Antipsoriatic anthrones with modulated redox properties. 1. Novel 10

Klaus Mueller, Dieter Guerster, Susanne Piwek, and Wolfgang Wiegrebe. J. Med. ... Hong Zhang , Derong Cao , Wenjie Liu , Huanfeng Jiang , and Herbert ...
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J.Med. Chem. 1993,36, 4099-4107


Antipsoriatic Anthrones with Modulated Redox Properties. 1. Novel 10-Substituted 1,8-Dihydroxy-9(lOH)-anthracenones as Inhibitors of 5-Lipoxygenase Klaus Mfiller,' Dieter Giirster, Susanne Piwek, and Wolfgang Wiegrebe Pharmazeutische Chemie I, Universitat Regensburg, Znstitut far Pharmazie, 0-93040 Regensburg, Germany Received Augwt 13, 1993.

The syntheses, the biological evaluation, and the structure-activity relationships of a novel series of 1,8-dihydroxy-9(lOH)-anthracenones bearing acyl-, alkyl-, or alkylidene-linked aromatic substituents in the 10-posjtion are described. The phenylacyl and phenylalkylidene analogs were far more potent inhibitors of 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO) from bovine polymorphonuclear leukocytes (I& values in the 107 M range) than the antipsoriatic drug anthralin, whereas phenylalkyl analogs were only weak inhibitors. Among the active compounds were both potent generators of hydroxyl radicals, as determined by deoxyribose degradation, and strong reducers of the stable free radical 2,2-diphenyl-l-picrylhydrazyl(DPPH). However, several derivatives of this series maintained 5-LO inhibitory activity but did not generate hydroxyl radicals and were not reactive with DPPH. In particular, phenylacyl analogs were also 6 times more efficient in inhibition of lipid peroxidation in model membranes than anthralin. Structureactivity relationships have shown that the presence of free phenolic groups in the attached aromatic ring is beneficial but not required for 5-LO inhibitory potency. The inhibitory potency in the 10-phenylacyl series increased with the length of the acyl chain with three methylene units being the optimum, suggesting a specific enzyme interaction which would not be expected for nonspecific redox inhibitors. Psoriasis is a widespread, chronic inflammatory and scaling skin disease, mainly characterized by increased cell proliferation of the epidermis.' There is evidence, however, that hyperproliferation alone is not sufficient to produce a psoriatic lesion, and it has been suggested that the inflammatory component is an important part of the disease processe2 The etiology is as yet unknown, but psoriasis is known to be associated with numerous biochemical abnormalities.2 A characteristic of lesional skin is the elevated level of oxygenation products of arachidonic acid. In particular, evidence has been provided showing the enhanced production of 54ipoxygenase (5-LO) products such as leukotriene B4 (LTBd and 5-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (5-HETE)in Moreover, the effects of 5-LO products in the skin correlate with several pathological features of psoriasis, in particular, leukocyte migration and enhanced cell proliferation? Thus, regulation of 5-LO pathways has become an important target for therapeutic intervention.@-l0 Probably the most commonly used topical agent for the treatment of psoriasis is anthralin (1,8-dihydroxy-9(10H)anthracenone, dithranol, I), which is free of mutagenic property and even exhibits some antimutagenic activity.ll However, anthralin therapy causes unpleasant side effects. For example, nonaffected skin surrounding a psoriatic lesion to which anthralin is applied is frequently irritated and stained.12 Thus, patient compliance is reduced. The mechanism of the irritancy and the mode of action of anthralin are still not fully understood, but substantial evidence suggests that free radicals and active oxygen species are involved.1S19 Although these species may be responsible for the skin irritation and the production of staining products, they are presumably central to the clinical efficacy of the drug. Hence it seems difficult to separate main and side effects. Anthralin may act both as an antioxidant and as a prooxidant.20 In addition, it was shown to inhibit the 5- and 12-LO pathways of

* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

Abstract published in Advance ACS Abstracts, November 16,1993.

