Brochure discusses new method for removing moisture from refinery oils. Application to other process industries troubled by moisture problems is seen...
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pressure, t e m p e r a t u r e , a n d m a n y others. A c c u r a c y is g u a r a n t e e d t o ±0.25%. Prices r a n g e between $600 a n d $700. Dept. IEC, Thermo Electric Co., Inc., Saddle Brook, N. J. 31

.in Wax Emulsions ϋ . S art, engineering, and witchcraft are the ingredients for good wax emulsion. When Common­ wealth Color and Chemical brought in some wax emulsions for tests, our spirits waned a little because as every good chemist knows, wax emulsions are fickle. However, the art was good, and our Rapisonic was soundly engi­ neered. The immediate test results were very gratifying. A short while later our happiness was complete when we added Common­ wealth Color and Chemical to our ever growing list of friends and users. The tremendous disruptive forces of cavi­ tation developed right inside the liquid by the Rapisonic gave them results at a speed which had to be seen to be believed. Thus another happy marriage of chem­ istry and engineering a n d . . . a little more grist to our mill. • in Âdlicsivcs 1 111-— 1 ultrasonics puts stickem in adhesives, too. Apparently someone who was frustrated as a child pasting ΛΑΛ, with flour and .—»™^ί, water finally >tt M * developed a * * •*-' really sticky adhesive. But his s u c c e s s story stuck in his customers* mind only after h e ran it through the Rapisonic. Re­ sult: the finest texture and stickiest film yet. Sonic Homogenizers develop and use all the energy right in the liquids with only 1/6 to 1/10 the power, and at a fraction of the first cost, of con ventional equipment . . . maintenance-negligible. T h e MiniSOItiC... for small batches Other Models RAPISONIC

... production homogenizer


...meets sanitary requirements


. . . continuous supply



EQUIPMENT Two-Component Blender. Blender, Model TC, is designed for accurate blending of two liquids of dissimilar properties. Blending and precise meas­ urement are simultaneous. Bull. SM2070, Dept. IEC, B-I-F Industries, Inc., 340 Harris Ave., Providence, R. I. 32 Hydro-Dehazer. Brochure discusses new method for removing moisture from refinery oils. Application to other process industries troubled by moisture problems is seen. Dept. IEC, Hendrick Mfg. Co., Carbondale, Pa. 33 Spray Dryers. Brochure gives infor­ mation on applications of spray dryers for the food, chemical, and process in­ dustries. Dept. IEC, Proctor & Schwartz, Inc., 7th St. and Tabor Rd., Philadelphia 20, Pa. 34 High Vacuum Distillation Equipment.

Comprehensive bulletin, 3-1, details information on selection, application, and typical models of high vacuum dis­ tillation stills. Dept. IEC, Rochester Division, Consolidated Electrodynamics Corp., 1775 Mt. Read Blvd., Rochester 3, Ν. Y. 35 Process Equipment. Catalog G-159 gives brief rundown on types of process equipment manufactured. Dept. IEC, Process Engineering and Machine Co., Inc., York St. and Dowd Ave., Eliza­ beth, N. J. 36

. . . abrasive emulsions

Sonic homogenizers can give you a superior emulsion, too. Send for technical bulletin

SONIC ENGINEERING CORPORATION 146 Selleck Street, Stamford, Conn.

Fluidics. Fluidics Buyers Guide ex­ plains fluidics and gives applications of specialized materials and equipment for handling and processing gases and liquids used by industry. Dept. IEC, The Pfaudler Co., Rochester 3, Ν. Υ. 37 Tubular Heaters. Bulletin GER-1563 gives rules and procedures for simplify­ ing the problem of fitting tubular

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Our work in the promising—but relatively undeveloped —field of pyrrolidine chemistry has led to the development of an interesting series of nitrogen heterocyclics. This group of unusual, difficult-to-obtain synthetic pyrrolidine derivatives (with boiling points ranging from 80.5° C. to 201° C.) includes: N-Dimethylpyrrolidinium Chloride N-Butylene Pyrrolidine N-Methyl Pyrrolidine Pyrrolidine Carbonate N-Hydroxy Ethyl Pyrrolidine N-Hexyl Pyrrolidine A series of 3, 5 disubstituted pyridine derivatives are also available. Typical compounds in this series are: 3, 5 Dimethyl Pyridine 3, 5 Diphenyl Pyridine 3, 5 Dibutyl Pyridine. Some of these new compounds are being used in extraordinary and profitable ways. While SECURITY (ah, this atomic agel) prevents us from disclosing the exact who and how of these uses, we would like to tell you what we know about the performance characteristics of the nitrogen heterocyclics. If you have more than a casual interest in these specialized chemicals, we suggest your investigation begin by writing for our latest technical bulletins . . . and for sample quantities. If your development is somewhat further along, we're available for consultation.



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