Serendipitous Extension for Illustrating Newman Projections. Ciolino, A. E.; Domini, C. E.; Pieroni, O. I.; Vuano, B. M. Oct, 1359. Teaching 1H NMR Spectroscopy Using Computer Modeling. (TECH) Habata, Y.; Akabori, S. Jan, 121–123. Use of Stick Figures to Visualize Fischer Projections. Starkey, L. S. Nov, 1486. Using Computer-Based Visualization Strategies to Improve Students’ Understanding of Molecular Polarity and Miscibility. (CER) Sanger, M. J.; Badger, S. M. II. Oct, 1412–1416.

Molecular Recognition Chemistry in Cages: Dinucleating Azacryptand Hosts and Their Cation and Anion Cryptates. Arthurs, M.; McKee, V.; Nelson, J.; Town, R. M. Sep, 1269–1272. Designing Advanced Materials As Simple As Assembling Lego Blocks! Sharma, C. K. May, 617–622. Integrating Computational Chemistry into a ProjectOriented Biochemistry Laboratory Experience: A New Twist on the Lysozyme Experiment. (CBB) Peterson, R. R.; Cox, J. R. Nov, 1551–1555. Synthesis and Self-Assembly of the “Tennis Ball” Dimer and Subsequent Encapsulation of Methane. An Advanced Organic Chemistry Laboratory Experiment. Hof, F.; Palmer, L. C.; Rebek, J. Jr. Nov, 1519–1521.

Molybdenum Use of EPR Spectroscopy in Elucidating Electronic Structures of Paramagnetic Transition Metal Complexes. (ACL) Basu, P. May, 666–669.

Multidisciplinary Programs Blood-Chemistry Tutorials: Teaching Biological Applications of General Chemistry Material. (TECH) Casiday, R. E.; Holten, D.; Krathen, R.; Frey, R. F. Sep, 1210–1215. CHEM 101: Thirty Years of Experiences with a Chemistry Course for Prospective Elementary School Teachers. (CFK) Phillips, D. B. July, 905–907. Especially for High School Teachers. Howell, J. E. Oct, 1297.

General Chemistry and Cell Biology: An Experiment in Curricular Symbiosis. Schwartz, A. T.; Serie, J. Nov, 1490–1494. Introduction to Searching with SciFinder Scholar. (CII) Ridley, D. D. April, 557–558. Introduction to Structure Searching with SciFinder Scholar. (CII) Ridley, D. D. April, 559–560. Introductory Course in Industrial Chemistry for Freshmen. Seidl, P. R.; Magalhães, M. d.; Augusto, C. R. Feb, 218–222. National Conferences on Undergraduate Research: Conference History and the Role of Chemistry. Werner, T. C.; Lichter, R. L.; Krugh, T. R. May, 691–694. Science and Art. (Editorial) Moore, J. W. Oct, 1295. Survey of Doctoral Programs in Chemical Education in the United States. Mason, D. S. Feb, 158–160. Thalidomide Makes a Comeback: A Case Discussion Exercise That Integrates Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry. (TPCS) Bennett, N. S.; Cornely, K. June, 759–761.

Multimedia “Almost Like Weighing Someone’s Soul”: Chemistry in Contemporary Film. Wink, D. J. April, 481–483. Chemistry Comes Alive!, Volume 5. (JCE Software) Jacobsen, J. J.; Johnson, K.; Moore, J. W.; Trammell, G. March, 423–424. General Chemistry Collection for Students (CD-ROM), 5th Edition. (JCE Software) June, 847–848. Impact of Active and Context-Based Learning in Introductory Chemistry Courses: An Early Evaluation of the Modular Approach. (CER) Gutwill-Wise, J. P. May, 684–690. Improvements in Undergraduate Science Education Using Web-Based Instructional Modules: The Natural Science Pages. (TECH) Carpi, A. Dec, 1709–1712. News from Online: Teaching with Chemical Instrumentation on the Web. (ROJOnline) Chasteen, T. G. Sep, 1144–1148. Prospectus 2001. Holmes, J. L.; Gettys, N. S. Jan, 135–136. Using Computer-Based Visualization Strategies to Improve Students’ Understanding of Molecular Polarity and Miscibility. (CER) Sanger, M. J.; Badger, S. M. II. Oct, 1412–1416.

Nanotechnology Chemistry and Molecular Electronics: New Molecules as Wires, Switches, and Logic Gates. (POC) Ward, M. D. March, 321–328. Chemistry and Molecular Electronics: New Molecules as Wires, Switches, and Logic Gates (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 321–328). (Correction) Ward, M. D. Aug, 1021. Contact Angles of Aqueous Solutions on Copper Surfaces Bearing Self-Assembled Monolayers. Craig, V. S.; Jones, A. C.; Senden, T. J. March, 345–346. LEDs Are Diodes. (JCE Activity) Lisensky, G. C.; Condren, S. M.; Widstrand, C. G.; Breitzer, J.; Ellis, A. B. Dec, 1664A–1664B. LEDs: New Lamps for Old and a Paradigm for Ongoing Curriculum Modernization. Condren, S. M.; Lisensky, G. C.; Ellis, A. B.; Nordell, K. J.; Kuech, T. F.; Stockman, S. A. Aug, 1033–1040. Nature: “Green” Chemistry, Natural Antioxidants, and a DNA-Fuelled Machine. (ROJNature) Heinhorst, S.; Cannon, G. Feb, 150–151. Network Complexes of Copper(I) Halides. Pike, R. D.; Graham, P. M.; Guy, K. A.; Johnson, T. J.; Cole, J. R.; Stamps, S. M.; Klemmer, L. E. Nov, 1522–1524.

National Chemistry Week 2001: Celebrating Chemistry and Art Biology of the Blues: The Snails behind the Ancient Dyes. (NCW) Steinhart, C. E. Nov, 1444. Chemistry, Color, and Art. (NCW) Orna, M. Oct, 1305–1311. Communicating Science through Photography. (NCW) Frankel, F. Oct, 1312–1314. Indigo and Tyrian Purple—In Nature and in the Lab. (NCW) Schatz, P. F. Nov, 1442–1443. JCE Resources for Chemistry and Art. (NCW) Jacobsen, E. K. Oct, 1316–1321. Joy of Color in Ceramic Glazes with the Help of Redox Chemistry. (NCW) Denio, A. A. Oct, 1298–1304. New Paper from Newspaper. (JCE Activity) JCE Editorial Staff. Nov, 1512A–1512B. Pigments of Your Imagination: Making Artist’s Paints. (JCE Activity) Gettys, N. S. Oct, 1320A–1320B.

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 •

/Journal/Search/index.html Natural Products Chemistry, Color, and Art. (NCW) Orna, M. Oct, 1305–1311. Gas Hydrates: From Laboratory Curiosity to Potential Global Powerhouse. (POC) Pellenbarg, R. E.; Max, M. D. July, 896–900. Hans Thacher Clarke (1887–1972): Chemist and Biochemist. Bentley, R. Feb, 185–190. Humic Acids: Marvelous Products of Soil Chemistry. (POC) Davies, G.; Ghabbour, E. A.; Steelink, C. Dec, 1609–1614. Investigation of Secondary Metabolites in Plants. A General Protocol for Undergraduate Research in Natural Products. Cannon, J.; Li, D.; Wood, S. G.; Owen, N. L.; Gromova, A.; Lutsky, V. Sep, 1234–1237. Isolating Friedelin from Cork and Reducing It to Friedelinol and Epifriedelinol. A Project Involving NMR Spectrometry and Molecular Modeling. LeFevre, J. W.; McNeill, K. I.; Moore, J. L. April, 535– 538. Isolation and Spectral Analysis of Naturally Occurring Thiarubrine A. Reyes, J.; Morton, M.; Downum, K.; Hoffman, G. G.; O’Shea, K. E. June, 781–783. Sweet Stuff. (FPI) Williams, K. R. Nov, 1446–1447.

Nickel Development of a Research-Oriented Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory Course. (ACL) Vallarino, L. M.; Polo, D. L.; Esperdy, K. Feb, 228–231.

Nitrogen Disappearing–Reappearing Rabbit Trick: A New Twist to an Old Liquid Nitrogen Demonstration. (TD) Haub, E. K. Jan, 46. Humic Acids: Marvelous Products of Soil Chemistry. (POC) Davies, G.; Ghabbour, E. A.; Steelink, C. Dec, 1609–1614. Learning the Functional Groups: Keys to Success. Byrd, S.; Hildreth, D. P. Oct, 1355–1357.

NMR Spectrometry 1,5 Cyclooctadiene Complexes of Iridium: Synthesis, Characterization, and Reaction with Dihydrogen. An Experiment for an Integrated Physical/Inorganic Laboratory Course. Logan, J. W.; Wicholas, M. Sep, 1272– 1274. Ab Initio Calculations of NMR Parameters for Diatomic Molecules. An Exercise in Computational Chemistry. Bryce, D. L.; Wasylishen, R. E. Jan, 124–133. Chemistry in Cages: Dinucleating Azacryptand Hosts and Their Cation and Anion Cryptates. Arthurs, M.; McKee, V.; Nelson, J.; Town, R. M. Sep, 1269–1272. Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization in the Undergraduate Laboratories. 2. Using ATRP in Limited Amounts of Air to Prepare Block and Statistical Copolymers of n-Butyl Acrylate and Styrene. Matyjaszewski, K.; Beers, K. L.; Woodworth, B. April, 547–550. Determination of the Position of the Conformational Equilibrium of a Trans 1,2-Disubstituted Cyclohexane by NMR Spectroscopy. An Experiment in Physical Organic Chemistry for Undergraduate Students. Kutateladze, A. G.; Hornback, J. M. Jan, 81–82. Dibenzalacetone Reaction Revisited. Hull, L. A. Feb, 226–227. Discovery-Oriented Approach to Organic Chemistry. 4. Epoxidation of p-Methoxy-trans-␤-methylstyrene. An Exercise in 1H NMR and 13C NMR Spectroscopy for Sophomore Organic Laboratories. Centko, R. S.; Mohan, R. S. Jan, 77–79. Discovery-Oriented Approach to Organic Chemistry. 5. Stereochemistry of E2 Elimination: Elimination of cisand trans-2-Methylcyclohexyl Tosylate. Cabay, M. E.; Ettlie, B. J.; Tuite, A. J.; Welday, K. A.; Mohan, R. S. Jan, 79–80. Discovery-Oriented Approach to Organic Synthesis: Tandem Aldol Condensation–Michael Addition Reactions. Identifying Diastereotopic Hydrogens in an Achiral Molecule by NMR Spectroscopy. WachterJurcsak, N.; Reddin, K. Sep, 1264–1265. Hybridization and Structural Properties (re J. Chem. Educ. 1998, 75, 888–890). (Letter) Gil, V. M. Jan, 31. Improved Preparation of α - D -(+)-Glucopyranose Pentaacetate. Schatz, P. F. Oct, 1378. Investigation of Secondary Metabolites in Plants. A General Protocol for Undergraduate Research in Natural

Volume 78 • 2001 • Subject Index Products. Cannon, J.; Li, D.; Wood, S. G.; Owen, N. L.; Gromova, A.; Lutsky, V. Sep, 1234–1237. Isolating Friedelin from Cork and Reducing It to Friedelinol and Epifriedelinol. A Project Involving NMR Spectrometry and Molecular Modeling. LeFevre, J. W.; McNeill, K. I.; Moore, J. L. April, 535– 538. Isolation and Spectral Analysis of Naturally Occurring Thiarubrine A. Reyes, J.; Morton, M.; Downum, K.; Hoffman, G. G.; O’Shea, K. E. June, 781–783. Linkage Isomerization by Two-Dimensional 31P Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: An Undergraduate Inorganic Laboratory Experiment. Bose, R. N.; AlAjlouni, A. M.; Volckova, E. Jan, 83–87. Looking beyond the endo Rule in a Diels–Alder Discovery Lab. Jarret, R. M.; New, J.; Hurley, R.; Gillooly, L. Sep, 1262–1263. Molecular Mechanics and Variable-Temperature 1H NMR Studies on N,N-Diethyl-m-toluamide. An Undergraduate NMR and Molecular Modeling Experiment. Jensen, B. L.; Fort, R. C. Jr. April, 538–540. More Realistic Teaching Style in Spectroscopic Instruction. Gallego, M. G.; Romano, S.; Sierra, M. A.; Nieto, E. June, 765–769. More Realistic Teaching Style in Spectroscopic Instruction (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 765–769). (Correction) Gallego, M. G.; Romano, S.; Sierra, M. A.; Nieto, E. Sep, 1183. NMR of a Phospholipid. Modules for Advanced Laboratory Courses. (ACL) Gaede, H. C.; Stark, R. E. Sep, 1248–1250. Preparation of a D-Glucose-Derived Alkene. An E2 Reaction for the Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Laboratory. Norris, P.; Fluxe, A. Dec, 1676–1678. Ruthenium(II)–dppm Coordination Chemistry. An Advanced Inorganic Miniproject. (ACL) Higgins, S. J. May, 663–664. Ruthenium Vinylidene and Acetylide Complexes. An Advanced Undergraduate Multi-technique Inorganic/ Organometallic Chemistry Experiment. McDonagh, A. M.; Deeble, G. J.; Hurst, S. R.; Cifuentes, M. P.; Humphrey, M. G. Feb, 232–234. Short History of the Chemical Shift. Levine, S. G. Jan, 133. Simple Preparation and NMR Analysis of mer and fac Isomers of Tris(1,1,1-trifluoro-2,4pentanedionato)cobalt(III). An Experiment for the Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory. Jensen, A. W.; O’Brien, B. A. July, 954–955. Synthesis and Self-Assembly of the “Tennis Ball” Dimer and Subsequent Encapsulation of Methane. An Advanced Organic Chemistry Laboratory Experiment. Hof, F.; Palmer, L. C.; Rebek, J. Jr. Nov, 1519–1521. Synthesis and Spectroscopic Analysis of a Cyclic Acetal: A Dehydration Performed in Aqueous Solution. Collard, D. M.; Jones, A. G.; Kriegel, R. M. Jan, 70–72. Synthesis of a Partially Protected Azidodeoxy Sugar. A Project Suitable for the Advanced Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Laboratory. Norris, P.; Freeze, S.; Gabriel, C. J. Jan, 75–76. Synthesis of Methyl 2,3,5-Tri-O-benzoyl- α - D arabinofuranoside in the Organic Laboratory. Callam, C. S.; Lowary, T. L. Jan, 73–74. Synthesis of Methyl 2,3,5-Tri-O-benzoyl- α - D arabinofuranoside in the Organic Laboratory (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 73–74). (Correction) Callam, C. S.; Lowary, T. L. March, 312. Synthesis of Substituted Butenolides. An Undergraduate Organic Laboratory Experiment Utilizing Two 3Step Preparatory Sequences. Maheut, G.; Liao, L.; Catel, J.; Jaffrès, P.; Villemin, D. May, 654–657. Teaching 1H NMR Spectroscopy Using Computer Modeling. (TECH) Habata, Y.; Akabori, S. Jan, 121–123. Teaching the Fundamentals of Pulsed NMR Spectroscopy in an Undergraduate Physical Chemistry Laboratory. Lorigan, G. A.; Minto, R. E.; Zhang, W. July, 956–958. WebSpectra: Online NMR and IR Spectra for Students. Merlic, C. A.; Fam, B. C.; Miller, M. M. Jan, 118– 120. Which Nitrogen? Combining Computer Modeling with Laboratory Work in Organic Chemistry. (MMEE) Hull, L. A. March, 420–421.

Protein Structure Wordsearch. Helser, T. L. April, 474. Second Note on the Term “Chalcogen” (re J. Chem. Educ. 1997, 74, 1063). (Letter) Fischer, W. Oct, 1333.

Nonmajor Courses CHEM 101: Thirty Years of Experiences with a Chemistry Course for Prospective Elementary School Teachers. (CFK) Phillips, D. B. July, 905–907. Chemistry in the Real World. Jones, M. B.; Miller, C. R. April, 484–487. Floating Plastics. An Initial Chemistry Laboratory Experience. Hughes, E. A.; Ceretti, H. M.; Zalts, A. April, 522. Introducing Stereochemistry to Non-science Majors. Luján-Upton, H. April, 475–477. Modification of a Lactase Experiment by Use of Commercial Test Strips. Melton, T. J. Sep, 1243. Mole, the Periodic Table, and Quantum Numbers: An Introductory Trio. Yin, M.; Ochs, R. S. Oct, 1345– 1347. Photochemical Basis of Cyanotype Photography (re J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76, 1199–1200). (Letter) Abrahamson, H. B. March, 311. Role of Lewis Structures in Teaching Covalent Bonding. (Commentary) Logan, S. R. Nov, 1457–1458. Using History to Teach Scientific Method: The Role of Errors. Giunta, C. J. May, 623–627. Who Wants to Be a (Chemical) Millionaire? Deavor, J. P. April, 467.

NSF Highlights Divergence of Faculty Perceptions of General Chemistry and Problem Solving Skills. (NSF) Holme, T. A. Dec, 1578–1581. Influence of Modern Instrumentation on the Analytical and General Chemistry Curriculum at Bates College. (NSF) Wenzel, T. J. Sep, 1164–1165. Infrared Spectroscopy in the General Chemistry Lab. (NSF) Hill, M. A. Jan, 26–27. Molecular Modeling in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum. (NSF) Jones, M. B. July, 867–868. Study of Chemistry by Guided Inquiry Method Using Microcomputer-Based Laboratories. (NSF) Durick, M. A. May, 574–575.

Nuclear/Radiochemistry Politics, Chemistry, and the Discovery of Nuclear Fission. Wiesner, E.; Settle, F. A. Jr. July, 889–895.

Nucleic Acids/DNA/RNA Are You Ready for [a] Roundup?—What Chemistry Has to Do with Genetic Modifications. (POC) Pöpping, B. June, 752–756. Nature: “Green” Chemistry, Natural Antioxidants, and a DNA-Fuelled Machine. (ROJNature) Heinhorst, S.; Cannon, G. Feb, 150–151.

Numerical Methods Beer’s Law Measurements Using Non-monochromatic Light Sources—A Computer Simulation. (CBB) Chan, G. C.; Chan, W. Sep, 1285–1288. Chemistry Report: MAA-CUPM Curriculum Foundations Workshop in Biology and Chemistry. Macalester College, November 2–5, 2000. (Commentary) Craig, N. C. May, 582–586. Error Estimates for Fitted Parameters: Application to HCl/DCl Vibrational–Rotational Spectroscopy. Feller, S. E.; Blaich, C. F. March, 409–412. Graphical Approach to the Angular Momentum Schrödinger Equation. (CBB) Miles, D. G. Jr.; Francis, T. A. March, 405–408. Simple Method for Illustrating Uncertainty Analysis. Yates, P. C. June, 770–771. Variational Methods Applied to the Particle in a Box. (MCAD) Grubbs, W. T. Nov, 1557. What’s Been Happening to Undergraduate Mathematics. (Commentary) Bressoud, D. M. May, 578–581.


Online Symposium: Piaget, Constructivism, and Beyond

Glycolysis Wordsearch. Helser, T. L. April, 503. Krebs Cycle Wordsearch. Helser, T. L. April, 515. Learning the Functional Groups: Keys to Success. Byrd, S.; Hildreth, D. P. Oct, 1355–1357. ␤-Oxidation Wordsearch. Helser, T. L. April, 483.

Does Piaget Still Have Anything to Say to Chemists? (SYM) Bunce, D. M. Aug, 1107. Implications of Cognitive Science Research for Models of the Science Learner. (SYM) Samarapungavan, A.; Robinson, W. R. Aug, 1107. • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 • Journal of Chemical Education


Subject Index • Volume 78 • 2001 Kolb for Chemists: David A. Kolb and Experiential Learning Theory. (SYM) Towns, M. H. Aug, 1107. Many Forms of Constructivism. (SYM) Bodner, G. M.; Klobuchar, M.; Geelan, D. Aug, 1107. Novak’s Theory of Education: Human Constructivism and Meaningful Learning. (SYM) Bretz, S. L. Aug, 1107. Piaget’s Theory of Intellectual Development Revisited. (SYM) Nurrenbern, S. C. Aug, 1107–1110. Reconstructing Student Meaning: A Theory of Perspective Transformation. (SYM) Wink, D. J. Aug, 1107. Theories or Fragments? The Debate Over Learners’ Naive Ideas About Science. (SYM) Nakhleh, M. B. Aug, 1107.

Organic Chemistry Advanced Chemistry Collection, 2nd Edition. (JCE Software) Nov, 1558–1560. Alternative One-Step Procedure for the Conversion of Piperonal to Piperonylnitrile. (ML) DeMott, J. M. Jr.; Kelley, C. J. June, 780. Analysis of a Distance-Education Program in Organic Chemistry. (CER) Kurtz, M. J.; Holden, B. E. Aug, 1122–1125. Application of Hammond’s Postulate. An Activity for Guided Discovery Learning in Organic Chemistry. Meany, J. E.; Minderhout, V.; Pocker, Y. Feb, 204– 207. Biginelli Reaction. (ML) Holden, M. S.; Crouch, R. D. Aug, 1104–1105. Bioorganic First: A New Model for the College Chemistry Curriculum. (Commentary) Reingold, I. D. July, 869–871. Biosphere 2: A Place for Integrative Studies in Chemical Research and Chemical Education in Defense of Planet Earth. Colodner, D.; Fine, L. W.; Harris, W.; Venkataraman, B. Feb, 144–148. Bullvalene Story. The Conception of Bullvalene, a Molecule That Has No Permanent Structure. Ault, A. July, 924–927. Chemistry Comes Alive!, Volume 5. (JCE Software) Jacobsen, J. J.; Johnson, K.; Moore, J. W.; Trammell, G. March, 423–424. Class Projects in Physical Organic Chemistry: The Hammett Equation. Marrs, P. S. April, 527–529. Combinatorial Synthesis and Discovery of an Antibiotic Compound. An Experiment Suitable for High School and Undergraduate Laboratories. Wolkenberg, S. E.; Su, A. I. June, 784–785. Computational Investigations for Undergraduate Organic Chemistry: Modeling a TLC Exercise to Investigate Molecular Structure and Intermolecular Forces (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 203–205). (Correction) Hessley, R. K. Sep, 1183. Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization in the Undergraduate Laboratories. 1. Using ATRP to Prepare Block and Statistical Copolymers of n-Butyl Acrylate and Styrene. Beers, K. L.; Woodworth, B.; Matyjaszewski, K. April, 544–547. Demonstrating Chirality: Using a Mirror with Physical Models to Show Non-superimposability of Chiral Molecules with Their Mirror Images. (TD) Collins, M. J. Nov, 1484–1485. Demonstrations with Nitrocellulose: Possible Further Pedagogic Value (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1449). (Letter) Jones, J. C. Dec, 1596. Demonstrations with Nitrocellulose: Possible Further Pedagogic Value (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1449). Senkbeil, E. G. Dec, 1596–1597. Determination of the Position of the Conformational Equilibrium of a Trans 1,2-Disubstituted Cyclohexane by NMR Spectroscopy. An Experiment in Physical Organic Chemistry for Undergraduate Students. Kutateladze, A. G.; Hornback, J. M. Jan, 81–82. Determination of the Regiochemistry of Disubstituted Arenes Generated by Addition of a Carbanion to the (η6-Anisole)Cr(CO)3 Complex. Bengali, A. A.; Samet, C.; Charlton, S. B. Jan, 68–70. Diastereoselective Synthesis of (+/–)-1,2-Diphenyl-1,2propanediol. A Discovery-Based Grignard Reaction Suitable for a Large Organic Lab Course. Ciaccio, J. A.; Bravo, R. P.; Drahus, A. L.; Biggins, J. B.; Concepcion, R. V.; Cabrera, D. April, 531–533. Dibenzalacetone Reaction Revisited. Hull, L. A. Feb, 226–227. Discovery-Oriented Approach to Organic Chemistry. 4. Epoxidation of p-Methoxy-trans-␤-methylstyrene. An Exercise in 1H NMR and 13C NMR Spectroscopy for Sophomore Organic Laboratories. Centko, R. S.; Mohan, R. S. Jan, 77–79.


