Annual Survey of American Chemistry, Vol. VII, 1932 (West, Clarence

istry. For him,it becomes an introduction to this science; a taste, as it were, which may or may not prompt a continuation of it. On the other hand, t...
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purpose of study and review, a series of selected questions and problems. The authors express the hope that this baok may appeal to the home economics student not because its subject matter is unusual, hut because they have made an attempt throughout the text t o present suggestions that may help the student sense the relationship which exists between chemistry and home economics. I n this respect, the book seems to serve its purpose. I t has been written with a special appeal to a definite group of students. Because of the ambitious attempt of the authors t o cover so many fields, it cannot be claimed for the book that it is suitable for the student who plans to make an intensive study of chemistry. For him, it becomes an introduction t o this science; a taste, as i t were, which may or may not prompt a continuation of it. On the other hand. the inauirinz mind of the freshman home economics student as t o what chemistry is all about will probably be satisfied by a study of this text.



working in this very specialized field, there is, in general, a sense of lack of discussion of tendencies in investigations and conclusions to be drawn from them. This situation is perhaps accentuated by the recognized difficulty in classifying a large mass of material of such wide scope. Despite the above limitations, the reader cannot fail to he impressed by the diversity and significance of relationships between radiant energy and the function and structure of living organisms as shown in this volume. This is a field of interest which well merits attention from the standpoint of chemical education. A R ~ UH. R SMITH YA'B


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INDUSTRIAL CHBMISTRY.Willium Thornfon Read, Dean of the School of Chemistry, Rutgers University. John Wiley and Sons. Inc.. New York City, 1933. vii 576 pp. 130 Figs. 15 X 23 cm. $5.00, plus postage. For "students . . who would like t o know more about the applications of chemistry t o industry. teachers of chemistry in high school and college not sficiently familiar with chemical ,industries to give accurate information about essentials business men interested in a general survey," this book was written. Breaking away from precedent Dr. Read has skilfully avoided making this work a mere encyclopcedia of the industries from alkalies t o zinc, f i t , by devoting ten chapters of the twentyseven to basic principles, testingmethods, and unit manufacturing processes and, second, by grouping and describing the most important types of related industries. leaving the introduction of minor processes and minutie in general t o the discretion of the instructor. For example. under the head of "Carbohydrate Industries" we find discussed the sugars, starch, cellulose and the cellulose textiles, pulp and paper, the cellulose esters, and wooddistillation products. A most happy innovation in the make-up of the book is the nearly complete substitution of linedrawings of apparatus and flow-sheets for the conventional boiler-plate cuts of many of the older books. These in the main were made especially for this work and are adequately described with explanatory legends. Doubtless the methods of teaching industrial chemistry in our colleges are less standardized than those in any of the other branches due in a measure t o the varied interests, experiences, and sources of information of the instructors. Most of us, doubtless, believe that i t should cover largely the modern history and the economic relationships of the chemical industries with emphasis on current events; and so the constant use of the technical journals such as Industrinl and Engineering Chemistry and Chemi~aland Meztallurgical Engineering (particularly the annual survey number) is imperative. But all of us need a good sound book of fundamentals to place in the student's hands, if only t o serve as a point of reference, and the reviewer feels that Dr. Read has produced one that will gain wide acceptance. Particularly will the teacher of general chemistry, whether in high school or college, find in i t a source of authentic information on the chemical industries t o supplement the more abstract theory. Not the least of its virtues is a selling price in line with the demands of the times. H. L. OLIN



Stoll, Basel. Verlag vou Julius Springer, Berlin, Germany, 1933. 41 pp. 14 X 21.5 cm. R M 3. An entertaining essay of historical interest reporting on important biochemical activities carried out during the scientific career of Dr. Stoll. The book is dedicated t o his old teacher, Professor Richard WillstStter, and the subject matter is practically restricted t o a lecture presentation of biochemical advances in the field of chlorophyll, the heart alkaloids of the digitalis type, and alkaloids of ergot. The work is of no value as a baok of reference, no literature references are recorded, and it is simply a short essay which would be entertaining t o a layman who understands the German language.

PHYsroLoGIolL EPPECTSOF RADIANT ENERGY. Henry Iazcrens. Ph.D., Professor of Physiology in the Tulane University School of Medicine. The Chemical Catalog Co., Inc., New York City, 1933. viii 610 pp. 80 Tables; 104 Figs. 15 X 23 em. $6.



