Application of alkali ions in chemical ionization mass spectrometry

(5) P. H. Weiner, Doctoral Dissertation, Stevens Institute of Technology, ... Laboratory of Chemical Physics, California Institute of Technology, Pasa...
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present in large groups of MS. Figures 6 and 1 2 in particular provide a kind of summary of the information present in the MS of the isomers of C10H14.

LITERATURE CITED E. R. Malinowski, Doctoral Dissertation, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, N.J., 1961. P. T. Funke, E. R. Maiinowski, E. E. Martire, and L. Z. Poliara, Sep. Sci., I,661 (1966). E. R. Malinowski and P. H. Weiner, J. Am. Chem. SOC., 92, 4193 (1970). P. H. Weiner. E. R. Malinowski, and A. R . Levinstone, J. Phys. Chem., 74, 4537 (1970). P. H. Weiner, Doctoral Dissertation, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken. N.J.. 1971. P. H. Weiner and E. R. Malinowski, J. Phys. Chem., 75, 1207 (1971). P. H. Weiner and D. G. Howery, Anal. Chem., 44, 1189 (1972). P. H.Weiner and J. F. Parcher, Anal. Chem., 45, 302 (1973). P. H. Weiner, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,95, 5845 (1973). J. C. Stover, Doctoral Dissertation, Fordham University, Bronx, N.Y.. 1974. P. H. Weiner, H. L. Liao. and B. L. Karger, Anal. Chem., 46, 2182 (1974). J. B. Justice, Jr., and T. L. Isenhour. Anal. Chem., 47, 2286 (1975). E. McLaughlin Petersen, Doctoral Dissertation, Fordham University, Bronx, N.Y., 1975. R. W. Rozett and E. M. Petersen, Anal. Chem., 47, 1301 (1975).

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RECEIVEDfor review October 16, 1975. Accepted February 9, 1976.

Application of Alkali Ions in Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry R. V. Hodges and J. L. Beauchamp' The Arthur Amos Noyes Laboratory of Chemical Physics, California Institute

A technlque is described for obtaining mass spectra consisting solely of quasi-molecular ions formed by addition of an alkali ion to the sample molecule. Alkali ions are generated by thermionic emission externally to the enclosed ion source and injected into a reagent gas containing a trace amount of sample. Alkali Ions initially bind to the reagent molecules and then are transferred to the sample in bimolecular reactions. Experlmental conditions, choice of a reagent gas, and potential applications are discussed.

of Technology, Pasadena, Calif. 9 1 125


quasi-molecular ion (P X)- (3, 4 ) . Recent studies have demonstrated similar behavior for alkali cations (5-1 0). The use of alkali ions as reagent species for CI mass spectrometry has not, however, been previously explored. We report studies which delineate the experimental conditions and suggest applications for using alkali ions as reagent species in CI mass spectrometry. The binding energy of a Lewis base, B, to an alkali ion, M + , is defined by the enthalpy change for Equation 1. B-M+

Chemical ionization (CI) mass spectrometry ( I ) is a form of mass spectrometry in which the sample is ionized in ionmolecule reactions with reagent ions. The sample is introduced into the mass spectrometer as a trace component in a reagent gas. The reagent ions are usually produced by electron impact ionization and ion-molecule reactions in the reagent gas. Generally CI mass spectra contain few ions and often exhibit major molecular or quasi-molecular ions, thus giving the molecular weight of the substance. This is particularly useful in cases where the electron impact mass spectrum does not yield a molecular ion. An effective method to avoid fragmentation and produce a quasi-molecular ion is to bind a relatively inert reagent ion to the neutral sample molecule. For example, when Si(CH3)4 is used as a reagent gas, the principal reagent ion formed is Si(CH3)3+.This ion forms addition complexes with representative compounds containing a range of functional groups to give the abundant quasi-molecular ion (P + 7 3 ) + ( 2 ) .Halide ions, which can be generated conveniently from appropriate reagent gases in dissociative attachment processes, bind to a variety of functional groups under CI conditions to give the



+ M+


= AH


Values for the enthalpy, entropy and free energy changes in Equation 1 for B = H20 and Ar are listed in Table I. The enthalpy and free energy changes decrease monotonically in proceeding from Li+ to Cs+. In the columns labeled p(H2O) and p(Ar) are listed the pressure of HzO and Ar a t which the equilibrium ratio [B-M+]/[M+] is unity a t 298 K. Clearly, the binding energy of the reagent ion to the sample molecule is an important consideration in choosing a reagent ion. The binding energy must be great enough to permit a significant stable population of the complex a t the partial pressure of the species being analyzed. It is evident from the data in Table I that Li+ is the preferred alkali ion reagent for trace analysis. Using Li+ to detect a species with a partial pressure of Torr in a sample a t lo-' Torr (1ppm), it is desirable to have an enthalpy of binding in excess of 21 kcal/mol. This assumes a typical entropy change of 20 eu for Equation 1. Recently, complexes of alkali ions with Lewis bases have been generated and studied using the techniques of ion cyclotron resonance spectroscopy (6-8). These complexes are formed in bimolecular reactions of Li+ and Na+ with certain alkyl halides. For example, Li+ reacts with isopropyl ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 48, NO. 6, MAY 1976