JCE Online Index:

Discovery-Oriented Approach to Organic Chemistry. 5. Stereochemistry of E2 Elimination: Elimination of cisand trans-2-Methylcyclohexyl Tosylate. Cabay, M. E.; Ettlie, B. J.; Tuite, A. J.; Welday, K. A.; Mohan, R. S. Jan, 79–80. Discovery-Oriented Approach to Organic Synthesis: Tandem Aldol Condensation–Michael Addition Reactions. Identifying Diastereotopic Hydrogens in an Achiral Molecule by NMR Spectroscopy. WachterJurcsak, N.; Reddin, K. Sep, 1264–1265. “Dishing Out” Stereochemical Principles. Hart, H. Dec, 1632–1634. Drug Metabolism: The Body’s Defense against Chemical Attack (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 349–353). (Correction) Stachulski, A. V.; Lennard, M. S. March, 312. Efficient and Inexpensive Apparatus for Hot Filtration. (CET) Romão, C. C.; Diogo, H. P. Jan, 65. Energy Profile for Rotation about the C-C Bond in Substituted Ethanes (re J. Chem. Educ. 1998, 75, 900– 906). (Letter) Gil, V. M. Jan, 32. Ethanol Metabolism and the Transition from Organic Chemistry to Biochemistry. (CIB) Feinman, R. D. Sep, 1215–1220. Flood Prevention by Recirculating Condenser Cooling Water. (CET) Fleming, F. F.; Iyer, P. S. July, 946. Gas Chromatography and Molecular Modeling. A Correlation Experiment for the Undergraduate Laboratory. (CBB) Simpson, J. M.; Rivera, O. July, 942–943. Hans Thacher Clarke (1887–1972): Chemist and Biochemist. Bentley, R. Feb, 185–190. How Do Organic Chemistry Students Understand and Apply Hydrogen Bonding? (CER) Henderleiter, J.; Smart, R.; Anderson, J.; Elian, O. Aug, 1126–1130. Hybridization and Structural Properties (re J. Chem. Educ. 1998, 75, 888–890). (Letter) Gil, V. M. Jan, 31. Hydrogenation of Cyclododecene by Lithium Naphthalenide and Nickel Chloride Dihydrate. Alonso, F.; Yus, M. Nov, 1517–1518. Idea Whose Time Has Come? (re J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76, 1718–1722). (Letter) Jensen, W. B. June, 727. Idea Whose Time Has Come? (re J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76, 1718–1722). (Letter) Lewis, D. E. June, 727–728. Improved Preparation of α - D -(+)-Glucopyranose Pentaacetate. Schatz, P. F. Oct, 1378. Incorporating a Substantial Writing Assignment into Organic Chemistry: Library Research, Peer Review, and Assessment. Shibley, I. A. Jr.; Milakofsky, L. M.; Nicotera, C. L. Jan, 50–53. Indexed Combinatorial Library: The Synthesis and Testing of Insect Repellents. Miles, W. H.; Gelato, K. A.; Pompizzi, K. M.; Scarbinsky, A. M.; Albrecht, B. K.; Reynolds, E. R. April, 540–542. Indigo and Tyrian Purple—In Nature and in the Lab. (NCW) Schatz, P. F. Nov, 1442–1443. Intermediates, Transition States, Butterflies, and Frogs. (AA) Kitson, T. M. April, 504. Introduction to the Scientific Process: Preparation of Poly(vinyl acetate) Glue. Gilbert, R. G.; Fellows, C. M.; McDonald, J.; Prescott, S. W. Oct, 1370–1372. Isolating Friedelin from Cork and Reducing It to Friedelinol and Epifriedelinol. A Project Involving NMR Spectrometry and Molecular Modeling. LeFevre, J. W.; McNeill, K. I.; Moore, J. L. April, 535– 538. Isolation and Spectral Analysis of Naturally Occurring Thiarubrine A. Reyes, J.; Morton, M.; Downum, K.; Hoffman, G. G.; O’Shea, K. E. June, 781–783. Kinetic Derivations for Thermal Isomerizations of Monodeuterio Cyclic 1,3-Dienes through 1,5-Hydrogen Shifts. Baldwin, J. E.; Leber, P. A.; Lee, T. W. Oct, 1394–1399. Learning the Functional Groups: Keys to Success. Byrd, S.; Hildreth, D. P. Oct, 1355–1357. Logic vs Misconceptions in Organic Textbooks: Radical Stabilities and Bond Dissociation Energies. Zavitsas, A. A. March, 417–419. Looking beyond the endo Rule in a Diels–Alder Discovery Lab. Jarret, R. M.; New, J.; Hurley, R.; Gillooly, L. Sep, 1262–1263. Mass Spectral Fragmentation Patterns of Deuterated Butyl and Ethyl Acetates. An Easy Microscale Isotopic Labeling Experiment. (ML) Zahedkargaran, H.; Smith, L. R. Oct, 1379–1380. Method for Drawing the Cyclohexane Ring and Its Substituents. Dragojlovic, V. July, 923. Microscale Birch Reduction for the Advanced Organic Chemistry Laboratory. (ML) Fuhry, M. A.; Colosimo, C.; Gianneschi, K. July, 949–950. Molecular Mechanics and Variable-Temperature 1H

NMR Studies on N,N-Diethyl-m-toluamide. An Undergraduate NMR and Molecular Modeling Experiment. Jensen, B. L.; Fort, R. C. Jr. April, 538–540. Molecular Modeling in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum. (NSF) Jones, M. B. July, 867–868. More Realistic Teaching Style in Spectroscopic Instruction. Gallego, M. G.; Romano, S.; Sierra, M. A.; Nieto, E. June, 765–769. More Realistic Teaching Style in Spectroscopic Instruction (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 765–769). (Correction) Gallego, M. G.; Romano, S.; Sierra, M. A.; Nieto, E. Sep, 1183. Moving Past Markovnikov’s Rule. Gooch, E. E. Oct, 1358–1359. On Chirality in Substituted Metallocenes Bearing Identical Substituents. Rezende, D. d.; Campos, I. P. Aug, 1130–1131. Organic-Solvent-Free Phase-Transfer Oxidation of Secondary Alcohols Using Hydrogen Peroxide. Hulce, M.; Marks, D. W. Jan, 66–67. Oxidation of Alkylbenzenes: Using Data Pooling in the Organic Laboratory to Illustrate Research in Organic Chemistry. Adrian, J. C. Jr.; Hull, L. A. April, 529– 530. Oxidation of Benzoin to Benzil Using Alumina-Supported Active MnO2. (ML) Crouch, R. D.; Holden, M. S.; Burger, J. S. July, 951–952. Personalized Combined Organic Spectroscopy Problems—Online and in the Lab. Kandel, M.; Tonge, P. J. Sep, 1208–1209. Phototropic Reaction (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1386– 1387). (Letter) Rademacher, P. Dec, 1596. Phototropic Reaction (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1386– 1387). (Letter) Ault, A. Dec, 1596. Placing Science into Its Human Context: Using Scientific Autobiography to Teach Chemistry. Carroll, F. A.; Seeman, J. I. Dec, 1618–1622. Preparation of a D-Glucose-Derived Alkene. An E2 Reaction for the Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Laboratory. Norris, P.; Fluxe, A. Dec, 1676–1678. Relative Acidities of Water and Methanol. Abrash, H. I. Nov, 1496–1498. Safe and Efficient Flash Chromatography Equipment for the Research/Teaching Lab. (CET) Pontén, F.; Ellervik, U. March, 363. Sampling Technique for Organic Solids in IR Spectroscopy: Thin Solid Films as the Method of Choice in Teaching Laboratories. Feist, P. L. March, 351–352. Serendipitous Extension for Illustrating Newman Projections. Ciolino, A. E.; Domini, C. E.; Pieroni, O. I.; Vuano, B. M. Oct, 1359. Short History of the Chemical Shift. Levine, S. G. Jan, 133. Simple Solution for Leaking Polarimeter Cells. (CET) Hiegel, G. A. May, 648. Simulating How a Virus Spreads through a Population: An Introduction to Acid–Base Chemistry in the Organic Chemistry Laboratory. Jarret, R. M. April, 525– 526. Small-Scale Filtration Using a Modified Plastic Syringe. (ML) Begtrup, M. April, 543. Suggested Modifications to a Distillation-Free Solvent Purification System. Alaimo, P. J.; Peters, D. W.; Arnold, J.; Bergman, R. G. Jan, 64. Suzuki Cross-Coupling Reactions: Synthesis of Unsymmetrical Biaryls in the Organic Laboratory. Callam, C. S.; Lowary, T. L. July, 947–948. Synthesis and Analysis of a Solvatochromic Dye, 1-(pDimethylaminophenyl)-2-nitroethylene. An Advanced Undergraduate Laboratory Experiment. Richter-Egger, D. L.; Tesfai, A.; Flamm, S. J.; Tucker, S. A. Oct, 1375–1378. Synthesis and Self-Assembly of the “Tennis Ball” Dimer and Subsequent Encapsulation of Methane. An Advanced Organic Chemistry Laboratory Experiment. Hof, F.; Palmer, L. C.; Rebek, J. Jr. Nov, 1519–1521. Synthesis and Spectroscopic Analysis of a Cyclic Acetal: A Dehydration Performed in Aqueous Solution. Collard, D. M.; Jones, A. G.; Kriegel, R. M. Jan, 70–72. Synthesis and Use of Jacobsen’s Catalyst: Enantioselective Epoxidation in the Introductory Organic Laboratory. Hanson, J. Sep, 1266–1268. Synthesis of a Partially Protected Azidodeoxy Sugar. A Project Suitable for the Advanced Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Laboratory. Norris, P.; Freeze, S.; Gabriel, C. J. Jan, 75–76. Synthesis of Methyl 2,3,5-Tri-O-benzoyl- α - D arabinofuranoside in the Organic Laboratory. Callam, C. S.; Lowary, T. L. Jan, 73–74. Synthesis of Methyl 2,3,5-Tri-O-benzoyl- α - D arabinofuranoside in the Organic Laboratory (re J.

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 •

/Journal/Search/index.html Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 73–74). (Correction) Callam, C. S.; Lowary, T. L. March, 312. Synthesis of Substituted Butenolides. An Undergraduate Organic Laboratory Experiment Utilizing Two 3Step Preparatory Sequences. Maheut, G.; Liao, L.; Catel, J.; Jaffrès, P.; Villemin, D. May, 654–657. TCICA Test for Distinguishing Aldehydes and Ketones. Hiegel, G. A.; Juska, C.; Kim, M. Aug, 1105–1106. Teaching about Flame Retardants. A Joint Israeli–Dutch Project. Kesner, M.; de Vos, W. Jan, 41–45. Teaching Chemistry in the New Century: Organic Chemistry. Kingsbury, C.; Schelble, S. Sep, 1172. Thalidomide Makes a Comeback: A Case Discussion Exercise That Integrates Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry. (TPCS) Bennett, N. S.; Cornely, K. June, 759–761. Uncensored and Uncut—Student Reviews of Six Mainstream Organic Texts. Lutz, R. P.; Wamser, C. C. Oct, 1350–1354. Use of Stick Figures to Visualize Fischer Projections. Starkey, L. S. Nov, 1486. WebSpectra: Online NMR and IR Spectra for Students. Merlic, C. A.; Fam, B. C.; Miller, M. M. Jan, 118– 120. What Factors Affect the Separation of Substances Using Thin-Layer Chromatography? An Undergraduate Experiment. Nash, J. J.; Meyer, J. A.; Everson, B. March, 364–365. Which Nitrogen? Combining Computer Modeling with Laboratory Work in Organic Chemistry. (MMEE) Hull, L. A. March, 420–421.

Organic Synthesis Alternative One-Step Procedure for the Conversion of Piperonal to Piperonylnitrile. (ML) DeMott, J. M. Jr.; Kelley, C. J. June, 780. Biginelli Reaction. (ML) Holden, M. S.; Crouch, R. D. Aug, 1104–1105. Combinatorial Synthesis and Discovery of an Antibiotic Compound. An Experiment Suitable for High School and Undergraduate Laboratories. Wolkenberg, S. E.; Su, A. I. June, 784–785. Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization in the Undergraduate Laboratories. 1. Using ATRP to Prepare Block and Statistical Copolymers of n-Butyl Acrylate and Styrene. Beers, K. L.; Woodworth, B.; Matyjaszewski, K. April, 544–547. Determination of the Regiochemistry of Disubstituted Arenes Generated by Addition of a Carbanion to the (η6-Anisole)Cr(CO)3 Complex. Bengali, A. A.; Samet, C.; Charlton, S. B. Jan, 68–70. Diastereoselective Synthesis of (+/–)-1,2-Diphenyl-1,2propanediol. A Discovery-Based Grignard Reaction Suitable for a Large Organic Lab Course. Ciaccio, J. A.; Bravo, R. P.; Drahus, A. L.; Biggins, J. B.; Concepcion, R. V.; Cabrera, D. April, 531–533. Discovery-Oriented Approach to Organic Chemistry. 4. Epoxidation of p-Methoxy-trans-␤-methylstyrene. An Exercise in 1H NMR and 13C NMR Spectroscopy for Sophomore Organic Laboratories. Centko, R. S.; Mohan, R. S. Jan, 77–79. Discovery-Oriented Approach to Organic Chemistry. 5. Stereochemistry of E2 Elimination: Elimination of cisand trans-2-Methylcyclohexyl Tosylate. Cabay, M. E.; Ettlie, B. J.; Tuite, A. J.; Welday, K. A.; Mohan, R. S. Jan, 79–80. Discovery-Oriented Approach to Organic Synthesis: Tandem Aldol Condensation–Michael Addition Reactions. Identifying Diastereotopic Hydrogens in an Achiral Molecule by NMR Spectroscopy. WachterJurcsak, N.; Reddin, K. Sep, 1264–1265. Drug Metabolism: The Body’s Defense against Chemical Attack (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 349–353). (Correction) Stachulski, A. V.; Lennard, M. S. March, 312. Hydrogenation of Cyclododecene by Lithium Naphthalenide and Nickel Chloride Dihydrate. Alonso, F.; Yus, M. Nov, 1517–1518. Improved Preparation of α - D -(+)-Glucopyranose Pentaacetate. Schatz, P. F. Oct, 1378. Indexed Combinatorial Library: The Synthesis and Testing of Insect Repellents. Miles, W. H.; Gelato, K. A.; Pompizzi, K. M.; Scarbinsky, A. M.; Albrecht, B. K.; Reynolds, E. R. April, 540–542. Indigo and Tyrian Purple—In Nature and in the Lab. (NCW) Schatz, P. F. Nov, 1442–1443. Looking beyond the endo Rule in a Diels–Alder Discovery Lab. Jarret, R. M.; New, J.; Hurley, R.; Gillooly, L. Sep, 1262–1263. Mass Spectral Fragmentation Patterns of Deuterated

Volume 78 • 2001 • Subject Index Butyl and Ethyl Acetates. An Easy Microscale Isotopic Labeling Experiment. (ML) Zahedkargaran, H.; Smith, L. R. Oct, 1379–1380. Microscale Birch Reduction for the Advanced Organic Chemistry Laboratory. (ML) Fuhry, M. A.; Colosimo, C.; Gianneschi, K. July, 949–950. Moving Past Markovnikov’s Rule. Gooch, E. E. Oct, 1358–1359. Oxidation of Alkylbenzenes: Using Data Pooling in the Organic Laboratory to Illustrate Research in Organic Chemistry. Adrian, J. C. Jr.; Hull, L. A. April, 529–530. Oxidation of Benzoin to Benzil Using Alumina-Supported Active MnO2. (ML) Crouch, R. D.; Holden, M. S.; Burger, J. S. July, 951–952. Phototropic Reaction (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1386– 1387). (Letter) Ault, A. Dec, 1596. Phototropic Reaction (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1386– 1387). (Letter) Rademacher, P. Dec, 1596. Preparation of a d-Glucose-Derived Alkene. An E2 Reaction for the Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Laboratory. Norris, P.; Fluxe, A. Dec, 1676–1678. Suzuki Cross-Coupling Reactions: Synthesis of Unsymmetrical Biaryls in the Organic Laboratory. Callam, C. S.; Lowary, T. L. July, 947–948. Synthesis and Analysis of a Solvatochromic Dye, 1-(pDimethylaminophenyl)-2-nitroethylene. An Advanced Undergraduate Laboratory Experiment. Richter-Egger, D. L.; Tesfai, A.; Flamm, S. J.; Tucker, S. A. Oct, 1375–1378. Synthesis and Self-Assembly of the “Tennis Ball” Dimer and Subsequent Encapsulation of Methane. An Advanced Organic Chemistry Laboratory Experiment. Hof, F.; Palmer, L. C.; Rebek, J. Jr. Nov, 1519–1521. Synthesis and Spectroscopic Analysis of a Cyclic Acetal: A Dehydration Performed in Aqueous Solution. Collard, D. M.; Jones, A. G.; Kriegel, R. M. Jan, 70–72. Synthesis and Use of Jacobsen’s Catalyst: Enantioselective Epoxidation in the Introductory Organic Laboratory. Hanson, J. Sep, 1266–1268. Synthesis of a Partially Protected Azidodeoxy Sugar. A Project Suitable for the Advanced Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Laboratory. Norris, P.; Freeze, S.; Gabriel, C. J. Jan, 75–76. Synthesis of Methyl 2,3,5-Tri-O-benzoyl- α - D arabinofuranoside in the Organic Laboratory. Callam, C. S.; Lowary, T. L. Jan, 73–74. Synthesis of Methyl 2,3,5-Tri-O-benzoyl- α - D arabinofuranoside in the Organic Laboratory (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 73–74). (Correction) Callam, C. S.; Lowary, T. L. March, 312. Synthesis of Substituted Butenolides. An Undergraduate Organic Laboratory Experiment Utilizing Two 3Step Preparatory Sequences. Maheut, G.; Liao, L.; Catel, J.; Jaffrès, P.; Villemin, D. May, 654–657.

Organometallics 1,5 Cyclooctadiene Complexes of Iridium: Synthesis, Characterization, and Reaction with Dihydrogen. An Experiment for an Integrated Physical/Inorganic Laboratory Course. Logan, J. W.; Wicholas, M. Sep, 1272– 1274. Determination of the Regiochemistry of Disubstituted Arenes Generated by Addition of a Carbanion to the (η6-Anisole)Cr(CO)3 Complex. Bengali, A. A.; Samet, C.; Charlton, S. B. Jan, 68–70. Diastereoselective Synthesis of (+/–)-1,2-Diphenyl-1,2propanediol. A Discovery-Based Grignard Reaction Suitable for a Large Organic Lab Course. Ciaccio, J. A.; Bravo, R. P.; Drahus, A. L.; Biggins, J. B.; Concepcion, R. V.; Cabrera, D. April, 531–533. Enchanted Glass. (TD) Szabó L., S.; Mazák, K.; Knausz, D.; Rózsahegyi, M. March, 329–331. On Chirality in Substituted Metallocenes Bearing Identical Substituents. Rezende, D. d.; Campos, I. P. Aug, 1130–1131. Organometallic Computational Exercise: Semiempirical Molecular Orbital Calculations on (C6H6)Cr(CO)3 and (B 3N 3H 6)Cr(CO) 3. (MMEE) O’Brien, J. F.; Haworth, D. T. Jan, 134. Ruthenium Vinylidene and Acetylide Complexes. An Advanced Undergraduate Multi-technique Inorganic/ Organometallic Chemistry Experiment. McDonagh, A. M.; Deeble, G. J.; Hurst, S. R.; Cifuentes, M. P.; Humphrey, M. G. Feb, 232–234. Suzuki Cross-Coupling Reactions: Synthesis of Unsymmetrical Biaryls in the Organic Laboratory. Callam, C. S.; Lowary, T. L. July, 947–948. Synthesis and Use of Jacobsen’s Catalyst: Enantioselective Epoxidation in the Introductory Organic Laboratory. Hanson, J. Sep, 1266–1268.

Outreach Disappearing–Reappearing Rabbit Trick: A New Twist to an Old Liquid Nitrogen Demonstration. (TD) Haub, E. K. Jan, 46. Study of Chemistry by Guided Inquiry Method Using Microcomputer-Based Laboratories. (NSF) Durick, M. A. May, 574–575. Using Technology to Create a Scientific Learning Community. (2YC3) Turner, R. June, 717–719. Vanderbilt Student Volunteers for Science. (CFK) Joesten, M. D.; Tellinghuisen, P. C. April, 463–466. What’s Been Happening to Undergraduate Mathematics. (Commentary) Bressoud, D. M. May, 578–581.

Overhead Projector Demonstrations Demonstration of Surface Tension. (OPD) Rosenthal, A. J. March, 332–333.

Pericyclic Reactions Kinetic Derivations for Thermal Isomerizations of Monodeuterio Cyclic 1,3-Dienes through 1,5-Hydrogen Shifts. Baldwin, J. E.; Leber, P. A.; Lee, T. W. Oct, 1394–1399. Looking beyond the endo Rule in a Diels–Alder Discovery Lab. Jarret, R. M.; New, J.; Hurley, R.; Gillooly, L. Sep, 1262–1263.

Periodicity/Periodic Table Chemical Matching Test. Haworth, D. T. April, 466. Electronegativity and Bond Type: Predicting Bond Type. Sproul, G. March, 387–390. In Search of a Deep Understanding of the Relative Stabilities of Transition Metal Halides. Strauss, S. H. Dec, 1635–1640. Melting Point, Density, and Reactivity of Metals. Laing, M. Aug, 1054–1058. Mole, the Periodic Table, and Quantum Numbers: An Introductory Trio. Yin, M.; Ochs, R. S. Oct, 1345– 1347. Periodic Patterns (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1053– 1056). (Letter) Laing, M. July, 877. Rediscovery of the Elements: Ytterby Gruva (Ytterby Mine). Marshall, J. L.; Marshall, V. R. Oct, 1343– 1344. Screening Percentages Based on Slater Effective Nuclear Charge as a Versatile Tool for Teaching Periodic Trends. Waldron, K. A.; Fehringer, E. M.; Streeb, A. E.; Trosky, J. E.; Pearson, J. J. May, 635–639. Semimetallicity? Hawkes, S. J. Dec, 1686–1687. Using History to Teach Scientific Method: The Role of Errors. Giunta, C. J. May, 623–627.

Phase Transitions/Diagrams Binary Solid–Liquid Phase Diagrams of Selected Organic Compounds. A Complete Listing of 15 Binary Phase Diagrams. Gallus, J.; Lin, Q.; Zumbühl, A.; Friess, S. D.; Hartmann, R.; Meister, E. C. July, 961–964. Exploring Phase Diagrams Using Supercritical Fluids. An Undergraduate Physical Chemistry Laboratory. Mayer, S. G.; Gach, J. M.; Forbes, E. R.; Reid, P. J. Feb, 241– 242. Fluorescence Polarization as a Tool to Pinpoint Vesicle Thermal Phase Transitions. Baker, G. A.; Betts, T. A.; Pandey, S. Aug, 1100–1103. Generalizing the Phase Rule. Jensen, W. B. Oct, 1369– 1370. Purification of Water by Freeze–Thaw or Zone Melting. Oughton, J.; Xu, S.; Battino, R. Oct, 1373–1374.

