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Another new development using B.F.Goodrich Chemical raw materials

Nov 6, 2010 - Another new development using B.F.Goodrich Chemical raw materials oil well metering accuracy insured by discs of Hycar. Chem. Eng. News ...
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A n o t h e r n e w d e v e l o p m e n t using

B.F.Goodrich C h e m i c a lrawmaterials

oil well metering accuracy

insured by discs of Hycar


Three position values using discs of Hycar are incorporated into a variety of oil well metering units made by nolo Manufacturing Company, Houston. Cutaway of value shows Hycar parts. Houston Rubber Company supplies the HTycar discs. B.F.Goodrich Chemical Company supplies the Hycar nitrils rubber.


The 3-position valve i n this Rolo meter insures accuracy in measuring flow of oil from wells or fields. In turn, its accuracy depends on operation of two inner valve discs made of Hycar nitrile rubber. When the valve switches, it goes through a neutral position, during which the Hycar discs are seated, preventing unmetered fluids from bypassing the meter. The manufacturer tested many compounds and found Hycar ideal. It offers superior resistance t o temperature—and this equipment; is rated to 250 °F. It provides excellent resilience and resistance t o abrasion—minimizing problems of pitting or wear, which could cause imperfect closing and let fluids pass through unmetered. I n

addition, Hycar offers very low permeability to light ends. Hycar most often proves the answer to your rubber needs when operating conditions are tough. You can get more information by writing Dept. CG-6, B.F.Goodrich Chemical Company, 3135 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland 15, Ohio. Cable address: Goodchemco. In Canada: Kitchener, Ontario.

Hycar JEW


B.F.Goodrich Chemical C o m p a n y a division of The B.F.Goodrich

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