Annual Review of Nuclear Science. Volume I - Journal of Chemical

Annual Review of Nuclear Science. Volume I. William F. Kieffer. J. Chem. Educ. , 1953, 30 (2), p 105. DOI: 10.1021/ed030p105.3. Publication Date: Febr...
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W R U A R Y , 1953


seems to give a misleading impression of both the physical power and the possible mathematical elaborateness of thermodynmics. Nothing is said about the postulational development of Caratheodary nor is there any reference to the important new wark on the thermodynamies of irreversible systems. The discussion of wave propagation (pages 269 ff), to cite another example, is misleading since it is unnecessarily restricted to periodic waves. The recent papers of Schrodinger suggest that the problem of the interpretation of quantum mechanics, usually considered to have been settled by the probability view of Born, may have to he reopened for more csreful consideration. The portraits of famous mathematicians and physicists add considerable interest to the work. Among those of pre-quantum physicists is one said to he that of 1,a.m Camot (1753-1823). This gentleman was not a physicist hut a military expert whose principal soientifie contributions vere in the field of mathematics. His elder son, Sadi Carnot (1796-1832), was the eminent physicist, known to fame as one of the founders of thermodynamics. R. B. L I N D S A Y B~own Unrvmsrm

P n o v ~ o s m Rnona ~, Imano


rapidly expanding contrihutions of chemioal thermodynamics to the solution of practical metallurgical problems. It is a, little disturbing to find that many of these contributions have been made by chemists with little or no formal metallurgial educe tion. Another significant trend has been the increasingly prominent role of chemical engineers in metallurgical activities." Thus a metallureist admits the suoerioritv of trsinine in iunannlv damentals aver de&ntive technolo&. H; nronoses

its applioation to metallurgy. In the first volume the author devotes ten chapters to engineering principles common to all the unit processes of extractive metallurgy. These are: (1) The Unit Processes of Chemical Metallurgy, 11 pages; (2) Stoichiometry, 31 pages; (3) The Heat Balance, 26 pages; (4) Metallurgical Fuels, 40 pages; (5) Combustion of Fuels and Heat Utilization, 34 pages; (6) Fluid Flow, 48 pages; (7) Steady Heat Flow, 68 pages; (8) Unsteady Heat Flow, 25 pages; (9) Phases in Pyrometallurgical Systems, 41 pages; (10) Refractory Materials, 43 pages. In considering the number of topics, and the space allotted to each, that are covered in one semester, the reviewer wonders if the success of the chemist and chemical engineer is not due to the emphasis and time spent on fundamentals. The chemical eneineer will mend a semester on stoiahiometrv alone.



Eric G. Ball, Editor-inchief. John Wiley & Sans, Inc., New York, 1952. vii 109 pp. 2 figs. 15.5 X 23.5 cm. $3.


INRECENT years the study of individual chemieal reactions in animal and plant tissues has occupied a large segment of hiochemical research. Such studies necessitate the isolation or prrpamtion of components of wrgnw rgetmcs. For this rmwa a compilation of wlial,lr lnrthod~for obtaining highly purified sub4nnet.i of t,iovhrwir~ilinterest ir quite dr*irul,lr. Surh .a compilation is the objective of "~iohhemical Preparatiana." The present volume is the second in the series. It contains isolation procedures for cytochrome-e, seed globulin, phosvitin. laotio dehydrogenase, oleio mid and methyl ricinoleate; the hiosynthesis of myo- and epi-inosose, inositol monophosphste and Clrlahled sucrose. In addition, chemical procedures for the preparation of 14 compounds of biochemical interest are described. The methods are presented with full detsjls of procedure and are supplemented with footnotes in which choice of reagents, vields. and other helnful comments annear. Each method has

for the isolation of more of the enzyme proteins when methods for their preparation are perfected. As this series of volumes expands, it will he of value if each volume cantaim a list of the compounds that have been described in the earlier volumes of the series.

fer appeared particularly good. All chapters are concluded with problems that apply the principles to metallurgical problems. Chemists and chemical engineers will be interested in seeing this "new look" given the teaching of metallurgy, particularly if they desire to adapt these industrial problems to their courses to extend the breadth of training of their students. KENNETH A. KOBE U N I V E ~ ~O~ ITTSXAS Y

Aosrm. T.;x*a



Committee on Nuclear Science, National ~ e s i a r c hCouncil. 645 pp. Annual Reviews, Inc., Stanford, Calif., 1952. ix Nustrated. 15.5 X 2 3 cm. $6.


to provide a. true perspective for the year's advances. In many

the academic library. Since thk diversitid research in nuclear nhenomena is so ereat. the comnrehensive ~ l a nfor the series



Reinhardt Schuhmann, Jr., Assmiate professor of ~ ~ t & Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Addison-Wesley press, In=., Cambridge, Mass., 1952. ix + 3gOpp, 155figs, 19 x 25




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"THEpast ten years heve brought general recognition of the fact that the traditional college training in the established arts of extracting the common metals from their ores no longer is the soundest basis for a successful career in the metallurgical profession. One major factor in the awakening has been the

cdmmunicatian" references. The spectrum of topics covered ranges from meson physics to Of the 611 text pages, about half are devoted , plant ~ ~ nutrition. ~ , to topics primarily of interest to physicists, the other half to chemists and biochemists. Chemistry professors seeking an efficient means of kee~inenosted on the nroeress of other than their own specialities have been enthusiastically grateful for other Annual Review series. This first volume of a new series will most certainly receive the same response. Among the chapters included in this volume whioh are sure to be of interest to academic chemists are: Kats and Manning on "The chemistry of the actinides," Edwards on "Isotopic tracers in chemical systems"

. -.