Phosphorus Combustion of White Phosphorus. (TD) Keiter, R. L.; Gamage, C. P. July, 908–910. Electrochemical Experiment to Monitor the Isomerization of trans- to cis-[RuCl2(dppb)(phen)]: An Undergraduate Cyclic Voltammetry Experiment for Inorganic Chemistry. Queiroz, S. L.; de Araujo, M. P.; Batista, A. A.; MacFarlane, K. S.; James, B. R. Jan, 89–90. Synthesis of [RuCl2(dppb)(PPh3)] and Identification of the cis- and trans-[RuCl2(dppb)(phen)] Geometrical Isomers via 31P{1H} NMR Spectroscopy. An Undergraduate Experiment for Inorganic Chemistry. Queiroz, S. L.; de Araujo, M. P.; Batista, A. A.; MacFarlane, K. S.; James, B. R. Jan, 87–89. • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 • Journal of Chemical Education


Subject Index • Volume 78 • 2001 Photochemistry Biosphere 2: A Place for Integrative Studies in Chemical Research and Chemical Education in Defense of Planet Earth. Colodner, D.; Fine, L. W.; Harris, W.; Venkataraman, B. Feb, 144–148. Experiment on Photochromism and Kinetics for the Undergraduate Laboratory. Prypsztejn, H. E.; Negri, R. M. May, 645–648. Icarus and Sun, Not Only in Mythology but Also in the Laboratory! (TD) Walawalkar, M. G.; Roesky, H. W. July, 912–913. Laboratory Simulation for Coupled Cycles of Photosynthesis and Respiration. Korn, S.; Tausch, M. W. Sep, 1238–1240. Photochemical Basis of Cyanotype Photography (re J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76, 1199–1200). (Letter) Abrahamson, H. B. March, 311. Phototropic Reaction (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1386– 1387). (Letter) Rademacher, P. Dec, 1596. Phototropic Reaction (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1386– 1387). (Letter) Ault, A. Dec, 1596. Putting UV-Sensitive Beads to the Test. (JCE Activity) Trupp, T. May, 648A–648B. Solar Photocatalytic Destruction of p-Nitrophenol: A Pedagogical Use of Lab Wastes. (ST) Herrera-Melián, J. A.; Doña-Rodríguez, J. M.; Rendón, E. T.; Soler Vila, A.; Brunet Quetglas, M.; Azcárate, A. A.; Pascual Pariente, L. June, 775–777. Visualizing the Photochemical Steady State with UVSensitive Beads (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 648A– 648B). (Letter) Bell, J. A. Dec, 1594–1595.

Physical Chemistry 1,5 Cyclooctadiene Complexes of Iridium: Synthesis, Characterization, and Reaction with Dihydrogen. An Experiment for an Integrated Physical/Inorganic Laboratory Course. Logan, J. W.; Wicholas, M. Sep, 1272– 1274. Advanced Chemistry Collection, 2nd Edition. (JCE Software) Nov, 1558–1560. Apparent Paradoxes and Instructive Puzzles in Physical Chemistry. Bartell, L. S. Aug, 1067–1069. Applications of the Gibbs–Duhem Equation. Nikitas, P. Aug, 1070–1075. Are Fizzing Drinks Boiling? A Chemical Insight from Chemical Education Research. Goodwin, A. March, 385–387. Binary Solid–Liquid Phase Diagrams of Selected Organic Compounds. A Complete Listing of 15 Binary Phase Diagrams. Gallus, J.; Lin, Q.; Zumbühl, A.; Friess, S. D.; Hartmann, R.; Meister, E. C. July, 961–964. Blue Diode Lasers: New Opportunities in Chemical Education. Whitten, J. E. Aug, 1096–1100. The Carnot Cycle. (MCAD) Harris, H. H. Nov, 1556. Chemistry Report: MAA-CUPM Curriculum Foundations Workshop in Biology and Chemistry. Macalester College, November 2–5, 2000. (Commentary) Craig, N. C. May, 582–586. Colligative Property of Walther Nernst. Beall, H.; Riccardino, P. A. April, 511–512. Computer Simulation of Electronic Circuits Used in Chemical Instrumentation. (TICI) Sadik, O. A.; Cheung, M. C. May, 658–662. Constituent Additivity Method to Estimate Heat Capacities of Complex Inorganic Solids. Qiu, L.; White, M. A. Aug, 1076–1079. Contact Angles of Aqueous Solutions on Copper Surfaces Bearing Self-Assembled Monolayers. Craig, V. S.; Jones, A. C.; Senden, T. J. March, 345–346. Correlation in Simple Systems. David, C. W. May, 682– 683. Course in the History of Physical Chemistry with an Emphasis on Writing. Dybowski, C. R. Dec, 1623– 1625. Curve Fitting, Confidence Intervals and Envelopes, Correlations, and Monte Carlo Visualizations for Multilinear Problems in Chemistry: A General Spreadsheet Approach. (CBB) Ogren, P. J.; Davis, B.; Guy, N. June, 827–836. Definition and Unit of Ionic Strength. Solomon, T. Dec, 1691–1692. Determination of Lipophilicity Constants of Sulfonamide Substituents. Prado, M. A. April, 533–534. Diagrammatic Method, the Planck and the Massieu Functions. Pogliani, L. May, 680–681. Easy and Versatile Experiment to Demonstrate Solvent Polarity Using Solvatochromic Dyes. Machado, C.; Machado, V. G. May, 649–651.


JCE Online Index:

Enchanted Glass. (TD) Szabó L., S.; Mazák, K.; Knausz, D.; Rózsahegyi, M. March, 329–331. Energy Profile for Rotation about the C-C Bond in Substituted Ethanes (re J. Chem. Educ. 1998, 75, 900– 906). (Letter) Gil, V. M. Jan, 32. Error Estimates for Fitted Parameters: Application to HCl/DCl Vibrational–Rotational Spectroscopy. Feller, S. E.; Blaich, C. F. March, 409–412. Evolution of a Chemical System as a Trajectory in a Phase Space. A Fruitful Picture of the Second Law. Jullien, L.; Lemarchand, H. June, 803–810. Experiencing and Visualizing the First Law of Thermodynamics: An In-Class Workshop. Mills, P. A.; Sweeney, W. V.; Cieniewicz, W. Oct, 1360–1361. Experiment on Photochromism and Kinetics for the Undergraduate Laboratory. Prypsztejn, H. E.; Negri, R. M. May, 645–648. Explaining Entropy Pictorially. (Letter) Wood, S. E.; Battino, R. March, 311–312. Exploring Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission in Lasers. (MCAD) Waxman, M. Feb, 271. Exploring Phase Diagrams Using Supercritical Fluids. An Undergraduate Physical Chemistry Laboratory. Mayer, S. G.; Gach, J. M.; Forbes, E. R.; Reid, P. J. Feb, 241– 242. Floating Needle. Condon, F. E.; Condon, F. E. Jr. March, 334–337. Fraction of Molecules Exceeding a Given Energy. McInerny, W. J. June, 801–802. Freezing Atoms in Motion: Principles of Femtochemistry and Demonstration by Laser Stroboscopy. Baskin, J. S.; Zewail, A. H. June, 737–751. General Form of the Gibbs–Duhem Equation for Multiphase/Multicomponent Systems and Its Application to Solid-State Activity Measurements. Sacchetti, M. Feb, 260–263. Generalizing the Phase Rule. Jensen, W. B. Oct, 1369– 1370. Goals and Objectives for Student Mathcad Activities. (MCAD) Zielinski, T. J. Nov, 1556. Graphical Approach to the Angular Momentum Schrödinger Equation. (CBB) Miles, D. G. Jr.; Francis, T. A. March, 405–408. Graphical Interface for the Study of Gas-Phase Reaction Kinetics: Cyclopentene Vapor Pyrolysis. Marcotte, R. E.; Wilson, L. D. June, 799–800. Improved Hittorf ’s Apparatus for Determining Ion Transference Number. Jinqing, K.; Qin, X.; Ke, C. July, 937–938. Inexpensive and Accurate Tensiometer Using an Electronic Balance. Dolz, M.; Delegido, J.; Hernández, M.; Pellicer, J. Sep, 1257–1259. Influence of Dielectric Constant on the Spectral Behavior of Pinacyanol. A Spectrophotometric Experiment for Physical Chemistry. Sabaté, R.; Freire, L.; Estelrich, J. Feb, 243–244. Introduction to the Understanding of Solubility. Letcher, T. M.; Battino, R. Jan, 103–111. Investigating the Adiabatic Approximation in Quantum Mechanics through the Analysis of Two Coupled Harmonic Oscillators. McCoy, A. B. March, 401–404. Investigation of the Factors Influencing Student Performance in Physical Chemistry. (CER) Nicoll, G.; Francisco, J. S. Jan, 99–102. Kolb for Chemists: David A. Kolb and Experiential Learning Theory. (SYM) Towns, M. H. Aug, 1107. Liquid Prism for Refractive Index Studies. (TD) Edmiston, M. D. Nov, 1479–1480. Low-Cost Dynamic Surface Tension Meter with a LabVIEW Interface and Its Usefulness in Understanding Foam Formation. (CBB) Spanoghe, P.; Cocquyt, J.; Van der Meeren, P. March, 338–342. Measurement of Activity Coefficients in Concentrated Electrolyte Solutions. An Experiment for the Physical Chemistry Laboratory. Bonicamp, J. M.; Loflin, A.; Clark, R. W. Nov, 1541–1543. Micellar Effects on the Spontaneous Hydrolysis of Phenyl Chloroformate. A Kinetic Experiment for the Physical Chemistry Laboratory. Crugeiras, J.; Leis, J. R.; Rios, A. Nov, 1538–1540. Micelles in the Physical/Analytical Chemistry Laboratory. Acid Dissociation of Neutral Red Indicator. Williams, K. R.; Tennant, L. H. March, 349–351. Model for Teaching about Electrical Neutrality in Electrolyte Solutions. Morikawa, T.; Williamson, B. E. July, 934–936. Molecular Modeling in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum. (NSF) Jones, M. B. July, 867–868. Molecular Weight Averages and Polydispersity of Polymers. Sheu, W. April, 554–555.

Nobel Centennial Essays: A Century of Chemical Dynamics Traced through the Nobel Prizes. 1901: Jacobus van’t Hoff. Van Houten, J. Dec, 1570–1573. Note on “A Thermodynamic Analysis to Explain the Boiling-Point Isotope Effect for Molecular Hydrogen. MezaMontes, L.; Hoffmann-Pinther, P. March, 416–417. On the Importance of Ideality. Battino, R.; Wood, S. E.; Williamson, A. G. Oct, 1364–1368. Physical Chemistry On Line: Interinstitutional Collaboration at a Distance. (CCD) Towns, M. H.; Sauder, D.; Whisnant, D. M.; Zielinski, T. J. March, 414– 415. Planck Radiation Law: Exercises Using the Cosmic Background Radiation Data. (RSA) Bluestone, S. Feb, 215–218. Pólya’s Isomer Enumeration Method: A Unique Exercise in Group Theory and Combinatorial Analysis for Undergraduates (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1358– 1360). (Correction) Pevac, S.; Crundwell, G. Aug, 1021. Quantum Alchemy: Transmutation of Atomic Orbitals. Blinder, S. M. March, 391–394. Quantum Mechanical Game of Craps: Teaching the Superposition Principle Using a Familiar Classical Analog to a Quantum Mechanical System. Fleming, P. E. Jan, 57–60. Rationalization for the Freshman Rules for the H-Atom Quantum Numbers. Ludwig, O. G. May, 634. Relationship between Stoichiometry and Kinetics Revisited. Lee, J. Y. Sep, 1283–1284. Relative Acidities of Water and Methanol. Abrash, H. I. Nov, 1496–1498. S Is for Entropy. U Is for Energy. What Was Clausius Thinking? Howard, I. K. April, 505–508. Screening Percentages Based on Slater Effective Nuclear Charge as a Versatile Tool for Teaching Periodic Trends. Waldron, K. A.; Fehringer, E. M.; Streeb, A. E.; Trosky, J. E.; Pearson, J. J. May, 635–639. Simple Method for Illustrating Uncertainty Analysis. Yates, P. C. June, 770–771. Simplified Method for the Determination of Critical Micelle Concentration. Castro, M. J.; Ritacco, H.; Kovensky, J.; Fernández-Cirelli, A. March, 347–348. Simultaneous Determination of the Ionization Constant and the Solubility of Sparingly Soluble Drug Substances. A Physical Chemistry Experiment. Aroti, A.; Leontidis, E. June, 786–788. Sink or Swim: The Cartesian Diver. (JCE Activity) Pinkerton, K. D. Feb, 200A–200B. Spektri-Sim: Interactive Simulation and Analysis of the Infrared Spectra of Diatomic Molecules. Glendening, E. D.; Kansanaho, J. M. June, 824–826. Splitting of One-Electron Levels in a Tetrahedral Environment. Konno, T. J. May, 674–677. Stories to Make Thermodynamics and Related Subjects More Palatable. Bartell, L. S. Aug, 1059–1067. Structure and Content of Some Primary Batteries. Smith, M. J.; Vincent, C. A. April, 519–521. Student Active Learning Methods in Physical Chemistry. Hinde, R. J.; Kovac, J. D. Jan, 93–99. Surface Tension Determination through Capillary Rise and Laser Diffraction Patterns. Munguia, T.; Smith, C. A. March, 343–344. Teaching Chemistry in the New Century: Physical Chemistry. Zielinski, T. J.; Schwenz, R. W. Sep, 1173. Teaching the Fundamentals of Pulsed NMR Spectroscopy in an Undergraduate Physical Chemistry Laboratory. Lorigan, G. A.; Minto, R. E.; Zhang, W. July, 956–958. Thermodynamics of Rubber Elasticity. Pellicer, J.; Manzanares, J. A.; Zúñiga, J.; Utrillas, P.; Fernández, J. Feb, 263–267. Two Particles in a Box. Novak, I. March, 395–397. Unified Electroanalytical Chemistry: Application of the Concept of Electrochemical Equilibrium. Thompson, R. Q.; Craig, N. C. July, 928–933. Use of Tabulated Thermochemical Data for Pure Compounds. Jacobson, N. S. June, 814–819. Using a Diode Laser for Laser-Induced Fluorescence. (CET) Tran, Y.; Whitten, J. E. Aug, 1093–1095. Using a Molecular Modeling Program to Calculate Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Hyperfine Couplings in Semiquinone Anion Radicals. (MMEE) Haddy, A. Sep, 1206–1208. Using Guided Inquiry to Study Optical Activity and Optical Rotatory Dispersion in a Cross-Disciplinary Chemistry Lab. Vaksman, M. A.; Lane, J. W. Nov, 1507–1509. Using Symbolic Software to Facilitate Learning. (MCAD) Zielinski, T. J. Feb, 270–271.

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 •

/Journal/Search/index.html Plant Chemistry Are You Ready for [a] Roundup?—What Chemistry Has to Do with Genetic Modifications. (POC) Pöpping, B. June, 752–756. Biosphere 2: A Place for Integrative Studies in Chemical Research and Chemical Education in Defense of Planet Earth. Colodner, D.; Fine, L. W.; Harris, W.; Venkataraman, B. Feb, 144–148. Chemistry, Color, and Art. (NCW) Orna, M. Oct, 1305–1311. Humic Acids: Marvelous Products of Soil Chemistry. (POC) Davies, G.; Ghabbour, E. A.; Steelink, C. Dec, 1609–1614. Investigation of Secondary Metabolites in Plants. A General Protocol for Undergraduate Research in Natural Products. Cannon, J.; Li, D.; Wood, S. G.; Owen, N. L.; Gromova, A.; Lutsky, V. Sep, 1234–1237. Old Yet New—Pharmaceuticals from Plants. (POC) Houghton, P. J. Feb, 175–184.

Plastics Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization in the Undergraduate Laboratories. 1. Using ATRP to Prepare Block and Statistical Copolymers of n-Butyl Acrylate and Styrene. Beers, K. L.; Woodworth, B.; Matyjaszewski, K. April, 544–547. Floating Plastics. An Initial Chemistry Laboratory Experience. Hughes, E. A.; Ceretti, H. M.; Zalts, A. April, 522. Infrared Spectroscopy in the General Chemistry Lab. (NSF) Hill, M. A. Jan, 26–27. Nonclassical or Reactivation Chain Polymerization: A General Scheme of Polymerization. Wei, Y. April, 551–553. Solvent Swelling Demonstrations: Possible Extension to Other Types of Material (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 876–878). (Letter) Jones, J. C. Feb, 165. Solvent Swelling Demonstrations: Possible Extension to Other Types of Material (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 876–878). (Letter) Campbell, D. J.; Freidinger, E. R.; Murphy, C. Feb, 165. Studying Synthetic Polymers in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum. A Review of the Educational Literature. Hodgson, S. C.; Bigger, S. W.; Billingham, N. C. April, 555–556.

Plutonium Politics, Chemistry, and the Discovery of Nuclear Fission. Wiesner, E.; Settle, F. A. Jr. July, 889–895.

Polymer Chemistry Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization in the Undergraduate Laboratories. 1. Using ATRP to Prepare Block and Statistical Copolymers of n-Butyl Acrylate and Styrene. Beers, K. L.; Woodworth, B.; Matyjaszewski, K. April, 544–547. Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization in the Undergraduate Laboratories. 2. Using ATRP in Limited Amounts of Air to Prepare Block and Statistical Copolymers of n-Butyl Acrylate and Styrene. Matyjaszewski, K.; Beers, K. L.; Woodworth, B. April, 547–550. Floating Plastics. An Initial Chemistry Laboratory Experience. Hughes, E. A.; Ceretti, H. M.; Zalts, A. April, 522. Molecular Weight Averages and Polydispersity of Polymers. Sheu, W. April, 554–555. Nature: “Green” Chemistry, Natural Antioxidants, and a DNA-Fuelled Machine. (ROJNature) Heinhorst, S.; Cannon, G. Feb, 150–151. New Paper from Newspaper. (JCE Activity) JCE Editorial Staff. Nov, 1512A–1512B. Nobel Prizes, 2000. Moore, J. W. Jan, 8. Nonclassical or Reactivation Chain Polymerization: A General Scheme of Polymerization. Wei, Y. April, 551–553. Solvent Swelling Demonstrations: Possible Extension to Other Types of Material (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 876–878). (Letter) Jones, J. C. Feb, 165. Solvent Swelling Demonstrations: Possible Extension to Other Types of Material (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 876–878). (Letter) Campbell, D. J.; Freidinger, E. R.; Murphy, C. Feb, 165. Studying Synthetic Polymers in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum. A Review of the Educational Literature. Hodgson, S. C.; Bigger, S. W.; Billingham, N. C. April, 555–556.

Volume 78 • 2001 • Subject Index Thermodynamics of Rubber Elasticity. Pellicer, J.; Manzanares, J. A.; Zúñiga, J.; Utrillas, P.; Fernández, J. Feb, 263–267.

Problem-Based Learning Application of Hammond’s Postulate. An Activity for Guided Discovery Learning in Organic Chemistry. Meany, J. E.; Minderhout, V.; Pocker, Y. Feb, 204– 207. Assessing Students’ Conceptual Understanding of Solubility Equilibrium. (RSA) Raviolo, A. May, 629–631. Cooperative Molecular Modeling Exercise—The Hypersurface as Classroom. (MMEE) Cramer, C. J. et al. Sep, 1202–1205. Discovery-Oriented Approach to Organic Chemistry. 4. Epoxidation of p-Methoxy-trans-␤-methylstyrene. An Exercise in 1H NMR and 13C NMR Spectroscopy for Sophomore Organic Laboratories. Centko, R. S.; Mohan, R. S. Jan, 77–79. Exploring Chemistry Resources on the Internet. Murov, S. Oct, 1429–1432. Incorporating a Substantial Writing Assignment into Organic Chemistry: Library Research, Peer Review, and Assessment. Shibley, I. A. Jr.; Milakofsky, L. M.; Nicotera, C. L. Jan, 50–53. Influence of Modern Instrumentation on the Analytical and General Chemistry Curriculum at Bates College. (NSF) Wenzel, T. J. Sep, 1164–1165. Integration of Environmental Analytical Chemistry with Environmental Law: The Development of a ProblemBased Laboratory. Cancilla, D. A. Dec, 1652–1660. Introduction to Searching with SciFinder Scholar. (CII) Ridley, D. D. April, 557–558. Introduction to Structure Searching with SciFinder Scholar. (CII) Ridley, D. D. April, 559–560. Introductory Course in Industrial Chemistry for Freshmen. Seidl, P. R.; Magalhães, M. d.; Augusto, C. R. Feb, 218–222. Model for Substantial Deviations from the Traditional Lecture Format for Graduate and Upper-Level Undergraduate Courses in Science—Lecture and Learning Classes. Allison, J. July, 965–969. Ob-scertainers™: A Cooperative Activity on Hypotheses. Shibley, I. A. Jr. Sep, 1193–1194. Personalized Combined Organic Spectroscopy Problems—Online and in the Lab. Kandel, M.; Tonge, P. J. Sep, 1208–1209. Sink or Swim: The Cartesian Diver. (JCE Activity) Pinkerton, K. D. Feb, 200A–200B. Teaching Experimental Design Using an Exercise in Protein Fractionation. Loke, J. P.; Hancock, D.; Johnston, J. M.; Dimauro, J.; Denyer, G. S. Nov, 1528–1532. Teaching Science Problem Solving: An Overview of Experimental Work. (ROJResLit) Lyle, K. S.; Robinson, W. R. Sep, 1162–1163. Trigrams in the Ancient I Ching Oracle. An Application of Group Theory. Vugman, N. V. Feb, 213–214.

Products of Chemistry Are You Ready for [a] Roundup?—What Chemistry Has to Do with Genetic Modifications. (POC) Pöpping, B. June, 752–756. Chemistry and Molecular Electronics: New Molecules as Wires, Switches, and Logic Gates. (POC) Ward, M. D. March, 321–328. Gas Hydrates: From Laboratory Curiosity to Potential Global Powerhouse. (POC) Pellenbarg, R. E.; Max, M. D. July, 896–900. Humic Acids: Marvelous Products of Soil Chemistry. (POC) Davies, G.; Ghabbour, E. A.; Steelink, C. Dec, 1609–1614. Microwave Ovens—Out of the Kitchen. (POC) Cresswell, S. L.; Haswell, S. J. July, 900–904. Old Yet New—Pharmaceuticals from Plants. (POC) Houghton, P. J. Feb, 175–184.

Proteins/Peptides Chemical Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Shroud of Spartacus. Waddell, T. G.; Rybolt, T. R. April, 470– 474. Circular Dichroism of Globular Proteins. (ACL) Bondesen, B. A.; Schuh, M. D. Sep, 1244–1247. Computer-Assisted Tutorial on Protein Structure. (CBB) Tsai, C. S. June, 837–839. Integrating Computational Chemistry into a ProjectOriented Biochemistry Laboratory Experience: A New Twist on the Lysozyme Experiment. (CBB) Peterson, R. R.; Cox, J. R. Nov, 1551–1555.

Nonclassical or Reactivation Chain Polymerization: A General Scheme of Polymerization. Wei, Y. April, 551–553. Oxygen Dissociation Curve of Hemoglobin: Bridging the Gap between Biochemistry and Physiology. (AA) Gómez-Cambronero, J. June, 757–759. Protein Structure Wordsearch. Helser, T. L. April, 474. Teaching Experimental Design Using an Exercise in Protein Fractionation. Loke, J. P.; Hancock, D.; Johnston, J. M.; Dimauro, J.; Denyer, G. S. Nov, 1528–1532.

