Apparatus for characterization of reverse osmosis membranes

Apparatus for characterization of reverse osmosis membranes. Ray. McKinney. Anal. Chem. , 1969, 41 (11), pp 1513–1516. DOI: 10.1021/ac60280a020...
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An Apparatus for Characterization of Reverse Osmosis Membranes R a y McKinney, Jr. Chemstrand Research Center, Inc., Durha

USEOF SEMIPERMEABLE membranes as a I..-,,~ ~cpoLy.LyL~ and concentration of solutes has achieved much impetus since the pioneering work of Reid et ul. ( I , 2) demonstrating the salt rejecting properties of cellulose acetate films. Advances in technology have since been aided by the development of high flux, semipermeable cellulose acetate membranes bv Loeb (3, 4). Much activity is also apparent in the search for new and improved membrane compositiions, particularly for use in reverse osmosis desalination applications. Composite ..,. a..c:m ~...v-racpa~amembranes, such as those prepared by Foe", : tion by means of a very thin (-2000 A) selective layer supported on a porous, spongy matrix. These membranes, unlike the fully dense systems of Reid, give very high water fluxes (up to 30 gal f t P daq" as opposed to ca. 0.1 gal ft-* day-') and, hence, offer more commercially feasible systems. The preparation of such high water flux membranes from new polymer systems is often exceedingly difficult and time consuming. As a result of this, most new pollymer candidates ^^_^_

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