Another Saran Resin - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 12, 2010 - Sonite SC-2 is thixotropic, can be applied to a vertical surface without sagging, Smooth-On says. C 2. ▻ Lehigh Chemical has develope...
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CHEMICALS Another Saran Resin Dow Chemical has introduced a n e w coating lacquer—Saran Resin F 2 2 0 . T h e new product has lower viscosity a n d higher acetone solubility than o t h e r saran resins; these properties make i t attractive for high speech coating w h e r e low-cost easy-to-remov^ solvents a r e needed. Like other saran resins, F220 g i v e s many packaging materials decreased moisture vapor transmission and g a s permeability a n d increased oil a n d grease resistance, Dow says. And, t h e company adds, flavor retention a n d abrasion resistance are also improved Heat sealable, the new resin is recommended for polyethylene, cello­ phane, and polyester u r n s . C 1

It's b e t t e r

• Smooth-On Mfg. ha.s formulated a blue epoxy resin for u s e in hand lami­ nation systems where surface hardn&ss and abrasion resistance are important. Sonite SC-2 is thixotropic, can b e a p ­ plied t o a vertical surface without sag­ ging, Smooth-On saysC 2

t o g e t it f r o m Eastman . . .

Sure, when you need an un­ common organic (or an un­ commonly pure one) in morethan-test-tube and less-thantank-car quantities, try Eastman Organic Chemicals Department, Oistillation Products Industries, Rochester 3, Ν . Υ.

• Lehigh Chemical rtas developed a high t e m p e r a t u r e lubricant for u s e on conveyor belts at temperatures of 500° F . continuously and 600° F . for short periods. At th&se high tempexatures, the lubricant gives twice t h e film strength a n d load- carrying p r o p e r ­ ties a n d only o n e fourth t h e volatility of the best wide temperature range lu­ bricant previously OIL the market, a c ­ cording to Lehigh. C 3 • Maraset 3 4 1 , a lead-filled epoxy formulation, has been, added to its Line by Marblette. The n e w high density casting compound pzrovides a barrier against radiation, hen_ce has promise as a shielding material For nuclear instal­ lations, Marblette say^s. Lead loadings as high as 9 5 % can h>e prepared. C4

a» there are some 3 5 0 0 Eastman Organic Chemicals f o r science and industry


• Art fixative, by Krylon, is said t o be odorless, stainless, arid fast drying. A companion to Krylon's clear pla_stic sprays, t h e fixative is available in (>-oz. and I6-oz. sizes. C5

is a division of EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY

J 72



2 6,


• Glidden is anethole in

Glidden says the product has an im­ proved olfactory quality through ab­ sence of cisanethole, methyl chavicol, terpineol, and other alcohols. C6 • Rubber-modified styrene, developed by Bakélite, can be vacuum formed and is said to have properties of high impact polystyrene. Proposed uses include refrigerator door liners, housewares, guards, and displays. C7 • Latex-based s p r a y has been developed by Johnson-March Corp. of Philadelphia, P a . T h e spray blankets outdoor storage piles of bulk materials. Called Permaspray, the.product is said to form a flexible, water-resistant film over the pile. Stock piles of coal, ores, flyash, sulfur, sand, pigments, and the like can b e protected from wind, rain, and other weathering actions, the company says. And, when t h e film is broken to remove some of the material, a fresh coating can be applied. Recommended rate is one gal. per 100 sq. ft. €8 ÎCatalin Corp. is now in pilot plant production of a new low melting antioxidant—AC-6. The company says that, when used in low concentrations, AC-6 protects against oxidation in polymeric systems. The chemical name: 2,2'-thiobis (4-methyl-6-£err-butyl phenol). C9 ÎSificylarailide, a newly available relatively pure organic compound, is said to be a n efficient mildew inhibitor. Simpson Laboratories, the manufacturers, says it is used for protection of textiles, varnish, leather, cork, phenolic plastics, and other materials. It is specific against surface molds and various rot-producing fungi, and toxicity to humans is low. The light-cream colored compound is practically insoluble in water and acids, but is soluble in strong ammoniacal solution. Trade name of t h e material is Simplan Extra. CIO • Two





being introduced by Pitt-Consol Chemical in limited amounts for small scale evaluations. Both Peptizers—620 and 640—have been tested with success in now producing U.S.P. b o t h natural and synthetic rubbers, the CM comir*ercial quantities. company says.