Another look at our tests and examinations - Journal of Chemical

Another look at our tests and examinations. John H. Woodburn. J. Chem. Educ. , 1978, 55 (4), p 258. DOI: 10.1021/ed055p258. Publication Date: April 19...
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Another Look at Our Tests and Examinations As we think about making better use of the time we devote

to composing, administering, and interpreting the results from tests and examinations, a review of some basic ideas may he useful. A test is a series of auestions or exercises that measure the skills, knowledge, abilities, or aptitudes of a student. An examination is a more detailed insoection with the intent to describe the real character or st& of a student's ability to demonstrate masterv of certain knowledge - or -perform certain skills. Tests and examinations can he either loosely or tightly structured. At the extreme of unstructured wou-ld be: 'Tell all vou know about. . . ."whereas various ohiective or "short answer" items restrict the student to revealing a precise hit of knowledge or performing a precisely assigned skill. T o construct a valid and reliable objective-item test or examination calls for much more time than is needed to prepare an examination composed primarily of essay questions or problems to be solved. Grading and interpreting student responses to essav auestions. on the other hand. balances the books when we co&