Antineoplastic Agents. XVIII. N-(2-Haloethyl ... - ACS Publications

Departments of Chemistry, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85281, and ... (II) with HC1 or HBr to, respectively, amides Ilia and Mb followed b...
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Antineoplastic Agents.


\-Ill. 10


A ,ei,ies of N-berizyl-N-(%-haloethyl)amiiie~have bee11 *yiithesized for c.oriip:wisoii of pubsible aiitiueoplastic: properties with those of the corresponding S-bis(2-chloroethy1)amines. Coiiversioii of 3,4-dichlorobenzoylaziridiiie (11)with HC1 or FIBr to, respectively, amides I I I a arid I I I b followed by a diboraiie reductio11 sequence yielding nrniiiei I\-a aiid I \ % outlines the synthetic methods employed. Several S-2-iodoethylamides of the type illustrated by strrictwe I I I c were prepared from the correrpoiidi~igaziridine amide employing H I or from a K-2cahloroethylimide precursor using N a I i i i acet,one. Reaction hetweeii the N-2-iodoethylamides and diborane (in tetrahydrofuran) at approximately 60' for 2 hr or at room temperatiire (overnight j was sho~v11to c'ause virtually complete hydrogetiolysis of the C-I bond. Presetit,ly available biological resulta indicate the N-(2-chloroethyl)I)eiizylamiIies to be considerably less active than t,he c~)rre\poiidiiigN-hi~(2-chloroethyl)beii~ylamiiie~.

&sed 011 an earlier study4aof the aromatic sybteni oi pod(iphyl1otosiri as a carrier group for nitrogen mustardh, i t bec~amenecessary to prepare a number of Stieiizyl-X-bib( %haloethyl) amines. 411-d Several of the rciulting hcnzylamines displayed potentially useful :tiitincoplast I(* propertieq 411~11 The present investigati011 ~ - a uiidcrt:il;en \ t o evaluate the possibility of uiic~)vcring uheful canccr cahemotherapeutic properties :~iiioiig the rorresponding S-benzyl-S-(2-haloethyl):tmiiws ( e 8.. amine I a L S . Ib) Sonic S-(L'-c.hloroethyl)amiiies such as l,B-(%-chloroct hylani~~io)-l ,fi-dideoxy-n-maiinitol dihydrochloride 1i:ir.c reached clinical trial: and others have given cvidcncae of antineoplastic3 Generally these "~i~i~~-:triiied" iiitrogen mustards have been considered le- ubeful. To determine the relative merits of ccrtail] hcmzylamine carrier groups for S-(%haloethyl)miiiies, 5ynthem of the wbstatices summarized in undertalien. Scheme I illustrates the geiic~alroute found most batisfactory for obtaining bclrizylamirics of this type.' Selection of the aziridiiie heiimmides a s intermediates reqided with their ready ontry l l l t ( J ring-opening reactions aiid availability of t h c correhpoudirig benzoic ac2id.i. 111 each case the aniidc wa5 prepared from the correbponding aroyl hloride arid aziridine i n the preqence of aqueous KOH.




C1 Ia, R = R t = OCHJ; Nz= CHzCHzCl b, R=Ri=OCHs; Rz=H C, R = R l = C l ; Rz=CHzCHaCl d , R = R i = C l ; Rz=H



C I ~ C O N H C H ~ C H BHJ ~ X e1

IIIa, X = C1 b,X=Br c,X=I




IVa, X = C1 b,X=Br c,X-H

( 8

[ I ) l o r Part S T ' I I refer t o G . R. Pettit and 31. R . Chamberland, Can. J . ('he'fn., 44, 81:1 (1968). ' l i This in\-estiEation mas aided b y Grants pio. T-T9F and T-79G from (lie .\merican Cancer Society.

Ilepartment of Chemistry, Arizona d t a t e University. G R. Pettit a n d J. .L Settepani. J . O r g . Chem., 27, 2962 (1962): C;. I?. Pettit, hf, R , Chamberland, D. S. Dlonda, a n d 31. Vickers, Can. J . 4 2 , 1699 (1964): ( e ) G . R . Pettit a n d R . L. Smith, ?bid., 42, 5 i 2 ( r l i C . R . Pettit. D. S.lilonda, and E. Harrington, ihzd.. 41, 2962

1-11 ( a i (It1

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