Another dimension in Life Science information ... - ACS Publications

Ohio. Contact: Communications Skills Corp., P.O. Box 684, Fairfield, Conn. 06430. 203-255-1959. Mar. 6 to 10—Two Separate Courses: Gas Chromatograph...
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Another dimension in


Scheduled Courses in Analytical Techniques

Life Science information BIORESEARCH INDEXfrom BIOSIS, naturally. BIORESEARCH INDEX is a monthly publication containing full bibliographic citations to original research reports. It offers the same type of in-depth, multiple indexing that is provided for articles abstracted in BIOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS. Its added dimension is more timely and complete reporting of research information from the following sources than ever before. • Annual Institutional reports • Bibliographies, Reviews • Letters, Notes

• Preliminary reports • Selected government reports • Semi-popular journals • Symposia • Trade journals More than 100,000 articles are reported annually in BIORESEARCH INDEX. Each issue contains the following: • A list of the publications indexed, including abbreviated title and issue covered. • Bibliography—each citation listed includes the journal source, volume and issue numbers, date, pagination, author(s) and title. • BIOSIS' complement of indexes; Author, Biosystematic, CROSS and Subject (B.A.S.I.C), color-coded and keyed to the bibliography. Every citation receives at least one entry in each index and a total of 19 index entries on the average. These provide the researcher with convenience and flexibility in locating the precise information he requires. A special price is offered non-profit organizations for combined annual subscriptions to BIORESEARCH INDEX and BIOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS. To obtain complete information, write or call:

Information is given in the following order: date, name of course, location of course, professional person(s) in charge of course, and/or sponsoring organizations, and Contact (numbers in parentheses refer to addresses and telephone numbers given at the bottom of the list of scheduled courses). Feb. 1 to 4—Tenth Annual Introductory Course in Gas Chromatography. Roosevelt University, Chicago, III. Sponsor: Chicago Gas Chromatography Discussion Group. Contact: Peter Bushong, Hewlett-Packard, 5500 Howard St., Skokie, III. 60076 Feb. 3—Color Measurement Workshop. Dayton, Ohio. Hunterlab. Contact (1) Feb. 4 to 5—Maintaining and Trouble-Shooting Chromatographic Systems. New York City. J. Q. Walker, M. T. Jackson. ACS. C o n t a c t s Feb. 16 to 18—Basic Gas Chromatography. San Francisco Area. Contact: Willard Wilson, Varian Aerograph, 1025A Shary Circle, Concord, Calif. 94520 Feb. 17 to 19—Practical Statistical Methods for the Process industries. Royal Coach Motor Hotel, Atlanta, Ga. Harry Hehner, John Henry. Sponsors: Chem. Div. and Food & Allied Industries Div., ASQC. Contact: C. H. Brokaw, American Society for Quality Control, 161 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. 53203. 414272-8575 Feb. 21 to 25—Color and the Behavior of Colorants. Charlotte, N.C. Kollmorgen Color Systems. Contact (3) Feb. 21 to 25—Thin-Layer Chromatography. Philadelphia, Pa. Sadtler Research. Contact (4) Feb. 23 to 25—Liquid Chromatography. Springfield, N.J., Area. Varian Aerograph. Contact (5) Mar. 2—Color Measurement Workshop. Charlotte, N.C. Hunterlab. Contact (1) Mar. 4 to 5—Maintaining and Trouble-Shooting Chromatographic Systems. Cleveland, Ohio. J. Q. Walker, M. T. Jackson. ACS. Contact (2) Mar. 6 to 10—Series of One-Day Courses on Instrumental Analysis. Cleveland, Ohio. Contact: Communications Skills Corp., P.O. Box 684, Fairfield, Conn. 06430. 203-255-1959 Mar. 6 to 10—Two Separate Courses: Gas Chromatography; Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Philadelphia, Pa. Sadtler Research. Contact (4) Mar. 10—Advanced Infrared Techniques Clinic. Cleveland Convention Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Contact: R. W. Yost, Nester/Faust Mfg. Corp., Box 565, Newark, Del. 19711 Mar. 10—Advanced Infrared Techniques Clinic. Cleveland Convention Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Contact: R. W. Hannah, The Coblentz Society, c/o PerkinElmer Corp., 761 Main St., Norwalk, Conn. 06852 Mar. 13 to 17—Photomicrography. Chicago, III. McCrone Research. Contact (6) Mar. 14 to 16—Recent Advances in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy.

has been on the faculty for summer courses on ir and absorption spectroscopy given at MIT, the University of Minnesota, Arizona State University, and UCLA, and at the University of Maryland Raman Institute and Workshop. He Has also been an ACS tour lecturer. He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Pi Sigma, ACS, Coblentz Society, SAS, Western Spectroscopy Assoc, Optical Society of America, and New York Academy of Sciences.

ACS Analytical Division 1972 Fellowship Program BIOSIS

Professional Services and Education Dept., BioSciences Information Service 2100 Arch Street Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 (215) LO 8-4016, Ext. 245 *

The Analytical Chemistry Division of the American Chemical Society announces its 1972 program for competitive fellowships for graduate study. The awards are made possible by donations from industrial firms and prominent analytical groups. The awards of $5000 and $800 provide for full-year fellowships for one year of graduate study and research in analytical chemistry at any accredited ACS institution


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of the appointee's choice or a summer's study and research. The fellowships are open to all applicants who have completed at least one year of graduate study and are currently full-time students working toward a PhD degree. Selection is made on the basis of the applicant's academic record, a statement of educational objectives, a nominating letter from the applicant's research adviser, two letters of recommendation, and a description of the research plan proposed for the fellowship. Application blanks may be obtained from W. W. Meinke, Secretary-Treasurer, Analytical Chemistry Division, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. 20234. Applications must be returned to Dr. Meinke before February 25, 1972. Announcements of the winners will be made in April.

