Antioxidant Constituents in Tree Nuts: Health ... - ACS Publications

2Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Miami University,. Oxford, OH .... Antioxidants in tree nuts fall into three major structural classes: ...
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Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on December 13, 2016 | Publication Date: September 19, 2008 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2008-0993.ch016

Antioxidant Constituents in Tree Nuts: Health Implications and Aflatoxin Inhibition 1



Russell J. Molyneux , Noreen Mahoney , Jong H. Kim , Bruce C. Campbell , and Ann E. Hagerman 1



Western Regional Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Albany, CA 94710 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Miami University, Oxford, O H 45056 2

Epidemiological studies have indicated that antioxidant compounds infruitsand vegetables may have particular health benefits to consumers. Different classes of phenolics are often encountered in foods and these exert beneficial health effects related to their antioxidant activity, chemopreventive effect and anticarcinogenic potential, governed by the structural characteristics of the bioactive components present. Tree nuts in general have high levels of antioxidant constituents which, especially in walnuts, confer resistance to formation of aflatoxins on Aspergillusflavusinfection. It is postulated that aflatoxigenesis is due to oxidative stress on the fungus and that compounds capable of relieving oxidative stress should be capable of reducing aflatoxin. Similarly, antioxidants in the diet are believed to mediate the effects of oxidative damage.

Tree nuts, especially almonds, pistachios, and walnuts are an extremely valuable agricultural commodity in both domestic and international trade. In the United States virtually all of these crops are produced in California, having a combined value to the State of almost $3.5 billion in 2005, with 40-60% being exported, depending on the nut variety (1,2). As a major agricultural crop, tree © 2008 American Chemical Society

Shibamoto et al.; Functional Food and Health ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.


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182 nuts are unusual in that they are not a primary nutrient source. In many countries, nuts are consumed as a snack food, eaten out of hand, and as such undergo fairly minimal processing. For other uses, such as incorporation into baked goods or preparation of nut butters and marzipan, they may be simply blanched or ground. There is therefore little opportunity to influence either positive or negative quality characteristics and these are primarily dependant on nut species or cultivar and their handling during harvesting, drying and packing. Control of quality factors must therefore be focused on conditions during the growing season and at harvest time.

Healthy Foods and Antioxidants The relationship of foods with health is exceptionally complex but it can be divided into two major factors, nutritional quality and safety. Nutritional quality factors are intrinsic nutritional components, health-promoting constituents, and organoleptic properties such as appearance, flavor, aroma and texture. Within certain limits these should be maximized in order to appeal to the consumer. For example, even a pleasant, attractive odor constituent can be overpowering at too high a level and become repellent. In general, nutritional quality factors are accessible by the consumer, either through product labeling as to the quantity of calories, vitamins, minerals, etc. in each serving, or through individual perception as to desirability of the food. Safety quality factors are toxins and contaminants, which must be minimized or even eliminated, if possible. The consumer is generally not aware of the presence of such compounds and is therefore completely reliant on regulatory organizations, at either producer or governmental levels, for safety assurance. Furthermore, the information is not easily obtained since tolerance and measured levels are not marked on the product. It is obviously preferable for enhancement of nutritional quality factors and elimination of noxious compounds to be achieved through intrinsic means rather than through additives or processing methods. This is particularly true for tree nuts which are regarded as "natural" foods and where fortification or detoxification would be regarded by the consumer as unacceptable. As will be seen, the natural antioxidants present in almonds, pistachios and especially walnuts, are not only associated with human health benefits but can control mycotoxins formed by fungal attack on the nuts.

Antioxidants in Tree Nuts Consumption of tree nuts is associated with a healthy diet and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has allowed a qualified health claim for a

Shibamoto et al.; Functional Food and Health ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