Public Understanding Anniversaries: 2001. Schatz, P. F. Jan, 10–13. Application of the Sugar–Potassium Chlorate Reaction. (Letter) Ault, A. Aug, 1020. Are You Ready for [a] Roundup?—What Chemistry Has to Do with Genetic Modifications. (POC) Pöpping, B. June, 752–756. Biology of the Blues: The Snails behind the Ancient Dyes. (NCW) Steinhart, C. E. Nov, 1444. Biosphere 2: A Place for Integrative Studies in Chemical Research and Chemical Education in Defense of Planet Earth. Colodner, D.; Fine, L. W.; Harris, W.; Venkataraman, B. Feb, 144–148. Chemical Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Shroud of Spartacus. Waddell, T. G.; Rybolt, T. R. April, 470– 474. Chemical Dynamics at the Turn of the New Century: Nobel Laureates Look Back and Ahead. Van Houten, J. July, 860. Chemistry, Color, and Art. (NCW) Orna, M. Oct, 1305–1311. Communicating Science through Photography. (NCW) Frankel, F. Oct, 1312–1314. Drug Metabolism: The Body’s Defense against Chemical Attack (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 349–353). (Correction) Stachulski, A. V.; Lennard, M. S. March, 312. Especially for High School Teachers. Howell, J. E. July, 857; Nov, 1441. “Experiment with a Candle” without a Candle. Krnel, D.; Glazar, S. A. July, 914. Exploring Chicago. Cohen, P. S.; Cohen, B. H. Aug, 1006–1009. Exploring San Diego. Cohen, P. S.; Cohen, B. H. March, 301–305. From Chicken Breath to the Killers Lake of Cameroon: Uniting Seven Interesting Phenomena with a Single Chemical Underpinning. DeLorenzo, R. Feb, 191– 194. Gas Hydrates: From Laboratory Curiosity to Potential Global Powerhouse. (POC) Pellenbarg, R. E.; Max, M. D. July, 896–900. Indigo and Tyrian Purple—In Nature and in the Lab. (NCW) Schatz, P. F. Nov, 1442–1443. Information Available through the NSF Web Site. Wink, D. J. Feb, 160–161. JCE Resources for Chemistry and Art. (NCW) Jacobsen, E. K. Oct, 1316–1321. Joy of Color in Ceramic Glazes with the Help of Redox Chemistry. (NCW) Denio, A. A. Oct, 1298–1304. LEDs: New Lamps for Old and a Paradigm for Ongoing Curriculum Modernization. Condren, S. M.; Lisensky, G. C.; Ellis, A. B.; Nordell, K. J.; Kuech, T. F.; Stockman, S. A. Aug, 1033–1040. Let’s Go for It! (Editorial) Moore, J. W. March, 279. Nobel Centennial Essays: A Century of Chemical Dynamics Traced through the Nobel Prizes. 1901: Jacobus van’t Hoff. Van Houten, J. Dec, 1570–1573. Nobel Prizes, 2000. Moore, J. W. Jan, 8. Old Yet New—Pharmaceuticals from Plants. (POC) Houghton, P. J. Feb, 175–184. Oxygen. Djerassi, C.; Hoffmann, R. March, 283–284. Placing Science into Its Human Context: Using Scientific Autobiography to Teach Chemistry. Carroll, F. A.; Seeman, J. I. Dec, 1618–1622. Politics, Chemistry, and the Discovery of Nuclear Fission. Wiesner, E.; Settle, F. A. Jr. July, 889–895. Rediscovery of the Elements: Ytterby Gruva (Ytterby Mine). Marshall, J. L.; Marshall, V. R. Oct, 1343– 1344. Science and Art. (Editorial) Moore, J. W. Oct, 1295. Stories and Anecdotes in the Chemistry Classroom. Folino, D. A. Dec, 1615–1618. Summer Reading. Kovac, J. D.; Pagni, R. M.; Harris, H. H.; Coppola, B. P. June, 706–713. Teaching about Flame Retardants. A Joint Israeli–Dutch Project. Kesner, M.; de Vos, W. Jan, 41–45. Vanderbilt Student Volunteers for Science. (CFK) Joesten, M. D.; Tellinghuisen, P. C. April, 463–466. • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 • Journal of Chemical Education


Subject Index • Volume 78 • 2001 Qualitative Analysis Alternative Confirmatory Test for Silver Ion in Qualitative Analysis. Kirschenbaum, L. J.; Resende, E.; Li, E.; Ruekberg, B. Nov, 1524. Determination of Flavonoids in Wine by High Performance Liquid Chromatography. da Queija, C.; Queirós, M. A.; Rodrigues, L. L. Feb, 236–237. From GC to the NMR: A Simple Semipreparative Gas Chromatography Collection Method Using NMR Tubes. (ML) Bressette, A. R. March, 366–367. Qualitative Analysis of Fourteen White Solids and Two Mixtures Using Household Chemicals. Oliver-Hoyo, M.; Allen, D.; Solomon, S.; Brook, B.; Ciraolo, J.; Daly, S.; Jackson, L. Nov, 1475–1478. Relating Qualitative Analysis to Equilibrium Principles. (MCAD) Lo, G. V. Nov, 1557. TCICA Test for Distinguishing Aldehydes and Ketones. Hiegel, G. A.; Juska, C.; Kim, M. Aug, 1105–1106. Teaching Chemical Technique. A Review of the Literature. DeMeo, S. March, 373–379. Undergraduate Science and Engineering Students’ Understanding of the Reliability of Chemical Data. (CER) Davidowitz, B.; Lubben, F.; Rollnick, M. Feb, 247–252. Use of an Inexpensive Laser Pointer to Perform Qualitative and Semiquantitative Laser Refractometry. (TD) Neder, A. d.; García, E.; Viana, L. N. Nov, 1481– 1483.

Quantitative Analysis Analysis of an Oxygen Bleach: A Redox Titration Lab. Copper, C. L.; Koubek, E. May, 652. Analysis of Zinc Tablets: An Extension to a Stoichiometry Experiment. Murov, S.; Stedjee, B. Oct, 1389. Application of Light Emitting Diodes to Chemical Analysis: Determination of Copper in Water. (CET) Mozo, J. D.; Galán, M.; Roldán, E. March, 355–357. Beer’s Law Measurements Using Non-monochromatic Light Sources—A Computer Simulation. (CBB) Chan, G. C.; Chan, W. Sep, 1285–1288. Bioanalytical Experiments for the Undergraduate Laboratory: Monitoring Glucose in Sports Drinks. Gooding, J. J.; Yang, W.; Situmorang, M. June, 788– 790. Determination of Ethanol in Alcohol Samples Using a Modular Raman Spectrometer. (TICI) Sanford Seney, C. L.; Mantooth, B. A.; Jones, B. T. Sep, 1221–1225. Determination of Flavonoids in Wine by High Performance Liquid Chromatography. da Queija, C.; Queirós, M. A.; Rodrigues, L. L. Feb, 236–237. Determination of Free Lime in Clinker and Cement by Iodometry. An Undergraduate Experiment in Redox Titrimetry. Lau, O.; Luk, S.; Cheng, N. L.; Woo, H. Dec, 1671–1673. Drug Distribution: A Guided-Inquiry Laboratory Experiment in Coupled Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Equilibria. Hein, J.; Jeannot, M. Feb, 224–225. Gas Chromatography Analyses for Trihalomethanes: An Experiment Illustrating Important Sources of Disinfection By-Products in Water Treatment. Olson, T. M.; Gonzalez, A. C.; Vasquez, V. R. Sep, 1231–1234. Indirect Potentiometric Titration of Fe(III) with Ce(IV) by Gran’s Method. Barreto, M. d.; Medeiros, L. L.; Furtado, P. C. Jan, 91–92. Ion Chromatography: Analysis of Ions in Pond Waters. (TICI) Sinniah, K.; Piers, K. March, 358–362. Laboratory Balances–Perceptions from the Past. (FPI) Williams, K. R. April, 434–436. Liquid Prism for Refractive Index Studies. (TD) Edmiston, M. D. Nov, 1479–1480. Moisture Analysis in Lotion by Karl Fischer Coulometry. An Experiment for Introductory Analytical Chemistry. Mabrouk, P. A.; Castriotta, K. Oct, 1385– 1386. Preparation of Buffers. An Experiment for Quantitative Analysis Laboratory. Buckley, P. T. Oct, 1384. Recovery and Reutilization of Waste Matter from Coffee Preparation. An Experiment for Environmental Science Courses. Orecchio, S. Dec, 1669–1671. Reduction of Calcium Concentrations by the Brita® Water Filtration System: A Practical Experiment in Titrimetry and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. Olsen, K. G.; Ulicny, L. J. July, 941. Simple Method for Illustrating Uncertainty Analysis. Yates, P. C. June, 770–771. Tablet Analysis Using Gravimetric Dilutions. Simonson, L. A. Oct, 1387–1389. Teaching Chemical Technique. A Review of the Literature. DeMeo, S. March, 373–379.


JCE Online Index:

Using a Diode Laser Pointer to Count Drops and Automate Titration Systems. (CBB) Ogren, P. J.; Nelson, S.; Henry, I. March, 353–355. Using Capillary Electrophoresis to Determine the Purity of Acetylsalicylic Acid Synthesized in the Undergraduate Laboratory. Welder, F.; Colyer, C. L. Nov, 1525–1527.

Quantum Chemistry Ab Initio Calculations of NMR Parameters for Diatomic Molecules. An Exercise in Computational Chemistry. Bryce, D. L.; Wasylishen, R. E. Jan, 124–133. Correlation in Simple Systems. David, C. W. May, 682– 683. Electronic Spectra of Conjugated Systems: A Modern Update for a Classic Experiment. (MMEE) Soltzberg, L. J. Oct, 1432. Electronic Structure Principles and Atomic Shell Structure. Chattaraj, P. K.; Maiti, B. June, 811–813. Graphical Approach to the Angular Momentum Schrödinger Equation. (CBB) Miles, D. G. Jr.; Francis, T. A. March, 405–408. Have Orbitals Really Been Observed? (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1492–1494). (Letter) Spence, J. C.; O’Keefe, M.; Zuo, J. M. July, 877. Investigating the Adiabatic Approximation in Quantum Mechanics through the Analysis of Two Coupled Harmonic Oscillators. McCoy, A. B. March, 401–404. Physical Chemistry On Line: Interinstitutional Collaboration at a Distance. (CCD) Towns, M. H.; Sauder, D.; Whisnant, D. M.; Zielinski, T. J. March, 414– 415. Planck Radiation Law: Exercises Using the Cosmic Background Radiation Data. (RSA) Bluestone, S. Feb, 215–218. Quantum Alchemy: Transmutation of Atomic Orbitals. Blinder, S. M. March, 391–394. Quantum Mechanical Game of Craps: Teaching the Superposition Principle Using a Familiar Classical Analog to a Quantum Mechanical System. Fleming, P. E. Jan, 57–60. Rationalization for the Freshman Rules for the H-Atom Quantum Numbers. Ludwig, O. G. May, 634. Tachyons and Quantum Chemistry. Molski, M. March, 397–400. Two Particles in a Box. Novak, I. March, 395–397. Variational Methods Applied to the Particle in a Box. (MCAD) Grubbs, W. T. Nov, 1557.

Raman Spectroscopy Raman Spectroscopy with a Fiber-Optic Probe and Multichannel Detection. Vickers, T. J.; Pecha, J.; Mann, C. K. Dec, 1674–1675.

Reactive Intermediates Intermediates, Transition States, Butterflies, and Frogs. (AA) Kitson, T. M. April, 504.

Redox Reactions Analysis of an Oxygen Bleach: A Redox Titration Lab. Copper, C. L.; Koubek, E. May, 652. Application of the Sugar–Potassium Chlorate Reaction. (Letter) Ault, A. Aug, 1020. Combustion of White Phosphorus. (TD) Keiter, R. L.; Gamage, C. P. July, 908–910. Determination of Free Lime in Clinker and Cement by Iodometry. An Undergraduate Experiment in Redox Titrimetry. Lau, O.; Luk, S.; Cheng, N. L.; Woo, H. Dec, 1671–1673. Discovery-Based Experiment Illustrating How Iron Metal Is Used to Remediate Contaminated Groundwater. Balko, B. A.; Tratnyek, P. G. Dec, 1661–1664. Ethanol Metabolism and the Transition from Organic Chemistry to Biochemistry. (CIB) Feinman, R. D. Sep, 1215–1220. Icarus and Sun, Not Only in Mythology but Also in the Laboratory! (TD) Walawalkar, M. G.; Roesky, H. W. July, 912–913. Indirect Potentiometric Titration of Fe(III) with Ce(IV) by Gran’s Method. Barreto, M. d.; Medeiros, L. L.; Furtado, P. C. Jan, 91–92. Is Every Transparent Liquid Water? (CFK) Hugerat, M.; Basheer, S. Aug, 1041–1043. Joy of Color in Ceramic Glazes with the Help of Redox Chemistry. (NCW) Denio, A. A. Oct, 1298–1304. Just Breathe: The Oxygen Content of Air. (JCE Activity) JCE Editorial Staff. April, 512A–512B.

Laboratory Experiments on Electrochemical Remediation of the Environment. Part 5: Indirect H2S Remediation. (ML) Ibañez, J. G. June, 778–779. Laboratory Simulation for Coupled Cycles of Photosynthesis and Respiration. Korn, S.; Tausch, M. W. Sep, 1238–1240. Microscale Birch Reduction for the Advanced Organic Chemistry Laboratory. (ML) Fuhry, M. A.; Colosimo, C.; Gianneschi, K. July, 949–950. Moisture Analysis in Lotion by Karl Fischer Coulometry. An Experiment for Introductory Analytical Chemistry. Mabrouk, P. A.; Castriotta, K. Oct, 1385– 1386. Organic-Solvent-Free Phase-Transfer Oxidation of Secondary Alcohols Using Hydrogen Peroxide. Hulce, M.; Marks, D. W. Jan, 66–67. Oxidation of Benzoin to Benzil Using Alumina-Supported Active MnO2. (ML) Crouch, R. D.; Holden, M. S.; Burger, J. S. July, 951–952. Synthesis and Analysis of Copper(I) Iodide. A First-Year Laboratory Project. Margolis, L. A.; Schaeffer, R. W.; Yoder, C. H. Feb, 235–236. Thermite Welding Gets High School Chemistry Class on Track. Feliu, A. L. Jan, 15–16.

Resources for Student Assessment Assessing Students’ Conceptual Understanding of Solubility Equilibrium. (RSA) Raviolo, A. May, 629–631. Planck Radiation Law: Exercises Using the Cosmic Background Radiation Data. (RSA) Bluestone, S. Feb, 215–218.

Reports from Other Journals Chem 13 News: Teaching Information for the New Year. (ROJ13News) Thorsen, K. Feb, 156–157. Cognitive Requirements of Open-Ended Learning Environments. (ROJResLit) Robinson, W. R. Jan, 20– 21. Nature: “Green” Chemistry, Natural Antioxidants, and a DNA-Fuelled Machine. (ROJNature) Heinhorst, S.; Cannon, G. Feb, 150–151. News from Online: Chemistry and Art. (ROJOnline) Judd, C. S. Oct, 1322–1324. News from Online: Criteria for an “Outstanding” High School Chemistry Web Site. (ROJOnline) Barry, L. A. Feb, 154–155. News from Online: Mercury and Our Environment. (ROJOnline) Judd, C. S. May, 570–572. News from Online: Teaching with Chemical Instrumentation on the Web. (ROJOnline) Chasteen, T. G. Sep, 1144–1148. The Physics Teacher: Faraday as a Lecturer. (ROJPhysTea) Clark, R. W. April, 449. The Science Teacher: Summer 2001 Reading. (ROJSciTea) Long, S. July, 856. The Science Teacher: Winter Break 2001. (ROJSciTea) Long, S. Jan, 22–23. Teaching Science Problem Solving: An Overview of Experimental Work. (ROJResLit) Lyle, K. S.; Robinson, W. R. Sep, 1162–1163.

Ruthenium Electrochemical Experiment to Monitor the Isomerization of trans- to cis-[RuCl2(dppb)(phen)]: An Undergraduate Cyclic Voltammetry Experiment for Inorganic Chemistry. Queiroz, S. L.; de Araujo, M. P.; Batista, A. A.; MacFarlane, K. S.; James, B. R. Jan, 89–90. Synthesis of [RuCl2(dppb)(PPh3)] and Identification of the cis- and trans-[RuCl2(dppb)(phen)] Geometrical Isomers via 31P{1H} NMR Spectroscopy. An Undergraduate Experiment for Inorganic Chemistry. Queiroz, S. L.; de Araujo, M. P.; Batista, A. A.; MacFarlane, K. S.; James, B. R. Jan, 87–89.

Safety/Hazardous Materials Accident Anecdotes: Someone Thought It Was Grape Juice! Young, J. A. Jan, 25. Alternative Confirmatory Test for Silver Ion in Qualitative Analysis. Kirschenbaum, L. J.; Resende, E.; Li, E.; Ruekberg, B. Nov, 1524. Alternative to Mercury Thermometers. Nezlin, A. March, 342. Burning to Learn: An Introduction to Flame Retardants. (JCE Activity) JCE Editorial Staff. March, 328A– 328B. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Acetic Acid

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 •

/Journal/Search/index.html (glacial). (CLIP) Young, J. A. June, 721. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Acetic Anhydride. (CLIP) Young, J. A. Sep, 1176. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Acetone. (CLIP) Young, J. A. Sep, 1175. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Asbestos. (CLIP) Young, J. A. Dec, 1587. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Borax. (CLIP) Young, J. A. May, 588. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Cobalt(II) Oxide. (CLIP) Young, J. A. Oct, 1328. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: n-Hexane. (CLIP) Young, J. A. May, 587. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: n-Hexane (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 587). (Correction) Young, J. A. Aug, 1021. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Hydrochloric Acid (approx 36%). (CLIP) Young, J. A. July, 873. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Iron(III) Oxide. (CLIP) Young, J. A. Oct, 1326. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Manganese(IV) Oxide. (CLIP) Young, J. A. Oct, 1327. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Petroleum Ether. (CLIP) Young, J. A. Dec, 1588. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Phenolphthalein Solution. (CLIP) Young, J. A. April, 448. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Sodium Hydroxide. (CLIP) Young, J. A. April, 447. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Sucrose. (CLIP) Young, J. A. Nov, 1460. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Sulfuric Acid (approx. 98%). (CLIP) Young, J. A. June, 722. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Turpentine. (CLIP) Young, J. A. Nov, 1459. Chemical Laboratory Information Profile: Water. (CLIP) Young, J. A. July, 874. Chemical Laboratory Information Profiles (CLIPs) (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 444). (Letter) Pine, S. H. Dec, 1593. Especially for High School Teachers. Howell, J. E. April, 433. Especially for High School Teachers. Howell, J. E. Jan, 9. Further Information on the Hazards of n-Hexane (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 587). (Letter) Jones, J. C. Dec, 1593. Further Information on the Hazards of n-Hexane (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 587). (Letter) Young, J. A. Dec, 1593. Introducing Chemical Laboratory Information Profiles: CLIPs. (CLIP) Young, J. A. April, 444–446. Research Skills & Ethics—A Graduate Course Empowering Graduate Students for Productive Research Careers in Graduate School and Beyond. Mabrouk, P. A. Dec, 1628–1631. Safety Pays. (Editorial) Moore, J. W. Jan, 7. Simple Preparative Method to Evaluate Total UV Protection by Commercial Sunscreens. Fujishige, S.; Takizawa, S.; Tsuzuki, K. Dec, 1678–1679. Suggested Modifications to a Distillation-Free Solvent Purification System. Alaimo, P. J.; Peters, D. W.; Arnold, J.; Bergman, R. G. Jan, 64. Teaching about Flame Retardants. A Joint Israeli–Dutch Project. Kesner, M.; de Vos, W. Jan, 41–45.

Volume 78 • 2001 • Subject Index HPLC Separation of Benzoic Acid and Phenol. Joseph, S. M.; Palasota, J. A. Oct, 1381–1383. Computational Investigations for Undergraduate Organic Chemistry: Modeling a TLC Exercise to Investigate Molecular Structure and Intermolecular Forces (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 203–205). (Correction) Hessley, R. K. Sep, 1183. Drug Distribution: A Guided-Inquiry Laboratory Experiment in Coupled Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Equilibria. Hein, J.; Jeannot, M. Feb, 224–225. Escalator—An Analogy for Explaining Electroosmotic Flow. (AA) Vetter, A. J.; McGowan, G. J. Feb, 209– 211. Fast Ionic Migration of Copper Chromate. (TD) Cortel, A. Feb, 207–208. Investigation of Secondary Metabolites in Plants. A General Protocol for Undergraduate Research in Natural Products. Cannon, J.; Li, D.; Wood, S. G.; Owen, N. L.; Gromova, A.; Lutsky, V. Sep, 1234–1237. Preparative TLC Applicator. (CET) Fisher, T. L.; Gilman, C. P. March, 367. Safe and Efficient Flash Chromatography Equipment for the Research/Teaching Lab. (CET) Pontén, F.; Ellervik, U. March, 363. Simulating How a Virus Spreads through a Population: An Introduction to Acid–Base Chemistry in the Organic Chemistry Laboratory. Jarret, R. M. April, 525– 526. Small-Scale Filtration Using a Modified Plastic Syringe. (ML) Begtrup, M. April, 543. Useful System for Microscale and Semi-microscale Fractional Distillation of Air-Sensitive Substances with High Boiling Points. (ML) Gutiérrez, J. A. May, 653. What Factors Affect the Separation of Substances Using Thin-Layer Chromatography? An Undergraduate Experiment. Nash, J. J.; Meyer, J. A.; Everson, B. March, 364–365.

Silicon Enchanted Glass. (TD) Szabó L., S.; Mazák, K.; Knausz, D.; Rózsahegyi, M. March, 329–331.

Silver Alternative Confirmatory Test for Silver Ion in Qualitative Analysis. Kirschenbaum, L. J.; Resende, E.; Li, E.; Ruekberg, B. Nov, 1524.

Solid-State Chemistry

Chemical Education Skits. (SSC) Battino, R. Sep, 1143.

Constituent Additivity Method to Estimate Heat Capacities of Complex Inorganic Solids. Qiu, L.; White, M. A. Aug, 1076–1079. Designing Advanced Materials As Simple As Assembling Lego Blocks! Sharma, C. K. May, 617–622. General Form of the Gibbs–Duhem Equation for Multiphase/Multicomponent Systems and Its Application to Solid-State Activity Measurements. Sacchetti, M. Feb, 260–263. In-Depth Look at the Madelung Constant for Cubic Crystal Systems. Grosso, R. P. Jr.; Fermann, J. T.; Vining, W. J. Sep, 1198–1202. LEDs Are Diodes. (JCE Activity) Lisensky, G. C.; Condren, S. M.; Widstrand, C. G.; Breitzer, J.; Ellis, A. B. Dec, 1664A–1664B. LEDs: New Lamps for Old and a Paradigm for Ongoing Curriculum Modernization. Condren, S. M.; Lisensky, G. C.; Ellis, A. B.; Nordell, K. J.; Kuech, T. F.; Stockman, S. A. Aug, 1033–1040. NMR of a Phospholipid. Modules for Advanced Laboratory Courses. (ACL) Gaede, H. C.; Stark, R. E. Sep, 1248–1250. Preparation and Use of a Room-Temperature Catalytic Converter. Wong, G.; Mark, B.; Chen, X.; Furch, T.; Singmaster, K. A.; Wagenknecht, P. S. Dec, 1667– 1668.



LEDs: New Lamps for Old and a Paradigm for Ongoing Curriculum Modernization. Condren, S. M.; Lisensky, G. C.; Ellis, A. B.; Nordell, K. J.; Kuech, T. F.; Stockman, S. A. Aug, 1033–1040.

Dissolution Kinetics of Solids: Application with Spherical Candy. Beauchamp, G. April, 523–524. In-Depth Look at the Madelung Constant for Cubic Crystal Systems. Grosso, R. P. Jr.; Fermann, J. T.; Vining, W. J. Sep, 1198–1202.

Safety Tips Solar Photocatalytic Destruction of p-Nitrophenol: A Pedagogical Use of Lab Wastes. (ST) Herrera-Melián, J. A.; Doña-Rodríguez, J. M.; Rendón, E. T.; Soler Vila, A.; Brunet Quetglas, M.; Azcárate, A. A.; Pascual Pariente, L. June, 775–777.

Secondary School Chemistry

Separation Science Analogy between Fractional Distillation and Separating Physically Fit and Physically Less Fit Persons. (AA) Mukesh, D. Feb, 211–212. Combined Effects of pH and Percent Methanol on the

Solutions/Solvents Are Fizzing Drinks Boiling? A Chemical Insight from Chemical Education Research. Goodwin, A. March, 385–387.