arachidonic acid metabolism in vitro.21*22 The biosynthesis of eicosanoids occurs via the formation of free radicals.23 Therefore, compounds with antioxidant properties would be expected to be potential inhibitors of 5-L0.2p28 Furthermore,oxygen free radicals,which are inflammatory mediators of considerable importance, may be inactivated by such compounds.28@ Although there have been attempts to develop new therapeutically effective derivatives of anthralin, such as tria~etoxyanthracene~l2 and butantrone12 (3) for which initial reports were promising,later reports have indicated that these compounds were less effective and more irritating than anthralin Accordingly, there is still need for improved antipsoriatic anthrones that are effective at low dose with low irritancy. The aim of the present study was to modulate the intensity of active oxygen release by l,&dihydroxy-9(10€€)anthracenones, which may permit a separation of antipsoriatic and inflammatory effects. This modulation can be achieved by partially blocking the C-10 position, which is responsible for the production of the superoxideradical,14 a precursor in the formation of the hydroxyl radical by anthralin.16 A series of anthralin analogs bearing acyl-, alkyl-, or alkylidene-linkedaromatic substituents in the 10-position was synthesized to investigate the effects on hydroxylradical formation and 5-LO inhibition. Structureactivity relationships are discussed with respect to the following redox properties of the compounds which were recently established for anthralin:lQreactivity against the stable free radical 2,2-diphenyl-l-picrylhydrazyl(DPPH), prooxidant potential as determined by deoxyribose degradation, and inhibitory effect on lipid peroxidation in model membranes. Chemistry Introduction of the 10-acyl functionality onto the anthrone nucleus (compounds 4a-u) was achieved by reaction of the appropriate acyl chlorides with anthralin

OO22-2623/93/1836-4099$04.OO/00 1993 American Chemical Society

4100 Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1993, Vol. 36, No.25

Chart I. Anthralin (l),Resonance-Stabilized Deprotonated Forms of Anthralin la, Triacetoxyanthracene 2, Butantrone (3),and Lonapalene

Miiller et al.

Scheme 11.


sa-5m OH 0




I-"@ OH Oo OH

- &]





OH 0




0 OH 0



OAc lonapalene

Scheme 1.


OH 0






OR and n are defied in Table I. Reagents: (a) trimethyl orthoformate, MeOH, concentrated HfiO4, acetyl chloride, thionyl chloride, 60-60O C ; (b)anthralin, DBU, CHfllz, No, 0 "C;(c)pyridine, Nz, 116 "C; (d) DBU, MeOH, room temperature, 3 m i q (e) DBU, MeOH, room temperature, 10 h; (0HfiO4 50%, glacial acetic acid; (g) MeOH, concentrated HfiO4; (h) BBrS, CHfllo, -70 "C,No.


4d 41,4 R = OCH2Ph

4r-4u R = O H

"Rand X are defined in Table I. Reagents: (a)anthralin, pyridine, toluene, 80 "C, No; (b) P d C , H2, THF, room temperature, atme spheric pressure.

under weakly basic conditions, where acylation takes place at the (2-10 position via the carbanion (Scheme I).M The required acyl chlorides were prepared from the corresponding acids according to literature methods.%.% Because ether cleavage of 4c with boron tribromide resulted in loss of the acyl function at (2-10, the desired phenolic analogs 4r-u were prepared by hydrogenolytic cleavage of benzyl ethers 4d-f and 41 (Scheme I). Scheme I1 illustrates the synthesis of the 10-phenylalkylidene derivatives 7a-r. To this end, a new method for attaching carbon substituents to the 10-position of anthralin had to be established. Attempts to obtain the desired compounds by condensation of anthralin with various benzaldehydes in the presence of piperidine or other basic additives failed. However, the use of a-chloro methyl ethers proved to be successful. Thus, conversion of suitable aldehydes to their dimethyl acetals followed by treatment with acetyl chloride provided the corre-

sponding a-chloro methyl ethers 5a-m. In most cases, a-chloro methyl ethers were used in crude form because purification led to decomposition. Alkylation of anthralin with a-chloro methyl ethers in the presence of the non(DBU) nucleophilic base 1,~diazabicyclo[5.4.Olundec-7-ene at 0 O C gave 1,&dihydroxy-10-(l-methoxy-w -phenylalkyl)9(1O H ) -anthracenones 6a-m. Base-catalyzed (pyridine) elimination of a molecule of methanol afforded 7a-h and 7j-m in good yields. Derivative 70 was obtained by acid hydrolysis of benzonitrile 70 and subsequent esterification of the acid 7n. The 10-(hydroxyphenyllmethylenederivatives 7p-r were obtained by deprotection of the correspondingmethyl ethers 7f-h with boron tribromide in methylene chloride. Under identical conditions as described for 7a-h, conversion of 6i (n = 1)afforded an isomeric mixture of 7i and 8 in a 65:35 ratio. 7i was prepared selectively from 6i by reaction with DBU at room temperature (3 min). Further reaction (10 h) of 7i with DBU provided the isomerically pure (>99%) 8 as confirmed by HPLC analysis. Coupling constants of the olefinic protons (J = 15 Hz) indicated the compound was in the E configuration. The C-10-benzylated anthralin derivatives (9a-c and 10)were prepared as outlined in SchemeIII. The synthesis of the monobenzylated compounds9a-c was accomplished by reaction of anthralin with the corresponding benzyl halides in the presence of potassium carbonate in acetone.

