Apparatus for Extracting Metals from their Ores

The accompanying illustration shows apparatus in which the process can be advantageously carried out. METHOD OF REMOVING NICOTIN FROM TOBACCO...
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T H E J O U R N A L OF I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y .



The object of the invention is t o provide for effective separation of such mineral matter from the oil. The patentee discovered t h a t by distillation of such oil under proper conditions, finely divided mineral matter will be carried over with the distillate, and, owing t o t h e relatively small viscosity of the distillate, t h e mineral matter can be separated therefrom by the usual settling operation. The accompanying illustration shows apparatus in which the process can be advantageously carried out. METHOD O F REMOVING NICOTIN FROM TOBACCO.

U. S. Patent No. 999,674,to Johannes Sartig, of Nikolassee, near Berlin. This invention consists in a new method of removing nicotin from tobacco while preserving as much as possible the quality of the tobacco as regards aroma and elasticity, and on che other hand, obtaining the nicotin in its undecomposed state from the tobacco. For attaining this effect, i t is necessary t o treat the tobacco a t as low temperature as possible, and t o avoid oxidation of the substances contained therein, so t h a t contamination of the treated tobacco with products of t h e oxidation of the substances and with so-called resinified matters

or without added water vapor and then collecting the desiccated product. The accompanying illustration shows apparatus in which t h e process can be advantageously carried out.



is rendered impossible, while at the same time the nicotinremoved from the tobacco is recovered in its undecomposed state. The method consists in treating the tobacco or tobacco products in closed vessels, where the air is rarefied, with low pressure steam a t any temperature below ioo0 centigrade, while simultaneously preventing condensation of the steam in the tobacco by heating the closed vessels from without with surrounding liquid, and in conducting the volatilized nicotin with the steam, carrying it away t o devices of any known construction for recovering the nicotin. The accompanying illustration shows apparatus in which the process may be carried out. DESICCATING MILK.

U. S. Patent No. 999,972,to Martin Ekenberg, London.

Assignor to Techno-Chemical' Laboratories, Limited, of London.

It is known t h a t milk can be desiccated in the form of a fine spray injected into a current of heated air. The product so obtained, however, is oxidized, and the operation involves certain difficulties of a technical nature as a result of using great volumes of air for efficient drying. The patentee has discovered t h a t satisfactory results are obtained if the air be replaced b y carbon dioxid or a mixture of carbon dioxid and water vapor. The invention consists in the use of carbon dioxid, wi,h or without water vapor (in case the latter is used, the proportion of carbon dioxid t o the same preferably not exceeding 6 t o I by volume for the desiccation of milk and milk preparations) as by spraying the liquid or passing it in a finely divided form by, or into a heated current of dry or moist carbon dioxid with

APPARATUS FOR EXTRACTING METALS FROM THEIR ORES. U.S.Patent No. 1,001,449, to J.H. Robertson, New York. Assigned to Universal Ore Reduction Company, of Phoenix, Arizona. 9 This is a method of electrically extracting a metal from a solution containing powdered ore. The continuous circulation of the solution between two conducting surfaces !establishes a n electrical current which causes the pure metal to-be-deposited

Dec., 1911


OF I N D U S T R I A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y ,


upon one of the surfaces, permitting the tailings to remain in the solution. The process is carried out by apparatus shown in the accompanying illustration. PROCESS FOR REFINING AND DESILVERING LEAD. U. S. Patent No. 1,001,525,to G. P. Hulst, Omaha. A method of refining and desilverizing impure lead bullion, which consists in melting the impure lead bullion, crystallizing a portion of the lead from the molten bullion by cooling and


PROCESS O F MAKING ACETATES. U. S. Patent No. I,OOZ,OJ~,to H. 0. Chute, Cleveland, and K. P. McElroy, Washington, D. C. Assignors to Ligno-Chemical Company, New York. This is a method of preparing acetates from products of the digestion of woody fibers with alkali by heating such products under regulated conditions, and in recovering b6th the acetate formed, and the excess of alkaIine reagent.

agitation and separating the molten impure lead from the crystallized lead by mechanical pressure applied to the crystals, the impure lead being conducted away from the crystals. PROCESS OF MAKING CEMENT. U. S. Patent No. 1,001,582,to Carleton Ellis, of Larchmont, New York. Assignor t o Ellis-Foster Company, a Cor- j . poration of New Jersey. This is a process of making cement clinker, which consists in crushing cement raw material t o a coarse granular form, calcining the granulated material as a traveling stream, adding t o the calcines a quantity of water, sufficient t o substantially cool said calcines but insufficient t o materially slake them, in regrinding the cooled calcines and clinkering the reground material, said process being conducted throughout in a continuous and hon-cumulative manner. The accompanying illustration shows apparatus in which the process can be carried out.

An alkali solution is produced, consisting of woody fiber constituents: the same being absorbed by a material capable 01 doing so. The mass i s oxidized while in a,h e a t 4 state by diluted air, carbonizing by a higher heat qut of comact with air, and separating the carbonate and acetate of alkali from the carbonized mass. ,I