The oumose of this monoeraoh. . . .. . as the author states in the prrfacr, ii to yrovidr a sourcr book of information on the subject. The newer interest in thc physioloaical effects and therapeutic value of radiant energy has attained a stage where such a contribution to the literature is very valuable. The author has encompassed a surprisingly wide range of pertinent data in his review. I n the early part of the book the physics of radiant energy is discussed and a considerable amount of critical attention given to the various available methods for measuring it. Emphasis is laid throughout the book on the importance of light of other wave-lengths than those in the ultra-violet known to be effective in treating rickets. This is especially apparent in the chapter on radiotherapy of wounds and diseases of the skin. There is an excellent discussion on the penetration into the skin of radiations of various wave-lengths, the significance of the erythemia and pigmentation resulting therefrom and the accompanying histological changes. The many alleged influences of radiant energy on blood and circulatory system are carefully evaluated in the light of recent studies, a number of which are contributions by the author himself. There are five chapters on radiation and metabolism; i t appears to the reviewer that undue attention is given t o mineral metabolism in rickets and the inttuence of vitamins and parathornone. Photodynamic action and the iduence of radiant energy on tuberculosis are well presented and there is a chapter on micra6rganisms and enzymes as a5ected by radiant energy. This monograph should prove useful as a source book; individual contributions are summarized (in a few instances a t great length and in considerable detail) as t o fact but t o one not ~



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ANNUALSURVEY o*. AMERICAN CHEMISTRY, VOL. VII, 1932. Edited by Clarence I. West. Published far the National Research Council by The Chemical Catalog Ca., Inc., New York City, 1933. 346 pp. 13 X 21 cm. $4.00.

It has always been the policy of the Survey t o review certain topics in rotation, in cycles of two or three year-. I n the present volutnc that policy is somewhat cxtmded, thc number of rhsptrrs having bccn redurrd from 37 ,1931 volume) to 27.

11. Protectors of Health and Beauty. 12. Electrochemistry and the Nation. As the author states in the preface.. . "this volume touches but briefly the high spots.. . ." Starting with the economic aspects of water power in relation to electrical energy, the author weaves through a panorama of discovery, invention, and progress in the various branches of electrochemical achievement. Hardly any topic is left unmentioned and on the whole the volume is remarkably complete. One naturally regrets the omission or bare mention of such seeminelv ... imnortant subiects as ohotoelectricitv. ~~~, v a r u l m tul,rs, rlrcrrical "nring" of niirogctl, and Currrcll precipitation in l a w r of orher topics which are disruqcrd in derail. Thr la-[ rhaprrr i i drvurr.d to rhr. imporrnnce of ~~~~~~~~~~~~try AN INTRODUCTION TO THE PRACTICE OR ORGANIC CHEMISTRY IN in the United States. THE LABORATORY. Homer Adkins, Professor of Chemistry, Those who have read De la Rive's clear explanation of local and S. M . McEluain, Associate Professor of Chemistry, action (written in 1830) may wonder why the author attributes both of The University of Wisconsin. Second edition. Mc- the electrochemical theory of corrosion to "the director of the Graw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York City, 1933. x 224 pp. House of Magic" as is stated on page 24. 8 Figs. 14 X 20.5 em. $2.25. The chapter an "What Price Purity" is truly a miniature For its size, the volume contains in a very compact form an classic. The illustrations are up-to-date and interesting, while the tables are excellent from the statistical point of view and unusual amount of information. The experimental work and accompanying directions are so contain a wealth of information. The very intimate treatment arranged that the text can he used equally well for a short, one- ' of the subject matter is excellent and many chuckles are in store far the reader, as is instanced on page 95, where the author semester course or for a longer year period. Pages 6 to 82 are taken up with a list of forty-eight representa- describes the discovery of calcium carbide. To the electrochemist or advanced student, familiar with the tive preparations with many test-tube experiments, suitable ,,. to the in whole or in part for the shorter course. The directions are subiect matter. the book is bound t o Drove refreshinc: adequate and are supplemented with well-chosen questions on hyman it will hc instructive; and to rvcryotw if s h ~ u l dprove inrcrrsring and one should feel richer after having reall it l