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183 relationship between the consumption of nuts and reduced risk of coronary heart disease (3). Nuts are a good source of protein, fiber and dietary fats, having only low levels of undesirable saturated fats but high levels of unsaturated fats. Monounsaturated fatty acids (oleic) predominate in almonds and pistachios and polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic) in walnuts (4). A meta­ analysis of five controlled dietary clinical intervention trials in humans with walnuts demonstrated a consistent decrease in serum cholesterol levels and reduced risk of heart disease (5). Similar effects have been found with other nuts, including pistachios and almonds (6). The majority of health benefits appear to derive from antioxidants present in tree nuts. It has been shown in randomized intervention trials that protection against oxidative stress related diseases is not provided by supplementation with antioxidants such as ascorbic acid, a-tocopherol and P-carotene. A different class of antioxidants must therefore be responsible and the most likely candidate is polyphenols compounds (7). The inhibitory effect of both a polyphenol-rich walnut extract and ellagic acid on in vitro oxidation of human plasma and lowdensity lipoproteins has been suggested to be responsible for the cardioprotective effect of walnuts (8). A survey of hydrophilic and lipophilic antioxidant capacities in commonly consumed foods in the U.S. showed that nuts were high in total antioxidant capacity (9). However, the correlation between total phenolics content and hydrophilic antioxidant capacities for all foods analyzed was not strong, indicating a significant molecular structural component in relation to antioxidant activity. Antioxidants in tree nuts fall into three major structural classes: hydrolysable tannins, phenolic acids, and flavonoids. Hydrolysable tannins can be exceptionally complex but in their simplest form they consist of a carbohydrate core (usually glucose) esterified with gallic acid and/or hexahydroxydiphenic acid moieties (10, 11). Further esterification through the phenolic acid groups leads to depside linkages. In the case of glucose-based tannins, the initial biosynthetic product is pentagalloyl glucose, with subsequent transformations involving hydrolysis of some of the galloyl ester groups or oxidative coupling to give the hexahydroxydiphenic esters (12). This is exemplified by the structure of tellimagrandin (Figure 1), a major tannin constituent of walnuts, from which at least 16 hydrolysable tannins of varying degrees of complexity have been isolated and structurally identified (75). In contrast to walnuts, in which antioxidant compounds are restricted to hydrolysable tannins and very small quantities of the tannin-derived hydrolysis products, gallic and ellagic acids, pistachios and almonds have a much greater variety of phenolic antioxidants. In pistachios, these include anacardic acids, typical of the family Anacardiaceae to which Pistacia species belong (unpublished results), caffeic acid, and chlorogenic acid, its quinate ester. In addition, pistachios also have hydrolysable tannins, but unlike walnuts these are quinic acid rather than glucose-based (unpublished results). The stereochemistry of quinic acid is such that dimerization of gallic acid moieties cannot occur and

Shibamoto et al.; Functional Food and Health ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

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Pentagalloyl glucose

Tullimagranciin I Figure 1. Structures of hydrolysable tannins.

Shibamoto et al.; Functional Food and Health ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

185 there are thus no hexahydroxydiphenic acid structures involved in these tannins. In almonds, the phytochemicals consist of simple phenolic acids, including 4hydroxybenzoic, protocatechuic, and vanillic acids, and flavonoids, such as catechins and isorhamnetin-, kaempferol- and quercetin-3-(9-glucosides, with the largest proportion located in the seed coat (14).

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Mycotoxins in Tree Nuts The health benefits of eating tree nuts could potentially be offset by their ability to become infected by various fungi, either spoilage organisms that affect their appearance, or toxigenic fungi (primarily Aspergillus species) that produce mycotoxins such as the nephrotoxic ochratoxins or hepatocarcinogenic aflatoxins (Figure 2). In more developed countries, the risk from the fungal toxins to the ordinary consumer is low due to careful sorting of the product and the relatively minor contribution of nuts to the diet. Furthermore, there is a strong association of hepatocarcinogenicity due to aflatoxins with infection with hepatitis B (15). However, in countries where the fungi affect subsistence crops and hepatitis is endemic, as in many parts of Africa, the threat is much greater and even acute toxicity can be observed on occasion (16). A primary concern for countries that produce tree nuts is the strict regulations imposed on mycotoxin levels in tree nuts. Of greatest concern are those for aflatoxins in tree nuts imported into the European Union, with tolerance levels of 4 ppb total aflatoxins and 2 ppb aflatoxin B (17). In 2005, there were 827 rapid alerts or notifications for mycotoxins in tree nuts, of which 94% were for aflatoxins and 5% for ochratoxins (18). For aflatoxins, the preponderance of the aflatoxin notifications (46%) were for pistachios from Iran but for the U.S. there were 28 notifications for almonds and 13 for pistachios, in addition to one notification for ochratoxins in pistachios. Interestingly, there were no notifications for walnut imports. Although the U.S. numbers may seem relatively small, they represent considerable economic loss to the producer and exporter, with costs associated with reprocessing or return of the shipment and increased surveillance of subsequent imports. Tree nuts produced in the U.S. are an exceedingly valuable commodity with a total income to the state of California of $3.42 billion in 2005, of which $2.00 billion accrued from exports. This results in considerable incentive to find natural methods to limit or eliminate aflatoxin formation in tree nuts. }