Colligative Property of Walther Nernst. Beall, H.; Riccardino, P. A. April, 511–512. Easy and Versatile Experiment to Demonstrate Solvent Polarity Using Solvatochromic Dyes. Machado, C.; Machado, V. G. May, 649–651. Effect of Organic Solvents and Other Parameters on Trypsin-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Nα-Benzoyl-argininep-nitroanilide. A Project-Oriented Biochemical Experiment. Correia, L. C.; Bocewicz, A. C.; Esteves, S. d.; Pontes, M. G.; Versieux, L. M.; Teixeira, S. M.; Santoro, M. M.; Bemquerer, M. P. Nov, 1535–1537. Evaluating Solubility of Sparingly Soluble Diprotic Acid Salts. Nigretto, J. M. May, 631–633. Floating Plastics. An Initial Chemistry Laboratory Experience. Hughes, E. A.; Ceretti, H. M.; Zalts, A. April, 522. Influence of Dielectric Constant on the Spectral Behavior of Pinacyanol. A Spectrophotometric Experiment for Physical Chemistry. Sabaté, R.; Freire, L.; Estelrich, J. Feb, 243–244. Introduction to the Understanding of Solubility. Letcher, T. M.; Battino, R. Jan, 103–111. Nature: “Green” Chemistry, Natural Antioxidants, and a DNA-Fuelled Machine. (ROJNature) Heinhorst, S.; Cannon, G. Feb, 150–151. Simulating How a Virus Spreads through a Population: An Introduction to Acid–Base Chemistry in the Organic Chemistry Laboratory. Jarret, R. M. April, 525– 526. Solvent Swelling Demonstrations: Possible Extension to Other Types of Material (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 876–878). (Letter) Jones, J. C. Feb, 165. Solvent Swelling Demonstrations: Possible Extension to Other Types of Material (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 876–878). (Letter) Campbell, D. J.; Freidinger, E. R.; Murphy, C. Feb, 165. Spectrophotometric Analysis and Modeling of Sunscreens (re J. Chem. Educ. 1997, 74, 99–102). (Letter) Cornelius, R. D. April, 453. Spectrophotometric Analysis and Modeling of Sunscreens (re J. Chem. Educ. 1997, 74, 99–102). (Letter) Underwood, G.; MacNeil, J. April, 453. Suggested Modifications to a Distillation-Free Solvent Purification System. Alaimo, P. J.; Peters, D. W.; Arnold, J.; Bergman, R. G. Jan, 64. Using Computer-Based Visualization Strategies to Improve Students’ Understanding of Molecular Polarity and Miscibility. (CER) Sanger, M. J.; Badger, S. M. II. Oct, 1412–1416.

Spectrometry/Spectroscopy see

Atomic Spectroscopy EPR/ESR Spectrometry Fluorescence Spectrometry IR Spectroscopy Lasers/Laser Spectroscopy Mass Spectrometry NMR Spectrometry Raman Spectroscopy UV–Vis Spectroscopy

Statistics/Data Analysis Analysis of Success in General Chemistry Based on Diagnostic Testing Using Logistic Regression. (CER) Legg, M. J.; Legg, J. C.; Greenbowe, T. J. Aug, 1117– 1121. Anticancer Activity of Estradiol Derivatives: A Quantitative Structure–Activity Relationship Approach. Muranaka, K. Oct, 1390–1393. Error Estimates for Fitted Parameters: Application to HCl/DCl Vibrational–Rotational Spectroscopy. Feller, S. E.; Blaich, C. F. March, 409–412. Exploring Digital Signals and Noise in Instrumental Analysis. (MCAD) Fountain, A. W. III. Feb, 271. Goals and Objectives for Student Mathcad Activities. (MCAD) Zielinski, T. J. Nov, 1556. Molecular Weight Averages and Polydispersity of Polymers. Sheu, W. April, 554–555. On Concepts of Partial Volume and Law of Partial Volume (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 238–240). (Letter) Miller, D. W. Dec, 1594. On Concepts of Partial Volume and Law of Partial Volume (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 238–240). (Letter) Kim, M. Dec, 1594. Oxidation of Alkylbenzenes: Using Data Pooling in the Organic Laboratory to Illustrate Research in Organic Chemistry. Adrian, J. C. Jr.; Hull, L. A. April, 529– 530. • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 • Journal of Chemical Education


Subject Index • Volume 78 • 2001 Presidential Elections and Significant Digits. (Letter) DeLorenzo, R. March, 311. Relating Qualitative Analysis to Equilibrium Principles. (MCAD) Lo, G. V. Nov, 1557. Simple Laboratory Experiment for the Determination of Absolute Zero. Kim, M.; Kim, M. S.; Ly, S. Feb, 238– 240. Simple Method for Illustrating Uncertainty Analysis. Yates, P. C. June, 770–771.

Stereochemistry Build a Simple Polarimeter. (CET) Stary, F. E.; Woldow, N. May, 644. Demonstrating Chirality: Using a Mirror with Physical Models to Show Non-superimposability of Chiral Molecules with Their Mirror Images. (TD) Collins, M. J. Nov, 1484–1485. Determination of the Position of the Conformational Equilibrium of a Trans 1,2-Disubstituted Cyclohexane by NMR Spectroscopy. An Experiment in Physical Organic Chemistry for Undergraduate Students. Kutateladze, A. G.; Hornback, J. M. Jan, 81–82. Diastereoselective Synthesis of (+/–)-1,2-Diphenyl-1,2propanediol. A Discovery-Based Grignard Reaction Suitable for a Large Organic Lab Course. Ciaccio, J. A.; Bravo, R. P.; Drahus, A. L.; Biggins, J. B.; Concepcion, R. V.; Cabrera, D. April, 531–533. Discovery-Oriented Approach to Organic Chemistry. 5. Stereochemistry of E2 Elimination: Elimination of cisand trans-2-Methylcyclohexyl Tosylate. Cabay, M. E.; Ettlie, B. J.; Tuite, A. J.; Welday, K. A.; Mohan, R. S. Jan, 79–80. Discovery-Oriented Approach to Organic Synthesis: Tandem Aldol Condensation–Michael Addition Reactions. Identifying Diastereotopic Hydrogens in an Achiral Molecule by NMR Spectroscopy. WachterJurcsak, N.; Reddin, K. Sep, 1264–1265. “Dishing Out” Stereochemical Principles. Hart, H. Dec, 1632–1634. Energy Profile for Rotation about the C-C Bond in Substituted Ethanes (re J. Chem. Educ. 1998, 75, 900– 906). (Letter) Gil, V. M. Jan, 32. From the Wood-Shop to Crystal Engineering: Teaching Three-Dimensional Chemistry. Martin, J. D. Sep, 1195–1197. Importance of Non-Bonds in Coordination Compounds. Laing, M. Oct, 1400–1405. Introducing Stereochemistry to Non-science Majors. Luján-Upton, H. April, 475–477. Looking beyond the endo Rule in a Diels–Alder Discovery Lab. Jarret, R. M.; New, J.; Hurley, R.; Gillooly, L. Sep, 1262–1263. Mechanisms of Pentacoordinate Pseudorotation. A Molecular Modeling Study of PF5. (MMEE) Montgomery, C. D. June, 844–846. Method for Drawing the Cyclohexane Ring and Its Substituents. Dragojlovic, V. July, 923. On Chirality in Substituted Metallocenes Bearing Identical Substituents. Rezende, D. d.; Campos, I. P. Aug, 1130–1131. Simple Preparation and NMR Analysis of mer and fac Isomers of Tris(1,1,1-trifluoro-2,4pentanedionato)cobalt(III). An Experiment for the Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory. Jensen, A. W.; O’Brien, B. A. July, 954–955. Synthesis and Use of Jacobsen’s Catalyst: Enantioselective Epoxidation in the Introductory Organic Laboratory. Hanson, J. Sep, 1266–1268. Use of Stick Figures to Visualize Fischer Projections. Starkey, L. S. Nov, 1486.

Stoichiometry Analysis of an Oxygen Bleach: A Redox Titration Lab. Copper, C. L.; Koubek, E. May, 652. Analysis of Zinc Tablets: An Extension to a Stoichiometry Experiment. Murov, S.; Stedjee, B. Oct, 1389. Extent of Reaction, ⌬␰—Some Nuts and Bolts. (CPR) Peckham, G. D. April, 508–510. How to Say How Much: Amounts and Stoichiometry. Ault, A. Oct, 1347–1349. Known-to-Unknown Approach to Teach about Empirical and Molecular Formulas. (AA) Thamburaj, P. K. July, 915–916. Making Assumptions Explicit: How the Law of Conservation of Matter Can Explain Empirical Formula Problems. (CPR) DeMeo, S. Aug, 1050–1052. Network Complexes of Copper(I) Halides. Pike, R. D.;


JCE Online Index:

Graham, P. M.; Guy, K. A.; Johnson, T. J.; Cole, J. R.; Stamps, S. M.; Klemmer, L. E. Nov, 1522–1524. Problem Analysis: Lesson Scripts and Their Potential Applications. (TECH) Oliver-Hoyo, M. Oct, 1425– 1428. Relationship between Stoichiometry and Kinetics Revisited. Lee, J. Y. Sep, 1283–1284. Synthesis and Analysis of Copper(I) Iodide. A First-Year Laboratory Project. Margolis, L. A.; Schaeffer, R. W.; Yoder, C. H. Feb, 235–236.

Surface Science Are Micelles and Vesicles Chemical Equilibrium Systems? Luisi, P. L. March, 380–384. Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble. (JCE Activity) JCE Editorial Staff. Jan, 40A–40B. Contact Angles of Aqueous Solutions on Copper Surfaces Bearing Self-Assembled Monolayers. Craig, V. S.; Jones, A. C.; Senden, T. J. March, 345–346. Demonstration of Surface Tension. (OPD) Rosenthal, A. J. March, 332–333. Enchanted Glass. (TD) Szabó L., S.; Mazák, K.; Knausz, D.; Rózsahegyi, M. March, 329–331. Floating Needle. Condon, F. E.; Condon, F. E. Jr. March, 334–337. Inexpensive and Accurate Tensiometer Using an Electronic Balance. Dolz, M.; Delegido, J.; Hernández, M.; Pellicer, J. Sep, 1257–1259. Introduction to the Scientific Process: Preparation of Poly(vinyl acetate) Glue. Gilbert, R. G.; Fellows, C. M.; McDonald, J.; Prescott, S. W. Oct, 1370–1372. Low-Cost Dynamic Surface Tension Meter with a LabVIEW Interface and Its Usefulness in Understanding Foam Formation. (CBB) Spanoghe, P.; Cocquyt, J.; Van der Meeren, P. March, 338–342. Micelles in the Physical/Analytical Chemistry Laboratory. Acid Dissociation of Neutral Red Indicator. Williams, K. R.; Tennant, L. H. March, 349–351. Role of Development of the Rotating Anode X-Ray Generator and the Use of Imaging Plates in Powder Diffractometer Instrumentation. (Waters) Harada, J. May, 607–612. Simplified Method for the Determination of Critical Micelle Concentration. Castro, M. J.; Ritacco, H.; Kovensky, J.; Fernández-Cirelli, A. March, 347–348. Stories to Make Thermodynamics and Related Subjects More Palatable. Bartell, L. S. Aug, 1059–1067. Surface Tension Determination through Capillary Rise and Laser Diffraction Patterns. Munguia, T.; Smith, C. A. March, 343–344. Surfactant-Induced Osazone Formation at Room Temperature. (Letter) Nagajyothi, K.; Raghavan, P. S.; Gopalan, R. June, 728.

Teaching/Learning Aids Acid–Base Chemistry of Nicotine: Extensions, Analogies, and a Generalization. Ault, A. April, 500–503. Advanced Chemistry Collection, 2nd Edition. (JCE Software) Nov, 1558–1560. Alcohol Rocket Car—A Variation on the “Whoosh Bottle” Theme. (TD) Campbell, D. J. July, 910–911. “Almost Like Weighing Someone’s Soul”: Chemistry in Contemporary Film. Wink, D. J. April, 481–483. Analogy between Fractional Distillation and Separating Physically Fit and Physically Less Fit Persons. (AA) Mukesh, D. Feb, 211–212. Apparent Paradoxes and Instructive Puzzles in Physical Chemistry. Bartell, L. S. Aug, 1067–1069. Application of Hammond’s Postulate. An Activity for Guided Discovery Learning in Organic Chemistry. Meany, J. E.; Minderhout, V.; Pocker, Y. Feb, 204– 207. Assessing Students’ Conceptual Understanding of Solubility Equilibrium. (RSA) Raviolo, A. May, 629–631. Automated, Web-Based, Second-Chance Homework. (TECH) Hall, R. W.; Butler, L. G.; McGuire, S. Y.; McGlynn, S. P.; Lyon, G. L.; Reese, R. L.; Limbach, P. A. Dec, 1704–1708. Beer’s Law Measurements Using Non-monochromatic Light Sources—A Computer Simulation. (CBB) Chan, G. C.; Chan, W. Sep, 1285–1288. Blood-Chemistry Tutorials: Teaching Biological Applications of General Chemistry Material. (TECH) Casiday, R. E.; Holten, D.; Krathen, R.; Frey, R. F. Sep, 1210–1215. Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble. (JCE Activity) JCE Editorial Staff. Jan, 40A–40B.

Burning to Learn: An Introduction to Flame Retardants. (JCE Activity) JCE Editorial Staff. March, 328A– 328B. Cafeteria-Style Grading in General Chemistry. Goodwin, J. A.; Gilbert, B. D. April, 490–493. The Carnot Cycle. (MCAD) Harris, H. H. Nov, 1556. Chem 13 News: Teaching Information for the New Year. (ROJ13News) Thorsen, K. Feb, 156–157. Chemical Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Shroud of Spartacus. Waddell, T. G.; Rybolt, T. R. April, 470– 474. Chemiluminescence of Tris(2,2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II): A Glowing Experience. (TD) Bolton, E.; Richter, M. M. Jan, 47–48. Chemistry Comes Alive!, Volume 5. (JCE Software) Jacobsen, J. J.; Johnson, K.; Moore, J. W.; Trammell, G. March, 423–424. Chemistry in the Real World. Jones, M. B.; Miller, C. R. April, 484–487. Cognitive Requirements of Open-Ended Learning Environments. (ROJResLit) Robinson, W. R. Jan, 20– 21. Combustion of White Phosphorus. (TD) Keiter, R. L.; Gamage, C. P. July, 908–910. Computational Investigations for Undergraduate Organic Chemistry: Modeling a TLC Exercise to Investigate Molecular Structure and Intermolecular Forces (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 203–205). (Correction) Hessley, R. K. Sep, 1183. Computer-Assisted Tutorial on Protein Structure. (CBB) Tsai, C. S. June, 837–839. Course in the History of Physical Chemistry with an Emphasis on Writing. Dybowski, C. R. Dec, 1623– 1625. CUR Institute on Proposal Writing. (CUR) Reingold, I. D. June, 716. Demonstrating Chirality: Using a Mirror with Physical Models to Show Non-superimposability of Chiral Molecules with Their Mirror Images. (TD) Collins, M. J. Nov, 1484–1485. Demonstration of Surface Tension. (OPD) Rosenthal, A. J. March, 332–333. Demonstrations with Nitrocellulose: Possible Further Pedagogic Value (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1449). (Letter) Jones, J. C. Dec, 1596. Demonstrations with Nitrocellulose: Possible Further Pedagogic Value (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1449). Senkbeil, E. G. Dec, 1596–1597. Developing an Intuitive Understanding of Free Energy. Weiss, H. M. Oct, 1362–1364. Diagrammatic Method, the Planck and the Massieu Functions. Pogliani, L. May, 680–681. Disappearing–Reappearing Rabbit Trick: A New Twist to an Old Liquid Nitrogen Demonstration. (TD) Haub, E. K. Jan, 46. “Dishing Out” Stereochemical Principles. Hart, H. Dec, 1632–1634. Distributed Access Teaching Assistant (DATA). (CBB) Koch, J. A.; Van Der Sluys, W. G. Dec, 1696–1698. Dog with Ball Joins Flying Bird (re J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76, 1656). (Letter) Treptow, R. S. Jan, 31. Don’t Be Tricked by Your Integrated Rate Plot! Urbansky, E. T. July, 921–923. Dramatic Flame Test Demonstration. (TD) Johnson, K.; Schreiner, R. May, 640–641. Early Emphasis on Symmetry and a Three-Dimensional Perspective in the Chemistry Curriculum. McKay, S. E.; Boone, S. R. Nov, 1487–1490. Electronegativity and Bond Type: Predicting Bond Type. Sproul, G. March, 387–390. Enchanted Glass. (TD) Szabó L., S.; Mazák, K.; Knausz, D.; Rózsahegyi, M. March, 329–331. Escalator—An Analogy for Explaining Electroosmotic Flow. (AA) Vetter, A. J.; McGowan, G. J. Feb, 209– 211. Especially for High School Teachers. Howell, J. E. March, 281; May, 569; June, 705; July, 857; Aug, 993; Sep, 1143. Ethanol Metabolism and the Transition from Organic Chemistry to Biochemistry. (CIB) Feinman, R. D. Sep, 1215–1220. Evaluating Solubility of Sparingly Soluble Diprotic Acid Salts. Nigretto, J. M. May, 631–633. Experiencing and Visualizing the First Law of Thermodynamics: An In-Class Workshop. Mills, P. A.; Sweeney, W. V.; Cieniewicz, W. Oct, 1360–1361. Explaining Entropy Pictorially. (Letter) Wood, S. E.; Battino, R. March, 311–312. Exploring Digital Signals and Noise in Instrumental Analysis. (MCAD) Fountain, A. W. III. Feb, 271. Exploring Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 •

/Journal/Search/index.html in Lasers. (MCAD) Waxman, M. Feb, 271. Extent of Reaction, ⌬␰—Some Nuts and Bolts. (CPR) Peckham, G. D. April, 508–510. Fast Ionic Migration of Copper Chromate. (TD) Cortel, A. Feb, 207–208. Floating Needle. Condon, F. E.; Condon, F. E. Jr. March, 334–337. From Chicken Breath to the Killers Lake of Cameroon: Uniting Seven Interesting Phenomena with a Single Chemical Underpinning. DeLorenzo, R. Feb, 191– 194. From the Wood-Shop to Crystal Engineering: Teaching Three-Dimensional Chemistry. Martin, J. D. Sep, 1195–1197. General Chemistry Collection for Students (CD-ROM), 5th Edition. (JCE Software) June, 847–848. Glycolysis Wordsearch. Helser, T. L. April, 503. Goals and Objectives for Student Mathcad Activities. (MCAD) Zielinski, T. J. Nov, 1556. Hands-On Discovery of Mirror Planes. Moore, D. A.; Cortés-Figueroa, J. E. Jan, 49. How to Say How Much: Amounts and Stoichiometry. Ault, A. Oct, 1347–1349. Icarus and Sun, Not Only in Mythology but Also in the Laboratory! (TD) Walawalkar, M. G.; Roesky, H. W. July, 912–913. Idea Whose Time Has Come? (re J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76, 1718–1722). (Letter) Jensen, W. B. June, 727. Idea Whose Time Has Come? (re J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76, 1718–1722). (Letter) Lewis, D. E. June, 727–728. Impact of Active and Context-Based Learning in Introductory Chemistry Courses: An Early Evaluation of the Modular Approach. (CER) Gutwill-Wise, J. P. May, 684–690. Improvements in Undergraduate Science Education Using Web-Based Instructional Modules: The Natural Science Pages. (TECH) Carpi, A. Dec, 1709–1712. In-Depth Look at the Madelung Constant for Cubic Crystal Systems. Grosso, R. P. Jr.; Fermann, J. T.; Vining, W. J. Sep, 1198–1202. Incorporating a Substantial Writing Assignment into Organic Chemistry: Library Research, Peer Review, and Assessment. Shibley, I. A. Jr.; Milakofsky, L. M.; Nicotera, C. L. Jan, 50–53. Intermediates, Transition States, Butterflies, and Frogs. (AA) Kitson, T. M. April, 504. Introducing Stereochemistry to Non-science Majors. Luján-Upton, H. April, 475–477. Introduction to Searching with SciFinder Scholar. (CII) Ridley, D. D. April, 557–558. Introduction to Structure Searching with SciFinder Scholar. (CII) Ridley, D. D. April, 559–560. Investigation of the Factors Influencing Student Performance in Physical Chemistry. (CER) Nicoll, G.; Francisco, J. S. Jan, 99–102. Is Online Learning Really Education? (Letter) Johnson, A. W. April, 453. It’s Elementary. Wieder, M. J. April, 468–469. JCE Resources for Chemistry and Art. (NCW) Jacobsen, E. K. Oct, 1316–1321. Just Breathe: The Oxygen Content of Air. (JCE Activity) JCE Editorial Staff. April, 512A–512B. Known-to-Unknown Approach to Teach about Empirical and Molecular Formulas. (AA) Thamburaj, P. K. July, 915–916. Krebs Cycle Wordsearch. Helser, T. L. April, 515. Learning the Functional Groups: Keys to Success. Byrd, S.; Hildreth, D. P. Oct, 1355–1357. LEDs Are Diodes. (JCE Activity) Lisensky, G. C.; Condren, S. M.; Widstrand, C. G.; Breitzer, J.; Ellis, A. B. Dec, 1664A–1664B. Light Emission at Electrodes: An Electrochemiluminescence Demonstration. (TD) Bolton, E.; Richter, M. M. May, 641–643. Liquid Prism for Refractive Index Studies. (TD) Edmiston, M. D. Nov, 1479–1480. A Living Textbook for the Future. (Editorial) Moore, J. W. June, 703. A Living Textbook of Chemistry. (Editorial) Moore, J. W. May, 567. LUCID: A New Model for Computer-Assisted Learning. (TECH) Wolfskill, T.; Hanson, D. M. Oct, 1417–1424. Method for Drawing the Cyclohexane Ring and Its Substituents. Dragojlovic, V. July, 923. Molecular Modeling in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum. (NSF) Jones, M. B. July, 867–868. More Realistic Teaching Style in Spectroscopic Instruction. Gallego, M. G.; Romano, S.; Sierra, M. A.; Nieto, E. June, 765–769.

