prove to effect as substantial savings for you as it has for a rapidly increas- ... stantial savings. Hanovia Photochem- ical Equipment has proven the...
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Photosensitization processing with Hanovia photochemical equipment increases output, effects substantial production savings If your production involves synthesis, decomposition, hydrolysis, hydrogénation, oxidation, reduction, polymerization, bleaching, precipitation, isomeric change, and halogenation, surely it is in your interests to investigate Hanovia Photochemical Equipment. It may prove to effect as substantial savings for you as it has for a rapidly increasing number of m a n u f a c t u r e r s — large and small. Hanovia Photochemical E q u i p m e n t produces g r e a t e r o u t p u t in less time with less p l a n t equipment, and with subs t a n t i a l savings. Hanovia Photochemical Equipment has proven the powerful and suitable source for actinically sensitized reactions.

Hanovia Utility Model Quartz Lamp. Provides high intensity concent r a t e d source of ultraviolet r a d i a tions. This compact, powerful laboratory-size ultraviolet lamp is of major value for p r e l i m i n a r y determination of the potential benefits of photochemical reactions in your own processes. The Hanovia Utility Model Quartz Lamp h a s proven excellent, too, for use in all p h a s e s of u l t r a v i o l e t p h o t o g r a p h y , i.e. "reflected ultraviolet p r o c e d u r e " and the "fluorescence method". It is highly satisfactory for illumination of optical a p e r t u r e s , for microscopy a n d absorption spectra studies.

Hanovia Laboratory Photochemical Reaction Equipment. Excellent for testing actinic radiation processes to evolve and evaluate commercial actinically sensitized reaction techn i q u e s . H a n o v i a double-walled q u a r t z or Vycor immersion wells fit s t a n d a r d 5 or 12 liter laboratory flasks. Permits maximum light utilization of mercury-vapor ultraviolet lamp, studies of admixt u r e of r e a c t a n t s a n d t e m p e r a t u r e control.

YOURS ON REQUEST! Valuable, informative 16-page brochure, PHOTOSENSITIZATION, a review, details facts on Photochlorination, Oxidation, Hydrolysis and Hydrogénation, Polymerization, Bromination, Isomeric Transformation, D e c o m p o s i t i o n , e t c . E a c h s u b j e c t is fully described in light of proven techniques and results, with complete bibliography included. W r i t e today for your copy without obligation. Dept. AC-9.





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