Beems to give a misleading impression of both the physicd power and the possible mathematical elaborateness of thermodynamics. Nothing is said about the postulational development of Caratheadory nor is there any reference to the important new work on the thermodynamics of irreversible syatems. The discussion of wave propagation (pages 269 ff), to cite another example, is misleading - since it is unnera~srtrilv restricted to periodic waves. The recent papers of Scbdinger suggest that the problem of the interpretation of quantum mechanics, naually considered to have been settled by the probability view of Born, may have to be reopened for more careful consideration. The portraits of famous mathematicians and physicists add considerable interest to the work. Among those of pre-quantum physicists is one said to be that of Laaare Camot (1753-1823). This gentleman was not a physicist but a military expert whose principal scientific contributions were in the field of mathematics. His elder son, Sadi Carnot (1796-1832), was the eminent physicist, known to fame as one of the founders of thermodynamics. R. B. LINDSAY B a o w ~Umvmnsm PROVIDENCE, RAODZISUAD



Eric G. Boll, Editor-in-chief. JohnWiley B Sons,Inc., New York, 1952. vii I09 pp. 2 figs. 15.5 X 23.5 cm. $3.


INRECENT year8 the study of individual chemical reactions in animal and plant tissues has occupied a large segment of hi+ chemical research. Such studies necessitate the isolation or

compilation is the objective of "~iochemical Preparations." The present volume is the second in the series. It contains isolation procedures for cytochrome-e, seed globulin, phusvitin. lactic dehydrogenase, oleic acid and methyl ricinoleate; the biosynthesis of myo- and epi-inosose, inosital monophosphate and Clrlabled sucrose. In addition, chemical procedures for the preparation of 14 compounds of biochemical interest are described. The methods are presented with full detail8 of procedure and are supplemented with footnote3 in which choice of reagents, vields. and other heloful comments annear. Each method har


rapidly expanding contributions of chemical thermodynamics to the solution of practical metallurgical pprohlems. It is a little disturbing to find that many of these contributions have been made by chemists with little or no formal metallurgial education. Another significant trend has been the increasingly prominent role of chemical engineers in metallurgical activities." Thus a metallurgist admits the superiority of training in fundamentals over descriptive technology. He proposes to apply some of these fundamentals to process metallurgy. The successful application of the concept of unit physical operations and unit chemicel processes in chemical engineering points the way to its application to metallurgy. In the first volume the author devotes ten chapters to engineering principles common to all the unit processes of extractive metallurgy. These are: (1) The Unit Processes of Chemical Metallurgy, 11 pages; (2) Stoichiometry, 31 pzges; (3) The Heat Balance, 26 pages; (4) Metallurgical Fuels, 40 pages; (5) Combustion of Fnele and Heat Utilization, 34 pages; (6) Fluid Flow, 48 pages; (7) Steady Heat Flow, 68 pages; (8) Unsteady Heat Flow, 25 pages; (9) Phmes in Pyrometallurgicsl Systems, 41 pages; (10) Refractory Materials, 43 pages. In considering the number of topics, and the space allotted to each, that are covered in one semester, the reviewer wonders if the success of the chemist and chemical engineer is not due to the emphasis and time spent on fundamentals. The chemical engineer will spend a semester on staiehiometry alone. The author has done an excellent job of reducing the fundamentals in each subject to a chapter of materisl that is applicable to process metallurgy. The chapters on fluid flow and heat transfer appeared particularly good. All chapters me concluded with problems that apply the principles to metallurgical problems. Chemists and chemical engineers will be interested in seeing this "new look" given the teaching of metallurgy, partioularlp if they desire to adapt thwe iodustria1,problems t o their courses to extend the breadth of training of their students. KENNETH A. KOBE U N I V E ~ OF ~ ITTE~X A S A ~ T I NT. s x ~ s



Committee on Nuclear Science, National ~edearch Council. 645 pp. Annual Reviews, Inc., Stanford, Calif., 1952. ix Illustrated. 15.5 X 23 Em. $6.


THIS first volume of the ~eriesplanned to present the most significant developments in the various associated fields of neuclear science does somewhat more than its title implies. Most for the isolation of more of the enzyme proteins when methods for of its contributors not only review the published work in the their preparation are perfected. AR this series of volume^ ex- year 1950, but attempt to provide sufficient background materisl pands, it will be of value if each volume contains a list of the to provide a true perspective for the year's advances. In many com~oundsthat have been described in the earlier volumes of ceses this is accomplished in a spece-saving fashion by reference the ieries. to a critically chosen bibliography of general reviews. Thifi is a feature of the volume which particularly adds to its value for the academic library. Since the diversity of research in nuclear nhenomena is so .. meat.. the comurehensive ~ l a nfor the series arldom will nllorr a nwrr um-year appr~isalof a topic to he m d e . TI& l m h ~ r ni t u f i ~ i p ~ I)? t ~ dm m y of the sprcialist contril~itor. with an unuruslly large r~umhrruf "in-pre-