Table I. T h e r m o d y n a m i c Data for the Process B-Mf

-.M+ + B

B = H20' M




34.0 24.0 17.9 15.9 13.7

23.0 21.5 21.6 21.2 19.4

25.5 17.6 11.4 9.6 7.9


Li+ Na+

K+ Rb+


B = Ar


~ ( H 2 0 ) ~ 1.5 X 9.4 x 3.3 x 6.9 x 1.2 x

10-11 10-6 10-5 10-3



5.8 3.9 2.5

15.7 14.3 13.8


AGO b , f

1.1 -0.4 -1.6

p (Ar)d 120 1500 1.1 x 104


Reference 5. Kcallmol. eu. p(B) is t h e pressure of B in T o r r at which t h e equilibrium ratio [B-M+]/[M+] is unity at 298 K, p(B) = 760 exp (-AGIRT). e Reference 10. f Calculated value.

chloride t o f o r m the complex of L i t w i t h propylene ( E q u a -

tion 2). Li+ (C3H6)Li+

+ (CH3)2CHC1-

+ (CH&CHCl-

+ HCl ((CH&CHCl)Li+ + C3H6 (c3H~)Li'

(2) (3)

T h i s complex reacts r a p i d l y t o t r a n s f e r Lif to (CH3)zCHCl (Equation 3). W h e n o t h e r gases a r e added, t r a n s f e r of Li+ between molecules ( E q u a t i o n 4) leads to the f o r m a t i o n of o t h e r complexes of L i + with n-donor, a - d o n o r , and e v e n a - d o n o r bases s u c h as cyclohexane ( 7 ) . BILi+

+ B2 ==B1+ BZLi+


The e n t h a l p y c h a n g e for a reaction involving t r a n s f e r of an ion between molecules is a m e a s u r e of the relative binding energy of the ion t o the molecules. The relative b i n d i n g energies of several molecules t o w a r d Li+ h a v e been determ i n e d b y trapped ion cyclotron resonance t e c h n i q u e s ( 7 ) . A scale of Li+ b i n d i n g energies (Figure 1) has b e e n cons t r u c t e d b y combining t h e results of t h e s e d e t e r m i n a t i o n s and is referenced to the e x p e r i m e n t a l ( 5 ) and theoretical (11-14) value for D(HZO-Li+) = 34 kcal/mol. T h e s e data indicate that a wide r a n g e of c o m p o u n d s h a v e sufficient L i f binding energies t o be d e t e c t a b l e at low concentrations.


- iPrF

- EtF - MeCCH


- Me,N

- H,CO - H,O - Me,S



-- iPrBr - iPrCl iPrl CH,CIz

- MeF - CH,Fz

- MeCl


Figure 1. Binding energies of molecules to Li' (data from R e f . 7) 826

An ion source, consisting of a thermionic alkali ion emitter ( 1 5 ) , a reaction chamber and appropriate electrostatic lenses, was constructed (Figure 2). The ion source is contained in a 6-in. 0.d. housing, which is pumped by a 4-in. diffusion pump. The ions are mass analyzed and detected by an EA1 Quad 250B quadrupole mass spectrometer, which is connected to the source housing through a 1.5-in. port and is differentially pumped by a 50 1. sec-' ion pump. Sample gas is admitted into the chamber through a GranvillePhillips leak valve. The pressure in the chamber is monitored by an MKS Instruments Baratron Model 90H1 capacitance manometer. The pumping capacity and reaction chamber apertures limit the maximum chamber pressure to 50 mTorr. The alkali ion emitter is a small mineral bead (about 1-mm diameter) fused to 0.007-in. diameter rhenium filament wire. The mineral 0-eucryptite, used for thermionic generation of Li+, is prepared by direct application of a hand torch to a thoroughly ground mixture of LiOH:A1203:Si02 in a 1:l:l molar ratio. Filament wire is dipped into the melt to achieve the desired coating. A current of 2 A through the filament is sufficient to produce an ion emission A. Under these operating conditions the lifetime of current of a filament is over 100 h. For the first few hours of operation, emission of the contaminants Na+ and K+ may be significant. These subsequently decrease to less than 0.1% of the total emission. The emission characteristics may be profoundly affected by exposure to gases during filament operation and reactions may occur on the filament which give rise to complexes of Li+ with small molecules. Consequently, the filament must be mounted externally to the reaction chamber. The distance from the filament to the chamber is 2.5 cm in the present apparatus. Potentials to the source elements are supplied by potentiometric circuits. The elements are all cylindrically symmetrical with circular apertures. An immersion lens (Figure 2) accelerates the ions and forms them into a beam. The beam travels through a field-free region and is then decelerated to the desired energy between the


