Another new development using B.F.Goodrich ... - ACS Publications

Nov 6, 2010 - Another new development using B.F.Goodrich Chemical raw materials Optically-smooth precision rubber parts ...made possible by new ...
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B.EGoodrich C h e m i c a l raw


Effective sealing at almost zero pressure results jrom use of "Permadizing'* process developed to bond Hycar to metal by Stillman Rubber Company, Culver City, California. B.T.Goodrich Chemical Company supplies the Hycar ηit rile rubber.

Optically-smooth precision rubber parts m ..made


by new Hycar-to-metal

The seals above are made of rubber, they are g r o u n d to dimensional toler­ ances you usually expect only from metal. A s a result, they can be used to seal fluids with a w i d e r tempera­ ture range than ever before. T h e y illustrate the a d v a n t a g e s o f u s i n g Hycar nitrile rubber b o n d e d to metal. Hycar can be ground to d i m e n s i o n a l tolerances as fine as 5 m i c r o finish. O i l - r e s i s t a n t H y c a r c a n be u s e d without fear of l o w temperature brit-

E3C P O S I T I O N NOV. 17-21 INT'L


tleness. Operating temperatures can be as low as —65°F. and as high as 2 50°F. Parts are also flash free. The exceptional qualities and properties of Hycar lead to new ap­ plications o r n e w products for many industries. You can get more infor­ m a t i o n b y w r i t i n g D e p t . K.E-6, B.F.Goodrich C h e m i c a l C o m p a n y , 3 1 3 5 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland 15, O h i o . Cable address: G o o d c h e m c o . In Canada: Kitchener, Ontario.


Ηγ€€ΕΓ Β. F.Goodrich C h e m i c a l C o m p a n y a division of The B.F.Goodrich Company

G E O N polyvinyl materials · HVCAR A m e r i c a n r u b b e r a n d latex GOOD-RITE chemicals and plastleizers · HARMON co.ors


