Another new development using B.F.Goodrich ... - ACS Publications

Nov 6, 2010 - facebook · twitter · Email Alerts · Current Issue ... Another new development using B.F.Goodrich Chemical raw materials. Chem. Eng. News...
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Another new development using

B.F.Goodrich Chemicalrawmaterials

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Ford Motor Company*s Sterling, Michigan, transmission plant uses conveyor hooks with Geon coating formulated and applied by Michigan Chrome & Chemical Company, Detroit* B.F.Goodrich Chemical Company supplies the Geon resin only.

"Soft touch" of Geon safeguards parts quality T h e overhead conveyor system in i/j.ii5




n uses 26,000 hooks coated with polyvinyl material. The soft yet dura­ ble coating m a d e from Geon protects finished p a r t s while t h e y are carried from machining to assembly stations. In addition t o giving t h e hooks a long and profitable service life, t h e Geon coatings come in a n y color, permitting color-coding for multiple conveyor operations. Versatile Geon is ideal for m a n y

B.FGoodrich 71





coating aTyolications, since it disper­ ses rea^iixy i n wxC Geon c a n be used t o coat paper, textiles, m e t a l s or alino&t a n y m a ­ terial to provide new o r improved advantages. H u n d r e d s o f t y p e s of Geon resins, plastics, latices and polyblends a r e available, tailored to specific uses for coatings, moldings, extrusions, o r rigid or f o a m appli­ cations. For information, write D e p t . LH-2, B . F . Goodrich Chemical Company, 3135 Euclid Avenue,

Preliminary analysis shows this method to be feasible

Cleveland 15, Ohio. Cable address: Goodchemco* I n C a n a d a : Kitchener» Ontario.

-Geon B.F.Goodrich Chemical Company a division of The B.F.Goodrich

G E O N polyvinyl m a t e r i a l s · H Y C A R r u b b e r a n d latex G O O D - R I T E c h e m i c a l s anc2 p ï a s t i e i z e r s · H A R M O N c o î o r ^