Volume 78 • 2001 • Subject Index More Realistic Teaching Style in Spectroscopic Instruction (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 765–769). (Correction) Gallego, M. G.; Romano, S.; Sierra, M. A.; Nieto, E. Sep, 1183. Moving Past Markovnikov’s Rule. Gooch, E. E. Oct, 1358–1359. New Paper from Newspaper. (JCE Activity) JCE Editorial Staff. Nov, 1512A–1512B. News from Online: Chemistry and Art. (ROJOnline) Judd, C. S. Oct, 1322–1324. News from Online: Criteria for an “Outstanding” High School Chemistry Web Site. (ROJOnline) Barry, L. A. Feb, 154–155. Ob-scertainers™: A Cooperative Activity on Hypotheses. Shibley, I. A. Jr. Sep, 1193–1194. Organometallic Computational Exercise: Semiempirical Molecular Orbital Calculations on (C6H6)Cr(CO)3 and (B 3N 3H 6)Cr(CO) 3. (MMEE) O’Brien, J. F.; Haworth, D. T. Jan, 134. ␤-Oxidation Wordsearch. Helser, T. L. April, 483. Oxygen Dissociation Curve of Hemoglobin: Bridging the Gap between Biochemistry and Physiology. (AA) Gómez-Cambronero, J. June, 757–759. Photochemical Basis of Cyanotype Photography (re J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76, 1199–1200). (Letter) Abrahamson, H. B. March, 311. The Physics Teacher: Faraday as a Lecturer. (ROJPhysTea) Clark, R. W. April, 449. Pigments of Your Imagination: Making Artist’s Paints. (JCE Activity) Gettys, N. S. Oct, 1320A–1320B. Placing Science into Its Human Context: Using Scientific Autobiography to Teach Chemistry. Carroll, F. A.; Seeman, J. I. Dec, 1618–1622. Planck Radiation Law: Exercises Using the Cosmic Background Radiation Data. (RSA) Bluestone, S. Feb, 215–218. Pólya’s Isomer Enumeration Method: A Unique Exercise in Group Theory and Combinatorial Analysis for Undergraduates (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1358– 1360). (Correction) Pevac, S.; Crundwell, G. Aug, 1021. Presidential Elections and Significant Digits. (Letter) DeLorenzo, R. March, 311. Problem Analysis: Lesson Scripts and Their Potential Applications. (TECH) Oliver-Hoyo, M. Oct, 1425– 1428. Prospectus 2001. Holmes, J. L.; Gettys, N. S. Jan, 135– 136. Protein Structure Wordsearch. Helser, T. L. April, 474. Putting It All Together: Lab Reports and Legos. (JCE Activity) JCE Editorial Staff. Sep, 1192A–1192B. Putting UV-Sensitive Beads to the Test. (JCE Activity) Trupp, T. May, 648A–648B. Quantum Mechanical Game of Craps: Teaching the Superposition Principle Using a Familiar Classical Analog to a Quantum Mechanical System. Fleming, P. E. Jan, 57–60. Recommendations for Offering Successful Professional Development Programs for Teachers. Sarquis, A. M. June, 820–823. Safety Pays. (Editorial) Moore, J. W. Jan, 7. Screening Percentages Based on Slater Effective Nuclear Charge as a Versatile Tool for Teaching Periodic Trends. Waldron, K. A.; Fehringer, E. M.; Streeb, A. E.; Trosky, J. E.; Pearson, J. J. May, 635–639. Serendipitous Extension for Illustrating Newman Projections. Ciolino, A. E.; Domini, C. E.; Pieroni, O. I.; Vuano, B. M. Oct, 1359. Simplified Method for the Determination of Critical Micelle Concentration. Castro, M. J.; Ritacco, H.; Kovensky, J.; Fernández-Cirelli, A. March, 347–348. Sink or Swim: The Cartesian Diver. (JCE Activity) Pinkerton, K. D. Feb, 200A–200B. Solvent Swelling Demonstrations: Possible Extension to Other Types of Material (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 876–878). (Letter) Campbell, D. J.; Freidinger, E. R.; Murphy, C. Feb, 165. Solvent Swelling Demonstrations: Possible Extension to Other Types of Material (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 876–878). (Letter) Jones, J. C. Feb, 165. Spec UV-Vis: An Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrophotometer Simulation. (JCE Software) Papadopoulos, N.; Limniou, M.; Koklamanis, G.; Tsarouxas, A.; Roilidis, M.; Bigger, S. W. Nov, 1560. Stories and Anecdotes in the Chemistry Classroom. Folino, D. A. Dec, 1615–1618. Stories to Make Thermodynamics and Related Subjects More Palatable. Bartell, L. S. Aug, 1059–1067. Student-Taught Review Sessions: Fostering Communication Skills and Reinforcing Concepts. Nilsson, M.

R. May, 628. Teaching 1H NMR Spectroscopy Using Computer Modeling. (TECH) Habata, Y.; Akabori, S. Jan, 121–123. Teaching Brønsted–Lowry Acid–Base Theory in a Direct Comprehensive Way. Adcock, J. L. Nov, 1495– 1496. Testing, Testing. (Editorial) Moore, J. W. July, 855. Thalidomide Makes a Comeback: A Case Discussion Exercise That Integrates Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry. (TPCS) Bennett, N. S.; Cornely, K. June, 759–761. Thermite Welding Gets High School Chemistry Class on Track. Feliu, A. L. Jan, 15–16. Trigrams in the Ancient I Ching Oracle. An Application of Group Theory. Vugman, N. V. Feb, 213–214. Understanding Enzyme Inhibition (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1453–1456). (Correction) Ochs, R. S. Jan, 32. Understanding Solubility through Excel Spreadsheets. (CBB) Brown, P. Feb, 268–270. Unified Electroanalytical Chemistry: Application of the Concept of Electrochemical Equilibrium. Thompson, R. Q.; Craig, N. C. July, 928–933. Updates. (JCE Online) Holmes, J. L. March, 422. Use of an Inexpensive Laser Pointer to Perform Qualitative and Semiquantitative Laser Refractometry. (TD) Neder, A. d.; García, E.; Viana, L. N. Nov, 1481– 1483. Use of Stick Figures to Visualize Fischer Projections. Starkey, L. S. Nov, 1486. Using History to Teach Scientific Method: The Role of Errors. Giunta, C. J. May, 623–627. Using Journal Articles to Teach Writing Skills for Laboratory Reports in General Chemistry. Tilstra, L. June, 762–764. Using Symbolic Software to Facilitate Learning. (MCAD) Zielinski, T. J. Feb, 270–271. Visualizing the Photochemical Steady State with UVSensitive Beads (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 648A– 648B). (Letter) Bell, J. A. Dec, 1594–1595. WebMark—A Fully Automated Method of Submission, Assessment, Grading, and Commentary for Laboratory Practical Scripts. (CBB) Olivier, G.; Herson, K.; Sosabowski, M. H. Dec, 1699–1703. WebSpectra: Online NMR and IR Spectra for Students. Merlic, C. A.; Fam, B. C.; Miller, M. M. Jan, 118– 120. What’s Been Happening to Undergraduate Mathematics. (Commentary) Bressoud, D. M. May, 578–581. Who Wants to Be a (Chemical) Millionaire? Deavor, J. P. April, 467. WWW Site Links. (JCE Online) Holmes, J. L. July, 984.

Teaching with Problems and Case-Studies Thalidomide Makes a Comeback: A Case Discussion Exercise That Integrates Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry. (TPCS) Bennett, N. S.; Cornely, K. June, 759–761.

Teaching with Technology Automated, Web-Based, Second-Chance Homework. (TECH) Hall, R. W.; Butler, L. G.; McGuire, S. Y.; McGlynn, S. P.; Lyon, G. L.; Reese, R. L.; Limbach, P. A. Dec, 1704–1708. Blood-Chemistry Tutorials: Teaching Biological Applications of General Chemistry Material. (TECH) Casiday, R. E.; Holten, D.; Krathen, R.; Frey, R. F. Sep, 1210–1215. Improvements in Undergraduate Science Education Using Web-Based Instructional Modules: The Natural Science Pages. (TECH) Carpi, A. Dec, 1709–1712. LUCID: A New Model for Computer-Assisted Learning. (TECH) Wolfskill, T.; Hanson, D. M. Oct, 1417–1424. Problem Analysis: Lesson Scripts and Their Potential Applications. (TECH) Oliver-Hoyo, M. Oct, 1425– 1428. Teaching 1H NMR Spectroscopy Using Computer Modeling. (TECH) Habata, Y.; Akabori, S. Jan, 121–123. Using Calculator-Based Laboratory Technology to Conduct Undergraduate Chemical Research. (TECH) Sales, C. L.; Ragan, N. M.; Murphy, M. K. May, 694– 696. Using the Internet to Individualize Laboratory Questions. (TECH) Gammon, S. D.; Hutchison, S. G. March, 412–413. • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 • Journal of Chemical Education


Subject Index • Volume 78 • 2001 Teaching/Learning Theory/Practice 2YC3 Celebrating 40 Years of Service to the Chemical Education Community. (2YC3) Koch, F. Dec, 1583. Acids and Bases in Layers: The Stratal Structure of an Ancient Topic. de Vos, W.; Pilot, A. April, 494–499. ACS Presidential Election: Education: A Core Value. Carroll, W. F. Jr. Sep, 1160. ACS Presidential Election: Statement on Education– Planning Together Today to Meet Tomorrow’s Challenges. Reichmanis, E. Sep, 1161. Analysis of a Distance-Education Program in Organic Chemistry. (CER) Kurtz, M. J.; Holden, B. E. Aug, 1122–1125. Analysis of Success in General Chemistry Based on Diagnostic Testing Using Logistic Regression. (CER) Legg, M. J.; Legg, J. C.; Greenbowe, T. J. Aug, 1117– 1121. Cafeteria-Style Grading in General Chemistry. Goodwin, J. A.; Gilbert, B. D. April, 490–493. CHEM 101: Thirty Years of Experiences with a Chemistry Course for Prospective Elementary School Teachers. (CFK) Phillips, D. B. July, 905–907. Chemistry Report: MAA-CUPM Curriculum Foundations Workshop in Biology and Chemistry. Macalester College, November 2–5, 2000. (Commentary) Craig, N. C. May, 582–586. Comparison of Secondary Chemistry Courses and Chemistry Teacher Preparation Programs in Iowa and Saint Petersburg, Russia. Sanger, M. J.; Brincks, E. L.; Phelps, A. J.; Pak, M. S.; Lyovkin, A. N. Sep, 1275– 1280. Conant Award Interview: An Interview with Barbara Sitzman, 2001 Award Winner. JCE Editorial Staff. Sep, 1151–1158. Conant Award Interview: An Interview with Frank Cardulla, 2000 Award Winner. JCE Editorial Staff. April, 437–443. Connection between Success in a Freshman Chemistry Class and a Student’s Jungian Personality Type. (CER) Clark, G. J.; Riley, W. D. Oct, 1406–1411. Curriculum Alignment Projects: Toward Developing a Need to Know. (VIEW) Pinkerton, K. D. Feb, 198– 200. Data-Driven Classroom. (CCD) Bondeson, S. R.; Brummer, J. G.; Wright, S. M. Jan, 56–57. Diagrammatic Method, the Planck and the Massieu Functions. Pogliani, L. May, 680–681. Does Piaget Still Have Anything to Say to Chemists? (SYM) Bunce, D. M. Aug, 1107. Don’t Be Tricked by Your Integrated Rate Plot! Urbansky, E. T. July, 921–923. The Essential Profession. (Editorial) Moore, J. W. Sep, 1141. Evaluating the Success of Hispanic-Surname Students in First-Semester General Chemistry. Mason, D. S.; Mittag, K. C. Feb, 256–259. Evaluating the Success of Hispanic-Surname Students in First-Semester General Chemistry (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 256). (Correction) Mason, D. S.; Mittag, K. C. Dec, 1597. Gateway to Success for At-Risk Students in a LargeGroup Introductory Chemistry Class. (CER) Mason, D. S.; Verdel, E. Feb, 252–255. General Chemistry and Cell Biology: An Experiment in Curricular Symbiosis. Schwartz, A. T.; Serie, J. Nov, 1490–1494. How Do Organic Chemistry Students Understand and Apply Hydrogen Bonding? (CER) Henderleiter, J.; Smart, R.; Anderson, J.; Elian, O. Aug, 1126–1130. Identifying Deficiencies in the Environmental Chemistry Educational Literature. Tran, T. H.; Bigger, S. W.; Kruger, T.; Orbell, J. D.; Buddhadasa, S.; Barone, S. Dec, 1693–1695. Impact of Active and Context-Based Learning in Introductory Chemistry Courses: An Early Evaluation of the Modular Approach. (CER) Gutwill-Wise, J. P. May, 684–690. Implications of Cognitive Science Research for Models of the Science Learner. (SYM) Samarapungavan, A.; Robinson, W. R. Aug, 1107. Inorganic Chemistry at the Undergraduate Level: Are We All on the Same Page? Pesterfield, L. L.; Henrickson, C. H. May, 677–679. Introduction to the Understanding of Solubility. Letcher, T. M.; Battino, R. Jan, 103–111. Investigation of the Factors Influencing Student Performance in Physical Chemistry. (CER) Nicoll, G.; Francisco, J. S. Jan, 99–102.


JCE Online Index:

Investigation of the Value of Using Concept Maps in General Chemistry. (CER) Nicoll, G.; Francisco, J. S.; Nakhleh, M. B. Aug, 1111–1117. Is Online Learning Really Education? (Letter) Johnson, A. W. April, 453. Kolb for Chemists: David A. Kolb and Experiential Learning Theory. (SYM) Towns, M. H. Aug, 1107. Let’s Go for It! (Editorial) Moore, J. W. March, 279. A Living Textbook for the Future. (Editorial) Moore, J. W. June, 703. A Living Textbook of Chemistry. (Editorial) Moore, J. W. May, 567. LUCID: A New Model for Computer-Assisted Learning. (TECH) Wolfskill, T.; Hanson, D. M. Oct, 1417–1424. Many Forms of Constructivism. (SYM) Bodner, G. M.; Klobuchar, M.; Geelan, D. Aug, 1107. Model for Substantial Deviations from the Traditional Lecture Format for Graduate and Upper-Level Undergraduate Courses in Science—Lecture and Learning Classes. Allison, J. July, 965–969. Model for Teaching about Electrical Neutrality in Electrolyte Solutions. Morikawa, T.; Williamson, B. E. July, 934–936. Molecular Weight Averages and Polydispersity of Polymers. Sheu, W. April, 554–555. More Realistic Teaching Style in Spectroscopic Instruction. Gallego, M. G.; Romano, S.; Sierra, M. A.; Nieto, E. June, 765–769. More Realistic Teaching Style in Spectroscopic Instruction (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 765–769). (Correction) Gallego, M. G.; Romano, S.; Sierra, M. A.; Nieto, E. Sep, 1183. Note on “A Thermodynamic Analysis to Explain the Boiling-Point Isotope Effect for Molecular Hydrogen. Meza-Montes, L.; Hoffmann-Pinther, P. March, 416– 417. Novak’s Theory of Education: Human Constructivism and Meaningful Learning. (SYM) Bretz, S. L. Aug, 1107. The Physics Teacher: Faraday as a Lecturer. (ROJPhysTea) Clark, R. W. April, 449. Piaget’s Theory of Intellectual Development Revisited. (SYM) Nurrenbern, S. C. Aug, 1107–1110. Pioneering Pedagogic Publications: Algorithms, Student Understanding, and Chemical Knowledge. (FPI) Suits, J. P. Aug, 1015–1016. Problem Analysis: Lesson Scripts and Their Potential Applications. (TECH) Oliver-Hoyo, M. Oct, 1425– 1428. Recommendations for Offering Successful Professional Development Programs for Teachers. Sarquis, A. M. June, 820–823. Reconstructing Student Meaning: A Theory of Perspective Transformation. (SYM) Wink, D. J. Aug, 1107. Review and Discussion of Epistemological Commitments, Metacognition, and Critical Thinking with Suggestions on Their Enhancement in Internet-Assisted Chemistry Classrooms. Tsai, C. July, 970–974. Role of Lewis Structures in Teaching Covalent Bonding. (Commentary) Logan, S. R. Nov, 1457–1458. Supporting High School Chemistry Teaching. (Editorial) Moore, J. W. Dec, 1567. Survey of Doctoral Programs in Chemical Education in the United States. Mason, D. S. Feb, 158–160. Systems of Chemical Equations as Reasonable Reaction Mechanisms. Dorozhkin, S. V. July, 917–920. Teaching Brønsted–Lowry Acid–Base Theory in a Direct Comprehensive Way. Adcock, J. L. Nov, 1495– 1496. Teaching Chemical Technique. A Review of the Literature. DeMeo, S. March, 373–379. Teaching Chemistry in the Block Schedule. (VIEW) Craven, S. April, 488–490. Teaching Chemistry in the New Century: Analytical Chemistry. Van Bramer, S. E. Sep, 1167. Teaching Chemistry in the New Century: Biochemistry. Fisher, M. A. Sep, 1168. Teaching Chemistry in the New Century: Environmental Chemistry. Cooper, M. M.; Elzerman, A. W.; Lee, C. M. Sep, 1169. Teaching Chemistry in the New Century: General Chemistry. Zeile, J. V.; Jones, L. L. Sep, 1170. Teaching Chemistry in the New Century: Inorganic Chemistry. Dorhout, P. K. Sep, 1171. Teaching Chemistry in the New Century: Organic Chemistry. Kingsbury, C.; Schelble, S. Sep, 1172. Teaching Chemistry in the New Century: Physical Chemistry. Zielinski, T. J.; Schwenz, R. W. Sep, 1173.

Teaching Is Learning—Maximum Incentive, Minimum Discipline in Student Groups Teaching General Chemistry. Benvenuto, M. A. Feb, 194–197. Technology and Tragedy. (Editorial) Moore, J. W. Nov, 1439. Testing, Testing. (Editorial) Moore, J. W. July, 855. Testing the Teacher? Or Teaching the Test? (Editorial) Moore, J. W. Aug, 991. Theories or Fragments? The Debate Over Learners’ Naive Ideas About Science. (SYM) Nakhleh, M. B. Aug, 1107. Time and Teaching. (Commentary) Zielinski, T. J.; Brooks, D. W.; Crippen, K. J.; March, J. L. June, 714– 715. Two-Year College Chemistry Baseline Study. (2YC 3) Ryan, M.; Neuschatz, M.; Boese, J. M. Oct, 1325. Undergraduate Science and Engineering Students’ Understanding of the Reliability of Chemical Data. (CER) Davidowitz, B.; Lubben, F.; Rollnick, M. Feb, 247–252. Using Journal Articles to Teach Writing Skills for Laboratory Reports in General Chemistry. Tilstra, L. June, 762–764. Using Writing to Enhance the Undergraduate Research Experience. (CCD) Bressette, A. R.; Breton, G. W. Dec, 1626–1627. Want Ads, Job Skills, and Curriculum: A Survey of 1998 Chemistry Help-Wanted Ads. Headrick, K. L. Sep, 1281–1282. What Does It Mean to Be a Professor? (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1559). (Correction) Lichter, R. L. Feb, 165. What’s Been Happening to Undergraduate Mathematics. (Commentary) Bressoud, D. M. May, 578–581. When Is an Experiment a Success? (Editorial) Moore, J. W. Feb, 141. Writing and Computing across the USM Chemistry Curriculum. Gordon, N. R.; Newton, T. A.; Rhodes, G.; Ricci, J. S.; Stebbins, R. G.; Tracy, H. J. Jan, 53– 55.

Tested Demonstrations Alcohol Rocket Car—A Variation on the “Whoosh Bottle” Theme. (TD) Campbell, D. J. July, 910–911. Chemiluminescence of Tris(2,2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II): A Glowing Experience. (TD) Bolton, E.; Richter, M. M. Jan, 47–48. Combustion of White Phosphorus. (TD) Keiter, R. L.; Gamage, C. P. July, 908–910. Demonstrating Chirality: Using a Mirror with Physical Models to Show Non-superimposability of Chiral Molecules with Their Mirror Images. (TD) Collins, M. J. Nov, 1484–1485. Disappearing–Reappearing Rabbit Trick: A New Twist to an Old Liquid Nitrogen Demonstration. (TD) Haub, E. K. Jan, 46. Dramatic Flame Test Demonstration. (TD) Johnson, K.; Schreiner, R. May, 640–641. Enchanted Glass. (TD) Szabó L., S.; Mazák, K.; Knausz, D.; Rózsahegyi, M. March, 329–331. Fast Ionic Migration of Copper Chromate. (TD) Cortel, A. Feb, 207–208. Icarus and Sun, Not Only in Mythology but Also in the Laboratory! (TD) Walawalkar, M. G.; Roesky, H. W. July, 912–913. Light Emission at Electrodes: An Electrochemiluminescence Demonstration. (TD) Bolton, E.; Richter, M. M. May, 641–643. Liquid Prism for Refractive Index Studies. (TD) Edmiston, M. D. Nov, 1479–1480. Use of an Inexpensive Laser Pointer to Perform Qualitative and Semiquantitative Laser Refractometry. (TD) Neder, A. d.; García, E.; Viana, L. N. Nov, 1481– 1483.

Textbooks Acids and Bases in Layers: The Stratal Structure of an Ancient Topic. de Vos, W.; Pilot, A. April, 494–499. Bioorganic First: A New Model for the College Chemistry Curriculum. (Commentary) Reingold, I. D. July, 869–871. Don’t Be Tricked by Your Integrated Rate Plot!. Urbansky, E. T. July, 921–923. Effect of Dissolved CO 2 on Gran Plots. Inoue, M.; Fernando, Q. Aug, 1132–1135. “Experiment with a Candle” without a Candle. Krnel, D.; Glazar, S. A. July, 914.

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 •

/Journal/Search/index.html Identifying Deficiencies in the Environmental Chemistry Educational Literature. Tran, T. H.; Bigger, S. W.; Kruger, T.; Orbell, J. D.; Buddhadasa, S.; Barone, S. Dec, 1693–1695. Impact of Active and Context-Based Learning in Introductory Chemistry Courses: An Early Evaluation of the Modular Approach. (CER) Gutwill-Wise, J. P. May, 684–690. On Chirality in Substituted Metallocenes Bearing Identical Substituents. Rezende, D. d.; Campos, I. P. Aug, 1130–1131. Relative Acidities of Water and Methanol. Abrash, H. I. Nov, 1496–1498. Solubility Rules: Why Are All Acetates Soluble. Van Der Sluys, W. G. Jan, 111–115. Strength of the Hydrohalic Acids. Schmid, R.; Miah, A. M. Jan, 116–117. Summer Reading. Kovac, J. D.; Pagni, R. M.; Harris, H. H.; Coppola, B. P. June, 706–713. Uncensored and Uncut—Student Reviews of Six Mainstream Organic Texts. Lutz, R. P.; Wamser, C. C. Oct, 1350–1354.

Volume 78 • 2001 • Subject Index

Binary Solid–Liquid Phase Diagrams of Selected Organic Compounds. A Complete Listing of 15 Binary Phase Diagrams. Gallus, J.; Lin, Q.; Zumbühl, A.; Friess, S. D.; Hartmann, R.; Meister, E. C. July, 961–964. Differential Scanning Calorimetric Study of Bilayer Membrane Phase Transitions. A Biophysical Chemistry Experiment. Ohline, S. M.; Campbell, M. L.; Turnbull, M. T.; Kohler, S. J. Sep, 1251–1256. Distinguishing Calcium Carbonate from Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate by Instrumental Methods. A Set of Laboratory Experiments for Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy. Garribba, E.; Micera, G.; Panzanelli, A.; Strinna-Erre, L.; Stara, G. Aug, 1090–1092. Isothermal Heat Conduction Calorimeter: A Versatile Instrument for Studying Processes in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. (TICI) Wadsö, L.; Smith, A. L.; Shirazi, H.; Mulligan, S. R.; Hofelich, T. Aug, 1080– 1086.