Automation Conference Technicon Instruments Corp., Tarrytown, N.Y., has issued a call for papers to be presented during the Third Inter-

News Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. Contact: Washington University, Box 1048, St. Louis, Mo. 63130. 314-863-0100 Mar. 20 to 24—Industrial Use of the Polarizing Microscope. Chicago, III. McCrone Research. Contact (6) Mar. 22 to 24—Basic Gas Chromatography. Springfield, N.J., Area. Varian Aerograph. Contact (5) Mar. 27 to 31—Microscopy in the Crime Laboratory. Chicago, III. McCrone Research. Contact (6) Apr. 6—Color Measurement Workshop. Toronto, Canada. Hunterlab. Contact (1) Apr. 10 to 14—Two Separate Courses: Gas Chromatography; Electronics for Chemists. Philadelphia, Pa. Sadtler Research. Contact (4) Apr. 19 to 21—Liquid Chromatography. Houston, Tex., Area. Varian Aerograph. Contact (7) Apr. 24 to 25—Thermoanalysis. Philadelphia, Pa. Sadtler Research. Contact (4) Apr. 24 to 28—Techniques of Infrared Spectrophotometry. Philadelphia, Pa. Sadtler Research. Contact (4) Apr. 26 to 28—Gas Chromatography. Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Area. Contact: Martin Hughes, Varian Assoc, of Canada, Ltd., 6358 Viscount Rd., Malton, Ontario, Canada May 10 to 12—Liquid Chromatography. Cincinnati, Ohio, Area. Contact: Chane Graziano, Varian Aerograph, Executive Park Suite 125, Louisville, Ky. 40207 May 17 to 19—Gas Chromatography. Houston, Tex., Area. Varian Aerograph. Contact (7) May 22 to 26—Color and the Behavior of Colorants. Charlotte, N.C. Kollmorgen Color Systems. Contact (3) June 5 to 16—Modern X-ray Spectrometry. State University of New York at Albany. Contact: Henry Chessin, State University of New York at Albany, Dept. of Physics, 1400 Washington Ave., Albany, N.Y. 12203 June 6 to 24—Digital Computers in Chemical Instrumentation. Purdue University. Contact: S. P. Perone, Chemistry Dept., Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. 47907 June 19 to 23—X-Ray Powder Diffractometry. State University of New York at Albany. Contact: Henry Chessin, State University of New York at Albany, Dept. of Physics, 1400 Washington Ave., Albany, N.Y. 12203 (1) M a r g a r e t B u r n s , H u n t e r A s s o c i a t e s L a b o r a t o r y , Inc., 9529 Lee H i g h w a y , Fairfax, Va. 2 2 0 3 0 . 703-591-5310 (2) E d u c a t i o n Dept., A m e r i c a n C h e m i c a l Society, 1155 S i x t e e n t h St., N.W., W a s h i n g t o n , D.C. 20036. Late r e g i s t r a n t s , please c a l l 202-737-3337, ext. 258 (3) J . G. D a v i d s o n , K o l l m o r g e n Color S y s t e m s , Dixie River Rd., C h a r l o t t e , N.C. 2 8 2 1 0 . 704-3943131 (4) S a d t l e r E d u c a t i o n a l Div., S a d t l e r Research L a b o r a t o r i e s , Inc., 3316 S p r i n g G a r d e n St. P h i l a d e l p h i a , Pa. 19104. 215-382-7800 (5) Ed Gelb, V a r i a n A e r o g r a p h , # 2 5 , Route 22, S p r i n g f i e l d , N.J. 0 7 0 8 1 (6) M r s . M i r i a m L. Fallert, McCrone Research I n s t i t u t e , 4 5 1 E. 31st St., Chicago, III. 60616. 312-842-7105 (7) Don Brasseaux, V a r i a n A e r o g r a p h , Suite 180, 3939 H i l l c r o f t Ave., H o u s t o n , Tex. 77027

national Congress on Advances in Automated Analysis, scheduled for June 12 to 14, 1972, at the New York Hilton Hotel. Abstracts of 250 words, reflecting current work in automated laboratory analysis, should be submitted for review by February 10, 1972. Congress sessions will deal with both biomedical and industrial applications. Biomedical topics will include hospital administration as well as clinical and other medical topics. Industrial topics will include pollution analysis, quality control, and others. Abstracts should be submitted to Nicholas B. Scova, Technicon Instruments Corp., Tarrytown, N.Y. 10591. 914-631-8000

ALTEX 72 ALTEX 72, the fourth Automatic Laboratory Techniques Exhibition, will take place in the New Horticultural Hall, London, SW1, March 21 to 23, 1972. Subjects of the conference which is held in conjunction with the exhibition are: biochemical profiling as an aid in patent management, research

into the problems of water pollution control, electron microscopes in basic medical research, automatic laboratory gas chromatography in the pharmaceutical and petrochemical industries, and some recent developments in the use of computers in clinical chemistry. Information about the exhibition can be obtained from Gerard Mann (Altex), Ltd., 1-3 Astoria Parade, Streathem High Rd., London SW16 1PP, England. Tel: 01-769-7766

ACS Central Regional Meeting Contributed papers are solicited in any branch of chemistry for the ACS Regional Meeting to be held in Pittsburgh, May 3 to 5, 1972. Symposia topics include the quality and quantity of chemists and chemical engineers in the next decade; the fate of recent chemistry graduates; energy and the environment; pollution control in process industries, new directions in nmr; vibrational and rotational analysis; photoionization and photoelectron spectroscopy; electron impact spectros-



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