Apparatus for Six Simultaneous Distillations in One ... - ACS Publications

Nov 4, 2010 - In its first form, only one pair of duplicate distillations was carried on in one flask, the condenser being provided with an adapter fo...
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November 20, 1930


Apparatus for Six Simultaneous Distillations in One Flask N O R M A N L. K N I G H T

5285 Waterman Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Herewith is a copy of a drawing received w i t h a recent private communication from M . Glockenspiel, of t h e University of Graustark. The communication says i n part:

New Journal of Clinical Pathology T . B . Magath of t h e Mayo Clinic has accepted appointment as editor-in-chief of t h e new official journal of t h e American Society of Clinical Pathologists, to b e known a s t h e American Journal of Clinical Pathology. The first number will be issued in January, 1931. T h e journal will emphasize new methods in laboratory work of a practical and clinical nature and of interest t o the technician as well as t h e pathologist. For the present t h e journal will be published bimonthly.

Director Wanted for Fuel Research Institute

ps?^ Distillation


In t h e course of his work the writer h a s had occasion to do a great number of fractional distillations of ichthyosaurus oil, and t h e apparatus illustrated was developed. I n its first form, only one pair of duplicate distillations was carried o n in one flask, the condenser being provided with a n adapter formed like a Y-tube, with an internal knife edge o n which t h e drops of distillate fell and were divided in halves. However, this was soon discarded as too cumbersome, as it was found t o work just as well without the knife edge. In i t s present form the apparatus permits of six distillations—three pairs of duplicates—being carried on a t the same time in one flask. T h e duplicates never check within less than 25 per cent of each other, which the writer considers very good. It is obvious that a great saving of space and apparatus is accomplished by this method: instead of six flasks, s i x burners, and^six condensers, one has only one flask, one burner, and two condensers. The basic idea of this apparatus is capable of almost indefinite extension. On t h e advice of t h e writer, the plant laboratory of t h e local factory of the Bssigsaure-Fabriken is installing; a multiple-simultaneous distillation unit consisting of a 50-liter palladium-lined flask with a neck 20 meters in height, provided with 100 side tubes, connecting with a large vertical copper condenser. Fifty duplicate distillations will be carried on a t one time with this unit, and we feel that we are merely beginning. The principle of multiple-simultaneous distillation will undoubtedly have profound repercussions in the industrial world.

Scheme for Producing Soda Ash from Canadian Sodium Sulfate Deposits A note h a s been received from Chemotechnik, of Wiesbaden, Germany, an organization which styles itself a s a technical bureau for the chemical industry, proposing t h e manufacture of soda ash from the extensive natural deposits of sodium sulfate in western Canada b y means of a process claimed t o yield 92 t o 9 5 per cent of the theoretical conversion, as t h e result of the use of a special catalyst. T h e process, in brief, consists of boiling a solution o f sodium sulfate with barium carbonate, precipitating barium sulfate, and leaving sodium carbonate in solution. Barium carbonate is t h e n regenerated from the barium sulfate, yielding sulfur as a byproduct. The outline of t h e process is indicated by the reactions:

NazSO* + BaC03-*-BaSO« + NatCOz BaSO* -f 4C Ccoal)—»-BaS -+• 4CO 4CO + 4 0 (air)-*4COi B a S + H a O + C02-*-HaS -J- BaCOs-* HtS + O (air)—*-H20 -{- 5

T h e total daily charge against a plant producing 2 0 , 0 0 0 kg. (22 tons) of soda ash per day i s estimated t o b e $387, without including the value of t h e sulfur recovered (5000 kg. p e r day). Chemotechnik desires t o dispose of the process t o an American concern, retaining a part interest i n the plant. Further information m a y be obtained directly from H . Friedridi, director of Chemotecihnik.

T h e Government of the Union of South Africa invites applications from suitably qualified research chemists for appointment to t h e post of director of t h e Fuel Research Institute, Union of South Africa. T h e salary attached t o the post is £1000 per annum ($5000), increasing to £ 1 2 0 0 per annum (S6000), and applicants must be prepared t o sign a contract for an initial period of three years. Applications, giving full information, including applicant's age, academic qualifications, and previous experience, and accompanied by certified copies of academic certificates, testimonials, etc., must reach the Chairman, Fuel Research Board, Department of Mines and Industries, Pretoria, South Africa, on or before January 15, 1931. Further information may be obtained from t h e South African Legation, 1607 Twenty-second St., N . W . , Washington, D . C.

Civil Service Examination for Associate Technologist T h e U. S . Civil Service Commission, Washington, D. C , hasannounced an examination for associate technologist (honey) a t $3200 to $3800 a year, t o fill vacancies in t h e Bureau of E n tomology, Department of Agriculture. Education equivalent t o that of P h . D . in chemistry is required, with a possible substitution of experience in organic or carbohydrate chemistry f o r part of t h e required postgraduate study. Applications must b e filed with t h e U. S. Civil Service Commission, Washington, D. C.„ not later than December 10, 1930.

Lignite Water Gas as a Source of Hydrogen According to information received a t t h e Department o f Commerce, lignite water gas obtained b y treatment in the Winkler generator of lignite d u s t from the Elise brown coal mines is eventually expected t o afford t h e Leunawerke its commercial source of hydrogen for nitrogen fixation, synthetic gasoline, methanol, and other purposes a t Merseburg. T h e fuel economy from utilising this lignite dust as power gas, coupled with the economic advantages of obtaining cheaper hydrogen, leads'to the thought of its effect in lowering ammonia prices.

Reprints on Corrosion and Automotive Transportation There a r e a few copies of each of the symposia—"Corrosion" and "Chemistry's Contribution to A u t o m o t i v e Transportation." T h e former was held under the chairmanship of Robert J. McICay and the latter under the chairmanship of T. A. Boyd. Several very complete papers cover each of these subjects and while r e prints last they will b e disposed of a t 50 cents each. Orders should be sent to Erie M . Billings, secretary of t h e Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Eastniam Kodak Co., Rochester, N". Y.

Reprints of Symposium on Industrial Fermentations Available Bound copies of reprints of the symposium on "Industrial Fermentations," presented before t h e Divisions of Industrial a n d Engineering, Organic, a n d Cellulose Chemistry at the Cincinnati m e e t i n g of t h e AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,

may b e obtained upon application to E . M . Billings* Secretary of t h e Division of Industrial a n d Engineering Chemistry, Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N . T . , for 75 cents per • copy.