Resistance of Tree Nut Species to Aflatoxin Formation The RASFF (Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed) notification system (18), together with anecdotal information, indicates that there is differential resistance among tree nut species to aflatoxigenesis, with walnuts being the least

Shibamoto et al.; Functional Food and Health ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.





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Ochratoxin A O



o O


o H




OCH3 Aflatoxin G,

Aflatoxin B,

Figure 2. Structures of ochratoxin and aflatoxins Bl and Gl; aflatoxins B2 and G2 are saturated at the 8,9-double bond. likely to become contaminated. Although insect attack is known to be a vector for Aspergillus spores to enter the nut, there does not appear to be a physical explanation for these differences, since walnuts are just as susceptible to codling moth and navel orangeworm infestation as almonds and pistachios. It seems likely therefore that the resistance is primarily a chemical effect, either through suppression of fungal growth or of aflatoxin biosynthesis. Nut kernels were therefore tested in vitro for their ability to support growth of A. flavus and aflatoxin production, A selection of 34 almond cultivars or selections produced aflatoxin in the range of 20-192 jig/plate whereas 26 walnut varieties produced 0-28 jig/plate; the single commercial pistachio cultivar in California, 'Kerman', was intermediate in level with 40 fag/plate (19). The most potent inhibitor of aflatoxigenesis was the 'Tulare walnut variety, with no detectable aflatoxin produced, and further experiments were therefore conducted using this variety. Separation of the seed coat (pellicle) from the kernel itself showed on testing that the antiaflatoxigenic factor(s) were located in the former, with no inhibition produced by the kernel material, which even enhanced aflatoxin production at higher concentrations in the media, probably due to increased nutrient availability. Bioassay-directed fractionation of the seed coat constituents, by extraction with solvents of increasing polarity, established that the activity was due to the hydrolysable tannins, which are essentially the only non-structural components of the pellicle (11, 13). Tellimagrandin (Figure 1) is representative of walnut hydrolysable tannins, but the variety and complexity of 1

Shibamoto et al.; Functional Food and Health ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on December 13, 2016 | Publication Date: September 19, 2008 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2008-0993.ch016

187 the tannins present as a group is exceptional and it is impossible to isolate and evaluate each individual component. However, a measure of the overall quantity of tannin in any particular sample can be obtained by hydrolysis with methanolic HC1, giving methyl gallate and ellagic acid, both of which can be determined by HPLC (20). When walnut varieties were compared against each other and versus other nut species by this procedure, Tulare' was found to have the highest levels of gallic acid, with therefore the greatest amount of hydrolysable tannin (21). Higher gallic acid levels showed an inverse correlation with ability of walnut kernels to produce aflatoxins in vitro, showing that this compound and its parent tannins were responsible for antiaflatoxigenic activity (Table I). One the other hand, there was no clear correlation with ellagic acid content and suppression of aflatoxigenesis. Analysis of walnut pellicle for 'Tulare' and 'Chico' cultivars throughout the growing season for two consecutive years showed that gallic acid levels were consistently higher for 'Tulare' and showed less of a decline with maturity of the nut (21).