Applications of the Gibbs–Duhem Equation. Nikitas, P. Aug, 1070–1075. Binary Solid–Liquid Phase Diagrams of Selected Organic Compounds. A Complete Listing of 15 Binary Phase Diagrams. Gallus, J.; Lin, Q.; Zumbühl, A.; Friess, S. D.; Hartmann, R.; Meister, E. C. July, 961–964. The Carnot Cycle. (MCAD) Harris, H. H. Nov, 1556. Constituent Additivity Method to Estimate Heat Capacities of Complex Inorganic Solids. Qiu, L.; White, M. A. Aug, 1076–1079. Definition and Unit of Ionic Strength. Solomon, T. Dec, 1691–1692. Developing an Intuitive Understanding of Free Energy. Weiss, H. M. Oct, 1362–1364. Diagrammatic Method, the Planck and the Massieu Functions. Pogliani, L. May, 680–681. Evolution of a Chemical System as a Trajectory in a Phase Space. A Fruitful Picture of the Second Law. Jullien, L.; Lemarchand, H. June, 803–810. Experiencing and Visualizing the First Law of Thermodynamics: An In-Class Workshop. Mills, P. A.; Sweeney, W. V.; Cieniewicz, W. Oct, 1360–1361. Explaining Entropy Pictorially. (Letter) Wood, S. E.; Battino, R. March, 311–312. Extent of Reaction, ⌬␰—Some Nuts and Bolts. (CPR) Peckham, G. D. April, 508–510. General Form of the Gibbs–Duhem Equation for Multiphase/Multicomponent Systems and Its Application to Solid-State Activity Measurements. Sacchetti, M. Feb, 260–263. Generalizing the Phase Rule. Jensen, W. B. Oct, 1369– 1370. In-Depth Look at the Madelung Constant for Cubic Crystal Systems. Grosso, R. P. Jr.; Fermann, J. T.; Vining, W. J. Sep, 1198–1202. Introduction to the Understanding of Solubility. Letcher, T. M.; Battino, R. Jan, 103–111. Isothermal Heat Conduction Calorimeter: A Versatile Instrument for Studying Processes in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. (TICI) Wadsö, L.; Smith, A. L.; Shirazi, H.; Mulligan, S. R.; Hofelich, T. Aug, 1080– 1086. Logic vs Misconceptions in Organic Textbooks: Radical Stabilities and Bond Dissociation Energies. Zavitsas, A. A. March, 417–419. Measurement of Activity Coefficients in Concentrated Electrolyte Solutions. An Experiment for the Physical Chemistry Laboratory. Bonicamp, J. M.; Loflin, A.; Clark, R. W. Nov, 1541–1543. Model for Teaching about Electrical Neutrality in Electrolyte Solutions. Morikawa, T.; Williamson, B. E. July, 934–936. On the Importance of Ideality. Battino, R.; Wood, S. E.; Williamson, A. G. Oct, 1364–1368. Physical Chemistry On Line: Interinstitutional Collaboration at a Distance. (CCD) Towns, M. H.; Sauder, D.; Whisnant, D. M.; Zielinski, T. J. March, 414–415. Planck Radiation Law: Exercises Using the Cosmic Background Radiation Data. (RSA) Bluestone, S. Feb, 215–218. S Is for Entropy. U Is for Energy. What Was Clausius Thinking? Howard, I. K. April, 505–508. Simple Computer-Interfaced Calorimeter: Application to the Determination of the Heat of Formation of Magnesium Oxide. Wong, S.; Popovich, N. D.; Coldiron, S. J. June, 798. Simplified Method for Measuring the Entropy of Urea Dissolution. An Experiment for the Introductory Chemistry Lab. Liberko, C. A.; Terry, S. Aug, 1087– 1088. Solubility Rules: Why Are All Acetates Soluble. Van Der Sluys, W. G. Jan, 111–115. Stories to Make Thermodynamics and Related Subjects More Palatable. Bartell, L. S. Aug, 1059–1067. Thermodynamics of Rubber Elasticity. Pellicer, J.; Manzanares, J. A.; Zúñiga, J.; Utrillas, P.; Fernández, J. Feb, 263–267. Two Particles in a Box. Novak, I. March, 395–397. Unified Electroanalytical Chemistry: Application of the Concept of Electrochemical Equilibrium. Thompson, R. Q.; Craig, N. C. July, 928–933. Use of Tabulated Thermochemical Data for Pure Compounds. Jacobson, N. S. June, 814–819.



Alcohol Rocket Car—A Variation on the “Whoosh Bottle” Theme. (TD) Campbell, D. J. July, 910–911. Apparent Paradoxes and Instructive Puzzles in Physical Chemistry. Bartell, L. S. Aug, 1067–1069.

Reduction of Calcium Concentrations by the Brita® Water Filtration System: A Practical Experiment in Titrimetry and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. Olsen, K. G.; Ulicny, L. J. July, 941.

Theoretical Chemistry Ab Initio Calculations of NMR Parameters for Diatomic Molecules. An Exercise in Computational Chemistry. Bryce, D. L.; Wasylishen, R. E. Jan, 124–133. Cooperative Molecular Modeling Exercise—The Hypersurface as Classroom. (MMEE) Cramer, C. J. et al. Sep, 1202–1205. Correlation in Simple Systems. David, C. W. May, 682– 683. Electron Densities, Atomic Charges, and Ionic, Covalent, and Polar Bonds. Gillespie, R. J. Dec, 1688– 1691. Electronic Structure Principles and Atomic Shell Structure. Chattaraj, P. K.; Maiti, B. June, 811–813. Evolution of a Chemical System as a Trajectory in a Phase Space. A Fruitful Picture of the Second Law. Jullien, L.; Lemarchand, H. June, 803–810. Fraction of Molecules Exceeding a Given Energy. McInerny, W. J. June, 801–802. Have Orbitals Really Been Observed? (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1492–1494). (Letter) Spence, J. C.; O’Keefe, M.; Zuo, J. M. July, 877. Investigating the Adiabatic Approximation in Quantum Mechanics through the Analysis of Two Coupled Harmonic Oscillators. McCoy, A. B. March, 401–404. Screening Percentages Based on Slater Effective Nuclear Charge as a Versatile Tool for Teaching Periodic Trends. Waldron, K. A.; Fehringer, E. M.; Streeb, A. E.; Trosky, J. E.; Pearson, J. J. May, 635–639. Tachyons and Quantum Chemistry. Molski, M. March, 397–400. Two Particles in a Box. Novak, I. March, 395–397. Variational Methods Applied to the Particle in a Box. (MCAD) Grubbs, W. T. Nov, 1557. Easy and Versatile Experiment to Demonstrate Solvent Polarity Using Solvatochromic Dyes. Machado, C.; Machado, V. G. May, 649–651.

Thermal Analysis

Topics in Chemical Instrumentation Applied Electronics: Construction of a Simple Spectrophotometer. (TICI) Thal, M. A.; Samide, M. J. Nov, 1510–1512. Computer Simulation of Electronic Circuits Used in Chemical Instrumentation. (TICI) Sadik, O. A.; Cheung, M. C. May, 658–662. Determination of Ethanol in Alcohol Samples Using a Modular Raman Spectrometer. (TICI) Sanford Seney, C. L.; Mantooth, B. A.; Jones, B. T. Sep, 1221–1225. Ion Chromatography: Analysis of Ions in Pond Waters. (TICI) Sinniah, K.; Piers, K. March, 358–362. Isothermal Heat Conduction Calorimeter: A Versatile Instrument for Studying Processes in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. (TICI) Wadsö, L.; Smith, A. L.; Shirazi, H.; Mulligan, S. R.; Hofelich, T. Aug, 1080– 1086.

Transition Elements Determination of the Magnetic Moments of Transition Metal Complexes Using Rare Earth Magnets. de Berg, K. C.; Chapman, K. J. May, 670–673. Integrating Molecular Modeling into the Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory. (MMEE) Montgomery, C. D. June, 840–844. Metal Complexes of Trifluoropentanedione. An Experiment for the General Chemistry Laboratory. (ACL) Sadoski, R. C.; Shipp, D.; Durham, B. May, 665–666. Periodic Patterns (re J. Chem. Educ. 2000, 77, 1053– 1056). (Letter) Laing, M. July, 877. Preparation and Use of a Room-Temperature Catalytic Converter. Wong, G.; Mark, B.; Chen, X.; Furch, T.; Singmaster, K. A.; Wagenknecht, P. S. Dec, 1667– 1668. Suzuki Cross-Coupling Reactions: Synthesis of Unsymmetrical Biaryls in the Organic Laboratory. Callam, C. S.; Lowary, T. L. July, 947–948. Synthesis of [RuCl2(dppb)(PPh3)] and Identification of the cis- and trans-[RuCl2(dppb)(phen)] Geometrical Isomers via 31P{1H} NMR Spectroscopy. An Undergraduate Experiment for Inorganic Chemistry. Queiroz, S. L.; de Araujo, M. P.; Batista, A. A.; MacFarlane, K. S.; James, B. R. Jan, 87–89.

Undergraduate Research Application of Light Emitting Diodes to Chemical Analysis: Determination of Copper in Water. (CET) Mozo, J. D.; Galán, M.; Roldán, E. March, 355–357. Beer’s Law Revoked? (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 694). (Letter) Clark, R. W. Dec, 1595. Beer’s Law Revoked? (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 694). (Letter) Murphy, M. K. Dec, 1595. National Conferences on Undergraduate Research: Conference History and the Role of Chemistry. Werner, T. C.; Lichter, R. L.; Krugh, T. R. May, 691–694. Research, Discovery, and Education. (Editorial) Moore, J. W. April, 431. Structure and Content of Some Primary Batteries. Smith, M. J.; Vincent, C. A. April, 519–521. Suggested Modifications to a Distillation-Free Solvent Purification System. Alaimo, P. J.; Peters, D. W.; Arnold, J.; Bergman, R. G. Jan, 64. Synthesis and Analysis of a Solvatochromic Dye, 1-(pDimethylaminophenyl)-2-nitroethylene. An Advanced Undergraduate Laboratory Experiment. Richter-Egger, D. L.; Tesfai, A.; Flamm, S. J.; Tucker, S. A. Oct, 1375–1378. Synthesis of Substituted Butenolides. An Undergraduate Organic Laboratory Experiment Utilizing Two 3Step Preparatory Sequences. Maheut, G.; Liao, L.; Catel, J.; Jaffrès, P.; Villemin, D. May, 654–657. Using Calculator-Based Laboratory Technology to Conduct Undergraduate Chemical Research. (TECH) Sales, C. L.; Ragan, N. M.; Murphy, M. K. May, 694–696. Using Technology to Create a Scientific Learning Community. (2YC3) Turner, R. June, 717–719. Using Writing to Enhance the Undergraduate Research Experience. (CCD) Bressette, A. R.; Breton, G. W. Dec, 1626–1627. UV–Visible First-Derivative Spectrophotometry Applied to an Analysis of a Vitamin Mixture. AberásturiMartín, F. J.; Jiménez-Abizanda, A. I.; JiménezMoreno, F.; Arias-León, J. J. June, 793–795.

Uranium Politics, Chemistry, and the Discovery of Nuclear Fission. Wiesner, E.; Settle, F. A. Jr. July, 889–895. • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 • Journal of Chemical Education


Subject Index • Volume 78 • 2001 UV-Vis Spectroscopy Applied Electronics: Construction of a Simple Spectrophotometer. (TICI) Thal, M. A.; Samide, M. J. Nov, 1510–1512. Beer’s Law Revoked? (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 694). (Letter) Clark, R. W. Dec, 1595. Beer’s Law Revoked? (re J. Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 694). (Letter) Murphy, M. K. Dec, 1595. Class Projects in Physical Organic Chemistry: The Hammett Equation. Marrs, P. S. April, 527–529. Curve Fitting, Confidence Intervals and Envelopes, Correlations, and Monte Carlo Visualizations for Multilinear Problems in Chemistry: A General Spreadsheet Approach. (CBB) Ogren, P. J.; Davis, B.; Guy, N. June, 827–836. Determining the Percent Water in Organic Solvents Using the Zwitterionic Dimroth–Reichardt Betaine ET-30 Dye. An Industrially Relevant Application of a Previously Published Laboratory Experiment. Vitha, M. F. March, 370–372. Easy and Versatile Experiment to Demonstrate Solvent Polarity Using Solvatochromic Dyes. Machado, C.; Machado, V. G. May, 649–651. Effect of Organic Solvents and Other Parameters on Trypsin-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Nα-Benzoyl-argininep-nitroanilide. A Project-Oriented Biochemical Experiment. Correia, L. C.; Bocewicz, A. C.; Esteves, S. d.; Pontes, M. G.; Versieux, L. M.; Teixeira, S. M.; Santoro, M. M.; Bemquerer, M. P. Nov, 1535–1537. Electronic Spectra of Conjugated Systems: A Modern Update for a Classic Experiment. (MMEE) Soltzberg, L. J. Oct, 1432. Experiment on Photochromism and Kinetics for the Undergraduate Laboratory. Prypsztejn, H. E.; Negri, R. M. May, 645–648. Influence of Dielectric Constant on the Spectral Behavior of Pinacyanol. A Spectrophotometric Experiment for Physical Chemistry. Sabaté, R.; Freire, L.; Estelrich, J. Feb, 243–244. Isolation and Spectral Analysis of Naturally Occurring Thiarubrine A. Reyes, J.; Morton, M.; Downum, K.; Hoffman, G. G.; O’Shea, K. E. June, 781–783. Micellar Effects on the Spontaneous Hydrolysis of Phenyl Chloroformate. A Kinetic Experiment for the Physical Chemistry Laboratory. Crugeiras, J.; Leis, J. R.; Rios, A. Nov, 1538–1540. Microscale Spectrophotometric Determination of Water Hardness. (ML) Gordon, J. S.; Harman, S.; Weiss, K.; Pettegrew, B. Aug, 1089–1090. Modular Spectrometers in the Undergraduate Chemistry Laboratory. Bernazzani, M. P.; Paquin, F. June, 796–798. Ruthenium Vinylidene and Acetylide Complexes. An Advanced Undergraduate Multi-technique Inorganic/ Organometallic Chemistry Experiment. McDonagh, A. M.; Deeble, G. J.; Hurst, S. R.; Cifuentes, M. P.; Humphrey, M. G. Feb, 232–234. Simple Preparative Method to Evaluate Total UV Protection by Commercial Sunscreens. Fujishige, S.; Takizawa, S.; Tsuzuki, K. Dec, 1678–1679. Spec UV-Vis: An Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrophotometer Simulation. (JCE Software) Papadopoulos, N.; Limniou, M.; Koklamanis, G.; Tsarouxas, A.; Roilidis, M.; Bigger, S. W. Nov, 1560. Spectrophotometric Analysis and Modeling of Sunscreens (re J. Chem. Educ. 1997, 74, 99–102). (Letter) Cornelius, R. D. April, 453. Spectrophotometric Analysis and Modeling of Sunscreens (re J. Chem. Educ. 1997, 74, 99–102). (Letter) Underwood, G.; MacNeil, J. April, 453. Synthesis and Analysis of a Solvatochromic Dye, 1-(pDimethylaminophenyl)-2-nitroethylene. An Advanced Undergraduate Laboratory Experiment. Richter-Egger, D. L.; Tesfai, A.; Flamm, S. J.; Tucker, S. A. Oct, 1375–1378. Tablet Analysis Using Gravimetric Dilutions. Simonson, L. A. Oct, 1387–1389. Using Calculator-Based Laboratory Technology to Conduct Undergraduate Chemical Research. (TECH) Sales, C. L.; Ragan, N. M.; Murphy, M. K. May, 694–696.


JCE Online Index:

UV–Visible First-Derivative Spectrophotometry Applied to an Analysis of a Vitamin Mixture. AberásturiMartín, F. J.; Jiménez-Abizanda, A. I.; JiménezMoreno, F.; Arias-León, J. J. June, 793–795.

Women in Chemistry National Conferences on Undergraduate Research: Conference History and the Role of Chemistry. Werner, T. C.; Lichter, R. L.; Krugh, T. R. May, 691–694.

View from My Classroom Curriculum Alignment Projects: Toward Developing a Need to Know. (VIEW) Pinkerton, K. D. Feb, 198– 200. Teaching Chemistry in the Block Schedule. (VIEW) Craven, S. April, 488–490.

Vitamins UV–Visible First-Derivative Spectrophotometry Applied to an Analysis of a Vitamin Mixture. AberásturiMartín, F. J.; Jiménez-Abizanda, A. I.; JiménezMoreno, F.; Arias-León, J. J. June, 793–795.

Water/Water Chemistry Biosphere 2: A Place for Integrative Studies in Chemical Research and Chemical Education in Defense of Planet Earth. Colodner, D.; Fine, L. W.; Harris, W.; Venkataraman, B. Feb, 144–148. Construction of the UCSC Econo-Box: An Inexpensive Yet Effective Glove Box. (CET) Suri, J. T. Nov, 1513– 1515. Determining the Percent Water in Organic Solvents Using the Zwitterionic Dimroth–Reichardt Betaine ET30 Dye. An Industrially Relevant Application of a Previously Published Laboratory Experiment. Vitha, M. F. March, 370–372. Floating Needle. Condon, F. E.; Condon, F. E. Jr. March, 334–337. Flood Prevention by Recirculating Condenser Cooling Water. (CET) Fleming, F. F.; Iyer, P. S. July, 946. Gas Chromatography Analyses for Trihalomethanes: An Experiment Illustrating Important Sources of Disinfection By-Products in Water Treatment. Olson, T. M.; Gonzalez, A. C.; Vasquez, V. R. Sep, 1231–1234. Humic Acids: Marvelous Products of Soil Chemistry. (POC) Davies, G.; Ghabbour, E. A.; Steelink, C. Dec, 1609–1614. Ion Chromatography: Analysis of Ions in Pond Waters. (TICI) Sinniah, K.; Piers, K. March, 358–362. Microscale Spectrophotometric Determination of Water Hardness. (ML) Gordon, J. S.; Harman, S.; Weiss, K.; Pettegrew, B. Aug, 1089–1090. Purification of Water by Freeze–Thaw or Zone Melting. Oughton, J.; Xu, S.; Battino, R. Oct, 1373–1374. Reduction of Calcium Concentrations by the Brita® Water Filtration System: A Practical Experiment in Titrimetry and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. Olsen, K. G.; Ulicny, L. J. July, 941. Solar Photocatalytic Destruction of p-Nitrophenol: A Pedagogical Use of Lab Wastes. (ST) Herrera-Melián, J. A.; Doña-Rodríguez, J. M.; Rendón, E. T.; Soler Vila, A.; Brunet Quetglas, M.; Azcárate, A. A.; Pascual Pariente, L. June, 775–777. Solubility Rules: Why Are All Acetates Soluble. Van Der Sluys, W. G. Jan, 111–115. Teaching Brønsted–Lowry Acid–Base Theory in a Direct Comprehensive Way. Adcock, J. L. Nov, 1495–1496. Teaching Estuarine Chemical Processes by Laboratory Simulation. Ortega, T.; Forja, J. M.; Gómez-Parra, A. June, 771–775.

Waters Symposium Annual James L. Waters Symposium at Pittcon (2000. (Waters) Coetzee, J. F. May, 601. Development of Instrumentation for Thin-Film X-ray Diffraction. (Waters) Ryan, T. May, 613–616. Landmarks in the Development of Powder Diffraction Instrumentation. (Waters) Jenkins, R. May, 601–606. Role of Development of the Rotating Anode X-Ray Generator and the Use of Imaging Plates in Powder Diffractometer Instrumentation. (Waters) Harada, J. May, 607–612.

Writing in Chemistry Course in the History of Physical Chemistry with an Emphasis on Writing. Dybowski, C. R. Dec, 1623– 1625. Creative Writing and Chemistry. (IC) Alber, M. April, 478–480. CUR Institute on Proposal Writing. (CUR) Reingold, I. D. June, 716. Designing and Reporting Experiments in Chemistry Classes Using Examples from Materials Science: Illustrations of the Process and Communication of Scientific Research. Widstrand, C. G.; Nordell, K. J.; Ellis, A. B. Aug, 1044–1046. Incorporating a Substantial Writing Assignment into Organic Chemistry: Library Research, Peer Review, and Assessment. Shibley, I. A. Jr.; Milakofsky, L. M.; Nicotera, C. L. Jan, 50–53. Placing Science into Its Human Context: Using Scientific Autobiography to Teach Chemistry. Carroll, F. A.; Seeman, J. I. Dec, 1618–1622. Research Skills & Ethics—A Graduate Course Empowering Graduate Students for Productive Research Careers in Graduate School and Beyond. Mabrouk, P. A. Dec, 1628–1631. Using Journal Articles to Teach Writing Skills for Laboratory Reports in General Chemistry. Tilstra, L. June, 762–764. Using the Science Writing Heuristic to Move toward an Inquiry-Based Laboratory Curriculum: An Example from Physical Equilibrium. (CER) Rudd, J. A. II; Greenbowe, T. J.; Hand, B. M.; Legg, M. J. Dec, 1680–1686. Using Writing to Enhance the Undergraduate Research Experience. (CCD) Bressette, A. R.; Breton, G. W. Dec, 1626–1627. Writing and Computing across the USM Chemistry Curriculum. Gordon, N. R.; Newton, T. A.; Rhodes, G.; Ricci, J. S.; Stebbins, R. G.; Tracy, H. J. Jan, 53–55. Writing for Chemists: Satisfying the CSU Upper-Division Writing Requirement. Paulson, D. R. Aug, 1047– 1049.

X-ray Crystallography Annual James L. Waters Symposium at Pittcon (2000. (Waters) Coetzee, J. F. May, 601. Chemistry in Cages: Dinucleating Azacryptand Hosts and Their Cation and Anion Cryptates. Arthurs, M.; McKee, V.; Nelson, J.; Town, R. M. Sep, 1269– 1272. Development of Instrumentation for Thin-Film X-ray Diffraction. (Waters) Ryan, T. May, 613–616. In-Depth Look at the Madelung Constant for Cubic Crystal Systems. Grosso, R. P. Jr.; Fermann, J. T.; Vining, W. J. Sep, 1198–1202. Landmarks in the Development of Powder Diffraction Instrumentation. (Waters) Jenkins, R. May, 601–606. Role of Development of the Rotating Anode X-Ray Generator and the Use of Imaging Plates in Powder Diffractometer Instrumentation. (Waters) Harada, J. May, 607–612.

Zinc Analysis of Zinc Tablets: An Extension to a Stoichiometry Experiment. Murov, S.; Stedjee, B. Oct, 1389. Development of a Research-Oriented Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory Course. (ACL) Vallarino, L. M.; Polo, D. L.; Esperdy, K. Feb, 228–231. Observations on Lemon Cells. Goodisman, J. April, 516–518.

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 •


Volume 78 • 2001 • Book Review Index

Book Review Index* Book Titles The 13th Element by J. Emsley. (D. Rabinovich) Sep, 1184. Advanced Organic Chemistry, Part A: Structure and Mechanism, 4th Edition by F. A. Carey and R. J. Sundberg. (R. D. Libby) March, 314. Analytical Electrochemistry, 2nd Edition by J. Wang. (D. L. Langhus) April, 457–458. Analytical Instrumentation—Performance Characteristics and Quality by G. Currell. (J. K. Steehler) Jan, 34–35. Arnold O. Beckman: One Hundred Years of Excellence by A. Thackray and M. Myers Jr. (A. T. Sherren) Dec, 1600. Auf der Suche nach dem Stein der Weisen: Die Geschichte der Alchemie by H.-W. Schütt. (W. B. Jensen) June, 732. The Bases of Chemical Thermodynamics, Volumes 1 and 2 by M. Graetzel and P. Infelta. (G. R. Van Hecke) Sep, 1187–1188. The Big Bang: A History of Explosives by G. I. Brown. (J. D. Kovac) Jan, 36. Bringing Chemistry to Life: From Matter to Man by R. P. Williams and J. R. Fraústo da Silva. (A. Glasfeld) April, 454. Career Management for Scientists and Engineers by J. K. Borchardt. (M. Caswell) Feb, 169–170. Chemical Kinetics and Reaction Dynamics by P. L. Houston. (J. R. Krenos) Nov, 1466. Chemical Thermodynamics: Basic Theory and Methods, 6th Edition by I. M. Klotz and R. M. Rosenberg. (F. L. Somer Jr.) June, 729. Chemical Thermodynamics Vol. I: Principles and Applications; Vol. II: Advanced Applications by J. B. Ott and J. Boerio-Goates. (R. G. Mortimer) May, 595– 596. Chemistry: An Industry-Based Laboratory Manual by J. Kenkel. (S. K. Ballard) Feb, 167–168. Chemistry in the Marketplace, 5th Edition by B. Selinger. (W. Conover) Feb, 168. Chemistry: Molecules, Matter, and Change, 4th Edition by L. Jones and P. Atkins. (N. J. Pienta) July, 883– 884. Chemistry: The Molecular Science by J. W. Moore, C. L. Stanitski, and P. C. Jurs. (J. K. Steehler) Dec, 1598– 1599. Classical and Statistical Thermodynamics by A. H. Carter. (F. L. Somer Jr.) Dec, 1602–1603. College Pathways to the Science Education Standards edited by E. D. Siebert and W. J. McIntosh. (C. W. Bowen) Oct, 1334–1335. Computers in Chemistry by P. Biggs. (J. K. Steehler) Aug, 1028. CrystalDesigner 7.0.1 [download] by A. Holt. (R. Rudman) July, 879–880. CrystalMaker 4.1.1 [CD-ROM] by D. Palmer. (R. Rudman) July, 879–880. d- and f-Block Chemistry by C. J. Jones. (L. L. Pesterfield) Nov, 1468–1469. General, Organic, and Biochemistry: Connecting Chemistry to Your Life by I. Blei and G. Odian. (C. B. Mamantov) June, 730–731. Homogeneous Catalysis: Mechanisms and Industrial Applications by S. Bhadari and M. Doble. (R. M. Pagni) July, 882. Hyle, The International Journal for the Philosophy of Chemistry, Special Issue on Modeling, Volume 5, Number 1, and Volume 6 edited by J. Schummer. (J. E. Earley) April, 455–456. Inductively Coupled Plasma–Mass Spectrometry: Practices and Techniques by H. E. Taylor. (J. K. Sanders) Nov, 1465. Inquiry-Based Experiments for Chemistry by V. L. Lechtanski. (L. Keith-Lucas) May, 593–594. Instruments and Experimentation in the History of Chemistry edited by F. L. Holmes and T. H. Levere. (J. D. Kovac) Aug, 1027–1028. Introduction to Physical Polymer Science, 3rd Edition by L. H. Sperling. (S. B. Allin) Nov, 1469.

