Another LUKENWELD Drier Roll
ON ITS WAY TO CHAMPION The first off these Lukenweld Drier Rolls, w o s shipped to Champion, 12 years ago.
The seventh Lukenweld Drier Roll to go i n t o this important service at Champion Paper and Fibre Company; shipped N o vember, 1948. It is 12 feet in diameter, w i t h a n 8 ' 4 " face.
for α further boost in isTOTllckotC production Kromckote's superb printing properties depend upon the uniformity and perfection of this paper's coating. A Lukenweld Drier Roll helped Champion develop the revolutionary methods which gave Kromekote those roperties way back in 1937. Six additional Lukenweld >rier Rolls have since been added to take care of the ever-increasing demand. Repeat orders received regularly from the various industries in which Lukenweld Drier Rolls are working —paper, chemical, drug, food, plastic and other in dustries—are evidence of their worth. Their welded steel plate construction is strong and dependable; high pressures are employed with safety. Simple in construc tion, there's nothing to get out of order. ^v^here Lukenweld Drier Rolls have replaced other rolls, production increases of 18% to 35% have been reported. This is accounted for by the positive removal of condensate and higher steam velocities obtained. Heat is transferred to roll faces rapidly and uniformly.
If you have a drying problem... I n addition to supplyjng the drier rolls, Lukenweld will design, build and install the complete drying machine.. Our engineers can help you speed u p production, cut