10-Substituted 1,8-Dihydroxy-9(10H)-anthracenonee

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1993, Vol. 36, No. 25 4101

Table I. Redox Properties of and &LO Inhibition in Bovine PMNL by 10-Phenylacyl-and 10-Phenylalkylidene-Substituted l,bDihydroxy-9(10H)anthracenones



4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 41

ae 4h

41 4j 4k 41 am 4n 40 4P 4q 4r 4e at 4u


7 0.5

0.6 (34% at 30) (0% at 30) 10 0.5 1

17 14 2 17 6 3 0.3 2 14 11

0.3 1

16.4 f 1.7 63.7 6.6 15.1 i0.7 13.3 0.6 15.0 i0.4 15.3 f 0.3



10.3 7.4 8.7 10.3

1.4 0.7 0.8

* 1.1

8.8 0.1 >1ood >>load >1ood 10.1 0.2 10.8 0.9 14.7 1.3 >>1ood >>load 7.8 0.5

* *

0.99; n = 3). Methanol/water/acetic acid (77-23-0).1),adjusted to pH 5.5 with concentrated "8, was used as eluant. Determination of the Reducing Activitiy against 29Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl.le To 1mL of the test compound solution (10-4M) was added 1 mL of DPPH solution (10-4M), each in acetone/PBS (1-1 v/v), and the reduction of DPPH was followed spectrophotometricallyat 516 nm. Plota of the reciprocal of DPPH concentrations against time gave straight lines, and the second-order rate constants were obtained from the slopes and are expressed as mean values (n = 3-6). Degradationof 2-Deoxy-~-ribose.~~ The followingreagents were added to glass tubes in the order and at the final concentrations stated 0.3 mL of KHzPO4-KOH buffer, pH 7.4 (30 mM), 0.2 mL of HzO (double distilled), 0.2 mL of 2-deoxyD-ribose (2 mM), 0.2 mL of FeCl~6H20(0.1 mM), and 0.1 mL of anthracenone derivative (75 pM). Stock solutions of the compounds were made up fresh before use. Appropriate blanks and controls with the vehicle (acetonitrile) were conducted. The reaction mixtures were incubated for 2 h at 37 "C in a shaking water bath. Trichloroacetic acid (1.0 mL, 2.8% w/v) and 1.0 mL

