A camel. 31. Propenyl-2,4,5, tri-MeO-benzene. 34. Enelish variant of she. 35. ~ w i k e n s a foul. 37. Sun. 38. Radium. 39. Glucinium. 40. Border of a garment. 42.
Sep 1, 2017 - Soft mud. Tennessee Valley Authority breviation). Goddess of the dead. Before. Household god. Greek letter. Timid. (See page 477 for solution.) ...
Poetic foot. 5. Chemicals are arranged in - order. 6. Fundamental mass of life. 7. To color. 11. Lead ore. 13. Rare gas. 14. Capital of Peru. 16. That which is said.
-energy. 8. Pastry. 11. Unit of electric current. 12. Boyles and Chmlerles --. 13. 198 inches. 14. An untruth. 15. 100 square meters (plural). 16. Formic acid is a -.
Is this character a Greek wanderer? 28. ~ k s ' t r e e closes ring deals. (5). 31. ... Gods sometimes not quite eqniva- lent. (!a). I . There's room for at least two more.
Mild cigar. Discuss. The ideal solution law was discovered by-. Arsenic. Exclamation. c.g.8. unit of intensity of a magnetic field. At right anglerr to a ship's keel.
A Scientific Crossword Puzzle. Barbara A. Sawrey. University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093. Across. 1. A process or system that does.
Chemical Crossword Puzzle. Across. 1. Simplest hydrocarbon .5. Process for recovering silver from mol- ten lead hy extrxrtin~ with molten zinc. 10. First rare ...
Mild cigar. Discuss. The ideal solution law was discovered by-. Arsenic. Exclamation. c.g.8. unit of intensity of a magnetic field. At right anglerr to a ship's keel.
%snunnu, 1925
Answer to Cross-Word Puzzle in January Issue of This Journal