Antiaflatoxigenic Activity of Phenolic Antioxidants It has been suggested that aflatoxin formation is promoted by oxidative stress (22) and eugenol, a propenylphenol, has been shown to substantially suppress aflatoxigenesis through inhibition of lipid peroxidation (23). If this is a general mechanism, then any antioxidant should lower aflatoxin levels relative to a control sample with no antioxidant present. When a selection of phenolic natural products present in tree nuts were tested in vitro, this proved to be the case (unpublished results). Pentagalloyl glucose (24) was particularly active with an inhibitory activity relative to control of 99.8%. Hydrolysable tannins in general were exceptional potent, reducing aflatoxin levels by >98%, as did the pistachio constituent, caffeic acid. However, the quinic acid ester of the latter, chlorogenic acid, was less effective with an inhibition percentage of 88.5%. It is noteworthy that caffeic acid is a potent inhibitor of 5- and 12-lipoxygenases (IC 3.7 and 5.1 \xM, respectively) whereas chlorogenic acid is non-inhibitory even at 100 |iM. A. flavus is known to be capable of surviving in tannin vats and possesses a tannase capable of hydrolyzing tannins to their constituent parts (25), the core carbohydrate (glucose or quinic acid), gallic acid, and ellagic acid which derives from hexahydroxydiphenic acid through spontaneous lactonization. Surprisingly, quinic acid was an excellent aflatoxigenesis inhibitor, even though it is non-phenolic, whereas gallic and ellagic acids had lower inhibition levels, typical of other phenolic acids (59.5-85.6%). Nevertheless, all of the tested compounds inhibited aflatoxin formation to a significant extent, demonstrating support for the hypothesis that oxidative stress plays a role in aflatoxigenesis and that natural antioxidants are capable of suppressing the formation of the toxins. 50

Shibamoto et al.; Functional Food and Health ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

188 Table I. Correlation of Aflatoxin Production with Gallic and Ellagic Acid Content of Tree Nut Seed Coat

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Nut Species/Variety English walnut (Juglans regia): Tulare Chico Black walnut (Juglans hindsii): Rawlins Pistachio (Pistacia vera): Kerman Almond (Prunus amygdalus): Nonpareil Mission

Gallic acid (%dw)

Ellagic acid (%dw)

0 56

3.2 1.8

14.0 11.0







172 202

trace ( hazelnuts > pistachios > almonds, with other species being considerably lower. The TAC correlated well with total phenolic content, measured as gallic acid equivalents per gram. The demonstrated activity of sucrose gallate esters as radical scavengers in lipid peroxidation (26) suggest that appropriate levels of structurally related hydrolysable tannins should prevent or delay the development of rancidity.

Shibamoto et al.; Functional Food and Health ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.


Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on December 13, 2016 | Publication Date: September 19, 2008 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2008-0993.ch016

Phenolic Antioxidants and Disease Prevention There is a considerable evidence that various disease states, especially those associated with aging such as heart disease, neurological degeneration and cancer may be a consequence of oxidative stress (27-29). It is a reasonable corollary that foods high in antioxidants will have a salutary effect and epidemiological evidence has demonstrated that diets consisting of a considerable proportion offruitsand vegetables, including nuts, are conducive to maintenance of good health (30-32). In most tree nuts a considerable proportion of the total antioxidant capacity accrues from the hydrolysable tannins. The biological and pharmacological activities of this class of compounds have been comprehensively reviewed by Haslam (35), and include bacteriocidal, anthelmintic, and antihepatoxic properties, and suppression of replication of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and herpes simplex virus (HSV). In addition to their potent antioxidant activity towards cellular prooxidant states, hydrolysable tannins can also function by complexation of transition metal ions and through association with proteins and peptides. Complexation of hydrolysable tannins with proteins is responsible for their astringent taste properties but mild astringency in medicinal plants has been shown to be beneficial for treatment of digestive disorders. It is probable that a combination of these molecular functions is involved in mitigating many diseases and additional research is needed to unravel these effects as well as to determine effects of specific structural features and rates of absorption and metabolism.

Implications Hydrolysable tannins and other phenolic antioxidants naturally present in tree nuts can serve three specific functions in relation to their health benefits as a food. They can prevent the formation of deleterious mycotoxins, reduce potential off-flavors, and prevent disease related to oxidative stress. It appears that there are no major contraindications to their presence and research needs to be concentrated on determining the optimal levels and specific structural features best suited to such properties and to ensure that breeding programs for new varieties incorporate them as a factor.

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Shibamoto et al.; Functional Food and Health ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.



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Shibamoto et al.; Functional Food and Health ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.