Muller et

4106 Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1993, Vol. 36, No. 25

of 1% (w/v in 0.05 N NaOH) %thiobarbituric acid (TBA) were added, and the samples were heated at 100 "C for 15 min and then cooled in an ice bath (5 rnin). Then, 2.0 mL of the reaction mixtures was treated with 0.05 mL of 36% (w/v) HCl and 2.0 mL of 1-butanol, and the mixtures were vigorously shaken in a vortex mixer (Heidolph) for 15 a. The organic layer was separated by centrifugation at 1500g (15 rnin), and the absorbance at 532 nm was measured against butanol. Calibration was performed using a malondialdehyde standard prepared by hydrolysis of 1,1,3,3,tetraethoxypropane?' TBA-reactive material is expressed in terms of pmol of MDA/mmol deoxyribose. Assay of Lipid Peroxidation in Bovine Brain Phospholipid Liposomes. Bovine brain phospholipids were prepared essentiallyas described by Gutteridge.61 They were weighed into glass tubes and shaken in a vortex mixer (Heidolph) in the presence of five small glass beads (0.d. 4 mm) for 1 min. The phospholipids were suspended in 0.15 M NaC1, pH 7.4, to a final concentration of 5 mg/mL. The mixture was purged with N2 for 1min and vigorously dispersed in a vortex mixer for 5 min. The liposomes were allowed to swell for 1 h at 4 "C. The followingreagents were added to glass tubes in the order and at the fiial concentrations stated 0.3 mL of KHzPOd-KOH buffer, pH 7.4 (30 mM), 0.19 mL of HzO (double distilled), 0.2 mL of liposomes (1mg/mL),0.2 mL of FeC4.6H20 (0.1 mM), 0.1 mL of ascorbic acid (0.1 mM), and 0.01 mL of anthracenone derivative (variable concentrations). Appropriate blanks and controlswith the vehicles (acetone)were conducted. The reaction mixtures were incubated for 1h at 37 "C in a shaking water bath. BHT (10 pL, 20% w/v) ,0.5 mL of 25% (w/v) HC1, and 0.5 mL of 1% 2-thiobarbituric acid were added, and TBA-reactive material was measured as described above. Bovine PMNL 5-Lipoxygenase Assay. PMNL were prepared essentiallyas described from sodium EDTA-anticoagulated bovine blood.3' Contaminating platelets were removed by repeated centrifugations at l00g for 20 min. The purified PMNL were suspended at a concentration of 1 x lo7 cells/mL in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS, adjusted to pH 7.4 with 3 N NHa in a final volume of lo00 mL of double-distilled H2O). Cell counts were conducted with a Sysmex microcell counter CC-130. Preincubation was performed with 2.4 mL of the suspension and 10 pL of a DMSO stock solution of the test compounds in PBS or vehicle control (DMSO at a final concentration of 0.4%) for 15min at 37 "Cin a shaking water bath. CaCl2 and Ca ionophore A23187 (final concentrations 2 mM and 20 pM, respectively) were added, and the incubation was conducted for 10 min at 37 "C. 5-LO product formation was terminated by the addition of 3.0 mL of methanol/acetonitrile (1-1) containing NDGA as a radical scavenger (final concentration 0.01 mM) and prostaglandin Bz as a chromatographic marker (final concentration 0.3 pM). The incubation mixture was kept in an ice bath for 20 min and then centrifuged at 4000g for 5 min at 0 "C. The supernatant was diluted with 5 mL of water and passed through a prewashed (10 mL of methanol and 5 mL of water, sequentially) octadecylsilanereversed-phasecartridge (Baker). The eicosanoidswere eluted with 3 mL of methanol, diluted with 3 mL of water and subjected to reversed-phaseHPLC analysis. The isocraticelution conditions of LTB4 were THF/methanol/water/aceticacid (25flow rate 30-45-0.1), adjusted to pH 5.5 with concentrated "3, 0.9 mL/min, 280 nm, whereas 5-HETE was monitored at 232 nm using methanol/water/acetic acid (77-23-0.1), pH 5.5, flow rate 1.0 mL/min. Data were recorded on a MacLab data acquisition system (WissTech, Germany), and analysis was performed with the softwarePeaks on an Apple Macintosh Quadra 700 computer. Integrated areas of the peaks were compared to the PG& internal standard and to external standards of authentic samples. Molar absorption coefficients of Samuelsson et al. were used for the calculations.@ Inhibition was calculated by the comparison of the mean values of the test compound ( n = 3) with the control (n= 6-8) activity: (1-test compound/control) X 100. Inhibition was statistically significant compared to that of the control (student's t test; p C 0.05). Each ICw value was derived by interpolation of a log inhibitor concentration versus response plot using four or more concentrations of the compound,spanning the 50% inhibition point. Degradation of anthralin, 4p, and 7j under test conditions: The incubation mixture was diluted with 10 mL of water and passed through an octadecylsilane reversed-


phase cartridge (Baker). After elution with 2 x 5 mL of water, the compounds were eluted with 3 X 1 mL of methanol and subjected to reversed-phaseHPLC analysis. The isocraticelution conditions were methanol/water/acetic acid (86-15-0.1), 254 nm. The concentrations of the compounds and the metabolites bianthrone and danthron were determined from comparison of the corresponding peak area with known amounts of standards.

