Another service from SD... Project Management. - C&EN Global

Nov 7, 2010 - Project Management. Chem. Eng. News , 1971, 49 (34), Outside Back Cover. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v049n034.obc. Publication Date: August 23, 197...
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Another service from SD... Project Management.



From process selection to plant start-up, SD has the experience, technical know-how, and world-wide facilities to initiate, coordinate, and manage all of the activities involved in your new project, no matter how large or complex. To begin with, SD knows processes, and how to evaluate and select the best ones. And because SD has proven capability in every phase of new project activity—design, engineering, equipment selection and procurement, construction,



right up through plant start-up—SD can act as your own engineering department or representative in the planning and selection of processes and contractors. If your planned project is a new venture for you, or your own staff is overloaded or too small, SD can act in your behalf, providing total project management. You can be assured that your project will be managed economically and in your best interest.

Choose Scientific Design...the total service engineering and construction firm... The SD Group includes: SCIENTIFIC DESIGN COMPANY, INC. 2 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. 10016 SD PLANTS INC., New York SD PLANTS (JAPAN) LIMITED, Tokyo SCIENTIFIC DESIGN COMPANY LIMITED, London SOCIETE FRANCAISE DES SERVICES TECHNIQUES, S.a.r.l., Paris