Another agricultural chemical Baiters BENZENE HEXACHLORIDE

Nov 5, 2010 - Another agricultural chemical Baiters BENZENE HEXACHLORIDE. Chem. Eng. News , 1947, 25 (34), p 2443. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v025n034...
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Another agricultural chemical

B a i t e r s BENZENE HEXACHLORIDE This n e w p o w e r f u l insecticide promises much in t h e agricultural f i e l d / From wartime research comes one of the most potent insecticides known—Benzene Hexachloride (C 6 H 6 C1 6 ) or 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5, 6-hexachlorocyclohexane. As a stomach p o i s o n , contact p o i s o n and fumigant, Benzene Hexachloride kills some insects unharmed by D D T . For certain other insects, it is more effective than D D T . In the agricultural field Benzene Hexachloride has shown special promise for use against cotton insects—boil weevil, flea hopper, aphid, and the leafworm. An early report shows that it increased yields of seed cotton 750 pounds per acre. Among the many insects susceptible to Benzene Hexachloride are grasshoppers, mites, chiggers,

mosquitoes, flies, beetles, weevils, moths, lice and cockroaches. Benzene Hexachloride appears at present to be relatively harmless to man and warm-blooded animals. It is chemically stable and is unaffected by continued exposure to the atmosphere. It is more volatile and less persistent than D D T . Benzene Hexachloride can be easily formulated into dusts or pastes, liquids in suitable solvents, emulsions or "smokes." The J. T. Baker Chemical Co. is now ready to supply limited quantities of Benzene Hexachloride for manufacturing purposes. Write today for prices. Address the Agricultural Chemical Division, J. T. Baker Chemical Co., Executive Offices, Phillipsburg, N . J.

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