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Antara Products General Aniline & Film Corporation


Detergents Emulsifiers Wetting Agents Dispersants Carbonyl Iron Powder

An Antara Products Publication

444 M A D I S O N


Iron Pentacarbonyl Now Offered By Antara Products Iron Pentacarbonyl, long produced by General Aniline & Film Corp. at its Grasselli plant solely for further processing into Carbonyl Iron Powders, now is available for sale as a chemical product. Made by the reaction of iron-contain ing ores with carbon monoxide. Iron Pentacarbonyl (Fe(CO).-.) is a viscid, yellow liquid. It has a specific gravity of 1.466 at 18°C. and a boiling point of 102.8°C. (749 m m . ) . Fe(CO)-. is soluble in nickel tetracarbonyl and in most organic solvents. It is insoluble in water. Produced at the Carbonyl Iron Powder plants of General Aniline & Film Corporation in Grasselli, N . J. and H u n t s v i l l e , A l a b a m a , I r o n Pentacarbonyl is available for immediate shipment in commercial quantities. According to Antara Products, the chemical should be extremely interesting to researchers in many fields, especially those in organic synthesis work. Working samples are available to interested companies. Researchers who want to investigate the possibilities of Iron Pentacarbonyl in their products or processes are invited to write to Antara Products, outlining their specific problems. Of further interest to researchers, are the Carbonyl Iron Powders which are produced by heating the liquid Iron Pentacarbonyl to a temperature where it decomposes into iron in powdered form, liberating carbon monoxide. The results of this method are unique in that the iron powder particles formed by its decomposition are spherical and free of non-ferrous materials. Until recently, practically all of the Carbonyl Iron Powders produced by General Aniline & Film Corporation went into the electronics industry for the manufacture of high frequency cores. The recent opening of the Huntsville, Alabama plant now makes possible the shipment of Iron Pentacarbonyl and Carbonyl Iron Powders to other industries. 2312


N E W Y O R K 2 2 , N . Y.


Many Powdered Products Now Being Manufactured with Liquid Non-Ionics Household Cleaners Easily Formulated with Odorless Antarox"A-400'& A-480

Two recently-introduced Antara Products' detergents — Antarox " A - 4 0 0 " and A n t a r o x "A-480" foaming, essentially odorless, synthetic, non-ionics are being used to good advantage in the compounding of many different types of household cleaners. A m o n g the products that these v e r s a t i l e n o n - i o n i c s h a v e helped companies compound and introduce to the market are : ( 1 ) an all-purpose household cleaner (2) a paint and woodwork cleaner (3) a floor cleaner (4) a dairy cleaner and (5) a car wash. Antarox "A-400" and "A-480" are aromatic polyglycol ethers. Essentially odorless features make them particularly valuable for the compounding of household cleaners. These two products are extremely stable in the presence of acids, alkalis and electrolytes. They do not ionize, will not form insoluble compounds in hard water. They do not easily decompose or separate and will withstand wide variations in temperature. They have remarkably long shelf lives. If you have a household cleaner in mind, let us help you formulate it. Write for more information today. C H E M I C A L

Many new detergent compositions, heretofore, impossible to compound, now are being manufactured with liquid, non-ionic detergents of the Antarox "A" series by means of a simple, low-cost mixing process developed recently by the Central Research Laboratory of General Aniline & Film Corporation. N e w formulations, long in t h e development stage, make it possible to incorporate t h e advantages of nonionic synthetic detergents into these compositions. Among these advantages are non-sneezing and odorless powders of excellent detergency in hard or soft water. A further advantage of the new process is t h a t it enables compounders of soap and detergent products who lack expensive spray- or drumdrying equipment to use these versatile, efficient and economical detergents for better cleaners at lower costs. The simplicity of the m i x i n g process makes this possible. The liquid, non-ionic detergents of the Antarox "A" family are aromatic polyglycol ethers. They are excellent detergrents, w e t t i n g agents, dispersing agents and emulsifiers. Because they do not ionize they will not form insoluble compounds with hard water. They are extremely stable and will not easily decompose or separate over long storage periods.




444 Madison Ave. N e w York 22, N.Y.