Acknowledgment. We t h a n k Mrs. C. Braun and Mr. K. Ziereis for their excellent technical assistance, Dr.K. K. Mayer for the mass spectral measurement, Mr. G. Wandinger for the elemental analyses, and Prof. Dr.G. Wurm, Berlin, for a gift of lonapalene. D.G.thanks t h e Schlosser-Stiftung for a scholarship. Rsferences Christophers, E. R.; Krueger, G. C. Psoriasis. In Dermatology in General Medicine; Fitzpatrick, T. B., Eisen, A., Wolff, K., Freedberg, I. M., Austen, K. F., Eds.; McGraw-Hill: New York, 1987; pp 461-49 1. Fry, L. Psoriasie. Br. J. Dermatol. 1988, 119, 445-461. Brain, S. D.; Camp, R. D. R.; Cunningham, F. M.; Dowd, P. M.; Greaves, M. W.; Kobza Black, A. Leukotriene Bd-like material in scale of psoriatic skin lesions. Br. J.Pharmacol. 1984,83,313-317. Grabbe, J.; Czarnetzki, B. M.; Rosenbach, T.; Mardin, M. Identification of chemotactic lipoxygenase products of arachidonate metabolism in psoriatic skin. J.Inuest. Dermatol. 1984,82,477479. Duell, E. A.; Ellis, C. N.; Voorhees, J. J. Determination of 5,12, and 15Jipoxygenase products in keratomed biopsiee of normal and psoriatic skin. J. Invest. Dermatol. 1988, 91, 446-450. Fogh, K.; Herlin, T.; Kragballe, K. Eicosanoidsin acute and chronic psoriatic lesions: Leukotriene B4, but not 12-hydroxy-eicoeatetraenoic acid, is present in biologically active amounts in acute guttate lesions. J. Invest. Dermatol. 1389, 92, 837-841. Ford-Hutchinson, A. W. Potential and therapeutical value of development of novel 5-lipoxygenaseinhibitors. In Lipoxygenases and Their Products; Cooke, S. T.,Wong, A.,Eds.; Academic Press: London, 1991; pp 137-160. Jones, G. H.; Venuti, M. C.; Young, J. M.; Krishna Murthyi D. V.; Loe, B. E.: Simoson, R. A.: Berks. A. H.: Soires. D. A.: Malonev. P. J.; KrusemG, M.; Rodafza, S.;KappG, K.'C.; Beard, C. 6: Unger, S. H.; Cheung, P. S. Topical nonsteroidal antipsoriatic J.Med. agents: 1.1,2,3,4-Tetraoxygenatednaphthalenederivatives. Chem. 1986,29, 1504-1511. Venuti, M. C.; Loe, B. E.; Jones, G. H.; Young, J. M. Topical nonsteroidal antipsoriatic druge. 2. 2,3-(Alkylidenedioxy)naphthalene analogues of lonapalene. J. Med. Chem. 1988, 31, 21322136. Batt, D. G.;Maynard, G. D.; Petraitis, J. J.; Shaw, J. E.; Galbraith, W.; Harris, R. R. 2-Substituted-1-naphthols aa potent 5-lipoxygenase inhibitors with topical antiinflammatory activity. J. Med. Chem. 1990, 33, 360-370. Bernd, A.; Holzmann, H.; Marsch, W. C.; Kurelec, B.; Britivic, S.; Mtiller, W. E. G. Antimutagenic potency of the cytotoxic and antipsoriatic compound anthralin (cignolin). Pharmacol. Res. Commun. 1987,19, 367-378. Mustakallio, K. K. Anthralin and related compounds.Past, preeent and future. In Psoriasis,Proceedings of the Fourth Internotional Symposium; Farber, E. M., Nall, L., Morhenn, V., Jacobs, P. H., Eds.; Elsevier: New York, 1988, pp 172-180. Shroot, B.; Brown, C. Free radicals in skin exposed to dithranol and ita derivatives. Arzneim.-Forsch. 1986,36, 1253-1255. Maler, K.; Wiegrebe, W.; Younes, M. Formation of active oxygen speciesby dithranol, 111. Dithranol, active oxygen species and lipid peroxidation in vivo. Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim, Ger.) 1987, 320, 59-66. MIUler, K.; Kappus, H. Hydroxyl radical formation by dithranol. Biochem. Pharmacol. 1988,37,4277-4280. Fuchs, J.; Packer, L. Investigations on anthralin free radicals in model system and in skin of hairless mice. J. Inuest. Dermatol. 1989,92, 677-682. Lambelet, P.: Ducret, F.: LBliner. J.: Mainnan. J.: Reichert. U.: Shroot, B..Therelevanceof secokdkyradicda in themodeof action of anthralin. Free Radical Biol. Med. 1990, 9, 183-190. MWer, K.; Kanner, R. C.; Foote, C. S. Kinetic etudieson anthralin ohotooxidation. Photochem. Photobiol. 1990.52. 445-450. Maler, K.; Giirster, D. Hydroxyl radical damage to DNA sugar and model membranes induced by anthralin (dithranol). Biochem. Pharmacol. 1993,46, in press. (20) Fuchs, J.; Nitachmann, W.; Packer, L. Antioxidant and prooxidant effects of the antipsoriatic compound anthralin in skin and subcellular fractions. In Antioxidants in Therapy and Preventive Medicine; Emerit, I., Packer, L., Auclair, C., Eds.; Plenum Press: New York, 1990; pp 537-541.

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