*The Book Review Index is divided into Book Titles, Book Authors, and Book Reviewers. Listings include book title, book author, (book reviewer), month, and page number.

Ions in Solution—Basic Principles of Chemical Interaction, 2nd Edition by J. Burgess. (L. L. Pesterfield) April, 456. The Lady Tasting Tea by D. Salsburg. (T. Whitley) Dec, 1599–1600. Lewis Acid/Base Reaction Chemistry by M. R. Leach. (J. C. Cochran) Feb, 166. Mass Spectrometry Desk Reference by O. D. Sparkman. (B. Boggess) Feb, 168–169. Mathematics for Physical Chemistry, 2nd Edition by R. G. Mortimer. (T. Whitley) June, 731. Modern Physical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach by G. H. Duffey. (J. P. Ranck) Aug, 1024–1026. NMR Spectroscopy in Inorganic Chemistry by J. A. Iggo. (L. H. Doerrer) Nov, 1469–1470. Nucleic Acids: Structures, Properties, and Functions by V. A. Bloomfield, D. M. Crothers, and I. Tinoco Jr. (J. H. Shibata) March, 314–315. Orbitals in Chemistry: A Modern Guide for Students by V. M. Gil. (D. M. Hanson) Sep, 1184–1185. Organic CD, Version 3.00 [CD-ROM] by B. C. Sanctuary and N. F. Woolsey. (R. W. Holman) Dec, 1603– 1604. Organic Chemistry. A Brief Survey of Concepts and Applications, 6th Edition by P. S. Bailey Jr. and C. A. Bailey. (A. M. Rosan) July, 881. Organic Laboratory Techniques, 3rd Edition by R. J. Fessenden, J. S. Fessenden, and P. Feist. (D. Berger) Oct, 1336–1337. Organic Reaction Mechanisms. Selected Problems and Solutions, 1st Edition by W. C. Groutas. (R. M. Pagni) Jan, 33–34. Philosophy of Chemistry: Between the Manifest and the Scientific Image by J. van Brakel. (A. T. Schwartz) July, 878–879. Physical Chemistry, 2nd Edition by R. S. Berry, S. A. Rice, and J. Ross. (N. C. Craig) Jan, 33. Physical Chemistry for the Chemical and Biological Science by R. Chang. (A. Pounds) May, 594–595. Practical Capillary Electrophoresis, 2nd Edition by R. Weinberger. (L. Tilstra) Jan, 35–36. Practical Chemistry for Schools and Colleges [CDROM] by A. J. Rest. (W. Conover) Oct, 1336. Principles of Physical Chemistry by L. M. Raff. (M. P. McCann) Oct, 1337–1338. Rutherford, Scientist Supreme by J. Campbell. (J. F. Turner) March, 313. The Scientific Endeavor: A Primer on Scientific Principles and Practice by J. A. Lee. (J. D. Kovac) March, 315–316. Scientific Laws, Principles and Theories: A Reference Guide by R. E. Krebs. (P. Bernal) Aug, 1026–1027. Soap Bubbles in Art and Education by G. Rämme. (A. Hazari) July, 882–883. Stop Working & Start Thinking: A Guide to Becoming a SCIENTIST by J. Cohen and G. Medley. (J. D. Kovac) March, 315–316. Structure and Bonding by J. Barrett. (M. Laing) Dec, 1600–1602. Thermodynamics and Chemistry by H. DeVoe. (E. A. Gislason) Sep, 1186–1187. Thermodynamics and Kinetics for the Biological Sciences by G. G. Hammes. (V. Minderhout) April, 457. Transforming Matter: A History of Chemistry from Alchemy to the Buckyball by T. H. Levere. (A. T. Schwartz) Aug, 1023. Tutorial Chemistry Texts, Vol. 3: Main Group Chemistry by W. Henderson. (W. Conover) June, 730. Water: A Matrix of Life, 2nd Edition by F. Franks. (F. D. Tabbutt) May, 593. Writing Across the Chemistry Curriculum: An Instructor’s Handbook by J. Kovac and D. W. Sherwood. (J. P. Lowe) Sep, 1185–1186.

Book Authors Atkins, P.; Jones, L. Chemistry: Molecules, Matter, and Change, 4th Edition. (N. J. Pienta) July, 883–884. Bailey, C. A.; Bailey, P. S. Jr. Organic Chemistry. A Brief Survey of Concepts and Applications, 6th Edition. (A. M. Rosan) July, 881. Bailey, P. S. Jr.; Bailey, C. A. Organic Chemistry. A Brief Survey of Concepts and Applications, 6th Edition. (A. M. Rosan) July, 881. Barrett, J. Structure and Bonding. (M. Laing) Dec, 1600–1602.

Berry, R. S.; Rice, S. A.; Ross, J. Physical Chemistry, 2nd Edition. (N. C. Craig) Jan, 33. Bhadari, S.; Doble, M. Homogeneous Catalysis: Mechanisms and Industrial Applications. (R. M. Pagni) July, 882. Biggs, P. Computers in Chemistry. (J. K. Steehler) Aug, 1028. Blei, I.; Odian, G. General, Organic, and Biochemistry: Connecting Chemistr y to Your Life. (C. B. Mamantov) June, 730–731. Bloomfield, V. A.; Crothers, D. M.; Tinoco, I. Jr. Nucleic Acids: Structures, Properties, and Functions. (J. H. Shibata) March, 314–315. Boerio-Goates, J.; Ott, J. B. Chemical Thermodynamics Vol. I: Principles and Applications; Vol. II: Advanced Applications. (R. G. Mortimer) May, 595– 596. Borchardt, J. K. Career Management for Scientists and Engineers. (M. Caswell) Feb, 169–170. Brown, G. I. The Big Bang: A History of Explosives. (J. D. Kovac) Jan, 36. Burgess, J. Ions in Solution—Basic Principles of Chemical Interaction, 2nd Edition. (L. L. Pesterfield) April, 456. Campbell, J. Rutherford, Scientist Supreme. (J. F. Turner) March, 313. Carey, F. A.; Sundberg, R. J. Advanced Organic Chemistry, Part A: Structure and Mechanism, 4th Edition. (R. D. Libby) March, 314. Carter, A. H. Classical and Statistical Thermodynamics. (F. L. Somer Jr.) Dec, 1602–1603. Chang, R. Physical Chemistry for the Chemical and Biological Science. (A. Pounds) May, 594–595. Cohen, J.; Medley, G. Stop Working & Start Thinking: A Guide to Becoming a SCIENTIST. (J. D. Kovac) March, 315–316. Crothers, D. M.; Bloomfield, V. A.; Tinoco, I. Jr. Nucleic Acids: Structures, Properties, and Functions. (J. H. Shibata) March, 314–315. Currell, G. Analytical Instrumentation—Performance Characteristics and Quality. (J. K. Steehler) Jan, 34– 35. DeVoe, H. Thermodynamics and Chemistry. (E. A. Gislason) Sep, 1186–1187. Doble, M.; Bhadari, S. Homogeneous Catalysis: Mechanisms and Industrial Applications. (R. M. Pagni) July, 882. Duffey, G. H. Modern Physical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach. (J. P. Ranck) Aug, 1024–1026. Emsley, J. The 13th Element. (D. Rabinovich) Sep, 1184. Feist, P.; Fessenden, R. J.; Fessenden, J. S. Organic Laboratory Techniques, 3rd Edition. (D. Berger) Oct, 1336–1337. Fessenden, J. S.; Fessenden, R. J.; Feist, P. Organic Laboratory Techniques, 3rd Edition. (D. Berger) Oct, 1336–1337. Fessenden, R. J.; Fessenden, J. S.; Feist, P. Organic Laboratory Techniques, 3rd Edition. (D. Berger) Oct, 1336–1337. Franks, F. Water: A Matrix of Life, 2nd Edition. (F. D. Tabbutt) May, 593. Fraústo da Silva, J. R.; Williams, R. P. Bringing Chemistry to Life: From Matter to Man. (A. Glasfeld) April, 454. Gil, V. M. Orbitals in Chemistry: A Modern Guide for Students. (D. M. Hanson) Sep, 1184–1185. Graetzel, M.; Infelta, P. The Bases of Chemical Thermodynamics, Volumes 1 and 2. (G. R. Van Hecke) Sep, 1187–1188. Groutas, W. C. Organic Reaction Mechanisms. Selected Problems and Solutions, 1st Edition. (R. M. Pagni) Jan, 33–34. Hammes, G. G. Thermodynamics and Kinetics for the Biological Sciences. (V. Minderhout) April, 457. Henderson, W. Tutorial Chemistry Texts, Vol. 3: Main Group Chemistry. (W. Conover) June, 730. Holmes, F. L.; Levere, T. H., Eds. Instruments and Experimentation in the History of Chemistry. (J. D. Kovac) Aug, 1027–1028. Holt, A. CrystalDesigner 7.0.1 [download]. (R. Rudman) July, 879–880. Houston, P. L. Chemical Kinetics and Reaction Dynamics. (J. R. Krenos) Nov, 1466. Iggo, J. A. NMR Spectroscopy in Inorganic Chemistry. (L. H. Doerrer) Nov, 1469–1470. Infelta, P.; Graetzel, M. The Bases of Chemical Ther- • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 • Journal of Chemical Education


Book Review Index • Volume 78 • 2001 modynamics, Volumes 1 and 2. (G. R. Van Hecke) Sep, 1187–1188. Jones, C. J. d- and f-Block Chemistry. (L. L. Pesterfield) Nov, 1468–1469. Jones, L.; Atkins, P. Chemistry: Molecules, Matter, and Change, 4th Edition. (N. J. Pienta) July, 883–884. Jurs, P. C.; Moore, J. W.; Stanitski, C. L. Chemistry: The Molecular Science. (J. K. Steehler) Dec, 1598–1599. Kenkel, J. Chemistry: An Industry-Based Laboratory Manual. (S. K. Ballard) Feb, 167–168. Klotz, I. M.; Rosenberg, R. M. Chemical Thermodynamics: Basic Theory and Methods, 6th Edition. (F. L. Somer Jr.) June, 729. Kovac, J.; Sherwood, D. W. Writing Across the Chemistry Curriculum: An Instructor’s Handbook. (J. P. Lowe) Sep, 1185–1186. Krebs, R. E. Scientific Laws, Principles and Theories: A Reference Guide. (P. Bernal) Aug, 1026–1027. Leach, M. R. Lewis Acid/Base Reaction Chemistry. (J. C. Cochran) Feb, 166. Lechtanski, V. L. Inquiry-Based Experiments for Chemistry. (L. Keith-Lucas) May, 593–594. Lee, J. A. The Scientific Endeavor: A Primer on Scientific Principles and Practice. (J. D. Kovac) March, 315–316. Levere, T. H. Transforming Matter: A History of Chemistry from Alchemy to the Buckyball. (A. T. Schwartz) Aug, 1023. Levere, T. H.; Holmes, F. L., Eds. Instruments and Experimentation in the History of Chemistry. (J. D. Kovac) Aug, 1027–1028. McIntosh, W. J.; Siebert, E. D., Eds. College Pathways to the Science Education Standards. (C. W. Bowen) Oct, 1334–1335. Medley, G.; Cohen, J. Stop Working & Start Thinking: A Guide to Becoming a SCIENTIST. (J. D. Kovac) March, 315–316. Moore, J. W.; Stanitski, C. L.; Jurs, P. C. Chemistry: The Molecular Science. (J. K. Steehler) Dec, 1598–1599. Mortimer, R. G. Mathematics for Physical Chemistry, 2nd Edition. (T. Whitley) June, 731. Myers, M. Jr.; Thackray, A. Arnold O. Beckman: One Hundred Years of Excellence. (A. T. Sherren) Dec, 1600. Odian, G.; Blei, I. General, Organic, and Biochemistry: Connecting Chemistr y to Your Life. (C. B. Mamantov) June, 730–731. Ott, J. B.; Boerio-Goates, J. Chemical Thermodynamics Vol. I: Principles and Applications; Vol. II: Advanced Applications. (R. G. Mortimer) May, 595– 596. Palmer, D. CrystalMaker 4.1.1 [CD-ROM]. (R. Rudman) July, 879–880. Raff, L. M. Principles of Physical Chemistry. (M. P. McCann) Oct, 1337–1338. Rämme, G. Soap Bubbles in Art and Education. (A. Hazari) July, 882–883. Rest, A. J. Practical Chemistry for Schools and Colleges [CD-ROM]. (W. Conover) Oct, 1336. Rice, S. A.; Berry, R. S.; Ross, J. Physical Chemistry, 2nd Edition. (N. C. Craig) Jan, 33. Rosenberg, R. M.; Klotz, I. M. Chemical Thermodynamics: Basic Theory and Methods, 6th Edition. (F. L. Somer Jr.) June, 729. Ross, J.; Berry, R. S.; Rice, S. A. Physical Chemistry, 2nd Edition. (N. C. Craig) Jan, 33. Salsburg, D. The Lady Tasting Tea. (T. Whitley) Dec, 1599–1600. Sanctuary, B. C.; Woolsey, N. F. Organic CD, Version 3.00 [CD-ROM]. (R. W. Holman) Dec, 1603–1604. Schummer, J., Ed. Hyle, The International Journal for the Philosophy of Chemistry, Special Issue on Modeling, Volume 5, Number 1, and Volume 6. (J. E. Earley) April, 455–456. Schütt, H.-W. Auf der Suche nach dem Stein der Weisen: Die Geschichte der Alchemie. (W. B. Jensen) June, 732. Selinger, B. Chemistry in the Marketplace, 5th Edition. (W. Conover) Feb, 168. Sherwood, D. W.; Kovac, J. Writing Across the Chemistry Curriculum: An Instructor’s Handbook. (J. P. Lowe) Sep, 1185–1186. Siebert, E. D.; McIntosh, W. J., Eds. College Pathways to the Science Education Standards. (C. W. Bowen) Oct, 1334–1335. Sparkman, O. D. Mass Spectrometry Desk Reference. (B. Boggess) Feb, 168–169. Sperling, L. H. Introduction to Physical Polymer Science, 3rd Edition. (S. B. Allin) Nov, 1469.


JCE Online Index:

Stanitski, C. L.; Moore, J. W.; Jurs, P. C. Chemistry: The Molecular Science. (J. K. Steehler) Dec, 1598–1599. Sundberg, R. J.; Carey, F. A. Advanced Organic Chemistry, Part A: Structure and Mechanism, 4th Edition. (R. D. Libby) March, 314. Taylor, H. E. Inductively Coupled Plasma–Mass Spectrometry: Practices and Techniques. (J. K. Sanders) Nov, 1465. Thackray, A.; Myers, M. Jr. Arnold O. Beckman: One Hundred Years of Excellence. (A. T. Sherren) Dec, 1600. Tinoco, I. Jr.; Bloomfield, V. A.; Crothers, D. M. Nucleic Acids: Structures, Properties, and Functions. (J. H. Shibata) March, 314–315. van Brakel, J. Philosophy of Chemistry: Between the Manifest and the Scientific Image. (A. T. Schwartz) July, 878–879. Wang, J. Analytical Electrochemistry, 2nd Edition. (D. L. Langhus) April, 457–458. Weinberger, R. Practical Capillary Electrophoresis, 2nd Edition. (L. Tilstra) Jan, 35–36. Williams, R. P.; Fraústo da Silva, J. R. Bringing Chemistry to Life: From Matter to Man. (A. Glasfeld) April, 454. Woolsey, N. F.; Sanctuary, B. C. Organic CD, Version 3.00 [CD-ROM]. (R. W. Holman) Dec, 1603–1604.

Book Reviewers Allin, S. B. Introduction to Physical Polymer Science, 3rd Edition by L. H. Sperling. Nov, 1469. Ballard, S. K. Chemistry: An Industry-Based Laboratory Manual by J. Kenkel. Feb, 167–168. Berger, D. Organic Laboratory Techniques, 3rd Edition by R. J. Fessenden, J. S. Fessenden, and P. Feist. Oct, 1336–1337. Bernal, P. Scientific Laws, Principles and Theories: A Reference Guide by R. E. Krebs. Aug, 1026–1027. Boggess, B. Mass Spectrometry Desk Reference by O. D. Sparkman. Feb, 168–169. Bowen, C. W. College Pathways to the Science Education Standards edited by E. D. Siebert and W. J. McIntosh. Oct, 1334–1335. Caswell, M. Career Management for Scientists and Engineers by J. K. Borchardt. Feb, 169–170. Cochran, J. C. Lewis Acid/Base Reaction Chemistry by M. R. Leach. Feb, 166. Conover, W. Chemistry in the Marketplace, 5th Edition by B. Selinger. Feb, 168. Conover, W. Practical Chemistry for Schools and Colleges [CD-ROM] by A. J. Rest. Oct, 1336. Conover, W. Tutorial Chemistry Texts, Vol. 3: Main Group Chemistry by W. Henderson. June, 730. Craig, N. C. Physical Chemistry, 2nd Edition by R. S. Berry, S. A. Rice, and J. Ross. Jan, 33. Doerrer, L. H. NMR Spectroscopy in Inorganic Chemistry by J. A. Iggo. Nov, 1469–1470. Earley, J. E. Hyle, The International Journal for the Philosophy of Chemistry, Special Issue on Modeling, Volume 5, Number 1, and Volume 6 edited by J. Schummer. April, 455–456. Gislason, E. A. Thermodynamics and Chemistry by H. DeVoe. Sep, 1186–1187. Glasfeld, A. Bringing Chemistry to Life: From Matter to Man by R. P. Williams and J. R. Fraústo da Silva. April, 454. Hanson, D. M. Orbitals in Chemistry: A Modern Guide for Students by V. M. Gil. Sep, 1184–1185. Hazari, A. Soap Bubbles in Art and Education by G. Rämme. July, 882–883. Holman, R. W. Organic CD, Version 3.00 [CD-ROM] by B. C. Sanctuary and N. F. Woolsey. Dec, 1603– 1604. Jensen, W. B. Auf der Suche nach dem Stein der Weisen: Die Geschichte der Alchemie by H.-W. Schütt. June, 732. Keith-Lucas, L. Inquiry-Based Experiments for Chemistry by V. L. Lechtanski. May, 593–594. Kovac, J. D. The Big Bang: A History of Explosives by G. I. Brown. Jan, 36. Kovac, J. D. Instruments and Experimentation in the History of Chemistry edited by F. L. Holmes and T. H. Levere. Aug, 1027–1028. Kovac, J. D. The Scientific Endeavor: A Primer on Scientific Principles and Practice by J. A. Lee. March, 315–316. Kovac, J. D. Stop Working & Start Thinking: A Guide to Becoming a SCIENTIST by J. Cohen and G. Medley. March, 315–316.

Krenos, J. R. Chemical Kinetics and Reaction Dynamics by P. L. Houston. Nov, 1466. Laing, M. Structure and Bonding by J. Barrett. Dec, 1600–1602. Langhus, D. L. Analytical Electrochemistry, 2nd Edition by J. Wang. April, 457–458. Libby, R. D. Advanced Organic Chemistry, Part A: Structure and Mechanism, 4th Edition by F. A. Carey and R. J. Sundberg. March, 314. Lowe, J. P. Writing Across the Chemistry Curriculum: An Instructor’s Handbook by J. Kovac and D. W. Sherwood. Sep, 1185–1186. Mamantov, C. B. General, Organic, and Biochemistry: Connecting Chemistry to Your Life by I. Blei and G. Odian. June, 730–731. McCann, M. P. Principles of Physical Chemistry by L. M. Raff. Oct, 1337–1338. Minderhout, V. Thermodynamics and Kinetics for the Biological Sciences by G. G. Hammes. April, 457. Mortimer, R. G. Chemical Thermodynamics Vol. I: Principles and Applications; Vol. II: Advanced Applications by J. B. Ott and J. Boerio-Goates. May, 595– 596. Pagni, R. M. Homogeneous Catalysis: Mechanisms and Industrial Applications by S. Bhadari and M. Doble. July, 882. Pagni, R. M. Organic Reaction Mechanisms. Selected Problems and Solutions, 1st Edition by W. C. Groutas. Jan, 33–34. Pesterfield, L. L. d- and f-Block Chemistry by C. J. Jones. Nov, 1468–1469. Pesterfield, L. L. Ions in Solution—Basic Principles of Chemical Interaction, 2nd Edition by J. Burgess. April, 456. Pienta, N. J. Chemistry: Molecules, Matter, and Change, 4th Edition by L. Jones and P. Atkins. July, 883–884. Pounds, A. Physical Chemistry for the Chemical and Biological Science by R. Chang. May, 594–595. Rabinovich, D. The 13th Element by J. Emsley. Sep, 1184. Ranck, J. P. Modern Physical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach by G. H. Duffey. Aug, 1024–1026. Rosan, A. M. Organic Chemistry. A Brief Survey of Concepts and Applications, 6th Edition by P. S. Bailey Jr. and C. A. Bailey. July, 881. Rudman, R. CrystalDesigner 7.0.1 [download] by A. Holt. July, 879–880. Rudman, R. CrystalMaker 4.1.1 [CD-ROM] by D. Palmer. July, 879–880. Sanders, J. K. Inductively Coupled Plasma–Mass Spectrometry: Practices and Techniques by H. E. Taylor. Nov, 1465. Schwartz, A. T. Philosophy of Chemistry: Between the Manifest and the Scientific Image by J. van Brakel. July, 878–879. Schwartz, A. T. Transforming Matter: A History of Chemistry from Alchemy to the Buckyball by T. H. Levere. Aug, 1023. Sherren, A. T. Arnold O. Beckman: One Hundred Years of Excellence by A. Thackray and M. Myers Jr. Dec, 1600. Shibata, J. H. Nucleic Acids: Structures, Properties, and Functions by V. A. Bloomfield, D. M. Crothers, and I. Tinoco Jr. March, 314–315. Somer, F. L. Jr. Chemical Thermodynamics: Basic Theory and Methods, 6th Edition by I. M. Klotz and R. M. Rosenberg. June, 729. Somer, F. L. Jr. Classical and Statistical Thermodynamics by A. H. Carter. Dec, 1602–1603. Steehler, J. K. Analytical Instrumentation—Performance Characteristics and Quality by G. Currell. Jan, 34–35. Steehler, J. K. Chemistry: The Molecular Science by J. W. Moore, C. L. Stanitski, and P. C. Jurs. Dec, 1598– 1599. Steehler, J. K. Computers in Chemistry by P. Biggs. Aug, 1028. Tabbutt, F. D. Water: A Matrix of Life, 2nd Edition by F. Franks. May, 593. Tilstra, L. Practical Capillary Electrophoresis, 2nd Edition by R. Weinberger. Jan, 35–36. Turner, J. F. Rutherford, Scientist Supreme by J. Campbell. March, 313. Van Hecke, G. R. The Bases of Chemical Thermodynamics, Volumes 1 and 2 by M. Graetzel and P. Infelta. Sep, 1187–1188. Whitley, T. The Lady Tasting Tea by D. Salsburg. Dec, 1599–1600. Whitley, T. Mathematics for Physical Chemistry, 2nd Edition by R. G. Mortimer. June, 731.

Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 78 No. 12 December 2001 •