ANS, Inc. - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

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Scientists using liquid scintillation tech­ niques have long needed a reliable in­ strument that would reduce operating time and also the time spent processing raw data. The ANSITRON has been de­ signed with special emphasis on these objectives. Advanced logic design has reduced the number of controls thereby providing simplicity and speed of opera­ tion with no sacrifice in performance or flexibility. EXTERNAL STANDARDIZATION, de­ signed in as a basic part of the instru­ ment, permits accurate determination of quenching in single or dual-label ex­ periments. This eliminates the need for adding radioactivity to each sam­ ple thus reducing sample manipulation, eliminating pipetting errors, and leav­ ing the sample unaltered for possible future use. ELECTRONIC COMPUTATION reduces total data processing time to less than 12 microseconds per sample for a three channel instrument. Total print-out time never exceeds 5 seconds under any circumstances. LOGARITHMIC AMPLIFICATION com­ bined with pulse summation enables processing of beta pulses from 1 Kev to more than 10 Mev with no distortion, no overload, and no need for gain con­ trols or high voltage adjustment. β-Set plug-ins permit instant repetitive in­ strument settings. WHY A NEW LIQUID SCINTILLATION COUNTER? To supply you with the fea­ tures and reliability you need in an instrument: • • • • • • • • •


External Standardization Electronic Computation Logarithmic Amplification β-Set Plug-ins Dynamic Background Subtraction Built-in Ratemeters Statistical Low Count Rejection "No-Blur" Visual Display Crystal Controlled Timing

For complete details of these and other new and useful features, send for the ANSITRON brochure.

ANS,Inc P.O. Box 37 Wallingford, Connecticut Phone: (203) 365-1531

Circle No. 24 απ Readers' Service Card

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